The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 24, 1904, Image 1

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I vCtesd .UJ 'fitA&M!KSSata3SSHH
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Miner Brothers,
Imported Austrian and German China Berry Sets.
It was our intention to mail a large shopping card to every family within reach
of Red Cloud.
Possibly You Did Not Get One.
Come to the store and tell us, and we will add your name to the list so that we
will not Miss you in the future.
Bring in this card
on days mentioned
below, purchase
goods to the amount
of $2,00 or more
and wo will p esent
to you a handsomely
decorated Dessert
Plate and Deny
O. K
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Miner Bros'.
lied Cloud. Net).
Bring in this card
on days mentioned
below, purchase
goods to the amount
of $200 or more
and we will present
to you a haudsomely
decorated Desf-ert
Plate and Berry
O. K handsomely
TiicsiIbjs and Thursdays.
Miner Bros'
ltd Cloui, Nob.
Bring in this card
on days mentioned
below, iKirchaso
goods to tholTMount
of $2.00 or more
and wo will present
to you a handsomely
decorated Dessert
Plate and Berry
O. K
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Miner Bros-'
Kid Cloud. Neb.
Shopping .
By purchasing
goods to tho amount
of $200 or more on
days mentioned, be
low, we will O. K.
th s card. Present
it with cards No. 8,
0, and 10, all proper
ly O. K.'d and we
will present to you a
ated Largo
Tuesdays mill ThuriidayH,
Miner Bros.
Iled Cloud, Neb.
Bring in this card
on days mentioned
below, purchase
tfltdcls to the amount
of $200 or more
and wo will present
to you a handsomely
decorated Dessert
Plato and Berry
O. K
Tuesday mid TliiimlajH.
Miner Bros-'
lied Cloud. Neb.
By purchasing
goods to tho amount
of $2 00 or more, on
on days mentioned,
below, wo will O. K
this card. Present it
with No. 7, 8, 9 and
10, all properly O.
K.'d and we will pro
sent to you a hand
somely decorated
Largo Berry Dish.
Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Miner Bros'
Hed cloud, Neb.
Bring in this card
on days mentioned
below, purchase
goods to tho amount
of $200 or moro
and we will present
to you a handsomely
decorated Dessert
Plato aud Berry
Tuesdays and TliurrdayK
Miner Bros-'
lted cloud, Neb.
By purchasing
goods to the amount
of$2-00 or morr, on
days mentioned, bo
low, we will O. K.
this card. Present it
with cards No. 7, 8
and 20, all properly
O. K.'d aud wo will
present to you a
handsomely decor
ated Largo Berry
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Miner Bros-
lk'il Cloud, Neb.
Bring in this card
on days mentioned
below, purchase
goods to the amount
of $200 or more
aud wo will present
to you a handsomely
decorated Dessert
Plato and Berry
Tuesdays nnd ThurHlays.
Miner Bros '
Red Cloud, Neb.
By purchasing
goods to tho amount
of $200 or more, on
days mentioned, bo
low, we will O. K.
this card. Present
it with cards No. 7,
8 nnd 9, all properly
O. K.'d and we will
present to you a
handsomely decorat
ed Large Berry Dish.
Tuesdays and Thursday s.
Miner bros-
Red Cloud, Neb.
lug machines or other kindred occu
pations. "Curriers must not, either in person
or through others, directly or indi
rectly, by any method whatever, soli
cit money, gift or presents; nor issue
for profit souvenir postal handbooks;
nor cooperate with nor assist tho pub
lishing of same to secure the patron
age of the public; nor compile direc
tories for public use or assist publish
ors to compile thorn; nor furnish tho
names and addresses of patrons of
their routes, for pay or favor, to any
individual, except to thoso depart
mental olllclals who, under tho regu
lations, ar entitled to tho same."
The above order should do away
with the numerous embarrassing re
quests mado of rural carriers for "in
side" information, as well as the
hundreds of errands they are called
upon to perform for friends along
their routes. There are very few
pad ages which they aro requested to
cany that are not mailable, and as
long as tho government Is paying
them for doing the work, tho post
olllce department should receive the
benefit of its enterprise.
For Cash and Produce.
Expires September, 1st.
Cut the above card out. It will serve the same purpose as the mailing card.
We have exhausted our first supply of Dishes. Come in and Iook over the new
samples of Austrian and German China.
The handsomest dish premium ever given away in Red Cloud.
Satisfaction or money back."
. i
Duties of Rural Carriers.
