The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 10, 1905, Image 7

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Text of the l.cNNon, Joint Iv, i:i-r. I.
Memory Vi'i-scn, lll-r.l (ioldcii Text,
.loli 11 . :tU (.'oiiiiiii-nl.irv I'reiinreil
by Itfv. 1), M. StfiiniN.
CCoprUlil, lOuS. lij Vim rlian I'rcsa AtmiUtluii 1
Two (Iii.vh Ho abode ill Snmtirlu mm
wns refreshed by scoim: iiiuny roccivi
lllm lis the Christ, the Saviour of the
World, a I'oreshndowlni; of tlu time
when from nil nations His churo
choukl ho tfutlicrcd (Hid iiho In which
we arc now living), anil of a Inter unc,
beyond tlio present, when through Is
rael all nut Ions shall ho won to lilin, a
fulllllinoiit of the word, "His own re
ceived lllm not, lint as iiinnj as re
colvod 1 LI n i . to them Ho jjnve Hie right
to become the sons of (.J oil" (.Inliu I,
11, l'J). Tlie llrst two vor.M-s of thh
ICKSon nre a little perplexing because
they seem In say thai lie went into
His own country, for a prophet halli
no honor hi his own country. Yet' the
third verse says Hint the tSalllenns re
ceived him, hnvim; m-cii all Hie things
Unit He did at .lerusaletii. Xnznrcth,
where He hud been brought up, Is
allied Ills own country (Luke iv, l(i,
23, 21), and, though He went to (hill
leo, He did not at this time go to Xn'.n
rcth, mill HicM verses may signify
that, though He weal to liulilcc, Hu
did not go to Nazareth, hecatise a
prophet liatli no linnor in his own eouu
Some say Mint He did not immediate
ly go into Galilee from .Icrii-vilcm Iml
delayed 'two days in Sun. aria to .illow
time for IIiom who wilitcshed His mir
acles at .leriisaleiil to leturn liome .nid
prepare the minds of the people for a
favorable reception of Him. We learn
ed in our Inst lesson that He counted
it His meiit to do Hie will of Him that
sent Him, and in chapter v, II. He
buvs. "How can ye believe which re
eele honor one of another and s-cck
not. the honor that cometli from !o.l
onlyK" So these verses might imply
that He went into (inlilce and Iniei
even to Nn.nroth (ns we Uuow lie did),
beenuse He sought honor only from
God and not from man, and came to ilu
the Father's will, whatever it might
be and wherever it might lend.
If the nobleman (courtier, margin)
who came to Him at rami on hchnll
of his son was Chu.n. Herod's steward
then l.uUe vlli, .'!, may he a M'ipiul In
verse .".". of our le-tsuu, for we then
read that .lonnnn, the wife of t'hw.ii
Herod's steward, and Susanna and
many others niiiiisteied unto 1 lim of
their substance. At t'umi He hull lit
the marriage feast manifested forth
niii glory and increased the faith ol
His disciples (chapter it. 11), ami here
that miracle of making water into wiui
Is indorsed. I refer to it because so
many today seek to set aside all tin
supernatural, but the Bible Is supernal
oral or nothing, .lesus is (Joil or eist
He is not good.
The boy for whom the father plcndt
la not only 111, but at the point ol
death, as was also Jairus' daughtet
(Marl; v, till), but nothing Is too hard
for our Lord. It matters not how ill
or whnt the disease, or even if the
person has died or been buried, the
umo word that said. "Let there be
light," can give light or life or hemic
In a moment. He says, "Believe!
thou that I am able to do thin?" And
then, "According to your faith be II
unto you." The nohlcmuu entreateO
Jesus to come down to Capernaum and
heul bis Hon, not knowing that Ilia
actual presence was not ossentlul tc
the healing, but having faith that II
Jesus would only come to him He could
heal him. Jesus gently testeu nun, ioi
Ho never tries any one above that they
are able, but his faith seems only to
trengthen, and he grows more im
portunate. Then our Lord says: "tit
thy way. Thy son llvcth."
This was not as the nobleman ex
pected. It was different from what
He had thought. It was in one sensi
more than he expected, hut there was
power in the word, and it grasped liU
keart, and the glorious word Is written,
The man believed the word Hint Jcsm
had spoken unto htm, and he went bin
way" (verso 50).
