Lit .& .,t'-.a.;.'!' 'v-;T. : '' A- w fc jffi.'-: fs . ji- - iMUifc-hWIViulkfcVtoJfcMWV M Ik I Ht fl Easy Running is the GREAT Bettendarff All Steel Gear you get a wagon that runs easy, because the axles never spring under a load, and the gather in the wheels is the same loaded or empty. It will never rot, and the seams can't come loose. Call and see this wagon it will pay you. BUGGIES. I will save you from seven to ten dollars on a Buggy. The way the Buggies went out last week show my prices are right, and I give you the latest goods out. Come in and see me before you buy. JANES PETERSON. L0CA1ETTES 4 m J Plumb has Rod Cloud Hour. Stock saddles at Joe Fogel's. Go to Fred Plumb's for flour or feed. J. P. Hale sells land, and sells it quick. tf Our new yarns are all In. F. New house. J. E Corwin was up from Guide Rock Sunday. A. K. Haas was down from Rosemont Tuesday. Joe Blair was in Red Cloud tho first of the week. Cream white Henrietta, 25o yari'. F. Nowhouso. Loon Marsh camo down from Kear ney Tuesday. Goorge MoCrary went to St. Louis Monday night. Hurry Vaughn was up from Guide Rock Wednesday. Low Soderborg was in town the last part of last wook. Tho county commissioners are in session this week. Mrs. Fred Gund Blue Hill this week. was down from G. R. Hendricks was over from Womer, Kan., Tuesday. Fay and Sara Arneson were down from Inavale yesterday. See Joe Fogel for anything in the harness or saddlery line. Judge Keeney in taking in the World's fair at St. Louis this week. American Beauty corsetB, every pair guaranteed. F. Newhouse. P. Uarkley is able to be around again after a long and severe illness. L. H. Fori went to Omaha Tuesday ' to take in the Ak-Sir-Mon carnival. Quick service and ilrst class work is the motto at Schafinit'a harbor shop. Mrs. Dr. Creighton was tho guoit of Mrs. Ur. Riddile in Hastiugs Sunday. Miss Uerlhi Sheppard of Guido Rook was shopping in Rsd Cloud Wednesday. Work on the foundation for tho now M, E. church bogan Wednesday morn' Jug. Mrs. Magglo Smith, who has boon visiting Miss Kicker, has returned homo. I am miking a specialty of pnnlio mans tine laundry work Mrs. N. H. Rants. Mrs. John A. Harbor went to Almono, Khu., Thursday for a visit with her son Charles. Miss Gortie Koon cnmo down from Oxford to nlioud tho Catlier-Auld wedding. Girl Wnntod Dining room girl wtiutud at tho Uou l'on. W. S. Rcnso proiietor. Rev. Bites occupied the pulpit of ono of the largest Episcopal uhurches in Lincoln Suud.ay. Thoro will bo a game of football this afternoon between tho high school and the regular team. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hoaton woro over from Womor this wouk visiting with Mr. aud Mrs, J. W. Klusel. Julian Sapp expects to leavo next .Monday for llutto, Mont., uftor an ox tendedvisit with his mother. Mk& Ktuol Stewart, Delia Nowmnn ud Etta Post of Rlvorton woro shop ping in Rod Cloud last Saturday. Will Muuson, stepson of 0. W. Bu- efl6YT?UNN'N6 POINT in a wagon. In the thee, accidentally shot himself through the hand with a 22 caliber rifle last Sat urday. Elmer Kaley has returned to his home in Denver after a short visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs A. H. Kaley. J. M. Chaffln is attending to the bus iness of the county court during the absence of Judge Keeney in St. Loul Mr. Julia Warren left today for Lincoln to attend the state meeting of the Congregationalism in session in that city. Miss Beulah Harman left Sunday morning for Liaooln, where she will take a course in elocution at the Uni versity of Nebraska. Councilman W. R. Parker who has been confided to his bed with an attack of rheumatism, waa able to be around the first of lb week. Saturday