The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 16, 1904, Image 6

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    our ii:iniir.icnirltiR
Miii nuuanvcu o rawaAoc1Mimi-nii.iM,.Mi,,
re ii Ho the area or
'111 .
high r ii rni l.i iid values unit agricultural
pi asperity form mi object lesson (lint
must npppnl powerfully In Canadian
farmer who ate handicapped by ths
lack nf u near liimii' marki't for their
produce. Tim ipoilii of our tunttufni
liirlni; SI.iIp-h receive lit wages mill sab
nrles .Ml)l,1):iil,IK.'t, ii large proportion
of which ptssps eventually to tht fn nit
ers. It Is n vystcni of dose miitiiiil In
tiTch.tngo nml support, of domestic farm
nml factory reciprocity, which, with our
great natural advantages, hits mad
America ii synonym for prosperity the
world orcr.
Muiaram to National Irrination
Democrats Think FreeTOTe
Panacea Harmless, Because
It Cannot Be Taken.
fy' Congress at Ogden, Utah,
y. i i v..
tf Lao i i car.
Of Party Leaders Exposed by a Demo.
cralic Free Trade Paper- Gorman
and Davis Placed in an
Unenviable Light.
Is llic President's Opinion nl
Cvrlalloa Message Shows Vast Fund
$of Ifllontiatlon on Reclamation
of Arid Lands.
L'fflwph nnnonPl t;p mrnomr ' protection. nml tlmt
" -?l 0 rr-
u- W
I V:
Jrrfnlili'iw Roosevelt sent the following
tsatge li tin Niitlftmil Irrigation Com
I- In tlcrc-lon at Ogdcit, I'tnii. Sept.
JMIMVlskU H characteristic of tin
fy It Hliow'.' Wroud. ilppp. patriotic
ywt In but h Irrl.Valloii nml forestry.
ntwi Kiiows his tnnsto.-ly Intellectual
top? of iiny nml nil topiest concerning
public weirnre:
, Oyster tiny, N. V., Sept. tS, IPO'l.
TIip paxxngp of tho Nn I lorn I IrtliMlliit
wnn hup of tln gicutcsi Hipp.', nut only
the forward progress of ltn Stittps, hut
int of nil iiiuiiMuil.
wnH Hip beginning of no ucliievitiu'iil
uni wp m-stinto in nri'iiiu iiit
nine, lnit 11 was nt-ly tin- hpgluulng.
Hint thn Inn Is uti fiii'fiiiinltMliiil fuel.
i must Im ghen effect. To Hull Pint tins
inmntlnii service mgiitilziil under the
r'Ai'i""n' hrli'ntlnil of .Iniio 17. Iiirj,
,li'f' hoen pushing IIh tnrp)H Mini eXi'.mlun
.i7r!,m of possible Irrigation projects cner
Mjfi'tlfally In each of Hip thirteen Stiitrn uml
,irrp Territories iinnii'tl in llic nd, Hume
J the projects width promised well nt Hint
S. found on careful si tidy in tip Imtir.ii-
Ie, pltlier hciiinxc of xmuly water hii-
Or Of l?flMlt I'llHt. Illlll'IM tllllHt HUllll
lW values ill liiinl, while hI III others
il the tPht nml nre irmly tor I i
leccMtlty of National Aid,
imllilii uniJrptH nn- ntnnrH lurcn
ily. Iiri'iinxi in hull' iMitpriirlxn li.u
HClZl'tl llpllll till1 FlllllllPI' Hint tl"f4
itu!, U'livlni; to Hip yovcrimii'lit
(irkn which nrp to lp mi iymmi-
birt In hrliiRloi; the uulloii to Hi
Inpmi'lit. Hrt'iit can' nml Hit' lilu'li-
liprriiK Hklll imp rnpilri'il In plmi
RUi'li vnrl;. Milcli lire ninnlii: tin-
Mt iiiHli'rliiLliiL'Niif iniiiikliiil. Tlii'v
i. ,'J-'.''nSl
ihijnit l tut''' for itpriimiipiicii nml Hiifply.
!'W tlipy ntc-Ui I.Ui iiimI npruiul prnppiltr
CPtitnrii'H. in oimikii iiiiii iniiiii ton n
nrttA a I" ilr ( iMiulliri'rM of Hip hluhrxt
'iirn(tpr luivc Iippii lirouht tuci'thrr In
iu rprliitiintliin Hprvlpo, for only nii'ii lin-
irtlally Hilpited for rii purity nlnin' lire
itio or creniiiiB iikhp uri'in hirnci.iirs.
