: smssssssssssssss JOHN BURT Author of 'Th Kldnippt Millionaires," OOPTIltaitT, tlXK, DT FntDIuICK UPUA.U AIUMS Alt rights remicd CHAPTER XXXIII Continued. "You are very good to como nt this hour," the sufferer said. "I spoko to you this evening of my dear friend from California. Miss Cardcn, allow me to present him. God bless you both I" And thus they met. after tho weary fllsht of years. Tenderly laying Illake hack on the pillows, John clasped Jessie's hands and looked In her face. "John!" "Jessie!" "Take her In your nrms, John! Don't mind me. She loves " Ills voice died with a whisper, nnd, with a long-drawn sigh, he closed his eyes. "He's dying! Call the doctor!" ex claimed Jessie, fear nnd pity chasing the love light from her eyes. "Don't send for him, I'm all right now," pleaded Illake, opening his eyes. "Let mo Ho hero and talk to you. The sight of you two Is hotter than all the drugs or Instruments. I have something to tell you Miss Car den. I " "You promised not to talk," Inter rupted John Burt, with n look nt Blake which had all the effect of a command. "Let me say Just a word!" ho ex claimed. "To see you two together, nnd to hold your hands In mine af ter all that ha3 happened, gives mo new courage and reneweJ ambition." Tho subdued sound of conversation came from the adjoining room. All of Blake's faculties seemed abnor mally acute. "Is not that Edith's voice?" he asked. "She is In the other room," said Jessie. "Lot her como In," pleaded Blake. John made a gesture of disapproval. "I should llko to see her, but you know best, I suppose, John," he said. Dr. Harkness entered the room nnd signaled to John that the interview must end. Blake gallantly raised Jessie's hand to his lips. . "Good-bye, until I'm better," ho said, almost gaily. "You and John have saved my life." John escorted Jessie to the door, whispered n few words and returned to Blake's side. "You're a god, John!" said Blake, in a low tone. "You are tho only man In the world worthy tho love of such a woman." It Is merciful to draw the curtain over the two hours which followed. At last n moment como when the grave face of Dr. Harkness was touched with a smile of professional pride, as he drew from an Incision a flattened, Jagged piece of lead. Tho patient glanced at It with paln-dls-torted eyes, and then Bank Into a Bleep, the awakening from which meant so much In deciding for life or death. CHAPTER XXXIV. The End. Peter Burt stood by tho gateway and shaded his eyes with his hand as he gazed down the road. Two weeks before that day ho had re ceived his first letter from John. It briefly and modestly recited the story of his struggles and of his success, and ended with an account of the tragedy which resulted In the death of Arthur Morris and the wounding of Blake. Tho old-fashioned clock had sound ed the midday hour, nnd Peter Burt looked beyond tho turn of the road, whero the yellow-brown of dust had dulled tho grcon of foliage. Respond ing to the touch of a whip a spirited team of horses dashed ahead as they reached the summit of the hill. Sam Rounds was driving, and a .stranger to Peter Burt was beside hint. John( Burt and Jessie wero in the rear seat. "God is very good to us, John," said Peter Burt, as ho took his grandson's "hand and looked, through glad tears, into hts face. Ills stern old face grow toudor as he turned to Jessie Carden. An old man's blessing on your pretty head," ho said, gently touching tip folds of her hair with his huge paV- "You nro very beautiful, my daughter, and It Is God's will that you flhall bo happy. I am glad to see you again, Samuel." He looked searchlngly at tho silent man In the front seat. "I do not know you, air," he said. Ty FREDERICK UPHAM ADAMS "ColonsI Monro1 Dctrln," Etc. CorTiimuT, isos. nr A. J. DllMXSIj UlUDIi extending his hand, "but any Wend of my grandson's is welcome to such hospitality as a Burt can offer." "Aye. nyo, sir; Captain Burt! My name's Hawkins John Hawkins, nnd I'm coming ashore," said the gentle man, stepping from the carrlnge. Peter Burt grasped him by tho shoulders and stared Into his face. "Jack Hawkins! Jack Hawkins, of the Segregnnsett! The dead has como to life, and (Sod Is good to his serv ant! Forgive me. Hawkins, as Ho has forgiven me!" "Nothing to forgive. Captain Burt!" exclaimed