1 I The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There lt n dUensc nrevfilHiiK In Hits cmtntrv most dniiucroiis because so dccoi)' live. .Mimysuuueii tk-nllw nre caused by it heart Iia- heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kid- I tiey disease. If kidney trouble is ullouultondvaticu ) thekiiliiey-poiboii- J ed blood will at- . ortmiift. catmint' catarrh of the bladder, or the kiducyji themselves break down and winlo away cell by tell. Madder troubles nliwxt hIwiijh result from n derangement of the kiitmyn and a cure in obtained ouicke.st by n proper treatment of the kidneys. If j on are feel Iiitf biiclly ou can tnaUe no mistake by takitiK I)r. Kilmer'n Swnmp-Root, tin. j;reat kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and BcaldiiiK pain in pissing it, and over comes that unpleasint necessity of bein cotupellcd to ) often through the day, ami to get up many times during the night. The itillfl and the extraordinary effect of Suanip-Koot is moii realieil. It stands the highest for its. wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. Kwamp-Koot is pleasant to take and is ttold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sie bottles. You may have n Ktmple bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells nil about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil mer & Co., Itiughainton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Kwamp Koot, Dr. Kilmer's Swumn-Koot, ami the address, Uinghuuiton, Zv. Y., on every bottle. CORRESPONDENCE Interesting Items Gathered by Our County Reporters f'W'WVWWWWWWWWW Garfield. Wo had a light rain Monday night. May Throckmorton was calling on Myrtle Smith Monday. Tlio tirst cutting of alfalfa is nearly all taken care of. N. L. 1). Smith wa9 thrown from his horse and we.l shaken up while re turning homu ftotu prayer meeting last week. Mr. Throckniorton'd family were in Kansas, last week chcrryog. Henry and Kdgar WIrUs look very tine with tin Ir new buggies. N. II. Wagoner preached at tho (Jemitin Hitptisi church last Sunday. Mr. Wagoner had the misfortune to breaktwoof the deuick poles of his hay Mackci lust week.. George Binilhliaw's buggy has a new coitof paint, which caused him In ranlc bis weekly visit into Gaitiold Sunday on horsi back. Bladen. A nice rain fell lure Monday night. Mrs. Win, McDonald left Inst Tiier day for Illinois, where sho goes to spend tho summer with friends and relatives. Miss llessio Martiu of Knseland is pending tho week with Miss Kola Bnyder. Dr. Wcgman left last Monday for a trip to tl o World's fair. He expects to re'urn homo the latter part of the week. F. G. Honker left last Saturday for Genoa, having quit tho pump business. A. r. Johnson left Mondaj for Omaha and was met there by a ladv by the name of Mrs. Mary A. Craig, from Looking for a Home? Then why not keep In view the fact that the farming lands of Western Canada sufficient to stiDDort a population of 50,000,000 or over? Tho immigration to Western Canada during tho past six years has been phenomenal. FREE Homestead Lands easily accessible, and other lands may be purchased from Railway and I.nnd Companies, Western Cunadnls grain lamia produce marvellous crops.whlto tho grazing lands contain all tho nutritive dualities lor fat tening' cuttlo and other stock. SfnrkrU, Mrhonla, Itnllwuira uud ull other condition muke Wt.lcrn Cnnudn tiralruttle spot for Ibe borne eeker. Write to tho Superintendent Im migratlnn.Ottawa.Canada.fora descriptive Atlas, and other In formation: or to tho authorized Canadian Government Accnt W. V. BENNETT, 01 New York Life Bids., Omaha, Neb. tack the vit ll l"N are MEXICAN MEXICAN mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment corca CutB, UurnH, Brulsca. In uho for over nlxtyycarH. MEXICAN MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment curea Spralua and Strains. cures Spavin and Kingbonc. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Mustang Liniment ... . im a positive cure for I'ilea. I Amrs, Iovvn, hihI they wro united in ' ... . . . t.. .... t .. . I .. ....... .(. ..ilnrtitriff 111.11 I IMgU ill llllllljr I'iUlllllHl '"""""'I1 to this city Tliuisduy fvctiliiR. Mr. Woodsldu and diuightcr Grurc drove down to Hod Clotnl Ifi'tSiUtitdtij nnd visited with friuni", loturning homo Monday. A. Heed diovo up to HoNtcin last Situitliiv. Kniesl McCoy and family linvo moved In tlm.Julin Jones pi opcity Inthuiouth put of town. Mis. 1 II Clink leturned to Cmp bull Inst Tuosiliiy after vMtlf g several days with her parents, Mr and Mt. William", south of town. Mm Kfir and chlldieu rnturiicil h line last TuuMliiy ( veiling Wiijnii Heed and wife npent last Sunday at the liomu f II U. Bojtt. J Coblu spent -Inst Satuiday and Sunday in this city. Mr. Sucie of Campbell was in this city Monday. Real ZEstatc Transfers. Tnuisfois for week ending Wednes day, Juno 'Jl, furnished by J. II. JJailcy of Webster County Abstract company. A. II. Hoffman and wifo to II L, Hoyd pt nul n i 18 4 11 wd... 1) K. Harp and wife to S ilomau Heck with m J II 2-12 wd D. Hyrne and wifo to V. S. Hall loth fi and (5 hlk. r. Hladon wd.. Henry H, Boyd and w'fe to Hobl. J. nnd C. C. Wallace pt nwl nil nc4 181-11 wd Lincoln Laud Co. to V. S. Hail lot 3 blk 1 1st add to Hladon wd V S. Hall and wifo to 11. L Hoyd same wd W. H. Alcxando and wife to J. L Bukt riot Sulk 10 liladen wd.. J. L. B.iker aud wifo to Kate Alexander same wd Chevalier Implement Co. to Kdney Gngnou lot 1 blk 10 Ula den wd Lincoln Land Co. to A. i John son let 1 blk 4 1st add to lila den wd Hock Forest to Jos. Widershoim lot 2 blk 4 sauio add wd Hick Forest to Floyd Honker lot 3 blk 4 sumo add wd Kodk Forest to Jay Goblo lot 4 blk 4 same add wd Hock Forest to J. A. Garno lot U bik 4 samo add wd Hou? Finest to Win. K. Wallaco lot 0 blk 4 same add wd no 8300 MO 3:0 35 40 100 1000 40 00 GO r.o 00 no Hock Forest to Murgant Keihor lot 7 blk 4 umo add wd Ida M Hlack and bush, to J. H. Wiaecarvor lots 10 11-12 blk 13 Hed Cloud wd 1000 June Stone to Hay Dininiick c2 ml It l'Jwd John O Yeiser etal toO C.Teel lots 3-1 aud r, blk 20 Hi d Cloud wd .V Jl' JoIIQQQ nm,l wife 0 fl 0l 1000 1000 l'iel lots 1 blk 1 1st add to Bla din wd Lincoln Land Co. to Don C. Dmjer lot 14 blk 2 same add wd . Lincoln Land Co. to Dou C. Dmycr lots 12 and 18 blk 2 samo add wd Lincoln Land Co. to J no. W. McCoy lot in blk 17 Hladon wd &0 CO 100 Lincoln Land Co. to It. C. Hun is lot 13 blk 17 Hladon wd Win. 11. Sawyer nnd w ifo to A. (iautchey lots 5 and 0 bik 11 Vances add to Guide Hock wd V. C. McCallum et-al to Halph W McCallum lot 4 blk 12 Cuido Hock wd Frank Lamborn and wifo to A.ur 95 400 iah W. Lamborn nv-l 2 st4 10 O.JO fiOOO Total Moitgnges lilt tl $210. Mi rouges teleaed 8700. II 10:il World's Fair Rate To St. Louis Vial Burlington Route. Tickets to St. Louis and return, Good tiftoon day, 17.