WtaWSflarW P MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN , MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Hrco CutH, Ilurnu, BrulBCH. , lutiHofor over sixty yv&ru. for Mini, Bctmt or Poultry. Beat for Horse rtiliuetitB. Umbers up Stiff Joints. cures.Frostbitea nnd Chilblain MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment . Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment cures SprniitH and Strains. cures Spavin nnd Ringbone. lieuls Old Sores quickly. Best for Cattle Ailments. penetrates to the very bone. Best thing for a lame horse. .-. ' I ( MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN1 Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment is n. positive cure for Piles cures nil forms of Khcunintif.ni. cures Cnked Udder In cows. Best for Sheep ailments. always gives satisfaction. drives out all inflammation. ! . I' D i u IN , f el ft ai i i i a r J d tu ,1 v 7 ?! 41 ws K M 'SB fe H ft i i ' u. . c I": si- J vV WASH BLUE Costs to cents and equals 20 cents -werth of any other kind of bluing. Won't Freeze, Spill, Break V Nor Spot Clothes warn1 around in the Water At n wtf Grocer. , Dutch Hat. Mrs. Wittwer is rapidly Improving. Mr. Doyle is having a large burn built on his placn. The main structure will be 32x34 and 18 feet high, to which will be added a shed on each side. 8. B. Klzor of Red Cloud has charge of the building. Mr. and Mr?. Hnrringtnn nnd family were visiting at Ben Gibson'?, Sunday. W. (J. Shannon and daughter wcro v'"iting the Castell's in IteHnisville, Sunday. Mr. Mountford is reported on the a'.ck list. Mr. Hnughtnllng hrn nholle'1 the nrn which ho had in Jewel county, Knrisno. Wo learn that Mrs. Wolfe ii improv ing. 6arfleld Wc had a light rain Thursday morn in .'. Grant Hnucbin was shellirg Wednes day. Mr. Deldrich was plBstprlng Mrs Ellen Kent's bouse.; the tlrst of the week. Mr. Fitz is building' an addition to his house, he has the frame up. N. L. D. Smith tork snmples of 'oaions, beets and corn to town Wed ansday, to send to tbeJState Fair. Mr. Harrinitoii's brother from the vast part of the. state, is wiih him now, and expects to locate,here as he think of the coi dition of the crops, are so mnch better here. The R-v. Hutchinson from McPhei eon, Kan., has been holding a series of meltings, In the Brethren church be ginning Sunday evening and closing Thursday evening. Ho is a very good reasoner and quotes scriptures very readily from memory. Atchison 61ebe SIMMs. A shrewd man is usually u d hog After you uro dead, time won't lly so fait. Honestly, now, do bravo or cowardly? scars rxako you Wo always try to avoid tho Man vhoKnewitAll.Tho Time. Wise Thoio Is a Princess In Atchison who is i!7 years old. Usually they get over it at 18 This is tlnallytjr-ald of every secret: "I don't seo how in tho world It ever BOt out " When a woman has h picture taken, nnd it is not convenient to put on a lev neck dress, she generally lets her hair down. Every 0110 who loses a dog says ho wouldn't have taken a bundled dol lars for It, though ho was never oircrcd n cent. In preparing to takelthings in going uti u visit, remember l ho most import- out thing of all to take soon after you arrive; your leave. Soruo great reformer, possessed of rare eloquence and convincing genius, is needed to make peoplo put things,0"1' uen you leave the grounds for back whoro they got them. The courage a woman is supposed to lack when t comes to facing a cannon Bbo displays iu tho startling clothes she will wear on the street. Au Atchison girl married an out-of-town man. "What do you think of my husband?" sho asked au acquaintance, "If I'd toll you," tho acquaintance ro jdlod, "you'd get mad." 0 many things In y-jilovo our beads, Tho this world aro lienrt-to-heart departments say 11 groat deal about the poets whom wo can't understand, but are .silent 011 tho sub ject of eating corn on tho cob. Mrs LyMitidcr John Applotcm re cently had Clmuticey DeVero's bed room duiiu in baby blue. Clmuticey is known among the hoys as skinny. Somehow 11 bedroom In baby blue for a boy named Skinny is good to think gf wlien one Is depressed, Do you do as little as possible tohold your job or as much as possible? If you belong to tho class which does as little