The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 09, 1904, Image 6

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    Red Cloud Chief.
I Iltbraska Jloks. f.
Contracts for tlio erection of tho new
dormitory for tho Grand Island colleg
havo been let and work will ho bcRiin
nt once. Tire now building Is to coeI
Hiibo Nowton, tho nllogod horsothlof,
who psraped from Jail nt Butte, was
raptured nt Hedlleld, S. I). Shcrln
Anderson has Just returned from there
with him.
A. Paradls, n big Btockmnn of Hele
na, Mont., la In Broken How buying
up hogs nnd other llvo stock and Khlp
ping thorn west. Ho has already sent
out flovernl carloads.
Adolph Blnderup, ono of Hastings'
prominent young business men, was
married to Miss Kiniiin S-V.lchler nt the
home of tho bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R.,U Stlchlor.
Tho home of Mrs. S. II. Iole of Tien
trlco was the. scene of n douhlo wed
ding. Miss Kiln Dolo nnd Fred Van
HoEklrk, nnd Mrs. Sadlo Ann Crump
ton and Klbcrt J. Dolo wcro united In
Otto Holmqulst had n blnck eyo put
on his faro onn day last week by a
kick rccolved from ono of his horseu
whllo ho was trimming their hoofs.
Mr. Ilolmqulst had nnothcr narrow ps
capo n fow days previous, when n team
ran nwny with tho hay rnko. Ho was
thrown under tho rnko and rolled
nlong until It struck u post nnd raised
up and relieved him.
Tho Itcv. A. Wllllnm noil, who has
Just nccepted n call to becomo rector
of tho local Kplsropul church, arrived
in Fremont with his family nnd will
occupy tho St. .Tames parsonage. Mr.
Hell was until recently rector of St.
Mnttliows' church at Ulondlvn, Mont.
He went from thcro on n vacation trip"
to Colorado, whore ho wes reached by
tho Fremont congregation. i
Threshing Is tho order of the dnyl
and tho whirr of fast Hying cylinders
and tho buzz of bolts, tho ltoarso ex
haunt, of the englnn nnd tho bus
buntlo of tho throshlng gang aro fa
miliar sights on tho farms nlioiit Ran
dolph. How tho grain Is turning mitt
It runs n golden stream Into tho wnlti
lug wagons, nnd tho farmer chuckle)
as ho deeply dips his bands Into tin)
overflowing loads nnd remarks on tin!
brightness, tho weight and tho nbutv
danco of his grain.
Charles Hryaut, of Fairfield, was ne
cldcntnlly ami sorlously wounded nt
Dowpcbo. Ho wns llshlng ulong tho
south sldo of tho mlllraeo. and Jny
Hubbol, of tho linn of Hubbcl &. Rons,
proprietors of.tho mill ut Dowocso, was
hhootlng nt n' target along tho north
hldo of tho mlllracp. A bullet from
the rifle In tho hands of Hubbel en
tered Hrynnt's left breast and pone-'
trutcd. .his lung. Ills .condition ban
been such that tho doctors havo not
undertaken to locnto It.
II. W. Kitlpor, n six-foot thresher,
camo In to Grand Islnnd to seo what
was tho mntter with his arm. Ho Is
engaged ns engineer with n threshing
outfit nenr bis homo atSt. Llbory. but
does other ilutlos nt times than to look
nfter stenm. Whllo hitching tip a
initio tho nnlnial became frlglitened,
nnd In endeavoring to mnnago it Kul
per was thrown to tho ground vio
lently. Ho picked himself up, com
pleted hla day's duties nnd went to
work as usual tho next mornlug. But
bis shouldor gavo him sonio trouble
nnd ho finally decided to bring It invto
n physician for examlnntion. Tho
physician found a completo frncturo of
the collar bono.
An old horso trainer, a strnnger who
claims to hall from tho east, was taken
In tow by Sheriff Tnylor of Grnnd
Islnnd on n complaint from tho vll
lago of Alda, and tnken beforo the
commissioners of Insanity. Thorn Ms
no question but that thu old gentle
man Is mentnlly unsound, hut his skill
with unbroken horses is said to be
marvolous. He gavo tho nanio of For
sythe. Whllo in a rand Island n fow
dnys ago ho gavo nn exhibition of
lighting a cigar with an $180 note.
