The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 05, 1904, Image 4

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,T,- TTT" '
7j?iwff!ii3!wwgw -iorsc wr " -rfrscxr
,jaj;iauTaif :T3im
Don't try cheap cough medi
cines. Get the best. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. What a
record it has, sixty years of
curest Ask your doctor if
he doesn't use it for coughs,
colds, bronchitis, and all
throat and lung troubles.
' I lire fminil Hut Ajrer'i CJif rrj Vi-rlnral
In tho tKt mrillcliifl t enn preicrlim for liron
rhllti, Inltucnt. rntih. ami linrrt cnlili."
M. IxJtiKMA.Nt !.!., ltlura. h..
4. a AVien co
All ilniKvliO.
Correct any tondoncy to constipa
tion with omnll dosoa of Ayor's Pills.
Geohok Nnwnoi'SE, Editor.
Anna Tullkys, Assibtuut Editor.
One year...
. SO
Entered at tno poll omco at Kcd Cloud. Neb.ti
eoondclakiioal) manor.
Furnished on Application.
Eighty years Is u ripo old ago for a
vleo-presidentlal candidate, but a re
im oil fortuno of 820,000,000 is n ripo
old peuch for politicians.
Hunger a Lost Feeling.
Civilized liiitnntt beings do most or
tholr eating throiiKli habit, and it is u
bad lmblt. Savages, with whom the
wherewithal to out comes only as tho
result of direct effort, do it better and
nutiiuKU to got along without physi
cians. Wonrocuisod by having our
victuals too closo at hand.
"A prollflo caufto of chronic indigest
ion is eating rrom habit, and simply
because it is meal tlmo and others are
eating," suys'l ho Dietotlo and Hygie
nic Gazotte. "To oat when not hun
gry is to eat without relish, and food
taken without relish Is worse than
wasted. Without relish tho sullvary
glaudsdo not act, the gastric fluids
nro not freely secreted, and tho host
of foods will not bo digested. Many
perfectly harmless dishes aro severely
condemned for no other reason titan
they woro oaten porfunctorily and
without relish aud duo lusalivatlon "
Tho aborlglno who had to stalk and
kill his deer beforo breakfast &ufforod
none of tho modern disorders of the
'btomaoh. No doubt ho went hungry
ninny u tlmo, but to hungry Is far
bettor than to bo "food drunk" a
term Invented by Edison, and fitly to
bo applied to most of us most of tho
That good old fooling called hunger
is In n fair way to fade Into more tra
dition. Tho average man perhaps can
not say that he has really felt that
feeling onco in a dozen years.
To bo sure, when a meal Is delayed
beyond tho customary tlmo. habit pro
test, iu an uneasy fooling which Is er
roneously supposed to bo hunger.
But the genuine, sharp, gnawing do
maud of tlio systom for food most of
us left behind with our childhood.
Ponullst Contention.
Tho populist county convention met
iu the court house yesterday morning.
Tho convention was called to order, by
Dr. Duuieroll and F. A. Good was
chosen secretary of tho temporary
organ zatlon, tho usual rommlttees
were then appointed, after which tho
convention adjourned for dinner and
to allow tho commltteos to make up
their reports. Tho convent ion was
agnlu palled to order by Dr. Dumeiell,
15c MEAL
Ice Cream
Cool Drinks
Old PottotHcm Building.
at '2-M o'clock p. iu., who made a short
speech In which ho expressed tho bo
lief that four ears house tho Peoples
partv would bo a great national party.
Tho credentials committee then re
ported and as thoro weio no delegates
from Elm creok, Walnut creek, or
Potsdam preclnts, F. A. Gerlach was
given permission to cat tho vote of
Elm crock preciut
Tho committee on permanent organ
ization then read tholr report which
was accepted. I. W. Edson was chost n
permanent chairman and P. A. Good
secretary, George McCrary assistant
secretary. A motion was thou made
that balloting for nomination be by
informal ballot. The conventou thin
' proceeded to ballot for nomination
for county attorney and tho names of
' L. II. Dlaeklodge, James Gilliam,
Harry Hopkins an 1 Fred Muiirer were
j brought out Blackledge received bO
ballots on tho informal ballot and a
! motion was made that tho informal
' ballot bo declared formal, which was
i . , .. ,,., ....
(10110. uiaCKieilgo was men ciuieu iur
and was greeted with cheers. Ho
made a short speech to the convention
during the course of which ho stated
that ho believed in the party aud tho
fundamental principles of tho purty,
after which tho convention proceeded
to ballot for representative which ro
stilted In P. A. Good being chosen as
the nominee. Mr. Good being called
made a short speech, dwelling princi
pally on the tovenuolaw passed at tho
Inst session of tho legtslatuio. Mr.