The next day as he was nearlno
home his servants met mm wuu "
Joyful news, "Thy son llveth!" and on
Inquiring when his boy began to mom.
hn toni-ned that It was at the very hout
. ...l.n.i litUIIU Ufllll
o the previous uay ;.. ......... ..-.-
-ri.v ixnn llveth." It must luiVe thrilh
d him with Joy to hear fr6in his serv
. i. wnrtU that Jesus hail
aid to him the dav before. Hut wnni
Joy there was In that home which ho
i.i iff I., oiieii irloom the day before!
Bllin uiu v.j ...-
And all through the love and power o
one who gave them life and breath and
all things! Rut up to this time they
had only hcartl of lllm. but had not
known lllm. Now they knew IIHi
and believed In lllm. Kvm the whoa
household accepted Ellin as (.oil their
B10"'' , . ,Iint , tllI- in.racie w.
llSHf " "J,1 " U:L I Sealed1
see II s on... potoncc, in lm
tho sick ehlldj HlH ouinipi suci ii
that He healed him a a ".
clples were sent to nrmg " "
mil to prepare the pnssover and to go
torthvi'lthoiit lyil'so or scrqij iiaiuu
several miles; Ills omniscience, .. u -- -?Z?i , n., " k',; mT" there was room for 01, or, say.
He knew that Ills word was euecu u, "" ""' ". ' beeves, 80 sheep and 01 wolves, w
as tho words testllled. When the ills- deadlock and tho relative s and ng of ,
" " ... . ii i.i .-...It tlm nnmllflntna wnu nrnplinnllv im. .- ....". . . .
that they wouli be cared for, they al-
ways found It $nt as He said. Kvery
promise ntal pppheey either has beet.
fulfilled or wlllyet be fulfilled exactly1
as It In wrlttet, Blessed are all who
believe, for thee shall be a fulnllniont
of all things told them In the book.
The Scripture cannot be broken. If
sickness or any other alUlctlon or trial
shnll bring us t this tlrm faith In (Jod
arid in Ills wml It will be a most
blessed fsntTlmcp. tint whv not be.
lleve without tie allllctlon? ' I
Business Processes Steadily With
On lnnls Vau Drnmtalnn
New York I'eh l.-U. a. Dun &'
Co.'c Weekly Aevlew or Trude says.
Hubluebs prophases steadily, all spec
ulatlve excesss having been avoided
thus far and lie numeiotts negotia
tions now Locating that the ninxl-,
num. of activity is yet to come. Some
(.-. 1....U. , f.,.. tlio fl,.,.
month weroimdouhteilly due to excep-
tlonally sotere weather. Taken as a
whole, results for January were very
much better than In the same month
Mast year.particulaiiy as to failures
! t n l
uibumiuifii oi iiurci iiiiiHuw . u
; , , i. i
c on k liberal scale, Ha lie mock-
s haviig disappeared, and in many
3H large clearance bales hang
more on
disposed 'of burdensome stocks. Col
lections uro still somewhat irregular,
uui on me wiiu.e muro ih iiuiv
lor compiai
int. Few labor disputes
iptlng work, although hcv-
are Interru
eral new controversies aro threatened
Manufnctii'-lng jilants are making tho
besl letuins. iron furnaces and "steel
mills opoiate close to their full capac
ity and the ijuartorly report of the
leading concern showed an enormous
tonnage of business on the hooks at
inc entt oi i ne year despite inu iiic
that tho cloning months of 1004 mado
very good exhibits. Woolen mills
maintain- records of activity, hut United States Marshal Lamb has at
there is still much to be desired at rived here with 1. Fred Talbot, whom
cotton plants, and shoe lnctories have lie arrested at Springfield, S. I)., on In
only a moderate nmumi' of business struct ions fioni Hie United States an
in sight Hallway earnings for Jan- thoritles ot Nebraska. Talbot was bi
nary wore 1.1 per cent larger than dieted by a federal grand Jury at
last year, and foreign commerce at Omaha on the charge of selling llipior
this port for last week showed an In- at Niobrara, Neb., without having
crease of $!):i!),l(!9 in exports and a paid the special tax. In an olTort to
gain or $.ri2S,0fiS in imports. Commor- evade the Indictment he crossed tc
cial failures this week are 258, against the South Dakota side of the Missouri
305 last week.
Decided that Indian Bureau Could
Contract With Rellaious Schools.
