"V jl ' lV-rai- W . . .r -VT $ jjy4i&imflmirinfiinf i Subscription THE RED GLOID CHIEF jjffmTmA mmtftTftmttmmnmmm mrxtf ' Eight Pages All I Home Print 3i a Year in Advance mafsmutuKMi: eyq-yqjsiyv'A;!MJLi VOLUME XXXII r. RED CLOUD, XE1SKASKA. FEBRUARY 10, 1J)05. NUMltEll G '? i L Miner Bros. 5 Miner Bros. Advance Showing New Spring Goods "Magnificent showing new goods, lowest prices," and many such phrases are always heard at the be ginning of the season. We might add, "Never before have we been so well prepared." We take it for granted that the buying public of Red Cloud ex pect us to be better prepared with each succeeding season, evidenced by something more than mere words. We cordially invite an inspection. CORRESPONDENCE o'& iflte BE&HHIIflHlHiKxcxftIi3N Vi.uB There'll bo very littlo home hewing on Muslin Underwear in Red Cloud if you appreciate our as- k, iwllygU$p -Jk m sorttnont as we do And BWinWlWw'n'g''lgy there is littlo occasion for WTSawwE-t'Vy homo sewing, too. When cj&& " -r-JSf! .j. wag a cj,0ie0 0f buying poorly mado, sweat-shop goods, or making thorn yourselves, perhaps the homo wok was tho cheapest; anyway, tho safest and best. In buying PEERLESS Roods you take no risk nothing is loft to chanco. Those Under muslinsaro crisp from tho hands of well paid workerr whoso busi ness hours aro spont in America's brightest and cleanest factories. All goods cut full and in good, generous sixes. Now Effects In Ginghams for Spring 1908. 75 patterns Toilo do Nord Ginghams just placod ou sale. Stripes Checks, broken Checks Fancies, a grea' rango of patterns For Sh.rt Waist. Suits, Waists. Dresses, Men's Shirts, Boys' Waists. 12c. s Interesting Items Gnthered by Our County Reporters BLADEN MNs Pirkins vsilud in Campbell over Sunday. Finer Cox and wife aro visiting at Sholtoti this 'veek. Ht-v. Wilson In gun revival mooliugs at Five Star this week. Mr. Norris purchased tho Henderson property and has m ved in. Mrs H. C. Chevalier of Campbell was in this city Wednesday. Joe Chevalier and Mr. La I'orte of C.impbell were in town Tuesday. Mr. Henderson and family havo moved out on their farm north of town. Miss Frances Householder was a passenger for Doweeso Monday morn ing. Mrs Serls of Blue Hill came over Saturday to make her son William a visit. Webster Wooddde, who was kicked by a horse two weeks ago, is able to bo up again. Len Cnlley etimo up from Lawrence Monday and expects to stay 'in Bladen for awhile. Herb MeC7 dtove down to Cowles Tuesday and was accompanied homo by his brother Bert. dinigliler IV iir I took dinner at A. It Saladen's Sutidiy. The Union society met with Mrs. S. Miller Saturdity. Mr Frink hetiRht two cows at Oscar Kniiek's mi In Saturdny. lacnli ivlinger and wife took dinner at J W Snliidt'nVJ'huisdny. On TueHlay the big rabbit hunt was held and quite a large crowd was out. Homer iind Hue Boner were called to Kiiiisas by the serious illness of their sister. The Pleasant hill school is enj ying a vacation this not It on account of the bud weather. Oila Cnckrall is building a sleigh. It's '(bunt limn for overjhoity to have one, for ii lookuliko it is going tosnow. Corset Covers, ISc to SI. 75 Night Robes, SOc to S2.23 Skirts, Sl.OOto S3. 