SK rJ r, ' f "uwi nwtf ! J" r V Wsj t Easy Running is the GREAT POINT in a wagon. In the Bettendarf f All Steel Gear you get a wagon that runs easy, because the axles never spring under a load, and the gather in the wheels is the same loaded or empty. It will never rot, and the seams can't come loose. Call and see this wagon it will pay you. BUGGIES. I will save you from seven to ten dollars on a Buggy. The way the Buggies went out last week show my prices are right, and I give you the latest goods out. Come in and see me before you buy. JANES PETERSON. tun! Miss Nettie Hnrion iuv attending Pontine tno Intci national Huvestir thu slieet (nlr ut Oxfoid. C i. In Manitoba nnd Altiottn, Canada, Fled KuIiIp, living nnrlliwxt n( Rid ,1,,ri"K "', ritiriu'l I" K' C.otul, Is n j doing over the nrrlvnl o( .,4444444tttCC LOCALETTES liny and food at Plumb'?. Ralph Ileal is in Missouri. I'lurab has Rdd Cloud Hour. Stock saddles at Joo Fogol's. Jjight harness at Joe Fogel's. Try that calf meal at Caldwell's. Go to Fred Plumb's (or flour or feed. Mrs. Spence Potter W visiting in Iowa. Amos Schaff nit has gone to San Fran-ci-co. t Dr. E. A. Thomas, dentist, Damerell block. J. P. Halo sells land, and soils it uick. tf Mrs. W. A. Brown has returned from Omaha. Grant Usher was up from Superior Sunday. A J. Hayes was up from Guide Rock Sunday. A. W. Ward of Franklin was in town Tuesday. 3 L. J. Moore was down from Kiverton Tuesday. 0. M. Storoy was down from CjwIos Tuesday. G. Roth was down from lloseland Monday. Will Crary was up from Guido Rock Tuosday. J F. Winters of Lincoln was in town this week. The county juil is being painted a bright red. JI E. Giiroand wife left Tuursday for Omaha. E. E. Burr was up from Guido Rock Wednesday. Andrew Arnold wns down from Inn Tale Tuesday. C. E tVu'ighn was up from 'Guido Rock Saturday. Al Smith of Winlleld, Kn., was in town Saturday E. E. Brown of Harvard was in this city Wodnosday. L B. Burnutte was down from Hast ings Wednesday. Try Ward Hayes for a first clns shavu or hair-cut. Don't forget "Undo Joo" Cannou's speech tomorrow. Chas, Wnddoll was down from Franklin yestardny. A. B Scllais has returned from a trip to Boulder, Col. Mr. and Mrs. II A Hoydospont Sun day in Wnmer, Kan. 0. H Wilson nnd family wore down from Inavalo Tuesday. if vou want the best and cheapest harness, go to Fogel's. M. R. Bentley of Hot Springs, Ark., s in tho city this week. Seo Joo Fogel for anything in the harness oraaddlory line. Hko jiWr poultry and hides to Plumb, Top prices paid. B. F. Muntz oxooots soon to lenvo ,Ued Cloud for Washington. Cloud tho Hist of thu week. John Smith lolut nod to Red Cloud Inst week after nn nlisenoo nf inoro titan ten years He is a son of Peter Smith, who tonnei-ly lived on what is known as tho Orinsby farm northeast of here. Tho old rookery to thd south of tho F V M. hank building is being torn down to tnako way fot a modern brick building We hope Mr. Kaloy will put up a building that wilt bo a credit to himsolf and the city. Miry Sponge tho pimples wllh warm water Vou need a blood tonic would advisu you to take HolllMera Rocky Mountain Tea. It drives away all ei option. .Ti cents. Tea or tablet form. C. L Cotting. Among the Red Cloud people who attended the Kiverton Street Fair this week were Riy Frame, Percy and Charley Ludlow, BubLraver, Ua-rol, Burden, ,loe Fogel, I c Myers, F. R. Mmdovillo and Joo Warien. Nu! lie I-Vler, Denver "My face was full of pimples and black-heads. Hollister's Rocky Mountain lea has diivnn them awny. People hardly know mo. I'm looking tine" .'i," cents. Tea or tablets C. L. Cutting. Two special trains passed through hem Thursday carrying the K T. Commaiiilcry of Philadelphia, Pciin. Tliev am icliirniiig fioni tho conclave at Sin Francisco and will take in the expi bitiou on their way home. Westward tho orli of glory tikes its wnv. Wisconsin