as possible, It may make uo noticeable difference now, but it will iu time. The law of the survival of the fittest applies to jobs just tho same ns to species. When a man starts out with a livery horse, the animal sizes him up before it gets half a dozen blocks. If the d'ivoris a novice, the horse pokes along. If, after trarellng some distance tho horse considers the driver a rab bit, it is liable to turn and go back to the livery barn. Behold the Lady Reader. She has studied her Art for years. She is truly Artisti' She has worked hard, She has practiced Voice Culture and Delsarte with a devotion that is truly commend able. Hut she is a Bore, just the same. Moral: Tho harder you study some things thuworso olfyou are. Lincoln Letter. Lincoln. Neil, Aug. 21, '1 he late lamented democratic con vention increased the fund of humor on this reeling globC'by condemning Governor Mickey for "refusing to sign tho bill which provided for tho erec tion of a statue of Abraham Lincoln on the capitol grounds." This was tho one official act of the governor which the great and growling exponents of "reform" saw fit to criticize. And the joke of it is, that at the time when that bill was presented to the governor for approval he signed it quickly and cheerfully and the only, reason why the statue is not under construction today is that the officers of the Senate ' and House neglected to affix their signatures, an ommission which delays but cannot defeat the project. The fact that tho only sin of Governor Mickey to which tho convention could , attract attention was not his sin at nil proves rather conclusively thnt he is 11 very satisfactory official. It is time to laugh. t t t "Except in tho matters pointed out with regard 10 the method of assess ingind taxing iusuiancc companies. we believe the law to bo not only fair to tho tax payer, but one admirably adapted to tho emiitable distribution of tho burden of tiixiitlmi nmom Mmling Humes taken from ttio olllcial property owners of t' e state " From ' records and showing for whut purposes the opinion of Commissioner Dairy, I t"e greater part or thoso apptoprla f usion, he b lug one of the four fusion 1 l (ms "' made. Do moro than glance jurists who have analied the law, nil lt tliem; study them; verify them; of whom have declared It itist and commit them to memory and theu equitable. Query: Will they tnko it tmt'k uowy t t t "I can bet do-ciico my feelings by outlining my couise. I .hull not lift it linger for '!the ticket" and if my vote will do Iioosevult tiny good ho shall htivo it, but from the present Indira, tlons I do not believe it will do him nnv good as ho surely will carry NV bniska by over i'0,000 without my bul lot." From tho liublio statement. f W.F. Porter, fomurly Fusion Sucre tnry of State. i I t AsMhe time for the Nebraska state fair draws near it becomes ewiy day moro apparent that tho fair this year J will bo greater tliini ever befoie. The prevailing I prospeiity, tho bountiful ciop-., etc, may account for tho high fvor in which tho fair is held, but tho provision which the lust leglslittiiie made for tho comfort of fair visitors is gieator factor by far. You can vl-lt " flr now and not bo "clear beat mo noiiiovvimt journey. The pornia. uent accomodations for beast as well as man have proved a di awing card too, and 11 better clnss of stock will up. pear on tho track and iu the show ring than ever bofore. '1 his was ono of thoso "extravagant" appropriations of the last legislature. f -t t Speaking of thoso alleged extravn- gauces, now that the revenue question Booms fully able to caro for Itself tho opposition organs have begun to nmtn against tho present administration on Tho Personally Conducted Excursions to Boston la Burlington Route. Special exclusion to Bur-ton leaves Lincoln Anuiist lit Ii. at 0 p in In chitgc of C.iaplaiu H, H Randall. A second excursion leaves Lincoln Aug ust 11! th, al f! p. 111. in charge of J. B. Ferguson. Through .tourist cars fmin Omaha. Shoit stops at tho show places of the enst. A chance to return via St. LotiW and seo tho World's- Fair, tho greatest creation by the Imnd of aian. If you are figuring on the trip talk to our agent about theso excursions, a very low rate for tho rrund trip, with all conditions most favorable. Or, write to me.