&j. Good sixty day, 810 .'10. Good all summer, $2U lii. For full information about train ser. vioo and other details seo tho tiekot agon. I'hoSt. Louis Exposition tho grea' est show the world has ever seen is now complete nnd in harmonious opeiatiou, anil it will ho n lifntlmuN regret if you fail to see -it. L. W. Wakki.ky General Pusssonger Agent. Pantry Sole Tho ladies of thu Kpiscnpil (Juild will hold a pntry sitlu at Homfoiils and H-tyti?, Millineiy storo Saturday, Juno 2.rnli. MEXICAN eures all foriuu of Rheumatism. INd.AMMATOHY IIIIEUMATISM CUltED IN 3 DAYS. Morton I,. Itlll, of Lebanon Iml., m;n ".My wlfo liml Inllnmmntotv Ilhct tiintlrn In every inii'clo ami Joint, tier Miircrlnw; wai terrible ntnl tier tieily and face tvero ttoIlcii nlmoitbc. j-oikI rceoKblilmii linil been In bed Mx eikf and' hml cIkIiI hMrlati. but r(culcd no biiicflt utilll he tried the Mystic Cure for Klicnmntlitn It Kre lintncdlnlc relief and she wn nblu to walk about In three ilnj s lam itire It ail her life." Sold by II, : drlce, DriniKtiit. lied Cloud. The Burlington's Low Rate Summer Tours, (So s'linowheio thU minnier; if not to St L' u s then to the 111111111111111', I n k ( or !fiihorr , examine this ri oh' sclicmc of vacation touis: S Lmii-t Mnl le'uiT A I kiniln of t educed rates daily beddns sneei.il cfiii h I'M'uislons eiteh Monday in June. Chicago and leturti: Kithtir direct 01 via St. Louis, dully low ratef; also very cheap June HI to SO. IndiiinpolUuml icturn, $22 20 June 20 and 27. Ailantlc City and return, 8H7 70 July 0 and 10. Cincinnati and leturn, i'll 70 July lii to 17. Deliver, Colorado SpriiiRS, Pueblo, (tlenwood SptinXi Salt Lake, Hlack Hills pi aticnlly half tates all summer. Michican, Minnesota and Wisconsin, '1 he Luke Hesnit", and Lako Steamei Tours very f avoi able rates stopovers at St. Louis on through tickets see tho grandest reation by tho hand of man. Ak the agent for full details, or write L W. Wakkmcy, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. Business Notices. Try Ward Hayes for a first class shave or hair-cut. Quick serviro and first class work is tho motto nt Sehatlnit's barber shop. A special assortment of tho nowest stlcs of watch chains and fob at Nowhouso Bros. For Sale 3 fresh cow?, 0 year old; I calve, 2, 4 and 6 months old, 8110 cash. See F. P. lladley or G. W. Hibby. Hot or cold btiths, first clitss barbel work, nt Manspeaker.a, opposito Cot ting's drug stoie. Ntw bath tub, everything neat and clean. Drs. Weirick & Uiddilo of Hasting will meet eye, ear, noso nnd thronl patients and those needing glasses lilted, in Dr. Creighton's cilice in Hed Cloud, Fri lay Juno 24th. Worlds Fair Rates. Tickets to St. Louis aud return, good all summer, $2.') 15. On nnd after Apiil 25, sixty da ticket", $19.30 On nnd af lor April 27, ton-day tickets, $17.35. i'v (till Information about train ser vice ask tho ticket agent. To Mothers In this Town. Children who aro delicate, feverish and cross will got immediate roliel from Mother Gra 's Sweet Powders for children Tbey cleanse tho stomnch, act on the liver, making a sickly child strong and healthy. A certain cure for womis. Sold by all druggists, 25o ' nple froe. Address, Allen S. Olm .'el.LeKoy, N.Y. - This is the season when women plnco tho picturesque railroad folders where tl oir husbands will seo them. A few months Inter they will bo scat tering collego catalogues in front of tho old man. TiM TABLE. Red Cloud, Neb. M1MI LINCOLN OMAHA GU1UAUO SI. JOE KANSAS CITY SI. LOUIS ami all points cast untl south. DENVER HELENA liUT'lE SAL'J LAKE O') PORTLAND SAX FttAXCISUl. nnd nil point' weit. TUA1NS LEAVR AS rOLtOWSl No, 13. Passenger dally for Oberlln and M. Francis brandies. Ox ford. MrCook, Denver and nil points west 0 33 a.m No, 14. Passenger dally for St. Joe, Kansas City, Atchison. M. I.ouIh. Lincoln via Wymoro nud all points east and south 210 a.m No 15. Passenger, dally. Denver, all points In Colorado, Utah and California .. ... 