The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 07, 1904, Image 1

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Miner Brothers.
German China given for Cash or Produce Purchases. The finest
Premium ever offered in the city. Every customer of the store de
rives the benefit, limited only by the amount of your purchases.
bsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbbst r i i HH "f '"bVBii . i i MBWittai rBT tJviKy'V'AWA 9Dff i iA sVIwIml v Oi vxfZ 1, i AvbbbbbbbbbbbbH
Tea Cups,
Coffee Cups,
3 sizes Plates, 5 1-2,
6 1-2 and 7 1-2 inch
Fruit Saucers, Fj
The range of pieces included in this offer will enable you to secure
a Dinner Set with Cash and Produce trade.
Items of New Found In The
Chief of Twenty Year Ago
This) Week " . J
Frost Wednesday night
Will Mitchell has been on the sick
Only six babies in Red Cloud tbis
Born to Mr. and Mrs. 8. V. Ludlow,
W A. Way has bought the Visscher
M. W. DIckerson and wife have gone
to Denver.
The band boys have fine silver lamps
for their caps
W. H. Strohm has been temporarily
on the aiok Hat.
A. T, StUle baa his new lumber yard
nesrly completed.
The Fi'st National bank building is
nearing completion.
Pfd Cl(
1 N. B.
Senator Mand-rson will speak at
Cloud Uctooer aj.
N. B. Downey will start a encese iac
Jvy ut Quido Rook.
Seats have been put in fho lower
Red Cloud fcchool house.
M.S. Marsh uud fumlly will go to
Iowa this weok on a visit.
Mel Sherman bai been over near
Miner Brothers.
Covered Dishes,
Oyster Bowls,
Cracker Jar,
Berry Set,
Celery Trays,
JudHon, Kan., boring wells.
J R. McCoun oxpectH .soon to open
a drug store near tbo-'dopot.
Tho I. O O. F. bretbrencontemplnto
building a hall in the near future.
C. M. Storey will start a feed store
in the Lutz building, south of the rink.
Another fine daughter at Richard
Turner's, weighing about nino pounds.
T. C. Hacker was ill the first of tho
week, but is again on duty at his store.
Sovert Knutson and Miss Anna
Htilberson of Batln were married this
Oscar Putmor brought a sugar beet
to this oillco whi -h weighed thirteen
Quite a number of divorce cases
appear on the docket for the October
term of court.
y r
a polar wave
straok Nebraska.
Sleet fell, but no
great damage was
At George Wintons sale on Saturday
cattle sold well. He sold
whioh netted him 12,000,
The earnings of the Red Cloud post
office for the six mnth ending Sep
tember 80, 1884, were 81,740 10.
On Friday afternoon, October 17, tbo
Ladles' Aid society of the M. E Church
will celebrate their third anniversary.
Miss Bertha Rbaugh (Mrs. Elias
Goblo), sister of Prof. C. L. Ebaugh,
hnsurrlved in this city from Missouri.
W r irictr.t.oi. la nio.l 'I'l.a !...
addition to his family is a girl, making
Ave in all. He wuutod a llttlo painter
Tho county commissioners havo ad
vertised for bids for the building of a
poor bouse on the farm owned by the
On Sunday afternoon a little child
of Wm. E times had its arm nroken by
the accidental turniug over of a baby
Editor Warren of the Argus is ex
tremely jubilant over tho arrival of an
heiress to his estate, who arrived ''last
Married, Octoberl, by Rov. Georgo
O. YclsoTidsf . Henry Ehlor and Miss
Rebecca Llndley, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, j. q, Ldnaioy
W. A. Butler, tho Riverton barber
who was accidentally shot by Max
Fromutb, is reported to bo fail ng ra-
Eldly and little hopo is entertained of
is recovery.
The statement of the condition of
the Red Cloud National bank at the
close of business September , 30, 1884,
snows loans ana uiscounis amounting
to 9ii,Ki,w, aeposits, rJ.yiW.ou: total
liabilities, 1134,200.71.
The other night while Joe Garber
and wife were driving I'ome in their
wagon, when near the bridge south of
their farm, i be horses became fright
enea. Mrs. uaroer uecame alarmed
and jumped out, injuring herself
quite severely
Elm Creek Mr, Vnu Petten Is ngaln
with us,... Last Saturday night Mr
Hofferman's barn was destroyed by
Are. Four homos and COO bushols ot
grain wus destroyed. Loss 12,000.
