The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 16, 1904, Image 9

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inw iwwiumi !
You will find our styles of Buggies right Up to Date.
I visit the eastern markets and always have the Latest.
This week the people, that saw our $45 Buggies, pro
nounced them Equal to Others at $10 to $i$ higher in
prices. IJ'"
We have just unloaded a csr of the famous Bet
tendarff steel gear wagons that has no equal on the
market, come in and look over our goods. They are
fresh and clean, and get prices. They will be Eight.
Stock saddles at Joo Fogel's.
Try that calf meal at Caldwell's.
Light harness at Joo Fogel's.
J. P. Halo soils laod, and sells it
quick. tf
Dr. E. A. Thomas, dentist, Damerell
Hay and teed at Plumb's.
Plumb has Red Cloud Hour.
C H. Crone was in Superior Monday.
io to Fred Plumb's for flour or fed.
Koy Oarbor spent Sunday in Frank
lin. Dan Uaber of Superior spent Sunday
Dr. Gardner was up from Wymore
Atty Baum of Nehon was in town
Come next Saturday and hoar Joe
Miss Ollio Morrow spent Sunday in
Mrs. Uunchey is visstiug in Franklin
this week.
Mrs. C. J. Pope returned Mouduy
from Lincoln.
L. C, Piesiger of Bluo Hill was in
town Wednesday.
Try Ward Hayes for a first clas
shave or hair-cut.
W W. Wright and wife returned to
Hebron, Monday.
Miss Nellie Nesbit is visiting in
Hustings this weok.
Frank Peterson was on tbo slbk list
the Ui st of the week.
Miss Suilio Evans of McCook is vl-it-iug
here this week.
Charley Mctiuiro was in Superior
tho lirstof the week,
S A. Templo returnoit Wednesday
from a trip to Colo.
Ned Grinioi of Blue Hill was in'own
the first of the wouk. (
Mrs. Tony Clark returned Monday
to her homo in Oxford.
C. II. Dmiglos was down from
Illootningtom Monday.
Mrs. E. O Si'oil was down from
Kupublican City, Tuesday.
Alsld Longtin and ClaiiduEiiiigh left
Tl'hmsdiiy for Seatlle, WBHh.
A C. Hosnior hiicI wife left Monday
for a visit in Clinton Illinois.
Try Hale's new restniiiuni for
frosh oysters. Now in season
Mis Whitiiker p'turnnd Sunday,
from a trip to tin exim-ition.
Mr Hi SIhmmmI-wi ami wif, une
lown from K vi'itmi Tinmilu',.
J O. Cililwill 1 -1 m i.ol I'ii.'mI.v
from a weeks inp in Wyimiiiu
,1'itr'i W. Si'Hin'ii nf , nmiiiti c t
wn ui town h lim f Hie ncclc
M . J. O Will' Hllll Mill It'HII'tlllll
-to ilitir homo in OiIimih, Siiniln
I'aKn your o'Milirv unit hid 10
I'iiinib, Top irip,'" paid.
Plumb the feed man will pay ynu the
tilalyest price-fur poultry, eggs and,
Dr. Damoroll and W. T. Auld wero
in Cowlos the first of tbo weok buying
If you want the best and cheapest
harness, go to Fogel's.
See Joo Fogol for anything in tbo
harness or saddlery lino.
Quick service and first class work is
the motto at Schaffnit'd harbor shop.
I am making a specially of gentle,
mans tine laundry work Mrs. N. 8.
Walter Kaley of Chester was visit
ing with bis parents in Rod Cloud
Girl Wanted Dining rooji girl
wanted at the Bon Ton. W. S. Bense
Lucius Frisbie left Sunday for Lin
coln, where be will enter school the
coming year.
Charley Crabill returned to Lincoln
Sunday to finish bis course in the
business college.
Mrs. Fred Gun returned to her home
In Blue Hill, Tuesdny after a weeks
visit in this city.
Mrs. Lillian Kelley of Los Angeles,
Calif, was visiting with Mrs. N. S.
Units, last week.
Earnest Hayes returned to Guide
Rock Sunday, after u visit with rela
tives in Red Cloud.
Anson Garbor left Sunday for Guido
Rock, where he has accepted a position
with A J. Huyes.
J. L. Minner and Goorge Coon wero
buying cattle in Wosiren Nebraska the
fust of the wook.
J. H, Bailey, wife and childron left
Monday morning for St. Louis for a
visit at the exposition.
Mrs. A. G. Gieou and Mrs. S.J F.
Spokeslield left Tuesday for St. Louis
where they will uko in exposition.
Michael McNmuiiio of Rockfoid.Ill.,
is looking at laud in this vicinity with
the viow of hiijing and settling here.
