The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 29, 1904, Image 1

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JSP. '" .
JlifV gKm" ''sgT'--?-SSTrT,r'y.rg. na;a "
Miner Bros. : Miner Bros.
250 pieces 4$ yard
remnants of Embroid
eries in Swisses, Mus
lin and Nainsook.
Embroideries worth
35c to 65c, special to
(On center table.)
Silk Ginghams.
Regular 50c grade,
white with black stripe,
lace stripes and fancy
tolors. Special price,
Chair specials at
Two patterns heavy
wood seat, backs with
fancy pressed wood.
50 new iron beds, a
special., Prices,
93 to $S
ijl jnch posts, some
. 1 . 1 l t 1 1
uwitn straignt rou lin
ing, others with fancy
scroll fillings, all with
angle irons, enameled
with pink, greens, reds,
blue and blacks.
(Second floor)
Satisfaction or
A lino rain
fell hero Wednesday
Funnel f nro busy
threshhg and
putting up alfalfa.
J. It Horn and wife drove to Cowles
Sunday nnd spent the day with Mr.
and Mr9. James MoBrido.
Miss Ethel Householder canio home
from Lincoln Tuesday.
Frank Burden moved, the latter part
of the week, into the Ernest Speuce
pioperty, in the north part of town.
Charles Moroy will move into tlio
11. B Boyd property.
It. C. Chevalier of Campbell was in
Bladen on business the first of the
Miss Flossie Burden of Red Cloud is
viBiting here.
Mrs. F. Burden and Miss Grace Itecd
visited at the home of their brother,
Fred lteed, last Sunday.
Paris Orendorf of Campbell Is visit
ing his uncle, Jamea Lockbnrt, this
week. "
m' ar Uagnon and family have
ifind into the Hoffman property,
re. E. Spence of UplancTVlll move
into the property which he purchased
of U Gagnon.
Mrs. Jennie Soarls gave her Sunday
acbool class a picnio at her home last
Interstate Reunion, Red Cloud, September Sth to 10th.
Natural color, 31 in.
wide, for shirt waist
suits.children's clothes,
etc., a hot weather ar
ticle, 25c yard
36 in. imported Silk
Pongee, the cloth of
fashion; regular $1.00;
85c yard
Special values, 1 in.
to 3 in. wide,
5c yard
(On center table.)
Sample line 5 dozen
ladies' collars, worth
35 to 50c. Special
25 and 30c
Imported China pre
mium dishes ate now
in. See the display in
our show window.
A berry set
pieces to be
away with cash
produce trade.
money back."
Tuesday. It was a pluasanj day and I
nil unjojeu kjuii 1 1 11 1 1',.
Dr. C. Wegman of Blue Hill was in
this city Sunday.
Lightning destroyed several stacks
of hay belonging to II. Pound, Wed
nesday morning. - .
Mr. and Mis. J. W. McCoy-visited in
Blue Hill last Sunday.
Mr. and Mr.. Chamber" of Norman
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Widdershoim Sunday.
Clarence Lewis and wife of Ited
Cloud were guests of C. Lewis Sunday.
Mrs. 'Minnie Dnrrett of Lebanon,
Kan., visited witu her parents last
Mrs. Julia Zicbnry of Ited Cloud is
the guest ol the Siiladens.
Miss Alta Baker was shopping at
Cowle. one day last week.
Mrs. George Wilson and Miss Flora
Williams visited at Guide Rock Mon
day. Miss Grace Martin has returned
Holla Ackerson and Johnnie Martin
came home from Kansas last week.
Jim Doyle threshed the first of the
Items of News Found In Tho
Chief of Twenty Years Arfo
This Week
X. Lougtiu of Clyde, Kim., paid our
city u visit last week.
With this number Tin: Chief closes
its eleventh volume Tub Chief was
the first paper pub ished in the Rcpub
Hcuu valley.
Miss S. H. Ferry will ngniu open her
dressmaking shop.
J. D. Loach brought in 11 specimen
of corn of oO days growth which was
0 feet 11 inches high.
