ft -isr $KE&) -j',W mrMmMBwbw "V - At kyi 3V WW : . 1 ( VOLUME xxxir. Miner Bros. Embroideries. 250 pieces 4A yard remnants of Embroid eries in Swisses, Mus lin and Nainsook. Embroideries worth 35c to 65c, special- to dose, (On center table.) Silk Ginghams. 33c Regular 50c grade, white with black stripe, lace stripes and fancy f colors. Special price, 33e Furniture. Chair specials at $1.00 Two patterns heavy wood seat, backs with fancy pressed wood. 50 new iron beds, a special. Prices, 3 to $6 l inch posts, some with straight rod fill ing, others with fancy scroll fillings, all with angle irons, enameled with pink, greens, reds, blue and blacks. (Second floor) ? 'Satisfaction or MINER BROS CORRESPONDENCE Interesting Items Gathered by Our County R-eportcrs Bladen. Mr. George Newhouso of Red Cloud, drove up Sunday, returning Monday. Ili-t wife who has been ' hero tho past week visiting, accompanied him homo. Miss Nellie Williams went to Cunip bell Inst Saturday, nud visited over Sunday with her sister, Mrs. D H. Clerk of that place, returning homo Monday. C. Spenco wps in this city tho fore pnrt of tho week. Dr. Wegnmnjwentto Donesteel, S. D., last Saturday, returning homo Tours day. Mrs. J.itno Durden and mother of It-id Clutid, nro visiting at tho homo of Mr. T. Durden in this week. C. Flu drove to Red Red C oud Inst Siturdny returning Monday. Quito a number from this plnio went to Beatrice Inst Sunday, there being (59 tickets sold from this plauo. Mr. v inner loft last- Tuesday morn ing, for Lincoln, to visit with his wife who is uudor trenttuout at tint place. Interstate Reunion, Red Cloud, September Sth to lOth. m m .k. V""V'V'VN'P S ' t 1 l Miner Bros. Linens. Natural color, 31 in. wide, for shirt waist suits,children's clothes, etc., a hot weather ar ticle, 25c yard Pongee. 36 in. imported Silk Pongee, the cloth of fashion; regular $1.00; special, 85c yard Laces. Special values, 1 in. to 3 in. wide, 5c yard (On center table.) Collars. Sample line 5 dozen ladies' collars, worth 35 to 50c. Special prices, 25 and 30c Imported China pre mium dishes ate now in. See the display in our show window. A berry set of 13 pieces to be given away with cash and produce trade. money back. vAvAvsAvAWV" Mrs. Woodsido drove over to Hill, last Friday. Bite Guide Rock. James D. Colviu has located in Nor ton, Kansas. S. B. Nowmeyer wns taken severly ill lust Sunday and is still quite ill. II. W. McCallum has shipped in two cars of cattlo and put them in his feed ynnl. W. II. Darcus is assisting It. W. Mc Callum. S. E, Ely has retired from tho em ploy of I. W. Crarys aud gone into tho lumber yard. it. Garrison is preparing to start his threshing machiuo at A. It. Kirk- Patricks, tomorrow. C. Ilolmgraln and Dort Van Horn will run with Garrison's thresher. ' Several foreign doctors aro working rliis vicjnity this week. Tho Guido Hock Telophono Co., have another line about ready to be gin opeiatious, Cntlicrton Alfalfa cutting and stacking wheat is the order of tho day in this vicinity. Roy Wilson and his best girl, wont to Beatrice last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. McKlehnny were vis- rl,' tw It ED CLOUD, XEi:i?ASIv, -.H'LV ti 1 !)()!. itiug friends In this vioini.y lnt Sun K xi Drunk now hfnrts n iiimv top . . . 1 - .. t. . 