The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 09, 1904, Image 8

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Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment
urcw CntK, UiiniH, UrulHcw. lu ijho for over ulxty yearn. for Man, IKimt or Poultry. IJesjt for Home ailments, limbers up Stiff Joints. cwrcB Frostbites and Chilblain
v,4 f-
Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment
cures Sprains and StralnH. cures Spavin and HlnKlimie. heals Old Sores quickly. est for Cattle ailments. penetrates to the very bone. liest thing for a lame horse.
Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment
JsapoHltlvucurefor IMlcS' cures all forms of KhutimntlMii. cures takeu tuaurin cons. Best for bheep ailments. always gives satisfaction. drives out all inflammation.
Atinnt A IV
GORDON Quality is way up
far out of the reach of most
Other makers lack either the '
willingness to spend money in
I making or, what's more im-
ortant the Know How.
There are other $3.00 Hats,
Hats at less than $3.00 and,
$5.00 Hats.
Its unfair to compare the
GORDON in Style or Quality,
with any but the $5.00 kind. v
The Mystic Flivre Scvea.
Tho phenomena of the tlirure 7 and
its multiple occurring in the New
Testament have been touched upon by
Ivan Panin, a Russian student of the
bible, who for a number of yeaia ha
mnde his home at Grafton, M is , says
thc Chicago Tribune. This significance
of the "sevon" group will not be lost
ven upon the supeis'ltlons who are
ou side the pale of Ncriptural points,
nnd, ns Mr. I'm In has shown them,
their relations of their relations of
their groupings to the tirst 11 verses of
the New Testament nuts', suggest that
they w.tre scarcely chance.
For instance, in those fist 11 verse
of Matthew, the vocabulary consists of
40 words, or seven seven, of these
words there are 28, or four sevens,
hlch begin with vowels, nnd 21, or
throe evens, which begin with con
"This distribution by sevens between
vowel words and consonant words
Imtly might have been deemed acci
dental, hut for the fact that of the 49
words 42 of them are no'ius six sevens
and seven are not nouns," is the com
ment of the writer. "Of the 43
nouns tlieie are m proper nouns, or
l five sevens, while seven are common
nouns. Of the 85 proper names four
1 sevens are main ancestors of Jesus, and
seven are not such. Not only then U
the distribution of the 40 words of the
vocabulary of sevens as httween the
parts of speech "
As a further and absolute proof tha'
these phenomena of the sevens are not
I accidental, Mr. Panln points out that
the 40 words of the vncabu'ury show
14 words that are used but once, while
35 of them, or II vo sevens, are used
more than once. His conclusions after
exhaustive arrangements otthe"seven"
features are that "not evn t lo ehoicn
of the languages in which tho scriptures
were written was mado without marked
numerical design Jat thu threshold o
the su'Ji'ut."
Elaine Roit's Parisian Trip Her
Impressions of The Modes.
I hiii hick aenin with a hmlgo of
fa-hion ni'ws which I have culled foi
you fmtii n ni'iit bewildering disnlnt
"1 ejuitiiiti garment for miladj'
n (torment
Thesplender of the time when France
wb at the height of her luxurious
extinvagancn em8 to have leturiiwl.
ni after a lentive trial of 1M0 anil
Dliectoire style, Dune Rtsliion U eon
tented at last with thi houls XVI in
spiration fr her motive.
Loiiio XVI i'0-tts s well us s.hori
fiuletots of colored uiting bilks will hi
worn with fanev w o stilts, ami when
itcomes ti suit j.eVo s ihi-rn are no
Inuuris o the whimsical nun finds
The little li'tMtirt Is nioru nnd moni in
eviderc and fuin takes on pnt ways.
like, for i- tinea ti frivolous i'tle
peplutn. I a'l these '-garments the
WHI-'I''"!' I i I il . (MII'M, I
CnU 10 cents and equals ao cents
worth of rnnf other kind of bluing.
Won't Freeze, Spill, BreAk
Nor Spot Clothes
around in the Water
At Q wise Grocers.
Is cut high unit low, ami Is. n veritable
g.irmcnt oronly 11 presentiment of it.
11 itli tin) populiulty of tint waint unit
vogue of tint Illicit bodice imil miii
litel.V lilting cor-et, Mich hh the (.'15 11
In Spiiitois even morn cciilial lluiti
ever. It N tlm foundation upon which
a properly fitting gown is built, no
women of fashion consiilm ii the
most important item ol tier wardrobe.