There was a pnrty nt J. L. Miner's
on Monday afternoon in honor of tho
KUh birthday of their daughter Mary.
David Heffelbower threshed his
wheat on Wednesday, which yielded
over twenty bushels to tho acre.
Win, Parkes has received a quilt
from his mother which contained over
4.000 pieces. His mother is 75 years
old and Mr. Pnrkes is proud of his
The U. P. surveying outfit nre again
iu camp on Crooked creek.
The Reds of this city played the
Blue Hill boys on the 30th and wou by
a score of 20 to 15.
A number of lightning rod peddlers
who have been working this vicinity
for several weeks past, attempted to
beat their board bill at the Gardner
house, but the proprietor was too
quick for them and bad an attachment
issued for their tools and stock in
trade. The case was compromised
upon the patment of 159 by the .light
ning rod men.
During the absence of bis parents,
one day this week, an eleven year-old
lnd living near Blue Hill tied his four
year old brother to a horse and the
latter was kicked to death.
On Saturday afternoon a number of
the members of the Webster County
Agricultural society and several other
citizons met to make arrangements
for holding a county fair. President
M. H. Warner occupied tho chair and
Mr. Jones acted ns secretary. It was
decided to hold tho annual fnlr in
septemuer, nuu committees were ap
pointed to mikd arrangements for
holding the ssmo.
The county teachers' institute open
ed on Monday with n good attendance.
It is reported that tho B. it M. has
given orders for tho construction of
the Ked Cloud & Kansas Southwest
ern biauch trom this city to Wn
Keeney, Kan.
Nelson Cone of Guide Rock lost 100
acres of grain thiough the recent hail
Judge Gaslin has decided to throw
off his judicial ermine nnd run for
congress iu this district.
C. Gust, a Lino township farmer,
started his harvestor to work the other
day, when, his team ran awny.smashlng
things up, but doing no personal dam
ago to Mr. Gust.
Child Lost On Mouday morning
last tho 17-months-old son of Mrs.
Dan Wngoner disappeared and no
trace of him has yet been found. Mrs.
Wagoner was visiting at tho homo of
her father, Mr. Van Dyke, In Lino
township. The child was missed
about 8 o'clock iu the morning and
search was at onco instituted, but no
trace of it could be found. On Wednes
day a (delegation of nearly one hun
dred, headed by Sheriff Warren, went
out from Red Cloud to join tho search,
but their efforts were fruitless. The
general conclusion is that the child
was kidnaped by a gang of campers
who had been staying in the neighbor
hood, and circumstancial .evidence
points strongly In their direction.
Mrs. Wagoner is now In a procarlous
condition from nervous prostration.
A reward of 150 has been offered for
the recovery of the child. The body
of this child was discovered in a little
gully several weeks later, whero it had
ovldently fallen In and drowned. Ed,
""g; yJ!a?ggjgggy:?Tataaj tyaa .ut..,,,,,..
C vies C 'I'oi'l, it siibut litm iesl.
dent, is mi.kiug .(imu substantial hit.
proxemiMits... Mr. Gllfonl has added
some, improvements to tho fiont of
his stoic loom ...On Thiusday t veil
ing last W. 11 Howe was thrown from
his horse against a fence post with
such force as to dislocate his shoulder
. . . .C. W. Fuller move 1 this week into
his new building.
Wells -F. J. l'otter has sold his drug
store to S Metoalf of Red Cloud....
William Hoirmmi was very sick last
Sunday, but is recovering.... M. F.
Randall had u severe att....v of heart
disease last Sunday.
Hull Creek June Bent recently ad
ded a new broom corn cutter to his
family. It weighed about ten pounds
....A. W. Holleiigreen has built a uew
residence.... Wheat Is running from
'20 to U." bushels to the acre.
Pleasant Hill Joe Saladen will go
into tho hotel business at Guide Rock
....There is talk of another mill on
Elm Creek.... Lightning killed a year
ling bull for C. C Cox tho other night
.... F. N. Richardson has received t3."
in payment for a cow that was killed
on the B. A M. tracks in April.
