'sv.- ' m t & ., (' I'. , i I? V 1 AIUXICAIS IIIEXICA.X jaAw.4- iuiiAiva mjiAiwin rtIXiJVXV.il.iX f Vustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment V A cures Cuts, lluriiH, DrulHcH. Iu uho for over sixty yearn. for Man, IictiHt or Poultry. iiest for Ilorao nllmentB. limbers up StiiTJolntn. cures Frostbites and Cbllblalttssj 9 ' V MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN I I1, MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment I! .e...i.nH.lCi.nlu .. t? .1 hi !..... tn-nlu liiil ori-n nulcklv. It... Aik Cnii1n niliiirniH. ncnetrateS to tllC Vcrv boilc. lieat thhlir for alnmoharie. MEXICAN anq Lin penetrates to the very bone. vhi vo oj' ni"n iww wt uimoi vh vn vjiitvui taut muiiv, ... -- - -r .... w. .-...v . a w o j T MEXICAN . MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment iftapiiHitivucurcforrilcH cures nil fonusof KhcumntlHtn. cures Caked Udder In cowh, licnt for Sheen ailments, nlwnys gives satisfaction, drives out all Inflammation. Kmxm.'pmPW'F''" , h J 1 1 Wigle5ftc! XWash BLUE L & ). n For Solo By H" ALL y WISE GROCERS DIRECTIONS FOR USE! WlggteStlck around In the water. CorrtspMdence (Concluded rrom rlrst i'aKo ) Jrftmlpa Finey is visiting friends in YT. A. Howard U comternplating of moving to town. -' i'liiiletfoy.U reported nt tho homo qI Mr. amWInJChM. ShuUo. ' Mf. and Mrs. John Hudson rccontly from Oklahoma Territory, havo rented nrnndna Finncv'a farm, and aro domi- oil,., I lh UrandDa and Gratulma Finney. Born to '"Mr. nnd Mrs. Hliinohurt Dungbnrt, August lo, a son. nn par ties doing well. , Died. At tho Homo of John Green In Nuokoll Cdutity, ou Saturday August IS, Liura'Bo.lc, youngist child of Mr. njurMrs.Oicur Shirley, aged 1 yr 11 ,Vnion. 14 da, The mother and llttio ono wero visiting at Mr. Greens when tho babo look the f.ital sickness and died. Funeral services wero conducted by Kev. Hulchins of Cowies, at Kekly church on Sunday afternoon, uflor which tho remains wero laid to rest in Stillwater cemetery. Tho bereaved family bavo the sympathy of tho entire community. Fold the little waxen lingers Across the sunny breast, Sadlyclofo the drooping eyelids, Laura is at rest. On the snowy coflln pillow. Lay the sunny bead, lay our darling gently In her lonely bed. Never can a ping of angnrish Pierce that tender breast, She isfreo from all carthV sorrow's, Liurais at rest. Tis bird to yield oue loved ono To the silent tomb, But we know the precious llower, Will in heaven bloom. Gentle hands boro our uarling To that land of rest, Laid tho treasuro softly, gently, On our Savior's breHst. An I ho will guard our little ono, For ho has promised rest, So try not mourn for her But think how she Is blest. Mrs.' Minnie Niinn, formerly Liinim, of llrenwood, Cal., who hns been visiting relatives hero for soiuo'.lme, left for homo Woilnosday. Mrs. Joe Klllough was very agreeably surpi'is-d on Tuesday evening 'by a a number of her rela'.lvcs and frionds fathering in and spending tho evening tho occasdun being her birthday, auniversity. Ice cream aud cake wero served Mrs. Klllough was presonted number of ulco presents. ttosy Klllough is stayiug at homo now. Card of Thanks. Wo desiro to thank tho neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted us duilng the Illness of our llttio child nnd whoso tenderly helped to lay her away iu her lust resting p ace nnd tlioso who brought tho beautiful Mowers. Their kindness will never bo forg ton Lizzie Siuiu.kv Oscau Siiiki.kv Lester. Mrs. O. H. Frisbiu is on tho sick list. John Barnes left Monday for Fair 311(1, Nehr. (J. W. Baker and wlfo, woro in Guide Hock, tho first of tho week. Mrs. Po9telwolght nnd daughter of Jlllnola aro visiting Mrs. Jim Doyle. Miss NelleC.jckralli