I llW(lHWmilllH')8llSwMI"lMJHWWIWIII In tjWtJw -5ra." . . ' A I Ik I ft" fr K . Red Cloud Chief. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. E1) CLOUD. NEBRASKA !4$H-t4H544''? lltbraska Dotes. A groat mnny farmers over tho Btate tiro publishing notices warning hunt crs not to trespass on their lands. If you rnn pet n farm In Nebraska within two hundred miles of tho Mis fiourl river nt $30 nn ncro buy it. II. P. Lowrcy, n gardener of Orantl Island, thinks ho has tho record broken on cnbbngcs. Ho brought one to the city weighing 20 pounds. Tho gencrnl opinion Is that there will bo more pralrlo chickens nnd quail In Nebraska this fall than liavo been seen hero In fifteen years. M. Kcrl wa offered $12,000 by nn Omaha man for his 110 ncro farm lying east of tho city of Oakland, In Hurt county, but refused tho offer. Miss Addlo Reynoldson, a Bonno county girl nnd n graduate of tho stato university, was elected to tho position of assistant principal of tho high school nt Albion. Farmers In tho vicinity of Stranda vlllo nro contemplating tho erection nf nn olovntor at that point. Tho capltnl stock Is to bo $3,000 consisting of thirty shares of $1,700 each. Columbus has been In darkness for eovoral nights. Tho council would not enter Into a contrnct for lights for flvo years nnd ns a result tho light com pany turnod off tho "glimmer." Tho Pallsado mill was Rtruclt by lightning nnd completely destroyed by tho flro which followed. Tho property Is owned by W. H. Cummins of Pall nado, who carried llttlo or no Insur ance. Tho ninomlngton Hollow Wall, Con crcto nnd Improvement company of Frnnklln county hns Incorporated with n cnpltnl stock of $G,000. Tho Incor porators nro O. W. Groon, J. n. Sum- JY mor and J. II. McGrow, all of Bloom- UlglUII. David It. Mlkoscll nnd Miss Jessie Kent were united In marrlngo nt the homo of tho brldo's parents, Mr. nnd Sirs. J. M. Kent, nt Kenosaw. Thoy left for n short visit with relatives In Lincoln, after which they will visit the St. Louis exposition. Mrs. Mntthlns Schmurkor of St. ChnrloB township narrowly escaped being killed by lightning. She was engnged In milking when tho bolt foil, Rtrlklng tho ground n few feet away, demolishing tho feed rnck In tho yard nnd rendering tho womnn unconscious. Sho remained Insensible for some time nnd is now suffering from nervous prostration. Tho, now nlfnlfa mill nt Almn Is n substantial building nnd nenr comple tion. This Industry Is for the conver sion of nlfalfn liny into meal, which is said to bo for superior In results when fed than in Its natural stato. Tho It. & M. has built n switch, thereby mak ing tho shipping prolltnble. This now enterprise Is expected to ndd material ly to tho interest of tho producer of tho product In that vicinity. John noisier, who owns a farm In Centorvllto precinct, says tho pros pects for a good corn crop In Lancaster county were never bettor. "I have Eomo wheat that runs twenty-three bushels tin ncro, snld ho. "Tho avor ngo will bo lesB, however, for tho county. It will run nil tho wny from seven to twonty-llvo bushels. Corn will run from thirty to sixty bushels. Where corn has been worked well and tho weeds havo boon kept down the yield will go up to sixty biiBhols." Miss Lizzie Renter of Scrlbnor had Otto Schweitzer arrested nnd put undor n pence bond. She says he has threatened to bodily Injure or kill her. Tho pair formerly kept company, nnd flnnlly had trouble. Miss Rontcr says that then Schweitzer went about mak ing threats, nnn that ho carried n re volver part of tho time. Sheriff Dati man nrrestod Schwoltzer and hnd him up before Justlco Loosehon. The lat ter fixed bond at $r00. The parties concerned are prominent In tho hcrlb ner vicinity and a hot light Is prom ised. It Is estimated that Norfolk Is $30,000 fash better o. bemuse of tho Rosebud registration. Peop.lo on route to Hone steel passed through Norfolk going nnd coming, nnd thousands stopped over night or a day or two nt Norfolk, nnd all spent money there. Anton Schulto, one of the local butchers of Hay Springs, hnd an ex