Is tho state, you hear every- body s iv, It's made itself famous by one great stride; Rocky Mountain iTea has uimle its niinio win Idwido C L. Cotting. George Smelser nnd family returned to Red Cloud last Friday from Key stone, S. Dak , where they have been .,... tl.n .nal ..... ..M.I Kl ..... a modol of a patont "" ""' i"- "" .,..... machine which it 18 nJ" that if you think this is not a good nk 500 bushels of corn country, just go up whore he has boon County Clerk Garbor was in Guide Rock Wednesday afternoon. Try Hale's now restaurant for fresh oysters. Now in season. Mrs. Alonzo Wilson of Fairfield is tho guest of Mrs. Anna Tulloys. Rev. E. L. Hutchins of tho M. E. church is attending conforenco. Charley Gurney nnd children have returned from their eastern trip. "Uncle Joo" nnd C ingressman J. E Watson tomorrow afternoon, 1:80. Simon Von Boening and son of Roso mont wero in Red Cloud Monday. Quick service and first class work is the motto at SchafTnit's barber shop. Lydecker Van Riper, a nephow of Mrs. J. S. Emigh, is visiting in this city. C. M. Smith nnd Jesse Baker will soon movo to Norton county, Kansas. Miss Margery Stover of Edgar attended tho Tulleys-Gillard wedding. Fred Gillard came down from Na poneo to attend his brother's wedding. Judge Stubbs and ShorilT Hodge of Nuckolls county wero in town Wednes day. J. 11. Bailey nnd family returned home Sunday from a trip to the World's fair. Mrs. Georgo Morhart visited with Mrs. Dwight Jones in Guido Rock this week. Quito a number of Rod Cloud people took in tho street fair at Riverton this weok. Plumb the feed man will pay you tho highost price for poultry, eggs and, hides. I am miking a specialty nf gentle mans fine laundry work Mis N. S. Bants. J. W. Tulloys has returned to Lincoln after attending the Tulleys-Gillard wedding. Mrs. Marshall Turner of Harvard Nebr., attended tho Tulleys-Gillard wedding. Win. Echlor and Charley Snyder wei cover from Noith Branch, ;Kan., yesterday. A. C. Hosinor returned Monday morning from a visit in Clinton, III,, nnd St. Louis. Found Four head of caves. Owner can have same by paying for this ad, (Jus. Piitidt. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. llolsworth, living north of this city, last Friday. Cnarles Busheo moved his household goods Wednesday to the residence oast of Fireman's hall. Geo. 11. Biibor of Giatul Island, state orgaui.or of tho F, A. A., was in Red Cloud this wook. L, E. Tait is rejoicing over tho an ival of a baby girl at his home on Thursday morning. Will Simpson arrived from Kansas City last Siturday a id has taken n po sition on the Argus, The school board has decided to lay a cement sidownlk on tho east side of the school house yard. W. B. Housuholdor, wifo and dnugh. ter and Mrs. Woodsido wero down from Bladon Tuosday. Mrs. L. II. Rust, Mrs A. Conover a son last Tuesday evening. Mrs. E. L Potter aid Mi Clyde Potter of Ragan visited with Mrs. George Hutchison this week. Charley Milllgan has been Inking otT this weok and Tony Clink came down from Oxford to hold down his run. Francis,!. Evatisand Marie Crnxcn both of Aurorn, Nebr, wero married Thursday by County Judgo Keeney, Will Overman left Monday for Lin coln, where lie will nttend tlio State university, which opened this week. Jerry Sullivan, wifo and son came down f i urn Riverton Tuesday. M-. Sullivan is here for medical treatment. Roy Wolf nnd Georgo Law ofOowloi wemin Red Cloud Monday, on their way to St. Louis to take in the world s fair. .Jni vis Postlcwnito of Illinois and Wellington Richard of Guide Rock were in Red Cloud tho first of the week. Mrs. (. V. linger of Litchfield, Neb., passed through R-d Cloud Thursday eiirouto for Franklin for a visit with relatives. 