The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 29, 1904, Image 4

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    .1 I 111 I
Tm can depend on Ayer's
Hair Vigor to restore color to
yar fray hair, every time.
rtSkmw directions and it never
faSs to do this work. It stops
Blair Vigor
MEZofthe hair, also. There's
treat satisfaction in knowing
yea are not foine to be disap
fMlared. Isn't that so?
-llTl(rfMaittwlJUt- It
nam ta f.i f mwr u rvi
aSasT r.mi.rwi 'Lit 71
at.- -A. JC Boaj, ckUfl.ia
J .Iff , , " w
1 n.r-
Fading Hair
-RiDCLoro, yczRisit.
P. C. INURES. Editor.
rEcaifTiox MJtS.
W5 1jUC...
.. Vi
iTMcy at is K oZtt at Had CUx1. N&.
49e&4 t6a laall axtiei.
lSvrt!tfrifA oa ippIItaUoc.
The populist county convention will
zav.-fx. unit Monday.
Tb republican candidates are be
?3uulajf to get buy
The "Monroe doctrine never 'brink
wxrulr a republican administration.
It is about time the republican can
lt)U;t were electing a chairman for
tfc.e5aunty committee.
WVir today's heavy min assure? 'he
mm crop in this vicinity, likewise an
lur-rcad Republican vte in N'oveni
?r The democrats are adopting the lac-
' tint at tins dishonest merchant by of-
rering'".ometbing equally as good" to
-Ae loters who want a freih supply of
.-jtapto republican policies
TKrty-four hours after he knew
Tthftoeuteuts of the St. Louis platform,
-Juigo Parker hent his telegrHm do--daring
for the republican policy cf
Misxki money. Genuine valor is usu-.-3Q
Pjwfcilfcnt-Koosevelt wa officially
imtXHlrxl of hU nomination Wednes
Jjgr, At Oyster liay. The event wa
.xmwU. the occasion for the opening
tupucij of the carnpafgu by the presi
icat,in which he outlined the future
jwlicjr of the administration.
.Aboit Sunda) CImIi.
Tin week a ietithn, addroh.sed to
Tht city council and asking that an
"idiitancj compelling Sunday closing
bj..v;d, 'am, circulated among the
iiiaJiMs h nitju of the city und .secured
asjriui Aigners. The list of busl
niw t be closed includes about
avftJiiiK except the tttstauiauts.
Wfiavi) no objection to those clon-
in who wj lb-hire, lut them uiu good
TtxMiiH liy ceituiu stores should be
-siMovod Ui open for a bhort time on
Smjdaj- moruiug.
In tljeJIrst place, the nnn who gets
p stjurkiy morning and di-covers that
J14U without either a clean nhirt or
collar, slioiil-1 be allowed the privilege
oJ trujdying hLs m-eds, pnrticulurly
sw if le has promUed his wife he
wpubl accompany her to church that
.Mntry iieople can not aiford the lux--Hr;if
a refrigerator lilted with ice,
jtXi'iaMi a 'ouseiii(iticu can not keep
..naml and perishable vegetables and
'Sc&a trmu one day to another. They
.-rfuo'jlri lw nllowed the privilege td eat
art Irtish "grub" the s.tme a.s their
iU.;r fortunate neighbor.
en Uiu most careful housewife
1U ociawiotially run out of huusuhold
iMiiu-ie- nt the tail end of the'
uri3r,iujd she would much ratherseud!
Jiu-ji U the fctoio for ulnit she wants,
tUia iuaiigurate the habit of bonow-
iugCrwu her nelghborh. '
Other reasons could be advanced iu I
-jupjwrt of the claims of those who
'jcv3& to Jieep open tor a snort time on
.Suudaj, but these hhould bo Mifll-
Sitb Sides Itlufflni.
Ti4elaimh on behalf of either aido
In tlm lacking house strike hhould Lu;
JJrAou!itod a grout deal. This is id
'vTy tho cuso at tho outset. Both
sitlou indulge in binding.