'It uiimt (;ovi-in. not only In tin- Mclir-
K of i
in r ii. hut mill tuori! In Hip hpipmIiiu
AXhP nmJpptH.
MVvcrj' nH'iiiiiiniion
.-,.. ' - .i ..
projppt Ki'lpcti'il for
liumt poMKPHS Hip ipiiilllh'H
uMc!t tninitipiiit It iih n iiiiIIoiiiiI uinlrrlii
VL rprtnlu to rprlnlm lurn tnrlH of nr
,1,-' and to Hitpport In null IipIiik ii iIpii
viporoiiM iopiiiiitiou. Viint tiiouuii i iir
"f Hip rpi'liiiiiutlnu Inw, tlioiu will
iHiluuni'iiM. xvuli'li lii'i'i'sunilly
POBjpwwilVoi'nto of Mipchil puijpi'tn
.thp.'Slow mid t-ti'iuly iIpvpI
,VU;lli rlil H l fiiiinnin m
- grrnt uiulcrtal.liiK''. it
In nilinl Hint n 1 1 ra Mill Niir
hIIiIp jiroJpptH itIvph Hip poii
hrlr iplntti viiIup, mid that a
ii." IninmtiiiKP to ono unnni of
nfi'in Ips drulrahlo In Hip Unlit of
i Hiitlon UrRctt.
It wlo In Mri!i nlTiilrw to IipuIii
Itlim tlmt, mid I'lnliomtp iIpIiiIIh nf
i. Kuril important point iiilki. op
htiiilh'd In ndviilu'P. mid Hip vhnh
kpil nml npprotpd Ix-fnrc wink ciin
M'l ir wp priH'piii ooin I'HiiiiniiHiy
liiti'iitly niiilrr thU lipupflppiit law,
lonllili'litly p.pppt Hip lnn;rtt l'
lpliMHiipnt of our arid liiinlit mid
ilWtiii ly luilimlrloiiH, priMporuiiM.
iMtlni: turn mid ivoiiilmi. who will
iiiKu Ihp priHlni'lH of IrrkatPil acilriil
for I In- nniiliii'lM of in I 11m mid fartnrlrn
'4tlit tlio linlliil HtatiA. Ci'iniiuinl
,iOlirlililiin In what In now hip ticwii
il 'MjiIIy tnUp their pIupph mnoni; tin-
C, nlll.ti-H of our ComtuomvpalHi.
aviftiilliui ilrvi'lopiupiit of Hip nrlil
" Mi"fclt "tnnd nloiu'. I'nrpiury I tin
'Ormiijfiiul nupioi't of Irrlk'atlon. Willi
v:wjr, In luutli'ti niiidt rail, l'priiniii
JlCipllrOi.n diiM'lopiiiviit nml fon-Ht iIp
. . mot plit tiMoiluir. Npvpr for
sruoo. o iiin.iit tPMrin imiIIpv of tin
...i. ,..... iinifiit iiiPium hip iinp ot ah
wimtovortji' n. rr, Mt. nmTvp. tiipu-
nounoe;tW Juu,!,u"" " ttUh
but thoy prai" fhlof odjsct.
., . i of tUo urpiil arid Wi'xt by
their owa tinuiptt u Hip iviitral oli)iii,
.ntliili nml Hip folvKt imlky
Stiilt-H. In forcittry, n In
Polltlcir liiiiucdlatp prliatp. luti'iititn
t lilunl iiniKt oiriirditiiiilly yli'lu
tuzzlod Cinnat mlvuntiiKP. which U I tip
TIip liPiiptliM of forritlry nit-
.itsolf MXlhP rutin', but for I lip invHi-iit
' .'in-rxin ii ro for all thn ppoplp.
ponuout' tlip pcoplp In tin' luiuu'tllali'
j I, fur whom aiippIIpa of wiMil
It Claim ip mnoni; tho Hot iippi'm-iuIi-h of
CH tlio wlHPr and nioro nMllful
aud,iniit ot tint rpKi'ivp liy trnliipil iiipii,
, iter ohvloiihly will Hirlr u.iofuliit'tis
Kor, tv puiiilp.
t Ultltuato Hmccca Sure.
I'.... .. ..... ..II nl......ll. nl
iilnttvrpitt and dIHIiiiltlix In Hip iiiiiii
jiiuia. (lt tll fnt ,-..H,.iVl to hlluil IIH
liiilll)iiiliit invprKlly of tlit'Hil rritiTVPi.
