-, i-Jgrx. -, 1 !Mr3WgwcBi Kiwr' srfkwMr,- . Uvu tf &. Si R r! i ii v I" I i yers For coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, weak thro&s, weak lungs, consumption, take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Cherry Pectoral Always keep a bottle of it in the house. We have been .saying this for 60 years, and so have the doctors. " I liv uurd Ayrr'i Cliorry Vectornl In my finllr for 40 TPHr. It ll tlio tieit medicine In the world, I know, for all throat and Iuiik trouble." , Mkb. .T. K. Noic0SB,1t)im, Mm. 3V..snc. ft.Oi). All dtii't;ll.. for J. C. AVKIt CO., I.OWPll. MHM TheLungsl Dally action of tho bowels Is ncces- fiary. Ala nature witn yors mis. THE CHIEF nBl) 0I.OUD, NKI1KAHKA. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. Paul C, Oeoikii: PlIAItl'.S Newiiousi: d-Iditor Manager SUnsCItll'TION KATES. lo yoar II "0 lXMOIIlllK Mi J. M. Sollars, engineer 40 75 f L H. Fort, lty dork, salary .... 23 00 ' Goo .1 Wiirron, Hiilurv 12 50 E. W. Ross, salary 25 00 C F dither, salary 12 50 A A. Frame, salary 12 50 W. R. Parker, salary 25 00 Win Bohrer, witness fees 1 20 J H. Bakor, blaoksmlthing 125 Hollistor it Ross, drayago 1 75 Will Sullivan, weighing car coal 1 50 .7 W Kinsol, night watch 12 50 .1. O Butler, f roiKlit 7(5 50 Real Estate Transfers. Transfers for wcok ending Wodnos- day, Fob. 1, furnished by J. H. Ualloy of Webster County Abstract company. Lincoln Lund Co. to Louis Cut tor, wd. lot 11, bile 17, Bhutan 8 25 C. F. Gund and wifo to First National Rank, wd, swl 2-3 10 (5000 C F Gund and wifo to First National Rank, wd,o2nndsw4 !M.0 15000 Calvin F. Morauvilloaud wifo to 10(1 M Moranvillc, wd, lots 11 and 12, blk 1, Talbot's add to GuidoRook 1000 Liz.io E. Hughes and husband to Harry A Hon s, wd, lots I to 9 blk 5, Fairview add to Rod Cloud 700 Ilorman Schmidt, Sr , and wifo to Ilorman Schmidt, wd, lots 11 and 12, blk 8, Hoover's add to Bluo Hill 1 Statu of Nebraska to John Krobsbuck, dood, sol sol .'10 !!) . . arvvtMr j?i .. ""rvv LJIL'JVJUMitS. k A rerayis m t JL Mt' ar MANLY BOYS I 2 a jNaaWTC kNIY BOYC MEAN MANLY MEN! Emilp your boy with a "STEVENS", and let him ctllov nature and the lnvinratinr mint. n( nluHilinc. in the Kret "out ol dooM." ST1.VKNS HKIi. AUMS ate Ilellablo, Safe, and Accurate; I i hey have had llieie qualities unce 1864. e maniuaciurc a cnmpieie line oi RIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOTGUNS. For Sale by all dealers. I litre ore a few ol them left, lictler send in NOW ir that ingenious l'uzzlc which we forward rn re. 'ipt nt 4 ci nu in M.imnt. JCuierod al tnu punt offlro nt Kud Cloud. Hob. rooiKlnlnHRinnil inHtler. ADVKKTISINO KATES: riirnlhlieil on application, TELEPHONE. SEVEN - TWO Eva G. Tcuiiaut and husband to T. F .lonos, wd, w2 nwl 0-1.12 Horni'tii Schmidt ot al to Josiah 10 Moore, wd, lots 11 and 12, blk 8, Hoover's add to Uluo Hill State of Nobraska to John Hoi comb, deed, swl swl 27-2 10. . . 280 1500 :too 2S0 cnj for J Ununited dialog, containing ikt.ulcd dosciritiom f cniite output. . STLVLNS ARMS U TOOL CO., 1'. O liox 3x;j -". .. " .... r.y.A. wnmBmammmmmmmmmm HK SECRET OF SUCCESS in mer chandising is to say what you mean and do what you say. I say that I can alioru to put a price on all the left-over merchan dise in my store. 