I? 14 ' K X .SBBBBBBBBBk. - - - nrwii i m - - - . .. . ak. - .1" n ttrfi it i a . VOLUME XXXII. Miner Brothers. Miner Brothers. Miner Brothers. PREMIUM DISHES German China given for Cash or Produce Purchases. The finest Premium ever offered in the city. Every customer of the store de rives the benefit, limited only by the amount of your purchases. M&m Tea Cups, Coffee Cups, 3 sizes Plates, 6 1-2 and 7 1-2 Fruit Saucers, n The range of pieces included in this offer will enable you to secure a Dinner Set with Cash and Produce trade. MINER BROTHERS ,s'aV"-'wWlVtsi CORRESPONDENCE Interesting Items Gathered by Our County Reporters. AnWWWWAw'WWWW'l Anboy. Boyd Hrnrington is busy working roads. It is about time, for tboy need Jm8 Doyle i9 the happy papa of baby girl Several of our young folks were en tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mux Miz-n Saturday night. All report a pleasant time. Mrs. A. R. Saladen and son Ray and Mrs. C. Frink left Friday morning f u Vesta, Neb., where they will visit their sister, Mrs. George Wilson. John Saladen and family spent Sun day wnh Allen Carpenter and family, south of the river. Mr. and Mrs, Chi1). Lewis have re turned home after a three weeks' visit In St. Paul, Minn. , Mr. and Mrs. Kllinger and Mr. and Mrc Onus. Frlsbje t'iok dinner at Qtiarles Dean's Sunday. ANlr. Sprinkle of Cowles was a pleas- Yix, al'r '"J'0 Saturday night. wty ' xflr Bmbiker and sons are erecting a line new dwelling for Mr. Fiuv. Thursday evening Ui young married club travo a reception in honor of M. n nd Mrs, Prink, at the home of J. V. Slauont The eveuing was spout in gEjgBffl ARTICLES GIVEN: Covered Dishes, Oyster Bowls, 5 1-2, Cracker. Jar, inch Berry Set, Celery Trays, ' c aAv Koidal amuset:)ents and a bounteous luncheon was served. The LidlPs'JUninn society will meet with Mrs. Charles Friable next Wednes day. . Curt and Ed Biouch were called to Johnstown, Pa., to attend the funeral of their bi other. Ernest Terrill and family visited with Charles Lewis .Saturday. G. W Hutfrtr anlil a lnwl n linna Tuesday. Peail lllnns is slowly recovering from a severe llluees. " . ', Mrs. C'tiB. Raaspr left Wednedny for New Wtiatcom,,Wsh whore, she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Alva Sinks. "I' ' BIMM0 ' R. C. ChPvaljer.lsVentlng his build iug ion new coat'.oT paint.. Work lias bogurlVon Joe Denton's new dwelling, n,4be east part of town. Herb McCoy drove down to Red Cloud last Saturday, returning Sunday. L C. Culloy was a passenger for Lawernce Monday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rood are tho proud pareutsofmhabyglrl, born last Tuesday, , Mrc Cutter was In Blue Hill Wedno's. day. & Ernest McCoy vnnd 'family moved to Qtmphell last Tuesday. Mrs, Swnrlz of Hnstings is visiting at the uomo of V. I) Householder. Miss .Tune Wooilnlilttlf.fi. In at WuiI.k.o. jday for Ikutiice, where she will visit RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 14, 1904, W wffi? V?ih l friends bofnro returning to her homo in iiiiiMiip, Ernest Grnbb returned from St. Louis latt Tuesday after a week's visit at the World's fair. John McCallum returned from the World's fair Monday. Mr and Mis..JaUH8 0'Neall loftMon day for Henke man, nltsr spending a week with tneir uncle, II. II. Uoyd, south of town. 6uldc Rock, Mr. llnrry Vaughn and Miss Hertha blmppaid were married at th homo of tho bride's mother Monday October Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ohmstode nre the parents of a boy, born last Satur day. George Reeves lias returned from Frontier county, I. U C dvin aud E. J. Henry were in Mt, Claiu Tuesday Jim Pnilgett, formerly of Red Cloud, is working in the Hunt barber shop. Tho lat iiece of the livery barn was moved off Tuesday. Harry Vaughn and wife have gone to the Worln's fair and will visit in Micbi gan beforo roturning home, C. V. limhee win down from Red Cloud Wednosday fixing tho walks around his propel ty. Frank Shunitn has returned to Guide Rock to mtku this his homo for tho pu'seut, Mr aud Mn. Ed Pirkor, Mr. Hunter aud daughter, Miss Ljdia Ciiliiniui gFiiii Gravy Boat and Stand Chocolate Set, Sugar and Creamer, Platters. and lirithorand MIssLula Hughes lofi l.uoduy morning for M. Louis. i m Cewles. Claude Rippeioe was in town Tiio? day shaking hands with old friends. Mis. N. CraiTord came down from Hastings 'liiuisday to make a short visit with Mrs. Carrier. Tho ladies Gymnasium club will give a backward social at the A O U.W. Hall Friday evening October 