John Hawkins, heartily, as he grasped the patriarch's hand. "You dropped me oft the Segregnnsett in Hin rliht nlnrn nnd at the right time. Destiny orders all these things, nnd old destiny and I arc chums. I'll tell you all about It. Captain Burt, when we have lots of time." Linked arm In arm fi old captain and his first mate entered the wide tloor ot tho Burt rurmhouso. Never had the great oaken tabic up held such a dinner. Mrs. Jasper was temporarily supplanted by a chef from Boston. Bare old plato came, for tho first time In John's recollection, from mysterious chests stored away In the attic. Those who surroundod the board never will forget tho Invocation offered by Peter Burt when he blessed the food. The shadows which dark ened his life had all been lifted, and the austere cloud passed from his leatures as fog betore a quickening gale. Glistening in a new cont of paint, the Standish bobbed at the landing when John helped Jessie on board. They had accepted Sam Round's In vitation to a clambake at Churchill's Grove, and Snm asked all hjs old friends and neighbors. For the first time In the memory of the living gen eration Peter Burt attended an out ing. Under the giant pines he sat with John Hawkins and told and lis tened to tales of the sea. The Standlsh pointed her bow out towards Minor's Light, and picked her way between threatening rocks. Un der tho shadow of Black Reef John dropped the anchor and watched tho lino until It became taut ns thn inrnm. Ing tide swept them near tho rocks. Above his head he could see tho spot whore he had knelt as a boy nnd listened to Peter Burt while ho prayed to tho God who ruled the storm. For some minutes no words wero spoken. "Do you remember the last time wo were here, Jessie?" ho asked. "Yes, John," without raising her oyes. "Do you remember what I said to you that day. Jessie?" "I I think I do, John." It may havo been tho reflection of tho sun, but a touch of crimson came to her cheeks. "It was a long tlmo ngo, John, and perhaps I've forgotten Just what you said. Can you repeat it?" An arm reached out and tho llttlo hand was firmly clasped. "I told you that I loved you, Jessie," ho said. Tho Imprisoned hand made no attompt to escape. "I told you that that love was my Inspiration; that no woman on earth should sharo It; that no matter whatever befell you sunshine or rain, happiness or sorrow that my nmbltlon was to seo you showered with all the blessings God can grant to a good woman; I said that If a day camo when I had a right to ask your lovo In return that I HUOIlfU (in SO. mat; ntr nn nlnln. nn our old friendship. And thon you saiu something. Jessie do you re member what you said, darling?" "I said that 1 wanted you to lovo me, but not to speak of It again until I said you could." nnii Toad. lifting her laughing oyes. "You can any u again ir you wish to. John." Two soft nrms were around his neck and two sweet lips met his. "You knew I would wait for you, John, didn't you?" v John Burt's modest mansion stands on tho crest of tho hill which slopes down to the old farmhouse. It com mands a superb view of the crescent Hweep of ocean beach, and also of the more qulot beauties of Hlngham bay. Verdant terraces and winding paths and roads como to the edgo of the yard surrounding tho old homestead, but no gurdener's hand kas been per mitted to touch the quaint surronnd- "John!" "Jexe" J lugs, sacred to the ancestral foundor of the house of Burt. tn tho long summer dsia Josslo's children play about' Poter Burt's knees. Neatly five- score years havo passed over his head. His shoulders nro bent, nnd tho voice falters nt times, but his eyes preserve the spark of tholr wonted fires. Watched nnd cared for by those who love him, he calmly awaits the. coming of the reaper. Into whoso gar-' ncr long slnco have been gathered the atoms ot his generation. I A few miles away another mansion fronts the ocean. James Blako and his fair Kdlth have been blessed with two children nnd with each other's love. A roguish boy bears tho nnmc of John, nnd n dainty little miss re sixMids to the name of Jessie. James Blake Is now In fact ns well ns In name the head of the great firm so conspicuous tn this narrative. In a thousand ways he hns merited the confidence reposed in him by John Burt. Generous ns