The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 26, 1904, Image 1

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fon, Red Cloud, September Sth to lOth
fcUactttfo, .fBtippry.'-,
B.r argggrsS5g2g;r,r?'-: ? -. fy . .Tg -sg1
August Semi-Annual
Clearing Sale
We have placed, on our center table, a Large lot of
Wash goods and Dress goods to Close Out Quicidy.
Not 20 per cent Discount: but BETTER STILL.
You Buy a dress or waist and WE GIVE YOU ONE.
Interesting Items Gathered
i by Our
Wash Goods
Purchase a dress or waist from the
the Roods on our center counter at 50
35 - 25 or 15 cents per yard and we
Give you another Free at the same
price and of the same value.
Wool Goods
Black Dress Goods
Purchase a dress and we give you one.
.Goods Purchased at $1.00 secures you Freeone&teoca, yard
" " " goc " 4 " " " 65c "
.4 it U JQ 44 4 4. .4 4. Qq 44
x 50c " "' " " 30e
An excellent opportunity to get the girls ready for school.
The BIGGIST Dress goods Values ever offered by
County Reporters
Jny Q blo spent Sunday in town.
A show in town Saturday evening.
A Heed drove to Red Cloud last Frl
ilny. Grandpa Harding Is visiting at Cam
bridge Onier Gngnon has returned from
L. K. Spence went to Oti'g'in, Tues
day iiioriiiiig.
Fi lends fiom Ohio, arc visiting at
Win. L:ini hut's.
Woik on the new lumber yard will
soon bu completed.
J. Monies of H.isting, was in this
city lust Wednesday.
Bin McCoy was a passenger for
Cowles, mat Wednesday.
Several from hero are attending (he
institute at Red Cloud.
J. W. Wratten is back from Califor
nia, looking bale and rugged.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Tom McMann died last Tuesday.
William Searle's brother and sister of
Blue IIill, are visiting him this week.
Frant Waullle drove over to Hole
ateiu, tbe tirsiof the week, on business.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Clark, were visit
ing Mrs. Clark's parents, ibis week.
Until Sept. 15 you can b 1 y
jewelery of us at cost and le f .
We wish to reduce stock aid
will do it if low prices are any
consideration to you.
We have extra large lines o
almost everything.
Watches 75c and up.
Chains Gold Plated 50c and up
Cuff Buttons 20c and up.
Cameras 80c and up.
Come in and look
A Watch will be givjen away.
Newhouse Bros
During the month of August.
Sample line, large lace collars, in
Venise, Oriental and Repouse lace.
Prices range from $1.00 to $5.00
Colors Arabian, White and Ecru.
Sample line at 20c to 75c each.
'25 pairs, were $2.75 3.00 and 3.25
On center table $1.75pair
Goodyear welt, all size 10 or 11
We have 15 waist left. They must go.
We have H white and 5 colored; made
by the Acorn people. There are:
4 size 32, S size 34, 2 size 36 and
2 size 38.
Today $3.25 and $3.00 waists . . . .$2.00
2.50 " .... 1.50
2.00 " 1.25
1.50 " .... ,90
Satisfaction or Money Back
42 Piece Dinner Sets Given
With every 10 cent purchase, either in cash or
produce, we will give you a coupon bering a number
and entitling you to a chance in the drawing.
We have already given three sets away.
We sell you Groceries as cheap or cheaper than you can
get them elsewhere and besides give you an opportunity to
get one of these handsome sets Free.
Allen's Fnot-Easp, it powder. It cures
painful, smarting, neirons feet and in
growing naile, and iuuantly takes tho
sting out of corns and bunions. "lis tho
greatest comfort discovery of tho ago.
Allen's Foot-Ease makes .tight or now
shoes feel wny. It is a certain euro for
sweating, callous and hot, tired, ach
ing feet. Tty it today. Sold by all
druggists and shoe stores, 23a. Don't
accept and substitute Trial package
free- Address, Aliens S. Oltuslead, Lo
Ry, K. Y.
. .
Wo want good general agont9 and
can glvo steady work to responsible
parties securing snltsmonfor our New
Pacitio Coast specialties and superior
western grown trees. Exprovious ex
perience not necessary. Write us to
day. You can't loso money. We will
show vou how its made. Oregon Nur
sery Co,, Detroit, Mich. 10
Miss Eihel and Canie Householder,
returned from campmeeting Monday.
Mr. Mclllis is hauling lumber to
build a barn on his place north of town.
