Hitf M- tfiA)w M Auers Chief hopes thnt tho president will o ill a meeting enrly, this next week, TWENTY YEARS AGO nnd prosont thoso mnttors to tho mem bers so thnt uoxt spring our pooplo will bo surprisod and dollghtod with tho ofTorts of tho association. Items of News Found In The Chief of Twenty Years Ago l i t I u IS n i ; What are your friends saying about you? That your gray hair makes you look old? And yet, you are not forty! Postpone this looking old. Hair Vigor Use Ayer's Hair Vigor and restore to your gray hair all the deep, dark, rich color of early life. Then be satisfied. "Aytr'i lUIr Vlfor restored the nturl color to mr gray htr, and I m greatly rlf1. It It alt you clslm for It." MBS.E.J.VAHDKOA, Mecuanlcsrllls, N.Y. f 1 M a bottle. All ilrturgl.ti. J. C. ATM CO.. Iwell. Mum for Dark Hair THE CHIEF nED CLOUD, NEOIIASKA. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. P. C. Piiares, Editor. SUDSCniPTION RATES. One year II 00 tlxmouilis SO owrod at tne poit offloe at Itod Cloud, Neb. at eoond class mall matter. AUVKUTISINO HATKS: Furnltbcd ou nppltcatlou. TELEPHONE, SEVEN TWO There ought to bo a luw prohibiting tho manufuuturo and salo of largo Ore crackers and toy pistols After every Fourth of July celebration the whole country Is shocked with the number of deaths caused by these senseless noise makers. The number of lives lost annually amounts to many hund reds and the chief enjoyment derived from them scorns to be thegrlof caused to some innocent bystanders. This ought to be stoped. A good fine for selling such dangerous articles would go tar to do away with their use. Then, too, the noise is very disturbing to those who aro disposed to be thought fully inclined, That great pessimist, Sohoponhaurer, bitterly complained of the cracking of a whip on tho street and entered into lengthy terms con cerning the useless, senseless distur bers of quiet and peace. Had he lived in the land of the stand-pipe fire cracker he might have made his noblest effort in its condemnation. Some little Interest has been mani fested in our proposal to tho Alumni association and wo desire to again call uttentlon to that ono phaso of our educational systom. The asso ciation stands for nothing. 'At present it lacks publloity, for the public knows little If anythlug of its inner workings. As far us wo have been ublo to leum, all tho work of entertalng tho gradu ating class falls upon threo or four individuals. Tho collector is lu many instances looked upon as a begging solicitor, ho is compelled to travel tho city from north to south and from ca-t to west many tlmos before tho noccessary funds havo been colloctod. This is all wrong. Mombers of thnt association should fool it n pleasure to pay their annual duos without urging or even roquost. But that stato of affairs will never be reached if tho present modo of conducting tho pro gram is coutluuod. Tho only way to make this a success, in our humblo opinion, is by combining all tho intel lectual forces of tho city aud making Alumni night tho night of tho year. This can easily bo done by giving a llttlo thought earlier lu tho year, pro paring for something that will bo a stimulant to slumbering talents. The THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR i EMMm &AklH5 POWDER Absolutely Pure IT IS A MATTER OF HEALTH if Old Settlers' Day. Tho following committees havo boon appointed to provide for an oxtraor- ! dlunry attendance and Interest ou Old Bottlers' Day, which will bo ono of tho days (luring tho Q. A. H. district re union, to bo hold In tho enrly part of September. Guido Hock Messrs. Peters and Mo Culloin assisted by Mrs. A. J. Hayes, Mrs. K. S. Proudflt and Mrs. Dr. Rob luson. Walnut Creok Mrs. Arnesou, Joo Holcomb aud II. H. Holdrodgo. Elm Creok Dr. ThorniiH, Mrs. Wm. NorrlN,Juhu Wnllor and Mrs. Cox. Oak Creok James Laird, Riley nnd A. D.Rnnnoy. Pottsdnni Frank Buschow, C 0. c. John Pus- slor and C. Koohler. Tho Ultio-W. U. Thorno, John Mc Cullom aud Joseph Graudstair. Tho.o committoos aro expected to organlzo tho old settlers In their re spective neighborhoods, interest them in tho coining meeting, and bring such articles, Implements aud reminder of tho early days as thoy can lay hands upon In addition to all tho anecdotes of early oxporlouce and adventuro connected with their sovoral locali ties. In addition to these committees, tho following