Washington, Feb. 4. President
Hocsovolt's connection with tho diver-
hion of Indian trust funds to tho sup
port of Catholic mission schools is ex-
plaiuod and justified In a communica
tion addressed to the president by At
torney General Moody, which was
tiled with tho senate committee on In
dian affairs by William II. Kctcham,
director of the bureau of Catholic In
dian missions. Father Kctcham ap
peared before the committee to de
fend his bureau against tho charges
that it has been using undue and po
litical influences to secure the use of
trust funds for Catholic schools.
Mr. Moody's communication, dated
Feb. 2, 1905, sets forth tho record of
a cabinet meeting held in January,
1904, when the question of the use of
Indian funds for sectarian schools was
discussed, and tho president asked
for an opinion as to his authority to
direct that contracts be made for tho
iiho nf mwti f inula hv flonnminntlnnnl
use of such funds by denominational
educational institutions. Senator
Knox, then attorney general, decided
that the action of crongress In de
claring it to be the policy of tho gov
ernment not to permit tho use of tho
public moneys of the American people
for sectarian purposes did not repeal
previous laws giving to tho secretary
of the Interior discretion to use the
Indian funds in any manner ho saw fit.
Frosted Wheat Must Pay Duty.
St. Paul, Feb. 8. A case of import
ance to farmers of western wheat
growing states was decided by United
S!!L iCLJ"dJJl ??' "!!! y .. w.u. ..... .B w,0
decision of tho board of appraisers a
M nneapolls and declaring that frosted
wheat Imported from Canada must
pay tho regular tariff rate of 25 cents
per bushel. Evldenco was taken to
show that large proportions of the
wheat was capable of germinating
and on this evidence Judge Lochren'a
decision Is based.
Mrs. Duke 8et Free.
New York, Feb. 8. Mrs. Alice
Webb-Duke was discharged from cus-
iooy wnen urraigneu in ponce court
after having been held a prisoner at
the request of tho authorities of
Nacogdoches qounty, Texas, who had
notified the local authortles that they
had an indictment against her An
assistant district attorney told the
court that the Texas authorities did
not Insist that Mrs. Duke be held for
Usual Result In Missouri.
Jefferson City, Mo., Fob. 8.-Tho
seventeenth ballot of tho joint ses-
,. ini0i,r
1 ""t a Z 7' " ' ;,;,.
"" """ ; ;-"'
charged. Iteprosontatlvo Wamsley
ncm In nlinncrnil Ilia pnmnlimnnTfiru
bu.. ....t, ...- ......w
vote, casting it for Senator E. II.
Frlsby of Harrison county,
. ..".TTT- 7n
, Hu" ,He,,d, ,W,thu !? '
New ork, Iob. 4.-William II.
President of the I'un-Ainorlcau
Hanking company of Chlcngo, who
1,ns l,uc "m!er arr ,lcro charged
w!'' embezzlement from ttiat Instltu
Hon, was held without bnil for thirty
"nys o r.wait oxtrailltlon papers rrom
Illinois. Counsel for Hunt announced
"'at efforts will be made to securo
the prisoner s release through habeas
corpus proceedings.
Arraignment of Santa Fe Road.
Washington. Feb. 4. "Flagrant.
Klllful nncl continuous violation of the
law dining the last live years," Is tho
way the Atchison, Topeka and Santa
Fo Is arraigned In a decision by the
Interstate commerce committee en
the "alleged unlawful rates and prac.'
" , r?,?n '""' V , , ' ,
R "f thnt . ?, 'or '
won ui cum nun wiiiv duiiih:s. iiivuiv
ing also the Colorado Fuel and Iron
McGreevcy Again Behind Bars.
O'Neill, Neb., Feb. 7. Alter enjoy
ing his freedom for one week, Bor-
lUo Il'S II
mml McGrecvoy, defaulting president
niiro luvuii'uvujr, uuiuiiiiiii jiujshujiii.
of the Elkhoril valley bank, is again
behhu, B(n ,mrB 0 wnH rcnrrc!Bt.
uU u tW() comnlnlnts BWoru outi
upon two complaints
charging him with having iccelved tie-
tiriallu fie mi nlllfni- nf Mm liniitf Wi'i?.!!
,,Q know ,0 s!Uno t bo insolvent.
Qne COIII)Innt WIl8 BWoni to by Miu..