citing nnd somewhat dangerous experi ence with n wild cow. Ho went to one of tho pastures near town and roped tho cow preparatory to having her taken to tho slaughter house The cow when roped nttneked Mr. Schulte, who took rofugo in his top buggy, which wns near at hand. Tho cow followed nnd lunged Into tho buggy nftor him, throwing him out and tearing tho buggy into lndllng wood. Mr. Schulte grabbed a largo sticking knife he had In tho buggy nnd fought off tho cow until holp arrived and the cow was shot, but not until his clothing was stripped from his body. Aside from some bruises and cuts ho wns not seriously Injured. Tho sight of Mr. I' IW Bcnuiio ngiuing mo lnturiaieu animal without hat or other clothing on, with tho blood from tho injured cow nmearod over bis body, is ono that will long be remembered by his rescuers. Ernost Roesnor. of Lincoln, nnd Miss Martha Luschlnsky wore married nt tho homo of tho brldo In Plnttsmouth, Rev. H. Barnman officiating. Tho couple vlll mako their future homo nt Lincoln where Mr. Roesner Is nn en gineer In tho employ of tho Burling ton. Articles' of Incorporation have been filed with tho county clerk nt Aurora by tho Omaha & Nebraska Ontrnl railway with nn authorized cnpltnl of $1,500,000.. ..Ha purposo 1 to operate nn electric railway from Hasting to Omnhn. Tho promoters are till Chi cago men SLOWLY (LOSING IN Port Arthur Siogo a Big Contin uous Battlo. BIG LOSSES ON BOTH SIDES Aiumrrntlr tlio Jnpuiieie Uavti tha IIiin- Rlnnn Completely nt Their Merry Note, Tho London Chronlelo's correspond ent with General 'Kurnkl, cables: "Tho fall or Port Arthur Is immi nent, Tho .lapancso are now within tho mnln defenses and their guns com. nuind tho town. Despernto fighting occurs night nnd dny, nnd tho losses on both Bides nro enormous. "Tho Htisslnns nro making furious counter attacks, but tho Japanese are clinging to tho positions thoy havo won nt eo groat a cost." Tho correspondent nt Tien Tsln of tho Ixindon Standard says: "Confirmatory details Just arrived represent the Japanese ns having reached n point within 1,200 yards from tho new town of Port Arthur on tho west sldo and as being within a mllo of tho cast dock basin on the east sldo. Strong reinforcements nre hurrying tip from Dnlny and Plctzwo, leaving reserves at both places." Tho Iondon papers havo numerous special dispatches from tho far east, most of them denllng with tho position of Port Arthur. It Is pointed out that tho Japancso tactics are similar to those adopted by General Oyatna in 1894, but granting thnt tho Japancso have penetrated as far as represented, which Is considered doubtful, thoro are still formidable forts to bo silenced before n general assault Is possible. Interest Is displayed In what Is con sidered tho precarious position of Gen eral Kuropatkln's force. Owing to n dispatch to tho Dally Mall from Kou pungtsc, Russian officers confess them selves completely in the dark as to tho meaning of tho Japanese movements; nnd consequently thoy havo no definite plan. Ton days ngo. feeling that Llao Yang would bo surrounded, General Kuropatkln begnn to draw his troops northward. Then on tho Japanese re tiring, ho brought them back again, but continued his preparations for ef fecting a retreat. There is no doubt, snys tho corre spondent, thnt the Russian urmy is now completely nt tho mercy of tho Japancso whenever thoy choose to at tack. The Llao Yang correspondent of the London Dally Telegraph says that the Japanese nro pushing on against threo sides of tho city nenr which thoro Is continued lighting. A grent quantity of transport has been sent north, leav ing Lino Yung ready for all eventuali ties. Tho rumor that tho Japancso lost guns at Slnullns, tho correspondent says, .turns out to bo Incorrect. Tho correspondent continues: "Tho Japanese nro reported to bo adopting n new method of night nt tnck. They concentrate searchlights on the point nttneked, thus preventing tho garrison from seeing anything." AFTER COUNTERFEITERS Federnl Authorltlei Think Tliejr Ilnvn Clue to Milker of tlitt "Oliver." Tho federal authorities ol St. Louis took Into custody William Wynne, n photo-engraver, nnd turned him over to the pollco department to bo held. Great socrecy is maintained regarding the nrrest, ns no charge, It Is stated by tho pollco dopnrtmont, has been placed against tho prisoner, nnd noth ing can bo learned from tho federal authorities as to tho reason for having placed Wynno In custody. It Is understood, that tho federal authorities bollovo Wynno possesses Information concerning Important nr lests mado In Atlanta, Ga. Tho pollco refused to permit him to bo seen. It was learned that Wynno had been arrested upon the telegraphed Instruct ions of tho Atlatitn, Ga police de pat Intent. Tho telegram from Atlanta stated that several men were arrested there for alleged counterfeiting nnd that Wynne was wanted for alleged complicity. Wynno denied bolng Im plicated aud said that ho would go to Atlanta without requlstlon pepers. N. P. Horn, of Morrowvllle, Kan., ana L. S. Grisoll havo a new wagon balancing scale which thoy will put on tho markot as soon as arrangements can bo made for manufacturing the same. Tho model was tested and worked admirably, accurately weighing any article from 50 to 4,000 pounds. Won Western Oolf CliNiuplnniiili. Miss Frances Everett, of tho Exmoor County club, won tho woman's west ern golf championship on tho Glenvlow Golf club's grounds, Chicago, by c. feating Miss J, Auna Cnrpunter of Westward Ho, ono up on tho homo green, Tho contest wns closo and each player porformed like n veteran. Ideal golfing wenthor prevailed. Mls3 Everett was ono up nt tho turn. Sho had won four of tho first nlno holes, lost threo and two wero halved. THE WEEK'S RECORD The Two Nw York Unit Clubs nnd Den ier nro Abend, NATIONAL LEAGUE. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. New York 110 78 32 .709 Chicago 110 (ifi 41 .C00 Clnclnnntl 112 00 4(5 .589 Pittsburg 10D C3 40 .578 St. IkjiiIb 113 00 53 .531 Iloston 113 43 70 .381 Brooklyn Ill 38 73 .342 Philadelphia ...112 31 81 .277 AMERICAN LEAGUE. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Now York 107 05 42 .007 Iloston 10'J 00 43 .COG Chicago Ill C4 17 .577 Philadelphia ...104 00 44 .577 Cleveland 100 00 40 ,5CG Detroit 107 47 00 .439 St. Louis lor. 42 03 .400 Washington ....107 21 83 .224 WESTERN LEAGUE. Plnyed. Won. Lo3t. Pet. Denver 112 08 44 .007 Colo. Springs... 109 45 .587 Omnhn 114 G2 52 .544 Dee Moines ....117 59 58 .501 St. Joseph 108 48 00 .444 Sioux City 108 35 73 .324 Cnnndn Wheat Crop (1(1,000,000. A Canndlnn Paclflo official estimates tho wheat yield for western Canada nt 05 million bushels. Threo nnd a half million ncres will bo hnrvested this fall. Reports received from seventy out of nlnety-flvo elevators In Manitoba and tho northwest territories indlcato a damago from rust of 10 per cent in Manitoba and practically none at nil In tho northwest territory. Of tho seventy stations heard from thlrty nlno report no damage at nil; sixteen report only slight dnmngo and fifteen report dnmugo from 15 to 30 per cent Telephones In Itnllroaillnir. Several railroads are using tele phones inBtcnd of telegraph for train dispatching. Officials of the Northern Pacific havo been experimenting with the telephones on long and Important soctlons of tho St. Paul-Portland routo with favorable results. General Mnn ager H. J. Horn Is quoted as saying thnt for tho present the new system will not supplant tho old, but tho tele phone nnd telegraph will be used al ternately. Ho states thnt tho tele graph wires are oftentimes congested with business nnd the telephono Is ns sntl8fnctory ns tho telegraph Instru ment In tho moving of trains and thr transaction of general business. Oeorg" W. K. Homey n IJlreotor, Tho seventh annual, session of the American mining congress, at Port land, Ore., ended after electing a bonrd of directors, which convened Im mediately thereafter and elected offi cers with the exception of secretary. The eastern directors named are E. H. Ducklet, Missouri; George W. E. Dor soy, Nebraska, and A. W. Gilford, Texas. Judge