night Charlev Qurnev received from the west 182 head of fine heavy feeding cattle, running from 1 200 to 1,400 pound?. Mrs. L H. Fort and daughters, Nette ana Heme, wont to Omaha Monday morning to visit Charley and lake in the AkSir-Uen festivities. Mrs. C. C. Cox was called to Lincoln Sundav on account of tho lllna nf her daughter, Mrs. Daisy Cox, who is snuering witn lypnoia lever. Miss Grace Murphy, who is teaching at uxiora tnis year, camo down to attend the Catber-Auld wedding Tues day. She returned to Oxford Wednes day morning. Miss Dora Cnrbett, daughter of J. W. i;nrnett, ana Misses Hazel and Goldle Harrington, all living just aoross the line in Kansas., are suffering from severe cases of ivy poisoning, Frank C. Piatt of Pasadena. Cal.. in the city Saturday. Several Tears ago he was an employe of the Riverton bank, but is now engaged in tho real estate business at Pasadena. Lulu Stanhope, St. Louis: "I used to have a horrid complexion. I took Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain Tea and am called the prottlest girl in the city." lea or tablets, .jo cunts. u. h. (jotting The chicken season oponed last Sat' unlay, and on Sunday tho fields worn tilled wltn sportsmen, However, we have so far failed to hear of anyone who succoeueu in bagging a chiokon. County Surveyor ,r Frank Kuohn and Mayor Ross Monday morning es tablished the grade for the new walk which is to bo laid in front of and on the south side of Peterson's hardwaro store. Herman Wobbermin, who was taken to the iuann asylum at Lincoln a cou ple of week ago, has escaped from that mnitiitiuii and the authorities hero have boon warned to bo on tho look out for him. A. B Ritchoy, who wns a cand(dato for tho nomination for county attorney on tho Republican ticket last summor, will open n law niuco in lien uioua in thn near future, lin was in Red Cloud Tuosday looking up oiUco rooms. Glen Walker, son of Dol Walker, won thn oiizlit day watch ottered by Now- honso Brothers in their guessing contest. Hi guessed the watch would run 8 days 10 hours 40 minutes, and it actually ran o uaysiu hours u'J minute? Thn members of the T. 1. Onh Oarnl val Co. of St. Paul, Minn., with whom Jesse Huoll was traveling when ho sus tuinod the accident which resulted in his death, have ordered a monument to ho placed over his grave at tueir ox ponso. At last tho unsightly mudholo on Fourth avenue, south of the State Hank hits been tilled up. Tho first of tho week the stroot gang hauled sovenil loads of crushod rook from tho quarry north of town and dumped it Into the street, making tho foundation for what will some uay ue a goou roau. Ilfiu L mil w i in uitwi. II y and feed nt Plumb'. Light harness at .loo Fogel's. Try that calf meal at Caldwell's. Wild ducks liavu been plentiful tills fall. l)r, E. A. Thomas, dentist, D.tmcrel block. Yarns, all kind, all colors. F. N'uv house. W. S. ,'hter was down from Hasting Monday. C. R. Hlte of Campbell was in town Tuesday. Mrs. Win, Dickson went to St. Louis yesterday. Reubons all-wool Infants' shirts. V. Newhou o. Geoig.4 Holllster was in McCook Wednesday. Jtkn Hopper of Ro.-cmont wns in tnvn Tuesday. II. B. Hunter was up from Guide Rjck Tuesday. Copli Rosoncrans was over from Womer Tuesday. Anson Garber camo up from Guibe Rjck Wednesday. Try Ward Hayes for a tirst clns shave or hair-cut. Ivans Amnck of llo.itwick spent Sun day in Red Cloud. E. Schormerhorn was down from Rosemtmt Tueulay. Mr?. Nettlo Posllownii was up from Gtiidu R ck Tuesday. If Vim until th ii luwl mill iliinnpst harness, go to Fogel's. R. C Sliiim ins was over from Leba non, Kau., .Saturday. Chitrlov Cowley was down from Batiu preciuci Monday. Take your poultry