The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 30, 1904, Image 1

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7 Miner Brothers. I Miner Brothers. Miner Brothers, j
German China given for Cash or Produce Purchases. The finest
Premium ever offered in the city. Every customer of the store de
rives the benefit, limited only by the amount of your purchases.
their flour, potatoes o'c., and If tho
Democrats weio placed in power tho
turlir would bo taken off, ho they
could g t them cheaper. Mr. Ciinnou
said that, from 1802 to 18(H), no ono
would deny that everything was cheap-oi-
vveu men folt cheap
Speaker Cannon made the point that
under Republican riilothogovorumont
had never issued it lionil or borrowed a
cent in time of peace while under
Cleveland' second iidmlnlHtriiiion
dependence of tho mnnsoR would bo
endangered through Roosovol's Im
lierlallsm and militarism. Tho npoakor
showed that it was only with Bryun'sv
help t lint tho troity with Spain wiw
riitiflod which placed tho Phlllppluo
and 1'orto Klco under tho control of
tho Unt -d Stat-js and f rood Cuba. Aw
to tho danger from militarism, Cou
gross had passed u bill allowing tho
standing urmy to ho luoroiiHod to 100,
000 men, witli uJiiiulmiiui .linlt of 59,-
Tea Cups,
Coffee Cups,
3 sizes Plates, 5 1-2,
6 1-2 and 7 1-2 inch
Fruit Saucers,
Covered Dishes,
Oyster Bowls,
Cracker Jar,
Berry Set,
Celery Trays,
Gravy Boat and Stand
Chocolate Set,
Sugar and Creamer,
The range of pieces included in this offer will enable you to secure
a Dinner Set with Cash and Produce trade.
"UkU Je" Casus and Hm. J. E. Wat
8M Address a Larft aad Enthusiastic
Arileme Saturday AfteraoM.
Last Saturday was u gala day for tho
of V. B. Fulton, Flavius Grlce, A. B.
und Roscoe Sellars, who sang a cam-
I paign Kong entitled "There'll Be Mus c
in me Air in November."
Chairman C. P. Cnther then intio
duced "Undo Joe" Cannon, who, after
Republicans of lied Cloud and Webster a few complimentary remarks about
county. Hon. Joseph G Cannon, tho city and country, settled down and
speaker of tho national house of ropro- j delivered a speech which was replete
seutativos, aud Hon. James E Watsou, with facts and figures which would
congressman from Indiana, who had prove 10 any fair-minded man that tho
beeu annouucod to speak in tho court ,
house p nk at 1:30 p. m, arrived iu
their special car on tho ear y morning
train. They wero accompanied from
Falls City by Governor Mickey, Con.
gressmau Norris and A. Galusha.
During the forenoon Mr Cannon, Mr.
Watson, Mr Norris and Mr. Mickey
took a carriage ride through the rural
districts and expressed surprise aud
pleasure at the beauty and apparent
prosperity of tho country.
Long before the hour set for the
speaking tho crowd began to gather in
front of the speakers' stand iu tho
court house park, aud when Couuty
Chairman Cather called the meeting
to order there was assembled ouo of
tho largest audiences ever seen at a
p'eJJp-tll meeting in Red Cloud, fully
ono'thlrd of tho audleuco was compos
ed of women.
It was nearly 2 o'clock wh n the
. meotiug was called to order. Tho ball
was oponed by a quartette composed
Repu' lican party is the only political
organization lit to he trusted with the
hand lug of great national questions
Ho began, by quotiug from the Scrip
tures Christ's saying, "By thei- fruits
shall ye know them." Mr Cannon
said that during the forty-four jears
the Hepublicau party had been iu pow
er since its organization it had never
deviated from the principles laid down
in the original platform.
The principle of protection was es
tablished to protect American labor
aud capital, aud (replenish a treasury
which was us "bare as Mother Hub-
bard's'cupboard" when tho Ropublican
party took the reins of government.
Ho showed tho d iferonco between tho
nollcy of protection aud a tariff for
rovenue only. Tho policy of protection
placed a tariff only on such articles as
could bo raised or manufactured In tho
United States whilo a tariff for revenue
only did i ot protect American indus
tries, but pluced a tax on all imports.
"Uncle Joe" showed' that in 1800,
when tho Republicans assumed control
the total manufactured product of the
Uulted States was $1,800,000,000, which
in 1000, under the Republican policy of
protection, had grown to 119,000,000,000,
nearly seven times as much in 1860.
American labor received two dollars
for ono as compared with tho labor
of other countries.
Siuco the close of the rebellion,
uuder Republican government, over
seven hundred million dollars war debt
had been paid, a'ud nearly three thous
and million dollars had boeu pid out
in pensions to the nation's defenders,
their widows and orphans,
As another illustration of the pros
perity of tho country uuder Republic
an rule, Mr. Cannon oited the busiuess
done by the postoffice department.
In I860 tho total receipts of the pott
office department wero $8,500,000; the
expenses, 19,000,000. In 1003 the re
ceipts at the Chicago postofHce alone
amounted to 19,500,000, while the total
receipts of the department wero $140,
Speaker Cannon introduced figures
to show that tho Uulted State produc-
eu moro manufactured goods that
England, GtilJayfuid Franco combiu
ed, an amount equal to ono-third of
tho entire world's manufactured pro
ducts, 07 per cent of which was con.
sumed at home. Tho remaining 3 per
cent, when added to tho agricultural
exports, made tho United States the
greatest xport country iu tho world.