1 mean to do it, too. I have had all the Men's Heavy Suits placed on the first table in the store, and put a price of 55 1-5 Per CentOff regular. The same applies to, Boys' and Children's Suits of like character. A saving of one-third to you. A Discount of 25 per cent on all the Men's and Boys' 'Heavy Pants Total S250S0 Mortgages died 220O Mortgage relented, ftiOOO. Our Cattle at Kansas Cltv. Tho following items about Webster bounty cattlemen are taken from a Kansas City apor: "II. G. Sawyer of Inavalo, Nob., was on last Tuesday's market v ith a car of cattle." "J. S. Kitidschorof Guide Rock.Neb., arrived at tho yards today with a car of fed cows and heifers" "(Jeorgo Coon and A. B. Witftfins of Red Cloud, Nob , woro on yesterday's market with sovoral car loads ol short IVd Colorado steers that sold at. $5.25. Those steers wore purchased hi Colo- a little lower and it proved very satisfactory, and will bo followed by other shipments to this market. They ship through St. Joseph.1' Kansas CltY Market. Sp'M'iiil tit I HK ClIIKK. Kansas City, Mo, Jan. .'U Tho de mand tor tho bst beef cattle nets stronger every week, wlnle in ero-t in the half fat varieties continue to Iiik, exco. t for an occasional slight i urn i otitiou among fee er buyers for some thing to go out for a short food. It is lain that the lihn price of : r i has hurried a good many cattle to market duriiij the mouth of January, but it is also a fact that tho proportion of good to choice steers marketed, especially during tho last half of the mouth, has been unusually largo. I heso good cattle haw been well received all tho time, aud are strong to 10 cents higher both yesterday and today, closing tho mouth HO o 50 cents higher than at tho close of December. Sales of steers yesterday and today were at $5 50 aud 5 55. Butcher stuff sold s rong generally during tho mouth but had several sharp set backs, so that it Hnishes the in nth about liko it began, just as the medium to com mon g ades of steers do Stockers and feeders were highest a-iout tho miildlo of tho month, aud have been quiet last wook or two, with stock cattlo selling Stock calves have had OVERCOATS will be sold at 20 per cent discount, and none reserved All through the stock I will make sweep ing reductions to clean up broken lines. This is your opportunity. To turn the goods into money is all I want you may have the profits and more, too. Yours for success, PAUL STOREY 13he CLOTHIER r. or. canners on down to $1 75. Veal calves lings up to S(5 75, wethers 81 75 to ft:, r,n to R 75. bulls VI 25 to U 75. feed- owes II 05 to 1 DO. -...w...u ...j . ado last fall at a cost laid down at the Missouri river of 9'. (50 Thoy were .short fed aud put on an avorago gain por head of IKK) lbs. They had in a car load of hogs averaging .'18!) lbs that sold right at tho top This was the first partnership shipment mado this a sharp advance this wook. Tho lul ling price today for best steers $5 25 to 5 CO, medium aud fairly good ones. $1 50 to 5 20, common to fair, $.'1 75 to 1 25 Westerns sold at 81 75 today, and tho host westerns soil up to $5 10. Cows and heifers range from winter by Messrs. Coon and Wiggins Hi 75 to 1 25 for tho fair to good ouos, e s$l 50 to 4 15, -tockers tSJ 00 to 1 10 Tho hog market Inn partially recov ei od tho loss'of last week, and closed steady today with a top of $1 87,, in 12'. cents of the m- nth's best price Al arkot today was a repeti tion of tho markets on majority of days ol tins month, opened steady, closed at the best point, that is, it got better all through the soss on. Weights continue to