Goods speech while not meant as such
virtually amounted to praise for this
law, ho stated iu substanco that the
law was drafted by tho ral roads and
meant to assist tho railroads in dodg
ing their just share of taxation, but
that iu tho working out it was railing
heavier on tho railroads aud money
loaners than on any one olse. After
listening to Mr. Goods speech tho con
vention proceeded to the selection of
delegates to tho various conventions.
V. U. Householder proposed the imtno
of O. C Tool for candidate for Secre.
tary of Ssato and moved that he bo
allowed to chooso his own delegates to
tho stnto convention, which was done.
Clarence Wilson was totioiuiniited as
commissioner of the third district and
P. H. Cooper of Guide Hock, was nom
inated rrom tho fifth district aftor
welch convention adjourned.
Council Proceedings.
At a regular session of the City
Council on August :i, the Council was
called to order by Mayor Ross. Conn
oilmen present, Gather, Frame anil
Warren. Mluutosof previous meeting
read and approved.
Petition presented to tho couucil
signed by several of tho merchants of
tho city asking the council to pass an
ordinance prohibiting tho opening or
stores on Suuduy was road and on
motion samo was placed on tile.
Now comes Wm. Woiro and makes
complaint beforo tho couucil that
tlioio is a nuisance caused by tho
dralnago of the sewerage from tho
creamery and blk JU1 nil of which em
pties into tho old creok bod south of
Lindsey's Ice house and as. s tho couu
cil to ulmto tho said nuisance. Which
matter was referred to tho mayor to
take such actions to abato the nuis
ance as ho sees best for tho health of
tho city and community.
Now comes J. F Poterson and makes
complaint boforo the couucil that
thoro is a nulsanco ou tho lot adjoin
ing Ills residence and asks said nuis
ance to bo removed Which matter
was refoi red to the Mayor Tor action.
Request rrom saloons aud bowling
alleys asking tho council to extend
tho time of closing their places or
business during the Grand Army re
union to ho held the weok in
September. On duo consideration re
quest not granted.
Council ordered crossings put ou
tho north Intersection or Fifth live
and Cedar .street, north intersection
of fourth aveiie and Walnut street and
at tho west iu orscctluu of Filth and
Seward streot.
Tho following claims were allowed.
Homer Bako extra pollco $10 00
Win. Wolf, blneksmithing f Itt
J. B. Carr, mowing weedss 2:2 50
L. G. Pnoon, labor I 50
J. W. Kinsel, nightwa eh 12 50
J. W. I'egg, labor II 00
John Vest, labor .'I 00
V. F Foster, labor 0 50
W. F. Foster, labor IS 00
J W. Kinsel, water com 12 75
E. W. lloss,:i months sal S, 00
L. H. Poi t, : mouths sal 25 00
A A. Frame, !1 niou lis sal 12 50
Tho Nation, printing It 00
Will Sullivan, stone and coal 11 CO
J. M. Sollars,2 mouths sal 80 00
J. M. Sollars, salary 10 00
Clork was ordered to draw warrant
for 8S.10 In favor of City Treasurer on
tho Insurance fund to rolmhraco tho
occupation for stud amount.
Council aejottrued to moot at call of
of tho mayor.
Atchison Globe Slfthts.
A code of honor is prnotlcod
poker, but not iu politics.
, Somowhoro iu evory woman's lettor
there is an apology.
A woman will protest that she cau't
stay while she Is taking her hat
Tlioro Is no uso talking,
a hoiip of joy in talking
Womou find
about their
Perhaps one reason people go late to
church Is that thoy don't have to go
early to get a seat.
You niiitht know that tho weather
clerk is a man; ho can get up a storm
without tiyiiu
The averago man takes a woman as
a partner for life, and never lots her
participate in tho busiuo..
The merchants have gone to New
York. Tho farmers havo gone to the
harvest Held. And there you are.
When you aro offensive, do you do
it purposely, or are you offensive be
cause you don't know any better.
An Atchison woman has had some
visitors for so long that slio is think
ing about having them run iu as vag
rants. "This rain," said a man today,
"makes mo feel as If I would like to
go to a funeral, and hear tho choir
sing 'Bedolia.' "
They tell of a North Fifth street
woman so neat that she lias stopped
taking ice because tho iceman tracked
iu the mud.
An Injunction was gotten out in
Leavenworth recently to restsain a
a woman from talking about an oper
ation she had undergone.
When a man die-, his widow begins
to look for valuable pupors. The only
papers tho averago man has are re
ceipted ice and coal bills.
In Emporia the girls aro using divid
ed .skirt-) in horseback riding and the
population gets out on the streets and
screams every evening as they pass by.
