-t 4yOrj$f-y- aa ' " 'y y WASH BLUE ,2Cat4io cents and equate ao cents worth of any other kind of blulno. "Won't Freeze, Spill, Break ' Nor Spot Clothes DIRI0TI0N8 FOR UBEs' around in the Voter. wmstmm ai an wise Orocert. amm uyu I HBCI C5- '-l..l'l 1 asBIBIBIBIHBIBV-?0'tv-4a I ' e ip JV fa ArtMiwi-Tlie Great Excursion Period. To S',, Louo: Y.Mi will rcuio it for Tenniif joii fall to hm the St Louis fxposltlon. Spnrlnl lowjoonoh oxcur- -?in rnU'? niiulr h'lr n?b week from Sunday to Thuh-ilrty, IhclUnlWj AfiVell days' limit; alightlv hljrhor rates for ticket anotl In sleeping cars with lwjlr limit, Very low ona way rstea to the far west anil I'acltin coast. For instance, $25 to California anil PtiRnt sittnd; t2S.riO to Sponknp tnrrlforv; 120 to S-ilt Lake, Hdenn and Hutte territory. Tnis low rato, wtstbounil, when added to your return v.Vo ca'tbiund, makes ft very low round (tip rnto. IIomrBPOkrrj CKi'iirilnm Ihn IIib' and third Tiu'i.Imj-s of ench month to tiorlhwoat an i southwest. To Chionjio and hick: Daily liw rates either direct or via St. Louis in fithor direct ion, with B'opovcrs at St. Loals, Kana City or Omaha. Homo vIMtnrs excursion: Visit the old homo back east. Spptpmbor20 and 27 and October 11, half rates plus $2 to Indiana, and to many points in Ohio act! Kentucky. Nkuhabka Dav at the St. Louis Kx position Tuesday, October All good Nnbrns knns should be iIiitm nml help exploit tho prospeiity of our Rrann common wealth. A. Conovkii Ticket Asent. L W. V'aki:i.y, Ouneinl I'ii'sppkit ARunt, Omaha. m Atchison Globe Splits. Our punishment used to hang on u nail bohl d t,ho kitchen door. Where did yours usod to Iuuik? No mutter how rich or influential any man becomes, ho can never be ns independent us a hired girl. What u blessed thing It is that wh' n It Ih tlmo for dinner, a "committee" doesn't huvo choru of ordering It cooking it, und putting It on tho table'. For a woman to tnlk nbout her first husband in reseuce of her second, Is as bad taste aa eating with a knifo. JMNJOIMATORY ItUKUMATISM CUHKD IN 3 DAYS WaiAn T. Iltll t9 1 fc..M.. . .... ."w.. ....,., w, it.Mlifill. till,,, WUJWl 'MI kad Inflaamatorv Itheumatlsm in every ' "SfS?" n,J Jolatt her suffering, was terrible mm Mr body and face were swollen almost be jsaal .recognition: bad been In bed alx weki " "d eight physician, but rtcelred no fewest unufabe tried ibe Nystlci-ure for IWWisaatlsm. II irate Immediate relief and aa Was able to walk about In three daya. lam t m m m m m m m m m t'l'li'ai,sl,li'l''i,',,''' W 7m0BBDDDmiMiMtMmZmrmRmTUMMM aan a V ""...w.-'.-.iv To Suit Yoir Pocketbook fi&& fsf .ra!?" 9-. at jwer'"- Watches, Clocks, Ugaln, your pocketbook. We need room nnd want money, and are making prices to get us both. iW(e have cut all profit out of our prices on everything in our line for the next 15 days. You are fortunate if you need anything in Jew elry now. to i m ' m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m Present Buying here means a big saving to you on anything you buy in Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Cut glass or Silver-plate ware. The hour to satisfy your present wants or future needs is before you. iNEWHOUSE BROTHERS, V JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. SA !!, J- J Aa sC a:s: ; tti ; fjT; ; st; ff; s; & fii L & : tLi Tt "JSySjfJSj!;"' a,,B,BM4,Bi.BJ.aff.fc.h.Si BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS. iiiSaaaiBjBBB, ., - "-J - -' M- . -i.-haaSSSSSSaSMBWaa ?K 'M CATARRH M&& mfttf m J& mbm sm WFEVEfiT 50' iXOftC Ely's Cream Balm Thla Remedy la tpaolflo. Sura to Give Satisfaction. aivia riliip AT ONOI It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the .diaeaaod niemlinmn It rtirou flntarrl, n.i drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. Large 8ite, 50 cents at Druggists or by mall ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. ELY MOTHERS. 