Mr Dvis and wife, who havo been
visiting at J O Builer'i, returnod to
thoir home in Hatting the brat of this
Elinor Ciono is switching in the
ynids hoio this week t iking tho place
of James Amiuk who is visiting in
Mr. Win. ClemmoiiH of Los Angeles,
Cal , w.s in town Thumliiy. He
foriuei ly had charge of tho B & M.
hotel here.
Alts. W. R film k left Tuesday morn-l
in i; for Imr homo in Findlny, Onio,
C. W Kiloy accompanied her as far as
Fulls Cn.
1) Vi Smith itmi Warren Longtin
lef' M'niiliit tor Lincoln), where they
will take i. 11, s,. ,t the Lincoln Busi-
Ill'MS Colli U'l'
A Inn. el uuing to Jimos Doyle
W11.11.. I, oil 011 a bulbed wire
'" tit in 11.. killed, the latter natt
of in. 1
11. iiber of Mrp. Bert
I'.itm tor iior homo in
ineil by Mrs K-t ey as
K.l v
.O ,
fur in L
Dhi'm iu- linn "Unclii Jon Can.
iion,"SiieaKi f the House of Repio
nentativiM vi ho norooii tho twenty,
fourth of September.
J. B. Siansiir informs us that ho has
adjusted the lo,s which was sustained
by M tik McConkey by lire lust week.
Mr. M(C inkey will r-i'iuvo$;J74.r),'i.
I). Ilnppon, A lv H!i, K Scheiem
horn mid Simon Voti Moenittg all of
Uoseinont weie in Red Ciotid Thursday
and Hindu this o 111 no a pleasant call.
Claas Rose nnd a number of other
gentlemen of Rosetuont were in Roil
Cloud Thursday In attendance nt the
sessiou of the county commissioners.
Mrs. Anna Cather and son Jay and
Miss liiai Knloy returned to their
homo in Lincoln Stturday after nn
extended visit with relatives tti Red
The team bolonging to Rilph McEl
hatioy, living on the Ike Meters farm
east of Iuavnle, ran away lust Filday
nnd wusseveioly cut in a bmb wite
George Uoaton, Sr. retutned from
Lincoln the first of the weok, whole
Guoigo,Ji. Inn uudergonu an operation
for appendicitis. He lepoits him as
lusting eusy when hu left.
Wo havo to thank Mr." A G. Green
for a basket of lino pouches which He
presented to us last Monday. Thuy
wein veiy Inrgo and you miy bu suio
we did full justice to them.
W II. Risencrnns now of Ru'kfotd,
III., arrived in Red Cloud last Thin
day nccompatiied by four gentlemen
also of Rockford who were lo iking for
farms in this vicinity with the view of
J Rosencrans who has hem visiting
in Illinois this Mimmor returned lo his
home near Wooiuer list week. Mr.
H iscticraus expresses himsi If as bdiug
sutinlied Unit Nehiaska is the bust
country 011 eatth.
M h. Poke Sutton brought us putt of
11 blanch from u plum tree on which
were about all tho plums for which
1 hi re whs any room, it was from a
cultivated wild plum mid tho plums
weio as large as those of budded ttuis
Miry Spongo tho pimples with
wat in water. You need a blood tonic
would ndvise you to tuko HolllMors
Rocky Mountain Tea. It drives away
all ui options. 33 cents. Tea or tablet
form. C. L. Cotting.
'1 ho largest applo wo over saw was
pieioiited to us last Friday by Will
Hilton, living southeast of Rod Cloud.
It was thirteen nnd one half inches in
ciioumfronca and weighed one pound.
It is of the Wolf River vnriety.
Regular sorvicos will bo bold at tho
Congregational church Sunday. Tho
morning sermon theme, "The New
Man in Christ", evoning thonio, "Tho
Ministry of Reconciliation ". Attor
noon meeting at Indian Creok.
Barn "
A barn, roof and
bridge paint that is
guaranteed for 5
A dandy good paint
and one that wears
and preserves the
A price that is
right for a PAINT
that can't.bejbeat.
7 So per
Be sure and get
your barn paint from
from us.
No. He Fuller, Denver "My fact;
was full of pimples and black-heads.
Holllstei's Rocky Mountain 'lea has
diivon thuin away. People hnrillj
know me I'm looking tine" .'15 cents.
Tea or tablets C. L. Cotting.
Westward the orb of gloty takes its
Wisconsin Is tho state, you liotir every
body sy,
It's made Itself fatuous by ono gteal
Rocky MottntnlnjTea tins made its
ntiuio worldwide. C L. Cutting.