A sword is out of place i i tho time
of pence. An I it is of very little conse
quence iu time of war, except to adorn
11 big general or lodge man iu a pa
rade. When a long tlmo is given on the
wedding cards between the date of the
marriage and "at home," it menus the
parties aro wealthy. A poor man gets
baclc to earth much quicker.
Tho selection of Henry Gassaway
Davis, ago ninty-one, for ico presi
dent, is a good ouo; there are nono of
his school day friends living to relate
anecdotes about him.
What has become of tho old fash
ioned woman who rati out and caught
a chickou, wrung its neck, uud had It
Iu tho pan boforo her guests got
through protesting that thoy really
couldu't stay?
At tho union depot in Kansas City
tho other day a man had a woman ar
rested for disturbing tho peaco bo-
causo slio rushed up and kissed him
as ho alighted from a train. Men objoct
to public kissing, although thoy can
bo cquxed into it in private.
Thoavorago mail has a great horror
or any ouo seeing him with Ills feet
bare. Ho can bo caught with other
clothing off, and doesn't mind It so
much, but when his feet aro bare, ho
prefers to ber as much alono us if ho
were in a ballot box.
Mon do not take naturally to tho
plan of being grandfathers, but wo
men seem to enjoy tho no so and con
fusion made by their grand children.
Therefore, it is something uiiusul that
an Atchison woman was made so ill by
tho noise of tho visiting grand-child
ion that -he had to bo taken away
from home to escape thorn. Is it possi
ble that tho women were always bored,
and that of recent dato they are be
coming more honest?
Morion I.. Illtl.of I.cbnunn IikI.. bnys; "Jty
wife lind InlUmuintorv ItlieimiiUUm In every
miui'U' mill Joint, liur Milferliix vnis terrible
aud tier body mul fnre nero Mvnllen almost be
yond recognition; had bten In bod Mx week
and' bail elglit pl)jlelnn, but received no
bi'iielH until she tried tbu Jlyntlc Cure for
KticiiraMUni. It gave Immediate relief and
site uas able to waIU about In three day. I am
Mtro It taved her life." Sold K. Orlce.
DrugKlot, lied Cloud.
Two Personally Conducted Excursions
to Boston via Burlington Route.
Special exclusion to Boston leaves
Lincoln August 11th. at 0 p. in in
oh urge of C.inplain It, 11 liatidull. A
second excursion leaves Lincoln Aug
ust 13th, at G p. m. in charge of J, li.
Ferguson. Through tourist cars from
Omahn. Short stops at tho show plnces
of the east. A ohnnco to return via
St. Louli and see tho World's Fair, the
greatest croation by the hand of ainu.
If you are figuring on tho trip talk
to our agent about these exnursious,
n very low rate for tho round trip, with
all conditions most favorable. Or,
write to ine. L. W. Wakbly, O. P. A.
Burlington Home, Omaha, Neb.
Lots of Good
Straw Hats for Dresswear ioc to 75c.
PAUL STOREY, The Clothier.
Making Friends Eury Day.
This Piintiuthfully he mid of Jell-o
leu ci earn powder, tho ue.v pioduct
for making the most delichu i ice cream
you ever nte; eveij thing in tho pack
age. Nothing lasts so good in hot
weather. All grocers art plaol.g it in
suck. If your grocer can't supply
you send 25c for S packages by mail.
Four kinds: V mills, Chocolate, Straw
bet ry and ui.ll ivored. Address, The
GiMtceo Pure Food Co., B )X 21)5, Lo
Roy. N. V.
This Will Interest Mothers.
M ilher Gray's boel Porfdeis for
childien, euro feverishness bad stom
ach, summer bowel trouble?, teething
disorder, cleanse and regulate the
bo-vles and destroy worms. Tiny
m vor fail. Over 3'J.OOO testimonials.
At all druggists, 25c. Sample free.
Address, Ahoti S. Olmsted, LeKoy,
N. Y. Vif.
Mystic Cure for HhetmiiUlsui and Neuralula
radically rures In 1 to 3 days. U action tij.on
the syslcm Is remarkable and myMerloui. It
removes at once tha cau-e and the dleasc Im
mediately disappears. The nrt do'e Bteally
beiiodti. 75 rents and f 1.0J. sold by II. E.
Once, Druggist. lied Cloud.
Commissioners Proceccdln&s.
Board met July 25 pursuant to
adjournment. Members present
Richard, Pogel, aud Gerlach.
Tho chairman appointed the follow
ing committeo to appraise u'2 se'a sec
.'JO 2-0: Richard, Pogel and Gorluch.
Tho same committee was appointed to
uppraise sw'.j so4, noj.'t swKL sjj sw.,
uw4 soJi, uw':i sw4, sec 10-1 11.
