The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 22, 1904, Image 4

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3,j i,,: fcfh pitf , iw
Losing your hair? Coming
out by the combful? And
doing nothing? No sense in
Ait! Why don't you use
Ayer's Hair Vigor and
Hair Vigor
promptly stop the falling?
Your hair will begin to grow,
too, and all dandruff will dis
appear. Could you reason
ably expect anything better?
JtTr Vlonr li srit tuccrit with
m. Mr )lr irti falling out rerr ImiIIt. t.tit
.tlw lUIr Vliinr tlnrrid It and now inf lilr It
.an right." W. f. Luuhuon, Lindsay, Cl.
jni botti.
nil nirytt.
l.nwHI. Mim
Thin Hair
P. C. PilAiiKH, Editor.
. 50
terry at tno poll office at Itod Cloud, Neb. tt
' iOQui elm mall matter.
Jcrrnti.hM on application.
Mr. Bryan's Position.
IJrVioiids mid countrymen, lot's tinst
Though he's not n limn to trust
3Let's endeavor to elect lilin,
Though hlseauso Is fur form just:
Uhaw) put iiwiiy all rancor
Ah I promised them I would,
'1 tun Tor the splondidjtiokot,
Though it isn't any good.
Sjot us gird ourselves for battle
liut 1 liopo wo ennnotwin
bet us pray to bo successful,
Though success would bo a sin;
.Iiot us givo tho people's banner
Unto him to nobly bear,
ilhxt Iih dangerous to do it,
For he isn't on tlto square
3jet us wuvo our hats for Parker,
Thi poor tool for foxy Duvo;
!Jt us rest our hopes upon him,
Though he's Mammon's cringing
TIjuI us raise him up to power,
.llulp to koiiiI him whooping through,
Dut lemember hero I warn you
You'll 1)0 sorry if you do. -Chicago
Demon tils assert that tho Chicago
uAuuroutioii was cut and dried Yes,
lut tho cutting mid drying was done
itjy the people and not in the back room
'oot August llolmont's Wall street olllee.
OTIio city count it mmmus to have form--oil
adotormiiutlou to improve tue side
walks of tho city. They have deter
milled that it tho piopeity uwi or will
cotjiut down sidewalks tl on the city
wiH mnl tho costs will ho ol.aiged up
ctutho owner of tho propel ty, in th
.wy of taxes.
"1 think, said Mr Urynti, at tho St
Louis convention after the receipt of
Vitxker's dispatch; It is a manly thing
tfor a man to express hi- opinion before
.tho convention adjourns. It would
."havo loon manlier to have expressed
It Wore the condition met. It is a
manly thing to oxpress his opinion
Jbeforo tho dolomites act finally upon
his position, but it would have been a
mivtilior thing had ho oxpressod his
opinion boforo tho voters throughout
tJht country went to their caucuses
--and their primaries and sent instruct
vid delegates hero."
Items of News Found in Tho
Chief of Twenty rears Ago
This Week . V
Y. E. .lackson has returned from
Mr Stephen Uayless ha opened a
joituarant in the Fern block.
Frank Jones of Ueatrlco, has located
vnoar Scott, whoro ho has a 200 acio
Mr. S. lJcckwith of Monmouth, 111,
'jaon in Rod Cloud, looking utter a
Sam Dyer our oxpi ess driver, is io
Joicing over tho arrival of a twelo
.you ud boy.
On Saturday 31 engines passed in
ufcudoutor Rod Cloud with heavily
loaded trains.
Tho mombers of tho Unitod Dretheru
.uroh will hold a camp mootlug near
Well'n, iu August.
County institute will opou on Mou-
Abstract of
- IN
Webster County, Nebraska, for the Year 1904.
All notes secured by mortsgo ,
All other notes owned by mo
Money on hand or ot deposit
All money paid to building, loan and suv
lug association on stock
Number of telephones
Organs and other musieal Hist umout,-.
All goods, inorehnndl-o etc
Agricultural tools and mnchiuery
Household furniture and dbrary
Number of threshing machines
Dogs owned
Sowing and knitting ma liinos
Gold and silver watches and clocks
CarriHges wagons and etc.