-L. W. Wakely, G. P. A. Burlington Ronte, Ouiahn, Neb. This Will Interest Mel hers. Mother Gray's Sweot Powders for children, cure feverishness, bad stom ach, summor bowel troubles, teething disorder?, cleanse and regulate the bogles and destroy worms. Tbty never fail. Over 30,000 testimonials. At all druggists, 25o. Sample free. Addresf, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. Children who aro delicate, feverish and cross will get immediato relief from Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for children They cleanse tho stomach, act on the liver, making a sickly child stiong and healthy. A certain cure for worms. Sold by all druggists, 23d. Sample free. Address, Allen 3. Olm sted, LeRoy, N. Y. INFLAMMATOIIY RHEUMATISM CURED IN 3 DAYS. Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind., lays; "My wife had Inllammatorv ltheumatlrm In every muscle and Joint, her suffering was terrible nut her body nnd face were swollen almost be yond recognition: bad been In bed fix weeks and' bad eight physicians, but received no benefit until she tried the Mystic Cure for Rheumatism. It gave immediate relief and he wm able to walk about in three dayi. I am sure it raved her life." Sold by. It. E. Orlce. Druggist. Hed Cloud. Nit Fra.ppe New. delicious summer drink We have .37 dif ferent flavors in Cool, Refreshing Summer Drinks 15c meals served; lunch at nil hours. The Bon Ton AV. S. BENSE. Proprietor. have them at your tongue's end when the street corner orator begins to operate later on In tho campaign. For rebuilding and refurnishing tho state pontontiary, which was burned Febru ary IS, 1001, 8118,200. For wolf boun ties, partly accumlated under fusion administration, ll,000 Deilclency from fusion administration, which a republican legislature had to make good in o dor to presorvo tho state's credit, $1S2, 7:tTi 07. For return or Fiist Nebraska Regiment from San Francisco, 817,:iTO.T.'5. For addition to Hustings asylum, tho inmates having increased from 512 in 18!7 to l,0i:i, January 1, 1001, J.'m.OOO. For nine su premo court commissioners and their assistants, 880,800. For Pun American Exposition, lluiralo, $10,000. For per manent, location of Nebraska State Fair, 8:i."),0f1 Total cxtiaordinury ex. pensos, 8d7!i,107.72. Advertised Letter List. List of letters rumninltiir. uncoiled for nt postolllee nt Itcil C nud, Nob. for the week ending Aug 2T, 1001: F. A. Gold, J. D. Heading, Mr. Millo. Theso will bo sent to the dend letter ofllco Sept. Bt Ii. 1001, if not called for before. When calling for above please any "advertised." T. C. Hackkii, Postmaster. Yon noed clean healthy bowels just ns much a? purr, wholesome food; with out either, you ennnot kaep well. IlollUtor1 Ricky Mountain Tea ell minutes all impurities, Tea or t iblo'f . O. L. (Jotting. CATARRH MtiJ. STm'rW &2 Sfefeefiffl w mi J fJfA m M Y-FFUFrT Vai 3ul - -n 9)9 SfX irs&j :Wi fYV Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy Is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. OIVIS RILIIF AT ONOI It cleanses, soothes, heals, nnd protects tho dlHeased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives away a Cold In tho Head quickly. Hcstorcs tho Senses of Taste and Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed. Large Hizo, 60 cents at Druggists or by mall; Trial Sizo, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warrsn St.. Niw Ytrk. PrefMMd GeRstltHttaal AmeiMfeRt. The following proposed amemlcnt to, and convention for the revision of, the comtllution of the Slate of Nebraska, an hereinafter set forth, in full, Is f ubmltfcd to tne electors of the State of Nebraska, to be voted upon nt the general election to be held Tuesday, N"o ember 8. A. I). 10H: (Senate Fiw No. 1H.) A Hill for a .lolnt Resolution recommending to thcelecttrs of the state to vote nt the next election of memtiersof tho Lenlklnttire for or ngalnst a, convention to rev he. amend and change the Constitution of the State of Nebras ka in accordance with Section '.', Article 15. of the Conntltutlou of the State of Nebraska. lit it Rftohtil ly the .tgMitture of Hit Matt of XtbratHa. 1. That It Is deemed necessary to call n con vention to revise, amend and chnnge the Con stitution of the Slate of Nebraska. 