ir, . - "4?9M'-mJtHMlM.. $$w- VYy ,f J "v 5tt" " . ,.iHWIWWIMWWiWMll i in i i iiiffljlj)ljWWWl J 'WW I TnWTn'TVfIWlfWf -I v - ' 'ASf ' i '- .- tofcH fo 1 jnm-- v-w -vr wm&bwkt ''Fw-' l v ' 4 '. ,ggi-Sl Interstate Reunion, Red Cloud, September 5th to lOth. ggrigrl-f y.fjpi!CgmiC i.iiNrnv4 .sMflslWv. .-ygr-;g,.';gaMTgr-H -.-- -. c-"2 -?"? - VOLUME xxxir. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. SEPTEMBER, 2 1901. NUMBER 36 I MINER BROS. MINER BROS. Interesting Items Gnthorcd by Our County Reporters. August Semi-Annual Clearing Sale TWO for ONE We have placed, on our center table, a Large lot of Wash goods and Dress gpods to Close Out Quic&ly. Not 20 per cent Discount: but BETTER STILL. You Buy a dress or waist and WE GIVE YOU ONE. Wash Goods Purchase a dress or waist from the the goods on our center counter at 50 35 - 25 or 15 cents per yard and we Give you another Free at the same price and of the same value. Wool Goods Black Dress Goods Purchase a dress and we give you one. Goods Purchased at $1.00 secures you Free one at 0Oc a yard 75c ra iu Bladen. ill tlleSO parts Sunday t U ki 44 kt 4k .4 44 44 50c 44 44 44 44 43c 3Qc 44 44 An excellent opportunity to get the girls ready for school. The BIGGIST Dress goods Values ever offered by The BIG STORE During the month of August. LACE COLLARS Sample line, large lace collars, in Venise, Oriental and Repouse lace. Prices range from $"i.oo to $5.00 Colors Arabian, White and Ecru. LACE STOCK COLLARS Sample line at 20c to 75c each. MENS SHOES 25 pairs, were $2.75 3.00 and 3.25 On center table $1.75pair Goodyear welt, all size 10 or 11 SHIRT WAISTS We have 15 waist left. They must go. We have U white and 5 colored; made by the Acorn people. There are: 4 size 32, 8 size 34, 2 size 36 and 2 size 3S. Today $3.25 and $3.00 waists- 2.50 " 2.00 " 1.50 " .$2.00 . 1.50 . 1.25 .93 Satisfaction or Morvey Back '- -AvwA'WN'" 42 Piece Dinner Sets Given FREE. With every 10 cent purchase, either in cash or produce, we will give you a coupon bering a number and entitling you to a chance in the drawing. We have already given three sets away. We sell you Groceries as cheap or cheaper than you can get them elsewhere and besides give you an opportunity to get one of these handsome sets Free. ALBRIGHT and RIFE. This Year's Corps of Teachers. School will begin next Monday with a full corps of teacher, tho inui jority of whom liavo not heretofore taught in this city, whilo nil have had con siderablo experience. Tho following are theories elected: North ward-Mrs Chop, Miss EUin. Miss Ducker, Miss Inez Ellis, Miss inompson, Miss Morrow, Miss Perki miss Sherman. South ward-Miss Skjelver, Abel, Miss Pope, Miss (Jetting. A tine night. Mr?. Kimmeland children, who havo bein rlalting heio the past month, returned to their home (it Kothville, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. L. C Cutler and child ren were passengers to lied Cloud Tuesday mi ruing. Mrs. Strieker and d.uightcr and son Will Jelt Tuesday morning ft-r St. L. mis. Mr. and Mrs. Oio-h returned homo llie tht of the ween from tho west-em-part of the state. Wash Heed it ft the first of the week for Genoa, this state, to visit hit daugh ter. Gertie Dority and Pearl Neeloy are attending the stale fair this week. Mrs. Easterly and daughter are visit ing friends iu Lincoln, and taking in the fair. Lloyd Easterly is visiting his grand parents at Deweese, this week. I). P. Davis left Monday to vUit his brotuer at Lincoln, auu take in the fair. C. D. Soper left Monday, for a visit in Iowa. C. Horrigan and wife, who have been working on bis father's far.n tbii sum mer, left for Chicago, the llrat of the wetk, where they will leside. R. Beet, who with his wife and baby were in tue wreck at Violtt.are still in the ho'pital at Wjtuore, and getting along nieely. Mrs. F. Tooker, who has been visiting ber parents near here, returned to Joplin, Mo. The'framo work of V. S. Hall's 7500 residence was raised last wek by the carpenters from Blue Hill. W. It. Auderson is entertaining a brother from Indiana who contunplates buying; a farm and move west. It is r ported that the Dickerson farm north of town was sold for ICOOO C. E. Hicks mndo an overland trip to the couuty seal, this week. . Cowlcs. Mrs. John Giemlialgh is viiiting with relativoi at Wilson, Kan. Miss Miible Day of lied Cloud was in Cowloi last Saturday. Some of our most enterprising young men havo bteu furnishing tho town and vicinity with watermelon. Miss Pearl Pope came up from Red Cloud Monday, to