attending camp meetlcg at Duweeso. Most every oio is through threshing. Mrs. John Hnlcomb's cousin from Wisconsin, has been visiting horo tho past few days. The aid socioty mot with Mrs. Oockrali Wednesday. Guide Rck. There has been six now residents added to Guide Bock this wook, as -witness tho following: Born, to Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Doudua on August 11, ngirl. to Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Hall, -August 12, a girl, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred '.U, iger, Auguit 12, twin girls, to Mr. itsmtr tt i HsS&SSj: m i m i? 'pT- ii.. : and Mrs. llort'Van Horn, August 15, n girl to Mr. a"d Mrs. Geo. Giitbur, August 13, n girl. Lightning struck at Andy Guy's Mondnv evening, shacking tho family and killing two colts, II, H, Hunter says tho report that ho had fruit stolen is a mistake. Miss Ir.la Hunter Is attending insti tute nt Nelson, Neb Issaao B. Colvin is gathering produce for tho statu fair. If you hnvo any linn specimen's leave a sample nt C dvin's ofllco on tho 22nd or S.'l I of this month. The professor has tirrived and is pre paring for hi-t labors during tho com ing school yea'. Quito n number aro reported sick, south of town. A. L. Drink water was down from Brunlng, Neb., looking aftor his in terests here, last week. Llltf. Ttio second crop of Alfalfa is now in tho Stack. Tho Fruit brothers aro busy thresh ing, on Statu crook and noar tho state line. Tho l'onny Uroek and M'. Hopo Sun day schools, will hold a btukot picnic at tho Sherwood ranch, August 23. Itov. Malon Lamb of North Branch, will deliver a leoturo to tho children, at 7 p.m. nnd the Kev. J. J. Campbell will, on thnt day preach his farewell .sermon. All that feel likn donating to tho Kev. Campbell aro requested to do so at this tiinu. Kvory ono is invited to comoand bo sure to bring well tilled basketH. J. K. Fox nnd Kirncst Beauchnmp, havo just completed a bridgo near the Goblu Kanch. Tho county bowl have had a bridge built acroHs State Creek near S. C. Schuck's. Kev. J. J. Campbell and family wero tho guests of Mrs. L. Aubushou Sun day. There was an ico cream social at S. C. Shucks, tho til si of tho wtek. Mrs. Will Dulons 1b on tho sick list, this week. Kansas City Market. Special to Tiik Chief. Unexpected light receipts of cattle this week put a different faco on tho market, as compared with a week ago. Tho big break in beef steers list week, ranging from 40 to 7o cents, checked receipts, nnd market on steers began to improvo Friday, and hns been irregul arly stronger each day since, and aro now 15 to 20 cents hieher than low time last week. Top price this week, &.r 70 today, and t.r GOyesterdav. (iras lin'shed steers range from C ?Jj to 81 o."i. tows, heifors and butcher cattln held about steady during tho week, nnd prices aro tinner this week, best heifers selling nt $1.00 to $1 85, cms SSfiO to 84 00, meaty gaS( cows and hi'if.'rs 2 50 to $:i no, veal calves M.7S to 81 SO, but canners aro still dull and low. Stockers and feeders havo changed very llttio since a weok ago. Stockers and stock calves are very low and a Kiod m ny cattlo of this clasp went out Inst weok that looked worth tho nionoy, stockers at 82.75 to $: 7."), and stock calves had tho wido range of 81.03 to $11 no, but most saloi wero at 82.