Postmaster Hacker has received au
official order from Washington defin
ing and prescribing tho duties of
rural mall carriers. The order is as
"That rural carriers are not per
mttfnri to solicit business or receive
orders of any kind for any person,
firm or corporation.
"No mallablo matter may bo hand
led by rural carriers wmio serving
Abelr routes, unless tho prop' r post-
ko has been propald, with tho single
exception of county newspapers, which,
under tho law, aro permitted to uo
carried freo throughout tho county
i which, thoy aro published, to actual
subscribers, and -such newspapers ad
dressed to subscriber", residents on
rural routes, must bo deposited at tho
postotflce the snmo as papers for
other subscribers,
"Tho hlro for merchandise carried
on request of the patron of rural freo
delivery must be paid by the patron.
Carriers will uot bo pormltted to ro
cevo auy compensation from the
seller of such merchandise.
"Articles or packngoe, which are
mailable, which aro handed to tho
enrrier or deposited at tho postofllco
or in n rural letter box or in a collec
tion box located on a ruval route, with
a request that the rural carrier deliver
the same, aro subject to tho rules ro-
gulating mall matter, including tho
paymont of 'postago thereon.
"Articles or packages that aro not
mailable, while tho patron desires the
rural carrier to carry, must bo deliver
ed to tho carrier in person, and in
carrying merchandise for hire rural
carriers aro not permitted to leave
thoir route as ofllolally laid out, or to
accept unytniug mat will in anyway
deloy the delivery of ma 1, or in any
way interfere with tho efficiency of the
"Carriers, whllo on duty, are not
permitted to carry spirituous liquors
either for themselves, for wile, or for
tho accommodation of th ir patrons.
"Rural carriers aro required to per-
Lincoln Letter.
Lincoln. Neil, Juno '22,
Tho proud old commonwealth of
Massachusetts has come to Nobtiisku
to borrow again, aud again her young
western sister has decided to uccomm
date tho applicant. At its meeting
last week the state board of education
al lauds and funds decided to urohaso
$100,000 worth of .Massachusetts bonds
at 'i per cent. In addition to this
heavy invest ment it has been decided
that about $100,000 worth of warrants
may bo purchased with entiro safety
t t t
Secretary Koyso of thestatol nuking
board lias called for a statement of the
condition of Nobraska Miilding and
loan associations at tho closo of busi
ness June 30th
t t t
Gaino Warden Carter has received a
number of inquiries from persons who
wish to know whether or not it is law
ful to take beaver in Nebraska, and
investigation bus disclosed the fact
that these furry inhabitants of tfio
creeks aud ponds have increased very
rapidly during tho past two or throo
years. Tho law does not protect them,
as they were supposed to bo practic
ally extinct.
T t
Tho governor's family left Monday
for St. Louis to see tho exposition.
Governor Mickey had arranged to no
imintmiiv them, but was obliged to
abandon tho trip on account of tho
assessment board's failure to complete
its work according to expectations.
I t t
Since Auditor Weston has reported
that S'280 000 of the state debt has been
wiped out within tho last six months,
tho administration has been encour
aged to bellovejthat tho state indebt
edness may bo entirely wiped oi.t
without making any material increase
in tho revenues. Tho next half year,
however, will bo an expensivo one aud
tho drain on tho treasury will bo heavy
on account of tho great buildings
which aro being erected, at Lincoln,
Norfolk, Koarney and elsewhere. In
years when no such extraordinary
expenditures aro necessary, and with
a state administration as careful and
economical as tho present one, tho
debt ought to grow steadily smaller
and a decade of careful management
ought to wlpo It out.
t t
Kuy P. Teelo, of Washington, in tho
omploy of tho department of Irriga
tion experiments, a branch of the
fiirrlf.ulttiriil department, is detallod
to duty in Noinnsku for an
not. assessment, of railway corporal Ions
from W7,07",:i."i:i, the valuation liiHf--year,
to $1(1,018,03(1, tho last sum boliitf:
tho llguro ut which tho corporation
properties will bo assessed after nil
deductions have been mado for prop
erty otherwise assessed. Tho win
represents a raise of approximately 7.'fc
per cent, or about eight per cent great
er than tho ralso on 'land valuos nn
found by sale reports which linvo beeu
compiled in the ofllco of Laud com
missioner Polluter. Tho board fins
uot yet agreed upon a distribution of
tho values, but It is thought that des
pite the vehement protest bf General
Manderson and other representative
of tho interested corporations, tho
unit system will prevail, aud main ami
branch lines will bo nssossod nt'thc
same llguro. While tho board. hrfsTJipt;
yot announced the llguro at whlchf
each lino will bo appraised, It is prob
able that the following will uot bo far
from correct: Union Paolilo 811,000
per mile; last ycor, $0,577; Burlington,
$7,700, last year, 84,351: Northwestern
7,r00. last year, S3,(ir0; Rock Islnuri,
$8,200, lii-jf. year, $5,108; Missouri I'ucL
11c Increased from an average of 5,(161
to SH.'ilKI for tho main lino aud K,(KX
for tho blanches. In milking Its cal
culations, the board has followed tho
law strictly. Every fact or olrcura
stance which could by any poslbility
guido tho board in ascertaining- the
truo market vnluo of tho lines ,Im
been given duo consideration, aud lb
may be said that tho board has uot
followed the plan of nnymombqrjbfc
has exhausted every menus within -its
powor to arrive at tho truo value, nnd
bollevo that It has dono that as nearly
as It Is posslblo for any board" to do.
