The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 12, 1904, Image 5

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JSSRSSnmmBaswajmmy y- -"
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Women Like iTubulars
Every woman praises the sim
plicity of the
Sharpless Tubular
Cream Separator
Because they are easy to feed, easy
to KEEP CLEAN, easy to TURN,
points every woman who helps
abaut the dairy has a right to insist
upon. All other separators run
harder than a TUBULAR. They
have a great many more parts to
Let me give you a catalogue and
show you the many good points in
Light harness at Joe Foil's.
Stoek saddles at Joe Fogel's.
Try Unit calf meal nt Caldwell's.
HoyTait was in Guide Hock Monday.
J. T. Halo sells land, ami sells it
quick. lf
I)r. E. A. Thomas, dentist, Djmerell
Ladit s gauze union suits at t . Now-
I Jas. Mitchell is visiting in tted Cloud
this wcok.
Try Ward Hayes for a first class
shave or hair-cut.
L. H. Blackledgo was in Lincoln the
first of the week.
Mrs. Dwijht Jones was up from
Guide Hock, Thursday.
David Paul of Cowles has been iu
the city the past week.
Mrs. Ed Amack has gone to Illinois
lor a visit with relatives.
If you want the best and cheapest
harness, go lo Fogel's.
SeoJooFogel for anything in the
harness or saddlery lino.
John G. Potter of Omaha was in
town tho first of the week.
D. S. Johnson of Superior was in this
city a couple days this week.
Tiy Halo's restaurant, old post-ofllco
building, for a squaro meal.
Mrs. Goo. Newhouso is visiting her
Barents in Bladen this week.
Misses Nellu and Francis Nesbit
roturnod Monday from Inavalo.
Misses Myers and WHburn have re
turned ftnm their trip to Lincoln.
J S Marsh of Goido Rock was a
4 visitor in Hed Clmd, Wednesday.
l)r H. E Asher was in Blue Hill ami
Upland a couple of dajs this week.
Paul Storoy is having a flag stone
valk laid around his residence.
Miss Mimla Foster of Hloomington
was in town tho first of tho week.
n iii.. nf Kiuieiwr is in tho
HUB!, Will.- . " ,., '
Thursday, for an
his old home, in
Insurance Agency
The German
Insurance Co.
of Freeport, HI., and the
Fa-rmers Mutual
Insurance Co.
of Nebraska
have over nine hun
dred policies in force
iu Webster County.
Look up your policy
and see me.
O. C.
Phono 03.
Red Cloud.
ity for a tow weeks hit.
Quick service and first class work i
tlu motto at Schnll nit's barber shop.
Iter. Hutcliins loft Sunday for Lin
coln to attiiid tho Epworth Assembly
Philip (irout of Bloouiington was if
town Monday visiting with hisbtothoi.
C W Kaley was iu Lincoln Weil
nesday taking iu the two tinged circm-
Walter Mooro and Herbert Maydew
of Hiverton were in this city Tuesday.
Mr. Moore of Guide Rock was traus
acting business iu Hod Cloud Wednes
day. L. J. Fogel of Springdalo Ark , was
hero tho first of tho week on busi
A. T. Walker was transacting busi
ness in Campbell tho first of the
Ian miking a specially of gentu
mans lino laundry work Mrs. N. S.
Luces and embroideries in largest
varieties and lowest prices. F. New
house Chas. Leuzler has returned to Hed
Cloud, and is again at work at carpen
tering. Win. Dedrich is rejoiciag over the
arrival of a son at his home, the first of
tho week.
Chas. liesso left
oxtendod visit to
F. Nowhouso has all shades and
colors of silk finish cotton. Full 100
yard spools.
Misses Taylor, Sherman, anil Norri
have returned from their trip to the
Woilds Fair.
L. P. Albright was attending the
Epworth Ahombly iu Lincoln a few
days this week.
Willis Morgan of Hiverton was at
tending to business matters in Hed
Cloud, this week.
Will Hours of Franklin was in Hed
Cloud a fow hours Tuesday visiting
with old frionds.