1 uuggy, iook out gins jou won't uavoio walk now. Mrs. Mary Dunn Snndnyed with her d-uighter, Mis Wisecuiver. Mr. Green (nun war Red Cloitil, was in tliis vicinity Inst week dulling fruit trees. , Miss Nellie H.ilo who has been here for several months visiting among relative!, dcpirtod for Lo- homo in, Missotiri, Inst Friday. Mr J ihnson who bought .the Wise CHfwr furiii, was here the latter part of last week on business. F. E I'.iyno sold a hog the other day Unit weighed GGO lb. Win. Dretthnuror is homo from Per kins county, where he has been for n couple mouths visiting his hrothor John. C. M. Wilson, hnd a colt which rnn in a wire fence a.d cut it's throat. J S. White, Chas. Potter nnd Win. Renkle were in this vicinity last Sutur day, appraising school laud. The wheat in this lo cality, ok (iiiet good but did not till at all, so-tiic pieces of wl eat whs hut harvested, some put the loss at from GO to 80 per cent. Corn looks good, oats only fair. Lester. Harvest will soon bo over and wo so in will hear the hum of tho thresh, ing machine. Eirl Lewis, nccompauied by his uncle, Dr. Story, visited nt Cowles Sunday. Mrs. Sowers, of Willow creek, is on tho sick list. J 111 Doyle is enjoying n visit from his brother, Will, of Dattlo Creek, Ne hraska. The brothers have not met for eighteen years. Ed C x of McCook, Sundayed with Ids mother. Altn Daker and sWter, Mrs. Wilson were ilie guests of Mrs. J. Elliuger's, Sunday. Mrs. (Mia Frlsble entertnined Icc (liuiics Saladen and Wilson and Mi.ixs Wilhain and Daker, Tuesday atdinnei. George Law was visiting Boyd Har rington, Sunday. Clair C x and wifo spent Sunday in Red Cloud. Miss Viola Rtissor was homo, Sun day. Luio B'trgfleld was in town Sunday. Chas, Friable and wife, Mr. and Mrs, F. Hmos and family took dinner nt Sun Miller's, Sunday. Mrs. Itobert McDrldo and son of Red Cloud weie visiting here this week. The Batchelors of Lestor and vicin ity j;nvo a picnic in Mr. Law's grove Wednesday, fourteen wen present and both the young ladies and young men, wore delighted with Mr. Law's hospitality. Wednesday evening the Brubakcr orchestor were pleasantly entertained at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs, J. W Snladon. Refreshments wero served nnd those present express themselves as having a splendid time. State Creek. All is quiet on our creek nnd the far meis nro nil busy; Tney havo to tako caro qf tho small ginin in a hurry as there is quite a little rust in it and it is (ailing down. Tlio fruit men along tno croek say that so fnr fruit is all right. Very littlo damago has been done by the recent storms. Several of tho people from this noigh- borhood have been to t!io Worlds Fair at St. Louis and others are going soon, Geo. Hoiton and Joseph Cox wero verv much pleased with what they saw, Tho birthday supper, given in nonor of Miss Pearl Arbucklo, on the evoning of tho l.'l'h, was a well attonded and very much appreciated by all picsant. Dennis McCartney, Chas. Arbucklo and Clark Stevens, have had thoir resl- dencos painted: F. V. Dudley of Rod Cloud did tho work. Frnnk is tho iigu mtvii w !h o b, . Burt Slovens h n icoeivod his oertl-ll'-ittt and will lit- leapy to teach i'hni tliii Minti-r. Din ha attended the Grand Island business college and is a c.ipnblo iiiui, El.tlnr. Roie's, Fashion Letter. After years of travelling back nud forth over "the briny" I have como to the conclusion that no morodeliglitfiil trip can bovtaken than a short sea voyage to .Nova Scotia, and one could travel for months t lit I'igli remote foreign lauds without lliidiug a hun dredth part of the charm and beauty Of this laud of Longfollows Evangel inc. Last Week, with a view to making a study of tho travelling American wo man, I took this trip, which is the latest fad of tho fashionable woman, who realizes the