"""Si'oplp of I!ip Wi-nt. ,
'l'liln'ft of tho foiPHt rwrni' pnlli'y hat
u Bllh womlprfiil iHpldlly In thu Wixt
-r tli hint fpw jvari-. It will poiiIIiiiip
i till Hip bint vphIIkp or oppoxltloit,
1H)luiili!i koup, Iiiih wholly illx.ipppiirpd
1 'Up iitiipii.tniiiliiK of I lip olijpil ami
llllV t of tho ipxprviillnii. TIip Kleiner
uo" "f I"' forpxl rKprP liy tlip peo-
liill"P Wi-bl. Hip prrntpr Hip mwnraupi'
fi liutloiinl llilKiltlon pollpjr will not
,v tlio iiipvprviittnii of tint fomtls Is
U51 111'1'r lllltMl I" III 111(11.11 .. .....
MB IIjo ttii'i'PHii of tills imiIIi'J.
2 TitnoDottu
QS -- ..
Utor Btewnrt or Nevada nec tin:
Grant t.lulit.
itiator Stewart of Novnila, the last
tlnr Sllverltiw, has xppii Hip uriMt
la iisht. Hit vHhiiiH urn Uiohp of
tph Uml Hip ivpii fat yparx. IIH
ifftflntiritii and ispvann. mni hip hhw.
"T, IU0 uiiiKipy lanu on imr.u .inn
P lie unlit:
Ifpflhlptit Ibioxpii'lt is wry
innimtalu ttatpx nf thn Woxl.
vluli. lilti iulhtpiuo Hip Irrluatinn law
Mmxitl. TIip 1!IiiIiv larlft K a
J-JilCHtnilB .i inn tar t KM. i in-
vSlnloml.;. wont mul lihies U
jally bftiflipla.1 to thn iutPtior inonii-
yStiiti'n, Hit" l'inplp of .Noviiilii ate
QuiiiiK t- rpullo that the aIIvit iiip
Hlian iivfa rohwiU'il tn tlu rpstr n a
jfl't of tho oiinnnoiiK out put ot sold
hit: tho Jnwt clht ypari'. Tho.sp lotorx
111 loft tho party on iimvmt ot tnp
r bKiifv,nro rotunilnir nml, wltli tint
Ei'nits wjin ilculro iir.-it ticul Kotnl, avu
tlltf III 8UlP0ri Ol 141K iiiiiiuiiiniiiniiiiu
inforniatipu h that Ncv'l' w"1 "
('form nod lfnctory Reciprocity.
(Knrmco.' SwitltiPl.)
;rotectlouiKt hciilliiicnl i jritiwiiiK l
iiii, .inn npppnii mi' iiiiini" "
"rs to eupport (hat polity on .lto
y ot Hip mutual holpfuluoM of fitP
ainl farm. AiiiPticuu pxiiprloiite le,
'.'.iirve, uppenled tn. Thn farts that
farmers llml tlirlc bent fuVtoiueM in
it inaiiufiicimiiiK centers built up by
(SpiiIpiipp.s from IViIpiiI Ilootpvelt'i
UttpraurpH on Irrigation.)
HtHTPssiul huiiip niaklui: It but Miothrr
naiiie for the upbuilding of the Nation.
TIip proilueli of Irrigation will for ,i
I imp bp oonxuiucil chlrlly In upbuililliu;
loritl cpiiIpm of mining ami other iinlux'
IrliM. wlilrli would oilu-rwHe not come
Into exlstpiup nl all.
No rcjirrvnlr or eanal iilniuM ever no
Imlll to AiitHfy iM'UHh, pergonal or local
lulpi'p.tit, but only In iipp inlitiipp with
tlip nilvlcp of Ir.ilnpil i'ierN, after long
luvextlgalioti liax hIi.iwii the loenllty
wIipi-p all I he PoiuiitionH rouiblup lo niake
the work mult iippiIpiI, mnl fraught with
tho"t iifcfiiliii"s to iIip eotuinu
nlly in it whole.
Thn hi'lipvpr iu the nepil of Irrigalion
will mint benelit I licit eaii-e b appIiik t"
It tint it Is free from the le.iit taint
of expensive or epp:iilllui-L' of
tlio publle tiiniir.VH.
Whatever the tuition iIiiin for the ox-
teiixloti of irrlgtlion, xhoitlil h.irnioulzo
with mnl t vinl lo improve the enmlitinti of
thitMn n, in living on initiated lamH.
Wlmnver eoiitroH a Mrc.mi praetleally
eoiilmlrt the Iniiit it reinler.1 proiliictlvp,
ami the iloctrlno of prlvalp owiiPi-thlp of
wiilrr, apart Iroiu laml, e.iuuot prevail
wititoiit c.ui.-iliig euiluring wrong.
