31 V iJ. , 4 i ! Ayers 1 i H S; ITS F Bl I Jliair Vigor TOis falling of your hair! Scop It, or you will soon be .'fetid. Give your hair some Over's Hair Vigor. Thefali- vjll stop, the hair will iwuv, and the scalp will be tftteaa and healthy. Why be :atisBed with poor hair when smi can make it rich? -Jif Tlrntl)r I1 rm out. I thnn tried I Aym" Itatr VIor .ml onlr on Imlllo .topped mm funtnc. Hew lilr otno In rel thick Mid '. a little curlr." Mas. L. M. smith, m jUkvi, n. y. 'mjlrmlbottle. J.C. ATinco., 1H IITT1 ( ill H I nitail Alllll aII(. . . .". Li-- JThick Hairl nrd Oluoy, who pretended thut tho law wns unconstitutional, and who would do nothing toward prosecuting viola tors of It Tho llrst oirort to enforce tho law was niado by Thcodoro Roosc volt, n Repnblicnn President. Tho first Attornoy-Gonerni to vigorously proscoutooirondcra and to test tho law was a Hcpubllcan Attorney-General, Philander C. Knox.-N. Y. World. idV iDHB CHIEF TIED CLOUD, NF.WIASKA. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. S&Konaz Newhouse, Editor. JS.VUI Tulleys, AH.slstant Editor. flUBsCIUlTION BATES. .ikan rar... iftCftzaoiillil .1100 . so ttntered at loo poit offlco t ltcd Cloud, Nob.a. . jMoaadolai.toall matter. ADVKHTISINO KATES: 1 tJlMiTaaobed on application. "OTSXEPHONE, SEVEN - TWO -i'OKrKKSUKNT. THEODORE ROOSEVELT, N. Y ."SK VICK PltKSIDKNT. 0 dARLKS W. FAIRBANKS, Ind ,3?Yi,GoVEItNOIt. ijljl MICKEY. JJS'Wx Lieutenant (Jovkunou. .; M'GILTON. sJ&cm Secki.tauy ok State. a.;alusha. J?o Auoitok. E. M. SEARLE. U?lt TuEASUItKK. vPETER MORTENSON. Sa'OE SttTKUINIENDENT. J. L. M'BRIEN. luKOK, Atiounky tiENKUAL. MORRIS BROWN. . "JScx. Land Commissioner. .11. Jl. BATON. AtCLnclo "Sam makos mistakes occas .V is ally, but helms novor bought the sweat .political gold brick twice. Fifteen Years Aft. I wandered to tho grogshop, Tom; I Htood beside tho bar, And drank a bowl of lemonade and Mnokod a bad cigar; J ho samo old kegs and jugs woro ihero-tho ones wo usod to know When wo woro on tho rouud.up, Tom, 6omo Ilftcon years ago. Tho barkeep Is a now ono, Tom. Tho ono who iibod to soil Corrosive tanglefoot to us is roasting now in well, Tho othor has a plate-glass front; his hair Is combed quite low, And looks just like tho ono wo knew somo flftcou years ago. Old soak como up and called for boozo - ho had tho samo old grin -Whllo others burned tho lining from their throats with Holland gin. And women stood beside tho door, tholr faces seamed with woo, And wept just as thoy used to weop some ilftoeu years ago. I asked about our old friends, those lierished .sporty mon; And somo were in tho poor house, Tom, and somo were in tho pun; And one, the ono wo liked tho best, tho hangman laid him low, Tho world is much tho same, dear Tom, as fifteen years ago I asked about thnt stato'y chop, that pride marked as Its own Ho used to say that ho could drink, or let the htuir alone. He perished of tho James H. Jams, out in tho cold and snow Ah, low survlvo who used to boozo somo fifteen years ago. Now crowds lino up against tho bar and call for crimson ink; New hands aro trembling us they pour tho stuir (hey shouldn't drink; Dot still the samo old watchword rings, "This round's on mo you know I" Tho samo old cry of doom wo heard somo fifteen years ago. I wandoied to tho churchyard, Tom, and there I saw tho graves Of those who