improvo, and are much bettor than a month ago. Bulk of sales range fiom 81 05 to 182, light weights up to SI 75, pigs around 11185 to 4 10. Tho sovrro break of last week on sheep and lambs has almost been re covered. Receipts wore sm 11 today and yesterday, compared with last wook, but fairly liberal compared with normal runs, at 14,000 for the two days. Lambs sold at K 75 to 2 70 today, year- J A. RlCKAUT, Live Stock Currt'spomiont. Local tiraln Market. (Furnirihed by J. 1 Deluney ) Thursday, Fob 2. Wheat 0lo Old Corn Eur Corn 'Ma Now shelled curn 'Ma O.US 82e Itjo 02o BRIEF IN BARKER CASE. Appeal of the Murderer Will Be Ar&ucd March 7. "From theIjiucolu Star. Tho appeal of Frank Barker, now awaiting tho execution of the death sentence at tho penitentiary, is to be heard at tho session of tho supremo court beginning March 7, and Deputy Attorney General Thompson is en gaged in tho preparation of tho brief to bo submitted by tho state. Barker wok sentenced to death by tho district court of Webster county for the mm dor of his broth r aud sinter-in-lawi who residetl on a farm near Retl Cloud. lie killed thou) that ho might secure their residence and farm and then marry tho girl of his choice, who had rofusod to become his bride until ho bad a home aud sufliciont property to Mipport her. .Briefs have boon filed by counsel for Hurkor and by the prosecuting attor ney. Tho record of tho case as died by tho prosecutor is considered by the tuto legal depart ment to bo one of tho most completo and concise possible to lw prepared Barker is in tho poni lntiurv and does not atmoar to worry over tho outcome of tho appeal. As a Recapitulation, showing the amount on hand January i ,1904, the collections since made, disbursements, and amount prisoner under death hoiitoneo no is not renlaininff on hand at the close of the 31st day of December, 1904, in each and all of the several funds stated. ruijiiui:w iu muni, uiu .iuiuiui .11w.11.1tF wgo requested tho warden to permit him to work with tho other convicts. Since that time he has boon engaged in duties around tho prison yard, al ways under supervision of a guard. The approaching execution of the death sentence upon Barker is to bo used as an argument in favor of tho bill far tho abolishing of capital pun ishment and Barker's attorneys while fighting the case iu tho supremo court will work for the bill introduced by Senator Jennings. Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist Coming Dr. Warrick of Hustings, late of tho italtimnro Eve, Eur, Nose, and Throat Hospital, will meet patients at Royal Hotel Saturday, February 18 Eyes tested and classes properly fitted. feblO COUNTY TREASURER'S SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT. KIND OP FUNDS (3 .: c CD O eS ai in S CD it '- 8 O -i y Funds Transferred From Total IT. .a Funds Transferred To 5S s o TOTAIi City Council Meeting Tho city council mot in regular ses sion Wednesday evening, Mayor Ross presiding Present Councilmeu Cath- ar, Frame, Farkor and Warren On petition of Mrs. L. McFarland, the council instructed tho street com missioner to seo that parties in the city do not obstruct the streets aud alloys with wagons and othor obstruc tions. On motion tho city council instruct ed tho water commissioner to give notice to tho patrons boforo the water Hiipply 1b out off in order to make re pairs. Notice shall bo given by throe strokes on the city llro boll repeated three times at