Fashions aru Haiti to bo adnpable to
1 ...... ..
OnCtl inillVWUiU taste, WHICH IllCl 18 in
, , ,. ' . , ,
.economy in dress for the more volum.
inoiu tleH in skirts mo impossible for
the pedestrian to tarry in one baud
above tho grime of the streets, and h.
who prefers u walking skin of con
fortable length and build may wear i
without fear of being outie.
The woman who pieter to wear tin
skin that requires two hands to earn
she wishes the operation to be at all
graceful, is comfrontt-d with the pro
bleu) how -to change her carefully
acquired stride into a glide. This is
rattier a difficult translation, but I
muHt be managed somehow, for in
skirts several yards round, and Ivini
two inches ou the floor in front, the
athletic gait would be intolerabl .
So in spite of the vogue of volum
innns skirts, a gored skirt, springing
gracefully at the hem, and not to wide
for convenience is entirely correct.
A pretty model for general wear
and quite "dressy" enough for more
formal wear is shown in a rich dark
blud raw silk, with a skirt of medium
width and fullness, and a chic Utile
peplumed coat, the costume, appliqued
in blue velvet, which is outlined in
narrow white soutacuo braid and, worn
over a charming white raw silk warn
Another pretty model which I have
depicted for you is an afternoon or
theatre gown of white Peau de Ciepe,
black and while lace being combined
in yoke and sleeve 1 uflleH, and blacs
velvet ribben used as a' finish for yoke,
tbot and girdle.
M)nttc Cure far Ithvnmstltm nml NeurRlcIa
ritdlcslljr rurck lit 1 to 'idHju. lt ncltoti mini
therjttrui ! remarkable mik! m Merlon. Ii
euioven at oni-e llie caue ami ttie (lindane tin
me'llnli'lj- ilHpitari. TI10 Urn itne urcntl
UeiicBlK. 7h i-cntk ami ll.OJ. sclJ tiy II E
;nce IJriiKI-t. lleil Cloud.
Atchison Globe Slfthts.
OcTiisionhlly you see a woman on
the streets who makes you think the
model ii a milliner's window must
have gotten loose.
"Little did I think," every married
woman says as she quiets a i-ryiug
baby and puts to diniiei-over to cook,
"that I would ever come to this."
When a Kuiimis man lonus to be
rich, it is Unit he may nlloul n yacht,
although riding iu a covere I wa'gon is
just as pleasant and a great dual safer
....... ... .. 1 .1 .
r mini Ki-iiit iiuu?(.'U'.'eiur 111 a sec
oud wife, hut ill! a woman gets in a
second hiisbuid is trouble between
hint and her children.
We wonder if tiiore ever was a hus.
hand so good ho would be willing to
have Ills wife around if lie knew lie
was going to bo delirious.
An Atchison woman ruthor holds it
over t lie other women in town. A wo
man is visiting her who isaccompanied
by her children, and a governor who
instructs them daily.
Gold bricks are most numerous
tho matrimonial market.
An Atchison women is not only
IF you're a $2.00 glove
man, you'll appreciate a
If you've been paying
$1.50 the GORDON
is a revelation. $1.50.
New, delicious summer
drink We have .'17 dif
ferent flavors iu
Cool, Refreshing
Summer Drinks
15c meals served; lunch
at all hours.
hatchet faced, but battle axed.
When 11 mini is always ' nlti ' every
thing, everything is ulwuys 'ngiu"him.
Call n 'voman along in years nn en
dearing name ntid a warm spot will be
found iu her heart long after she is
A mnn with n grievance and a worn
au with a sympathetic voice made n
comminution that ofteu ends tit the
Somehow every year when labor
day comes around, every one wonders
why why the housekeepers don't have
one when they can legally take a day
When a thief breaks into n cellar
and steals preserves and finds when
he gets home that he got a lot of wild
grape jelly, we claim it is a joke on
There is an injustice in it: Children's
primers nre printed in big letters and
when the children have grown old. and
their eyesight Is falling, they find alt
their reading in fine type.
The attention of a certain Atchison
woman Is called to the Wilkeshnrre
woman who was fined 03 cents for
swearing iu her own home. The Atchi
son woman should know that "gosh"
is profane and the people will not
tolerrnte it.
