rt," pdHiw A t5 y yyr,j 1 -c ." i, i men rnso IVKUrocv fa-.l on bond fitn..nuu ...i u ii nuil Man Hut wnwr.ttrncn Hilft 'c Uuatt!,Ml. A l fe r . ' i -ii ;' 'Jf u i ' 1 FIVE H.r . rtf55 H r i RED CLOUD CHIEF riaWA'JWRKtffflilSftSjkAX I v w ' V UIJscriHn Eight Pages I All I Home Prjlnt I I S. Se SI a' V, I tlnXtof$t rt r J. i- ' . I ,m'2f3imWWlViUIJILMJl. voLTOrjij Jxm. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JANUAKY 27, U)()5. NUMBER 4 - ?, WPr,fl, J- f Vv-i v - ""-- j .Aw ft ;' v .- -f r 'jk,.-f a w- i 'Trfc - m i I W A 4 V- fe ! i) i? I w k it T"W"'Vv . Mj A- rArAAWWs -AKiVVsUAv-Nv. Vs ryVVV- rBn?s, I Miner Bros. WAJtSIsAmsAs '" T Annual J CLEARING Pre-inveitory. Invoicing time is near at hand. When the jtfme for Clearing Sale comes we re alise the f ct that' price ip the dominant feature in order to cl :ar-up stcck. IThe great success of our sales assuijs us that 'RADICAL PRICE REDUC TIQNS'is ;he only way to quickly realize the result. AH custoi icrs know the prices, as everything is markeel in plain'figures at this store. tho pike," which thoy did. When tho7 wore noaiing homo thoy mot Mr. Ste vens and in h buggy mid begun to an noy him, but ho succeeded in twinning them. On M inday tho sheriff of Jowoll county nrri'Htcd tho boyH and took them to MunktUo, whore thoy woro put in jail. Flannelettes. If you b rjj-SQ, irc, m of tho pioco tint you bought V lL'lit nuy of those goods early in tho season you paid or 420o Dor yard frlr thorn. You may f hid a short length Yon can buy thorn now at 8, JO And 12 1-2C 8 pieces floqcod Goods that wero 8 uud 10c, now 5c -ii Ginghems, Toilo do Kord Ginghams wash well and are fast co'ors. Many of our custoi ors are very thojrougly familiar with tho merits of this brand of go is. I; Good pn terns for Waists Boys' and Men's Shirts, Dresses, etc., worth 12c, o close out short lengths, c per yard, a clearing sav ing of 3.'ty p cent. The patterns are flue We need the room for tho now line ;o be shown Folkruary 1. To Febr ary I, Tone1, de Nord Ginghams, 9c loaks. RKMCAL REDUCTIONS ! in our Cloal department ftVo havo about 25 this season's Cloaks left Wo al going to makfft an extra effort to soil every garment. LESTER Tho Ladies' Aid S icioty mot with Mrs F. L. Ilinos Wednesday afternoon. Mr Swart, and wife visited with Jim Overman nnd family, wi'ht of Kod Cloud, Saturday afternoon itid Sun day. There was no preaching at tho Am boy School houso last Sunday after noon on account of thn funeral services ut lted Cloud. The song service at the school houso hi't Saturday evening wns not very well attended on account of fo many clubs meeting that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Miller arid family visit ed with Mr. and Mrs Cockrell Friday evening During the ovoning ice cream and cake wero servo I. Tho now telephone line from A in boy to Hod Cloud i? progressing slowly and when completed will bo n great im provement over tho old toothpick line. I. Frisbio returned homo from Lin coln last Monday, where ho has been attending a miller's convention and also visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Harvoy Cox. The wolf hunt Tuesday was well attended, considering the snvero cold weather, but as far as capturing any wolves it was a failure. The boys ran shoot jnck rabbits, but when it comes to wolves they ate not in it. Quality Club No. 31 mot with John Holcomb and wife Saturday evening. Thn evening was spent playing games and other amusements until a late hour, when the table was spread and all partook of the dainties of tho season that Mrs. Holcomb is go famous for preparing. Thoy adjourned to meet in two weeka. over Sunday. Uobert Denton nnd wife spent Sun day at the homo of George Denton, south of town. D. 11. Clark and wife of Campbell wero visiting at tho homo of J. Wil liams last Sunday. Charles Fit, wm called to Boulder, Colo., last Saturday by tho serious ill Hess of his mother. Willie Letuer and uifo of Hastings nre visiting at die homo of tho lattor'u parents, Thonins Snyder and wife. $8 foaks S4.75, $10 Coats 96. $12.50 Goats S7.50 n Wo stillhavo a fow la much sorvil) if you do no 87.