The pasMiige of the Nalional Irriga
tion I.nw wan one of the greatest xtep",
not only in the forward progress of tho
Stairs, but to that of all mankind.
TIip bpiicfil wlileh have followed un
'tided development ill tho past, justify
the imtlnn's aid and en-opera lion in the
inoru ililllrult ami iiuporlniil work yet lo
be iirriiiupllsliril.
The larger ilpvelopntpul wlilrli uatlouitl
lid Insures hliotild, however, awaken in
very it riil State the iliMeriiiinatlnn tn
make lis Irrigation H.wteni pipml in Jus
tirp mid pffeelivenp.s to that of ntiy
ountry iu the eivlli-pil world. Nothing
iinlil lip more unwise than for isolattsl
'iitmmiultleM to eoutlnup to learn every
thing experimentally, inte.ul of prolit
Ing by what Is known elsewhere.
A enrefnl Aliuly xhould be iiiailp. both
'iy the Nation mnl tlio States, of the irri
tation laws mid eomlltlous hoiv and else
where. It Is ns right for the nation tl govont
iieiil to inake the Ht renins and rivers of
the arid region useful by engineering
works for water Morn go itsto tnake use
ful the rivers nml hnrliors 'of the humid
eglon by engineering works of another
In his HPi'iiinl message to Oongro.m
ecember, 11102, I'reshleiil Itoosevelt
niil: "Few subjects of iiioi;p inipnrtamv
uive been taken up by Congress In reepitt
-rur thmi the liiauguriitlon of Lie sys
em of nationally ableil Irrigation of the
rid regions of the far West. A good
ipglnulug tliPt-plu has Iippii iuiiiIp.
o far as they are avallablp for agrirul-
ttrp, and to whatever extent they may
ip reelnimeil uiiiler the National Irrlga
Ioti I.nw, the rouiaiiiiug publle lands
lioulil be held rigidly for tlie home
ullder the .settler who lives on his l.uiil
-mid no one pIsp."
Itooscvclt'a Claim to tit- Trr-Moncy
Ktroimar tlinti Anr Htlir Sinn'-.
(ICmisas City Titties, Independent.)
If I'rphiilpttt IliKMpvell bid been ehs't
'il to the olllee he now oeeiipies, .ludgp
avkrr's ilis'lirittioii tluit. If ehosen I'rp.s-
ilrnt, he would not bo a candidate for
p-pliM'tion, might hive mhup i-perial
wi'ight iu the present canvass among
hosp who are believer iu the oiiP-tenu
principle, ltut l'residrut Itoosevelt came
ntlii othre 1 1. aecldeiil. He was miiile
Vice I'niileut ag.ihijit his per-nnml
wishes utul politlral Jin '-uieiii. lie was
Inly lioiiuil and he v uuinrily pledg.'d
'linself lo eiirr) out, s far as possible.
tint imlli'ies of his pi'ijleepksor. If he
has dune well, he is ismivi.illy pulitled
to the votes nf the priple. t'nili'r the
eircuuiNt.inee-i his plaiiuio the prosiilcticj
H stronger Mian that h any nnllnary
Cllllillil.tle could tie, for
fully fullllled (he olllee
palled liy ncrldput, he s
if he has faith-
v. hleli lip was
HIM lie lliiltot'i'il
with Hip sauin" olllrp b
e'.ivtion. Ills
he presidential
prp.sent ineiiniliency or
tntst hhoitlil mt least set
as a rename
protntionary service. It
is for the pro
pie lo answer to his mil
If It has Iippii piual lo or
Inlsti'.iiiou, for
lliove the liver-
agp, or K.ttisfuctory gr
rally, he has
other iii.tii
stmugpr claims at
could have, lor lie ask
in iiidoi'sptiipnt
where amit Iter would n
for u trust.
And this it the way tin
to look at the situation.
fiinitry H llkidy
rpsldi'Ut ltoose-
volt Inn iniule hlinspl
He has cou-
utesty, courage
plea-ed vastly
strong with Hie masse.
vinccd the nation of his
and capacity. He ha
more I Viuucralshaii he
ptiblciaus, And hoi It i'
has aroused on the one
ttilly ho has cugpttih'i'cil
ins iilT'Midi'il He-
ailmiratioii he
mil mnl the eu-
in tin oilier are
tributes to his virtue ml
"We each uml alt oi
n duty tn the
Ktnte. It Is n
Ih to old In nc
tlictr faithful
to m in ii n Ily nml to 1 1 J
positive duty, nml thrj
ciii'lni; koo.I Inw nor
enforcement. We nrr
ot meiiuccil Iir
forelun for. Wo linvJ
no fcur of nlion
utt. -it'll. W Imvc not
lni wltliiii to
ilronit cta'upt tlio linlitTerciiic of tho
Intclltucnt citl-.'.-u to
ic ilUclintc-or
lib. civic otilluuttonn.M
Hon, l W. l'alr.
t miVi nt t ti'i'lia il, ei. ., Jn
i .'.. 100).
h the Hoveiiituent
Mitiitlii tlierc are 1M 1
tiling olllrp at
lipluos employed
uini only 0 AmerhMti".