Tho one-year-old child of Rov. Henry
B. Smith of tho Epcslopal church.
Falls City, pushed open a screen door
on tho second story of tho Strong
building nnd fell twenty feet, striking
on Its bend. Tho skull nppears to bo
fractured, yet tho physicians havo
hopes that it may recover.
The Sarpy County Mutual Protective
association is tho ilrst lnw and ordor
leaguo npproachlng In Its nature tho
old stylo vigilance committee to Ineor
porato under tho laws of Nebraska.
Tho concern Is authorized by Its arti
cles of Incorporation to protect Its
members ngalnst loss by theft, to In
demnify Us members In case of loss by
iiiiuvuk, n assist in capturing and con
victing thlovcs, to offer suitable re
wards for tho return of Rtolen prop
erty, nnd for tho apprehension nnd
conviction of nil persons who steal oJ
nsslat in stealing any propeity of the
members of tho association. No capi
tal Is authorized under tho nrtlcles,
but tho executive committee is em
powered to lovy nnd collect such as
sessments upon the members ns shall
be necessary to meet tho cm rent -
penBes nnd pay such losses as aro sus
tained by tho members and to pay
whatever rewards may bo offered by Us
Henry Rlggert, who lives near Fre
mont .Is nblo to show any one, whether
from Missouri or not, that he has pro
duced a cahbago that Is four feet four
inches In circumference and weighs
twonty-two .pounds.
M. L. Hannon, ono of tho good nn
tured citizens out in Jackson town
nhlp was In Wood Rlvor doing a Httio
trading and Incidentally renewing ac
quaintances. Mr. Hannon nnd ThomaB
Connors havo Just finished stacking a
field of SCO acres of wheat and outs.
Thoy stacked forty-two stacks and It
took thorn fourteen days, Guess this
1b about tho biggest bunch of stacks
la tho community.
Dan Patch Paces a Milo in Fact
Time of 2:05 1-4.
f.nrc Atnllenfrn WlttiMfM Nery l'ncer
Attempt in llicel Hot llnlf
Mile lUcorJ,
Pan Patch paced a mllo on the Ne
braska stnto fnlr grounds track in
2:05M. Ho went tho quarter In :32;
tho half In 1:01, and tho three-quarters
In 1:35. This breaks the trnck
record for n mllo, Crcscous trotting It
last year In 2:08,i.
The crowd that witnessed tho ovent
wns not ns largo ns tho ono present
tho day beforo when tho exhibition
could not bo pulled off becauso of the
bad trade. Ah It was, however, tho
ampitheater was Jammed and tho
quarter stretch showed tho presence
of n great number of tho animal's nd
mlrors. Tho dny was excellent, though
tho sun did not como out until hi to
nnd tho trnck could not bo called fast.
Dan Patch's world's record for a mllo
on a half mllo track is 2:03Vi. made
at Birmingham, Ala., last year. This
was mado nfter ho had been a whole
season on the road.
Whllo tho tlmo mado excelled that
of Creaceus a year before, tho temper
ot tho crowd was not tho same. Crcs
cous was met with cheers whenover ho
put in nn nppearancp. Tho beautiful
pacor was not cheered when ho was led
out nnd his performance was not greet
ed ns cnthuslnstlcnlly as was merited.
The crowd hardly seemed to renllzo
that thoy bad witnessed tho fastest
mile over traveled In tho state by any
harness horse.