Two special trains passed through
here Thursday carrying the K T.
Comiiinndery of Piiiladelphia, Penn.
I hey are returning from the conclave
at Sin Francisco and will tako In the
exposition on their way home.
Oiner Butler left Monday for Omaha
whole ho has secuiod a position on the
World Huiald as cartoonist. '1 his is
ijtiitu an important position to be tilled
(0 one of his upo, but we helievo that
Oiner not only has the ubility but the
talent to successfully till tho position.
A large number of Red Cloud people,
consisting puuticallyof ullof thu mem
bono! tnul. O O F. lodge of this cliy
together with their families went to
fcupeiior jestoulny to attend the annu
al picnic of thu Republican V.tliuy 1. O.
O F picnic association.
lion. Oplu Road, thu celubratted
aiittior and novelist, will speak in
Ciiinlo Rock on thu evening of Sept. ill).
Rudiueit lutes on the ruiltoads have
been grunted for Siliirdny September
ill, on account of Undo Juo C.itinon
being in Red Cloud.
Mr. U L. Colling received a telegram
Monday announcing thu set ions illness
of his mother at Bustol, Wi., and he
left thut evening for her bed-ide.
Tuesday morning an other telegritm
whs i ec tu veil tilling of her death at
about 4 o'cloik Mr. Cutting will bo
gone about two wteks.
Fiutik llollund and Joseph Mills
weio biouglil to Red (loud Tuesdny
inoi ning liy HticiilT Sliolbnrn of Alma,
nod lodged in Jul, elmi god with steal
lug silk from Pete Shea's store at Oi
lcans. They had been in Mr. Shea's
store and afterward the bilk wat mis
sed. Mr. Sliou followed tho parties
and captured them. Hu found the silk
in their possession.
Fred Plumb bus purchased tho flour
and feed business of Henry Clark and
will conduct it in tho future Ho will
also continue to buy poultry nnd hides
as heretofore, but will now ho located
at the flour and feed store. Mr. Clark
will devoto his time to management of
tho Beatrice Creamery Co. interest in
this vicinity and to the selling of cream
Lightning struck tho home of J H.
Sheltou, living four miles north east of
Red Cloud, last Tuesday morning It
.earns that the bolt struck the chimney
first throwing the bricks some distance
from the house, and afterward setting
tire to the building. Fortunately the
tire was extinguished before much
damage was done. Mrs. Sheltou was
quite severely shocked and tho ion bad
his hands burned while putting out the
tire. ,
After tho speaking and other oxer
sloc last Friday tho following wero
elected us tho officers of tho Old Sotf
leis Association for tho ensuing year:
Mis. J W Wairon, piesldont; R B.
Fulton, secretary mil Henry Gilliam
Mrs. Oliver McCall and George Warren
were elected as execntivo committee.
Shop lifters stole about 810 worth of
silk from TurnuroBros. store, Wednos
dayof last week. A search wn-rant
whs taken out and Deputy Sheriff Foe
sotrcheil the belongings of llin fakirs
on tho Pike but with out success. A
pair of good shoes wore also stolen
from Henry Diedeiichs boot nnd shoe
storo. Both thefts are believed to havo
been done by tho same parties.
Through an oversight on the part nf
a compositor last week wo failed to
chronicle the marriage nf Mr. Corydon
W Frink, of Bloomington, III , to Miss
Alta Biker on Wednesday, September
7 Rev. Hutchins of tho M E Church
ofliciated. Mr. Frink lived on his farm
south of Red Cloud last 3 oar hut sold
it this spring and moved to Illinois.
MissBakor is a daughter of (iooigo
Baker, living near Let tor, and has spent
tbo greater portion of her lift in Web
ster county. She is a young lady who
has a wide aquaintuncoin this county
and more than averugo accomplish
ments The Chief joins with their
many friends in wishing them a pleas
ant journey through life.
Kansas City Market.
Special to Tiik Ciiikk.
Kansas City, Mo , Sept. 13, 1001.
Last week's cattlo market was vory
good on Hourly everything, stocKors(
mid nil Kinds or calves Doing 1110 oniy
kinds that did not makogaiiiH. Stock
ers lost 10 to 20 cents, especially com
mon ones, mid veal and stock calves
dropped olf '25 to 50 cents This week
startod out yostorday with 11 run of
23,000, and '20,000 ciiiih in today, quitu
tho heaviest runs this season. Primo
steors uro as biuh ns tiny tituo in tho
lust mouth this week, top nrlco today
is $0 00, nnd all kinds of killing cattlo
aro Rolling freely at steady to 10 conts
bolow lust weok; medium and common
cattlo though, aro soiling unywbero
from 10 to 25 cents lower Westorn
and natlvo grass steers foil at t.3.25 to
M.50 for steors wolghlng 1000 to 13001b.
