The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 30, 1904, Image 9

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Easy Running !s the GREAT POINT in a wagon. In the
Bettendarff All Steel Gear
you get a wagon that runs easy, because the axles never
spring under a load, and the gather in the wheels is the
same loaded or empty. It will never rot, and the seams
can't come loose. Call and see this wagon it will
pay you.
I will save you from seven to ten dollars on a Buggy.
The way the Buggies went out last week show my prices
are right, and I give you the latest goods out.
Come in and see me before you buy.
Hay and teed at Plumb'?.
Light harness at Joe Fogel's.
Try that calf meal at Caldwell's.
John Foster was in Wymore Sunday.
Dr. E. A. Thomas, dentist, Damerell
Ralph Van Cleef was in Hubbell this
Yarns, all kinds, all colors. F. New
Mrs. Dr. Creighton is visiting in
Reubens all-wool infants' shirts. F.
Charles Davis left Thursday for a
trip to Illinois.
Try Ward Hayes for a first clns
sbave or hair-cut.
If you want the best and cheapest
harness, go to Fogel's.
Mr. and Mrs Bordfelt from Chicago
art vUitingiu the city.
Tako your poultry and hides to
Plumb. Top prices paid.
County Attorney Overman was in
York on business this week.
Try Hale's now restaurant for
fresh oysters. Now in season.
Quick sorvico nnd flrst class work is
the motto at SohaOfnii's barber shop.
Mr. A. Wauile and wife of Bladen
wore in Red Cloud, Tuesday.
A. H. Kaloy and W. H. Kaley woio
in Lincoln the tirst of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Popo have
relurnod from a visit in Missouri.
I am miking a specialty of gent o
muns lino laundry work Mrs. N. S.
A. O. Hull, an insutanco man from
HastingH.wns in Rod Cloud on business
this week.
(.Hereafter wo will keep a full supply
of Butterick's patterns in Btocks. F.
Girl Wanted Dining room girl
wanted at the Bou Ton. W. S. Bense
pro! ietor.
J. J. Garber wont ovor to Nelson
Wednesday to tuko in tho Nuckolls
county (air.
Dr. Townscnil of Campboll, fusion
caudidalo for lioutonnnt governor,
attended the Dumoorntlc convention
Hon. C W. Kaloy will leavo for
Seattle, Wash., next Monday, to bo
present at tho launching of tho battle
ship Nebraska.
The Democrats hold their lloat repre
sentative convention in this city Wed
nesday and uominattd Dr. Bunlllgton
of Nelson as their candldalo.
County Surveyor Frank Kuohn and
Ceorgo Boyd wero in Blnden the tirst
of the woek running the grades for tho
streets ami walks of that thriving vill
age. Goorgo Heaton, Sr., was in Lincoln
lttst week and while there underwent
an oporation for cancer in tho mouth,
llls son, George Jr., who was operated
upon for appendicitis n few weeks ago,
.and afterward suffered the removal of
ono of his kidneys, is not doing so well
as expected.
Passenger train No. 15, which form,
erly arrived here at 8 o'clock p. m., is
now due here at 7:40, and leaves at
Mrs. Geo. Haton of Walnut creek
will go to Lincoln Saturday to visit her
son George, who is in the hospital at
that place.
A football team made up of school
"kids" will go to Blue Hill tomorrow
to play a game with the school boys of
that place.
C. L. Cottlng is expected to return
to Red Cloud this evening from Wis-
oonsin, where he has been for tho past
two woeks.
Colonel Winfrey was thrown from
his buggy one day last week and had
the misfortuuo to have his collar
bone broken.
Mrs. A. J. Tomlinson loft Saturday
for Lincoln, where she will visit for
a short time and then go to Iowa to be
gno for a month.
Strayed A dehorned Shorthorn
stoor, red with a few white marking,
woight 1030 lbs. Finder please notify
Starke Bros., Amboy.
Miss M.irgory Stover, who has boon
the guest of Mrs. Anna Tulleys for
several days, returned to hor homo at
Edgar Tuesday morning.
Mrs. I. S. Beal returned Wednesday
from Pittsburg, Pa., whoro she was
called by tho iiluoss of hor sister, who
died shortly after hor arrival.