To tho spectators the exhibition wns
not qulto ns spectacular ns tho mllo
by Crcscous. becnuso tho latter animal
mado such tremendous strides, reach
ing to tho front nt cvory stop In a way
that showed cloarly how ho was eat
ing up tho distance. Dan Patch, on
tho other baud, seemed to hnvo his
finely strung organism In perfect work-
ing order, nnd settled down to his
work with a precision that wns aston
ishing. The secret of his speed prob
ably lien In the fact that there Is no
lost motion. It did not seem n great
effort for lilm. As ho crawled along
nftor tho runner every spectator In
wardly wished Cobweb would get up a
little speed or qrawi off to the other
side of the track and let the pacer go
by. The runner was driven by nn ex
pert, and whllo to the spectators It
seemed nn if ho was actually retard
ing tho animal, ho hnd this gauged so
finpjy that ho wns all tho tlmo assist
ing! Without tho runner or somo
other horso specding'nt his tilde. Dan
Patch nlwnys slows up. So easily did
ho glide., nlong that It wan difficult
to appreciate what he was accomplish
ing. It was probably true that If tho
driver had cared to urgo him to the
limit, tho tlmo could havo been low
erod. Aa It was. tlto showing mado was
remarknblo for the trnck. It was not
ns hard underneath as It should havo
been for the pacer to do his best. At
the turns the big horse dug in nnd
these hnd to be mado by driving out
consldornbly further thnu would have
boon necessary with tho track In per
fect condition.
Dnirtil for Selling; Wlitfibitjr.
One of the keepers of tho four Joints,
or Illicit snloons that were raided nt
Cuba, Kan., by a number of local
women, has been driven out of town
by the crusnders after he had attempt
ed to re-open his place of business.
Several kegs of beer found buried in
the cellar of tho placo wero destroyed
by the women nnd formal notlco served
on the pioprictor to leavo within thrco
hours nnd never to return. Ho depart
ed by the tlrst train. A delegation of
tho women called upon the mayor and
police judgo and warned them "that
tho women would stand no more
trifling." and that tho policy of allow
ing Joints to run would not agnln be
Illil nt Miirli Trtiimiire.
Upon the arrival of the Oicgon ex
press on tho Oregon Short Line at
Kemmerer. Wyo., four men stepped out
from tho shadow of a building near
tho dej.ot and as soon ns tho door of
the oMiress car wns opened by tho
messenger, two of them held him up,
whllo two others stood off the stntlon
agent. A package containing $900 to
pay ofi' the omploves of tho Kommorer
Conl company was demanded ami wns
given to the lubbers, who disappeared.
Tho robbers are belloved to bo em
ployes of tho coal company who know
of the nrrlval or tho package, as thoy
mado no further search Tor other
plundur. A package containing $13,000
for tho Cumberland Conl company was
not disturbed.
II. 1. l)HtU' Sou V.ry III,
Joh l T. Davis, only son of tho demo
cratic nominee for1 vlco president,
Henry G. Davis. n patient in Davis
Memorial hospital. He was taken
there from New York suffering with
typhoid fever, with which ho was at
tacked. The hospital physicians say
ho is in a critical condition. Senator
Davis is much worried, the death of
his wlfo and daughter. Mrs. iimn in
1802, bolng due to the same mulady.
Wcfttlitr Clerk I.ovrlnwl Tell Intrretfr
IliB Fuel About I'rnKPiit Month.
Tho wannest September In the laRt
twenty yenrs was that of tho year of
1897, when tho thermometer registered
nn average of 75 degrees, according to
n nummary Issued by Section Director
Lovolnnd. Tho coldest September in
that tlmo was that of tho yenr previ
ous 180C, which hnd an average torn,
pcrnture of 02 degrees.
If history repeats itself it is doubt
ful If any more days nB hot ns somo
of tho3o of tho last month will be ex
perienced hero ngaln this year. Tho
highest temperature recorded on any
day during tho month of September
In tho last twenty yenrs was 101, on
September 17, 1805, nnd September 5,
1899. Tho lowest temperature on nny
day of tho month in tho laBt twenty
years wns 27 degrees on September 29,
Within a. short tlmo Nebraska nnd
Lincoln ,nople should begin nntlclpnt
Ing killing frosts. Tho earliest frost
In tho last twenty yearn occurred Sep
tember 12, 1902. The nvcrago date for
tho llrst killing frost In tho last scoro
of years has boon October S.
Tho nvcrago date for the last "kill
ing" frost In tho spring for tho last
score has been April 18, while tho
latest frost wns that of May 7. 1890.