'I he natives nre
Hiiii-f pilucatPil iu tho ptitlng nrl a Mop
toward nvlf-uoveriituctil
We Hnve n I'otliwny to Asia uml Will
Mnlutulu It.
Thcte exists, practically, no limit to
thn enormous possibilities of trade with
Asia for our Western wheat-growing
Stntes. .Tnpau will be the entering
wedge. Already we uro iu touch with
.Tnpau, already we are on tho friendliest
of commercial relations with iter, rela
tions certain to lieeoine closer and clos
er. Already Is beginning to eat
wlieut Instead of rice. Her tunny mil
lion", ot tons of rici- .Inpati consumes
every year cnttunt, of course, no ilelltt
itely ascertained. The total is some
thing enormous, ltut the sudden fact
appears that already Japan is liegiu
tiliiK to eat wheat Instead of rice.
With mutual regard mid eoiuuierelnl
good-fellowship existing, and with Japan
now turning to Hour, ami with the whole
western lde of our vast empire with
tlottr to give to the rest of tlio world,
tha condition becomes most simple. For
the good of nil coucerupil, whole tintloits
considered, it Is necessary tlmt we should
put our wheat nml Hour ueross the I'm
eltie. Ocean nml give to our brothers,
of ntiy color, what they may require,
and, so, benelit them nml greatly benefit
The fact that the Japanese army is
using the American lmrtl-tiick cracker is
t fart the tremendous couseipieuces of
which, in lis commerciitl posslhilticx, has
not yet been realized. It means that
Japan has begun trading earnestly with
tho United States in the cereal upon
the production of which so much of our
cnntniercial welfare depends, and yet this
is but a starting imiiit ns to what is
coming to the I'nlted States iu supply
ing Asia with food. Japan is our friend
mnl will undoubtedly remain so through
out the future, but Jnp.tu, wonderful us
she Is, is but the fringe nearest to us
of that great Asia, ovcrpopnlattsl nml
hungry, nml looking to this newer hemi
sphere to feisl it, under newly existing
The conditions have been provided by
the accidental imsspssions following u
sudden war. We have made our path
way. Not to maintain that pathway,
with lt lauding ut the other side of
thu I'acilit which menus the Philippines
would be u i rime .ig.ilust the interests
of this country and a crime against the
interests of ihe Asiatic Millions.
This crime will not be committed. The
gUM commercial road secured across
the greatest of 'he oceans, will be re
tained ami maintained by the I'uited
Slates of America. "Imperialism" us
they Pill it or not. the bald fm't remains
that under the nrc-ent Kppublicait ad
ministration il is proposed to hold what
Providence has given to us nml with it to
do what sppms best for tlip ultimate wp
fare of Ihe people of two hemisphere.
Wliy the Work Should lln
to Kcputiltcnn.
This i but mi allusion to a phu-o of
whit tho Itepublicuu patty, us It exists,
Is doing mnl is going to do, u particular
phnsp to which rpfpfPllrp is iuiiiIp, ctsti
nll,, ns to tho regulation of the tariff in
the future. Tlnvie who tnake things
know best what to do with the things
they have made. The Keimblicau patty
having 'mnilc the tariff, which has made
this country the most prosperous of till
the countries of nil the world, is the
only party which can readjust the tarilT
us occasion may ileinaiul,
Natuiiilly. mid very properly, front
their point of view, the opponents of the
Itepublieau party concede nothing. As n
preliminary, they claim the lurMT is n
monster of some sort; that it is bad nml
has been ever bad. Nevertheless, under
eert.llii existent circumstances It seems
t have worked well, and our great trade
tnheiiiiirei's and our inanufncturcrs ami
cur farmers mul out' workmen fatten un
der this saute tariff.
So goes the present slluutioii. Whtce
has lierit exhibited intelligence should tint
intelligence be exhibited lit Ihe fiitur-?
The parly which has made the ttirllT is
the party which will revise the turi'
under the suggestions of omnium sen,
as occasion tuny demand.