A man was vey sick His wife gave
him castor oil, but in vain, for he died
"C'h," she mone'l for weeks and weeks
ul forwards, "if I had only given him
rhubarbl" We tell the story for your
benefit When you have done the best
you can. let it go at that.
It is related that when a mother in
Atchison died not long ago, her (laugh
tor that night forthe tlrst time in her
life, got the supper, and did up
work, And the-girl wa seventeen. Still
the mothers last thought was that she
had always done what she could for
her children.
An Atchison man's instructions to
his wife are that whenever ho comes
home cros, she miisn't say anything
t ) him, just leave him alone and mix
up a chocolate pudding, If chocolate
pudding doesn't fix him, lie says, she
111 y us well go home to her mother,
lor ho is so mad nothing but a divoicu
will make life hotter foi her
Make tho most of tilings. Four
women were out tiding lust night who
wero caught in tho torriblo drenching
! rain of eight o'clock. Umbrella wore
J of no avail against, the force of tho
rain, and soon every one or the party
was thoroughly soaked. "Oil well,"
said one woman, "It's all right;
corset needed washing anyway."
An Atchison lrl Is so romantic that
she limps with rheumatism, from a
romantic desire to sit on tho grass in
stead of the porch; she Is freckled
from a romantic wish to wander
through the woods barolieaded; she
has hay fever because it Is romantic
to pick golden rod and twine it iu her
hair. Her face is swollen with neu
ralgia because t lie romance of the cold
damp moonlight niuhts holds her out
of doors unMl nearly mornlug.
Topeka bociety is talking up a couu-
I The Bon Ton
W. S. BENSB. Proprietor. I
umber and Goal,
Red Cloud, - Nebraska,
City Dray and Express Line.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
Residence 52.
Do you know that it will pay YOU. ns
well as US, to buy your Building Ma
terial and Coal tit ouryardsV Not only
that our prices average lower, or at
least us low, as those of our competit
ors, but because wo take especial care
of und protect all can bo classed as
Prtiwed CMStltaltMMl Aaotfeit.
Tbe following- proposed amendent to, and
convention for tbc rerlnlon or, the constitution
bf tbe State of Nebraska, hereinafter set fortb.
In full, la Mibmltted to tne electors of tbe State
of Nebraska, to be voted upon at the general
election 10 be held Tuetday, November 8 A. D.
(Ssiut Fili No. 114.)
A UU1 tor a Joint Resolution recommending
to the electors of tbe state to vote at the next
election of members of the Legislature for or
agalcit a convention to revlae, amend and
change the Constitution of the state of Nebrai
ka In accordance with Sections, Article 15. of
tbe Conitltulion of the State of Nebraska.
lit It RaoUtd bv thi Ltgltlaturt of the State of
A'tlii atka.
1. That It Is deemed necetaarr to call a con
tention to revise, amend and change tbe Con
ttltutlon of the Slate of Nebraika.
t. That tbe electors art recommended to vole
at the next election of members of the I.cgls
lature for or agalnct a convention to revlfe.
amend and change tbe Constitution of the State
of Nebraakn.
3, That attach next election of members ot
the Leglalattire on tbe ballot of each elector vo
ting at uch elvctlon. ball be printed or written
In mob manner that the elector can Indicate
bis under the law tbe words: ,,FOK
catllni; a convention to icvle nmend and
change the Cotiatltittlon of the slate of Nebras
ka." and "AGAINST calling n convention to re
Wc, amend and chnnge the ConMlltitloii of the
State of tbrasVa-." and If a majority voting,
at said election shall vote for a convention, tin
Legislature shall, at Its next session, provide by
1 iw for calling the name.
I. Oeo. W. Marsh. Secretary of Plate of the' hereby certify that the
foregoing proposed amendment to theConslltii
lion of the State of Nebraska. ' true and tor
I . ... ... mt..llb.l tllll Ilkk0ll lit
I Tt'Cl l-'U'3 Ui lilt: impilini .- '"-- " v. .
I theTwetitv eight session ot the Legislature ot
the State of Nebrasea. us It appears from said
original bill, on file In inyotllre. and that said
proposed amendment and revision of ttie Con
stitution of the State of Nebraska Is submitted
10 thi-oiinlllled voters of the Slate of Nebraska,
for their adoptUn or rej-cllnn. at ib general
electlo 1 to be held on Tucday, the 8lh day of
November, a. I). 1WM.