Bicycles etc
Horses of all ages
Mules and jacks etc
Cattle of all ages
Hogs of all ages
Hay and Alfalfa
Poultry on hand
Property of railroads in county
Total acres under cultivation
Total acies not under cultivation..
Total acres tu.Mildo laud
Totnl imnioved town lots ...
Total unlinpnnod town lots.
Total number town lots.
Total a'sessed value of all taxable
piopertyas equalized mid corrected
by tho County board
Above are the principal items given
but 20 percent, of the nggropalo actual
day tho 23th, O. W. Springer county
Super nteiideut.
Mrs. R. V. Shirey has gone to Lin
coln, where sho will undergo treat
ment for gtanulated eyelids.
On Monday John Park's little girl
swallowed two nickels. Medical aid
was sum moued and sho was soon re
R. K. Orchard of Exeter, Filmoio
county, bought Dr. Mead's firm near
Inavale, hist Monday, paying $1300
for it
Mr. and Wm. Fisk lately of Elgin,
Illinois, has made arrangements to
start a cheese factory on J. I J. Stan
sor's farm, in Gartleld, precinct1
On Tuesday evening a Iilaiuo and
Logan club was organized at tho
skating rink The following otllcors
were elected for tho permanent organ
ization: Mossors Thomas Emetton and W. J.
Wilson, have, on behalf of a large
number of farmers at Hull creek,
closed a contract, with J. O Chamber
liu of Inavale, to build a cheese fac
tory. Woik will begin at onco.
A. J. Ketinoy, president; D. 11. Span
oglo, and C Uushow, vice presidents;
J. N. Rlckards, secrotary; A. C. Hos
mer, corresponding secretary; J. L.
Miller, treasurer; Dr G. E McKeoby,
Geo. J. Warron, L. H. Wallace, C. J.
Phi t and J. G Dodd, excutlvo com
mittee. Ono day last weok whilo some men
wcro excavating on Mr. Bibby's farm
in Catherton township, a largo bone
was uncovered. It is supposed to bo
from a Mastodon. It was ten feet long
and two feet in circumference
Sabaf li school was organized in tho
Baptist church, last Sunday morning,
and tho following otllcors wero ejected.
R. B. Fulton, superntiudent; John
Springer, assistant; C. F. Evans, hoero
tny, Miss Bertha Owens, troasurer;
Myru Brewer, librarian: A. L. Mitchell,
Tho Red Cloud market was as fol
lows; Wheat 00
Oats 20
Ryo 30
Corn 25
Hogs 1.50
Cattlo 300
Somo bad boys' played weasel on
Mr. Hicks' chlckon coop few nights
ago. They took several of his chick
ens. J. R. Vance recolvod a telegram,
Friday, I rom Kearney tolling him of
tho death of his two grandchildren,
aged nlno and llvo years, by burning.
They used kerokine to start a tiro iu
tho kitchen stove. There was some
tire already in tho stove and the blaz.e
ignited the oil and an explosion fol
lowed buistiug tho oil can aud throw
ing tho oil and bla.o over the chlldien
setting lire to their clothb g. They
wero burned so badly that they only
ll oil a few hours.
Ou last Thursday afternoon, Mr.
Roberts Rounds, living uorthwost of
Rod Cloud met with a serious accident;
ho had been doing somo mowing for
Mr. Henry Lambrcoht and iu some
manner which even ho cannot explain
ho bocumo entangled iu the machinery
3 33
4. 215
:J5 37
in tho ab tract of assessment and is
and ids left leg was cut, botweon tho
anklo and knee, completely sovoilng
ono of tho bones Mr. Rounds thinks
that ho had stopped in front of tho
sickle-bar to drive a colt away when
tho team started up and ho was caught.
What Will It Profit a Nan. Etc.
Wo don't pretend to know a thing
about It, but nro under the Impression,
writes tho editor of tho Eldorado Re-
publican, that if you will scriniple and
pinch, and rob and save; starve your
family, wear a calico shirt a week with-
out washing; buy but ouo overcoat iu
20 years; uso cellullold collars and
cuss and damn aud swear overy time
your family buys 25 cents worth of
sugar or colfee; make your wife do all
scrubbing, washing, cooking, ironing
and baiting, givo nothing to any body
and not lot a ray of sunlight into your
gi.ard you will iu time bo rich; pou will
also burn, as it ought to. Mail and
Bree.o. '
Atchison Globe Sl&hts.