Mrs. S. W Foo and sons left Tuesday
for Denver whero they will spend the
next, fow weeks,
l)r. II. H Lawory of Lincoln was in
Hed Cloud iu consultation with Dr
Haine", Wednesday.
Mrs. Harroy Dedricn and children
havo gone to Sheridan, Wyoming for a
visit with relatives.
Jessio Hoico left Satuaday night, for
nn extended visit with his brother Rue.
ben in Oklahoma.
Mesdnmes Leming, Wood and Hub
be! are visiting with their uncle, ffm.
Parks, of this city.
Mrs. Howtud Diesley and daughter
of Inavalo visited with relatives in
this placo Monday.
Mrs. D. Oney of Hiverton was
transacting business iu Hed Cloud
fix first of tho week
It-ilit. Potior ami Dornard McNeny
WHio in Lini-ihi Wednesday attending
ilio Di'iiio Pup conventions.
Le Ault, of Nap men, Nebraska,
was attomlli g to piiu'i limine mat
tors in Hid cloud, Wednesday.
Hirvpy Cox and wife of Lincoln niv
visiting friends and lolalives this
week, in Hed Cloud and on Elm Cioek.
You can got at F. Newhouso, 12 yards
of laeo tor 10.:. Somo stores ehnige
you loo for the same thing,
Halph McConkey has returned to his
homo north of this city. Ralph has
been working in Kansas for some time
E. A Stevens who for '22 yeats has
represented the Aurora Sl'ver Plate
Co., In Nebraska, was in Hed Cloud,
1) D Snnnoglo and Hev. Hutcliins
wore in attendance nt tho Knworlh
Assembly in Lincoln a few days thi-week.
H 1) Mungor and J. . Laury of
Hollville, Kaiias, have been selling
fruit trees in this vicinity for the past
Miss Alice Cnitis, who has been
visiting at Stonobroakei's for the past
week, Ml Tuesday morning for Cali
fornia. Win. H. Meek and Lottie Liming ol
Pawnee City, Nebraska, w re inaiiieii
by Judge Keenoy, the latter part ol
last week.
Miss Jessie Dueker returned Sundaj
fi oiii Lincoln where she has beei
attending suniiner school for the las
six weeks.
Mio-es Laura Hedge and Eniint.
Havel left Monday for St. Louis wiieti
ihoy will take in the exposition for tin
next two weeks.
Mis. P C P ares and son Fred
returned Wednesday from a visit with
P. F. Jones and family of Waltitr
Creek precinct.
Miss Mabel Day hnd charge of tin
county treasurers ollice in addition ti
the county superintendents ollloo i
couple of days this week
Hot or cold baths, first dims barbei
work, at Manspoaker'j-, opposite Cot
ting's drug stole. New bath tub
everything neat ami clean.
Mrs. C. H. Jennings, Hoston "On
Imbies (twins), were hiokly. liar
several doctors, liul no results. Hollis
ttr's Kooky Mountain 'Pea made then
-trong and robust." .'(." cents. Tea oi
tablet form. C L. Cutting.
Mr. F. W. Cowden and children left
Phursday morning for an extoudoi
visit iu Colorado.
Miss Ethel Cniniuiiigs, returned, Sun
day, f i om Heatrice where she has boot
visiting her sister.
You need clean healthy bowels jus
as inui'h as pure, wholesome food; will
out either, you cannot knep well
We have one that
is a success. It does
the work in so little
time and saves labor.
Not expensive, eith
er. Come in and see
it work.
at prices that make
it an object for you
to buy. Not an ex
tra special price, but
our regular price at
all times to every
body. 6 inch wrench 20c
S inch wrench 25c
10 inch wrench 30c
to fit all mowers, $2,
and we have the
We make the .low
Hardware Co.
HoilMot's Rocky Mountain 'IV li
minates all imptirllicN. Tea or t tbloik
H5 cents. C. L Colling
Mr and Mrs George J-ickson, i
Lawrence, wore visiting with Mrs
J-iuksoti's parents, W. and wilt
the latter putt of last week
'Pis said a bottle and n glass
Will make a person mellow,
Hut Hooky Mountain Tea's tho drink
That llveus up a fellow. C. L. Col
Melvin M Francis of Hosoniont am
brotliei, Chas. E and George E o
Cowles, were intending lo legal mai
lets in tho county court, Monday.