Roy Johnson, Archie and Muudlo
Moore, weie Hod Cloud visitors, this
Billy Staley has purchased tho O. A.
Whelan, property, recently vacated by
It B-ck.
Wiu. Biggins and wife, drovo up to
Sheinnu ountv, lust Wiok, for 11 visit
with friends.
John A. Anderson has rented tho
Al Siiinmuisou farm, and will move in
the spring.
Did you attend the Faterua' picnic
at Blue Hill, Weduesday, and huvo a
good time?
Richard Beck and fnmilv, lsft Tuoi
dttv mornim?. for their uew home in
Council Bin 1, la.
Mrs. Frank Hutden and Miss Grace
Heed, drovo over to Campbell, last
Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Thnrne, also
Grandnri Thorn, returned fiom their
trip to Michigan, Tuesday.
I he Farmers elevator opened up
for business Monday, and boosted the
price of wheat seveinl points.
The carponteis from Illuo Hill, came
over the lirstof tho week, to commence
wuik on V. S. Hull's residence.
Miss lit) t h and Hattle Householder
aul Mist Coia D.tvis are attending the
institute al Red Cloud this week.
Mr. aud Mrs. Bruce Bowereox, left
last M jnday, for Ttenton, whoto they
expect to mal.o their future homo.
Joe WiddiTfthiem reigned his posi
tion with D K nilier. of this place, and
moved on 11 farm noithwest of heie.
Mr. Ijuhc Fish has the foundation
ready for his new buildirg. and tho
Carpenters will begin sjtmtiiuo this
Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Bennett, left
WtdiHsday morning, for Swacton,
where they will spend a few days with
The Bladen ball team went to Upland
last Sunday, and crossed bats with tho
Upland team, the game was in favor ol
' Miss Nellie Wil lams left last Monday
evening, for n visit with her brother
Clyde Williams, living in the western
part of the stato.
Tho ice cream supper given by tho
Junior Lengue last Saturday evening,
wue a great success tbe procceeds being
something over 120.
A donl was made whereby Chas. E.
Hiclo brcime tho owner of tho stock
of Harness, and building, of Jns. l'aib
by, Mr. Pashby ooutemplats going
to California, shortly.
Wm. Strycker and mother, end
Miss Bosslo Strycker accompanied by
Miss Blanch Cox drove down to Red
Cloud Monday Miss Strycker aid Miss
Cox sUld to attend the institute.
... 1
vMe feck.
O J. Kelley was on the sick list tho
first of the woek.
Mrs. D.iudna visited friends in North
Branch the first of tho week.
Gen, Proudlit was visiting with
friends at this place last Saturday and
A. sister and niece of Mn. Dorning's
from Union Grove, Wisconsin, are
Hero this week.
Grandma Norris has been visiting
her sons, Emanuel and Noah Peters,
for the past few days.
CIihm. Hodges is building an addition
to his house,
R. C. Peters gave a party to u num
ber of young pooplo lint Wednesday
Miss Minnie Hys went to St. Joe,
Mn,, Monday, to work in tlm trimming
department, of a wholesale miltinery
hotiso for a few week.
Mr. and Mr?. Coleman, of Chester,
visited with Mr. Coleman's mother,
Mrs. BorghVl 1, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wither Hamilton, ar
rejoicing over the arrival of a little wo
at their borne last Friday.
The Adelphlaa QurtUe gare aa te
terestlaii eatertalameat at the Bspljtfct
church, last Saturday evening Mtar
tho autpices of the B. Y P.
There will bo an ice cream social at
tho home of Mr. M. Lovltts next Satur
day evening. All are invited.
Among tbosa who expected to atteasl
tho institute at Red Cloud this week,
w note tho following: Chester Coop
er, Miilissa Lambert, Verna Watt, Lea
Largent, R W. Uosull, Sadlo Vaugban,
Murjorio Sheppard and Katie Bragg.
There will bo quarterly meeting at
the M. E. church ut 3 o'clock, Saturday,
conducted by tho Rev. Poarson. Ker.
G. W. Hummel of Bine Hill, will con
duct services Sunday morning at 11 a.
'Tit said a bottle and a glass
Will makn a person mellow,
But Itorky Mountain Tea's tho drink
That livens up a fellow. C. L. Cot-tings.
Greatest Aid to Cookery
With least labor and trouble it makes
hot-breads, biscuit and cake of finest
flavor, light, sweet, appetizing and
assuredly digestible and wholesome.
Priok Bakinq Powder Co., Chioaqo.
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