Whether or uot tho tatigiblo nnd fn
tnngible properties will bo reported.
separately Is a question which is still
agitating the minds of tho mombera
who aro proceeding very cautiously in
ordor to avoid litigation and tho possl
blo loss of any portion of the railway
taxes. jtVt present it is belloved that
tho ass6ssment is uot oajy as .nearly
correct, thoroforo as nearly just nncl
equitable as can possibly bo mado, bat
that it will staud the strain of n trip
through tho courts in case appeal Is
tult postofllco inspectors or othor duly
accredited agents of tho postofllco de
partment, to accompany them on thoir
regular trips over thblr routes. They
must not carry other passengers nor
permit any person, other than author- ... ,i,v in Nebraska for an indefinite
teed postal officials, to ride with them ' period. Ho will study Nobraska rivers
or to have accesw to tho mails. I IUi crooks, and perhaps will make nn
"Rural carriers must uot .ngago In'olfort to ascertain whether or not
any business during their prescribed .artesian wells can bo profitably In
i.nM,r.....i,H.nP,.n...ii.tlinv IiuhI. stalled in somo of tho western ooun-
ness after hours which offers the , ties whore Irrigation by ditches Is im-
temptation to solicit patronago on praouuiuiu
their routes, or wiiich by roason of
Special Rates
St. Paul nnd MlnrfMolia, July 14tb,
to 18th, Inc. Aug Gth. to 11th. Inc.
return limit Sept. Will.
Cdorado, Utah nnd Hlnck Hills,
Juno Iflt. to Sept. limited for re
turn Oct. ill.
Chicago III. June 1st. to Sept. 3ft ti.
limited for return Oct. Slat.
llopohud Indian llomrvatien, July 1st
to !)2nd. return limit Aug. 8Ut.
Louisville, Ky. An;. 13, 14, nnd 15,
limited Sept. inth
ImllnnopoliH, I"d, Juno 2Cth. '27,
limited to July 10th.
St. Joe, Mo. June 28, 20, 30, limit
July 31t.
Atlantic Ci'y, July 0, 10, limited Aug:.
Cincinnati Ohio, July 1G, 10, IT, lim
ited Aug 18.
Sun e'rnnciseo, Oil. Aug 15, to Sept
10'h. return limit 2Urd. A. Conovhk.
Less Than Halt Rates to St. Louis awl
On Monday:?, June 0, IS, 20 anil 7,
the Huilington (Hera tickets to St.
Louis and return at $11, good for
seven day, considerably less tbnn ono
faro for (he round trip.
Tickets are good in 'coaches and
chair cars (soats tree).
Tun niiignlllcent exposition is now
ontupleto and in harmonious opera
tion. You will regret it all jour liffo if joa
full to soo this wonderful exposition.
Illustrated folder fcoo, and full in
formation on application to liuriington
Route agent or to L. W. Wakely,
Uuneral Passenger Agent, Oacaha,
their position in the government ser
vleo. ulvos thorn special udvautngo
t t t
The stato board of assessment camo
together on tho railroad tax question
...nnn,nnfifmH. mud. ns book convus- Into jestorday ovonlug, tho result of baneflh, a cents ami M.W.
lug, kolleltlngluburunee, selling sow-( their laloru being to ralso tho total a,,ce, Druuit. Hed cloud.
Myitla Curo for lUietinutltun aud Xurlgla
radically curei In 1 lo alR. Its action upon
the ij-nlsm U remarkable and uiyuterloiia. Ik
remove at once ttie cauo ami the dlfcelw-
medlately dlspcnni. The first doro greatly
bold tj II. 8.
I .