yet, almost to n fault, he has acquired with responsi bility that breadth of view and poise of Judgment which found Its highest expression in the man who made hl, success possible. Retiring from active business when most men are making a start, John Burt bus devoted his time to the study of statesmanship In Its purest sense. PollUcal honors have crowded upon him. There nro thousands who share the confident faith of his lov ing wife that the highest placo In the gift of the people shall some day, crown his career. There are frequent reunions In the old farmhouso or on the spacious lawns surrounding John Burt's resi dence. Once a year Sam Rounds su perintends a clambake, nnd John Hawkins always mannges to be pres ent. To the latter's inquiries con cerning tho future Mrs. Rounds, Sam turns a grinning, untroubled face. "No man In Rocky Woods Is a bach elor until he Is waY past sixty," Sam declares, "an' I'm spry yet as n colt In clover. Sometimes Ma Rounds la a bit doubtful crbout my matrimonial chances, but I has hopes; I still has hopes. Edith, may I help you to some more of them clams? Jessie, please pass .young, Master Burt's plato; It's empty nlready. "How that boy grows! He's coming tip like Bparrowgrass al ter a rain." !Mrs. Rounds bustles around, hel oyes bright with tho Joy of being busy. "You set down, Ma Rounds," com mands Sam In a hopeless tone. "You set right down nnd let us young folks wait on the table. I can't break her of workln', John; I swan, I Just can'! do nothln' with her. Well," raising a glass of sparkling elder, "hero's God bless alL,good people, an' happy day tew all of ye!" (Tho End.) HARD WORK TO KILL BEAR. North Carolina Men Evidently Nol the Marksmen Their Fathers Were Some of the citizens of tho Ashland section had a novol oxperlcnco In killing a big black bear recently. H was discovered passing across th bottoms of the Bushnoll plantation about noon, by Alfred Jones, a color ed tenant on tho place, who notified nil the farmers in tho neighborhood. A number of men camo with their dogs and their guns and proceeded to locate the beast. Tho dogs soon sfitick tim roi. anu several or tho hunters )t within closo ranee at 1 nVinnt m.. .. i loads wero fired into him before" he iiau ummrenuy noticed any onslaught Firing continued for several hours iwi Biigni enect, and several fierce fights between tho dogs nnd the bear occurred, but he apparently mado no effort to attack any of tho huntsmen. Lato In tho afternoon, nfter consld erable dodging In a thick swamp, he climbed largo tree. Several shots were flitsd nt him from below, nnd ho went out on n llmli u-hfi. ,,, small It broke under his weight. wnen nc leu to tho ground Mr. Ed Harrlll was at very closo range nnd got a good aim at a point Just below thG heart, which ended tim ,.ir. Mr. Summers, who sent for his wagon, carried the Imar to the near, est scales and found that ho weighed 267 pounds. Charlotte Observer. Scientific English Farming. At Farlngdon. Berkshire, farming has been raised to a science. Mr. George Adams, -r the royal prize farm Wadley house, farms somo 4.000 ccs' of which about half is arable and half pasture. He employs from 200 to 230 laborers, milks COO cows dally, keeps about forty Shlro brood mares, a score of breeding sows, and from 3,000 to 4,000 laying hens, grows about 1,000 acres of grain, besides attending to umui mumianous items in the ordi nary course of farm practice About 1,000 acres of meadow hay are har vested annually. All the work, cut ting, carrying and ricking, Is dono bv piecework. Tld-Blts. Llnd Resembles Lincoln. Representative John Llnd of Minne sota, who has twice been governor of that state and has been nominated for Justlco of tho Supremo Court, is said to bear a marked resemblance to Lincoln. In fact, ho seems a por feet doublo of the martyred Presi dent; oven tho expression of his face Is similar, as well as Its contour. Ho is extremely tall end gaunt and has a shambling gait. The Woman of It. Sho I had a aplendld half hour's chat with young Slmpklns last even ing. He Indeed! Why, everybody says he Is Bttipld and never says anything. ohv iruo; mu nos an excellent listener. w ' J -ass Short Circular Capes In Style. Short circular capes are nil tho fashion right now. Thow most In vogue for bite August days and