2. That the electors art recommended to vote nt the next election of members of the Leg Is lattireforor Rk'alnst a convention to revise, amend and change the Constitution of the Btate of Nebraska. 3. That at such next election of numbers ot the Legislature on the ballot of each elector vo ting at such eUctlon. hall be printed or written In such manner that the elector can Indicate his preference under the law the words: "FOR calling a convention to tevlse. amend and change the Constitution of the State of Nebras ka." and "AGAINST calling a convention to re vise, amend and change the ConHltutlon of the State of Nebraska;" and if a majority voting, at said election shall vote for convention, tbe Legislature shall, at its next session, provide by law for calling the sme. I, fieo. V. Marsh. Secretary of State of the State of Nebraska, d hereby certify that the foregoing proposed amendment to the Coiutllu tlon of the State of Nebraska. Ii a true nnd cor rect copy of the original enrolled bill passed by the Twenty eight session of the Legislature ot the State of Nebrnscn, as It. appears from said original bill, on file in my office, and that said proposed amendment nnd revision of the Con stitution of the State of Nebraska is submitted to the fiualllled voters ot the State of Nebraska, for their adoption or rejctlmi. at the ge e lectio i to be held on Tuesday, the Kth d Nu ember. A. I). 1901. In testimony whereof, I hereunto set my nnd nQlxcdthoGrcnt Seal of tbe Stuto of brnsk-i. " Done nt Lincoln this Mh day of .lulv, in the year of onr Lord Ono Thousand Nino Hundred nnd Four, of tho Independence of the United Stntes the One Hundred and Twenty Mnth and of this Mate the Thirty Hlglith. ((iIieatseU Geo V. Maiibii, s Secretary of state. M CLOUD, NEBRASKA Rff ENDING BON Notice of Bond Sale. Notice is heroby given that the Cjty of 'Red Cloud, in Webster County, Nebraska, offers for sale or exchange $22 000.00 of 4 1-2 I'En ckxt Refunijimi Water bonds in denominations of 5 JOO each; Maturing 20 Ykaiis from AuotfsT !,, ,, L.i 1ST, row i, wrriuAb imjmuut un .urn lifter 10 YKARS. I Skalkd bids for. tho purclmso of till or a part thereof, or tho exchange therefor of all or a part of the origjial issue dated Juno 1st, 18S7, will bo received by tho City Clerk until NoN of Ski'TEMuuk itli. 11101, and mted . m n ii . :. ii upon by tho City Council at its meeting tiw.nHtur Hint rlntf. Tho rlubt to reluct meeting inni (late, i ue rihni iu non. any and all bids is reserved. All bids must bo accompanied by a Certified check for two i'er cent! f amount bid for, as forfeit in caso bid Is accepted and not completod. ' Red Cloud, Nebraska. L. M. FORT, i City Clerk. Visit The Old Ftlks. One fare plus $'-' for the round t-ip to n great many points in Unio, liui Ihiu and Kentucky. -Tickets on ulo September 0, 10, 20, 27 and October 11. Qopd via St. Louis and for stopover a', the great exposition. Final limit thirty dnys. See me for full particulars or write to L. W. Wnkely, General Pass eager Agent Umahtt. City Dray and Express Line. 1 AV. BTUDKBAKEK, LMIOP. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. , Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAHS EXPRESS CO. Residence 52. ira.Aara.xka.arA'. 1 AY, HISTER! Do you know that it will pay YOU. as well as US, to buy your Building Mil terial and Coal at ouryards? Not only that our prices average lower, or at least as low, as thoso of our competit ors, but because we take especial caro of and protect all can be classed as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. I PL ATT A t Coal. mmmmmmmm9'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi'fiirii DEALER IN lumber and Coal, BUILDING MATERIAL, ETC. t w Red Cloud, - Nebraska. MBS. CECELIA ST0WE, Orator, Entra Nona Club. a, 17C Warren Avenue, Chicago, III., Oct. 22, 1902. For nearly four years I suffered from ovarian troubles. The doc tor insisted on an operation as the only way to get well. I, however, strongly objected to an operation. My husband felt disheartened as well as I, for home with a sick woman Is a disconsolate place at best. A friendly druggist advised him to get a bottle of Wino of Cardut for mo to try, and he