Somehow a fat woman
than a fat man. .
looks worso
If you know a good "joko" on a man,
why do you Ilko to rub it in.
When a man gets half sick, ho gots
tho other half through pure fright.
It is hard to get a good washwoman
but thon it is mighty hard to wash for
a living.
Wo don't pretend t locato tho blame.
I but the cantaloupes this year are piet-
ty worthless.
No man who takes quinine in his
whiskey can properly bo referred to
us a drunkard.
Tho phonograph is now as common
iu tho rural dlsttlcts as tlio cabinet
organ used to be.
Henry Gassaway Davis, being 81, it
will bo usy for him to bite ou" more
than ho can chow.
Thero isn't anything so auro of a
clear truck iu passing along as ill na.
turo. Thero, don't start it.
Every ono lovos to road of chony
.t.liilmlltta lintlflwiL..... ...... 1.. I
. v...,,..... .,1.1, ".4. i .iu nvva mij- in rent
I life, lio starts a starts a storv about
Somehow our heart goes out moio
thanoer to those boys who have
been named for William Jennings
When it rains hard at night; and tho
sun beats down net day, we know
how a potato feels when it is steamoil
Every ono seems to be going through
tho woild compoiled to seen good deal
of tho society of those ho doesn't en
joy. It is a question ou a farm iu summer
which will drop dead from overwork
tno sooner tue nirmer in tuo neiu, or
his wifo lu tho kitchen.
Keep Cool,
Don't Get Hot.
Buy your cool clothes here and you will be cool and
have "MONEY to BURN," next winter.
Men's and Boy 's Suits at
20 per Discount.
Lots of Good Dress Shirts at Small Prices.
The Globo lately pr utoil a list o f
tho good men iu Atchison. Since then,
every dub iu town has boon mad be
cause hisnanio wasn't on tho list.
An Atchison man who took a silent
partner Into his business lluds that his
partner does not know tho nieaulug or
thoord silent, and insists upon run
ning tho wholo thing
If a widower wants to marry within
six months after his wife's death, all
Vight; we'll not talk about him. Wo
wouldn't euro to niairy again In six
months, or in six years, but every man
to his notion.
Look yourself over carefully, and
mako a list of the "funny" tilings you
do. By "funny" thing", we mean
things that do you lrirm. If you do
not know that you have a lot of foolish
habits, you are not honest with your
self. Is it not possiblo to quit a lot of
these damaging habits ?
An Atchison girl who makes visiting
her chief occupation iu life, tlnds she t
Is welcomo in proportion to the
amount of clothes she takes with her.,
As long ns her appearance iinotln r day
means a now dress to bo gazed at, her
hostess wants her to stay. When the
same dress is appearing tho second i
aud third time, the hostess gots wo.try
aud it is time to go home.
Real Estate Transfers.
Tiansfors for week ending Wednes
day, July 20, furnished by J. II.
Buley of Webster County Abstract
co m p. i ny.
li. O Ileiiiv wife to Fred W. and
Muttlia J. Sleeper nt4 30 210
Llewellyn C King and wife to
E. A.Kmgw2 sw4 17-1-10 wd.,1200
Initio liiower to Kltz. ibuih M
Smith w2of w2 iu4 13-3 11 q-d 1
Mnrv A. Biower et al to Elizabeth
M. Smith w2 and w2 ne4 UI-3-11
qcd 1
H. L. Boyd ami wife to Vaughn S.
Hall lot 8 blk 4 First add to Bla
den wd 40
Joseph W. Cnshmau aud wifo to
Mnrtha E. Polliemus nw4 85 2 9
wd 2400
Albert!' Oimsby and wife to J.
W. RoheiUon nw4 20 2 10 wd 3500
G o. M. Simpson and wife to Wm
II. S iwyer lot 3 Vnnces 2nd add
to Guide Rock wd 150
Casper Wegnuinn and wife to Wil
ham Arndt lo's 1 5 and 0 Buschs
Sub. Blue Hi 1 wd 4.50
Total 10342
Mottgages Hied (3100
Mortgages I doused $7100.