Tho average precipitation for Sep
tember In tho last twenty-two years
has been 2.10 Inches. Tho uvorngo
number of days with .01 of nn Inch or
moro Im3 been six. In 1901 tho great
est precipitation for tho month was
recorded, being six inches. The least
rain for tho month was In 1888, when
only .03 wns recorded. Tho greatest
amount of precipitation recorded In
liny twenty-four consecutive hours was
2.07 inches on September 22-23, 1902.
I'opulliitft nnil Drirmrrnu lNlnhllxh Their
AVurklnc Force utt liti Koywl lintel.
Populist and democratic state ccntrnl
committee headquarters will be at tho
Hotel Royal, formerly the Walton
hotel, on East O r.trcot, Lincoln. Chair
man T. S. Allen, of tho dqmocrntlc
committee, has announced the decision
to Jocato at tho Royal and rooms on
tho fourth floor arc to bo occupied by
both committees. The headquarters
will bo In adjoining rooms. Chairman
Allen and Chairman Weber will nt
onco etigago their force of clerks nnd
appoint tho heads of tho, speakers'
bureau nnd tho press committee so
that active campaigning may bo start
ed within tho next few days. .,
Ono of the features of .the fusion
campaign will bo a series if barbecues,
In charge of J. H. Edmlsten, to bo
held In various sectlcjns of the stato.
Speakers of national prominence and
tho candidates on the statu and con
gressional tickets will speak at tho
meetings nnd there will bo band music.
Thomas Watson, candidate for presi
dent on tho populist ticket, has been
secured by tho populist committee for
four speeches, to bo delivered during
tho last weeks of tho campaign. Mr.
Watson's first nppenranco will bo at
Cambridge, where a two days' barbo
cuo will bo hold.
Slio llelpeil Frlenil Kuw III Wny Out
mill I" Arrriitml fur It.
Miss Josephine Williams, 18 years
old, and tho daughter of a well-to-do
llatol Royal, formerly tho Walton
rested secretly at Indianapolis, Ind., by
tho police of Franklin and taken to
thnt city, whoro she was placed in Jail.
A fehort time ago, whllo visiting at
Edlnhurg. Miss Williams met Carl
OnkB and a friendship existed from
the moment of their first ncqunlntanco.
Soon nrterward Oaks was arrested and
placed In tho Franklin Jail on a chargo
of larceny. Miss Williams paid fre
quent visits to him nt tho jail. Ono
night ho and threo other prisoners
sawed tholr way out of tho Jail and
escaped and Oaks telegraphed Miss
Williams from Greenwood not to meet
him nt FranUHn, as ho was going
Tho Johnson county officials wero
notified of tho sending of tho message
and found Miss Wlllinms at tho resi
dence of a rolativo of tho escaped
prisoner In CrothersvUlo. They chargo
that she passed tho caws to him
through tho gratings of his cell nnd
that the two woro to meet near tho
Jail after his escape Ho got out earllor
than ho expected and feared to remain.
Tho telegram revealed her whoro
nbouts. Nothing has boon hoard from
Oaks, but tho young woman now oc
cupies tho cell from which ho escaped.
Hoy Hhot In the I.iiac
Henry Bryant, tho soventeen-ycar-old
son of Barney Bryant, liveryman
at Fairfield. Neb., whllo fishing on tho
Blue, five miles south of town, near
Doweose, was accidentally shot by Jay
Hubbell, who was unawaro of Bryant's
presence In tho neighborhood. Tho
ball, which was a 22-callbro, entered
tho front of tho right chest, penetrated
the mlddlo lobe of tho lung. Tho ball
did not mako an exit, but Is supposed
to bo imbedded In tho posterior cheat
wall. Tho boy Is being oared for at
tho homo of tho Hubbells, who aro
proprietors of tha Dawoeao mill.
Government Report Shows that While
the Cost of Living Has Increased,
the Income from Wanes Has In
creased in Much Greater Proportion.