It is certain that the htrlkr can
.unuue Ou) packers a groat deal of trou
bVe, gociaBy ut the Chicago houses
and Mtockynnls. An imuiutiso number
of mon uro now out Erou though tho
oropauloy way in tho oud wiu, it will
4,-sJte uo little tiino to collect a audi -
eint (ore of men Their training
and efficient organization are even
more difficult cutter. It I ol-Mto
depreciate the eabrrrMaent of the
biz companies at Chicago and some
other point. even though it he tem
porary. Oa the other band the -trike lead
er are miking boat -hich are en
tireljr unwarranted Tbouv&d, in
fact the great majority ho hare goo
out. hare no complaint nd da not
pretend to hare any complaint on th
core of the wages which they thm
velre hare teen receiving. For the
ability, experience and skill reqnlred
the i are in fact very hiib iu a
rery large part of the place &lch the
striken hare vacated, and multitudes !
vwttered all over the country, cp
ble at once or ith little training of
d in? the stork, art looking for jut
vicb opening. Tl.e triker will feel
rer7 different after their exhilaration
dis down and they look the coll fact
in the face.
It ii certain that the strikers can in
dict grat damage upon the biif com
panies for a time, but it U equally cer
, tain that in doing it they will suffer
incalculable loe thetrjelves.
Hat Heather PbUuHfhj.
The don'ts:
Don't eit indiscriminately.
et too much. Make your diet fit the
weather. There is alo wMorn in an
occasional fat.
Don't drink too much. Unless you
perspire freely you need no more '
water than is neces-ary to flush the
sytem Two quarts a day Is about '
right, ay the doctors. Taboo Ice,
water. Drink only distilled water if
you can get it.
Ce no intoxicants whatever.
Don't sit up until midnight to "cool
off." Loss of sleep will deplete the!
system especially in hot weather !
huh uiars recovery siovr. nieep IS
nature's best restorer.
Dou't worry. 'Serenity of mind is
necessary, if you would kep your
blool cool. Fretfiiluevs causes heat
Don't con-ult the thermometer. It
will cause you to think you are hotter
than you really are.
The doings:
Get busy. One who has nothing to
do thinks of his discomfort aud in
i r-as.-s it thereby. Keep your mind
ofl yourself as much a- jossibIe.
l'e temperate. Temperance I- good
at all times. In hot weather it is vi
tally necessary.
K-ep regular hours. Irregularity of
any sort is a species of intemperance.
It may amount to dissipation.
Take things; easy. You will do moie
and feel better.
Above all, keep your brain cool by
cutting out fuming t.ud fretting. Get
down off your high hoise. When you
find tljat your task worries you, drop
It n few minute if possible aud re
sume on a lower aud cooler level.
Keep your head cool; not by cold
baudages, but by philosophy.
Mis Work Was'Tearee."
A couple (d weeks ago there dropped
into Ked Cioud a tall, nice looking
young nan, who n-gigteiid at the
Hollnud house under the name of J.
F Midican, claiming to hail from the
state of Colorado. Ill story wan that
his father would be along in a few days
with three car loads of C dorado
(ionic, which he was going to put on
the maikei in Bed Cloud. He nuug
around tie livery niablis and hotels
and talked 'home," In the meantime
running up bilU which were to be
paid when his "pa" ariived with the
ponie. Anion? his victims were Ed
AuiHck, proprietor of the Holland
hoiMf, ill boa i (I bill, Al Slaby, iM for
liivry liir--, someone, name not ascer
tained, four tons of alfalfa hay to fi-ed
the "ponies"; Paul Storey, for a suit of
clothe-; II E tii ice, drug", etc; aud a
a few other.s who lot minor sunn. A
eek ago Inn Sunday, in order to
keep up appearance, he atteinped to
"but" a uroncho u the in tin .street of
Bed Cioii't. The broncho got the be.t
id it, however, and Millicau got a bad
ly tprauied knee ami lost n goodly
part of the cuticle fr in his face. He
pend other people's money lavishly,
when he could g-t it, and, at lime went
on and his "pa" did not put In nn ap
pearance, some of hU creditor began
to grow suspicious and had him watch
ed One night last week t e tried to
mike his "gHMwat" on the B. & M.
train, but he was too closely watched.