Garfield Haying is not yet finished
.... Tbo family of Frail k Smith were
quito sick last woek, from some un
known cause.... Two of John Camn-
bell's boys huvo typhoid f ever..,. John
Miner Brothers, j
Gravy Boat and Stand
Chocolate Set,
Sugar and Creamer,
Street has been suffering from an
attack of neuralgia.
Cowles Henrr Cook of Red Cloud
has purohasod tho stocks of tho two
drug stores' hero Ho will combine
tbom and establish a first class drug
store.... Tho Nebraska Lumber Co is
building a new oillco.... Dr Schenck
bos boon laid up with a lamo back for
several dayB.... Mrs. Sam Foe has re
turned from a visit in tho eastern part
of tho state .... Mrs. Juckson and Mrs .
Brubaker returned from thoir eastern
visit lost Saturday.... A. A. Peak aud
Frauk Teel have tone to the Platto for
a two weeks' goose hunt
CemlttlesMrs Preccertlats,
October 4, 1901
Board met in regular session with all
members present.
In the matter of petition for and re
rainstram against road on half section
line iu seoiiou 20 4 0, the same being
north of Roiemont, petition was grant
ed, provided petitioners pay, within ten
days, the sum of 1200, in addition to
the US heretofore paid, on account of
expenses inourred and the property
owners are to have ounortunitv to re
move crops, fences tieos and other
Improvements The following claim
for damages on account of said road
were allowed: A. K. Haas fUS; B. D.
iioppen ICO; I. Schertnerhnrn SS5.
Treamjior instructed roll lots 18 to 20,
blk 0, Hail Road addition to Red Cloud,
for taxes, and costs of sale. In the mat
tor of the double Hssessment of J. E.
fori, treasurer was instructed to strike
'mm list,
Adjourned to October 5.
In ro potion Porry et al road 1 see
ine in 83 2-11 action deferred to Nov
nibor 14.
IntcrcstlnK Items Gathered
by Our County Reporters
Mrs. C. K. HICK, holms tmnn vlit
Ing I or pHUMitx, Mr. Mini Mie. Wheeler,
left lusl Wednesday (or n visit in Kuil
John Jones nnil wife
fiom tho VVoiH'h Inir.
havo rorurned
D, Kottllur of Ciunpboll wai in tlio
city Wednesday.
Mr and Mm. Jonm Williams vMt
cil their dmwhter, Mrs, D. II Clark,
nl Campbell, lust Wednesday.
(Silhort Reed returned to Illinois
Monday after a two weekV visit with
IiIh brothers, Al mid Uithli Rued.
Willlan Utmleii and fimiily of Cnmp
I'Cll spent S indny with M. and Mm.
T in Burden,
Mr. I'rtiliby and family left 'I'nt'sdny
evening for California, whuro limy will
make inur ruturo homo.
Robert Denton and family havo
moved into the Pounda proporty, iu
coutly Vrtcatol by tlio PnHlibjc.
II. Piiunritt Inft'L'uoday for a vUlt
with bit mothur, who livvs in IIIiiioIm.
Mr. and Mm. Ton KiKRlnu are tbo
proud pal unta of 11 baby nv, born
last Friday.
Fied lUrd nnd family vMtml with
IiIh puronlc, Mr. and Mm. Al Rood.
Miss Dura lloono returned to bor
homo near Hlue Hill Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jatuos U'Nuall of lion
k"lman aro visiiius at thu homo ot II
U Uoyd.
m .
6Me RKk.
Miss Kiln Vanwoert is spendiDK
wofk iu Lincoln.
Mm. John Ulackwell is on the sick
list tbis week.
MissEflia Hagan has (one toShelton,
Neb., for a visit.
B. W. Taylor has bought E. L. Orou
se's restaurant and took possession
William Montgomery returned the
first of the week from a visit with his
son at Kearney, Neb.
"The Great Commoner." a leoture
on Abraham Lincoln, by Lwu) W. Har
man, at the Christian church tonight,
under the auspices of the Ladles' Aid
Society. Admission 15 cents.
Tlio new German Evangelical churoh
is up and euolosed.