J. II. Richards of Idaho was re-elected president. Among the vlco presidents are Dr. E. R. Ilucklcy of Rolla, Mo. The action of the con gress In selecting Denver as tho per manent headquarters of tho American mining congress and El Paso. Texas, as Its next meeting plnco wns con firmed. Would Not bo llelil tip. While Mr. Aden Guy was returning from his farm west of Grand Island ho was nccosted by two men on tho outskirts of tho city who said they would tido into town with him. Mr. Guy's suspicions wero some what aroused ut their appearance, so ho whipped up his horse to get away from them. As a parting salute they opened flro on him nnd tho bullet from ono of tho shots enmo uncomfortably near his head, having passed through tho cover of tho buggy Just above and in front of his head. Ho Immediately reported the occurrence to the pollco nnd thoy went to tho placo where ho had met tho mon, but could find nc trace of thorn. Sew Tno-jrnr-nlil lteeord, Artful, brown Ally, bred by tho lato William C. Whitney, nnd benrlng tho colors of Herman B. Duryea, won tho seventeenth renowal Futurity nt Siteepshend Ray. Tradition, bred by James I), Haggln and running In tho name of Sydney R. Keene, and bred In England, finished third. The Keeno entries, Sysonby and Wild Mint, wore favorites In tho betting at 13 to 20, but uot heavily backed In view of tho short price. Tho Duryea entry re ceived tho bulk of public wagers at 5 to 2. Tho tlmo made was tho fastest on record for tho stako over tho full six furlongs, tho dlstnuco for tho raco slnco 1902. Trauifera of Department Uenenilx, General Grant will tnko command of tho dopartmont of tho cast September 28. General Fred Funston has noti fied tho wnr dopnrtmont that ho is willing to tnko tho detail of tho do partmont of tho lakes, mado vacant by tho transfer of General Grant. General Funston preferred tho depart ment of Columbia, but when ho found that General Williams, wlio had beott assigned there, already was en routo with his household effects, Goneral Funston accepted tho post at Chicago. WITT? TOCTTt? 71 T,1 Til TAT Til TV JLilJLi lOOUJW JJJjlinrjJ 8PEECHES OF PRESIDENT ROOSE VELT AND SPEAKER CANNON. Alike In the Address of Notification and In the Response Thereto, xhe Predominance of the Tariff Ques tion Is Distinctly Recognized. Tho two speeches delivered at Oys ter Hoy on the 27th of July, 1904, first by Speaker Cannon ns chnlrman of the committee appointed by tho Re publican national convention to notify Theodore Roosevelt of his nomination for President of the United States; and, second, the speech of President Roosevelt, giving notice of his accept ance of thnt nomination havo set tled the question ns to wlmr In thn dominant issue In this year's cam paign. If any doubt rcmnlned con cerning the chief Issue, almost the only Issue, which divides tho two great parties In tho civic battlo of 1904, such doubt has been completely removed. The tariff Is the Issue. It hns been made tho Issue by tho plain words alike of the authorized spokes man of tho Republlcnn pnrty nnd of the cnndldnto chosen by tho unnnl nious nctlot: of the Republican party. In his address of notification Speak er Cannon devoted his attention to tho tnrlff more Inrgely than to all other subjects combined. After dwell ing briefly upon tho splendid history of the Republican party In Its rela tion to tho shaping of events and pol icies, Mr. Cannon suld: "Under the lead of tho Republican party for over forty yenrs tho United States, from being a third-class pow er among tho nations has become In every respect firbt. Tho people rule. The people ruling, It Is necessary that they should bo competent to rule. Competency requires not only patriot ism, but material well-being, educa tion and statecraft. "The people, undor the lead of tho Republican party, wrote upon tho stat ute books revenue lnws, levying taxes upon the products of foreign countries Fccklng our markets, which replen ished our treasury, but were so ml Justed ns to encourage our people In developing, diversifying nnd mnlntnln