and hidos to Plumb. Top prices paid. Guy Bradhronk and Ed Buchanan went to Gtiidu Rock Monday. Try Hale's new restaurant for fresh 03 stors. Now in season. Congiessman (J. W. Norris was in town for a short time Mouday. Miss Louiso Bates was n Lincoln bound passenger Monday morniug. W. T. Auld was down from Lincoln to attend the Cathor-Auld wedding. W. H. Van Patten is takins in the sights at the World's fair this week. Born, Wednesday, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Haskins, an eleven pound girl. A.J. Green returned from a two week's sojourn in St Louis Monday. Robert Kerlln of Riverton was trans acting business 1 1 Red Cloud Wednes' day. Plumb the feed man will pay you the highest price for poultry, eggs and, nines. Mrs. F. P. Hadloy and daughter Ritkins Barn Paint A barn, roof and bridge paint that is guaranteed for 5 years. A dandy good paint and one that wears and preserves the wood. A price that is right for a PAINT that can't be beat. 75c per gallon Be sure and get your barn paint from from us. MORHART BROS. Hardware .Co. I'o ill relumed S iml.iy uVunlug limn Omaha Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Miner left '1 burs tl.o morning fur a trip to C.iiuago and Si. Louis. II reaftoi wo will Keep a full supply of Hiitteriek'a patterns in stocks. F. Newhouse. Mr. and Mrs. lvlght Jones of Guide Rock visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Morhiirt Sunday. Will Sluann of Marshalltown, lit , visited Mr. mid Mrs. G. II. Holllster 1 he Hi si of tho week. Mrs. CaUer and Mr. Knowlns of McCook, sisters of Mr?. Fred Brower, were hut guests this week. Mrs. Frank Smith wont to Stlntu, K'ti , Tuesday, railed there by tho sor ions illness of her si-HeNti-law, Rev, Morley of Arlington, Nob, the new minister of tho Advent church, has at rived and take 1 charge of his work. Aaron l'nlor, who formerly was in tho driying hiiisinesa heie, eaino in from the west Tuesday via the overland loute. jim Padgett, who foiinerly worked in vVnrd Hayo's bather shop, returned to Red Cloud lnt week and Is now working at Guide Rock. Mis C. E. Hicks of Lincoln, who tins hoen visiting at Bladen, came down from the Utter place for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. .lames llurclen. From indigestion, nehes and pains, Your m stem will bu five, If you'll bin take a tlmelv drink Of Rocky Mountain Tea. C. L, Cotting. A J. M'"nj wont to Superior Tues. due 10 n-lH (iiind Pairiiiieh K S. D.iv of North Platte and Gintul Senti nel I S. Uohrer of Hastings In institu ting a new I O O.K. uuetimpimii'. F.i 1 oruptiins, aores, pimple', kidney and liver troubli1?. eoustiiiiitiou. Ir.di. gestioti, ue Hollister'.s Koeky Mountain 'I'.... ......;.... ....... in.. l'ea. tlni hotly Tea or tablet uiiiii'. nil., 11111 111 iiriy lill t III lOl'lll. ii.) cunts. C. L. Cutting. The game of base ball nt Inavale Sun day In I ween Inavale end Bloomlngton roiilteil In a score of 14 to U in favor of the former. Roy nd Bert Girber, Dob 'I raver and Tom Lone of Red Cloud -oisUtod tlio'Innvalo boys. Tho following will bo the Hormon themes at tho Congregational church Sundav Morning, "l'lio Word That Wins." Kvening. "Tho Reasonableness of the Christian Religion," Christian Endeavor meeting at 7 o'clock. E voning service at 7:45. Tho "experience" mooting of the M. E. Lndies' Aid Society will be held at Woodman ball tonight at 7:80. A splendid musical and literary program has been arranged, and the "experi ences" promise to bo entortaintng. Admission 15 cents. Just received, a One line of bulbs for out or indoor planting, consisting ot extra largo Chinese sacred lilies, hy acinths,dsflodils,croous. tulips, fresias, oxalls, calla