early nntumn weather are of conrse lace; any lace like C'luny. Bingo or point Venlso Is In favor. Tho capos vary In length. Sometimes they fall Just to the shoulders, other reach to the bust line, and still others touch the waist. in cent or dyed to match tho color of tho gown they will be the most fas lonable during the early fall. The smart girl Is sum to contrive many imel ways or lidding to the charm of her cnpp; She may fasten It down the front with big. hrilstlc looking but tons, or it may have the effect of be ing tied together with many smnrt looking Utile black satin bows. If shu wishes to more decidedly cunngo Its efjvt she. 111 slip sutlu uiessallno or velvet rlbons through the meshes of the lnce at either side of the, froM. At the neck the ribbons are tied In rosettes, and then again n bit further down. September Woman's Home Co m pan I on. iu TZ IT -u-JLi. Midget Furniture. For the nursery there Is midget fur niture, of a kind that delights the hearts of the children, not doll funil tile, but furniture of Just the right suit for the use of children; comfort aMo easy chairs about one-third tho she of those In mother's room, cov ej'jij with pretty cretonne; a small so.'u ami a llttlu box couch, covered to mtteh, says the Ohio State Journal. Th little toilet table Is draped with tut cictonne, nnd there are hangings of t at the door. A small white writ ing ilcsk'nnd tnble, with a white chair of corresponding size, have a place In ono corner of the room nnd on the den I arc slate and pencil nnd nn al phabet game. Tho cretonne box couch makes ng excellent receptacle for toys when they are no't In use. Excellent Pear Dessert. Ccok one-half cup of rlco twenty .11 mules In plenty of boiling salted vate Drain and put In thu double bollcJ, with a half cup of rich milk. Cook until the rice is soft nnd the milk absorbed. Sweeten lightly nnd seaHoi with n few drops of vanilla, two tlaspoonfuls of preserved ginger Julco ind a few drops of lemon Julco. Turn into a mold to cook Drain a quart of stewed pears free from juice, fill thilr centers with preserved gin ger clvpped fine and moistened with a tcnfpoonful of orange Juice. Turn tho rice Into a low glass dish, arrange tho pejrs about It, and garnish with ginger nnd whipped cream. " ' q. ---Sfl?1' , For Afternoon Wear. Full waists made with deep point ed yolfri nro exceedingly becoming to glrlljh figures and are much liked for tho waists of afternoon wear. This one Is made of rose-colored wool ba tiste, tie yoke being of finely tucked Bilk, wl'h a design of bias banding forming-loops In which medallions of lace re set, and round the lower edgo of i tho yoke Is a frill which matches the waist and which Is stitched jaud trimmed with an em broldereiVfwjd. To mnke the waist UP8lsrd by Ma- Manton, for a girl of'll years of age will bo required 5 jfcrds of material 21, 4 yards 27 or 2K yards 41 Inches wide, with 1 yard ijr yoking material. Gifpe Catsup. To make gjape catsup get seven pounds of grafes. Pick them off tho stems, wash jhem, put them In a stone Jar andlset the Jar over tho fire In a deepipot of boiling water. Let the grapeslcook In this nnr.r-r for an hour IiA order to loosen tho seeds. Reraovrt from tho flro and train through i sieve, being careful that all the puljjsoos through. Then add a pint Uf Bocnl eldflr vliteimr three am a lialfpofiitritt of stigaf Htii ! uuq u iiairno tspoortful enflt is. Return b Ihlclc. r a toaspoortrul enjll of cinnamon and cloves. Return b the flro and cOok until Fish Puddlrfa. Ingredients Oie-half pound cookod fish, 4 pound cocod potato,. 1 ounce butter, 1 egg.- 1 tibl'osooonful' rtilik.. i teaspoonful chopfed paisley, popper ana sail, Method Roraovi the fat n,i iin from the fish, andlbroak tho Dili Into small Hakes; rub the potato through a wire sieve; ml! It with tho fish, add pepper and snlt; melt tho butter In it samvpan. add the fish mixture to It. mix well together; ndd tho egg (well beaten), the milk and parsley; pour the mixture Into n buttered mould or pie dish, cover with crumbs, bake In ;i moderate oven for about Ihlity minutes, turn out on to a dish paper, garnish with pnnley nnd lem on, nnd serve. Misses' Tourist Coat. Tho tourist roat hns taken a firm hold on popular fancy nnd will be . . i i . .. . much worn during the