Ing our industries, nt tho same time protecting our citizens laboring In pro duction against the coinpetlton of for eign labor. Under this policy our man ufactured product today is one-third of the product of tho civilized world, 'tut'x STILL CHASING and our people receive nlmost double tho pay for their labor that similar labor receives elsewhere In tho world, thereby enabling us to bear tho bur den of citizenship. "Liberal compensation for labor makes liberal customers for our prod ucts. Under this policy of protection our homo innrkets afford nil our peo ple a better market than has nny other peoplo on enrth, nnd this, too, even If wo did not sell nny of our products broad. In addition to this, we havo come to be tho greatest ex porting nation In tho world. For tho year ending tho aoth of June. 1901, our exports to foreign countries were valued nt $1,400,000,000, of which $430,000,000 were products of tho fac tory. The world fell In our debt last year $470,000,000, an lncrenso of $75, OUO.OOO over the preceding year. "This policy of protection has al ways been opposed by tho opponents of the Republican party, and Is op posed by them to-day. In their last national platform, adopted at St. Louis, they denounce protection ns robbery. They never hnvo boon given power, but they proceeded by word anil act to destroy tho policy of pro tection. Their platform Is ns silent ns the grave touching tho gold stundard and our currency system. Their chos en leader, ufter his nomination, hav ing been us silent ns tho sphinx to that tlmo, sent his telegram saylng.ln substnnco thnt tho gold standard Is established, and thnt ho will govern himself accordingly If ho should be elected." Later on In his speech Mr. Cannon returned to tho Bitbject uppermost In his mind, ns follows: 'Correct revenue- lnws, protection or freo trade, tho gold standard nnd our currency system, nil depend upon tho sentiment of tho mnjorlty of our people as voiced nt tho bnllot box. A majority may change our revenue lnws, a mnjorlty mny chnngo our cur rency Maws; a majority mny do stroy the gold standard and establish tho silver standard, or, In Hon of ei ther or both, mako tho treasury note, non-Interest benrlng and Irredeem able, tho solo stnndnrd of value. "Sir, let us turn from tho region of doubt and double-denllng, tho debnt- ible Innd, to tho region of nssured cer- alntv. Tho Republican party itands SiA.tsi.rJ&i- li-rSiiSSSaL1 1 tJMJJMUM JUS!U,J8?-a3SSiS?-?!o v V. iS , -jv-" --"i-wr. ..-s. - , , 'a.,,,..-'- fn nmnnM t -i...t- ...- . . " '..". " Bwii.ua lur ma gow I standard nnd our currency nvntnm. All these dwell In leglslntlon c-nncted under tho lead of tho Ilcntthllrnn nnr, ty nnd ngnlnst tho most determined opposition of the Democratic pnrty, Including Its lender and candidate. These being our policies, nnd hnvlng been most useful to the country, wo havo confidence In nnd lovo them. If It bo necessary from time to tlmo that they should be strengthened here nnd controlled there, the Republican pnrty stands ready, with loving, competent hands, to npply the proper remedy. I say 'remedy.' Being our policies, wo will not willingly subject thorn to their enemies for slow starvation on tho ono hand or to sudden destruction on tho other. "Slnco tho Republican party wns restored to power, In 1897, under tho lend of McKlnley, our country hns prospered In production nnd In com merce ns It has never prospered be fore. In wealth wo stand first among all the nations." Nat less plain and positive on tho subject of vital Importance of tho protective tariff as an Issue wns Pres ident Roosevelt In reply. Ho did not hesitate to declare himself In har mony with the proposition thnt pro tection Is nnd must continue to be tho settled, permanent policy of the Re publican party when he snld: "Wo havo enncted n tnrlff lnw un der which, during the pnst few yenrs, tho country has attained a height of mnterlnl well belne never before reached. Wages nro higher than ever before. Thnt whenever the need nrlses there should bo a rendjustment of the tnrlff schedules