8:10 p.m No. 10. Passenger, dally for bt. Joe, Kansas City. Atchison, St. Louis aud all points cast aud south ........ .. 10 'as a.m No. 171. Accommodation. Monday, Wednesdny ami t'rldny. Hast ings, Ornnd Island, lllark Ullls aud all points In tho northwest 1 111 p.m Bleeping, dining, aud reclining chair can (seats free) ou through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point In the Uulted Stales or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps or tlcketi call on or address A. Conover, Agent, Hed Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, (Mueral Passenger Agent Omaha, Nebraska MEXICAN ' Mustang Liniment for Man, Beast or Poultry. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment heals Old Sores quickly. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment cures Cakd Udder In cows, Nxit Fracppe New, delirious summer (It ink W'ehuvo .'J7 dif fu.'out llavois in Cool, Refreshing Summer Drinks loo meals served; lunch nt alt hours, The Bon Ton W. S. lll;NSU, Proprietor. Notice of the Proposed Refunding of the Water Bonds of the City of Red Cloud, in Webster County Nebraska. Public: notice It licreby given, iiursimtit to n rcolutloii duly rt'lop'eil by the Mnyornmi rouii ell of the clt of Hed Cloud, hi 'eb(er counl , Ncbrnikn, nnd cntcrol In the minutes of their proceeding, of the rentier mcctitiK held Juno 1,1001 That whercits, there nro ecrliitn outMnndliiK hihI iiuihIi1 wntcr bonds of mid city of Hed Clotnl, In the ntnount of it'1,0 0 of the original luc of Ji'i.OXO benrliiK Interest ut fix cr ct nt per mnumi ulilcti were voted nnd nnthorl7id to be liiiicil April !, 1H7. nud nro now pnynblc nt (he option of nld city nnd toon to fnll due which bolide It Is detlrcd to tnku up nnd hiiiI pny nif bylthe iKStie, nnd mlu or t! ulsMic Bnd exchmiKu therefor, of nlic bosds of such city for the rnld nuionnt due, but ntn lowir mto of Interest, ptir-uarit to the rollon of chnji ter9 (cspeclnlly fcctlous 38 to 41 IncltMxc) of the Compiled fctttutes of NebrnBkn, lOO-l, (Cob bc'n Annotated Statue, 1903, sections K780 to IOTn) liiclnshc) Therefore said Major nnd council wl.l, nt their reKUlnr setilon nt the KlrcmnuS hall In (aid city of Hed Cloud, on July Cth, 19i, nt 8 o'clock p.m. of enld dity. tnke up and consider mid propokltlon nnd n proposed ordinance pro 1(1Iiik lor ftucli refunding of paid outonudlng lti(lebtedne?: nt which time nnd place nny tnx pnyeroftnld city of Itcc! Cloud may file objec tlona to nich pmpobcd action. L. II. Koiyr, City Clerk of the city of Ited Cloud (bcul.) Dated June 1th, 10OI Order to Show Cause. IN THE COUNTY COUi T. State of Nebraska, 1 Webster County, f At n county court held nt the county court room In and for said county, Ma 'JIM, A. I). W0 1. In the ma'.ter of thcestntc of (icore (ilbboni, decensed. On remllng mi t mine tho pi-tlllon of Marv A. I.iiraway, pni)liiK that iidmlulstrutlon of snlil etntc inn) be granted to 11. 11. SlmonB, mnul mlulhtrntor. Ordernl, that Mondny, the 1.1th dny of June, A 1). 