So pnuitl hftve been the results ot the
that you, Grandma Parker?"
tariff in the past that it appears nltno-t
Impossible that its effects should be
brought up as tin issue in the present
campaign, hut yet the trimming of sails
is always a vltnl issue in all sailing. The
Itcpuhliciiu party will trim its own pails,
mid it will be extraordinary should the
American people delegate the task to any
one else.
A Policy that Works to the Advantane
of Commercial lutoreita.
We nre what we have Iss'imie, and we
promise to Mold our interests ns n world
tower for the benelit of the American
people. Tills is the Republican program.
Hence the recent Shanghai incident.
China is mi enormous nation occupying
nu'etioriuous country, just now in ,i state
of dissolution or reconstruction no one
enn tell which. The various nations with
vnrious interests look ti'xm its territory
with longing eyes, but it does not seem
best, with the interests or all considered,
that it .should lie dlsmemliercil. It np
pears to Ih- best for the interests of nil
the other nations of the world that it
should be aided rather than divided.
This course has been decided upon by the
leading nations of the world, following
the suggestion mnl with the assistance of
the prcsPtit 1'cptihllcuu administration of
this country. This attitude is certainly
right morally, mul, In the long run. must
be right ns to material Interests, particu
larly for the people of the I'uited State.
Russia and Japan nre tit war. There
has arisen mi incident which is some
what mi unmualy in international affairs.
Warships have tied into u neutral port of
China and other warships havp pursued
them. I'lulcr the laws of nations no
battlp may occur iu a neutral jwt. such
ns that of Shanghai. The I'lilted States,
tnking the initiative, has promptly inter
vened to see that no violation of the laws
nf tuitions may occur, mnl has done this
because of the helplessness of China, vast
ns the empire is, to enforce all proper in
trrunliomil obligations iu its own har
bors. This is but In keeplir, with the tone of
wlutt the I'uited Suites uudi'f the pres
ent administration has done before. It
suggestiil and induced tin agreement be
tween the great tuitions tin) China
should tmt be dismembered. Having tak
en the initiative in this rcpc"i, it was
but right mul proper that we -mould take
the initiative lit seeing to it that what
was suggested utul built up by its should
be enforced. This has been done.
That Is the way the present iiilntlnis
trutin'i of the government Is doing things. Is the way it will eoutlnup to do
things. The doing of this is for the
greatest good for all the commercial in
terests nml other Interests of nil the
world. The doing of this implies nud in
volves immediate executive action liy the
administration of the Tulu-d Stales. It
U for the gisnl of the world.
Imagine such prompt, sensible nud
forceful ad Inn uuder the itdiniuist ration
of u limn like Parker, iidinlltiug for a
moment the possibility of his election,
Well, we can't imagine it!
The cry that President Ri.oseolt, If
re.-eleotisl, will pick a tptnrrel mid plunge
the country in war is raised ly the Dem
ocrats for the purpose of rearing the
farmers, who are peace lovhu. The ef
fort will lie iu vain, as the fanner, as
does everyone else, knows thjt Presjilpnt
Roospvelt, while urging that tin country
ut all limps be prepared to Jefetnl itself
and maintain its policies, is Iir peace,
i .I...
Carefully prepared statist t-x show tlmt
the uitinlicr of business failjres in INl'J,
the last year uuder Ptesidqit Harrison,
was Willi, while In ISSlIt. Ihe lirst year
of Ills Democratic sueccssil-, they were
l.l.'-t-. A party whosp mx-cess always
alarms capital nud causes jn increase in
the number of business rtllures Is not
one for patriotic American to support.
T"iu ntisplcious uml mjmciitnus fan
is tTht never Ivfore iu llmhistnry of the
woiYl hits comfort been dijoyed, educa
tion Mciptlred mul indepejdence secured
by H) largo u properdin, of Hie total
popo'ntlon of the world ilu the l'ldtcd
Stat'ts or America that has occurred
uti'i'r protection.
That la Whnt Will Follow Our Control
of the Pacific.
Laying aside the other cpiostions to
lie affected by locality, It it txissiblo
that any Hcuslble human being, living
west of the Rocky .Mountains, could do
anything but support what those who
are fumbling for objections to the exist
ing administration call "Imperialism"?
This attitude is not contiucd to those
west of the Rockies nlotie fur from it.
because, with new means of trade com
municntioit, we tire ns one people In our
handling facilities across this continent
but to the jH-ople of nil the Pacillc
Const Stntes especially must appeal the
fact tlmt much of their future welfare
nitiAt depend upon the new nnd extra
ordinary pathway Hie United Stntes has
made across the greatest of all the oceans
and has so connected itself, for all com
mercial purposes, with the greatest of nil
the old nations of the Orient.