coming season bv voimc Klrls ns well nn bv crown "v, , , ". ------- women. Th s one Is pecu llnrly deslr- the costume equally well, hut, In the case of the model. Is mndc of dark blue cheviot tilinmed with brnld and ntlfchi'il wti cortleelll silk am Is designed for wear over any gown. The coat Is made with loose fronts and back, tho latter being confined at the waist lino by means of n belt cut In two portions that are lapped one over the other nnd held by but tons. The sleevvs nro wldo and nm pie. finished with roll-over finrc cuffs. Tho quantity or material required for tho medium size Is 4-4 yards 27 Inches wide, 2 ynrds 41 Inches wld or 2-7i ynrds C2 Inches wide. tK tr? "-- r -mT' o Jellied Salmon. i.. Thoso who arc most Interested In llio moro substantial courses nt the tubje will bo glad to try the Jellied Salmon, which jnalces a most appetiz ing as well ns a taslQful luncheon dleh, or one tp bo served at a' Sunday evening . supper. It la oaslly made. Soak ono tablespoonful of gelatine as usual, and mix it with a can ol salmon and three-quarters of a cup of salad dressing. Set It away to harden. This is but one of tnnny similar dishes which any skilful cooV may devise. n Fancy Covert Coats. Lest the covert coat approach mo notony n variety of finishings is In troduced Into Its mnklng. Full Blceves have been Introduced, and now somo of tho short Jnckcts havo full backs new in nt the waist with a short jjtrap. Olliors havo wldo stitched buiTln curved around over the shoul ders n.-.'J way to tho back, forming a cape offeC!- Slot scams, braiding, appliques and fujlllngs nro all Intro duced, lendlnir thfc nreLwhllo Blninle covert Jacket a most festive ah,VJ?ct. New Form of Entertainment. At a luncheon a short tlmo ngo a now form of entertainment was pro vided by tho guests themselves. Tho hostess asked each ono to come In some wny representing her fad; then tho guests weru supplied with pencils nnd cards and the ono who guessed tho greatest number of hobbles sug gested received a prize. Ono girl, who wished to show that sho was fond of music, had fastened to her dress a picture of a crying kitten will n bandaged head mleu-slck. Ml. Pineapple and Orange. Cut the top from n plneapplo and carefully remove tho Insldo, so that tho shell may not bo broken. Cut the pulp Into bits, mix It with the pulp of three rlpo oranges, also cut very small, and liberally sweeten the mix ture. Smooth off the bottom of the pineapple sticll so that It will stand upright, refill with the fruit pulp, and set In the Ice for three hours. Mixed Catchup. Take equal quantities of green to matoes, white onions nnd cabbage grind In a sausago mill. Sprinkle with salt, turn Into a bag and hang up to drain all night. Put In a Jar with one ounce each of white mus tnrd seed, powdered mace, ground cloves nnd nllsplco; chop two pods of red popper and add. Cover with strong, cold vinegar. Whole Canijed Tomatoes. PnVmerse the tomatoes In bolllni water and slip off) the skins, into a largo kettle of boiling wator put JU8i enough tomatoes to fill a tar rv,.,. and steam for eight minutes, the pack Into a hot Jaf, fill to overflowlnt ..-in. i... i.,.iti.. .:..., . . ' mm iinj uuiiuik fHier anu seal. "M. AKE NOT FOR SLE NEW ENGLAND FARMS HELD Fpn SENTIMENTAL REASONS. v . Old Owners Keep Them for Burial Sites for Children Who Want Away One Man's Pathetic Reason for Keeping His Land. "All tho farms In New England are not In the market," said a man whose business tends to speculation In farm property. "Somo are being held by tho old people as n matter of Bontl moiTt. "In ono of my recent trips down In Malno I stopped nt a farmhouso that was erected more than sixty years ngo. The ownor did not know It, but I had gone nil over hts land and had tnkon a fancy to It. Ho and his house keeper wero tho sole occupants ot tho house at the tlmo of my visit. "Wo wero on tho veranda ono even ing, when I broached tho subject of buying his farm. Ho said It was not ior mwu ill. nny pi tl,plonintlcnl)y ft's . . ... for sale at nny price. I suggested as I rnlild that hn wmuu not nccu tuo pinco mucu longer, , t , th l pro09et, would not need tho placo much longer. to pay him ho could pass tho remain der of his days In peace, n,n.d. ndo pcnUonce. - - Mbijw j "I Imew (.hut JiO had n, bpy In