Grass cows bring 1225 to 13.50, cunuera
.vVvrAAvrv vVvvyvN x'Nvv,V",A"
? tfSSf
if we can't fit you right
sMLK A. j sj
L jIbidkbV r 3 vjp
essary alterations.
Prices no higher than the quality justifies.
Never in our successful history were we better pre
pared to serve the people of Rrd Cloud and vicinity.
Prices are lower. Quality higher. Come and see us.
While some may think it early to buy winter
clothes, it won't hurt to get our ideas and our prices.
Money back if anything goes wrong.
No man is your superior in this store.
Fall Hats, Shoes and Furnishings All In.
Gouiden-Kaley Glothing Gd.,
One Price Clothiers,
First door north of Postofflce, Red Cloud, Neb.
R,ead This Carefully
I am making lots of Farm Loans.
There are reasons for this. I can close a
loan for you in three days after taking your
application, for these reasons:
You do not have to wait and pay for a
man to examine the land. My company has
oceans of money. You do not wait for them
to sell your loan in New York or London
before getting the cash.
You can Pay Off at Any Time,
without giving a day's notice of your inten
tion so to do. All other companies require
from 30 to 60 days notice on this point.
I have so many different plans for making
loans that some one is bound to suit. No
one can give better rates.
J. H. BAILEY. Red Cloud.
Are good Shoes at reasonable prices?
It all depends on your Shoe Dealer selling
you the right Kind of Shoes according to
the service required of them.
Here are Prices on Good Shoes.
Ladies Everyday Shoes $1.50, 1.75, 2.00 2.25 per pair.
Mens Everyday Shoes $1.25, 150, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50
per pair.
Ladies Fine Dress Shoes $1.50, 1.75, 2.30, 2.25, 2.50,
3.00, 3.fO per pair.
Mens Fine Dress Shoes " (( )(
3 oo, 3.5, 4.00, per pair.
Boys and Girls School Shoes $1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25
per pair.
Boys and Girls PENCIL BOX containing Pen and Holder, Lead and Slate
Pencil worth 2oc but Alvcn with each pair of school shoes from 91.50 u
& Call and see them.
Red Cloud - Nebraska
V. S. I sow nil of my shoos f roo of nil chu-gos If thoy rip or como looso
uro soiling lieiter thiin before tho
sottlomont of tho strike Tho vory
host cattlo in all clusses uro steady
this weok; tho loss Is on the common
onos Stockors nro nearly at the low
point again, feeders are holding up 11
little better, hnt aro lower than last
week. Thoioisn very good domain
from the country, which should bo
vory heavy toward tho last of the week
as thoro will doubtless bo somo bar
gain to bo had during tho week. It
looks like a trading basis I as boon es
tablished hat. would ast through tho
soasou, with minor.uu tuiitlons, sothut
shippers (-an figure intelligently on
about what they can oxpoot for their
IIor rocelpts last wook foil below
those of same wo k lust year, and aro
light this weok, Pili-os uro creopliiK
upward, in spito of efforts of packers
to koop them down, und uvoruKool
Bales yi storduy was tho bignot this
year. Market is wouk to 5 cents
A.A Wfci
If you're ready for your ST
Fall Suit we're ready to show
you .the new ideas in color
ings and the late kinks in the
cut and make-up.
Buy Early
Don't allow the choicest
things to slip away from you.
You'll be pretty hard to tit
olT, but wejll make any nec
tower louuy, with top at So.GTi. bulk of
halo's JT..G0 or bettor. All weights seH
nearly ullko, und It is cpialltx that
counts, although houvy hogs uro still
cut 11 littlo in prlco.
Sheep markets havo boon steady to
stroiiR itiul aotivo BIr runs of wostoru
havo boon rouolvod both yostorday aud
tnuiiy, 20,000 for tho two days. Lambs
lost 10 to 1C conts yesterday; othorwiso
tho market this wook is steady, und
trading uctlvo. Quito a number of
fcodliiK kinds nro bohiK sold this week
us domand for them is ulmost unlimit
ed ut this seas 11. Best lambs bring
er 03, wot hers iKj to 3.50, ewos up to
W.7. thoso prices for natives. Western
feoding stutr sells nt $.1.:)0 to W.G0,
un euiug owes u littlo higher.
J A Hlo art,
L.S.J orrespondent
That Settle's It.
When a Colorado ourid stono walk is
IhUI that settles it. Sue Overing Bnw
& Co. for pricos.
(in !i.
.'-.uaatf, y I r.