visit with her friend, Miss Dora Liey. Mr. Simeon Thomas left Monday, fur Lincoln, where ho expects to enter the Linculo businisi college Mr. Lewis Jipp, who Ins been sick for soma time, is repotted better. His mother arrived a few days ago to help care for him. Business is being carried n in tho new bank hero and wo think it u great improvement for tho town. A number of our young folks left Tuesday, to attend thu state fair, at Lincoln, Neb. Don't forget tho social at tho Chris tian church, Fiiday eveniug, Septem ber 2. All are invited. Until September 15 you can buy Jewelry of us at cost and lessr We wish to reduce stock and will do it if low prices are any consideration to you. We have .extra large lines of almost everything. Watches - - 75c and up Chains, gold plated, 50c and up Cuff Buttons - 20c and up Cameras - - 80c and up .' Come in and look'. A watch will i.e given away. Newhouse Bros. Minnie Durrett, hone who has boon at the cltr hospital undergoing a serious operation. Chs, H. Frisble went to Lincoln, Monday, to take in the State Fair. George Frm'ae of Lebanon, Kan., is visiting here. Eirl Lewis went to Cowles, Sunday. The Mill Co. sent a load of flour, to Mt. Clare Saturday. very are State Crok. Mrp. Win. Pollings is still in poor health. Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Scrlvner home from their mountain trip. Mr. and Mr. Clark Stevens will go for a visit to their old home in Indian", in the near future. Mr. Snider, from near Gaido Rnk, was prospecting in this neighborhood last week. Harry Wolf, formerly of this place, now of Washington county, Kinsis, is veiling with his brother Frank. School will cotnmenco next Monday at Mount Hope. Lebanon Thursday. Miss Laura Wllmot is visiting si.twr, Mr. Rose Davis this week. her Mr. tt. W. Shannon was electrd class leader at Crow Hill Sunday. Thomas Kralick has erected a new granary. Rev. Curtner will preach bis farewell sermon at Pleasant Grove Sunday Sept. 11. Hurley Starr is on the sink list. John Doyle's new barn will soon be completed. Mrs, Fred Wittwer Is well again after a few weeks of illnes. lean Corner. Wm. Fruzier shingled his barn this week. Fred Wittwer purchased CO acroj of land of Thomas Kralik. Miss Sadio MiCartnev nnd lady friendi wero Sunday visitors with Lnwronco D.?ylo. John Hnresnapi) attended tho Smith County fair last week. Benny Kenrdslee and the Merrill young folks to -k in tho bluwout at A family of girls in North west At chison inado so much noise with their laughing, singing, piano playing and porch entertainments that tho neigh bors wore kept awalo nights. They protested In vain, till finally b man called who told tho young ladles that ho had to work, and could not havo his rest at night disturbed. They ave him a flippant reply whlob aroused his anger, atid he took steps to got out nn injunction. This Is said to have had a chloroform effect, but Itis not known how long It will last. Why not an in junction 1 Why not ou injunction re straining tho man who owns a lady dog ? Why not an injunction ngainst tho owner of cows that bawl till night ? The electric light on tho front porch is an effective chnperou for girls. It you haven't ono on your porch, put It on aud don't grnmblo when you pay tho bills. Suvo on tho light in tho kitchen, if need be, but keop that light going ou the front porch. ins, Miss That Settle's It. When a Colorado land stone walk is laid that si tiles it. See Overing iJroa. & Co. for prices. Got his face clean, and tho boy is us good looking as tho girl arorngo uverugo Lester. Fine rain felt here Sundny night. Cbos, Ilrubakor and J.W.Saladen, aro putting a new floor in tho A in boy school house. Ml.s Ethel Emick was reported on tho sick Hit, last week. Miss Maud Miller is expected homo this week, accompanied by her moiher and two listers from Iudana. Mr. and Mrs. Ida Ames, of Kirktnan, la , and two sons aro visiting at the Dakerand Lowls homes. Miss A) t Baker went to Lirciln, Monday, to accompany her sisti r Mn, ROYAL Baking Powder Menkes Cleaurv Brewed With Royal Baking Powder there is no mixing with the hands, no sweat of the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest facility, sweet, clean, healthful food. Full instructions in the " Royal Baker and Pastry Cook" book for making all kinds of bread, biscuit and cake with Royal Baking Powder. Gratis to any address. ROYAL BAKINO. POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK, .,., , I it a V'A m Ki ti i '1 m i i u -? yfij 'Wi?8Lmiimmm " tAi KW.y WEWmi .JJ4il