&0 Coatslttt! 50, 910 C seasou's loose back Jackets, just ns care about tho style. $5 Coats W.85, s at i:5..'J5, 81.50 Coats at 14.20. A lJgo lot of will be lire about h Preium Dish slips irman China Premium Dishes nuary 30. liven with all cash and produce trade. ilMlNRRBROS. 'NaH? Interesting litems Gattj I by 'WSa CORRESPONDENCE Our C unty fL'epc AWV-J )f Ksbon wat . tjwas down , t tho Biok in (initio from Hud have moved into jtheir ing. v ex poets sq0n to'go to GUI )E ROCKI 1 Mine Ifnnn I''i allNOn IS Oil I ""list this week. K. W. Fowoll Rock Tuesday. Charley Schi Cloud Siaday. Attorney J. I. Chnflln wla on our atreets Mondaj Hodges Bros new brick buil Anson Garbt . t I . . Arizona tor lus neami. Bank Kxamibor Haldemin (Juido Uook Thursday. 1 KrncsHtaddon gavo a sun-iso party for Harry Taylor Thursdaj. Chester Viers, son of -(Mrs Hattio Tiers, is sick wan crjinjuius. Wo understand tliero is l, uo ft mo,ji cino show hero in tho uenljUUUOi Ilnmilton'd big hog nlf tnium him . .rnn l.-.,. Iw.rr uiili. . . ,,,.... aU0lU5l"JVJ. Wliu in. w 1 1) r !gu, ,...1 ... I .lay ivy kit wmiv t" whoro h'i will uUUergo was in STILLWATER Weather still sold. Alex Monia is reported to be on the sick lint. It S. Denny, who is visiting in Iowa, is leported to bo sick. Flora Keeve taught one day last week for Miss Brngg, who was sick. A number of Stillwatir people at tended tho funeral of Joe Doming at Guide llock last Friday. The Misses Brown of Frontier county are visiting their aunt, Mrs. II W Hubbard, and other rolativo. G. M Albin and family expect to move to (iuide Hock in tho spring, having purchased property there. Will Crr.,ior is preparing to remodel and build an addition to tho house on tho Thomas Finnoy farm, which he recently purchased. Will Cro.ier and John Howard wont over to Nuckolls county Saturday to see William Middloton. who has been sick for some time. They returned Sunday. Mrs Bollo Carrington and Mrs Lou Elmore, both of Missouri, arrived last Saturday evening for a visit with thoir father, George Henderson, who has been very sick, but is reported to bo a littlo better. wind his loft log. 'insiiH City, operation on Edward Vinton, the man who gave the bosunoving picture show ever seen in Guide llock, was hero Saturday. S. A Garber's now photo gallery is now open. Latest stylos in photogra phy; now stylo cards. C til and see him. Thorn wa a big wolf huct hero on tho 20th in which 150 men wero engag ed. Thov took in a pquare of four miles and killed six wolves. At'ornoy Clinftin was down from Hod Cioud Wednesday to act as at torney for J. S. L'lratont and G W. Crow in tho case of Largentand Crow v. Greenlee. A numbor of our young toughs raised a disturbance at the dance last Friday night and did considerable damage to property around town. Wo may havo to ro-onlist Marshal Jones of Superior to keep order. Low Perry, while out hunting Sun day, had tho misfortune to shoot him self in the foot with a 22 caliber rifle. While talking to Rfmo nion he rested mu.lo of tho riflo on his foot. The gun was accidentally discharged and the ball entered his foit. The doctors havo not boon able to lncato tho bullet. About ton or liftoon boys wont out from North Branch to tho homi of Mrs A, L Heddoii to serenade Sher man Shipman and his bride. The father of the groom came outwi'hau old army musket and told Ilium to "hit GARFIELD Jasper Smith visited with his parents last Sunday. Will Parker and wife visited Mrs. Ailes last Sunday. Guy Barnes was hauling ront corn the first of tho wook. Mrs. Ida Sheldon was visiting Mrs. Emma Smith last Sunday. Mis Myrtle Smith was visiting M s Elna McCartney last Sunday. ' John Mottor and family were visit ing with James Boauchamp last Sun day. Georgo Bradshaw, with his mother and sister, visited Mrs. Louisa Ailes last Sunday. A. B. .Wiggins took six cars of cattle and one car of hogs to market tho first of tho week. The