Chas. Potter showed us, lastSatunlH
some very large peaches which ho bin
received from G. H. Clumpy, who 1
now living at S loam Spiiugs, Arkan
Oliver Wright and wife moved thei
household goods into the west patt r
town, Thursday. They moved int
tho piopeity foimeily occupied b,
Chas. Hale and wife.
Tin members of tho G A. R. r
diiinu couiiuittee havo iueii busy tin
w.iok posting the largo bills up am
down the hue ami 111 iielghborini
Walter Taylor, ndininisttator in hi
father's esfite, and his brothels And
tow and Solomon, of Guide Hoi-i.
were in attendance at tlta count
court, Wednesday.
G. H. Hemttieks of C ira, Kansa
father of the dinner baud liader, Geo
Hendricks, Ins b.ien iu tied Cloud fn
the past week, taking treatment wi'i
ne of our uhysiciatis
Mr Tonne and wife, now of Montan
out who (oiiin-iiy lived soitthwesl o
In city, mid who have been visilinj
friends and relatives hero for tho pas
few weiks, loft Monday, for then
Wo should like to call your attm
tiou to the proposed constitution!!
tmoiiilment on the lust page of the
oaper, also to the ad vei tiseuient of tin
idiy of Hed Cioud asking for bids 01
filter t ('funding bonds.
Mesibimes Lily Snyder, and Peal
Hortou, of Jones comity, Iowa, anc
Mrs. Vera Gerin of Deiphm, Kansa
ud children, arrived in Hod Cmid
1 ho latter pat t of last week for a visi
with tlu lr father A. E. Sutton.
Jas. H. Richards of Fredrick county
Virginia, was in Hed Cloud, Siturday
mil tiled the will of Ins father, wlu
dietl some time ago iu Virginia, foi
probate Mr. Hichaid will move t
ibis county 111 the near future and set
tie 011 his farm, southwest of llladen.
Word reached this city yesteiday ot
the serious illness of W. 11. Postel-
waite living near Guide Rock. He hat'
neon suffering from typhoid fever fo
he past three weeks and was takoi
suddenly worse yesterday morning
Wo understand there is but small hop
for bis recovery.
The following gentlemen of this city
left for Lincoln Tuesday morning, ti
tttond the Populist stato convention
is delegates and to bo.itu O. C. Teal',
caudidacy for tho nomination as Sec
rotary of Stato- F. Hoiiehin, Jno. Pom
icky, Jos Fogel, J. P. Halo, (Jeo. Me
Crary, Dr. Dameral and Gcorg'
Wo want good genoral agonts am
can give steady work to responsible
uarties securing salesmen for our Nov
Pacific Coast specialties ami suporioi
western grown trees, Exprevious ex
oerienco not necessary. Writn us to
lay. You can't lose money. Wo wil
show you how its made. Oregon Nut
ery Co., Detroit, Mich. 10
Mayor Ross showed us some vep
argn and curiously shaped potatoe
ho first of the week. Eich largo on
'iad four good .sized smaller onus a
ached to it and one was shaped vet
11110I1 like a turtle. The largest om
I IT of which a piece had been hrokoi
veighed a pound ami a half. Mi
Itoss informs us that from oi;ht hill
to dug all tho potatoes which ho couh
i;nt 011 a Half bushel measure.
Miss Maymo Wulilinan and M'
Vntlrow Waskom were married lii
Saturday evening, at tho homo of th
nido's mother, Mis. Dora Weulman
II this city, at 8-.10 oVIock; Rev
Hutcliins of the Methodists cliurci
fiiciating. Miss WoiiloniHii has heei
1 toacher in tho public schools of tlii
county and oity for tho past fow year
and has many friends both in the cit
and county. Mr. Waskom has beei
a resident of this county for a lit tit
more than a year and last wintei
taught school southwest of Hed Cloud
Phoir many friends will unite with u
in wishing them Hon voyage.
v'nTa -7
It's a
Money Saver
You'd Better
Our Great
Clearance Sale
won't Last
You can't afford to miss It. Good SUITS and
PANTS were never before sold at such LOW PRICES.