11. N. Lowis of Bladen stoppod nil in Red Cloud Monday morning while on his way home from a short visit to the Woi Id's fair. Last Saturday SheritT McAithur took Mrs. Whitmom of Uuido Rock to the insimo asylum at Lincoln. Mrs J. W. Kinsel accompanied them. County Clerk Garbor wns n itiiiud the lirs t of thu week that tliem was scarlet fever in the family of Adam Albers in Stillwater precinct. Some one entered Mrs. J. II Person's yard Wednesday night nnddiovo away with her milch cow. They also took awny enough liny to feed tho cow. There is on exhibition at Popo Bros.' hardware store a modol of n patont corn-husking claimed will hu por day. $-VvaMvV'Wa'W'Wn The Bi On Sunday at tho Congregithnal church tho pastor will speak on the following themos: morning, "A Soul Saving Gospel;" evening, "Hearing and Hooding." You should bo suro to hoar the Hon. Opio Road at Guido Rock on the 20th. Mr. Road, besides being an au thor and novelist, Is a campaigner and orator of ability. M. C. Sherman, who has beon reprr- Ritkins Barn Paint A barn, roof and bridge paint that is guaranteed for 5 years. A dandy good paint and one that wears and preserves the wood. A price that is right for a PAINT that can't'lbejDeat. 7 So per gallon Be sure and get your barn paint from from us. MORHART BROS. Hardware Co. for a little while. Rod Cloud water refunding bonds, ninoiinting to $22,000, wero sold on tho 12th to N. W. Hnrris& Co., of Chicago, III. Tho bonds aro to draw 4! por cent interest nnd will rosult in a sav ing of about (330 a year to tho city. Tho bonds mny bo taken up by tho city after ten years. There havo beon more than fifty cars of cattlo brought into Red Cloud from tho west within tho past fivo weeks nnd will bo fnttenod on Webster county corn. As thoro are an average of 22 head to each car, it means that 1100 head of western cattlo havo been brought here, and there will be more to follow. Rev. M. P. Dixon, formerly pastor of tho M. E. church here nnd more re cently pastor nf tho Mothodist church at Trumbull, Neb., passed through Red C oud Tuesday, accompnniod by bis family. Mr. Dixon has given up preaching and is enrnuto overland to his farm in tho northern part of Rus soll cnuntv, Kansns. C H. Kaloy is making a numbor of improvements at Crystal lako. Tho channel of Crooked creek changed tho summer, cutting off tho water sup ply. Mr. Kaloy has sunk n numberof well?, orcctod windmills nnd reinforced these witli a gasoline engine for pump ing purposes, and hopes to keep his lako supplied with water in this manner. Simon Von Boening of Rosemont filed complaint in tho county court Mondny against John Mulder nnd Her man, Georgo and Henry Buntjver, charging tlum with assault on tho per son of his son Clir s on Sunday even ing Sheriff McArthur nnd Deputy Sheriff Foe went to Rosemont Tuesday and arrestod the parties nnd brought thorn to Red Cloud. Tney were ar raigned in the county court on Tues day evening and their hearing was set fortnlay at 1 p. m. They wero re leased on bond in tho sum of $50 each. Tulleys-Gillard. One of tho prettiest homo weddings of the season occurred iWodnosday evening at tho homo of Mrs. J. A. TuHeys, on Walnut street, whon her daughter, Miss Anna, was united in marriiigo to Mr. Edward Gillard of Nn pouee. The rooms wero handsomely decora ted with Hiuilax, ferns and china asters, and the color scheme of gioiii and white was carried out in all tiie moms. Stieniiuirs of ft ru and china asters liiingfrom Die cliaiidelier to the four cornels of iho dining ro m tablo, and the wax candles o invuniently placed about tho looms gave forth a soft glow that nddedinuoli to the effect of tho decorations Promptly at half past five, to the strains of M'liido xsohii's wedding march, plavd ny M O'oar HiikIio, ihe bnde and urooiu, accompanied by Mr, V a to i limit?, of N.ipoimo as bot mill unit Miss Mint Cook as bridesmaid cuiered the sitiii g loom and to ik their places imntmlli a innopy of II iwors and feins in tne hit) window. Riv. G. II Rice, pastor of tint Congregational