Inti'Mliiiony whereof, I hereunto set my hand
nnd iiulxedtlie (.real Seal of thu btute of Ne
Done Ht Lincoln thl Mh day of J11K. In the
1 yciir of ixir Lord One Thousand Nine llmidrod
nnd four ot the IndeiK'uiJpiae of thu fulled
stiiti-s lh ('ne Hundred and Twenty Ninth
and of this Mate the Thirty Klghlh.
(lillfcAT seal) Oeo W. Maiimi.
Secretary ol state.
try club Membership in a country
club costs more than an atitotnobll".
It is a scheme whereby a man pays
Pullman diniuj,' car prices for a meal
iu the country, and doesn't enjoy it as
1 much ns If he and lis family were
eatlna boiled etnrs by tho side of tho
I road After 11 man
a country
!!T J"
1IIK ll Willi Ulllt-t UUIui.,n, .. j
has to mortKaue his home if ho stays
at It long onough There is not tho
rural, Innocent joy in a country club
that Topeka peoplo imagine.
From March 4, 100G, Henry Gatsawa
Davis would, according to life Insur
ance mortality tables, have an "ex pec
tation" of three and nlntv-llvo hnn
droths years. Ills political "expecta
t on" Is now only a out two months
Office 119
An Atchison women was suspicious
about her husband's conduct when he
is down town in the evening. She
thought it dishonorable to spy upon
him, but couldu.t control her uneasi
ness untlll at last she hit upon a happy
plan that of giving him absent treat
ment As soon as he stepped out the
gate, she drops oil work, and sits with
her head bowed on her hand, giving
him absent treatment untiil he re
turnes. She is satisfied now that in the
many hours he is away from her, he
is hard at work over his hooks in bis
office and if he sees anyone at all, it is
men only.
frsler T Shw Came.
State of Nebraska. I
Webster County f
At a couutv court held at tbe county court
room in and for said county August 17. A, I)
In tne matter of tbe estate of John J Shelton,
On realltig and filing the petition of Harriet
K. shellon. praying that administration nf said
estate ma be granted to Harriet K. Shellou, as
Ordered that Monday the. Mh day of Setileio
ber. A, I). IWI, at one o'rloi k p in , is assigned
fur bearing snld petUlon when ui I persons
Interested in snld tnatlcr may apiearat a comity
court to he bel'l In ami for said county and
show caue why prayer of petitioner should not
be granted! and that notice of ibe pendcucv uf
said petition and the hearlni; thereof be Kiven
in all persons liitresied In said m i'ler. by pub
H-hliiKncopy of this order In 111- Itr.D C iitin
C'aiKr. a weekly nesjiaier prin'cd In said
coiiuly, for three cuii'ieuiiive vvieks prior to
salil day of henr'iiK.
(Seal) A 11 KtCNF.y.
septJ Count) ikIkc
Morton I.. Hill, of I.fbanon Ind . sars; "My1
wife bad IiiHammalorv nneiiniHiisni in evmy
musele and Joint, her suffering was tcrrlb e
and her n ilv Mini li w'-'f - i- til n-
yond reroKohlon: had been In bed six weeks
und bad I'lKht phtsir-laiis, but received no
benefit until she tried the Vvsiu- fo
Itheumatlsra. It save Immediate relief and
tbc iis able to walk about In three dara. 1 am
nre It sawd her life," Sold by II. ti Grlce.
DriiKKlst. Red Cloud.
Ely's Cream Balm
This Romody Is a Specific,
8ure to Clvo Satisfaction.
It clonnscs, soothes, lieals, ami protects tho
discard momhriiuo. It cures Catarrh and
drives uwav a Cold in the Head quickly,
Restores tho Senses of Tuste aud Rmcil.
Disy to uso. Coutains no injurious drugs.
Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed,
Largo Hiie, CO cents at Druggists or by
malTi Trial Size, 10 cents by mail!
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St.. Nsw York.
m ffn'jrja onmiui
Red Cloud, Neb.
"7. JOE
87. LOUIS and
all points east and
and all point
Mo. 13. Faisenger dally for Oberlln
and St. Francis branches, Ox
ford. McCook, Denver and all
points west .
No, 14. Passenger dally for St Joe.
Kansas City, Atcblson. St.