Itusine-s is business. We have taken
into our hands the management of the
Pacini: Ocean and wc nre quite capable
or retaining that management under any
circumstances. I'poti our retention of it
depends, to mi extent, our commercial
welfare. We are the great producers
of n new land a vast continent yct iu
its infancy, and our welfare must year
ly depend to a grcnt extent upon what
we export. We have ex'tortcd to Kttrope
and tint Kast uml exploited the Atlantic
almost to its utmost; now we purpose
to export ueross the Pad tie and supply
with whatever they tuny need the teem
ing millions of Hip Asiatic continent.
I'poti the realization of this great indus
trial d renin, which hits become n fact,
must largely depend, iu the future, thf
commercial welfare of the American peo
ple. Does any group of fatnists, oppos
ing whatever has become an absolute es
sential, think that by raising the crj
or "imperialism." Ihe course of demniids
of great lines of trade of a great nation
can b! deviated for a moment? Non
Will lie Inllucnccil by the Ituillcul
r.leincnt In ills Party.
(Miinsllelil (O.i News. I
If his own utterances ate to be cred
itedand nobody H disputing them
Judge Parker in l.StHS and 1!HM) was not
for free silver, but on the contrary was
mi advocate of the gold standard, mid
jet he admits to having voted for Itryiin
nml free silver twice. How strong his
convictions utul principles were for sound
and honest money may best bL. judged
by his profession of one thing and h.s
practice of another.
If then ns n virtually private citizen,
piotected as it were by the dlvlnitv lip
si-Pins to think hi'ilgpx In the jiuliciarv.
Judge Parker posslldy then without
thought of further political preferment
could not bring him-clf to elevate
principle above iolltle.s mul to place pa
triotism ubove piirtisiinlsin, how could
tie lie expected, iu the tierce light Unit
beats upon place of political power and
piefennent, lo prove other than mildly
plastic mul complaisant to the illdert
dci-muds of the Democratic Huns mul
Ynndiils who would rend asunder tho
very fabric of government in their wild
scramble for place and pie, pelf and
Is It not wiser for thn people of this
nation to keep erring and sinning Dpiuih
raej', possibly, but not xisltlvpy peni
tent, on probation nubile longpr at least
until it litis brought fotth fruits nipet
for rtNUtati,'cV
"Dixtruat whoever prctonil to otTer
you ii patent vure-nll for CTcry 111 of
the hotly politic, just an you would a
man who oH'om a medicine which
would cure eery ovil of your Individ
ual hotly. A medicine that la recotn
mended to cum both nathnin ami a
broken lea to not uood for cither." -Krnlll
HmiMli'll'k h'irt'C.11 nl PruvidiliCf, I!, I,,
Aupmi i, vm:.
Here is it veritable Roosevelt family;
V. It. Cotiley, u fanner, who lives at
Westth'hl. HI., has six sons, six grand
sons mul three sons-lii'law. All, includ
ing Mr. .Conley himself, will vote for
Roosevelt Iu November.
A. comic feature of tho present 'wlltl
c.jl campaign Is the effort of the Demo
crV.tie leaders to minimize the popular
njvrclii'iisioti that liatui might follow
P.irker's election through the hnvak of the system of protection, by ex-
..'lining that 'after nil it would
tO'siblo to break down the nyx
d lie lin-
stem Is-
eaise the Republican Senate would
stand In the way.
The logic of this Do.imxT.itlc reason
hi: is somewhat lp that of the boy
w'lo explained that by refusing to cat
plis he had saved Ids life only Hint in
the Democratic case the country would be
fifived not by the Democratic refusal to
tin harm, but only by the Democratic
liability to tin the harm it wits openly
trvlng to do. Judge P.trker In his six-ecli
ot acceptance said:
atk ih;rin; this xkxt i-'oiiu
ikars. hkxci-: wu shall uk
n cation in Tin: tauiim-' savk
Mr. Parker further thinks that tills
fact of Dt'tniK-r.ttie inability to modify
th tariff should serve to prevent u re
rurrence of "THAT SKNSK OK UN
tleitincr.itlc Couroea Weokena.