Less Than Half Fare to St. Louis and
The Burlington offers another series
of low rate excursions to St. Louis and
return on Mondayc, July 11, 18 and 25
Tickets at $11 for tho t omul ttip,
cotisidi rubly It s-i than half rate.
Tickets are good in coaches and chaii
cars (seats free).
The St. Louis Exposition is the most
mttgiiilici'Ut ."puciHclo the world has
ever behold, and its like may not occur
again in our lifetime.
Let mo send you our illustrated fold
er, or cull ou our agent for full infor
mation L W. Wakeley, Geneial
Passenger Abent, Oiuiiha.
IiiNIilrndoii I'or a Hull Gnvrn.
Among tho many characteristic stories
that have been told of the methods
thnt were used by the great man dress
maker of Paris, Worth, In creating his
surprises thero is one of a commission
he received for a fancy gown which a
great belle desired to have absolutely
unique. The great man spent the night
consulting with his collaborators, but
the Idea refused to materialize. Weary
with their fruitless toll, tho threo art
ists stepped out on a balcony to rest
nnd forget their disappointment in a
cigarette. "Vollal It is tho dawn!"
said oue. "Clelt It Is the dress!" cried
Worth, and "Dawn," with Its subtlo
harmonica of gray and violet and rose
shot through with gold, was tho suc
cess of tho ball.
Hats for Dresswear ioc to 75c.
STORE Y, The Clothier.
MyMlc Care for Ktienniatlsm unit Xenrnlqla
radically cures In 1 to H dayi. It action upon
tue Kj-stem Is remarkable and m)terloii3 It
removes at uncc the caue and the disease Im
mediately d!appear. The tlr.-t dose greatly
boneflK T." cents and tl.OJ. sold by II. E.
Urice, Druggist. Hod cloud.
Morton L. Hill, of I.ebntinti Ind . snys; "My
wlfu had Ititlatnmatort !thvmmitlin In etery
muscle anil Joint, her vintorltK wm terrible
mid her bod) nnd fact, u-te smitten nlmot be
yond recognition; hail Ixcii In tied six weeks
and' had eight phy ttti. but rtcclu-d no
bvuellt until she Irli . 'lie .MjmIc i are for
lthctjioatlm. It Kao laiinedHto relief and
she n able to walk about In three days I am
sure It savi-d her life." sold iiy.H. E. Orlce.
Druggist, lted Cloud.
An English book of reminiscences
Jells of two squires named Leaman of
Ivybridse "two thin, delicate looking
old men, twin brothers, seventy-two
years old, with white hair, very gentlo
nnd courteous In manner, red cutaway
coats, white cords, black boots, cups
and gloves." When past sixty years
of age one night after hunting one of
them said to the other: "I have been
thinking neither of us can have much
longer to live In this world and It will
he a terrible thing for the survivor to
have to remain hero alone. Don't you
think one of us ought to marry?"
"Yes," was the reply. "I have thought
bo for n long time." "Well, do you
know of nny lady?" "Yes; I do. Is
there nny one you fancy?" On com
paring notes it nppenred they had both
selected tho snuie woman, the manager
of a hotel at Okelinmpton. "Well,"
Raid one, "we hnve lived together all
these years without a wry word, and
It's a pity we should fall out at our
time of life." So they tossed up who
should marry her. The winner rode
down to Okelinmpton next morning
and was accepted. All three lived to
gethec and the wife nursed both broth
ers In thetr last Illness nnd was left
their money.
It U n Sort of I'nrulynln of Dither
tilt' MuncIeN or .ervm.
Writers' cramp, which Is more pnrnly
Is than cramp, is caused by excessive
writing, especially when In a weak or
depressed condition. It Is still a mat
ter of doubt whether this embarrass
ing defect Is due to n failure of tho
central nervous system or whether It
arises In tho muscles Involved.
Ducbenne, one of the highest author
ities on nerve diseases, holds that It Is
an n flection of the great nerve centers,
for local treatment of the hand does
no good, and cramp rapidly appears In
the loft hand If tho sufferer transfers
the woik to It. It Is probably caused
by the complete exhaustion of somo
portion of tho brain which presides
over the movements of the group of
muscles Involved.