is undoubted; but such changes enn with safety bo mado only by those whoso devotion to tho principle of a protective tariff Is be yond question; for otherwlso the changes would amount not to read justment, but to repeal. The read justment when made must mnlntnln nnd not destroy the protective prin ciple. To tho farmer, the merchant, tho manufacturer, this Is vital; but perhaps no other man Is so much In terested ns tho wage worker In tho mnlntonunce of our present economic system, both ns regards tho finances and the tariff. The standard of living of our wage workers Is higher than thnt of any other country, nnd It can not so remnln unless wo hnvo n pro tective tnrlff which shnH always keep as a minimum n rate of duty suffi cient to cover the difference between tho lnbor cost hero nnd abroad. Those who, like our opponents, 'denounce "-" i-rn ff HIMSELF. protection ns n robbery,' thereby ex' Illicitly commit themselves to tho proposition thnt If they wero to re vise tho tariff no heed would bo paid to tho necessity of meeting this dif ference between tho standards of liv ing for wage workers hero and In other countries; and therefore on this point their antagonism to our position Is fundamental. "Hero again wo ask that their promises nnd ours be Judged by what has been done In tho Immedlato pnst. We ask that sober and senslblo men compare the workings of tho present tariff law, nnd tho conditions which obtain under It, with the workings of the preceding tnrlff law of 1894 and the conditions which that tariff of 1891 helped to bring about." The fundamental difference In the attitudes of tho two parties on the subject of protection Is herein stated with great force. Tho Republican par ty stands committed to tho doctrlno that only through the operation of tlio protective policy Is It possible to maintain tho Amerlcnn standard of living, while the Democratic party, caring nothing for tho American standard of living, but Intent, now as always, upon cheapening and degrad ing American lubor, brazenly antago nizes protection both ns to prlnclplo and policy by denouncing It ns "rob bery" of tho many for tho bonelit of tho few. No matter If protection does maintain high wages and a high standard of living. Being "robbery," of courso, protection must go. That Is tho Democratic attitude. Upon tho general subject of reci procity President Roosovelt said: "Wo believe in reciprocity with for eign nations on tho terms outlined in President McKlnley's last speech, which urged the extension of our for eign markets by reciprocal agree ments whenever they could bo mado without Injury to American Industry nnd lnbor." Dy this rule there enn bo no reci procity In products which competo with American Industry and labor. It Is a safe rule. It Is tho only Repub lican rule ns laid down by the na tional Republican convention of 1901. It was what President McKlnley trieant at Buffalo In 1901. It is what President Roosevelt means now. It Is also what tho Republican party means all the time. jc:tc3wcst3';"'vv;':s.i5;--iv;vr -- . r 1JIL1& JImP An Appeal to Maud. Como Into tho garden, Mnud, 4 And see how the weed have crown. They're getting no thick, And growing ho quick, I rnn' ti!1 it ni....L . .. i ,...( viii uu mum-. So cpmo Into the garden, Maud, rtui. giyo me n. hi-lplng hand. There a lot of wltchgrass In thn letture, alas! And It's growing to hent the band! rjome Itltn ihn i-n.flMi tt 1 And do weed the onions first! Dip lettuce In had, And the bcetn make nip sad. , nut the onion bed Is the won't. . . so put on your bloomers. Maud. ' And tiickle tho pesky wteda Without nny fus.s. I' or woe In iiH, If ever they scatter their seod.i! Come Into the garden. Maud. or the black bat. night, has flown. There s plenty of work, fco don't try to shirk And havo It to mo alone. Jtiit quicken your motions, Maud. And banish that haughty sneer And kneel down In tho dew, I-or lt'8 right up to you 1o help get this garden clear! Somervllle Journal. A Novel Team. The owner of a lnrce ostrich farm In southern Cnllfomln has trained a 4 pair