Willand Cassin Kimsey came over
from Lebanon Saturday to meet their
cousin.Mi'ssMay Kimsey of Bonkolman,
whom they accompanied to Lebanon.
George and Win. Mauto of Vieks
buig, Miss., visited this week with
their cousin, Henry Diedurich. It was
the lirst time they hud mot in oighteon
The citizons of Lebanon have formed
a company with a capital of $10,000 for
tho purpose of boring for coal, oil or
gas Tho contract stipulates that n
hole at least 3,000 feet doep shall be
Litilo Fay dimming, tho 1-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mis. John Cum
mines died last Fridav morn in it nmt
was buried Saturday afternoon. Rev.
Davis of the Christian church condunt-
ed the services.
Mory Sponge tho pimples with
warm water. Ynu need a blood tonic
would adviso you to tako Hollictcrs
Rocky Mountain Tea. It drives away
all eruptions. .13 cents. Toa or tablet
form. C. L. Cottlng.
Tho Nebraska M. E. conference a
Beatrice adjourned Monday night at 11
o'clock. Tho appointments for this
county are as follows: Rod Cloud, E. L.
Hutchins; Bladen, A. V. Wilson; Bluo
Hill, G. W. Hummel, supply; Cowles,
B. F. Hutchins; Guido Rock, J . A. Rou
soy; Inavale, W. T. Taylor.
Joun Mulden, Herman, Goorgo and
Henry Buntjlor, who wero up for trial
Friday on tho chargo of assaulting
Olaas Von Mooning a week ago lust
Sunday, pleaded guilty and wore llmil
81 and costs each, amounting in all to
&wou. Ttioy also agreed to pay tho doc
tor bill incurred by young Von Booning
as a. result of his injuries.
Plumb has Rett Ciouil II nir.
Stock saddles at Joe Fugel's.
Go to Fred Plumb's for lloiir or foul.
L P. Halo sells land, and sells it
quick. tf
Our new yams nro all In. F. New-
O. C Teel wont to Guide Roik
Cream whito Heuriottp, 2!5c yaid.
F. Nowhouse.
11. E. Grtco and wifo returned fn m
Omaba Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Minor left Thurs
day for Chicago.
See Jon Fogol for anything in tho
harness or saddlery lino.
Mr. II. Kortner, trom near Bladen,
was in Rod Cloud Tuesday.
American Beauty enrsots, every pa'r
guaranteed. F. Newhotise.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mooro of Wilsrn
villo nro visiting with Mr. mid Mrs.
Plumb tho feed man will pay you tho
highest price for poultry, eggs and,
A number of Red Cloud pcnplo went
down to Guide Rock lint night to 1 enr
Opie Read speak.
Cecil McClurg came down from
Hastings Monday and look Earl Foyer's
trotter to Suporior.
Dr. Damerell received about 3(50 hi ad
of stackers nnd feeders Sunday, which
ho will winter here.
R. E. Wat.ko of Humboldt, fusion
candidate for secretary of state, was In
the city Wednesday.
Cards nro out for tho wedding of
Mis Jessie Cathur and Mr. Will Aulil,
which will occur October 5.
Mrs. E. S. Garber and Miss Cot a
Gurber went to Guide Rock Saturday.
Kd and John went down Sunday.
Eil Jeffries, tho barber who left town
so suddenly a fow weeks ngo, is at
present sojourning in Down;, Kun.
C. W. and J. L. Kaloy will erect a
one story brick building on their lot
south of the F, & M. bank biulding.
At Inavalo Wednesday morning a
large pile of now ties belonging to tho
B. & H. cangnt tire and was consumed.
Mr. A. H. K-tloy is very ill and hor
sons, Walter Kaley of Chester and
Elmer Kaley of Donvor, aro at her bed
side. Thoto will be a meeting of the stock
holders of tho Rod Cloud Creamery
Association Saturday, October 1, at
2 p m., at the court bouse. It is re-
A barn, roof and
bridge paint that is
guaranteed for 5
A dandy good paint
and one that wears
and preserves the
A price that is
right for a PAINT
that can't be beat.
7 So per
Be sure and get
your barn paint from
from us.