intervals of five wiconds The resignation of J. S. White as police judge was accepted and Joseph iarber was appointed to fill tho va cancy The following c'aims wore allowed School and University Land Consolidated State County General County Bridge County Railroad Bond County Insane County Poor Soldiers' Relief District Road County Road Commissioner Districts. . . . District Schools State Apportionment Fines and License School Bond Rod Cloud City Red Cloud Wuter Bond Red Cloud Electric. Light. . Red Cloud Water Works . . Red Cloud Wator Special. . Red Cloud Judgment Bine Hill Village Bluo Hill Wator Bond Bluo Hill Special Guide Rock Village Guide Rock Bridge Bond.. Bhulon Village School Mandamus Interest Advertising Mi'.uvVjjneotih V . . RedempV ons ... .. 1 o ll1 4 fi ll 7 8 10 11 12 lii 14 15 1(1 17 18 10 20 21 00 a:i 24 1(504 a:v WIS 82 :I2!17 82 tOfcW 4!) 21)15 (55 000 01 .......... f 801 02 22118 117 1011 17 0815 1)1 500 00 U71)i) (15 217 1(1 :i!ll ((' 400 i!(l 10 s 24 75 50 28 2811 10 70 12 107 25 51 28 27 Oil !18 :ts 14 20 I 100 82 I7:it):i 07 1)157 74 8071 17 5502 54 ior;j 10 7:1 ;) 12 20 101 !!( 0015 ill) 58 20055 77 2887 02 5 00 1(580 21 1071 48 0118 01 42!l 08 408 40 7 !505 )10 (120 55 4i)2 ill) 7(1 80 442 87 1:14 !5!1 12U 85 51) 07 O'l 00 :$ 5 1 0 4 1(5 41 01 10 '288 7 Other funds Miscellaneous . . . General fund . Miscellaneous . . Road districts.. County road . . . State apport'nm't l'liieH and license 28 07 20 25 24 00 1! 1)5 2 20 1(5 11 54 5 80 a 01 2 00 :$ do 1511 1)15 04 75 ill 02 . 18!)!)8 :$0!fl488(i 50 5S00 81 10212 71 5871) 40 (100 00 !5!5!1 07 237 0' 708 1J2 1!59 70 81 15 !10789 0070851 09 I 1 75 708 88 200 00 010 80 433 79 3392 (52 505 00 10388 89 11580 80 (5772 79, 3991 97 333 (57 14 2(5 909 48 9124 71 (541 07 2379 915, 31182 (57 3392 (58 505 00 5513 93 1308 89 135(5 (18, 84(5 (59, 450 92, 25 (I41 873 12 909 51 515 89 180 45' 501 14 27 03, 277 20 14 20 708 32' 139 70, 2!54 75 190 9' 133 40 5181 53 1791 2(5 18350 51 Insane fund. General fund... County road.... Commiss'r Dist. 5100 01 ,1110830 41 2025 01 1137 90 345 83 540 (55 111 5(5 102 44 820 80 827 00 2 48 404 2.p i 257 90 District schools. State apport'nm't 1 (59373 9: 34 02 14 20 (110 80 438 79 8392 (V. 505 00 4111 74 5182 05 1339 47 893 8!H 3391 97 77(5 08 3002 88 202 28 588 70 15832 1(1 Various funds.... County General.. unugo and Road 798 82 189 'i0 234 75 ,i 100 01 3488 89 170 99 1010 85 300 04! 45 80 25 04 210 08 88 71 187 70 183 07 80 89 27 03 19 80 14 20 189 42 18998 30 1032B 89 11580 80 0773 79 3991 97 333 07 14 20 909 48 9124 71 041 07.fc 2370 otir :M182 67 3393 02 505 00 5513 03 1808 89 1850 68 840 09 450 92 25 04 873 12 909 51 515 89 186 45 501 14 27 63 277 20 14 29 798 82 189 70 284 75 190 97 798 3241207 08110889 41 Feos and Commissions i-jyo j() Railroad Bonds unpaid 80000 00 ami w.uianiH o morou urawn upon 1110 1 L Q R McCraryi Treasurer of Webster County, Nebraska, certify that tho ahovo is a true and correct statement of all monoys received and disbursed rospeotivo funds for tho same: ; bv U10 HH County Treasurer from tho 1st day of July, 1901. to tho 1st day of January, 1905, to tho best of my knowledge aud bolief. "V 7 Ir..,..t laxity. nn..i...lM Alll KA - O , . twi.ai:i, muui uuiuii. 1 ,. ;j.;i uu I Sheridan Coal Co., coal (51 32 Wesley Pegg, labor 4 00 Sworn to hofore me this 20th day of January, 1905. SHAD E. S. GARBER, County Clerk. G. R. McCRARY, County Treasurer. .T 4 "f "iVVHM , T