" w Htallv urresleil at the Holland
""us Satutdnv afternoon by SmTiif
McArthur, on a warrant swoin out by
Al Sin by, and was bxlgnl in the county
jtil. HU preluninary lien ring wna
postponed to Augut.1 8, nt his own re.
l""t After in arrest he wired to
til unthcr in Denver, but no person
annweilng the description could bo
found at the addi ess given
Webster Count's Assessment.
County Assessor Bichard Turner re-
turned fiom Lincoln ytsterday morn-
ing, whero he had been in nltendanco
upon the hussion of the slate board of
quit izalion. The inoveiiiunt started
by tliu railroads to have tho land valu
atioiib of the statu raised, without re
gurd to what counties the lauds were
located in, has brought forth a vigor
ous protest from numerous county
nssesioiH, among ilinin Mr. Turner.
( Editor Uoaewater of the Omaha Bee
cnatnptoCied tue ctue of tn cn..r
lodownen M agtiott the railroad.
Uantsg the argument over the tu&'ter
Vlr. Toroer'j atmract of afn:ent
scd hit iccarite land ralaitioo were
frequently referred to a mode.i of
ht uch rpor: shoald tw.
Lt4 ComTiifiooer Fodmer bad
mnJr a rmpiUtka of Iod ttf
t over l) acre aod compird
hm witb tn 4ii vtiuntion aedf
the avrge differenc- w only 9 pf r
c-nt Wist i, where hod dd for II
int acre the vslutioT mm d be &l
cents Tn differ-oc in Webster j
c aity, which the neiteU perfect,.
only il't pr cent. I
M' Bester il tha, s long as,
th- ridrod were a4es-d at only T4
orc-fit, he would prut.: again: tb-
ring of the as4emnt in any cur
ty wirr the valuation wa ab-ve 75
Mr Rowatr so?gted tbat W eb ,
ter countj' asem-nt houH iHiH'
da e i 25 per cent as a rewnd4f r the
honesty acd fairness shown.
Tne people of this coar.ty bavejat'
cauie to fel proud of Mr. Turner's,
good work. Before leaving Lincoln
Mr. Turner received asuracc: that
there was no danger of V.'-biter coun-'
tj'i ajteutnent being rats-d. .
Jcnelry Store lurilarlied. I
Tueday nfght burglars entered tbe
store room ccupi-d by E C. Itatb.,
Jeweler, and feirge Eply. druggist,
at Lebanon, Kan, and msd a big. Return.
haul Tbey cleaned out the Jewelry. The Burlington otler another series
department, taking over a thousand! of low rate excursion? to S:. Liuis and
dollars worth of wv.che, rings and return on Monday, Jaiy 11, 1? and 25
other valuables. Druggist Ep.ey was. Tickets at ill for the round trip,
loer to the ex'ent of twnty-eight considerably its thin bail rate.
fountain pens The burglars made TicKets are eod in coaches and chair
their entrance to the building by re-!cr sral fre).
moving a pane of glas from a backl The St. Louis Ero-ition i the most
window. j ungnitictnt .psctacl- tb; world na
W-dne'dsy miming Sheriff Agnew
and d-pnty, (rom Smith county, came
over to Bed Cloud on th track of two
me who were suspected of being i
implicated in the robbery. The two!
men were shadowed all day, and when
they went to take the evening train for!
the w-st thev were runted nmi I
searched. Nothing incriminating wa
found on either of them, and a they
gave an apparently straight account of
thir movements, they were released
Sheriff Agnew returned to Sin
Center Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Orenderf Mured.
M's. Jerry Orendorf, who dves eight
tui:c-s northwest of Bed Cloud, met
with a very painful accident in this
city la't Saturday afternoon. Mrs.