58 Warm St.. N.w Ytrib Jk'. & 0 0 Hi iv ID v 0 ili v ib Of 0i ii it itv U 0 0 0 0 iii ili v iii Or .j" Jewelry, at prices to suit 'TH Has stood the test for over 60 years J,iifW'.ff. : Mustang Liniment FOR MAN OR BEAST. Cures sprains, bruises7 burns, cuts, sores, lameness, . piles, rheumatism, stiff joints lame back, etc. TRADERS LUMBER CO. DEALER IN Lumber! and Coal, BUILDING MATERIAL, ETC. Red Cloud, J Nehrn1cn City Dray fend P. w. BTUDEBAKKR, PROP. Goods Delivered to aiy part of CITY AGENTS FOR ADAHS EXPRESS Ch. TELEPHONES, Residence 52. y, giv. UYSTER! ! - -""" Do yos know that It U well atj Us, to buy your UuildinR Ma terial jnri Coal at ouryards? Not only that Mir prices avebaoe lower, or at least m low, as those of our competit ors, bit because we take especial care of ai protect all can bo classed as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. fi PLATT Coal. ssxs'riss's'wwsAi,'iiiissTsit'aiatTTi'Pirf OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE IBc Miats, lunches and Bhort older v Candle; Nuts, Plea, Cahaa, Fresh Bread. The Bdn Ton W. S. BENSB Proprietor. L Ftetlce to ltra. III TI1K CO Bute of Nebraska, l TV COUUT. weuuer loutiy. ) In the natter of the dereaied. flat of John J. Bbelton, Notice la lirtbj glvtt to all persona having claims and demand! galiut J tin J. Sbeltou deceased, that the time Ule of Webnier county nxea lor nuiif ciaima talnttaatdealale li six iiiuiit'm from Die asili lav of October. 10OI. Altnuc iroiarf4e(iiilred toprueiit their clalma. Kith iiin vmic t, to the County Judge of tntd rotint, nl liU lira therein, on or before the JHth Oujr or Antl 10 n; nnd alio alms o tiled will bo leanl be re tho said indite on the flilh dy ofAtitll, ili. at ono oVlock p. in.; and that the ndmlnlM dor Is allowed one ?tar from the tub day ol leptember, KUI, in which toiay tho debia alb ted agaliut al(l enate, and elllu the tamo.f '"SSI A. II. KCKNRT. County Judve. t MEXICAN Express Line, the city. vtrKca as iow as tne L.OMr est . S will pay YOU. aa FREES CO. Lumber. J. R. HALE RIB D CLOUD WEBSTBR COUNTY NEBRASKA AND P1 ARM jOAN9 Some of the finest farms and city property In Webster Coun ty, Nebraska, for sale Prices ranging from f 15 to 125 per acre. . I. HALE, Red Cleud, Nemraaka. Do You Want to moll Your Farm? Do you want to sell It quickly and for canr If so. eud mo a deicrlptluii ot It. and your beat nee. i ubto iihui cm-ilia oi toe ureeu Mono aln boya. whodeiire to bur V item land and nave the cauli to pay for It. Do not delay, hut nmv iuq uuw i wc urv iu iri(opQioro yon feieep. 9H. O. KELLY, Rutland, Vt. .i . V.w'? r' s" Office 1 19 BaaSBBBSaSBBSSJaWSBBBSlBBBSBHaaaiSBBBBB' ' wsaawaiasjasasssssaBsBsassBaBBaMasBssasasBs ..' . Do You Eat Meat? When you nro hungry nnd want somutuig uice iu tho meat line, drop into my market. Wo huvo the nicest kind of Home-made , - Sausages - '"'" and meats, fish, and game in season. We think, and almost know, that we an please you. Give us a trial. Koon Bros., Successors to ROBINSON & BURDEN. HOLLISTCR'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy Ktdldas to Buy Ptopl. Brunt Ooldaa EealUt sad Beatwed Vigor. A apeelno for ConaUpaUon. Indigestion, Lire natipaUon, Indigestion, Lire lea. Flroplea. Eczema, Impure . Slnwlah flnwAla HiAi1aiihA UUU AV1UUCY 1XOUD1I uiopa, waa ureath and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tmi In tao let rorm, ai centa a box. Genuine made by Hot,U8TB Daeo Compact, Madison, Wla. SOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE I INSURANCE against Fire, Lightning, Cy clones and Windstorms, see JNO. B. STANSER, agent for the Farmers Union Insur ance Co., Lincoln, Neb., the best in surance company in tho s'-Ue. IlilllM T,M TABLE. HBaafi Red C,oud- Neb' LINCOLN OMAHA OHIO AGO SI. JOE KANSAS CITY SI. LOUIS and all points east and touth. DEN FEU HELENA HUT1E SAL1 LAKE O'J PORTLAND SA, FRAXC18CI und all point' west. Taains liavi aa roixowa: No, 18. Paaaeuser dally for Uberlln and St. Krancli brauche.. Ox ford, McCook. Ueurerand all polnta ,,, ,, , 0'Xta.ai Mo, 14. Paaaencer dally for St. Joe, Kanaaa City, Alchlion. 