East Gartiold Telephono Co. has received part of its poles intended for use in the construction of its now lino. Tho Rev. Parsons preached at the Methodist church last Sunday. Hev. Taylor, tho regular pastor, ii conduct ing a revival at Lono Tree. Charles Wolf went to market with ono car of cattlo and one car of hogs lust Monday. Four of his hogs woro overlain and smothered on tho road to Uud Cloud. now BATIN Otto Jensen has put up a now mill. Yanco Sorgenuon shelled corn for Wm Crabill last Saturday. Mrs. Go) tie Hansen has had windmill put up on her farm. Tom Chnflln nnd family f-ponl list Sunday visiting at Cora Ctiaflin's Suvoral of our neighbors attended the phono meeting at Hud Cloud. Ed. Bretthauer and Claude Wilson traded buggies one day last week. William Patten purchased a nice young horse at the sale last week. Yanco Sorgonson and William Cra bill each shipped two cars of cattle to Kansas City last week. Van Negley was in this vicinity last Tuesday. He will soon move on to the farm vacated by Mint Garner. Coulson, Mr. Wurthon and Kay Arne son, lint week. Many will take advnutago of this cold weather and till their ice houses. T. F. Jones, who has been visiting with his brother in Emporia, Kansas,, returned Tuesday. George Middloton and family, whi havo been visiting in Beatrice for some time, aro homo again. Mr Tyler, who bought the Jessexi farm, has arrived with his family. We welcome them to their new homo TWENTY YEARS AGO Items of News Found in The g Chiof of Twenty Yenrs Ago X This Weok V V C. J. Pope wits lit tho city this weok.. J. II. Korninn was in Iowa last weok. St. VuleiiMuo'H day will soon bo here. Mrs. 1 H. Gump Iiiih gone oust on visit Palmer Way visited in town this wook. Mr.s. G. R Chauey is visiting in Iowa J. N Ricknrds wont to Beatrice lat night The Plonsaut Hour club will meet to night. U. G. Knight is express ngent at ! avulo now. A. Lau tor bach took in the sight) of Lincoln this week. D. C. Myers and wife have return! from their visit in Salem, Kunsas. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Crubill are lh, parents of 11 boy, born lust Friday. Dr. Shorer lias presented tho BaptlnC church with h handsome now lamp. Treasurer Buschow wont to Lincoln Monday to sottle with the state trea surer. Tho Blue Hill Odd Follow will met with tho Red Cloud lodge Saturday ovoning Henry Cook has just received u thou sand free samples of Dr. King' Nw Discovery. Tuesday night the f Honda of Mr. and Mrs. J. C Warnor gave them a snr prlso party. Soo Garber lion resigned ut mail agont and will resume bis clerkship on the farm. Tho annual estimate of oxpensm. mndo by tho county board for thenoxt year is $38,000. Will Smith of Minden, vice presi dent of tho Nebraska Lumber Co., was1 in town this week. WALNUT CREEK - Creede Perry was shelling corn for the Blankenbaker brothers, Frank Mrs G. W. Knight und Mrs. J. W. Warren aro in Beatrice this week, re presenting tho W. R C. J. W. Warren and W. B. Roby repre (Continued on Last Page.) Mon- BLADEN Albert McCoy wont to Cowlos day. Mrs R. C. Chevalier of Cimpboll was in tho city Monday, O Ivorson took sorao cattlo to Kan sas City tho first of tho week. J. C. Hartman and wifo wont to Hastings the first of tho week. Quite a numbor from here attended tho sale norrh of town Tuesday. Goirge Soloman and wife are proud parents of a baby boy, born Mondpy. Vet Widdersheim and wjfe visited at the home of Ernest Rued last Sunday. Miss Parkins went to Campbell Friday ovoning and visited with friends ROYAL Powder Menkes Clesrv Bread Baking With Royal Bakingv Powder there is no mixing with Ihe hands, no sweat of the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest facility, sweet, clean, healthful food. Full instructions in the " Royal Baker and Pastry Cook' jjfTbook for making all kinds of bread, biscuit and cake .'with Royal Bakinr 1 ig Powder, Gratis ROYAL BAKINQ POWDCH CO , 100 WILI 1AM ST., NEW YOHKf' to any addriPs jfSi nli j1. 1 t: :vk ' : dSfh jlWW'IV Lkl & Wr. Vft' i, u" " fm"