used to drown themselves in red fermented wave-,: And there woio womou sleeping thero where grass and dairies grow, Who wept and died of broken hearts somo flfteon years ago. Aud there were graves whero children slopt, havo Mopt for many u year, Forgetful or tho woes that marked their fitful sojourn horo; And 'neath a tall white monument, in death theto lieth low The man who used to sell tho boozo somo fifteen years ago. J. S. Hoi den, in Ulobo-Democrat. .Jaigts Parker BayH ho will bo satis Mfail with ono torrn as president. Tho .cwjfers will doubtless convince him mrtku.'h should bo sutlsflod with ono IfbHslbun ono term. TWENTY YEARS AGO Items of News Found in The Chief of Twenty Years Ago This Week v v y liny the man tiled instantly. The eituso of the tradgedy was understood to bo jealousy aud unfaithfulness. On Thursday morning tho dead bodj of a man was found, besldo tho rail rood track near Amboy. From papers found on tho body It was found to be A. D. Manger, of Kirwiu, Kansas. The corners jury returned a verdict that death was caused by being struck by tho engine of tho freight train, which had gone cast during tho night. Tho republican county conv. ntion was called to ordor in tho court house, Monday morning, by D. P. Newcomer, chalrmuu of tho county central com mittee J. E Smith of Guide Rock was chosou chairman ai d F R. Gump, secretary. Tho following woio the delegates from tho dlfforent precinct: Guldo Rock J. II Shugart, Jas. Watt, C. G Coduiuu, J. E. Smith, I. D. Hampton. Glonwood Josoph Gravos, Isaac May. Potsdam-J. W. C. Thorman, I. O. Martin, F. A Sweezy, II, B. Munsou. Elm Creek-Samuel Foe, W. II. Thomas. lnavale A Arueson, W, II. Walters, Jas. Campbell Garfleld-M. II. Wainer, N. L. D. Smith. Walnut Creek Thomas Kennedy, M. C. Fulton. Oak Cieek II. D. Rauey, G. E. Oat muu, Stillwutoi -C. A. Tool, J. B. Potter. Lino- II 11. Simons, L L, Anger. Red Cloud-G. E McKooby, Levi Moore, S. West, W. H. Stiohm, J II. Foruiau, M W. Dickerson, Fred Hum moll, F R. Gump, M B McNitt, II. A. Howard, Jas Gilliam, A. II. Kaley. Rutin -J L Frame, F. Uarta, John Polnlcky. Hormouy-O. E. Ramoy, G P. Cath or. Pleasant Hill -M C Jackson, C. C. Cox, Robt Adamson. I). P. Newcomer of Blue Hill, was uouiiuatod for representative aud I. B. Hampton for commissioner, after which delegates woro selected to tho various conventions as follows: State- W. II. Strohm, W. N. Richard- son, A. L Funk, R. V. Shiroy. E Cor nett, R. A. Simpson and C. G. Codimtn. Congressional-.!. S. Gilliam, W. E. Jackson, F. R. Gump, G. E. McKeoby, M. L. Thomas, I. O. Martin, F. A. Sweezy, I. H. Hoowr. Judicial-J. R. Wilcox, C. W. Kaley, J. N. Richards, J. A. Tulloys, R. A Simpson ,C. G. Wilson, Wash J. E. Smith. Senatorial A. C. Hosmer, Smith, A. T. Ormsby, S. Wost, FALL of 1904 Mens Clothing Boys Clothing Nens Hat Boys Hats I All of these lines are being opened this week and will be ready for your inspection any day you can spare the time to look at them. The goods I guar antee. The prices you are welcome to compare with anybody's. Mens Shoes Trunks, Suit Cases Boys Shoes Grips, and Bags PAUL STORBY, The Clothier. .IF. (ha telegraph wires had boon -., .Sara during tho St. Louis convention .;iair.ccs.ventlou might noror havo hoard - jT.Juigo Parkor'a volws on tho money Xinastion, but tho platform would havo u'D just the same as it is