14. Every body invited. Ed Koon has returned from Nelson aud is icady for work onco tuoro in uis butcher shop, . Stillwater. Weather still warm. C irm husking wili'soon begin. O.iver Hudson is working for Will iam Finney. Andrew Taylor is working for G. A. Albin, U. J. Lum is attending tho Feszel murder tiial at Nelson as a witness. Grandma Crozler is spending a fow days with her daughter, Mrs. John Kiirack. Mr. and Mrs. G M4 AlWn contcm platoattenuing the NYorll'i fnir. W. A. Howard had several loams hauling corn to Guide Rook Wednes day. Every family that attinds church' regulurlv has a phono on-the Glenwood line, and thern ate mote to fallow, Another to updone lino is being talked of, to uogiu at Pi A. Killough's ' noi tlioast corner, thonco running north aud east to L'lwtenee, . Tho teacher and pupils in district No. no are trying to induce the school biiaidto buy or rent an organ for usu in the school. Tnoy havo their cholco of two Hecond hind oiganc, eitlitr of which can bo bought tbea. Real Estate Iransfcrs. Trnnslois for week ending Wednos nay, uc. ia, fuinisheil by Oailcy ot Wubsiur County J. H. Abstract company. Canie L Hakor to Mary A Che v d'or lois I mid 2 blk r, 1st aild t Hiuden wd Luelin T Maker el at to Romulus CCheViiliei loin Bund 4 blk A 150 1-t adit t liladeu wd ino 100 in Eiiieliim D Kohtlii to W It Hui -well pi m4 31.J IB vd Guide Hock Cemetery to Geo ii McC ill lot 'J 1 1 M) eemuierv wd C 1. Columbia anil wile to Cnu" L E HoiIqos el nl IiiIh 5 and II blk 1 Vh net's mill to C! R d 705 Calvin F Moianvilu to H H .Mi'iMiivillo iniH 11 and in and pt Hi blk :t Guide ltdoi. i d 700 J' liu M.'Culn and ul'f to iOiiitmiio 11 Prico nel and u'i "I 18 .'t t) wd 0000 Finnk A Svi and wife to VS Alib lot 7 blk 0 Moruys add to liliiti Hill wd 10 Iaura Unlc.1) and hush to Einmn Myetsital UndU7 nel 11 4 10 wd 03'J3 Otio Kmtt and wife to Kil.iheth K.'sion n4 18-4 IS wd 3500 (Soorgo A Spurck lo Francis S Spuruk I 'i 10 blk 1 Vances add to Guide Rock qud 1 Total 117071 Moitgages tiled WXM) Morignges leleas-o $.1200. About Road Building, INAVAI.K, NK.ii., Oct. IS. Editor ClllKK: In last week's ClliKK you tefer to tho road running uorih from Red Cloud as an example of tho manner in which the roads of tho country districts nre built. Why not take the road running east and wait through Inavale, where hundreds of What does the Breakfast-Bell MIA4M tt T tUAVCVU. AAA yot household- Light, whole - some Biscti made with 7 Dr. PRICE'S Baking o unwholesome alum baking powdet? It is worth you a a- TiJ?jz!:&,'-f. ai 4 NUMBER 12 dollars havo been paid nut hy tho o itinty commissioners for making it int ponds and water courses and other wist) rendering it unsafe nnd unlit for travel, and uostiuotivo to adjoining propei tv T AsTiik Ciiikf remarks, "something should im done," With your permiss ion I will suggest a rvnu'dy next week. V J. Vanck. Advertised Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for at posmlllcu at Red Cloud, Nob , for tho noek ending Cut. l.'l, 1004: Joe Capps, Aruet Claoiprt, II. E. Dunham, W. H Dnugheity, Aiihnr M. Foard, Perry Gatisoway nnd Frank Nicker. Tlioso will ho sent to tho dead letter ollico Dot. 27, 1001, if not called for before. When tailing for above plensosay "advortlced." T. C. Haokkii, Postmaster. - i A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. Iteliiinr, blind, lib oiling or protrud ing Piles. Diugtilsta icfnnil money if Pur, i Ointment fail ti euro any cne, no tu'i'tnr of how lim st'imlitif;, in C to 11 days. Fit Bt appllcalion gives titso and rest. fiOc. If your driiKgist hnyn't it send fiOo in stauiis. iiud it will be for warded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co. St. Louis, Mo. i Farmers' Institute Mcctlni. Wolister County Farmers' Institute will hold a hutinuss session at Cowles on Satmday, Ooioliar 22, for tho pur pose of milking arrangements for the institute this winter. Ah fartuors nro urged to attend. H. G. Kkknkt, Prcs. C. E. Putnam, Sec. ... Local Grain Market. (Furnished by O. It (Campbell) A Thursday, Out. 111. Wheat 92o Com, shelled l)8o Oats, No. 8 white Silo Rye, No. 3 59o -. Now would bo good timi to pay veur btck subscription to tbu paper. We would appreciate tt. s Powder? food made with n I white to inquire lTl(i'is.j8jw n t? I I IibWv 1 lei V . 7MhflNW -wVU ,1, h m ii --BL Bk V"V"a'l--BBBBBBBBBBBBmiyil -I r -sisisisisB ID I i iBSBSBSBSBSsAef I bbbsbbJ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb 1 y - ii i. i,i,..iVt.-f';j?r,'. 4 rtto