Iniii'stfd that nil stockholder attend
as then' Is business of importance to
come hefoio the meeting,
lion. 0. W. Kaley has his head tied
up as the losult of the removal of two
sin-ill tumors from his ear one day last
Mr and Mr. Ed Glllard cninn down
from Naponeo Monday morning for n
short visit with Mr. Anna Tulleys and
Governor Mickey and Congressman
Norris occupied seats on the platform
during "Uncle Joe" CanuoiiN m h
last Saturday. '
Mrs. 0. H Potter is homo from Lin.
eoln, where sho arcomnanloil her
daughter Bertha, who will attend the
university this winter.
Adair (Snliisha eatno down fmni
Onmlia Sunilay.whero he has a position
in tho licailintartei-B of tho Republican
state central committee.
(ieorgo Rants came down from Ho',
diogu Wednesday to attend the funeral
of his nephew, Jesse Buell, who died in
Minneapolis, Minn , last Tuesday.
William Cr.ibill and William II
Thomas have been drawn as petit jur
on for the October term of tho federal
court at Lincoln, which meets on tho
In a practice gAino of football played
TucMlay evening between the legulai
team and the high school boys, the
fin liter ilefentod thu latter bv a mom
of IS to 0.
Khv. A (J. Klni-kwoll, nccnmii-inied
by his son, from mar Guide Ruck,
passed through Red Cloud Tuesday on
their way to visit his daughter in Nor-
ton count), KntiMi.
Regular services at tho Christian
iliurch inxt Sunday. At night the
pastor will give the tilth sermon in his
8rios to young nun, untitled "I'lio
Il'ioicSpiiit of Youth."
Last Friday was Governor Gnrbei's
7Snd birthday and a number of rela
tives and intimato friends wero entei
taincd at the home of the bedridden
governor in honor of tho event.
Wash Roed of Bladen visited Sunday
with his daughter, Mrs. George Now
house. He was accompaniod by his
brother, Gilbert Reed of Asbton, III.,
who is visiting relatives in this county.
Mr. J. O. Llndley suffered a sevore
attack of heart failuro Saturday morn
ing uud was unconscious for noarlv
two hour. Mrs. Llndley, though still
very woak, is now considered out of
No'lle Fu'Ier, Denver "My faco
was full of pimples and black-heads.
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea has
driven them away. People hardly
know mo. I'm looking lino" 35 cents.
Tea or tablets. C. L. OotUpg.
Westward the orb of glory takes its
Wisconsin is the state, you hear every
body ay,
It's made itself famous by one great
Rocky MountalnjToa has mado its
namo worldwide. C. L Cutting.
Ridge Loggott 'tanked uu" Monday
afternoon nnd wont home, where he
mined a slight disturbance. Marshal
Kinsol was called and whan be attenin-
ted to arrost Ridge tho latter made an
HToitto roach an axe. Kinsel boat
him to it, however, nnd succeeded In
landing him in tho "jug." Wednesday
morning ho was taken before Judizo
Keeney and bound over to tho district
Deputy Grand Patriarch A.J. Moan.
Paul Stony, Ward Hayen, E. W. Ross
and E. H. Newhotise went to Franklin
Tuesday night to assist in the removal
of Republican Valley encampment No.
20, I. O. O. F., from Alma to Franklin.
Grand Sentinel U. S. Rohror of Hast
ings accompanied tho Rod Cloud con
tingent. Olllcers wero installed and a
class of live candidates were initiated.
After thu ooremonies a splendid supper
was solved, and tho Red Cloud Odd
Fellows report a good time.
Death of Jesse Buell,
A telegram was received in Rod
Cloud Tuesday afternoon announcing
the death of Jesse Buell at St. Joseph's
i.ospital, St. Paul, Minn., Tuesday
Jesse Buoll was the only child of Mrs.
N S. Rants of this city. He was born
iitMiddletown, Conn., May 9, 1882, and
camo to Red Cloud Julv 4. 1001. For
tho past two seasons Jesse has been
traveling with the T. I. Cash Carnival
Cowpuuyof St. Paul. ilniiiK tho peril
ous ligh dive act. Last July ho broke
tho vorld'8 record for high diving,
uiakttgaloap fiom u ISO foot ladder
into unot below. A few weeks ngo
his mUlier received a letter from lilm
stating that ho was sick in tint hospital
with liinbago, but he recovered and
resumill his work. Nothing was heard
from hn since that time untill the
telegrati camo announcing his (loath.