&0 to 8U 25 Feeders woro more wanted, and fair to good ones sold at 8U 00 to $3 75, and choicn cattle of good wolghts sold at 81.00 to 81 25. (Jood corn cattlo will probably suit higher, but shippuis go slow on other kinds. Hog miirkot closed last weok after a series of reverses, ystorday's market opened 10 to 15 cents higher, and most sales wero made on this basis, but market weakened at tho closo. These conditio: s weio exactly ropoited today and the mass of th business was done at 85 00 to 85 20, with pigs and light hogs at 85 25 and 85 .'10 Quality is good, and weights avorago first half of August 211 lb. or 5 lbs. moro than month of Jul?. Shippors nro being advised to market their heavy hogs but lighter grades cm bo held for a oouplo of weeks, when higher prices should rule on this clnss. Sheep receipts wero better last week but prices closed tho weok 10 to 25 cents lower, most loss, of course, on common kinds. Lambs bring up to 80.00 for best, wotlors 83.75 to 84 00 owes 83.00 to 83 GO, feeding wethers 83 00 to ftl.-tO, feeding owes 82.25 to 83 00. A fair supply of country kinds of sheep nnd lambs aro now coming from the West. J A. Itlcart, L. S. Correspondent. Kansas City, Mo ,Tuesay, Aug. 10. Two Personally Conducted Excursions to Boston via Burlington Route. Special exclusion to Boston leaves Lincoln Atljust llili. nt 0 p m in ch.trge of Cunplnln I'. H Hatidall. A second excursion leaves Linco'n Aug Ujt lUtli, at 0 p in, in chargo of J. U. Ferguson. Throtigli tourist cars from Oiinhii. Short stops at thu show places of tho east. A chance to return via St. Louis nnd seo tho World's Fair, tho greatest crention by tho hand of man. If you aro figuring on tho trip talk toouragent about these excursions, a very low rate for tho round trip, with all conditions most favorable. Or, write to mo.-L. W. Wakbly, G. P. A. Burlington llonte, Omaha, Neb. . This Will Interest Mothers. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for children, cure feverishness, bad stom ach, summer bowel troubles, teething disorders, cleanse aud regulate tho bogles and destroy worms, They J never fail. Over 30.000 testimonials. At all druggists, 2.10. Sample free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, NY. Children who aro delicate, feverish and cross will get immediate relief from Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for children They cleanse tho stomach, act on tho liver, making a sickly child stioig and healthy. A certain cure for worms. Sold by all druegUti, 2."i3. Sample free. Address, Allen S. Olm sted, LeUoy, N. Y. INFLAMMATORY ItllKLMATIbM CURED IN 3 DAYS. Morton L. Hill, of Lclmimn. Ind.. nys; "My wife IiikI InttnmtQHtorr IllicuiiiHllsra In every muvclo himI Joint; tier MilfvrliiK hs terrible ninl licr baily and face were nwollen nlinost be yond rci'OKiiltlon: hail been In bed ilx weckk ninl" I1111I clKht iihjMtlmi". but received no benefit until Mie tried the MyMlc Cure for ItlieiimfltlHtn. It xnve Immedlntc relief and the nn able to wallc about In three dayx. I am flure It xavf d her life." Sold by.H. . Orlce. DrugRltt. Itcd Cloud. Order To Shew Cause. IN TIIK COUNTY COURT. State of Nebraska, I Webster Couuty f At n countv court held at tbc county court room In'and for (Hid county Aunuet 17. A, D 1901. In tbe matter or the estate of John J SheltOD, decerned. On reading and filing the petition of Harriet K. Shelton, praying tbat admlnlatratton of tald tunte may be granted to Harriet E. Shelton, on admlnUtrlz. Oidered. that Monday the Sth day of Septem ber, A. D. 1901, at one o'clock p. m , la avelkued for hearing raid petition when all pertotm lntrted humid matter may appear at a county court to be held In and for laid county aud dhow cause why prayer of petitioner thould not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of raid petition and tbe hearing thereof be given to all personit Interested In said matter, by pub llshlngacopy of thin order In the Red C'.oun Ciimr, a weekly iiewnpnper printed In said counly, for three consecutiie wceko prior to said day of heurlug. (Scai,) A. II. Kekkev. Septa County .nidge. Atchison Globe Sights. When Lovely Character