19 I nt 10 o'clock 11 in., Is nsslKiied for hearliiK "ld petition, mien nil persons Inter isted In said uintter ina appear nt n county court to 1)3 held In and for said cotiutv tosliow nusuwhy pra)rr of lltloiicr should not be Krautedinnd that i.otlce of the pendancy of said etltlon aud henriiiK thereof be nhen to nil pmons Interested In said nutter, by pub- Ihlilng a ropy or tuts order in tnc Ittd Cloud Chief, n weekly tiruspnper pilnted In nald cuiiiim. for tliteu euinci'tHhe woels prior to miiii nay ui Hearing, it,. ,.,.j Jim l(i 1-1 A. II. KKKXKT. COttlltV JUUKC. Annual Estimate of Expenses and Re port of Revenues Received. The following Is. tho annual estimate of ex pensfhof the probable amount of n ouey iicccb sary for all purtKjseH to be rnUed In the city of Hed loud, Nedrnskn, during the entiling iKcul for otllcciH Balarles . II 180 00 PorftreeUnndnlle)"t 000(0 For cost nnd expensea of litigation :X) 00 Kor supplies and printing 100 00 Kormiiliileiiauieand care of city wnter workN - 8000 00 For Inteienl on water bonds ........1.1 0 on For IntercKt on electric light bond - 3fl0 0 For contingent aud Incidental expenses 200 00 For health protection agalutcoritagcoui diseases -200jOO Total $9110(0 Tim fiiltnwlni? Is a stfttemeut of the tutlre rerenues of said (ItyofUed Cloud for the past tlsenl )enr. Collected In gsneral fnr.d '"!l 85 Oiicupatlon tax collected......... --'ID 0 l-rom Judgment fund liUOO From water fund - 1W SO From Insurance companies - 195(H) Totnl ifUUROI (Seal) K. W. Itosi, Major. Attest: I.. II Tout, City Clerk. Application for License. Notice In bereb) given that n petition signed by thirty or more resident freeholders' of the pri-cliict of (lalt Creek. Webster count). e hrusLn, tins bicu filed with the clerk of snld county, pra) lug tlmt n llcenso bo grnutid b) said count) to A I) HriibiMi for the sale of malt, spirituous and liious llijnorn. In the lllatn iif Ito-emont In said pnduct. that nttlon will be taken at tho IImI nuctliiK of ths board of county eonimlKsuncrs,.Iunp'-tith. A. I). l'Jl. K .s (1aiiiif.ii Ciiiut) Clerk. Dated this "ilth day of .Ma), lir.l Notice to Creditors. IN TIIKCOl'NTY COL'KT. State of Nebraska, t Webster Count), f In tho matter of thocKate of (leorgoOIbbons, decensed, Notlte In hereby ghen to all persons halng claims aud demands against (leorgo Olbbons late of Webster county, deceased, that tho tlino llxeil for filing claims a nlnst said estate Ik six months from thesthdii) of July. 1W1I. All such persons are required to present their claims, with tho .(inciters, to the Count) .ludgo of said count) , nt his olllco therein, on or before the 10th day of January 10 ft; and nil c'alms so llled will bo heard before the said Judge ou tho Uthdayof January, 10 fi. at ouo u'clock p. in.; and that the administrator Is allowed ouo )tnr from the 13th day of June, KH, In which to pay the debts allowed against said estate, aud settle the samo. Iskai.1 A.H. KKENKV. SKA!) Jul)H I.UUII, U.K.ffcV. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Beat for Horae allnientH. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment ' Beat for Cattle ollmenta. MEXICAN L Mustang Liniment ..s .. Best for Sheep alimema. Newhouse Jewelers Satisfaction t" I , .! i .0 ," . aft' City Dray and Express Line. F. W. STUDEUAKEIt, PROP. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAT1S EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES, Residence 52. 