Orendort had been doing some trad
ing in B"rt Cloud, and as she was jet
ting into her buzgy, which was stand
ing near Miner Bros.' store, her foot
slipped between the spokes of the
wheel. The horses started forward and
Mre. Orendnrf'sjfool got caught in the
axle, wrenching her leg so badly that
it was broken in two places. She was
taken to the home of her sister, Mrs.
M. S Marsh, at the Boyal hotel. Dr.
Cook was called and attended to the
tally's injuries. Mrs. Orendorf is about
CO years of age, and it is probable her
injuries will confine her to her bed for
a long time. At this writing she wa
reported to be resting easily.
Cit the Weeds.
A stranger visiting our city at this
particular time would be shocked by
the appearance of our streets. The
grass and weeds along Webster street
in some places almost conceal the
building', and other streets are just as
bad. Along every block paper and
trash are allowed to collect and no at
tempt to clean up is apparent Our
stnet.s present a sorrowful sight. Has
the city no pride Have the property
owners no pride? One look at the rub
bud) Is usually suflicieut to show that
Bed Cloud is the least i lean of any
town along the valley. Tun Cimkk be
lieves that Bed Cloud needs an awnk
ening Clean uu. A very little atten
tion would make a different looking
city, aixl it would mean so much.
G. I. Kelley Held I'p.
(i I. Kelly, former superintendent of
the schools in Bed C ond, was held up
a Bonesteel Friday morning, while in
the company of three other acqunin'
ances. Mr. Kelley took the precaution
to leavs all his valuable.", with the ex
ception of his pocket book, at Fremont.
When the footpads ordeieJ the four
men to throw up their hands, Mr.
Kelley threw bis puise into the v. o.nls,
and after the robbers made their es
cape Mr. Kolhy found his pockeibook
where he had thrown it. C. L. Coons,
county fcuperintundent of Clay county,
was the only man ia the party who
was armed, anil lie stood the robbeis
off with bis. revolver. The robbers
got absolutely nothing from the part' ,
Cewles, 6; Red Cloud, 4
The Covvlis base ball team came to
Bed Cloud yesterday aud had uo trou
ble defeating the homo team. The
game was replete with errors, though
vory few of them were costly. Tho
final score was 0 to 4 in favor Jof
Cowles. The attendance was light and
the receipts were insuilicient to pay
the expenses, tho Cowles boys having
to buy their own suppers. When the
Bed Cloud boys went to Cowles ou the
Fourth tbey received 130 and their ex
penses; the Cowles boys .got less than
Keep Cool,
Don't Get Hot.
Buy your cool clothes here and you will be cool and
have "MONEY to BURN," next winter. '
Men's and Boy's Suits at
20 per Discount,
Lots of Good Dress Shirts at Small Prices.
Vt tor coming to Red Cloud and piay
ing a winning game.
LeVSThaa Half Fart to St. UalS an'
' ever bene.d, and it use may not occur
again in your lifetime,
, Let me send you our il unrated fold-
er, or call on our agent f r fu.l infor-j
tnation L. V.. Wakely. General J
Passenger Afceut. Omaha. j
Frank Barkers Appeal. I
Ex-Judge Hamer of Kearuey, acting j
as attorney for Frnk Barker, came to
Bed C.oud 'lue-d.ty morning and ub- j
tuitted to Coun'y Attorney Orerman a
lengthy bnl ot ex epttons in tne uar
Kercase. Altera tnorougn ex-tnuua
tion of the piper", Dittritt Cierk !
Hutchisun preiael a tran-crtut ot the j
f r.i'i.Lnm. t . . rtrL..unnln.n In tlir it-
i"'" """ "-; -
ii cuic c'lu I. ;i a iriujiuni; ni. . c . i
Barker's etl rt u secure a new trial
It will be several days before the
matter cau be broueh. before the -u
prune coutt.
reke His Ankle.
Frank Point?, the 19-year-old son of
Win, Points, living fr.ur miles south
west of Inavale, bad his ankle broken
Sunday by being thrown from a pony.