Rest Is tho chief, if not the only,
cure, though the substitution of a
keyboard typewriter In the early stngo
Is often of no avail. A dial machine,
which must bo grasped with linger and
thumb, Is not so successful. IMnnlsts,
violinists, telegraph clerks, tailors and
many others suffer from a similar
They Are llnrnileim In the DuXIme,
hut Vlcloua at Mulit.
Iu the daytime, when sunlight stim
ulates their nutrition, plants can do
no harm in bedrooms, for then they
givo off oxygen nnd are useful In ab
sotblng from tho air the carbon which
is Injurious to nnlnial life. The free
uso which Is made nowadays of (low
ers nnd plants In our hospitals is In It
self sullkient proof that this Is a whole
some means of ministering mental
cheer aud comfort to tho sick and suf
fering. At night tho caso Is different. Then
nil plants and flowers aro removed
from hospital wards, because they ex
hale the carbonic ncld which they hnve
gathered from the soil and nlr aud
thus give off by n process similar
respiration a gns which Is Injurious.
Wcmuy thereforo conclude thnt dur
ing tho hours of darknoss, when th
respiratory process Is active and tho
nutritive Is nt n standstill, plants should
havo no placo In our bedrooms. What
Is prudent In spacious wards Is linper
Uv la smaller chambers.
As I havo purchased tho Harriug
ton Meat Market, I expect to make
some changes to benefit tho pa
trons. Firt of all, clean up; good
meats, good weights and fair treat
ment, aud I heartily solicit your
trade. I do not ask for all of it,
but invito you to come iu and got
acquainted, and wo will do tho rost.
Also extend an invitation to bring
iu your Eggs, Butter, Chickens,
Hides, Furs and Fat Stock, for
which wo will pay you cash.
Wo do not run u grocery store,
but will endeavor to run n first
class market house. Call aud give
uaat least ouo trial.
Yours for business,
Chas. Waddell
Insurance Agency
The German
Insurance Co.
of Freeport, III., and tho
Farmers' Mutual
Insurance Co.
of Nebraska
have over nine hun
dred policies in force
in Webster County.
Look up your policy
and see me.
Phono 93. Red Cloud.
Shake Into Your Shoes.
Alien's Foot-E ise, a powder. It cures
pilnful, suiHiiiriff, neivous feet and in
growing null-, and instantly takes tho
sting out of corns and bunions. Its tho
greatest comfort discovery of tho ago.
Allen's Foot-Eiisoniukes tight or now
shoes feel easy. It N a certain cure for
sweating, callous aud hot, tired, ach
ing feet. Tiyit today. Sold by nil
druggists and shoo stoics, S5c. Don't
accept and substitute Trial packago
fioe- Address, Aliens S. Olmstead, Le
Roy, N. Y.
Quick servico and first class work is
the motto at Schnffnit'a barber shop.
If you want tho host and cheapest
harness, go to Fogel's.
SeoJooKogol for anything in tho
harness or snddloiy lino.
Laces nnd embroideries in largest
varieties and lowest pricps. F. New
house F. Nowhouso has all shades and
colors of Mlk liuish cotton. Full 100
yutd spools.
You can get at F. Xowliouse, 12 yards
oflnt'o for 10j. Somo store b charge
you loj for the sitinu thing,
Application for License.
Notlco Is licrobv i!li nil ihni o ........ .
I,i .1,1,,,.... .. ,. I'cimuil MKIieil
I"' '"' ",uo rel"ei ireoholiIeM of tho
,...uht- ui tunm-ii, neuMer cotiuiy, .Nelinikka
!im been lllc.llti. IU clerk of J;,r J lag ihnt a Hcbum beKMl l.r !,! J, ,,";
to Kilo Col cue for tho Sale of ,!,, .p,
n..J Tlnotto liquors on lot four (t), block ton no I
mihevlUKSofUhulei, la brI, county- i
act on will be lake, ., 10 ,., mcctIl,ng ',
village board, July ;inl, A. I) loot. If
A. P. Johmon, Clerk of trie Milage boaili
Dated this 6tu day of July, lm 0tt1