Whetht ho wns injured in making a
high dih or whother ho died from na
tural ciisos is not known. His re
mains veto shioped from St. Paul
Wednesday evening and arrivod in
this city It 7:40 last night. Funeral
services villi bo held at tint homo of
Mr. ami Mrs. Rants, botwnon Third
and Fnurt avenues on Coder street,
this aftirnlon at 3 o'clock.
Tho beu.ivad mother and other
relatives htvo tho hoirtfelt sympathy
of their maly frieuds.
The Big
ing stock.
(We always call therrt Boys
until they are married), these
young fellows from 14 to 19
years of age know far better
than their parents what they
want in Clothing.
. Bring the Bin Bov here and
turn him loose in our Cloth-
Let him make his own selections.
He Can't Go Wrong
among the suits of his size. The fall styles are very
handsome, and there is not a poor value in the entire
Boys' Suits, S3 to $13.gO
Gouiden-Haley Clothing Go.,
One Price Clothiers,
First door north of Postofflce, Red Cloud, Neb.
R.ead This Carefully
I am making lots of Farm Loans.
There are reasons for this. I can close a
loan for you in three days after taking your
application, for these reasons:
You do not have to wait and pay for a
man to examine the land. My company has
oceans of money. You do not wait for them
to sell your loan in New York or London
before getting the cash.
You can Pay Off at Any Time,
without giving a day's notice of your inten
tion so to do. All other companies require
from 30 to 60 days notice on this point.
I have so many different plans for making
loans that some one is bound to suit. No
one can give better rates.
J. H. BAILEY, Red Cloud.
WAJM-l Jim- m
wwrwsMk f
Are good Shoes at reasonable prices?
It all depends on your Shoe Dealer selling
you the right Kind of Shoes according to
the service required of them.
Here ere Prices on Good Shoes.
Ladies Everyday Shoes $1.50, 1.75, 2.00 2.25 per pair.
Mens Everyday Shoes $1.25, 150, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50,
per pair.
Ladies Fine Dress Shoes $1.50, 1.75,
3.00, 3. co per pair.
Mens Fine Dress Shoes " l
3 00. 3-5 4-oo, per pair.
Boys and Girls School Shoes $1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25
per pair.
Bo)S and Girls PENCIL BOX containing Pi;n ami HMiUr 1. .j ci.
Pencil worth 2oc but Men with each pair of school shoes from SI.50 up
2.DO, 2.25, 2.50,
Call and see them.
Red Uoud m NehrMlcn
1'. S. I sew all of my shoos f reo of all clmrgos if thoy rip or couio looso $
A Brutal Husband.
A eouplit of weeks ago Mr. nnd Mrs.
Nicholas Metihi'it and two children loft
their homo in Chase county and start,
ed least, traveling ororland. MeQhoe
got drunk nt MuUook and remained in
that condition until thoy arrived at
tliis place on Tuesdny. Mrs. McUheo
was sutTering from a folon on her
thumb, .which had been lanced boforo
thev reached here. Thoy went into
camp a Miort distanco cast of lied
Cloud, and Mrs. McGhee's soro thumb
gave her such puiu that sho was unable
to do hor work. Her husband becamo
abusive, and when tho woman began
crying no xnookea hor down, then
brutally kicked her. Tho incident was
witnessed by Gus 1'undt, who inter
fered nnd brought tho woman nmi
children to lied Cloud, where thoy
wore toKon caro 01 at tho Holland
Houso. McGhco would not allow his
wifo to tako any of her belongings from
- iMH
the wagon and, as tho children woro
barefooted and scantily clothed, kind,
hearted citizens made up a purse to
clothe and foed tho dostituto wayfarers
and send them to Mrs. McGhee's pa
rents, who live near Chase
county. '
Gwrie llBdsey's Galloways.
Not satisfied with taking 1 11 the
honors for the best Gelloway cattle at
the Nebraska state fair, George W.
..ndsey took his prizo winner, -Pat
Ryan," to the World's fair at St. Louis,
where he won U,0 sweepstakes, honor.
g him with the title of tho best Gal.
loway bull in tho world. Mr. Llndsey
also captured eight other prizes at St.
Loui$ with bis line Galloway oattlo.
O. I. C. Whito, bom soxes, sevoa
months old, at plauo formerly occupied,
by Harry;8owtor.-W. V. Beal. 49