Its seems that he and bis brother bad
purchased a couple of unbroken
bronchos, and Sunday morning Frank
thought he would try to ride one of
them. Upon mounting the pony, Frank
shot into the air and when be came
down be missed the pony, breaking bis
ankle and straining bis arm. Dr.
Raines patched up the injured lad and
he is said to be doiog well.
Haklnft Friends Even Day.
This ran truthfully be taid of Jell-o
ice cream powder, the new product
for making the most delicioui ice cream
you ever ate; everything iu tho pack
age. Nothing tnsts so good iu hot
weather. All grocers art placing it in
stock. If your grocer can't supply
you send 25c for 2 packages by mail.
Four kinds: Vanilld, Chocolate, Straw
bury and unlltvortd. Address, The
Genesee Pure Food Co , Bjx 295, Le-
Boy. N. V.
i '
Sneak Thieves at Work.
Sometime jesteiday, pre-uuiably be
tween C and 7 o'clock, .someone en
tered Ward Hayes' barber ahop by
the rear door, while the barbers wet e
out in front, aud tapped the till far 33.
The loss was not discovered until the
proprietor was checking up tho daj'a
work. Soveral suspicious characters
have beeti hanging aiouud town lately,
but the theft will be hard to fasten
upon the guilty party.
This Will Interest Mothers.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for
children, cure feverishnes?, bad btoin-i
ach, summer bowel troubles, teething
diiorders, cleanse aud u-gulate the
bovles and destroy worms. They
never fail. Over 30,000 testimonials.
At all druggist, 25c. Sample free.
Aildrt'39, Alien S. Olmsted, LeBoy,
N. Y.
Advertised Letter List.
List of iftUTi reiu-iiuing uncalled
for at pimoiUco al Bed Cloud, Neb.
for the week ending July 23, 1004:
1!. J. Kelley, U. M. M.rtin, H. H.
Theso will be sent to the dead letter
oflico Aug.,4 11, 1904, if not called
for befoio. When calling for above
please say "advertised."
T. C. Hackkr, Postmaster.
Mjitlc Cure for HhenmtiUm aud Neuralgia
radically cures In 1 to 8 days. Il action upou
the ayitem ft remarkable and mriterloui. It
remores at once tbecaute ami the dlieate Im
mediately dltappeara. The nrst dote greatly
benefit. 76 centa and 11,00. sold by U, E.
Once, Druf UL Ited Cloud.
Hats for Dress wear ioc to 75c.
STOREY, The Clothier.
Real Estate Transfers.
Tramfers for week ending Wednes
day, July 27, furnished by J II.
Btiley of Webster County Abstract
State of Nebraska to J W Botert-
on e2 19 2 10 deed 2210
W . Kichard-on and wife to
Cjra A. Gabber lots 13 to 17 blk
10 Red Cloud wd 300
Fierre S.ibourin to Bobert M-re.
ier ut4 21 4 12 wd
Geo W. Davis and v.ite to Bobt
F. Baines and w"e ..,. i .tuil 2
blk 15 Bed Cloud ,!
E zibeth H. Rich ' C mrl.-s E
Vaughn lot 9 bU ; Vtuces add
to Guide Bock wd
Hugh B Hunter and wife to Eliz
abeth 11 Bich lots 7 3 and 0 blk
C Vance? add to Guide Bock
Caarlej E Vaughn and wife to
Churcn of Cutist lot 13 blk 2
Talbois add to Guide Rock wd
Cnas. Ktley to Maud Fultou
pt s2 sw4ai2.11 wd
Moitige-. flied SlfW)
Mor.gages leleas.'d J5500.
Summer Tours.
The min or woman who takes a
vacation during the heated period is
the one who lives the longest, enjoys
life the most and does the best work.
Tne Burlington offers excursion rates
in every direction, so low that there is
no excuse for for stayiug at home. Be
low are some of them .
St. Louis and return; All kinds of
reduced rates daily.
Chicago aud return Either direct or
via St. Louis daily low rates.
Atlantic City and return, 335 70, July
9 and 10.
