ftini m -fai iiwmiAt 7& if s . j ? H h MORS Of WAR Details of Terrible Slaughter at Port Arthur JAPS REMAIN UNDAUNTED Plan of Japanese U Flrnt a llombardment and Then an Aadlt on Ilia Km- Ian tPortMcallon Chinese who have Just loft Tort Ar thur, and who wcro provlonaly engaged In burying tho (load, sax tho effect of (he Russians' sholls nnd machlno guns it terrific. Tho slopes of a high hill wero Itttrred with mangled bodies and severed heads and limbs. In ono trench the Chlnesd burled throe hundred Jap annso and two hundred Russians. Whllo It Is true that the regular water supply of Port Arthur has been topped by the Japanese, the fortress has other supplies, which can be taken only when the rtty falls. The garrison of Fort Arthur now has sufficient food, but tho supplies' of tinned meatH are nearly exhausted and the troops are now slaughtering thir ty dunkoys dally for fresh meat, which in worth $1.20 por pound. Eggs cost 20 cento each. A private letter rerelved at Cho Too from Port Arthur gives further details of the fighting. Tho attack began with a heavy bombardment dlroctcd against nearly all tho Russian outposts nnd many of tho main furls. Tho shelling of tho redoubts protecting tho water supply of Port Arthur was ttcmendnus. Nightfall found tlic waterworks ro doubt reduced to mere heaps of dobrls. Tho garrisons of the redoubts there upon retreated safely to tho main for tifications under cover of darkness. The samo afternoon tho Japanese assault on "High hill" began. The Japanese plan of attach never varied. First a bombardment nnd then nu as sault, and when repulsed a bombard mont again and then another assault. Tho despcrato determination of the Ju panose to capture this position amounted to fanaticism, their efforts nevor ceasing during four days. One battalion of Japanese, having rotrcated Into a valley, woro exposed to tho Rus sian Bhrapnol Are and were almost an nihilated. Evontually tho Japanese succeeded In placing one Hold gun and two muchlno guns In position behind hastily made barriers. Their tenure of tho position, owing to the lire from tho Inner forts, wan very lnsocuro, and when Lloutenant Poggorsky and tho volunteers charged tho tldo turned against them. One battalion, composed of the remnants of two companies. watt annihilated In tho trenches, which thoy refused to desert. Another do tachment was driven Into tho Russian entanglemonts, whero Captain Sychaff's forco wba watting to complete Its rout. Two other attempts made by tho Jap anese to retake tho positions fallod. JOE JEFFERSON QUITS Will Flay Hip" No More an Account of Advancing Age Joseph Jefferson, after more than aovonty years on thn stage, during which time ho has become one of the most honored and beloved mombors of tho dramatic profession, has decided absolutely never to resume his theat rical careor. Deepest regret was ox pressed by all who heard him make tap announcement. 1 Mr. Jefferson arrived In New York from Boston, whero ho hnd rested a few days, recuperating from his recent Illness at Buzzard's Bay, which caused the abandonment of his fall tour. He la convalescent but still must be ju dicious In guarding his returning strength and will romaln In Now York three weeks, after which ho will go by easy stages to Florida, stopping In Washington for a time nnd again In Atlanta. It was a matter of several days' of silent and trying discussion for tho yetoran actor boforo he dually decided to retire. Ho loves tho footlights, but realUes that at his ago ono must be caroful not to overstrain a constitution tbat has bean called upon often for severe effort. Whon the doclslon was ultimately reached, he quietly annouueed It to his family. "I Bhall never act again," he said. "My days upou the stage are ended." Patorson, N. J., waa the city whero he last appeared. Thn performance waa In June, ajtd as an odd coincidence took Place not far from his quaint old summer home Ilohokua, whero the actor resided between seasons for thir ty years. Kseaeror'e Horn Study Coaawerea Kmneror William In fixing tho courso of study fon Princes August William, Oacar and Joachim, has prescribed a course of comprehensive lectures on commercial subjects. The subject of these lectures- will Include Industrial problems and technical questions in the ililway business, embracing railway robSmH and progress In the United BU . rJrttor lectures will be given to elucidate the relations of great ln Srnatlon financial . and commercial Bouses. HONOR SENATOR HOAR Worcester, Man,, IIU Home Town. Vajt Tribute to Him Tho city of Worcestor, Mass., bowed