now. Tfeolwstunpeal tho Domocrats uro r ,ckijjuj to tho county Is based on tholr Afiaujmo Lot to disturb tho Republic --jm fcxlslativo uohlovements. Reed, To the Public Having purchased Chas. Wadell's meat market, wo extend to you a hearty iu vitatlon visit us and become bettor acquainted nHU uls0 when looking for good llrst class meat, wo ask you to give us a trial. Wo aro satisfied wo can wo can please you. Yours for business, FE1S & SEARS I tvwvvvTvrvvvvvvvwvTvwwvvvvTvmwwvTvvrvvvT'V'Pvrv'rv' t. IS fr f- t 6-f-( f-f- f-C- s- 6-S-S- ( B. F. MIZER, President, D. J. MYERS, A. Vice President, 13. SELLARS, E. G. Jk t of tho JJomocratlo campaign 3caurs. looks like u roll call of a big icjul -directorate TSia Now York Herald has printed a 52catulloof Judge Parker's gold tele--jjram. It should furnish a companion 'jwrtjby prlutlug a facslmilo of "J2.wr ballot In 189G or 1000. his Vcth Anti-Trust law was framed by .-.x.Kjrmbllcan, was passed by a Repub- Mitarn House and a Republican Senate, t-wan signed by a Republican President. ' X)t law remained a (load letter on tho &.tnto books during tho second term iX'13rovor Cleveland, a Democratic ;S7Jtideiit. Through thoso four years -oT.'ft(uocratlo adinlnlstratlon all tip U p,ji.nml all oirorUs of tho World to jCsttA the law enforcod wero mot with r-fcsiwjrs, jeers and open contempt from ..S?Hai!oeratle Attorney Genonil, Rich- i .! 1 BEST Il5c MEAL JN THE CITY Ice Cream aurvd Cool Drinks HHLE'S HSTAUR.ANT 4)M fmatmlHce Muftdttg. Mrs. R. Mltchol isvlsltiug frionds iu Crete this week. W Rowland, of Carloton, Nebraska is visiting, iu this city with L. L Fo'.t ham. Rov. Juo Fleming will preach next Sunday morning in tho Prosby toriau church. J. A. Tulloys and sovoral of tho Mas onic brethorn, instituted a masonic lodgo at Guldo Rock, tho llrst of the wook. S. W Soaly has glvou up his fruit stand and has ougaged iu canvassing for bibles Tho calico ball given by tho coruot baud on Wednesday night was a grand success. A. Durrie, fotmorly of Red Cloud has gone to Chicago where ho will study for tho niinlstiy iu tho Presby terian Theological seminary. Jack Schlmmol and Mr Dwyer of the Now York Central R. R. havo vis Ring iu Red Cloud the gnosis of con ductor Holdup and Worden. Dick Storey, telegraph and freight clerk for tho B. A- M. at Denver, Is visiting ft lends and relatives iu Red Cloud. Piofessor Hampton and Harshbarger of the Franklin academy wero in Red Cloud, this week. R. D. Jonos wont east Tuesday night on business. Alfred Decker mado final proof on his homestead this week. Walter Kleaman has taken a position as clerk, for C. Weluer. Red Cloud Lodgo I. O. 0 F. went to Blue Hill, Thursday night to help institute a lodgo at that placo. W. E. Jackson is now a grandpa. A son was born to Mr. aud Mrs. J. M. Taylor, Sunday. Lightning struck a wheat stack, belonging to C E. Putnam, living near Cowlos, Sunday evonlng. Lightning struck R. B. Fulton's resldeuco, Sunday night, no ono was iujurod. A wagou, loaded with young ladles who wero ou a picnlo oxcurslou Thurs day, was up sot, hurting sovoral sever ly. Tho wagon was In ohargo of one of Rod Cloud's youug galluuts. W. W. Ferris, a former Rod Cloud cltizon, shot his wlfo and thon com mitted sulcido by shooting himself, at Tobias, Nebraska, on August 18. The woman lived about au hour and a half