Guide Rock Dr. Robinson has over
hauled his drug store.... Dr. Mornu
ville came h me to ndjust some busi
ness, but was compelled to return to
Colorado on account of the poor state
of his health ...Three of our society
young men drove into the country
Sunday to see Cleopatra, but she had
flown and the young men were griev
ously disappointed.
AtchtoM Gkte Sliits.
Some women wear white dresses too
There is a type of man who doesn't
know he'B a fool. He is always a fool.
Suppose a man could cause as much
trouble, in proportion to his size, as a
When a man is sick, nnd thinks he
is going to die, he is so badly scared
that he is not cross.
"There are a lot of things I would
like to kuow, just for my own satisfac
tion." Parson '1 wine.
When you do a thing you shouldn't
do, ever notice how everything seems
to cousplre to'seo that you aie caught.
"I can't help being poor," a man said
today "John D. Rockefeller made me
poor by charging mo so much for coal
We can't seo much difference be
tween tho uveroge dress worn in a
kitchen and one that has been through
a blackberry patch.
It is distre slug how radidly time
flies from the day a man acted the
hero and how it drags from the time
bo acted the coward.
Notice to the young men: Tho girl
who is always out iu front sw. eping
the front porch as you go by; that's
one kind of bait.
After a man has boarded n number
of years, he begins to think a vege
table garden a more beautiful sight
than a flower garden.
If it is perfectly proper for a worqnn
to sit on a porch iu the evening wear
ing nothing but a white dress, why
isn't it proper, then, for a man to sit
on the porch in his nightgown?
There is nothing to bo alarmed about
if you find a fresh bite on you when
you undress at night, but if you find a
fresh bite when you dress in the morn
ing my, but that's different.
You have remarked, no doubt, that
after a man meets with revorses, he
engages in the real estnto aud insur
ance business. But ho uorer makes
much money. We dou't know what
the trouble with tho iusurauco busl-
ness is, but according to Church White,
This beautiful gravy ladle is one
of the.
"Oneida Community Quality ,r
that make refined and lasting gifts
For Sale by NewKoise Bros
this is tho trouble with the real estate .
business: A real estnte agent takes a
man to look at ii lt or a farm. The
man is pleased, but says he must first
consult his wlfo In order to show
that -he runs things, the wife refuses
to take it, aud the real estate agent
loses his commission.
"I find this world divided into two
classes of critics," wr.tes a young
mother to this ofllce; "those who criti
cise when I whip my children, and
those who blame me when I don't.''
To hope to retain the intense
tite of youth, is to be a glut'on,
The ravenous appetite of youth exists for a
purpose, and that purpose is fulflled
with physical development. Dou't
eat to much.
At a late concert, a wise guy who
s n gs iu nu amateur way, said to a
man ueur him: "Notice that tempol"
Whereupon the mau said: "I did not
notice it; indeed, I do not know wh'it
a tempo Is."
Dutch Flat.
Mrs. F. Wittwer has returned from
Lincoln much Improved in health, and
William Hilton is also improving nice
ly. Wo hope both may be restored to
full health and vigor iu the uuarfutuic.
C.audo Gibson had a tussle with the
cultivator and came out second bnt,
and later on the windmill uied to give
him a blink ejo.
Presiding hlder Birber was present
Inst Saturday and Sunday, gave us
two line sermons and attended to the
business of tho class. . Tuh meet'ngs
were well attended.
Mr. Honnon nnd lady of Jewell
county spent Sunday and Mouday
with Mr. H-iughtnling and family.
Mrs. York was visited by bor sis
ters, brother and brother-in-law on
Mi i. Mi Ciino wns visiting her siswr
duiing quaiterly meeting.
W. G Shnnnon spent Satin day even
ing with Charles Tnr lukiutitun and
found him much belter.
Charles R'mrdsluu has stacked his
second crop of alfalfa.
You should bo careful what you sny
now, as the cornstalks have two ear,
as a general thing.
W G. Shannon will teach In No, 10
this season.
Mert and Howard Houghtaling nnd
families of Jewell county, Kansas,
were visiting relatives here on Sunday.