At the iivent Dctnocratic ratification
iiertiug in Itrookljti a lurking fear wtis
s'town of the effect on the minds of
worklngiiH'n, of Democratic talk aguinst
t'te tariff. The tenor of the remarks of
t'te big Democrats who talked was to
tie effect tJiat free trade was a beaitrifu
tbeory nud the Democrats should In
tut In power iK'cause they stixnl sponsoi
fir it; uml since, after all, they wools I
le unable when put in power to put time
tai-ory into practice, the country willi
Irfeet safety isutld Indorse the lieaut.'
ml theory by pulling it.s sponsors int
'The New York Kveuing Post, a mug
vtttnp free trade organ which is actively
fapportlng Parker, but iievcrtlieles-i can
tibt resist the temptation to oxoso csiw
iirdly Inconsistency when it sees it, had
this to say about the Itrooklyn ratifica
tion meeting:
"Now that the party orators nre fnec to
fire with Hip voters on the huatlncs, thrlr
ournge Iiiin weakened, llnvjng. In their
i-xalted motiipiits, declared that protertlon,
as n principle, Is rohbery nud works Inral
inilahle harm to the people, they shiver
it the K)SHlhle efTL-ot f their pronounre
oient tit the pulls. In a won!, they shuf
fled on the tiirln. Listen to Kdwartl M.
Bhepnrd, who prestilid nt Ilrooklyu. lie
nhl Hint Hie llrUHK-rntlc tioiulni'i's stand
fur n sincere anil perxlstrut effort to re
form the tariff, nud e.sns'lnlly to nlHillsli
ir reduce those iliittes. the nlulii effect lif
,'whlch Is 'lint to extend or diversify Amer
ican Industry.' How striking the contrast
to the St. I.mils ileolimillen! The ohvlnus
Implication Is that uo fault con lie found
with protection If It extends nml diversi
fies American Industry. Hut when It Is
admitted Hint protection Is a good thing
In certain oases, who is going to Ox the
number nud variety of such canes? The
argument that protection Is nn pvll per e
Is apparently thrown overlMmnl.
Ihe Alarm of Stnnt t Hnlleyv
"As mtirh fntilt can be found with Ben-
Inter Hnllcy it speech. One feels onp'x
courage mount high iih he ilcclurex: 'I do
not hesitate a single moment to declare
Il ns my helli-f tlmt nuy law which levies
a tax not for the purpose of raising revenue
to support the giix-ruiueiit, tint for the pur
pose of compelling nn American citizen to
nay nioro fur the goods which he must liny.
Is a perversion of governmental power anil
it downright robbery.' This has the true
ling, hut liuuiedliitelv It produces u grent
flight lt the Senator's mind Ills prophetic
soul sees the ltepulillciiu orators using tils
words to stir up ithirm among the work
ing turn. So lie cries out tn the 'wagp
enrners of this toutitry who lire puiptoyvd
Iu protected Industries,' mul who nre sure
to he told by the llepiilillctuirt 'that the
Democratic party farx absolute free
trade,' nut to he afraid. TIIK DUI.I.MHT
MAN IN AM. HIS 'At'l'll'NCi:. he pro
tests. KNOWS lT.ltri'CTI.V WII.I. THAT
ritr.i: Tit.iiu: is an aiisom'ti- imphs-
WIIIIN Till: WI.MOl'ItATS Altl". CAl.U'At
iir Tin: voit'i: hk an iiiithahki)
I'.UN.MUNT,' he walls. MVP. WIM. 1'INH
Tin: avi:h.(!i: di'tv iii:i,ow a point
most ok tub kahi.y pho
tkctionists i:vi:it ui..iMi:i was
tevtlnn of any legltliuatp luduxtry.'
"Smh ' Lord. Kttort DerlP talk will
lint help the Democratic party In the least.
If protertlon, i.s Druio'ratlc platforms
have so repeatedly nlllruictl, U In Its cry
initiire eil. It Is n thing to he got rid of
as promptly us possible, if the purtv
oratois should frankly sal that, no one
would mlsutiderstuiul them. '
Protection for Democratic Leadara.
Tho cowardly Inconsistency which the
livining Pttst thus exposes is diameter-
Istic of most of the Democratic lend
ers. They are afraid of their own medi
cine, which they advertise to thu coun
try as being such a line thing esiKvlal
When Hip Wilson tariff bill was
framed prominent Democratic leaders
Uxtk the precaution to see to R that
Industries in which they themselves Imp
penwl to be interested were not ad
versely affected by thu bill, no mutter
how much harm might befall other in
dustries. Km Instance, Senator Hor
man took pains to keep the sugar trust
protpcted. The present Vice Presidential
candidate, Henry (lussaway Davis, ttxik
pttins to see tlmt coal was kept off Hie
free list, for his own Immense fortune
was i I largely reptesented In thu coal la mid
of West Virginia.
Compare tho ruin utul disaster during
tho last Democratic administration with
tho prosperity everywhere neon tosluy.
llw contrast Is nn unanswerable ursu
tnaut In favor of Republican rulu.