Tho report of tho Department of
Commerce nnd Labor shows that If
tho cost of provisions lias Increased
during American prosperity tho aver
ago Incomo lias Increased still fur
ther, ho that tho general public 1b thnt
much better off on thosu two compari
sons, not to speak of Its further bene
fits In shorter hours of employment
for moro money nnd the fact that
clothing annd other nrtlcles entering
Into tho cost of living havo not In
creased. But tho American people have not
needed nny tnbles of expert calculu
tlons to prove to them how much bet
ter circumstanced they nro now than
they over were before. Thoy havo a
monthly nnd weekly nnd dally remind
er of tho fact In snmcthlng thnt Is
tho very simplest yet tho most lm
prcfislvo proof their surplus of earn
ings above their expenses, their sav
ings from their Incomes after thoy
havo mot all their expenses nnd put
awny a fund for n "rnlny day."
Take tho savings banl3 depositors
of tho United States for example.
What need havo they of government
reports to ndvlso them how their bnnk
accounts comparo with those which
thoy had when tho "cost of living was
cheaper" In tho Wilson lnw days?
Whut heed will they give to the Dem
ocratic cnlnmlty cries when they look
over their bnnk books and find their
deposits havo been climbing steadily?
From 1897, when the Republican party
wa8 restored to power, tho total sav
ings banks deposits went from $1.
939,370,035 to $2,0u5,G3 1.298 In 1898;
to $2,230,300,951 In 1899: to $2,449,
547.8S5 In 1900; to $2,G97,09 1,580 In
1901; to $2,750,177,290 in 1902; to $2.
935,201.845 in 1903.
In tho era of Democratic "low cost
of living" the total savings banks do-
t?P?s t M iaH&Cx I
te&&SL a rsHterKrr5
llTV-teS" tW
Tho Court: "The testimony sho
ws that tbeso defendants hnvo com
mitted the crime of receiving the bo
nefits of protection In connection with
their respective avocations. The la
w says 'Protection Is robbery' IDem.
platrorm, 1904, hence It follows thn
t these defendants stand convicted of
robbery. Tho sentence of this court
posits of tho country were reduced
from $1,7S5,150.957 In 1893 to $1.7l7,
901,280 in 1894! Take n look nt tho
savings banks deposits in the great
Democratic yenr of 1894 and tho pros
pnt, nfter two Republican administra
tions: 1891
. 2,935,204,845
In thoso flgurcB there are n billion
nnd n quarter reasons, each ono a dol
lar of gold standard value, why tho
snvlngs hanks depositors of tho
United States know their Incomes of
tho present give them not only a bet
tor living, but a larger surplus of
money left over. If their cost of liv
ing had outstripped their increased
Havings they would not bo adding to
their savings, as their deposits prate
they are. Thoy would be drawing up
on them, cutting them down. Jaist as
In 1894, when their Incomes wcro
falling moro heavily than tho cost of
living; they know, without nny aver
ages or percentages or expert statis
tics, that thoy had to call on their snv
Ings bnnks accounts to help out their
No ono need hnvo any npprehonslo
thnt tho American people will get
fooled by tho Democratic talk of tho
cost of living eating up their Increased
earnings as long as tho American peo
ple's bank books show them Increased
bnlances, Just ns they wero not fooled
In 1894 by tho Democratic talk of
their cheap cost of living, for they
ivere pulling out tholr savings every
iveek to pay bills that their earnings
fould not pny. Furthermore, ns wo
have remarked before, tho savings
banks depositors of tho United States
may bo rolled upon not to get fooled
on another phnse of this Democratic
sppoal for their votes. They know
that tho Democratic plntTorm adopted
it St. Ixiuls mnkes no mention of
maintaining thoso savings banks de
posits on n gold standard basis. They
know Judgo Parker himself, tho Dem
I Dcratlc party's candidate for Presl
' dent, twice voted to put thoso savings
bankn deposits on a silver basla, whev.
ho gavo his ballot In 189C and 1901
to Mr. William J. Bryan.