bcsldo tho body of her foremost citizen Senator George Frlsblo Hoar, whllo th state of Massachusetts and In a largf nieasuro tho nation sympathized with tho municipality In her grief. The Rov. Dr. Kdward Bverctt Halo chaplain of tho United States senati and life-long friend of Sonator Hoar, conducted prayors at tho home. Only members of the Immediate household and a fow friends attended this service. The body waa then placed In tin hearso by the active pall-bcarors, all present or past secretaries of tho son a tor, and the honorary bearers, Sen ator Henry Cabot Lodge, T. Jefferson Cool Id go, Charles Francis Adams, At tornoy Qcnoral Wllllnm If. Moody, former Governor W. Murray Crano, General William F. Draper, Judge Fraud C. Ixiwell, of Boston ; Colonel George H. Lyman, of Boston; Stephen Salisbury, Henry A. Marsh, Dr. O. Stanley Hall and William 13. Rico, of Worcestor. The active bearers nnd the family escorted the romalus to the church of tho Unity. The militia forco of the rlty, four companies of infantry and a battery of light artillery under arms, were sta tioned in tho streets to aid the police In tho almost unnecessary effort to control the greatest crowd evor seen In the city. As the hoarse passed every man bared his head and many women cobbed. Tho capacity of the church was GOO and It was necessary to limit the nt tondanco of representatives of organ izations to which tho senator belonged and municipalities to one porson for each. At tho conclusion of the service the body waa conveyed to tho city hall, whero It laid In state for a few hours. Tho remains were takeu to Concord for burial. SAMPLE OF BLUE LAWS Old Law Knforred at I.eilng-tun, Ky., I Him ply Obnoilon Lexington, Ky., experienced Its first Sunday under tho blue law regime. Tho restrictions were greater than they wilt bo again. Tho city solicitor discovered that milk and Ice wagons are "a neces sity" and exempt by law. Only a few milk wagons attempted to run and their drivers were promptly arrested. Most of the population drank coffeo without cream. Families whose Hick chlldrou were deprived of milk com plained bitterly and threatened suits for damages. Ico wagons did not at tempt to run. l-ate In tho afternoon tho city solicitor decided that both bavo the right to run nnd the drivers under arrest wore released. Only about thirty people wero arrosted for violating tho Sunday law, although ubout two hun dred had annouueed their Intention of continuing business. They decided when they startod to opon nnd saw tho police, they had bettor keep closed. Drug stores had a right to sell medi cine on proscription only, but this did not pay to keep dorks and all drug stores closed. The only pluces open wore hotols, livery stables and news papor offices, tho latter classes having secured Injunctions. No time uad been given citizens to proparo ror tho strict oniorcemont or Sunday laws and muny families had not laid In groceries and meats. FOUND A DIAMOND Unexpected Good fortune of a T.uckjt fill Taker Lafo B. Cooper, member of tho com mlralon Arm of Prey Hros. & Cooper, of.' St. Joseph, In Humboldt, Nob., visiting his brother, O. A. Cooper and family, was smiled upon by Dame Fortune- Ire a peculiar manner a short time 1150, and tho story Is as follows: A week or two ago when ho was In tho act of taking from n package ot dyspepsia tablets the last ono some thing dropped to tho floor and after examination he waa surprised to find: a Braall piece of what appeared to be glass, but which on being submitted to a jeweler proved to bo a diamond, upon which tho dealer placed a valuation of $100. Mr. Cooper Is at a loss to tell how tho stnno canio In the package aud not having any way of tracing tho ownor, accepts his good fortune with thanks and ban had the set mounted to be worn by his better half, who ex hibited it to her friends during her stay In Humboldt. Rain Htopped l'ralrle rtre A hugo pralrlo Are which for several days has swept tho Rosebud reserva tion and portions ot Tripp and Greg ory counties, South Dakota, yas quenched by a heavy rain. Tho loss has been enormous. lMeaied Willi Their VUlt The Filipino St. Louis Fair commis sioners who had been visiting the United States arrived at Manila from San Francisco and were escorted, after a water pagent, by a grand procession ot 5,000 school children, to the palace, where they were welcomed by Gov ernor Wight. All the commissioners say they had the greatest tlmo ot their lives and that they regretted leaving the United States. GREAT FLOOD LOSS TheGullinas River Rums Town? in New Mexico