75 Drawers, 25c to S175 Tho now Embroideries aro now ready and comprise tho daintiest originations wo havo over shown. Wo have gathered them with lavish hand, yet with a discriminating eye as to their usefulness and prico worth. Fiinbroidery dainties from 3c to $1.25 (hMlU K?P3 i:)n that MINER BROS. Kansas Cltv Market. Speciul to Tub Chikk. Kansas City. Mo., Fob. 7 The bad weather which holds on so stoadily has mado it hard to got'stuff in form tho country, poor railroad service add ing to tho discomforts of tho shipper, but tho packors havo also been nlleot ed, as they havo trouble in moving thoir refrigerator cars, and in getting them back. For this reason tho mod erate cattle receipts wo havo boon hav ing havo not met as strong a demand as might bo expected. However, good cattlo havo sold steady to strong all tho timo for several weoks now. Cattlo receipts both yesterday and today havo been light. Pricos advanc ed f to 10 cents on nearly ovorything ) yesterday, market is steady today. Dressod boef aud export steors sell at $5 23 to fi 70, for tho best, fair to good ones $i 50 to fi 00, common and rough f.1 75 to 1 23. Top today is $5 70 Sho stuff after several breaks, and partial recoveries lately, soils at 82 7fi to 3 23 for fairly good stuff, good to choico, 3 50 to 4 00 Veals havo not changed in prico for sovoral weoks, at 83 00 to (J fiO, bulls ?2 00 to 3 73. Stooki rs and feokors havo roiuained cpiito for somo time, and sell at 83 00 to 1 00 for nearly everything, an occasional bunch ybotwoon 81 00 and 4 23, and a few 1 droves of nearly (inishod cattlo up to $4 CO and 1 73. Stock cows and heif ers $1 7fi to 2 73, stock calves 82 7fi to 4 23 Ganoral soutimont is still bull ish, and when tho winter breaks, a sharp revival in all branches of tho cattlo trade is expected. Hog markots fluctuate mildly, but gradual progress is mado upward. Gain last weok amounted to 20 cents, and 10 cents was added yesterday, but is being takon off today, leaving tho top at 85 05, against 85 12J yesterday. Local pricos aro 5 to 15 cents above tho other markets, for mixed packing hogs, but tho demand still holds brisk, and is uusatisllod. Bulk of sales to day 81 80 to 5 00. Pigs aro sharply lower this weok, and soil around 84 00, light hogs up to 84 85 Extromo top pricos for shoop aud lambs woro reached today. $7 05 was paid for fed western lambs, and prac tically all lambs now soil nbovo $7 25. Yearling sold at 8(5 75 today, wethers 85 05, owes 85 10. Choico ewes would bring 85' 25 easily. Nearly all the sales in each class woro within 50 cents of tho top pricos, as quality averages very good. Tho market has ovory appear anco of flrmnoss, is activo and snappy, but broaks would not bo surprising. J. A. Riokaht, Live Stock Correspondent. CROW HILL All are enjojing themselves sleighing now. .1. J. Fra.icr visited Ben Bonrdsleo Monday. Too much snow for tho box supper Friday night. BonlUihsnn's new sled is gone, but not forgotten. Dave Logan is visiting his puronts at Oberlin, Kansas. There will bo preaching at Pleasant Grovo next Sunday. Frank Slaby has been on tho sick list for tho past week. Prof Otis Fra.ier spent Monday night at Fted WiltwerV. Crow Hill school is having vacation on account of bad roads and weather. Lou Wittwer spent tho fust of thn week near Inavah) at the homo of his uncle, Stroup Bothrock. Mrs Thomas Kraliek spent tho latter part of last week in Bed Cloud visiting her sister, Mrs. Slaby, who is sick. Henry Nyberg and Win. Forgny spi)t)t;Saturday at Bed Cloud looking after tho interests of the Dutch Flat Telephone Co. LINE Snow and more to follow. Amos (Jo st is some bettor at this wilting. Andrew Soderlin was the guest of J. E. F x this week Allen Carpenter will move to Bed CI' ud in the near future. S C Shuck has received word his father is not expected to live. Allen Ctirpenter sold his fat cattlo to Win. Kueiin the lirsl of tho weok. C W Kaloy has sold his Penny creek fai in to Mr. Mayuard for 812 per acre. John Davis'has lensed his farm to Bojd Mtiiisoil for a cash rent of 875 per year The Duvis brothers havo leased a half seel ion ftoni Mr. Smith in Smith county, Kansas, near Mt. H.ipo. COWLES N J Thomas wont to Campbell Wed msday. I'nisre very scarce (his week, as miiht