persons hnvo boon ap pointed to look up and roport on specific topics It Is hoped that in addition to tho oxorciso of a general interest in tho mnttor, those parties will propnro papers on tho subjects which may bo of uso in tho history of tho county. Tho Virginia Immigrants Mrs. Uoorgo Cather. Tho Scandinavian Settlement Miss Ida Skjelvor. Tho New Bohemia John Polinoky. E. S. Garbor and Judge Koeney wero appointed to organize the sous and duughters of tho early settlers. To C. W. Kaley, assisted by the soveral odltors, was assigned the organization of an exhibition display ing the present business and social conditions of the county. Rev. Goo Hummel and F. N. Richardson were assigned to tho early church and Sun day school conditions. The commit tee have several speakers in mind for me occasion ana later will announoe other committees and assignments. SHcMtatM St. Paul and Minneapolis, July 14tb, to 18tb, loo, Aug Gth. to 11th. Ino. return limit Sept. 15th. Colorado, Utah and Black Hills, June lit. to Sept. 30:h. limited for re turn Oct. 81. Chicago III. Juno 1st. to Sept. SOih. limited for return Oct. 31st. Rorebud Indian Reservation, July 1st to 22nd. return limit Aug. 31st. Louisville, Ky. Au ?. 13, 14, and 15, limited Sept. lGth IndinnopMis, Ind, Juno 2Gth. 27, limited to July lOib. St. Joe, Mo. Juno 28, 20, 30, limit July 31u. Atlantic City, July 0, 10, limited Aug. 3rd. Cincinnati Ohio, July 15, 1G, 17, llm ited Aug 18 San Francisco, Cal. Aug 15, to Sept lUth. roturn limit 28rd. A. Conovbk, Aot. Advertised Utter List. List of letter remaining uncalled for nt postollico at Red Cloud, Neb. for the woi'k ending Juno 30, 1004: These- will bo sent to the dead letter Verdou B:tker, Clido Goldtox, Olnruncn Hoberleu, John Judy, J. V. Lewis (3), Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Martin, Minnie Ri tl, Mitchell Wlliard, Mtry Woods, Al Woodsidc. olllco July 14, 1004, if not callod for beforo. When calling for above ploasosny "advertised," T. C. IIackkk, Postmaster. . This Week V i 1 1 Tho Fourth fell on Friday twenty yours ago. Curt Evans has bu It an addition to his house. A sack of Hour was stolen from Let son's on Saturday. W. N. Richardson has built nn addi tion to his residence. W. II. Barcus of Guido Rock has re cently built a now house. E. li. Smith picked about 200 quarts of cherries from his trees this your. J S.Gllhnmaiid J. A.Tulleys, for a number of years partners In tho law business dissolved partnership today. A genuine circus Is billed for Red Cloud Saturday. Thoso desiring to organlzo n camp of Sons of Votorans will hand lu thoir names to Garlleld post No. 80. Tho U. P. survoyors aro again on the lino to Red Cloud. After July 1 tho Rod Cloud post ollico will pay 81,500 a year. Last week Gov. Garbor was in Lin coln and purchased "Tho Duko of Fairview," a one-year-old Shorthorn bull. Anson Higby has been promoted to tho position of usslstant cashier of tho First National bank. Tho contestants in tho fancy skat ing at the rluk Saturday night wero Mrs. II. Folght, Miss Bollo Spauoglo, Miss Miunio Smith aud Miss Wilkin son. Mrs. Freight was awurded first prizo. Miss Froddle Richardson has re turned homo from college Miss Hattie Lutz has roturned to Red Cloud from St. Joe, Mo. A. J. Tomlinson cut some rye on Tuesday that was nine feet high. Harvesting has commenced. What's the matter with a certain in surance agent and writer being Bred out of a house lu this city at the end of a revolver? Oats,20o; rye, 35c: wheat. 60c: ear corn, 18c; shelled corn, 30o. Tho Red Cloud creamery made 850 pounds of butter ono day last week. This wrek Morhart & Fulton will put in a stock of hardware at Wells. On Tuesday night a bur running race took place in this city. The pro gram was one to start and two to go, but Fisk and Jackson could not get there fast enough to catch Charley Piatt. The race was about ten miles. The Hon James Laird will be his own successor in tho next congress. L. H Fort of Brownvilie, Feb., has been selected by County Clerk Bayha as his deputy. Mr. Fort comes to our town highly' recommondod. He will soon move his family to this city. On Monday night the wind 'and hall storm which passed ovor Oxford blew somo box cars off tho trrok. J. S Gilham aud J. N. Rlokards havo formed a law partnership. About 200 head of cattle wont through Red Cloud on Saturday, bound for Montana. On