lllle, etc. Bulbs are extta large. Call and see them at Shoe store. Mrs. Henry Diederiob. tf Rev. Win. Hauptmsnn, wife and baby of Alma were in Red Cloud yesterday. They were on their way to Lincoln, when the baby beoanie ill and they stopped off to secure medical attend anee. The child's illness was not ser ious and they resumed their trip. George Wbittakor is limping around this week ns a result of an operation which ho inconlly had performed on his foot. Several years eg) a horse iteppod on his foot, criihing tho bones. Tho injury did not givo him much Hon bit at tho tlino, but recently It be came so painful that an operation had to bo performed to remove tho pieces of decayed hone. Mrs. Mattie Finch nf Fort Worth, Tx., sister of Mrs. Miko Sauers, and Miss Maude Johnson of Ray county, Missouri, a nioce, who have boon visit ing at the 8 mors home for the past two weeks, left Tuesday for a trip to Chicago and St. Louit, whor they will vUit the World's fair before going to Fort Worth. Mn. Siuers bad not scon her sister for twenty-eight years. Tho funeral of Jesse Buell, whose death was announced in last week's issue, was hold Friday afternoon from the homn of his mother, Mrs. N. 8 Rants, The services were conducted hv Rev- Rice. The pall bearers were Vem Diokerson, Ray Frame, Bruce Frame, August Brinkman, Darrell Bur den and Elwood Shpppard Thoro were many handsome and appropriate norai ottering-. During the little less than nine months from January IS to October 8, Judge Keeney issued 73 marriage licenses a record to he proud of. During thn (mine period under Judge Edson, D5 licenses wero is-UHil, Prob hbly hslf thuo wmlditigaresoldmnV.ed lit tho bulge's olll'ie. and, as the feee for liconRo, ceremonv and coitificsti amount to a tidy addition to the judge's salary. Tuesdav afternoon Marshal Kinsol and Frank Kuohn wont oul to George Coon's place aud arrested Jacob Whito. who Is wanted in Jowoll county Kuisbs, on n charge of having robbed " farmer named St, John of 80o White camo hero Monday and was to go to woik for Coon Wednesday, but a telephone message from Jewell county resulted in his arrest. He refuses to roturn to Kansas without a requisition, James Peterson has purchased the lot ndj lining bis implement store on tho north, across the stteoi south from Miner Bros., and will erdol a building into which ho will move his hardware Htock. Thn plaqe ut pretont occupied hv the hardware store has been rented lo O. B. Hale, who will niovo his res taurant into it. The upstairs will bo fitted up for stooping apartments, and tho whole will make n good location tor a restaurant and lodging houso, Mr. and Mrs. Will Renvoi nf Inavalo were called to Kausap City last Satur day by the serious illness of Mrs, Ron kel's sister, Mrs. Mary Lnfckhart, wh died at that placo on Sunday, Her body was taken to Cawker City, Kan., for burial. On Wednesday Mr. Renkol dro"Vn over to Ciwker Citvand was ac companied home by Mrs. Honkol'D bro ther and sister, Richard llitio and MUs Jennie Spangler of Iowa, nhd Jefferson Loekhart and daughter Cora of Kansas City. Johnny Mynrs, broncho croatod n little excitement at Fifth avonue und "vavxvv NN.vvvvvvvvyvvNvv , ing stock. Let him make his own selections. He Can't Go Wrong among the suits of his size. The fall styles arc very handsome, and there is not a poor value in the entire line. Boys9 Suits, $3 to $13.50 Gooiden-Haley Glothing Go., One Price Clothiers, First door north of Postofflce, Red Cloud, Neb. vAWA ssAvkAvAvA xaa ' Read This Carefully I am making lots of Farm Loans. There are reasons for this. I can close a loan for you in three days after taking your application, for these reasons: You do not have to wait and pay for a man to examine the land. My company has oceans of money. You do not wait for them to sell your loan in New York or London, before getting the cash. You can Pay Off at Any Time without giving a day's notice of your inten tion so to do. All other companies require from 30 to 60 days notice on this point. I have so many different plans for making loans that some one is bound to suit. No one can give better rates. J. H. BAILEY. Red Cloud. 