0ivii(i(iii(a(i(j(aia4ia(aiaii(ifcuiifcia(iivnfcankvfcAviaiAaiAaU(afcykaa(dfc SAY, niSTERl Do yon know tlmt it will pnv YOU. ns well ns US, to buy your Building Mil teriul iitul Uoul at our yards? Not only tlmt our prices average lower, or at least ns low, as those of our competit ors, but because we tako especial caro of and protect all can bo classed as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. PL ATT Coal. TT1tTPTT1TTT'wiTT1Tf TTITTTTInf TTTTTTI iflf"r"fl Tt TRADERS LUMBER CO. DEALER Lumber and Coal, BUILDING MATERIAL, ETC. Red Cloud, ... Nebraska. MDS. CECELIA ST0WE, Orator, Entro Nona Club. 176 Warren Avenue, Chicago, 111., Oct. 22, 1902. For nearlv four years 1 suffered from ovarian trouhiea. Tho doc tor insisted on nn operation aa tho only way to pet well. 1, however, strnnolv nliifictpd to an operation. My husband felt disheartened as well as I, for homo with a Bick woman ii a disconsolate placo at beat. A friendly druggist advised him to get a botllo of Wino of Cardui for mo to try, and ho did fo. 1 ucgan w improve in aiow uavu turn my recovery was very rnpiu. v nn in ciahtcen weeks I was another being. KlhljO jbrWUH Mra. Stowo'fl letter shows every woman how a homo is saddened by female weaknes and howcompletely "Wino of Cardui cures that sick ness andbrings health and happi npna naain. Do not oo on suffer ing. Go to vour druggist today end secure a (1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. WlNEdRDUl MEXICAN Mustang Liniment Umbera tip Stiff Jolnta. MEXICAN Mubmnent penetratco to mo vcrjr MEXICAN Mustang Liniment . 1 n.iiuCnniinn. ttiwaysBiYisoai'---""- Brothes Ojjticians Guaranteed It t ; ' ..! , ," ;'. iw 1 ,,..w : .... ;. ..... Office 119 -s- ( St ft fr c-s-f-f-f- f-f- tr f--t- FREES CO. Lumber. IN Pennyroyal pills RATtk'ArK. Al.y.r.H.H. La4lfhuk nnntt i4la.ftkrnut1.i H ENOLISU fcr CIIICHKSTKlfN NOLDiW la ItKO n1 UM mettlllt bona mls vjih tlit ritbon. Take other. Btht ? HBkAtllaClABft sad ImI.a Umm. Bijor yoar Urogln,r Mftl4 lw aa. jartiarUrauin, rmt4a.it I "Ballr far Laalaa." aa luiar. ba aa. Ul tara.MaU. 1 , Tt.Ua.oaUU. 8.11 a ui uraitiau. Uklakaalw rkramlaaj Ca. 444 Maalaaa tHauvr. FH1L-1, f Z Don't Be Fooled i Ocnulnc ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Is put up In miiKe packages, manufactured exclusively by the Afodjon Mtdlclnt Co.. Madison, Wis, Sella at 33 cents package. All othera are rank imitations and substitutes, don't rltk your health by taking them. THBO.ENU'NB makes sick Beople Well, Keeps you Well. All Honest eaters sell the uenuine. . HOLLISTER DKUCl CO, Madison, Wis. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Ci?anici ami briuttnci the hair, l'ronuitti a luiurl.it growth. Nesor Fails to Ilritore Ory llnlr to its Youthful Color. Curia walp ili.r.n. t, hair tailing, &uanJSla.at Druggl.tl Notice to Creditors. IN T1IK ('"! NTV COUIT. IS State of Nebraska, 1 Webster Count) f In tho matter of the citato of James McNutt, deceased. Notice Is hereby given to nil persons; having claims and demaudi aitalnst .lames McNutt, late of Wt lister county deceased. Hint the tlmo tlxed fur tiling claims against said estate Is six mouths from thcttfth day of June l!Mt. All such persons: aio rcipilred to present their claims with the cuclier to tlioCciint) .liulneof said county, at his (illlce (herein, on or beforo V theShth day of December HUM; and all claim so tiled will be heard before the said Judge ou the '-Tlh da) of IHccmbcr 1001 at one oYlook p. m ;aud that tho ado lubtrator Is allowed ouo year from the Hist dH- of May 1WH In which f pa) the debts allowed against said estate, anil settle the sun e. eai.J A, It. Kr.rs.Ky. Juiic.! County Judge. CHIEF $1.00 PER YEAR. MEXICAN Mustang uniaient curca Froatbitoa aud Chllblalw curea Froatbltoa and Cbilblaina MEXICAN Mji8lne e. , MEXICAN ang Lin Mustang Liniment .1 1 va nit t nil i liflattimatioii. drives out ull inflammation M v vl i H 1 t s M : II .'-utmtK