Good rain Wednesday.
The second crop of alfalfa is now
being cut.
B. S. Van Dyke is working for S. O.
The Aubusbon brothers have cut the
weeds on tho road along the northeast
quaiU'i' of section 28, town 1, lange 11.
Suuditv boLool at Penny oreok, (lis-
'trict No. 8, evury Sunday at 10 a, m.,
.-lyy ; '$ ,a,2
pieces of silver-plated!
tableware that are fam
ous for possessing the
originality, tho art and tlio finish of the best " 8teriTiTR."
It Is miulo In tho plato hoavlor tlmn triple, called Teipt
plus," nnd Is gunrnntcod for twonty-flvo years.
Tho Oneida Community's Avnlon pattern with Its oeautl?
f ul French gray finish Is.tlio moHt perfect reproduction af
Sterling" that has over been attempted. It In sold fiir
nbout tho prlco of ordinary plato. Wo will bo glad I Ut3'
you more about "Oneida Community Quality" sIlvtnwnM
and to show you manjr
rich and beautiful sets:
Mr. Hrunner, superintendent. PYtaek
lug at 11 a. m.
S. C. Snuck has lost five calrcv aA
about fifty hogs from some uakuMtut
disease during tho past monlb.
Prof. Suanuon will teach an ergfcfc
months term of school near &aM
Rock, beginning September 1.
District No. 8 will have seven mooHm
of school, commencing the Oral tthn
day in September.
Sunday school at Mt. Hope,, !..
every Sunday at 11 a. m,, Mr. Cooptr..
V. H Scrivner reports tho proepMifc
good for a big peach crop this fall.
The corn prospects are excellent.
Tho potato crop is good, spo'.ts good,
oats light, wheat good.
Special Rates
St. Paul and Minneapolis, July
to 18th, Inc, Aug 0 h,
llib. 1mt.
return limit Sept. 15th.
Colorado, Utah and Black IMIltv
June 1st. to Scpt.30.ti. limited for re
turn Oct. 81.
Chicago HI. June 1st. to Sept. SCllu.
limited for ruturn Oct. 31st.
Kopobud Indian Reservation, Jcty 2&
to 22nd. return limit Aug. 81st.
Louisville, Ky. An . 18, 14r and 55,
limited Sept. 15th t'K
Indliinop ills, lnd, June 2Ctlx 27,
limited to July lOiti.
S:. Joe, Mo. Juno 28,. 20, 35,. Hawfc.
July .'Hit.
Atlantic City, July 9, 10, limited Asp.
Cincinnati Ohio, July 15, 1C; 17, lfu
ited Aug 18
San Francisco, Cal. Aug 15, to Spjpt
10;h. return limit 23rd.- A. Conovjm;.,
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It enrvs.
painful, smarting, nervous feet mm) as
growing nails, and instantly lakes ts
sting out of corns and bunnnm. Xis-tV
gruntest cunifiirt discoveiy of lUo -Allen's
Fooi-K.190 makes tight w jw
shoes feel easy. It is a certain cut fcir
swentlng, callous nnd hot, tiredr rti
ing feet. Tiy it today. Sold k? nil
diuggisis and shoe stores, 25o. IW.
accept and substitute Trial pn!uc
free- Addr.isi, Aliens S. OiniatwZr,
R .y, N. Y.
Children who aro delicate, te-nvnln
nnd cross will get immediate rtifc
from Mother Gray's Sweet Ptow-j Jk
children. They cleanse the nlrmw?,,.
act on the liver, making a stefalj it&
Htioagand healthy. A certain nurw
for worms. Sold by all drnjrgisfe, 2fix.
Sample free. Address, Alien S Wa
sted, Leltoy, N. Y.
Constipation, headache,, bnekadbit,
feel mean, no appetite, all ruo ifesrau
H'llllster'a Rocky MountaiDjTeat wall
make you well and keep yoo ni.
Money back, if it falls, 35 cent, 31m
or tablet form. C. L. C utlng.
rry Ward Hayes for fcvs
shave or hair-cut.
5 a
i 34' '
"r '.