Siuco the formation of tho American
government, up to 1803, tho total ox
ports, of tho United jStates had ex
ceeded tho imports by only $70,000,000
Since the adoption of tho McKinley
tariff the exports had exceeded tho
imports 4,000 mi lion dollars, which had
been paid to us by foreign couutriesin
gold or its equivalent.
Mr. Cannon said tt-at it wa tho
younger Bfneration.who had no recol
lection of the strenuous times during
the rebellion and preceding it, that
changed tho policy of the government
and placed the Democrats iu power in
Mr. Cannon told how the leaders of
the opposition had hoodwinked the
farmers and tho laborers iu the cities,
in turn, during the campaign which re
sulted in Cleveland's second .election
and placed the Wilson tariff on the
Nutlonal statute books They would
come into tho rural districts and tell
tho farmer ho wus paying too much for
his clothing, farm machinery aud other
manufactured articles, and if the Dem
ocrats wero placed iu power they
should seo that those articles-wero
made cheaper.
Then thoy wou'd go into tho manufact
turing district and tell thojuboiers
that they wero paying loo much for
S'JTiO.OOO.OOO iu bonds wore issued to pay
tho ordinary tunning expenses of tho
Mr. Cannon gavo somo little attou-
ton to the Democrat! caudtduto for
president, as well as our own W. J.
Bryan. Mr Cannon said that ho ad
mired Mr Bryan's com ago and out
spoken manner; you did not have to
get a hcarcli warrant to find out what
Mr. Bryan' political principles wore
As to Judge Piirkiv, Speaker Cannon
said that "God and 1'arltcr u ono know
wheru I'aikei' stood."
Continuing, "Uncle Joe" said that
everyone Know llryan's opinion of Par
ker, as exptcsscd at tho St. Louis con
vention anil in Tho Commoner; that
the Democrats hud tinned Cleveland's
face to tho wall, yet both fhoso distin
guished leaders, dlamotrically opposed
in their views as tu what constituted
true Democracy, would work aud voto
for 'The Silent Man "
'I he speaker urged wavering l'opu
11 ts aud Democrats to get on tho right
side heforo tho 8th of November; for
on that day "somothiug was going to
Speaker Cannon Slid that it made
little difference who tho candidates
were it was principles that should bo
voted for, not men;, there woro hun
dreds of thousands of men fully as
capable as Mr Roosevelt, himself, and
other party leaders, who might die at
any time, but tho nollcles outlined in
tho party platform would live, and if
the Republicans were in power those
policies would be carried out, no mat
ter who were the men to execute them.
Mr. Cannon paid a high tribute to
the ability of Congressman Norris, and
predicted for him a brilliant future,
urging the people of this district to re
turn bim to Congress.
Speakor Cannon reiterated his be
lief that Mr. Bryan, in his stand on
tho free 8 Ivor question, was both mis
taken and wrong He showod tho
fallacy of Mr. Bryan's claim that tho
free coinage of silver would double
tho price of when', by showing thu'i
instead, the value of the silver dollar
would be cheapened one-halt'.
Tho speaker rovortodto thoqtiostinn
of Mr. Bryan's support of Parker and
hlsexciiso fordoingso. Bryau claimed
that Roosovelt was an imperialist,
and tint should h 1 be olectod the in
tegrity of tho government and tho in-
000 men ouo soldier to ovorv '2,100 of
inhabitants. President Roosovelt
showed his bollof In "mllittclsm" by
reorganizing the army on tho minimum
basis or 59,000 men.
Speaker Cannon closed an oloquont
plea for tho vo ors to give tho Repub
lican party full control of tho legisla- .
tlvoaud executive branches of tho
govermiMit, for without, that thoy woro
poworlu h to carry out tho policies ot
tlto patty.
Speaker Cannon, In it few noli
chosen ""'words, thou Introdujed Hon
James E. Watson of Indiana, but owing
t tho fact, that they woro to speak In
Bloomiugtou at hair past 1 Mr Wat
son's address was very brief. He eo
lluoil his remarks principally to ex
pressing his surprise mid pleasure at.
tho beauty of tho city and surrounding-
country and tho prosperity of our peo
ple Ho also spoke in glowing tornis
of tho record of iCongressinan Norrls
durlng his first term in Congress, aud
urged tho voters to ro-oloot him. Ho
also urged tho votors to glvo tho Ro
publican party full power and closed
with a handsome trlbu'o to President
Roosevelt, whose elect Ion ho predicted
by an overwhelming majority, which,
brought forth a burst of applause.
After tho close of tho meeting thoso
present woro given an opportunity to
shako bands with tho distinguished
guosts, after which thoy took their de
parture for Bloomiugtou, whero they
spoko in tho ' aftrnoou, going from
t'loro to Orleaus, whore thoy spoke In
tho eventbg.
Govonor Mickey and Congressman
Norris occupied seats ou the speakers r
Tho Swiss band, composed of men
living in tho vicinity of Guide Rock,,
furnished the music for the occasion
and acquitted themselves in a very
creditable manner.
Nebraska Patents.
Reported by O. A. Snow A Co., pat
ent attorneys, Washington, D. C; Apg-
I list Baumgart, Cornloa, torpedo gron-
ado;(Jiaham It Butler, Omaha, string
cuitor; Clans W. Glandt, Bennington.
honi nost; D.iulol T. Hill, Syracuse,,
dentistry; John R. Lowroy, Omaha,
Bteum lollnr; Olo E. Oloson, Fremont,
slovo adjuster for threshing machines
For copy of any of above patont seud
10 cents in postage stamps with dato
of this papor to O. A. Suo &. Co.
Washington, D. C.
Do You Wish
the Finest Bread
aod Cdcke
It is conceded that Royal
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