TWELVE PEOPLE DROWNED rh Kin Grande Illyer Cut iv Channel IUck to farmer Ancient IUhp Ilea Other New Mexico, wan destroyed by thy flood- and at least twolvo persons wore drowned. Among these- wero the thrco children of J. K. Stevens, Felix Vllllrael,. his wife, two- alstors nnd several children, and O. F. Porter, J. K. Stovens nnd wife escaped and' havo been taken1 to I.ns Vegas. Thoy arclma critical con dition. Many persons were rescued from trees anil llouso tops. Tlin great est damage was around tho junction or Mora nnd Sapello creeks. Tho rock crusher, tho great iron bridge- and much track at Waltrotis wcro washed away. j.ne uainnas river formed a new channel, in the Galllnns the dams of the Agua Pura company broko, bring ing a terrible flood on the city. The Montezuma hot springs track went out In many places. Half n dozen bridges wero destroyed, nnd tho Montezuma bath houses wero partly cleared away, For two blocks on Bridge street every business houso was Hooded. Tho bl Ilfold brick store was ruined and the big bridge undermined. Galllnas park Is under wator. nnd tho trolley line can not be repaired" for two weeks. The raco meet next week has been declared off. One hundred, thousand dollars will not cover the loss to the town and the railroad loss Is equal to that of re cent floods In Arizona. From Santa- Rasa comes a report of Hie loss o the great Iron bridge of tho Rock Island nndi much trade. Reports from, the Hood3 in the Rio Grande valley above and below Albu querque say that' tho towns of Valencia and Los Luntcs were practically washed away nnd several hundred fam ilies are homeless. The river swung to the east, cut a now channel and poured a torrent through tho two towns. No lives were lost. Ignaelo Gutloriez, a commissioner of Sandovar county, telephoned that tho damage nt Los Cordalea and Alnmeda above tho city will amount to several hundred thousand dollars. There 13 one passenger train from southern Cal ifornia at Gallup and' from San Fran cisco at Wlnslow, while tho other trains from California aro hold here. The local officials cannot say when the trains will nrrive or depart and tho traffic situation Is serious. Many feet of track Is reported gone at Ortiz, Cerlllos, Waldo, Thornton and Berna lillo and above and' below Albuquerquo at Rtncou, Amarlllo nnd Isleta. GRINNEL TEAM LOST Were No. Matt-li for the Cornhusker Knottinll Sqund Unable to stand under the attneks, of the Nebraska line and powerless to prevent long skirting runs by tho Ne braska backs, Grlnnell college suffered defeat on Nebraska field by the over whelming score of 41! to 0. Tho game was played' on a-sloppy Held with water standing in pools nt the ends nnd the soft mud' two Inches dcep on other parts ot tllo Held. Tho mud operated against thoUght team from Iown, mak ing theh attempts to stop tho rushes ot tho Nebraska team futile. Onto, however, within fifteen feet of their own goal, they braced nnd held for downa end twice they forced tholr weightier opponents to punt In order to prevent tllo loss of the ball on downs. At other times they were able to keep the Nebraska gains down to three nnd four yards, but for only a fow downs at a tlmo. Then the line would open up a big hole and one of the Nebraska backs would dnit through for a long gain. Inability to keop Benedict and Render from darting down thrj field on the return of punts was also a source of weakness In tho visiting team. BASE BALL STANDINGS Tke Two New York League Apeenr- res be the rlmmplon NATIONAL LKAOUK. Played. Won. Lrt Prt. .G!)8 .005 .562 .559 .503 .380 .305 .331 Now York lM 104 43 RS G4 (14 72 0.1 94 99 Chicago 147 8!) Cincinnati 140 82 Pittsburg 14." 81 St. Louis 145 73 nrooklyn ISO 57 Boston 118 G4 Philadelphia ....148 49 AMERICAN LBAOUE. Plaved. Won. Lost. Pet. .010 .GOT .586 .503 .535 .451 .417 .231 New York 141 SG Boston ..! 14r 88 Chicago 145 85 57 GO 62 GG 79 84 110 Cleveland 142 80 Philadelphia ....142 7G St. Louis 144 G5 Detroit 144 GO Washington ....14.1 33 Vote Aft-almt Church Union At a conference of mombora of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, held at St. Louis, It was decided to reject the plan for the consolidation of tho Cumberland Presbyterian and the Presbyterian church south agreed upon by conference committee at a meeting early in the year at St. Louis. Dele gates were present representing 100, 000 raembprs of tho Cumberland church from all parts ot the country. THE NEBRARKA BAPTISTS Ttt ttttM the Annnnl Martfe Slretlng a Fremont Birptfsta of Nebraska- aKsomblod In Fremont. The local cliurcIV