everybody is snowed in. Dr Botiee, the new doctor, baa his ofhVoin a room over tho ''Bight Place." M. J. Tinner has recently purchased the restauiant belonging to J K. Hut l"r, and Arthur Colburn is now chief clerk. On account of tho deep snow that drifted into the roads Wednesday night, our niral mail carrier did not go over his route. The Ladiis' Gjnuiasiuin club still exists, and is ready to receive new nit mbers any time. Begulnr meetings are held on Wednesday evenings. GARFIELD Mr. Shipman's baby was quite sick the tirst of tho week. B. F. Bead, wifo'and dnughter visited with N. L. D. Smith Wednesday. Tho rural mail his boon an uncertain quantity during tho cold weather. Frank Ailrs and wifo woro visiting with N. L. .'). Smith last Wednesday. ,). V. Smith emtio down from Cowlos last Sunday to spend tho night at homo. Ivans Amack and family h-ivo come hack from Idaho to lind a homo in Nebraska. Mr. and Mis. Mungor and father were the guests of N. L. D. Snii.h Wednesday. The eldest daughter of John Thorn ton is critically ill and no hopes are entertained of her recovery. Morton Smith, with his sister and nieco, Miss Alios, called on James Bitaucliamp Wednesday evening. Tho 'phono mooting at tho school houso in district 28 was postponed on account of the storm and 'will bo hold tomorrow ovoning. Farm Loans at 5 per cent interest, straight. No commission or other charges. Money reaily to pay over at once. If you h ave land for sale, come and see mo No chnrge if I do not get vou a buyer Ph'H'0 write or call on C. F. Cathor, Kid Cloud, Neb. TWENTY YEARS AGO Items of News Found in The Chief of Twenty Years Ago This Week 'WW'WWAr'WWW'' A. A. Pope was in Omaha this weok. C. Wiener has boon taking stock this week. Win Crabill has rented tho poor farm. Charloy Romsberg has gono to Nov Orleans. Mrs J L Kaloy visited in Lincoln this weok. Kd Highland aud wife havo returned from Denver Morhart it Fulton havo patented steam cooker. John Shirey has let the contract for a new dwelling. S. V Ludlow is doing qulto n nice grocery business. D S. Helvern wont to New Orleans) Sunday morning. Kd Parkes has bought a now Wost ern Cottago organ. E. W. Miller now drives throo horses abreast to his omnibus. Ormsby it Dickers havo put now safe in their office Win (iates shipped two car loads oC cattlo to Chicago this weok. Briggs it ilummoll havo Mr. Do Hart's residence under roof Curt Evans is now prepared to fur nish very best sand for plastering. 'I he masquorado at tho rink last Wednesday night was a grand success. F E. Goblo and wifo go to Now Orleans this week no u ploasuro tour. A. H. Kaloy is closing out his ontiro stock of clothing at slaughter pricos. About twenty Omaha Indians are camped at tho river. Thoy are trap ping. A J Moans has contracted to build a flue new dwelling on his farm near town. i Fred Ilummoll sold his lots in Pat mor's addition to Charles Bosso for 875.00. Ed Pulsiphor, formerly with Span ogle it Funk, has takeii a position with A. A Popo. Stewart Albright, Mrs. Jno Garbor and Betilah Strohm went to Pouusyl vaina ou a vi-it Row C. W. Springer has boon hold ing a series of revival meetings at Cloverton tho past few days. Spauoglo it Son now havo thoir branch agricultural implement houso at McCook well established. G. W Houghton, formerly of this city, was married last week to Mrs. (Continued on Pago Four.) THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR That Settle's It. When a Colorado sand stono walk is laid that settles it. Sue Ovoring Bros & Co. for prices. AM BOY Tho Amhoy Milling Co. shipped hogs this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boner and ffiM POWDER Absolutely Pure IT IS A MATTER OF HEALTH s i ki q . . - utfiaiMtittiaefii tuffmrsL