Tho savings banks depositors of tin
country (there aro moro than 7,000,001
accounts) nro no moro Hkoly to "tak
stock" In tho Bolmont-Pnrkcr argu
ment thnt Inning moro savings In tin
bank they nro worse off than when
they had less, than thoy are to vot
for tho candidate, Jmlgo Parker, win
twice assisted In tho attempt to pul
tho savings banks deposits on a sllvei
basis, though ho now says, for pollt
leal offect on tho Eastern Democrats,
that ho "regnrds" tho gold standard ni
firmly established! New York Press
Canada's Idea of Reciprocity.
Tho Canadians, it Is now settled, dr,
not fnvor such reciprocity as that de
manded by tho Massachusetts friend!
of reciprocity in tho Democratic party.
The Canadians would bo perfectly
willing to hnvo free exchnngo of all
rnvv materials, but they have given
England a preferential tariff and will
not consent to admit American manu
factures to Canada on fair terms. Tho
Canndlnns nro doing wull ns they nro,
nnd nro not ns eager as formerly for
American business. Tho American?,
on their part, nro pretty sure to get q
large dose of Canadian trade, nnd nn
shy of any such reciprocity ns thi
Canadians will assent to, since suc'i
reciprocity would be denth to the ng
rlculturnl nnd other important Nov;
England industries. Lewiston (Me.)
Two Facts.
The tariff reformers nt variouj
times havo been ngltntod by whrj
they call the copper trust. Pinal!;
they discovered that ropper ore Is ot
the fieo list and most of thorn cease I
to use this particular Illustration
though they still proclaim that tin
tariff Is tho mother of trusts, thu)
conveniently forgetting, of course
that If this Is true, then In this ensf
ot tho copper trust we havo a crea
turc that comes Into the world with
out a mother. At tho same time thov
might explain the window glass bus:i
i.nsB. It Is true thut there Is a con-
pany that the newspapers speak of a
tho window glass trust, but this com
is that these defendants shall forth
with enter upon a 'gradual revision'
Dem plntform, 1904 1 of their nefari
ous conduct, nnd shall persist in suo
h 'gradual revision' until they shnll
have wholly ceased to enjoy any pro
fit' or ndvnntago whatsoever by,
through or from the aforesaid robbo
ry, otherwise known ns protection.
You may go."
pany lncks so much of being a mo
nopoly that tho competition has been
of tho keenest sort for years. And
yet In thoMcKInIey law and In tho
Wilson-Gorman law and in tho Ding
loy law the duty on window glass bus
been very high. Notwithstanding
this it has boon Impossible to form a
trust or a combination of any sort
that would prevent tho liveliest of
competition. Hero nro two cold facts
or' moro than ordinary Importance In
the business world that ought to be
known to everybody two facts that,
standing alone, are sufficient to tnko
the pith out of tho theory that tho
tariff Is tho mother of trusts. And
tbeso aro but two of numerous facts,
nil giving tho direct lie to this tariff
theory. But what has tho tariff re
former to do with facts? Greenfield
(Ind.) Tribune.
To Kill a Snake.
Senator Lodge Is perfectly correct
In saying that tho Massachusetts reci
procity movement Is n covert scheme
to dlvido and weaken tho Republican
party. The scheme Is being engineered
with thnt purposo distinctly In view.
And it will succeed unless Republic
ans tnko It promptly by the neck nnd
shut off Its wind. That Is what tho
Iowa Republicans did, with tho result
that reciprocity squeaks aro fow and
far between In that fino Republican
commonwealth. It will bo found In
Massachusetts, as elsewhere, that you
cannot kill a snnko by coddling it.
Trust Blisters to the Fore.
When Mr. Tnggart of Indiana wns
elected chairman of tho Democratic
national committee It wns supposed
that he would bo In chnrgo of tho
ennvnts. Now It Is reported that Mr.
Sheohan of Now York, chairman of
tho exocutlvo commlttco Is to bo In
active control. Apparently Judgo
Piu Iter desired some man with nn in
tlmato knowledge of corporations, ac
quired by BerVlco on numerous boards
of directors, to manago tho great fight
against corporate aggression. Kansas
Citv Star.
vs. 1. HI 52r'i
Willing to Linger Alt Day and Have
Its Back Scratched.
vui. tuiiiiiiii rBupus mum j, cowuey-'
-.! Yt.lllf... . -. .... .
and train dispatcher, flnnncler a
volunteer fireman, went to McLei
Lake last Sunday to seo Georgo IK?
ring, the angler, tako a few bass.