made elab orate preparation for tlio- reception of tho vlsltora. Tho program prepared' far the con vention was an extensive" ono: On it are- somo- of tho ablest Baptist leaders In tho country. John R'. Clisrpman, of Chicago, president of the International B. Y. P. U., apoko one evening. Among other distinguished persons' prosent were Rev. Ji W. Conleys, D) Di, of Omaha; Rov. C. W. Brlnstend', of Oma ha; Rov. W. N. Walker, l):.D...of Dcs Moines: Rov. R. Seymour,' D) D., of Philadelphia; Rev. 1). I). Proper; dis trict secretary: Rev. S. Z. niitton, of Lincoln ; Prof.' Shallcr Mathows, of the University of Chicago; President J Jl Greene, 1). D., Liberty, Mo. NEW CONNECTING ROAD Hurvcylnr; In 1'rouremt for New Illlie-Ilef tween Halting1 aurfOlnmli As a beginning to the proposed Oma ha & Nebraska Central railroad, to go through the middle of tho state with Hastings as Us terminus, surveyors be gan their lirst work. The Mines over which the surveyors are working will Include Millard, Wahoo, Bralnard, David City, Osceola and Aurora. A franchise has been secured 'from the Hastings city council, so'that'tho'dlf flcultles In the way of finding a ter minus In tho wcstcrni city will be largely eliminated. The-line through Hastings will be continued out to tho asylum, three miles beyond.! Under the terms of the -franchise the contract for the construction of tho road must bo let to responsible 'parties Inside of four ycara. and '& showing made on tho work. Tho company will begin secuilng tho right of way at'onco now that one terminus Is arranged for. Tho farmers all nlong the line nre said to be very friendly to the pro posed electric railroad, and nrcoCtcr In; every encouragement. ENJOIN MINE OWNERS Lrndvlllt Union Miner Hucreifullr- Un join Mine Owner Judge Frank M.' Owens, of LoadVllle, Colo., Issued an injunction against the members of 'the Iadvlllo mining dis trict association restraining them from proceeding further to compel miners to forsake the western federatlon-of min ers and take out association caTds In order to retain their positions-lit the mines of the camp. Nearly two thou sand cards had been Issued by the asso ciation when their work was inter, rupted. 1 The application for Injunction' was made by tho president and secretary of tho local miners' union. The defend ants named' comprise nearly overy mine ownor and' mine manager In the-camp.- They nre restrained from discrimi nating against any miner because ot his being a-mnmberof the western fed eration or from making out a black list or from compelling them to sign .r.iy agreement- that they renounce membership In tho federation or from carrying oufor doing anything in fur therance of uny plans-to discriminate against tllo employment of miners who will not renounco their allegiance tr the federation! on from In any other wav i-onsn r imrtuiueprivo any rarauer of the federation from obtaining em ployment'. ARE: LEAKING SECRETS llifoMiintiiini About) 8ubnrue tiet AwftD tiviuii tAriay Although tiro- directors of tho Ger- manla Shipbuilding- works sny that Horr Barkrrre-yer, chief of the confiden tial bureau orthe-Germanla works, hnd not been arrested; tor selling military secrets tov n foreign power. It appears to. bo novortheteas true that ho Is un dor suspicion of selling tho plans of ohlps to another German firm, and It Is known the German navy depart ment's perfected plans for the con struction of submarine boats have in some manner come into posesalon ot the RIsatan government, whether through Barkmeyer or not Is not clear. The navy department has been experi menting for two yeara with submarine boats and committed a design Eomo months ago for a now submarine boat to the Gormanla works to execute. It ta a copy of thla plan that Is reported to have reached Russia. I,a Follette'a Oae Gobi Over The supreme court of Wisconsin ad journed until October 18 without tak Ing action on the I .a Follette case. Fined Reiponilhllltr for Wreck In fixing responsibility for the wreck of tho Chicago & Eastern Illinois at Glonwood station, III., on July 13, whon eighteen members of the Dare nni3 Sunday school were kilted and moro than one hundred Injured becauBs of tho collision ot an excursion train with a freight train, an Illinois grand jury placed the blame on Frank B, iloxle, engineer ot the freight train; Frank Caspar, conductor of the freight I train, aud Charles H. Wright, brake TO SAVE Tiff ELMS Neglect Will Result irr trro Entire Destruction of'Thern KANSAS TREES AREUNJrjRED Stat UnWerelty AuthorltleeKHVe-Itapor- tant Information for Borer