farmers are getting up a oollcc of cereals for tho cotton exposition at New Orleans. George Taylor is said to havo built tho first houso in Red Cloud. Mr. Shockoy nud Miss Efllo Kiug wero marrlod on Saturday by Rev. Goo. O. Yolsor. S. W. Scoloy has started a confec tionary store north of Cook's boot aud shco store. Miss Fnnuio Wooloy, sister of Mrs. D. S. Coombs, has roturned to homo lu York Cowles II. B. Brubakor and J Schonck havo just rocoivod twlno blndor....C. W. Fullo building is almost complotod.. Latta's face is as broad as a full m Ton pounds of femininity accounts fi it Wolls-O.G. Roborts' harness shop and Morhart & Fulton's hardware storo aro uoaring completion.,.. A. Butler has sold his -farm to Legrande Thorno for $3000.... Miss Rosa McCray has been ill for tsMlast two mouths. . . .G. L. Mnttorsou Is quite sick with metis. les....M.L. Soper has sold out. Tho Fourth of July program includ ed nn address of wolcomo by D. B. Spauoglo and fireworks display under the direction of Prof. Henry Cook. Tho Guido Rock correspondent an uouueos tho sorious illness of Dr. Moranvlllo. Beatrice Chautauqua The Burlington offers tickets to Beat rice and roturn from Red Cloud at $3.75, July 7 to 20, inclusive. Return limit July 21. Ask tho ageut for par ticulars. Foirthef July Special. Loaves Red Cloud at 0:40 a. m. Arrives at Franklin at 8:35. Return. Ing leaves Franklin 10:20 p. m. Round trip 95 cents. It sss.mA 1776. On July 4 there will be heavy doin's at several of our neigh boring towns. We are going to " lay off" and shoot firecrack ers. Any time before that we will be here to fix you up so you can celebrate in proper style. All the COOL SUITS, for both men and boys, you want are here. Also, Hats and Shoes. PAUL STOREY, The Clothier. P. S. We'll be here after the Fourth, too, out will be closed all that day. Beard of Equalization. The board of county commissioners mot on Juno 11 as a board of equaliza tion. Present, C6mmlsslonors Gor Inch, Richard, Wilson, Anderson, and Fogol, County Assessor Richard Tur ner and Couuty Clerk E. S. Garber. Tho sessions of tho board wero con tinued uutll the latter part of last weok, and niauy petitions for reduc tions aud additions were heard. No changes wero made in the per sonal property assessments, and very few in the real estate assessments. The changes made were as follows: A. M. Slmorsou, e2 sw4 3-4-11, reduc ed from f ."SCO to $500. Frank Bean, sw4 and w2 set 32-3-11, reduced from $5800 to $5000. Frank Jerome, se4 sw4 35-2-11, raised from $1400 to $2000. G. W. Hastings, se4 nw4 21-1-2, reduc ed from $1200 to $1000. L. M. Crablll, lots 1 to 4. block 2, Williams' addition to Red Cloud, reduced $1000. C. H. Potter, lots 1 and 2, blook 25 Red Cloud, reduced from $900 to $000; lota 11 and 12, blook 10, from $800 to 1000. C. F. Cather, lots 17 to 24, blook, 1G Red Cloud, roduced from $425 to $240. F. N. Richardson, part lots 1 and 2, blk 25, Red Cloud, roduced from $350 to $150. , A. Roats, no4 and e2 nw4, 1-1-11, raised from $0700 to $7200. J. L. and Hugh Miner, 83j acros, raised to $30 per aero. G. W. Llndsey, se4 1-1-11, reduced from $0400 to IGO00. No4 and e2 nw4 0 1-10, raised from 16710 to $7140. E27-2 11 reduced to $500. J. S. Gilham, lots 1 to 0, blk 18, Rod Cloud, reducod from $2750 to $2100. In the matter of tno assessment of the First National bank of Blue Hill, $23,445.88 was added. Tho board made tho following lovy for county purposes: Mills Couuty general fund 5 County bridgo fund , 4 County road fund 1 Couuty railroad bond lutortst fund 0 Total for county purposos .... 12 Tho following lovy wns mado for school district bond and interest fun J: Mills District No. 87 1 DistrlctNo. 77 1 District No. (50 1 DistrlctNo. 