Now York who was doing well, and who V'oiiiil never return to the old farm. I jiicptloocd this a-? nn Jnd,UQomoiU to make the trade. lie shook his head tho moro determinedly. '' 'That's the rcasop )io saldt 'that I don't want to sell. If It waa not fot that hoy I might be tempted to lot (he old placo go. But It's this way: "'Ho was born hero. He wont to school not mora thnn throe miles from hero. He knows cvory path In tho woods. Ho has played all over this ground ns far as your eyes can see. , "JuBt across tho fiord over there Is tho family burying ground. His mother and brother and sister are all there, sldo by side. I guess yotfTfo right when you gay ho will not want to coin back. Hoi goFTo bo quite a city mnn, nnd J never expect to see him como back hero to live. Per haps 'talu't natural that he should. "'I ain't never nsked him to come back, and 1 don't think that I ever shall. But somo of theso days when ho gets along whero I am now, maybo ho'll get tired. Of course, ho'll have his own home In the city by that tlmo, where no CaiTiilt down and take It easy. I hopo bo. " ' "iC '&8J1 " 'But nfter that It may be somoCoiF solatlon to him to know that ho will bo sent back here. That's why the farm ain't for sale.' "And his refusal to sell Is the ro fusal of many othcra In tho old state. They arc holding on their places for tho sako of tholr children who havo gone nway, but who, thoy aro suro, will be sent back If thoy do not como of the'lf own volition. That Is why the od farms In NoW'EuKland aro not Tor sale." Nov? York Bud. !JV?w 'BQ Idyll of the Ballroom. Alio dropped this rosebud half an hour ngo Whllo gllillnir through that witching waltz of HtrauHs; I naved it from iloMtructlnn dlro below Tho poudjsrous feet of Phillips and hi epouso;- . r Toll iflir, sweet rose, beforo your petals fall, Does my love know I love her best ot a"7 - ri Another walls! And, ns 1 feared, aaaln 'lhat chiitterln noodle, Urlga, her vis- Ilo's rich, .though rather passe, and Its He loves hcr-that tho very blind could see. How graciously ihe HMens to his drawlt ' Ah, can aim know I lovo tier bct of all? I never told her how her wbmotno faco ' Lomcii to my thoughts unhid tho whole day through; I never aski-d tit-r If thcro Is a place lu her young tieart whore I'm remom heied, too. Yet, watching- her, I lean ngalust tho wull And tell my soul I Jove her best of all. Now halts the muslo for a little urare; And ne.itt-il. Hco, Mho gathers daintily Her gown's gray foldB usldo to make a phi co A placo Tor Brlggs! By Jove, sho beck- niiR! My queen, I come! Now, let what may byfall me! 1 .Vjoow she knows I lovo her best of all. The 80fieilH dawn steals up the whiten ing R. The llglitx uro olU. the music dumb and dead; v Beneath tho stars togolTHNV j" and I. in nour ago wnai wus It tfuJru " Htrnngu gladness thrills my lieui? recall V, Her whispered words: "I lovo you bes("?Wk San Francisco Argonaut. " Passing of the Pen. "Tho typewriter has destroyed tho golden futuro that we foresaw for our business," Bald a manufacturer of pons. "If the typewriter's field of use fulness keeps on enlarging there will scarcely bo any need for pen fifty years nence." 4 w,'-.. iiw Tho man alghed. WjWtt "When I entered tho pen trade In my boyhood It Beemcd," ho said, "that this, above all trades, was thn nnn hu. tlncd to spread. In my dreams I saw mo wnoie world, educated at last, writing with nons of mv miim Tt.An the typewriter came. I sneered at it In the beginning. I called It a toy But today It will do everything si pen will do. It will make out bills and chocks, address envolopes of every shape, make entries in all sorts- of books. Wo ponmakera aro beginning to suffer from tho typewriter's advent. Wo nro shutting down. We are laying on nanus, it Is easy fc aco that tho day will come when peas will only ue useu ior polite correspondence and. tor me signature." Baltimore Heraldi German Emarssa Is 8tudlouj Ono of the vaoat studious qucap j' Luropo la the Gorman omDresfia; ceremony. Her majosty i study is medicine, and 8:naW' structed herself so well ,JK?j,M'vt iei.l-7.7-J healing that she is regan , WUQ tuiropo is tno uorman omprcwwiw i cares very little Indeed for poi' uentM' ceremony. Her majosty's AV0WmT ' I an efficient adviser in :f ordl- X i nary Illness -KM . h i