importance of a com plete rest us n beauty builder after and arduous social season It is the exceptional American wo man who overdresses for travelling to day, so I happily saw littlo to criticise in the way of unsuitnb'e costuming, but rather much to admire in the trig and simple walking length transatlan tic steamer have I seen more correct dressing than on tho broad promenade decks of the luxurious 1'rincc Arthur, of tho Mutisou Line. Through the beautiful Long Island Sound by daylight one of Now York's most fashionable women wero a brown raw silk trown which neither soils nor shows dust ensile, mid which was mndo in a seven gored skirt, the tucked bottom of which just escaped the deck. Tho jaunty little jacket had 'the fashionable short flowing sleeve, which fell over tho dainty sleeve of whito raw silk shirt wtiist. Tho hat was a brown rough straw with strap pings of ecru straw and an ecru coq plume drooped gracefully over tho leftside Another charming gown for the first steamer day, and for wear on landing was of porcelain bluo lin"ii,bo. plaited all around, and adorned at the bottom with two will tucks which aro repeated just above tho knees The shirt waist is tucked and trimmed with narrow embroidery. A white roll brimmed sailor with' hln leather bindimr and whito straw bow completes this cos tume. And while on tho subject of dross for your outing, lemembor that mini, strictod lungs, nro of paramount iin - portnuco.and fortunately in thomntter of a proper corset to accomplish this .. ... . a result nenltli aud tasuion aro not at a I variance, so by choosing a correctly lmllt l fashionable corset, such as tll G'u n lu Splrite, which holds tho abdomen in and the hips back, you wm ,1,1(1 yoursoll inning urn long breathsof health gU lug ulr, and como back from your recreation trip with renewed capacity for work or play. Elaine Rozi:. Hot or cold bnths, tiixt cIhss barber work, at Manspo.iker'.s, opposite Cot ting's drug sloie. New bath tub, everything neat aud clean. f differ C 'h jJw&Lrlm si'r l This beautiful gravy ladle is one. of the "Oneida Community Quality 'r 1 i that make refined and lasting gifts For Sale by NewHoise Bros. Special Rates St. Paul nnd Minneapolis, July lit h, to 18th, Inc, Aug Oh. to 11th. I no return limit Sept. 15th. Colorado, Utah nnd Dlack Hills, June 1st. to Sept. 30 h. limited for re turn Oct. 31. Chicago III. Juno 1st. to Sept. 30th. limited for return Get. 31st. Ropebud Indian Reservation, July 1st to 22nd. return limit Aug 31st. Louisville, Ky. Au ;. 13, 14, nnd 15, limited Sept. 15' h Indianopdts, I ml, June 'JG'h. 27, limited to July 10 11. S:. Joe, Mo. Juno 28, 29, 30, limit July 31st. Atlantic City, July 0, 10, limited Aug. 3rd. Cincinnati Ohio, July 15, 10, 17, lim ited Aug 18 San Francisco, Cnl Aug IB, to Sept 10 h. return limit. 23rd A Conovicii, A(JT. $4.35 to Lincoln an;! Return. On account of the Epworth League Assembly tho Diirlington will .sell tic kets to Lit, coin nnd return at $1.35 on August 2 to 11, inclusive. Au educational, interesting nnd ninusing program is odeied, to which the following will contribute: Dr. Frank Bristol, Governor LaFol etto of Wisconsin, Dr. John Merritle Driver, Dr. D run W King, Dr. N. D. C. Mason, It ss Crane, Gail Laiighlin, Wilher F. Crnf t, Sninuel Dickie, C. S. Palmer, Lotus Glee Club, Mrs. Minnie Marshall Smith, Dr. Toyokickilyenaga of the University of Chicago, Prof. L I). Richnorn, and the Original Slay ton Jubilee Singers. Write for pamphlet "Souvinir Tal ent," which will tell you all about It. L. W. WAKKI.KY, General