Chauoy. II. D. Rauey, F. A. Sweezy, J. E. Smith. Float F. A. Sweezy, Thos. Konnody, F. R. Gump, J. L. Franio, S. West, J. II. Shugart, J. H. Ferinau, U. A. Howurd. Tho de'egiitiou to tho float conven tion were instructed to vote for J. L. Kaloy. Red Cloud market wheat, 50 oats, ir rye, 30-corn, 28-hogs,5.80-cattlo -3.00. Pleasant Hill-Miss Ida Albort is visiting Cox's. . . .Tho following officers wero electod in tho Sunday school; C. C. Cox, supt; J. W. Polly, sec; W. A. Brubakor, chorister; Anna Cockrall, troas; E. L. Jacksou, llbralrn....Rov. Martin's of Cowles nroached tho first sermon iu tho new school house. Cowles ...Fred Beach aud J. L. Fuller have gouo to Hitchcock couuty to tako claims.... Bort Wolls, son of G. W. Wolls, has returned from Iowa ....Mrs. C. G. LI tie of Hardy is visit ing hero .. Douglas Terry returned last week, from tho east, bringing with him a new wife.... W. A. Brubakor has built a resldeuco on hU farm ... .The rocont heavy rains ha o done consider able damage to soil houses in tlii- vicinity . G W. Wells started for tho west Tuesday to look for a timber claim. m Barker Will Appeal For Legal Delay. Frank Barker, murderer ot his broth er and his brother's wlfo near Red Cloud lust March, will not be hanged on September 2. Barker, who now is in solitary coulinement at tho peniten tiary has decided to appeal to tho su premo court and the appeal will be filed with the clerk of tho court within a few days. Barkoi'd attorneys havo gone to Webster county to prepare tho bill of exceptions to tho trial In tho lower court and to file it with tho dis trict court clerk of tho county. The action will come to the supremo court on a petition in orror in which tho tibial errors iu tho original trial will bo alleged. On tho filing of the peti tion tho supremo court will issuo an ordor suspending execution of tho death seuteuce until after tho appeal hud been passed upon. Barker bus been indifferent to his fato uutil lately, but aovr is of tho opinion that he will have no ditUculty iu securing a reversal or a change of That Settle's It. When a Colorado sand stone walk is laid that sittles it. See Overiug Bros. & Co. for prices. RHEUMATISM CUHED IN A DAY. Myitlc Cure for Hhemnatlsm and Neuralgia radically cure lu 1 to 3lay8. Its action upon the ytem Is remarkable and mytterloui. It removes at onco tbe cause aud the dlieaMS Im mediately disappears. Tho flrst dose greatly benefltn. T5 cents aud 11,00. Sold. by U.K. Once, Druggist. Ked Cloud. IF YOU WANT TO BUY, SELL, OR EX CHANGE YOUR FARM, BUSINESS or CITY PROPERTY or Make a Loan stutenco to life imprisonment. He is in a cheerful framo of mind and is sat isfied with the treatment accorded him bv the prison authorities. There will bo none of the sentimontal gush inci dental to tho last days of Murderer Rhea in Barker's case. Ho does not care to receive visitors and has very few callers aside from immediate rela tives and his attorneys. The prison authorities will permit only those visi tors whom Barkor expresses a willing ness to see to visit him. Lincoln Star. Tho republican senatorial conveu lion for tho twenty-sixth senatorial district of Nebraska, comprising tho couutios of Frauklin, Wobstor and Nuckolls, will bo hold In tho court house In tho city of Bloomlngton, commeuclug at 10 o'clock a m. Aug ust, 25, 1004, lu which convention Franklin county