Cincinnati and return, 524.70, July 15,
ICacd 17.
Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin,
the lake resorts nnd lake steamer tours
very low rates 3topovers at St.
Louis on through tickets nfTording n
visit to the great exposition, the ginnd
est creation by the hind of man.
Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo,
Gleowood Springs, Col., Salt Lake
City, Utah, the Black Hil's of South
Dakota, the Yellowstone National Park
of Wyoming practically half rates all
Ask the agent for details, or write
L. W. Wakelkv, General Passenger
Agent, Omaha.
$4.35 to Lincoln and Return.
On account of the Epwurth League
Assembly the Burlington will sell tic
kets to LiiiCilu and return at cl.3 on
August 2 to 11, iueluslve.
An educational, interesting aud
amusing progiam is i tleied, to which
the following will contribute.
Dr. Frank Bristol, Governor LaFol
ette of Wisconsiu, Dr. John Merritte
Driver, Dr. Bron W King, Dr. N. B.
C. Mason, R as Crane, Gail Liughlin,
Wither F. Ciafts Samuel Dickie, C. S.
Palmer, Louis Club, Mrs. Minnio
Marshall Smith, Dr. Toyokickilyenngn
of the University of Chicago, Prof.
L 1). Biclinurt', and the Original S. ay
ton Jubilee Singers.
Write for p.uuphlot "Souvinir Tal
ent," which will tell you all about it.
L. W. Wakelkv,
General Passenger Agt., Omaha.
Two Personally Conducted Excursions
to Boston la Burlington Route,
Special exclusion to Bosdon leaves
Lincoln Aujust 11th, at 0 p. m in Bandall. A
second exeumion leaves Lincoln Aug
ust 18th, al C p. in. in charge of J. B.
Ferguson. Through tourist cars from
Omaha. Short stops at tho show places
of the east. A chance to return via
St. Louis and see the World's Fnlr, tho
greatest crention by the baud of jian.
If you are tiguiingon the trip talk
to our agent about theso excursions,
a very low rate for the round trip, with
all conditions most favorablo. Or,
write to me. L. W. Wakfaly, G. P. A.
Burlington llonle, Omaha, Neb.
As I have purchnsel the Harring
ton Meat Market, I expect to make
some changes to benefit the pa
trous. Fir,t of all, clean up; good
meats, good weights aud fair treat
ment, nnd I heartily solicit your
trade. I do not ask for all of it,
but invite you to come in and get
acquainted, and we will do the rest.
Also extend an Iuvltation to bring
in your Egg-, Butter, Chickens,
Hides, Furs and Fat Stock, for
which we will pay you cash.
We do not run a grocery store,
but will endeavor to run a first
class market house. Call aud give
tiunt least one trial.
Yours for business,
Chas. Waddell
Insurance Agency
The German
Insurance Co.
of Freeport. III., artel the
Farmers' Mutual
Insurance Co.
of Nebraska
have over nine hun
dred policies in force
in Webster County.
Look up your policy
and see me.
Pliouo 03.
Bed Cloud.
15c MEAL
Ice Cream
Cool Drinks
Old PostoTTlcc Building.
Morton I., mil. of Lebanon. Iml., ms. ...My
wlfo had inflammatory Hlieuwatl.m iu every
muicl. am joint her , w erribll
aud her body nnd faco were urollcn almoit be
yond recognition, had Wen In bed Mx weeks
and: had eight phplcMni. but received na
ZZT1 8",e ,riCd ,he 'c Cure for
1 heumatlim. It save Immediate relief aud
she m able to walk bout j tllreo j j
Mire It taved her life." Sold byil once
DruggUt. Ited Cloud. ' '
Hot or cold baths, tim oluss barb i
work, at Mauspoaker', opposite CoV
tlng'a drug store. New bath tub
everything noat and clean.
, , , r-nv --Vt.rwfcL. -I
gw wto&sw&fe s&,.s-' . jfer" Vigwr?)ry'
rrc pvr-'ir.rt..-... . .