82 1 REQUL.VR SESSION. e county commissioners mot in ar sosslou Juno 20. but very little moss was transacted with tho ox coptlon of allowing a huge batch of claims, a largo part of them tho claims resulting from tho Barker murdor trinl. Claims amounting to nearly $13,000 woro allowed. Road potitloued for by Snltzmnn ot al reported favorably nud now road ordorod opened. OUlcial bonds of A J Graut, road overseer district No. 37 and Oscar Ferdinand, district No. 20, wero ap proved. Application of A. D. Graben for llcouso to soil liquor lu the village of Rosomout was grauted. Road petitioned for by John Hard wlok, Jr., et al., grauted. Road on section lino between sec tions 5 mid 8, twp 2, rango 11, ordorod opeued. Claims amouutiug to nearly $13000 were prosoutod aud allowed. Board adjourned. Fourth of July Excarsloas. Tickets on, sale July 2nd, 3rd nod 4th. final limit July 5:b, at one and ono third fare for tho round trip with in a distance of 200 miles. A. CoNsriu, Agent, w V BjJSisjb I FLead This Carefully I I am making lots of Farm Loans. There are reasons for this. I can close a loan for you in three days after taking your application, for these reasons: You do not have to wait and pay for a man to examine the land. My company has oceans of money. You do not wait for them to sell your loan in New York or London before getting the cash. You can Pay Off at Any Time without giving a day's notice of your inten tion so to do. All other companies require from 30 to 60 days notice on this point. I have so many different plans for making loans that some one is bound to suit. No one can give better rates. J. H. BAILEY, Red Cloud. Gtllsnr Bros.' Skin CialR. Gollmar Bros.' big railroad show U in the city today and gave their after noon performance at the bead of Sev enth avenue west. The weather was ideal for a circus and it was a first-class performance that Gollmar Bros, put on. At about 10 o'clook thoy gave their parade, which was very good, contaiuiog among other things, seven open dens of animals. In addition to a very fine circus performance they carry a first-class monagorio of wild animals, which is very interesting. The show this afternoon opened at about 2:30 and was good, very good indeed. Thoro was hardly a poor act in the entire show. It wat a good, clean performance and gave splendid satisfaction to the Inrgo number that attended. Another performance will be given this evening nt 8 o'clock. Ashland Daily Press, Ashland, Wis consin. Will exhibit at Red Cloud Thursday July 7. Modern Surgery. Many peoplo havo a horror of surgi cal operation, nud believe thoy should only bo resorted to when tho last hnpo is gone. In tho past few months quite a numbor of peoplo living In Red Cloud ntid vloinity huve submitted to operations, some of them of n very sorious nature. Among tho most suc cessful specialists in this line is Dr. Thad H. Woodward, of Lincoln, who has had soveral cases from Red Cloud, all of which have been successfully treated. In twenty yen's' practice Dr. Woodward has not lost a patient as the result of an operation, which is a record to be proud of. When people becomo moro familiar witlt tho methods used in treating theso cases they will not have tho fear of them which now prevails. Knlfthts of Pythias. On Wednesday evenitig the Knights of Pythias installed the following of ficers: Chancellor CommnndeeC. II. Potter Vice Chancellor A. J: Means. Piolato T. G. liar wood, K ofR. andS. W.J. Sorivnor. M. of F. A. H. Keonoy. M. of E.-B. B. McFarland. M. of W.-T. W. Hatfield. Inner Gunrd C. E. Klzer. Trustee Joseph Fogol. . MIKUMATISU CUItKD IK A DAY. Myitlo Cure (or Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures Id 1 to 3 days. Its action upou the system Is remarkable aud mysterious. It remores at once the cause and the disease Im mediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 76 cents and 11,00. Sold by II, E. Once, Druggist, Red Cloud. 1904. TO BUYERS OF MEAT: As 1 havo purchased the Harring ton Meat Market, I expect to make somo changes to benefit tho pa trons. First of all, clean up; good moats, good weights and fair treat ment, and I heartily solicit your trade. I do not nsk for all of it, but invito you to como in and get acquainted, and we will do tho rest. Also extend an invitation to bring in your Eggs, Butter, Chickens, Hides, Furs and Fat Stock, for whloh wo will pay you cash. Wo do not run a grocery store, but will endeavor to run a first class market house. Call and givo ua at least one trial, Yours for business, Chas. Waddell Insurance Agency The German Insurance Co. of Frceport, III., anil tho Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co. of Nebraska, have over nine hun dred policies in force in Webster County. Look up your policy and see me. O. C. TEEL, Phono 08. Red Cloud. HI INSURANCE against Fire, Lightning, Cy clones and Windstorms, see JJtfO. B. STANSER, agent for the Farmers Union Insur., 1' ance Co., Lincoln, Neb., the best ln- aurance company in the ajite. " tft i it u r" ti LJ ""