people do get mad, look out. Not very long after marriage, people bejsin to look very homeiick to be engaged again. If you harp on your Krievnnco long enough your friends will hnvo ono big ger than yours. Xo ono takes a men's cussing vory seriously; then why tako so seriously a woman's weeping? No woman with an iucomo of less than 1500 11 month should bo permitted to wear a dress with 11 train. A loving wlfo frequently says of her fat husband: "Ho isn't at all well, but ho doesn't say anything" Usually when the mothor goes away on a visit, the daughter hits her tlrst experienco iu cleaning u chicken. Do you laugh with tho young, or do you laugh nt them? The former Is tho plun If you wish to remain young. Cld peoplo sometimes complain be cause they are left alone so much, but tho truth Is they would bo bored to death If tho young peoplo trlol to ontertain thorn. An Atchison man was latoly elected delcgato to tho national meotiug of his lodge in San Francisco, Ho was much pleaded over his "victory." Still ho will be compelled to neglect his busl. ness for two weoks, and ho has a very actlvo competitor. Tho competitor will uot fail to tako advantage of tho absenco of his rival. This lodgo busl uoss ruins many a good man. CATARRH: SStofr m wm CGI? Hi IY-FEVER w& M fYr Ely's Cream Balm This Romody Is a Specific, Suro to Clvo Satisfaction. OIVK8 RELIKP AT ONCE It clonuses, noothes, hvnls, nnd protects tho d!eaod membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives nwny a Cold iu the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Tasto aud Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into tho nontrils nnd absorbed. Larue Size, CO cents nt Druggists or by mnll; Triul Sizo, 10 cents by mail. . ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St.. Ntw York, Proposed Constitutional Amendent. The following proposed amendent to, and convention for the revMon or, the constitution of the State of Nebraska, a lierelnnftert.et forth. In-full. I submitted to trie clcctom of the State of Ncbrnka. to be voted upon at the general election to be held Tuesday, November 8 A. 1). io:it (Sesatb Fii.k No. 114.) AUDI torn Joint IlvMilutlon recommending to the elector of the statu to vote at the next election of member of the LegHnture for or nunli'.-t a convention to revlc. amend and change the Constitution of the Mate of Nebras kn In accordiince wl'-h Section -.', Article IS. of the Con'.ltut!on of the State of Nebraska. IU it limokal ly lif Lejltlattirt oftheStatt of Xtlratka. 1. Tlint It !? deemed necessary to call a con vention to revNe. amend and chonge the Con stitution o! the Slnte of Nebraska. i. That the electors art recommended to vole nt the next election of member;) of the I.cgls lature for or against a convention to revhe. amend aud change tbe ronstltutlon of the State of Nebraska. 3. That at such next election of members of tbe Legislature on the ballot of each elector vo ting at such clvctlon. shall be printed or written In such manner that the elector can Indicate hit preference under the law the word: "FOR calling n convention to tevlsc. amend and change the Constitution of the State of Nebras ka." and "AGAINST calling a convention to re vise, amend and change the Constitution of the State of ebraska;" and If a majority voting. nt said election shall vote for a convention, the Legislature shall, at Its next session, provide by law for calling the mine. I, Geo. W. MhmIi. Secretary of State of the State of Nebraska. ! hereby certify that the foregoing proposed amendment to the Conttltu tlon of the State of Nebraska. la a true and cor rect copy of the original enrolled bill passed by the Twenty eight session of tho Leglslaturo ot the State of Nebrasea. as It