8L Lonla. Lincoln via Wymore and all poluu eaat and aotilh t'10 No 19. Paaaencer. dally. Denver, all olntaln Colorado, Dtah and allftimU T.&3p.Sk No. 10. Paaaenger, dally for 8t. Joe, Kanaaa City. Atcblaon. St. Loula and all polnta eaat and outu , io:36 a.. No, 174. Accommodation. Monday, Wedncrday and Frlday.llatt Iniii, Urand Itlaud. lllack 11I1U and all polnta In the north wet.. .... ! p. n- Sleeping, dining, and reclining chair can aeata free) on through tralni. Tlckeia void at f baggage checked to any point In the UnlteC Statea or Canada. For Information, time tables, mepe or tlckeit call on or addreaa a. Conorer, Agent, KeC Cloud, Nebr. or J. Fraucla. General Paaaengei Agent Omaha, Nebraaka a. Proposed Constitutional Amcndent. I he loll mini; iropoK'd nmendent in om.i S?K,yl,,11 ft;rv",.e ryMon " ' w ULu" ! of the b aloof Ncbraaks, an herelnafteraet A rth '' f' ' Mibmlttcd to t c elector" of tho Stite of cbraka. to bo voted upon at tho central election to be held-Tuesday1. Novcmbe? hTv. (SlKATR PlLXNo. 111.) , A nlll fora Joint Hcsolutlon recommcndlnir to tho clectrra of the atate lo vote nt the n. it. election of tncmbcra of the Leslalatum fnr , ngalLat a convention to " revSe VmenJ m,i chanKe the Constitution of the Htnte for ' Krtns. ka I n scciinlanre wbli fcectlon S, Article 15 or thH coiiatltiition of the Maib of Sebraaks 1. TliMtltladcomedneccnaryto call h run. ventlon to revlae. amend and chance he Co 3 Ulliitlnn of tho Slato of Nebraska. nihhBTAV5i9J:!KlPS""'"5ni?qie i,il.0i",r'r,"KR,""t B convontlon Vo rev?" of Nebraika. g ,h0 ' 0"Mon of iheBtaie 3 Thatataticb next election or membera nf he Legl.l.iure on the ballot of each eh;cto?To Ing at aucb eUction. shall be printed or written nueh manner that the elector can ind "ate fiPrife"",ce '""Jfr the law the words: "FOR. clnf a convention to tevlae amend and Uw'f,c;rin,t;.,.en", ,eM,0D' V"9 br ffiff&&Xgg cJr,!frha! S? the Bute of Nebraaea. salt imui ! "T.fl Sr,,Hblll-0fl,""mc.nd,i'hS M fm.??.?.? ',mJ"Lraent D& revlilon of the Con lltunon of the State of Nebnuka la anhmiitMt .J!l.eml,af?J w,hero'. I hereunto act My hand bfaakf l"d the Great Seal of the BUM of No. Done at Lincoln thla Mh day of July. In tho year of our Lord O.ip Thou.and Nine Ilnndrod and of this state the Thirty Klhlh. V " Secretary of State. Order to Shew Cause. IN TIIK COUNTT COUhT. Stato of Nebraska, I Webster County, f At a county court held at the county court e0Xr,!wRA?D.'liMMl1 C0,,n,y' F"d'y' Se" iho 'natter of the estate of Leonard Hall,. i.,l,.reiV,lng .,nd 0"n8 'he petition of Wll Ham Kail praying that adjntulstration of said estae may be granted to William Kail, aa sd" mli'striitiirrtelwinlaiion. Ordered, that Wedneaday, the lOtfa day of Oc tober. A. D. 10O4 at 1 o'clock p. m!. Isamned for hearing said petition when all persona interest. f hi Cm m"uer,n'jr PPr at a county court to be held In and for tald county and ahow cauie why prayer of petitioner should not be granted: and that notice of the pendency of said petl Ion and the bearing thereof be elvers to a I persona interested In said raatt-r. by pub J!"h"acoPT?fhlorilerln the Ked Cloud Chief, a weekly newspaper ptlnted In said nnnniv rnr lhM& nxauA.i . .".' 1 V". uw weeaa prior to suld day of hearing. i- w Ll A.H.KxMiY. 0,t" Countr Judge. H. B. ASHEQ, VETERINARIAN Of the Kansas City Veter inary College OfHce at B. .lohnston'B, the Brick Barn. All CALLS Kf NFTLY ATTOIMB Telephone 82. RED CLOUD, . . NEB. At Bine Hill first Tuesday in each month. u. nilKUMATISM CURED IN A DAT. Mystlo Cure for Ilhenmatlsm and NeWalgla radically etirca In 1 to a daya. Its aoUflupon the eystem la remarkable and mysterious, u removes at once the cause and the disease Im mediately disappears. The flrst dote greatly beneaia. ?ft cents and li.OO. Scldibyll, E Once Drugglat. Ited Cloud. a "yij ..4