Bir(Jt HlBBeyt w,lf nIlL1KU8 ho rcceIveil
$50 from her March :50, l'Jul. Tho
other Is sworn to by J. A. Cowperth
waltc, who alleges McHreevey re
ceived $012 from him on Nov. 15. ten
days before the bank closed. He will
probably be arraigned upou these
coimts "(jj, wt,ci
Catch Fugitive From Nebraoka.
Sioux Falls, S. D.. Feb. (1. Deputy
river, where he was located and ar
rested by tho United States author
ities of this place. Deputy Marshals
Carleton and Lamb havo departed
with the prisoner for Onaha, where
ho will he surrendered to tho federal
authorities of Nebraska.
A Tivw llr-uul.
A prominent missionary bishop of the
Episcopal church, according to tho
Washington Star, was in tho habit of
introducing among the Eskimos who
were his special charges ninny things
to nmiise or interest them in order that
he might gain their attention to ids
preaching. It happened, however, that
In spite of the various Ingenious inven
tions which he placed before them
these sons of the arctic regions contin
ued to bo impressed by Hie white man's
canned food more than by anything
else he brought with him. Heing un
willing to eat the blubber and drink
the oil of the Eskimos, the white man
always came with many cans of meat
anil vegetables.
One day the bishop above referred to
,i..f.if.i .i LinnUuf i iTfwinlnn qiitiwI nil
, J - - " ,, tl3
, M wUl rm)rds ,n
. '" "
the Eskimo tongue, ne gainemi ins
charges all around him In the little
meeting house and stnrted the machine
a-going. Everybody was certainly puz
zled. At Inst a smile broke In upon tho
face of one.
"Canned white man," he said in glee.
The African Hyena.
"One of the great pests of Africa,"
said a traveler, "is the hyena. Lions
and leopards do a lot of damage, but
their skins, if they nre shot or trapped,
are some compensation'' fon the loss
they cause. The average settler, bo ho
S their presence near Ids camp for
farmer, trader or otuclal, rather wei
h , f the excItcmcnt wllIcll they
ff mul y few ncn would llMl.
ut t'() mcmce n 1)Un0Ck or several
hcml )f K01llH 0r sheep for the sake of
,aBB,,1B llon. Rut the skin of the
h ,H worthloss, nmi there Is no
r.rnAli w,ntnvnt. in imntinff tiim. ns tm
ls nu rn.nt coward. Ho makes tho
nBMt i,iaeous with his howls, and In
the dark he ls very daring and will en
ter compounds and hufs and carry off
utmost anything. Nothing Is too old or
tough for him. Horns, skins, old boots
anything is grist to his mill.
Nonli'a Ark,
It was on Nov. 10, B. O. 2348, that
Noau nml ho unInmlB caine out of tho
ur, accordlns to ArehlilHliop Ussher's
chronoloKy Sovenl, cx,)ertB avo caI.
culntwl (lint the hnd caJoyed a,pIo
ncconimodatIon in the urk. Sir Walter
RneKh computed that there wero
0ghty-nine distinct species of beasts
' bo Provided for, "or, lest any should
JT om tted a luindred aovcrul klntle.'
II0 Howl that one elephant would
want as nuielt space as four beeves and
ono Hon as two wolves, and found thnt
these, nnother their meat, a third iho
bIl.(1(J mu, Ujeh. fQ0(, mu, Ktn, tIlcro waB
- . - ..
space for Noah and his family.
The Chief
aLfd the
one year for
Morton I.. Mill, of I.eliiiuoii Intl., mijtk; "My
wife lui'l InlUmmntorv Ithctiniiitlnm In ovory
muele mid joint; hur MilTcrliiK whm terrible
mill her b dy mid fiici- were hwoIIcii nlmost bo
ynml rrcoK lilmi: hml Uicn In tied hIx wouUh
am) hint eight tiyMclAiiH, but received no
bcncllt until him tried Ihe MyHtlc Cure for
IthetimatlHin., It envo Immediate relief and
hlie wan Hble to walk about In three dayn. I am
Hiiro It mtvfd her life." Sold by II. K. Grlco,
DniKRlHt. Iterl Olnurl
Toledo Blende
The Chief
$1.25 PER. YEAR.