Is entitled to 11 votes, Wobster 13, Nuckolls 13 It Is recommondod that no proxies bo admitted, and that thoso delegates present from tho sovoral couutles bo authorized to cast tho full vote of their rospectivo counties. W. F. Buck, J. W. Kelfkr, Secretory Chairman. Fry-Abel. Married, at tho to3idonco of the bride's parents, Mr. ami Mrs. I M Fry, on Fihliw eve. August G, at G o'clock, Miua lJiwuln Uiuiii Frv to Mr. Adelbtit A. Abel, Rev. U. . Brown otnolating. The wedding match was played by MUs Untb Johnson, and tho ceremony was performed under a beautiful fl ral bower. Following tho cort-moiiy, the inarriiigo party, coupling of about thirty person", partook cf a sumptuous wedding suppur. In iho evening a rccoption was ten tiered Mr. and Mrs. Able at tho hosuit able homo of Dr. and Mrs. Fry, about fifty giusts being In attendance. In tho receiving lino wire Miss Coin Fry, Mr. and Mrs Atiol and Mr Uliss Kry MUs Margin et Fry and Misi Ada Wer ner looked after tho comfort of tho gnosis, and punch was served in an alcovo by Lois Starhuck and Lizzie Elliott. In tho dinirg room, whlo was prottilv decorated with cut tlowers, a dainty twocourso luncheon was sorved by Misses Benlah Fry and Not tio Hill. Tho guests present from out of town wero Mrs. Abel and daughters, Misses Clara and Martha Abel, of Rod Cloud, and Mr. Sloan of Geneva. Many beautiful wedding gifts testi fied to tho estoem in which tho happy couple are hold by their many friends There was also a conspicuous display of tinware which the bride had recelv- mi at a tin-shower riven in her honor by Miss Laura Young tho week pre vious. Mr. and Mrs. Abol escaped a shower of rice by driving to Geneva at 5 o'clock Saturday morning, where they took tho North western for Chicago. They will be at home to their friends in Hebron after September 10. DOINT FAIL TO SEE IS. We will make you a Low Rate Optional Loan, interest collectable at your home bank. Money furnished as soon as the Title is Perfect. We also write insurance. THE BED CLOUD IflVESTfflEflT GO. The Hostlers Jifip. nnrl I rp.nc -3 .. . i , S " If .iiiit!vi ii TrTH!,ii iii i TTfatMOiaua qui u, tt u, uu,au,uau,tu i ii anient oufcji The DIFFERENT STORE. This is a different name some of them. store for many reasons. I'll I never soil regular goods below cost. I do not, claim each week that prices aro lower iliau tho previous wook. I do not mark prices miu king them down. up aud then moke a grand staud play of I sell Good Shoes at Reasonablo Prices. I havo had more thun 15 years oxperlonco leathor and Selling Shoes. in Working with Shoo I do not buy lu a hit or miss way, but tho shoes aro mado to my ordor and my past oxporlonco with leathor onables mo to soloct Shoos for you so you recolvo a nice Fit, Stylo, Comfort aud Service. I have just received a large stock of Ladles, Gents aud Chlldrous iluo stylish and serviceable Shoes suitoblo for Summer, Fall and Winter woar. Como and soo them. I repair all my shoos free of charge, if theyrip or soles come of. I also havo a shoo ropalr .iug hospital. HENRY DIBDBRICH BOOTS and SHOES. H RED CLOUD - - NEBRASKA 4- 3 i i i a i i i -J i 9 i a 9 -9 3 -S -3 a a -a a a a a -a a -a a a a a -a a a 1 a a a a a a a a -a a -a 4 a a -a a a -a a -a a -a a -a a -a a 9 a 9 9 a -a a -a a - -a a -a -a a -a -a 1 -a -a -a a -a -a a -a -a -a a a a a a a a a a a o t . t s