did so. i ueganioimproveinaiewnavsanu my recovery was very rapid. With in eighteen weeks I was another being. UALcLm Mrs. Stowe'a latter shows every oinan now a nomo is sauuenea uy twiaie weames ami nowcompietciy V$no of Cardtu cures that sick nci and bring health and happi ncsJfeaain. Do not go on suffer ing. Go to your druggist today and ticuro a $1.00 bottle of Wine of CaMui. WINEOROUI Order! fa Show Cause. IN TIIH BOUNTY COl'ItT. smtc of Nciirmkn . WetNur Camay At a couatv cm.hl.uM nt tho county court room In nud formlJ county August 17. A. 1)., 1MI. In tno matter ot tie eMnte of Jolm J shclton, (l-Cl'IlUMl. . On renlliiK unci Hit, K tlio .'tltiiu of Hnrrlo K. slivliou. irHluu' V nt Hiliuliilslriitlon or Knlil ette niHy tic grnutci, to linrrkt K. slielton, ac Hilial it ttrlx Oidurod. lliat Moinliiv tlioMliilay nf .scpten tier. A, l. IWI, nt one l'rlo k p in , i n-i-U'iird tor lienrinK hxiii ihiiuii much hi ieroni luteroittil Iu find iinittv) limy np mritt ni'iiiiut court to bo lul.i In mil for i touuiv nml t-Inw chiim- Ii prnjfr6f petitioner Mionld uoi b(J Krallle(l . Ml(i xlml uthVkl uf , pcmieiicT oi aid petlllmi mid tin-lietqlnK tlmreof be lvei to all ihthoiib Int-ri'ktcd H mid nm'tcr. by pub IMiliig ncopy of tlilRiirdii In tli Hed O ouii C'limr. a weekly npfier printed In nald coiiuly, lor tlirt-e cuinttcihe weeks prior ti Raid day of lieitrlnK. J (Skal) V A. II. KccNty. Septs rounty , udge T tM INSURANCE against Firo, LJKhtnlnff, Cy clones uud Windstorms, seo JNo B STANSER, agent for tho Faimors Union Insttr auco Co., Liucoli, Nob., tho best- in surunce company in tho 8to. TJSLEl'HOXKS, Office 119 t ft ft ft ft c ft . ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft FREES CO. Lumber. ft LUMBER CO. TIME TABLE. Red Cloud, Neb. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO 81. JOE KANSAS CITY SI. LOUIS and all points east and south. DENVER HELENA BUT1E SAL1 LAKE C'l PORTLAND SAM FRAMI8C0 and all points west. TAINt L1ATI At POU.OWI; No, 13. Paitenger dally for Oberlln and Bt. Francl branches. Ox ford. McCook, Denver and all poluta weft 8-33 a.m. No, 14. Pattenger dally for St. Joe, Kanum City, Atchlton. St. Louli, Lincoln via Wymote aud nil points cant and foutb 210 a.a No 15. Patienger. dally. Denver, all points In Colorado. Utah and California . b :10 p.m. No. 16. Paenger. dally for St. Joe, Kansas City. Atchlton, St. Louis and all polntf caetaud south 10 35 a.m. No 174. Accommodation. Monday, Vttdncday mid Friday. Han lnii, Grand Island, Black Hills and all points in tbe northwest- ' ::x) p,m. Sleeping, dlulng, nnd reclining chair cars, seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and ssggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For Infortunium. Ume tablet, maps or tickets ?Sn J?n,al d,l'?" A. Conover. Agent. Rid Cloud, Nebr. or J. Frauds. General Passenger Agent Oms ba. Nebrasta n 111.11 D'l Uold m.ulllo bom M.'.d v-Jihbiu. ribbon. Taken olkcr. IttfuM. IiMSru Hnb.llullo. and Imlu. tloa. Ila r jour liruul.t. or o 1 4. ik .,aV.bH r"rtS"!?".T.llssBUta ta4 llcltcf t.r l.ud !. M f.lf .r. h ,. '".Mali. 1 0.OOO Tmlmonlala. g.Mbf sUbrM.i.u. lhle.UrCkeilIC, aium Bum.n. l'Ulua ra. HOLLISTEH'8 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Dniy Medlolne for Eniy People. Brings Qoldsn Health and Eenewed Vigor. A 8nclflo for Constipation, IndlRostlon, Liv n?l?l'ilner',T0,1tle Hmplet. Ecremu, Impure Plt?)?,,JBaJJ,rea.th' Wumtlth Bowels, Headache and Itodmcho. It's Rocky Jfountnln Ten In tnir Jet form, 3S pents it box. Oenulno mndo by HoLLlSTEn Dnt-n Coupanv, Madison, Wit. C8L0EN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clrtnx't Dd btiutinci the hlr. I'romoiti Iniurlint gruwlh. Nvcr Pails to Hestore Ory Hair to Its Voutoful Color. Cum scalp (Hhiki hair ItlUug. i"c.and tu at llmgirliu H. B. ASHER, VETERINARIAN Of tho Kansas City Veter inary Collego Ofllco at E. .tohuston's, tho llrick Barn. ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED Telephone 82. KED CLOUD, . . NE ENNYROYAL PILLS tj 7kV?A,A E- ';?; nbu l.tlr. . Iiruirfu f-A V-m rf CHICIII'sTFlfs Kicm.iMif lr Jo 3 i ll At Bine Hill first Tuesday in each uiontti. (d chttporon and that account Glance o or the follow 35 cents 1 ! i J" vwifWC1 ttitlljAMI-9aivVr'' ..-t. -w-.