Herring had rovernl lines set out on
tho bank, nnd hard by squatted a big
bullfrog. "Hot you u dollar I can
scratch that frog's back," ho said.
"Go you," agreed the colonel. Creep
lg up very cnutlously, tho fisherman
caught the frog by one of Its long hind
legs Just as it wns In tho net of leap
ing into tho water. After consider
able kicking nnd vibration tho am
phibian composed himself, while Her
ring gently tickled Its back with a
straw. In huge enjoyment the frog
gavo soft grunts, closing Its eyo
sleepily. It reminded Handy of a cat
Having won the bet. Herring enst
tho frog Into tho lako and went tw
look nt ono of his linos. As ho
stooped to pick up the rod there sat
Mr. Frog, waiting for another back
scratching. His deslro was manifest
ed as plainly ns if he had said, "Here,
old tnnn, tlcklo rno agnln." Which tho
angler did, nnd again enst him Into
tho water. Thereafter tho frog fol
lowed him from lino to line, begging
for a scratching and refusing to bo
frightened awny. New York Press.
First School House.
Tho first school house In Chicago
tvns really Col. Richard J. Hamilton's
old log barn, which stood on "Wolf
Point," between tho lnko and tho
"forks of the river." Tho building
was 12 feet square, nnd both desks
and seats were empty boxes contrib
uted by tho stores of tho town.
Quaint Old Wine Glass.
Congressman Frank C. Weber Is
tho proud possessor of a cut glass
wine glass from which on more than
ono occasion, so tradition says, Gen.
Georgo Wnshlngton refreshed himself
In the days when ho used to stop on
his way from Mount Vernon to tho
North at tho home of the Into Michael
Warner, on tho old Washington road.
The wino glass Is nn old fashioned
one of cnmfortnblo size nnd weight,
and is very much uullko nnythlng in
use nowndnys. Well authenticated
tradition has it that Gon. Wnshlngton
was frequently a guest nt tho home of
Michael Warner, who was a well
known man In this section of the
country nnd was acquainted with
many prominent men of thoso days.
It Is known thnt Gon. Washington
stopped on moro than one occnalon
,ut tho Warner bouse, ns he did at tho
old Carroll mansion, now in Carroll
,Pnrk, and partook of meals. The
wine glnssus wero always used at
these meals and wero retained as me
mentos of these visits. Ualtimurr
How They Say Good-By.
"When I left Mnnila," said a sail
or, " a Filipino lady saw me off. Do
you know how sho said good-by?
Why, she rubbed my face with her
"Rubbed my. fnce with her hand, by
Crlnus! I looked around tho wharf
nnd that Is how nil tho natives were
"iiylng good-by to one nnother. Mo
and tho rest of tho voyagers by tho
tlmo we got off had our faces all
rubbed raw.
"In FIJI they say good-by by cross
ing two red feathers under your nose.
"Tho Burmeso crouch down nnd
shout 'Hlb nib!'
"The South Sea Islanders wear fare
well necklaces when good-bys aro to
bo said. These necklaces aro mado
of whales' teeth. To say good-by ac.i
Islander rattles with his fingers tho
teeth of tho other's necklace.
"Tho Sioux Indian digs his spear
in tho ground as n sign of farewell.
"In Otnheito they twist an end of
your garment and then shake their
own hands threo times."
Ready to Jump.
Tho Valcnclan driver has to sit on
tho shaft, for his enrt hns no seat In
It. Ho Is not bothered with climbing
in and out.
Guilty Secret Exposed.
Owing to tho stamp on a postcard
coming off In his pocketbook a Vien
nese merchant discovered that his
friend was carrying on a clandestine
correspondence with his wife. Mos
ages wcro written in a minute hlid
under the postage stamp on illustrated
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