appears from said original bill, on file In my office, nnd that said proposed amendment and revision of the Con stltution of the State of Nebraska Is submitted to the riualllled voters of the State of Nebraska, for their adoption or rO-ctlon. Bt the general elecllo.i to be held on Tueiday, tho 8sh day of November. A. D. 1904. In testimony whereof, I hcruinto et my hand nniliifilitdthearent.Selof tho State of No hriisks, rjune at I.lncfln thlsMh day of Julr. In the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine llundrod nnd Four, of the Independence of the United Stntcs the One Hundred and Twenty Ninth nnd of tbls stiito thu Thirty Eighth. (fil-.EAT seat.) Geo V. Maiisii. Secretary of State. II CLOUD, NEBRASKA, w inrai Jl ii,iii!iniiii mir Jl UIU1HVJI Ull Notice of Bond Sale. Notice is hereby given that the City of Red Cloud, in Webster Couuty, Nebraska, offers for sale or oxclmngo S'JU 000.00 of 1 1-2 I'En cknt Refunding Watek bonds In denominations of i.'OO ench;M.vriut!NO i!0 Y kails from August 1st, 1001, Optional payment on and after 10 Years. I Sealed bids for th purohaso of all or a part thereof, or tho exchange ' theroror of ull'or a part of tho orignal lsuo dated Juno 1st, 1887, will bo received uy tno uuy uicrK uuui oo 1 of Sei'temiieu 7th, 1101, nnd noted'' upon by tho City Council at its meeting meeting that date. Tho right to reject auy and nil bids is reserved. I All bids must bo accompanied by a Cebtified check for two run cent, of amount bid for, as forfeit in caso bid is accepted and not completed. Red Cloud, Nebraska. L H. FORT, City Clerk. I Visit The Old Folks. I Ono fare plus $3 for tho round ttip I to a great many piints In Ohio, Ind ilnna and Kentucky. Tickets on alo I September 0, 10, 20, '27 and October 11, Good via St. Louis and for stopover at I tho groat exposition. Final limit thirty ' I days. Seo mo for full particulars or wnto to L, W. U'akely, enger Agent Omaha, Ueuoral l'ass- nniMTXiniXTfi K City Dray and F. -V. STUJN5HATCEK, PROP, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest- CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES, Residence 52. ii a, Or vijfikvfc ( aoivi iiU(ia(aia(a(ai4a(vfcU(aviviavi vfciii ifci0(U.4aaikv4k'- 5 AY, HISTERl Do you know that It will pny YOU. as well as US, to buy your Iiuikling Ma terial and Coal ut ouryards? Not only that our prices averaoe lower, or nt least as low, as tlioso of our competit ors, but because wo take especial caro of and protect all can bo classod as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. PL ATT & Coal. TI,s5"V""),11,1,1,S5jtsjiajiaaj(ffajiiiajisssj,ajisjisjiif 4iiiqjiif ajisjiqift TRADERS LUMBER CO. DEALERS IN Lumber and Coal, BUILDING MATERIAL, ETC. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. MBS. CECELIA STOWE, Orator, Entre Nona Club. 170 "Warren Avenue, Chicago, III., Oct. 22, 1902. For nearU four vears 1 suffered from ovarian troubles. Tho doc tor insisted on an operation as tho only way to get well. I, however, strongly oujectca 10 an operauon. Mv husband felt disheartened as well as I, for home with a sick woman 1b a disconsolate place at best. A friendly druggist advised him to get n bottlo of Wino of Cardui for mo to try, and ho did eo. 1 ueganioimprovoinaiewuavisanu my recovery was very rapid. With in eighteen weeks I was another being. fKVlLoL jbtoOHi Mrs. Stowe'a letter shows every woman how n homo is saddened by femalo wcaknes nnd how completely Wino of Cardui cures that sick nnRa nnd brines health and harm!