Rxr- termlnatlon Other'Newe Dr. F. H. Snow of tho'UiilVeraUyof Kansas reports that a number of elm trees throughout the state are- badly attacked by borers, two klnds'of which' mature Into beetles, for which' thero la no remedy except for tho cutting down and burning of tho affected1 trees be fore spring. Already a number of the trees which have been grown for shade, and perhaps 20 years old, aro1 wholly dead, and If not destroyed clear' to the roots together with those that are dying wtll furnish breeding places for the insects which will cscapn next spring and endanger all tho healthy trees In the vicinity If not In the town. Tula Is tho most destructive borer ot the elm in tho northern and eastern states, often killing the trees by the wholesale. More recently tho ravagos of this borer have been observed by Prof. Forbc3, whose notes aro copied from his third report on the injurious insect of Illinois: "From the present appcaranco of the elms throughout the towns of central Illinois, where I have had an oppor tunity to examine their condition, and from, the rapid progress which this pest has made among them during the last two. or three years, it seems ex tremely likely that it will totally ex terminate the trees unless it be promptly arrested by general action Tho only remedy available Is unques tionably tho destruction of affected tiroes In autumn nnd winter before the beetles have a chance to emerge from the trunks. In towns this measure should usually be taken by the au thorities, since individual action could not bo depended on to moro than palli ate the difficulty. If every olm which is in. the unhealthy condition above described and which, upon examination Is found to harbor those borers beneath the bark, were cut down in autumn and burned before spring, tho multi plication of the borer might be ef- raciuauy cnecHod; but If tho destruc tion of the trees bo postponed until as late as May. a part of all the beetles maturing each year would escape to carry the mischief elsewhere." NOT GOOD BOOKKEEPERS "EnaAppeire to be the Trouble with: the Barber' hoard The Kansas State Barbers' board has got its account in a tangle and Gov ernor Bailey will have Stato Account ant Rowett mako an examination ot the affairs of tho board in orderrto straighted things out. It seems that the-members of the board divided mp the state and each took a portion 1 to look after in enforcing tho now bar ber law which was passed by theelast legislature. Tho members of tho -board are supposed to get their pay from the fees thoy collect, but the accounts of the board are so mixed up that they cannot tell how much each has. col lected and received. The trouble seoms to have been that the board did not know how to keep books. The members appealed to Qovernon Bailey to straighten them out, aad he will have the state accountant do it: There may be some fees coming to the-state. The members of tho board are- J- D Stevens or Leavenworth, W. L. Akers of Wichita, and D. M. Mitchell of Argentine. I Italiln- Tobacoo. J. S. Hamilton, who. lives down on Big Creek, near Coffoyvllle, Kan., brought in a stalk of tobacco leaves which he raised. Theleavea were about four feet long and over a foot wide. They had a good color- and a genuine tobacco smell. Mr. Hamilton said that ne had 34..000 such-atalks already hung up. The Beed waa- seat Mr. Hamilton from South America last December. In January he burnodi a brush head down along the creek aad planted the seed. in May and Jujm ha renlantnd th young slips lin bilta and rows with, tho above results. Some tlmo- ago Mr. Hamilton sent a specimen off this tobacco to a St. Louis Arm. Thla Arm, which fat one of tho largest tobacco houses in the country, seat their buyer, Mr. Ctarence Wilbur, to. examine the business. Mr. Wilbur pronounced the tobacco ot as good quality aa he had seen anywhere. He said that the Llgget & Myers firm would hny all ot such tobacco furnished them at form 23 to 25c a stalk. Mr. Wilbttr. who is an expert in his line, made a examination of the soil In which the tobacco was grown and pro nounced it excellent for the cultivation ot the weed. It is a light. Bandy loam. nit Price Paid for nog The largest public sale of hogs, when measured from the price paid for a single animal, that ever took place In the west, was held at Beatrice. It was tho aale of the Cole-Bfshoa herd ot Duroo-Jerseys. There were 43 sold, and the price averaged about 147, the highest priced bringing 490. This hog was purchased by Mrs. W. A. Klrk patrlck ot Lincoln. The price paid by Mrs. Klrkpatrlck