Motiou mndo ntid second that the
clork bo ordored to draw wan ant on
gonortil ruud for t.10.50 in favor of
J. R. Mercer In payment of Sauford
road cases: Motiou p ovailed.
Tho committee ou the road petition
of Lee Campbell, otal reported favor
able to petitioners aud clerk was
ordered to uotUy tho owners of pro
perty to open tho same, and also to
record it tn plat.
The chairman nppoiuted commiss
ioners Gorlnch, Wilson, aud Anderson
toappnlso ti ueV,, uwJ4 uef.i and
sw', neVi sec 15-2-10.
On July 20 board mot with all mom
bers presout.
Tho chairman nppoiut d tho follow
ing committees to check up nud settle
with the several county officers; for
tho llrt six months of 1001; Gerlach,
Wilsou and Richard to check up and
settle with county superintendent,
judge, county clerk, clerk or district
com t and sheriff.
Board then adjourned to mot July
23, at 2 p. m
Ou July 23, board met perstiant to
adjournment, all members present.
On motion Rudolf Street was ap-
nolntod road oveiseer distiict No. 110
and his bond approved
Tho various committees appointed
to check up and settle with county
ofllcers then reported that they had
found t'O ofllcers lopoit correct.
Red Cloud, Nebr., July, 5 '94'
I, Geo. W. Hutchison, clerk
district court, do hereby certify the
following is a true statement of all
fees collected by me from January
7th, 1904 up td and including June
30th, 1904:
Amount foes collected. ...5347.70
Semi-annual report of Uititute
fund for the half year closing July
7, 1904:
Balance on hand, Jan. 1904, $44-55
Rec'd frani examination ftes, 40.00
Am't on hand July 7, 1904 84.55
Mileage for the term ending
June 30th, 1904 $549-35
Mileage earned for term end
ing June 30th, 1904 152.05
Fees and mileage uncollected
on Dec. 31, 1903 78.70
Fees collected during ttrm
(Continued ou last page.)
Keep Cool,
Don't Get Hot.
Buy your cool clothes here and you will be cool and
have "MONEY to BURN," next winter.
Men's and Boy's Suits at
20 per Discount.
Dress Shirts at
B. F
Vice President,
or Make a Loan
fr c-c-fr
fr e-s-
We will make you a
Low Rate Optional Loan,
interest collectable at
your home bank. Money
furnished as soon as the
Title is Perfect. We also
write insurance.
fr c-c-f-t-
The Hustlers
C vt tfi i U( it it T 11 1 li i Wl 1 T 1 1 ti lb lb U Ui li 0
S4.35 to Lincoln and Rcturu.
On account of tho Kpworth League
Assembly tho Burlington will soil tic
kets to Lincoln and return at $1.35 on
Augusts to 11, inclusive.
An educational, interesting and
amusing program is otl'eied, to which
the following will contribute:
Dr. Frank Bristol, Governor LaFol
otto of Wisconsin, Dr. John Merritte
Driver, Dr. Bmoii W. King, Dr. N. II.
C. Mason, R ss Crane, Gail Liitighlin,
Wilber F. Craft", Samuel Dickie, C. S.
Palmer, Lotus Gleo Club, Mrs, Minnie
Marshall Smith, Dr. Toyokickilyonagu
of the University of Chicago, Pn,(.
L, D. Kieuuori', and tho Original Slay-
ton Jubilee Singors.
Write for pamphlet "Souvinir Tab"
out," which will tell you all about it.
L. W. Wakei.kv,
General 1'ussonger Agt., Omaha,
Advertised Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for nt postotllco at Rod Cloud, Nob,
for tho woek ending July 28, 1001:
11. J. Kelley, U. M. Mirtiu, II H.
These will bo sent to the dead lettor
office Aug., 4 11, 1904, If not called
for before. When calling for above
please aay "advertised."
T. C. Hackkk, Postmaster.
Smalt Prices.
Sec. and Treas.
10 SEE US.
L vi 0 lb li Uixl l vi ii 1 0 ii li ii i, i fe ,1, vb ki tb Or ti vi it
To the Public
Having purchased Chns.
Wadoll's meat market, wo
extend to you a hearty iu
vitatiou visit us and become
bottor acquainted and also,
when looking for good Hist
class meat, wo ask you to
glvo us a trial.
Wo aro satisfied wo cau
wo can please you.
Yours for business, .
Small waists aro no longer in style.
It's the round plump waibtsjthat como
by taking llollister'a Rooiy Mountain
Tea that's all the go. 35 cents. Tea or
tablet form. G. L. Cottiug.
BLg J wit'
i&jmitwutmtU mtiH