Louis. Lincoln via Wymote
and all points east and south z-lOajs)
No 15. Passenger, dally, Denver, all
points In Colorado, Utah and
California e:iO
No. 16. Paiienger. dally for 8t. Joe.
Kansas City. Atchison, 8t.
Louis and all points esit and
south io:8S
No. 174. Accommodation. Monday.
Wednesday and Frlday.Bast
IP.W G""xl Island, Black
Bills and all points In tbe
north west....... .. 1 :so p ,
Bleeping, dining, and reclining chair cars.
Heals free) on through trains. Tickets sold and
3urie.'oerSu.dea! ' "' P,Dt ln VatU
For Information, time tables, maps or tickets
call on or address A. Conover, Agent. Red
Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, Qoneral Passenger
Asent Omsbs, Nebraska
Of the Kansas CItv Veter
inary College Oflfce at E.
tohuston's, the Brick Barn.
Telephone 82.
At Bine Hill first Tuesday in each
Rtcky Maintain Tea Nugpatt
A Buy Msdisuu At Buy Fsepls.
Brlsfs OsMsa KssHh asi Bsaswsd ?lf?.
A speelflo for Constipation, IndlfMttosi, Ltv
gt form, 85 emu box. Genuine made try
nvLu.iui uavu yjuwrAMT, nauiaoo, ma.
ja CHicHEarriR-s KNaLtaw
SS-'.TWAkSArfc Alwj.rllkl I4ls uk DrMflM
la UXB u CUM iMiallU Wjiw. iMto
UkklMriMw. Takaaastktr. MilW
SnnriM NakMltaUwM aa4i talta.
Sj Jj jr Drfln, M 1 4. 1
"VJ?' PattlcaUn, TeattaaaiaU
U4 BaHaf (av La4l, im Uum, j pa.
all DrsfdMa. CkUkMlrt'kraUalCa.
laara. iruii rA.
ClMtiKi and UtnUflfl Ui balr.
rnnwta a frowth.
NTr Faila to It tit or oray
llalr to Its Vonthful ColorT
Cum Katp iHvuri a htlr ItllUuc
Uk,! t DrugrlsU
iiKainst Fire, LiRhtniiur, Cy
clones and Windstorms, see
agent for the Farmers Union Insur
ance Co., Lincoln, Neb., the best in
surance company in the s'-ite.
Legal Notice.
JarvlsJ l'listlewalt. I'lnlutltr. vs. Neti p PomIc
wall. Winnie I'ostleivnlt. Kllzitlcih n I'osile
wall. Martha I'omikhuU, Clara I. J'o-tlewali,
llurrlcl I. iostlewiilt. Mnrr I,, ilnoiiey, Uuso
I. Davis, AiiiicsJ Dojle. IsiueK. I'os'ilevrnlt,
a minor under Hit- anu of fourteen jean,'
WellhiuKiu Itlrinird. Adtnlnlsirmur of (ho es'
tate of William II. rostlewHli. dcecafed, mid
'the Union Cemri'l Life limiranrc coui'panv,
of' liirlauail. OhK a corporallon, DefendaiilV.
Defendants. Winnie roslleivall, Elizabeth II.
l'ollevtrilt Martha I'n.llewalt. Clara I, I'ostle
wait. HnrrlM U I'os-Ienult. .Mary I Mooney
Ito-e I. Davis, James V. 1'oulewali. a minor
under llie aKeof fourtten vears. nnd The Union
Central Life InMirance Company, of Cincinnati
Ohio, a corporation, vvl I tile notice that on the
27th day of August. 1() Jarvla ,1. Posilewalt
plalntlir herein, filed hi. petition hi (he d-strlct
conn of Webster comity, N.brasU aBH,ist aald
defendants, the object and prater of ivhlch are
to partition ihefolIonhiKdescrhed real estate
to Wit!
Northeast quarter. (N.E U) section twenty
nine, (S. 2fl) towiPihlp two. (T. a) north, raugo
titne (It Ui west of the lith P m i -....
county. Nebraska, and for an nrcotiminir ns to
the rents mid profits of ibe same und an adl.ut
ment as to .he moiling. Indebtedness eilsiloK
aKalusiihesnine. You are required to ,n.r
.a!.i petition on or before th- 10th dav nt nZ
ber, 10W '-Jib da) of Octo-
JAnvm.i rm.T, .-...- nl . .
Br E. U. OveZ, iiu a (or T Mm"'
(Sept 23 )