or these huco b rds tn drlvn ho would drive horses, hitching them to a ngnt huggy or trotting cart, which has In Its design n third whnnl. This Is to prevent tho vehiclo from turning over. It Is bv no mnntis nn easy task to drive such a wlerd team, as you can not pull up your "horses" by reins. If you did It would probably result In serious Injury to tho vnlu ablo birds. Tho only way to guldo tho conveyance Is to hit tho offsldo bird on tho opposite side to that which you want him to go. Another objection to this kind or "horse" Is 4 that If ho should catch sight of a bit of banana peel, or something equally attractive, ho docs not hesitate to mukc n dive sideways for It. As os triches go like tho wind, and can mako a sudden dead stop, the jerk tho tidcr receives is not a pleasant ont, If n pleco of orango peel should hnppen nccldentnlly to meet the eyu of his strange "horses." A Chemical Detective. Truly tho way of the transgressor Is hard and his Ingenuity Is kept busy eluding tho constantly Increasing methods of detecting him. The latest device Is extremely subtile, and it will bo n clever thief who can see his way clear out of tho trap which a scien tific mind has prepnred for him. It wns invented by n chemist ol BudnpcBt. nnd Is a chemical powder, of n yellow color, which has the curious property of dyeing tho skin of tho person touching It a deep blue. Tho color Is not removable by any known means, and washing It onl makes the color deeper. However, after about n fortnight It begins tc wear off, nnd nt the end of about, three months all traces of tho colora' Hon will vanish. Sword 276 Years Cld. Dr. J. W. Peck of Amoret, Mo., Ir Kansas City yesterday, has an heir loom In the form of a sword 270 yean old. Dr. Peck declares It Is tho oldesi sword In the United States. It wai brought to this country by his great grandfather more than 100 years ngo and has boon handed down in his fam Uy through tho succeeding genera tinns. The sword bears the date 1C29, dur Ing the tlmo when Christian, king o1 Denmark, was carrying on his thlrtj years' war with Sweden. It bears i picture of the warrior monarch. Oi ono side Is an Inscription In Germar as follows: "I nm a good blade If yot use tno well." Another Inscription ot the reverso sldo says: "He who ball no loo for tho benutlful hath no hear ii hit body." Kansas City Times. A Queer Pet. Many peoplo havo wondered whj fhe Empress Eugenie always carrlct nbout with her, wherever sho goes, i llttlo wicker basket, nnd mnny speeu latlons havo been made as to its con tents. Tho basket Is lined with cot ton wool, and In that soft substunci nestles a hedgehog! It Is tho em press's only pot, nnd she would my dream of allowing It to he attondet by any ono but herself. Sho hai rather n superstitious attachment ti tho curious creature, und believes tha' it hns n tnllsmnnlc power of Insurlnj her safety and general well-bolng. Bulls Fatal to Family. It Is a romarkablo coincidence thai on tho samo day that John Stewart of West ford, Vt., was killed by n but' on his farm his brother, W. D. Stew art of Bakersfleld hnd n nnrrow escapt from death by an enraged bull on hli own farm. W. D. Stewart saved him self from tho attacks of the Infuriate!! anlmnl by dodging around a hay cril built for sheep to feed from. Well Paid English Lawyer. Sir Edward Clarke, KC. is snld tt ho tho best-paid professional mnn It England. Ho distinguished himself It tho baccarat case, tho Bartlett east and the Jameson case, Is a member o parliament, nnd wns for six yean solicitor general. His earnings at lav are nbout $217 nn hour. If ho worki ten hours n day, .100 days In u year his Income Is $G51,000 a year. Benevolent and Useful. Deacon Arlond Eaton has caused ti be placed by tho roadside, near till fnnn buildings, in Hancock, N. H t stone watering trough to furnish i public water supply from a novor falling spring. It Is inscribed, "Eaton 1797-1904," nnd is intended tn mm memornto tho settlement of his fam Uy In town. $ HWWII!IWIIWWIWWWWI'I'I) " ITffWWVjjj I' 'JliLlSg?!yt'.illM'lw'Wrillllllw ""