church, read the full C ingregational wrddlug Hirvlco and pronounced them man and wife, after whion they rocolv- BIhwBI Boys f ft (vVe always call them Boys until they are married), these young fellows from 14 to 19 years of age know far better than their parents what they want in Clothing. Bring the Big Boy here and turn him loose in our Cloth ing stock. Let him make his own selections. He Can't Go Wrong among the suits of his size. The fall styles are very handsome, and there is not a poor value in the entire line. Boys' Suits, S3 to S13.SO Gouideo-Haley Clothing Go., One Price Clothiers, First door north of Postofflce, Red Cloud, Neb. WvA Read This Carefully I am making lots of Farm Loans. There are reasons for this. I can close a loan for you in three days after taking your application, for these reasons: You do not have to wait and pay for a man to examine the land. My company has oceans of money. You do not wait for them to sell your loan in New York or London before getting the cash. You can Pay Off at Any Time without giving a day's notice of your inten tion so to do. All other companies require from 30 to 60 days notice on this point. I have so many different plans for making loans that some one is bound to suit. No one can give better rates. J. H. BAILEY, Red Cloud. f-(frtfr(tfrfrttttfrctq 1 WHAT Are good Shoes at reasonable prices? It all depends on your Shoe Dealer selling you the right Hind of Shoes according to the service required of them. Here are Prices on Good Shoes. Ladies Everyday Shoes $1.50, 1.75, 2.00 2.25 per pair. Mens Everyday Shoes $1.25, 150, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50. per pair. Ladies Fine Dress Shoes $1.50, 1.75, 2.00,2.25, 2.50, 3.00, 3.C0 per pair. Mens Fine Dress Shoes " ( (( 3 oo, 3.5. 4.oo, per pair. Boys and Girls School Shoes $1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25 per pair. Boys and Girls PENCIL BOX containing Pen and Holder, Lead and Slate Pencil worth 2ocbutAlven with each pair of school shoes from SI.50 up Call and see them. HENRY DIE DE RICK Red Cloud Nebraska P. S. I how nil of my Hhoos frooof all chirgos if thoy rip or como looso m m m m m m m m m m m m MM-M ed tho congratulations of tho guosti. The hrido was attired in a gown of whito chiffon and wore a knot of china anteri in her hair. Miss Cook, tho hridfimiald, wore a gown of white hwIkh miille. Th'i groom was attired in tho conventional black. Following the ceremony a wedding supper was served, of which nil tho gtimtH freely partook. Farewells woro H-.ld nml the haopv coupln took tho evening fain for Naponeo, whoro they will he Ht homo to their friends after October 15 The In idn was the recipient of numer ous costly and useful presents, includ ing beautiful cut-glassware, silverware, table linen, etc., which wero displayed on a table In tins parlor. About forty guests wero present, those from outside of town being Mr. Walter lloin. and M". Fred Gillard of Napnnee, Miss Margery Stover of Kdgir, Mrs. Atonzo Wilson of Fairlilod, Mrs Mirshall Turner of Harvard and Mr. John W. Tulleys of Lincoln. Tho hrido is a native of Rod Cloud, having been born in this city nineteen years ago. Hit father, tho lato J. A. Tulloys, was one of tho best known men in Nebraska, having for years bom grand custodian of the Masonic, order of tho state. For tho past two years Miss Tulleys was employed as a compositor in Tiik Uhikk office, nnd hosts of friends in Red Cloud and has vicinity. Tho groom, Mr. Edward Gillard, was until rccoutly employed in the' clothing department of Hadoll's depart mont store and was a very popular salesman, which position ho resigned to outer busiuois for himself at Napo nee, Tiik Cuiek joins tho numerous friends of tho happy couple in wishing thorn a long nnd jiyoiu jiuruey down, life's pathway. ) I. I l I .V f '.VI m , .r - 9-ir -x Sffiff KVA ms&msar Ml"