Passenger Agt., Omaha. Two Personally Conducted Excursions to Boston via Burllniton Route. Sp cla i-xcuisMii to Distou leaves Lincoln Ausust 11th. at 0 p m in ohnrgo of Cnaplalu R. R Randall. A 'second excursion leaves Liuco'n Aug- "'l 13t. l P- ' '" vAmW of J- Ferguson. Through tourist cars from Omaha. Short stops, at the show places of the east. A chance to return via St. Louis nnd soo tho World's Fnlr, tho 'greatest croation by tho hand of fcian. l If you aro tiguring on tho trip talk to ourngont about theso oxmirsious, very low rate for tho round trip, with 'till nrtrwlltinnn liincf. ft tfrn lit i'r all conditions most favorable. Or, write to mo. L, VV. Wakcly, G. P. A. Burlington Route, Omahn, Nob. Advertised Letter List. List of letters remniuiiiir uncalled for nt postolllco nt Red Cloud, Nob. for tho weak ending JuljSl 1001: Mrs. L. E Hamilton, E S Mc Sillan, and C. A, Liudliolm 'J'hoso will bo sont to tho dead letter olllce Aim., J 8, 1001, if not called for tm Wnen culling for nbovo plOasu jii) ".niWi'iined," T, C. Uaokek, Postmaster. number ;icn pieces of silver-platecC tableware that are fam ous for possessing the originality, tliu art nnd tho finish of tho host "RtorltnB.'"? It Is mndo In tho pinto heavier tlinn triple, cnllcd " Trl.lo pliiR," and l Kimrantood for twenty-llvo yearn. The Oneida Cnnimiuilty'H Avnlnn pattern with Its hoairtr fill French gray MmIhIi In tho most perfect reproduction of Hterllng" that has over boon attempted. It Ib sold for about tho price of nrdlnnry pinto. Wo will bo glnd to tell' you more about "Oneida Community Quality" Hllvorwaro'. and to show you many rich and beautiful sets:. Constipation, headache, bneknebov. fool menu, no npputito, nil run down-. II dilator's It icky Mountain jTeu wiitt make you well nnd keep you well Money back, if it fails. 35 cents. Tea or tablet form. C, L. C ilting. C irringo painting, 13 to 810; day wortc 2 00. V. V. Iladloy. Small waists are no longer in atyfVrc Ii's the round plump waists.that come by taking Holllster's Roc sty Mountains Tea that's nil the go. 35 cents. TenvvK: tablet form. C. L. Cottiug. Summer Tours. Tho man or woman who takes u vacation during tho heated period i the one who lives tho longest, onjojsi life tho most aud does tho best work. Tlio Hutlingtoii olfors excursion ruteso iu every direction, so low that there is--. no excuse for lor staying at homo. Ko- low aro some of them: St. Louis and return: All kinds oSi reduced rates daily. Cnicago nud return: Either direct w via St. Louis daily low rales. Atlantic City aud return, ?33.70,Ju)jr Oaud 10. Cincinnati and return, 824 70, July IT,. 10 and 17. Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, ho lake resorts and Inko steamer tours very low rates stopovers at SU. Louls on through tickets sITording tu visit to tho great exposition, the grand est creation by the hind of man. Denver, Colorado Springs, PuoWo Glonwood Springs, C.il., Silt Lata City, Utah, the Black Hil's of Sonfefc Dakota, the Yellowstone National Parkr. of Wyoming practically half rates tili summer. Ask tho agent for details, or write L. W. Wakkle7, General Pasjonger Agent, Omaha. Prize Perfvuive For the largest bouquet grown from one package oF seed given away by me lasr. spring I will give one ounce o5c Reiger's CaliforniaKL Perfume and one halt once for tire: bounuet containing the ?reat I fst v:iripfv nf pnlnrc - -------y r.v.. Contest closes September! 15th. , Chas. L. Ce!J'n, The DruSSist. .11 ! ti ft & hi t.Ri vw. m K K I v i.i'' VJ m n m 1 (W 14- S' Um&i