If you stay away you lose; That's all there is to it.
Don't Blame Us. We've Warned You.
Goiudeo-Kciley Glothing Go.,
One Price Clothiers,
First door north of Postofflce, Red Cloud, Neb.
jJjJ vrsvsv vAvAW
R.ead This Carefully
1 am making lots of Farm Loans.
There are reasons for this. I can close a
loan for you in three days after taking your
application, for these reasons:
You do not have to wait and pay for a
man to examine the land. My company has
oceans of money. You do not wait for them
to sell your loan in New York or London
before getting the cash.
You can Pay Off at Any Time,
without giving a day's notice of your inten
tion so to do. All other companies require
from 30 to 60 days notice on this point.
I have so many different plans for making
loans that some one is bound to suit. No
one can give better rates.
J. H. BAILEY. Red Cloud.
Cloud wd 1000
Fred Muchow and wife to Flor-
once Muchow a'i swl 30 4 10 wd 1000
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers for week ending Wednes
day, August 10, furnished by J. II.
Bailey of Webster County Abstract
Charity A. Honson to FJ M, B"n
son se4 nw4 19'J 12 mi!
Win A. Walkins ami wife n.'P. L.
Trowbridge lot I blk 13 Hluo
Uillqcd 1
J. S. Mouno and wlfo to .lohti A.
Wolf lots a to 0 and 2"J and Z
blk 17 Uladtn wd 12C0
A. P Iladoll et nl to Juliet U.
Wulker lota U and 1 blk 10 Red
Total W001
Mortgages filed $3000
Mortgages releasotl $2200.
Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, A Ponder.
To shnko into your shoes. It rests
1 ho feet. Makes walking easy. 4 Cures
lorns, bunirn, ingrowing nails, swollen
4iid sweating feet. At all druggists
ind shoo stores, '-'"ic. Don't accept a
.iibstitute. Sample free. Addrtss,
Allen S. Olinstod.V'oHoy, N. V.
To Everywhere And Back
Tho Hiirllngton offers excursion
rates in every direction so low Hint
hero is no excuse for staing at homo.
Helow are some of thenr
St Louis ami back. Three kinds of
daily rates besides tho .special low rates
i-oach excursions on eacli Tuesday ami
Phursday dining Auguit and Septcui-
Chicago and back: Daily low rates
ither direct or via St. I.ouis, with
stopovers at St. Louis,' Kansas Citj
mil Omaha.
Louisville, Ky., and back, $21.70
Vugust 12 to 15. '
Hoiton and hack tho only chance of
'ho hoason for a low rate visit to Now
Kuglanil, mSO, AugUHt 11 to 13-long
Worlds Fair stopovers at St. L mis
on through tickets.
Colorado, Utah and Black Hills re
sorts there and hack ptactically half
rates all summer.
To California San Francisco and
Los Angeles and back, August 15 to
September 10, Only $45. Tho only
ehanco In 1001 to get this low rate.
Portland, Puget Sound and back,
August 10 to 18, one faro for tho round
To M'ohigan, Ml'inesota, Wisconsin
and iho Ureal Like legion, tho ideal
.iiiiiiner country daily lo ihUb lo
tnkoyou awu. from Imme,
On Iho thai and third Tuesdays of
each mouth very low round trip rales
in hundred' o( puluw iu the North
Witst and South went.
Write or call, desuribo your trip; let
no tidvl-io you tho least cost. A.
U-jtiovor, Ticket Agent. I
Do You
When you nro hungry nud
want .somothlg nice in the
meat lino, drop into my
market. 1 Imvo tho nicest
kind of
mid meats, fish, and game
iu season. I think, and
almost know, that I cnu
please you. Give mo a
W. L. K00N,
Successor to
Some or the finest farmi and
olty prop-rty in Wobstor Couu.
ty, Nohraskii, for Hale. Prloea
ruuglutf from $15 to iJ3 per aero.
Red Cioud,ZNoltra9ka.
m - - '-