- ncss again. Do uot go on suffer inrr. Go to vour druccist todav ana securo a Jl.00 bottio of Wine of Cardui. WMB&ftRDUl Order to Show Cause. IN TIIK COUNTV COUi.T. State of Nebraska, I Webster Couuty, f Atn county court held at tho couuty court room In nnd for said county, August 2d, A. D. 101. Iu the matter of the citato of John A. Ilenscn, decerned, On reading and tiling tho petition of K. M. lic-iiMiti. pn) lug ihnt administration of said estiue may be granted to K. M. llenson, ns ad mliistrrttor. Ordered, that Saturday tho 20th day of August A. I). UK) I. at 10 o'clock a. m ! assigned for hearing said petition when nil persons Interest ed In snld matter may appear at 11 comity court to be held In and for mid county and show causenhy prayer of petitioner should not be grunted; and that notice of the pendency of said pell Ion aud the hearing thereof bo given to all persons Interested In said matter, by pub. llnhlng a copy of this order Iu the Ited Cloud Chief, a weekly newspaper printed In said couuty, for threo consecutive weeks prior to tald day of hearlug. SBAI.1 A. II. hMNET, All IKlU Countv JudKC M INSURANCE aalnst Fire, LifjhtiiliirT, Cy cloues and Windstorms, seo JNO. B. STANSER, agent for tho Farmers Union Insur ance Co., Lincoln, Neb., tho best in 8Uiunco company in tho 8? to. Express Line. Office 1 ig1 f f V V r r S fr ?- f- e- - tr FREES CO. Lumber. f- time table. Red Cloud, Neb. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAUO 31. JOE KANSAS CITY 81. LOUIS and all points east and south. DENVER HELENA BVT1E 8AL1 LAKE O'l PORTLAND SAX FRAXCISCO and all point west. TBimS LXATB At FOLLOWS : Mo, 13. Passenger dally for Oberlln and St. FranclB branches. Ox ford. HcCook, Denverand all points west........ 6-35 a. J No, 14. Passenger dally for St. Joe, Kansas City, Atchli-on, Ut. Louis. Lincoln via Wymore and all points east and soutti 2-10 an. No 15. Patsenger. dally. Denver, all points In Colorado, Utah aud California ...... 0:10 p.m. No. 18 Passenger, dally for St. Joe, Kansas City. Atchison, Si. Louis aud all points east and south . 10:35 a.m.. No. 174. Accommodation. Monday, WedueHlay and Krlday.Hast Iiiks, Oram! Island, Mack Hills and all points In the northwest....... .. 1 :31 p.m. Bleeping, dining, and reclining chair rare, seats free! on through trains. Tickets sold and isggage checked to any point In the United' States orCanada. For Information, time tables, maps or tickets call on or address A. Couo'ver, Agout, It-d Cloud, Nebr. or .1. Francis, Otneral Passeugii Agent Omaha, Nebraska P CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH EHNYROYAL PILLS T."v Orllnl anil U11I7 (Jcnuloe. Km SAFE. Alw,.r,Hbi l.a.lle.. ilirorrl.l for cmUIlHSTKH'S KNGLI.SH In ltKD ! Void m.ltUlc Uiim w.'tl v-ttn blua ribbon. TuLp no other. HtHiM. nnarroM HubftUtulloat and lailt liana Bhj c-f joar Urucibl, or w,4 4e. ia lamp hr I'artlculara, TratlaiaaUla asd Itellcr for Lad Ira," M lulrr, 07 r turn S4mI1. lfl.AIII. Tratlmnnlkli. Ka1(,Ii aUDrutfliu. CblchoUr Chrailral Co. 444 MadlMa ttauare. 1'UILJU, fA. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medicine for Busy People. Brines Golden Health and Benowod Vigor. A sneclflo for Constipation, Indigestion, Live and Kidney Troublos, Pimples, Eczema, Impure Illooa, Hud Ilreath, Blugglsh Dowels, HeadacJio and Ilirdtncho. It's Ilocky Mountnln Ten In tab let form, &1 cents a box. fli-nuliw rnndo by IIoLLlSTEn Dnco Coupanv, Madison, Wis. tOLOEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE PARKER'S KAIR DALSAM Clmr ami brtulllle) the hair. Prouiuttf a luiuriant growth. Ncvor Fails to lleitore Oray IIMr to Its Youthful Color. Cuni Ktlp d.witn ft hair tallies. fte.ardtUCat DrucliU H. B. ASHBR, VETERINARIAN Of tho Kansas City Voter Inary College Otilco at E. .lohus ton's, tho Ilrick Darn, ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED Telophono 6il. RED CLOUD, - ' . NEB. At Blno Hill first Tuesday in each month. AT I - i I