4jttfrtfrfrtfrcfrttttfrtttfrfrtfrttb- --- - J Are good Shoes at X you the right Kind g to the service required of them. Here mre Prices on Good Shoes. $ Ladies Everyday Shoes $1.50, 1.75, 2.00 2.25 per pair. J 2 Mens Everyday Shoes $1.25, 150, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, Z per pair. j Ladies Fine Dress Shoes $1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, tf 3o, 35 Per pair. Jjj Mens Fine Dress Shoes 3 oo, 3'5 4-oo, per pair Boys and Girls School Shoes,$i.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25 m IJCl Jllll Boys and Girls PENCIL BOX containing Pen and Held?. 4rf- Pencil worth 2oc but given with each foil and mp. them. HENRY DWDBRICK I $ Red Cloud - Nebraska 5 Jj P. S, I sow all of my shoos froo or ull charges If thoy rip or coiuo Iooso m m Wobster street Tuesday afternoon, Tliu broncho felt in need of medical us Nifitanco nnd attempted to climb the stair to Dr. J. W. Morranville'a olllco. Failing in that, he tried to enter the inuliiil telephone exchange and upon being pulled out of there, proceeded to kick the seat out of tho apring. watrnti and its occupant into tho road. Tho wagon will have to bo fitted with anew pair of shafts as a lesult of tuo bron cho's perverbliy. Webster county furnished twonty II ve witnesses fur the Feasol murder trial at Nelson, which began Wednes. day twelvo for thn prosecution and thirteen for tbo defense. Tho stato's witnesses from this county are: Thad Saunders, Ed. Amick, Ur, Creighton, Mrs. Creighton, Mrs. Anno Sapp, Julius Anderson, Sberill McArthur, O mriid Starke, E. Johnston, Ed. Coon, Clar ence Johnston, Dick ltunohey, W. II. Chrismtn, J. 1. Andrea and II. Garri son. Witnesses for tho defendants are: Win. Uobortsoii and dnughtor Myrllp, Clark and Hort Crow, Nat Doudna. II; D. Hunter, Mr. Seoley, Elmer Simons and wife, O, J. Lum, The Big Boys (We always call them Boys until they are married), these young fellows from 14 to 19 years of age know far better than their parents what they want in Clothing. Bring the Big Boy here and turn him loose in our Cloth J reasonable prioes? of Shoes according j ii 11 i( 5 Slate S pair of school shoes froa $1.5 iV'y...Fl"5rD Clareuco Johnston, Ellis Gulliford. It does seem strango that those pooplo who havo chargo of tho road building through tho country districts should go on year after year without makinir iin ilTnrt m nr i.un ... -...., ,M vwiuu Ul the many steep hilU oyer wbch they utvu iw,niii uiuii gniui unn proauco to market A littlo cutting down 011 the toil of tho bills nnrl lilllmr In ut ii,n !,. torn, with a few loads of -waste straw iiiixou m, wouiu soon do away with the steep grades nnd iriake "coming to market" a pleasure Instead of a menace to lifo and limb. As an oxamplo of tho way Jbe work has been dono. tako tbo road running north from Red Cloud. In twentv vnum tlm l.liu !.., ..,.. i.nn cut down than three or four foet, and mo urawH mo apparently in their prim itivo conditions, SomeMilutt should bo dono. Cart oT ThatlLs. Mr. and Mrs, N. S. Hants deslro to extend thanks to tho friends who so kindly assisted at the funeral of tkalr son, Jesse Buell. -- - i. 1 . Si, A M -Jsswa .. i, i H fl) '.4 ..7- I h tii-Ki 1A ijf 'fZn "Ai rrf'ii. i