Tin- Toledo Hindi- is the best known
newspaper in thn United Slates. Cir
ou tat ion 171,000. Popular in every
The Toledo Blade in now installed in
its new hitildinp, with a modern plant
and quipnu-ni, mid fneilities equal to
nil) piiidicaiiou between Now York
Htid Chicngo It is tho only weekly
newspaper edited expiessly for every
-tain and territory. The News of tho
World po nrinngi'd that busy people
can more easily comprehend than by
readmit ciiiiitiernoiim columns of the
ilniliiH Ail curieiit topics made plain
in eneh iHMie by special editorial mat
ter written f i din inception down to
date. The only pupt-r puhliHhed espec-
tally for people who do or do not loud
daily newhpHpeis, mil yet thirst for
plain fuels Thm this kind i f a news
paper U popular is proven by the fact
thai i ho Weekly Undo now has over
170.000 vl-iu l MiliM-rihct8, and is cir
ciiiitiMt in nb pHt'tK of the U S In ad
dition to the news, the Hlnde, puhlifhcs
slinrl mid serial stoiies and uinuv de
pniiiiieiiiH of iiintter suited to vr
numiierof me tnuiilv. Onn dollar a
year. Wiho for !' specimen copy.
Address THE BLADE,
Toledo, Ohio.
A Guaranteed Cure Fer Piles.
IichiiiK, blind, hiioiing or protrud
ing Piles, Dnigk'i-is refund money if
Ph z i OiuiniHiii laiN to cure any etine,
1 im iiniMer of lniv imif Hiiindinir, in 0 (o
14 dey Ki8' hi plienlion gives ea-e
mid ivi, 50' I' y in ilnuuist Iiumu'i
it Mend f.O.i in Hlnilii h ol it will lie for
whmIi-iI (iiixt-oaid In I'iirU .MedloiuoCo.
, St I,-iii, M i
Often The Kidneys Are
Weakened by Over-Work.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
It used to be considered thnt only
urinary and bladder troubles were to be
traced to me KiuueyH,
but now modern
science proves that
nearly all diseases
have their beginning
in the disorder of
these mot importnnt
The kidneys Tiller
and purify the blood
Hint in their work.
'iMi..r,.r.irt. mIikii viuirkiiliievsnre weak
or out of order, you can understand how
quickly your entire body is affected and
how every organ .seems to fail to do iu
duty. ' , , , .
- B At e....t (....II.. II Iw.olli
If you are sick or " icui ninny, i.-uni
taking the great kidney remedy, Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon
as your kidneys nre well they will help
all the other organs to health. A trial
will convince anyone.
if you are sick you can make no mid
lake by first doctoring your kidneys.
The mild and the extraordinary effect of
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great
kidney remedy, is soon realized. It
stands the highest for its wonderful cures
of the most distressing cases, and is sold
on its merits oy an
druggists in fifty-cent,
mid one-dollar sue
lintt leu. Vim niav
ti.ii... fi unltllilf. tlfllltf. il.iniAfnv.muT1nAt.
Itt.V... .I.....- .. ll1IV.W".w-"'"
by mail tree, also a ampiuci.u:iiiiig.yu
how to find out if von have kidney r
bladder trouble. Mention this paper
when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., lliug
haiutou, N. Y. Don't make any uustnko,
hut if member the inline, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Uoot, and the ad
dress, Ihnghauitoii, N. Y.. on every bottle.
J3ATw -.V! ."ft
:3toS s
In a watch chain that adds nothing
to the chaln'3 looks or tho quality of
its workmanship ? The outer sur
face of pure gold and all the details
cf workmanship and finish are
identically the same In
Watch Chains
and In the costly gold ones.
For Sale by
Newhouse Bros.,
Jewelers 6 Opticians,
Red Cloud, - Nebraska
Good People !
I'm glad to be inter
viewed on the subject
of Alcoholism, its treat
ment by Rational Rem
edy and my own happy
experience as a result
of that treatment.
Consultation ftee.
Call on or write me
for for full particulars.
Rldgway Legtfett,
Chas. L. Winfrey
The Auctioneer,'
RED t L UD, - - - NEB.
Will cry your sales and
guarantee satisfaction or
no pay. ,
1 know the value of ycur
stock and your interest.
Stock and farm sales a
specialty. Will attend sales
on short notice, and make
the price reasonable. I pay
all telephone expenses.
atralnst Piro, Llehtnlnar. Cy
clones and Windstorms, soo
uiiout for tho Partners Union Insur
ance Co., Lincoln, Neb., tho best in
BurmiOH company In the sv"to.
t V ,'
UT'WvfMiif.i L LuibMbhWuI
I I 'l I III WE-.'
n VM A j .
ISA HU I Uff ft WTfc. A L ysw