Is the largest sum ever paid for a single hog at a public eala to the west. HOGS HAVFCVttJLERA. Firi I.jon County Farmer are- SurTet-lnr SW vere Lmim A farmer of Emporia; Kant, nayai that there Is considerable' liog'. cHolbnr. about tho country and It' lias cropped: out in the swlno herds of ncarljrovory farmer along the bottoms. The'losscst have been numerous about' town;, and! one theory Is that te cholera germ was loft by tho unhealthy sediment' of tho last summer flood. On the-'New-man farms north of town theJ16ss'ot' .hogs has been sovcre, Frank Wood, south of town, lost twelvo last' week. All of Mrs. Htatt's hogs died of cholera; and that is a sample of what the- dta jenae Is doing for the farmers. Many oC them hope to stamp out tho disease 'by killing tho hogs as Boon as they jsllow signs of cholera. Ono farmer killed six in ono day, and says the rest of bis herd has not since shown signs of cholera. BELATED PROCLAMATION (JoToreoe Ralley Announcement of Text Book to be Used A belated proclamation has beon issnetl' hy Governor Dailey. It is merely a format announcement of tho list of text books chosen by tho toxt book commission, for which contracts havo been entered into. In order to make1 these contracts valid, the an nouncement must bo made by gubcrna torlal' proclamation. The request for the issuanco of the proclamation was filed some tlmo ago. It iaolatmed! by Superintendent Day- hoff, but It has- not come before the governor until today, when it war called. up' by Mr. Dayhoff. rot" Betterment of Food TUb Internationa! pure food con gress OEEorauled: at the world's fair foraiconvention that will contlnuo in session for a week. The purposo ot the-congresB, as stated by the National Association ot State Dairy and Food departments,, under whose auspices it is held; Is- to catt Into conference tho food ' scientists-, food control govern mentiauthurities and food manufacturing-interests- In order tbat some action- may be passed relative to tho control1 of food adulterations and mis branding; With a view to establish-Ingtca-Btnndlng fnternational food commission- on adulteration, recommendations-- wilt probably be made by the foreign- delegates. Blectile Railroad Meeting An-' enthusiastic electric railroad meeting-waa- held at Grand Island. Six teen) representative farmers, stockmen ftnd'l citizens from Custer, Buffalo and Logan counties met to discuss with the 'Commercial club the feasibility o( Buclr-a-road, the Inducements that could bo offered to eastern capitalists and themathods to bring such Inducements iipitomen of means. A full- discussion was had! in. which It was expressed as tho- firm conviction that not another such a territory as lies between the Burlington and Union Pacific rail roads, in the South Loup valley, wai, .untraverscd by a steam or electrlr road: in the entire country. Ilarred Out of Nebraika The Modern Woodmen Protective) association ot Illinois cannot transact business in Nebraska. This Is a new order at the head of which Is ex-Lieu-itunant Governor Northcott. Deputy Auditor Plerco decided that the order- was a mutual ono anu insureu against sickness and accidents. Ho declared that the statutes ot tho state did' not provide for mutual health lnsuranca and barred the Illinois company. Mr Pierce also declared tbat tho concern would havo to bo barred because In one instance It was shown that a man waa admitted without physical ex amination and without any.- form of Initiation. Only 7'J to o Grand Island college proved an easy- proposition for the Cornnuskers at Lincoln and was defeated by a score' ot 72 to 0. During th first halt Ne braska played a team of substitutes! and they scored 12: against the col lege team. In the second tho big mem went in and at every start carried their opponents off their feet, rush- Ing through the lino for gains ot five to twenty yarda and sprinting loaa distances around the ends. Bender and Benedict played together as ol old and their lightning dashes and skilful Interference were a source ol constant surprise to the visitors. About a thousand people were pres ent in the grand stand and on tb bleachers. Flrt Football ratallty The first victim of football In Grand Island was the son of Councilman Et ting. While In a practice game ho wat thrown to the ground and broke . hi leg right under the knee. Her 'jf taken to his home and a ph)ft,ft called. The fracture Is in a bad plac and there is some anxiety as to thi full restoration of the limb, though II Is hoped by the physician such (t re sult can be prevented. 4) w -ii Xv -Jj. - - j-