John Short's daughter, who recently
returned from a a initarlum, is very
Christophor Columbia has sold bis
livery barn to F. Zolgor.
HodROB. Urns bayn purchased a lot
and will crout a now brick store build.
InR, part of which Is to bo used as a
lodgn room.
Edtiarbor and Paul Storov were
down from Hod Cloud Wednesday.
W. H. Tnomns of Red Cloud has
tinistod threshing. Spelti made 40
bushols per aero.
John Bnaunhamp and son Ernest
Baking Powder
Menkes Cleew.n Breed
With Royal Baking Powder there is
no mixing with the hands, no sweat of
the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest
facility, sweet, clean, healthful, food.
'Full instruction in the "Royal Balcer and Pastry Cook"
book for making all kinds
with Royal Baking Powder. "Gratis to any
aoYAi- AKiNa poweta.eo,,
i r
( """""
havo gono to Indiana for a visit. They
will also tako in the World fair.
Rmihon Konglo Is back from Oklabn
nut, who ro ho ban imrobasud u farm
and will nmku bis home.
S C Sliuok wan palli'd to Auburn,
Nt:b., on account of thu illness of lib
Mm. WoiliM MoOall of Alva, Ok., Is
vitltinK friends in Lino.
Mr. nttd Mm. Sum Hrnton nf Uod
Cloud woio ihoRuvsts of V. II Scriv
nor till' wuok.
V. II. Sorivn-r Is busy harvesting
aud soiling peaches.
Dr. Uamoroll Is tending 200 hoad
stuumon tlio old Mavuaid ranch.
Walnut Creek.
Mr Wa-thon Inn a limi Hold of whtat
drilled early enough to catch thu bene-
lit of tlio rain, nnu it is growing iiuoiy.
.loliu Sutton luul Ni'vornl nen of
whi'iit that avoragod 'J'.'l bushuls por
Many ol tho fai tnnra snn tho necessity
of uinK bottor (mid wlitMit.
Coph Knsonnrans bat bnnn through
tho noighboihood biiylug-Ntouk.
Mr Kiniit had a pk-po of oats that
yielded i'i buslmU to tho auro.
School houso No. 3 has bron painted
and pliiNtoi'cd and looks tnucli hotter.
Mm. (iray and daughter Lulu of Cbl
cago aro visiting with Mrs. Arneson.
Tom Blankenbaker has goho to St.
Louis to attend tho World's fair.
Real Estate IraMfera.
Transfom for week ending Wodnes
day, Out. fi, furnished by J. H.
Billcy of Webster County Abstract
Goo. K Francis et al lo C tlvln M.
FintKiis H(4 25 3-10 Qcd 1
Jetinlo M Taylor aud husb to
Hannah Heaobler lots S and 4
blk 15 Vanoes add to Ouidn
Rock wd T. -400
Leo U. Riggins and husband to
John K LulK n2 s 4 4 Vi WU
Ella G Rimsburg et al to Johan-
na W. urenng pi nwf sf to a-
11 wd
Joseph Pashby and wife to John
A. Andereon nr4 88 4.12 wd
S. B. Denton and wife to W. S.
risk nr4 2 412 wd wd 8800
Margaret M. Wall and husb to
Hiranu. &sgor iois i to o die i
Lu'z add lo Red Cloud wd
O. H. 4 Q. R. R Go. to Wm G.
Hoffman se4 11 S 11 wd
State of Neb to Hugh B. Hunter
n2 n w4 35 2 n?4 and r2 nw4 35
19 and ue4 10-20 Deed
Total IH711
Mortgage filed $3300
Mortgages reloas -d 17000.
WrM Fair art UalsahM Parch
ExaeeltlM St. Levis.
Dally excopt Fiidavs and Sut'irdays
until and including November 80, 1004,
conch nxcumion ticket will bo on
sale from this station to St Louis ar.ct
return for 810, limited to seven days
from date of salo.
A. Conover, Agent.
hair balsam
ClMOM Md U.utMM tit. tuit.
Promoia. . lanirunl ibowl
mm mSp i1mmm 2n!ujr uE I
of bread, biscuit and cake
... -tfljj, I,, f
' s
A .
f aj
ioo wiujam st., ncw york.
., jUhr a H-vctf,
hj-i. VJ tAj