"Mtv'f- ,&' "J. JMtWCI.tntoi. n1 .v - j -i.au .', ,"Trr ittpVM &m Women Like Miliars WHY? Every woman praises the sim plicity of the Sharpless Tubular Cream Separator Because they are easy to feed, easy to KEEP CLEAN, easy to TURN, points every woman who helps about the dairy has a right to insist upon. All other separators run harder than a TUBULAR. They have a great many more parts to WASH and to WEAR OUT. Let me give you a catalogue and show you the many good points in a SHARPLESS TUBULAR. JANES PETERSON. -,994444444ttfrttC4r LOCALETTES : Light harness at Joo Foeul's. Try that calf meal at Caldwell's. Stock saddles at Joo Fogel's. Hoscoe Gather arrived heme Sunday L. J. Moore of Riverton, was in town i Monday. Ray Frame was in Blue Hill tho llrst of tho week, Walter Kaley was in town the first of tho week. Mrs. A. Cummings has been quite ill the past week. W. A. Barcus, of Blue Hill, was in town Monday. John Anderson was down from Riv erton, Monday. Omer Butler is home from attending the University. Dr. Myers of Riverton was in Red Cloud Monday. Miss Nellie Emerton left Monday iov Grand Island. . Miss Lelia Greir left Sunday for her Ihomo in Colorado. Wm. Boudreau of Campbell, was in ftown Wednesday. Miss Rozo Fountaine of Peru, was in the city Sunday. John Person has bought tho dray line rfrom A. A. Boren. f Mrs. Uoe and Mrs. Munsey left for their home in ll'nois. Douglas Gather arrived in tho city 4ho lirst of the week. ' L. P. Albiight was in Grand Island, tho iirst of tho week. Mil. Fred Brower was in McCook the lirst of tho week. Carringo painting, ?3 to $10; day work 32 00. F. P. Hud ley. If you want tho bust and cheapest AJiarness, go to Fogel'a. Alex Campbell of McCook was in Red Cloud Wednesday. Miss Robinson returned to her homo Insurance Agency The German Insurance Co. of Freoport, III., and the Farmers Mutual Insurance Co. of Nebraska have over nine hun dred policies in force in Webster County. Look up your policy and see me. O. C. TEEL, Phone 93. kid Cloud. ft. C.rg-aTfra (1 in Guide Rock Monday. See Joe Fogol for anything in the harness or saddlery line. Richard Runchey returned Tuesday from a visit in Kearney. Miss Jessie Duckcr is attending summer school at Lincoln. The local strawberry crop is now being offered on the market. Dr. Reed and family will leave for their homo in Chicago tomorrow. Mrs. John Gritlith went to Iowa tho lirst of the week to visit relatives. Miss Stella Ducker left Monday for Lincoln to attend summer school. Mrs. Sam West is visiting with Mrs. G. M. Caster in Riverton this week. Mr. J. T. Hallock of Dana, Kansas, is visiting in Red Cloud, this week. Wanted Man and wife to work on farm. Inquire at this office. Chas. McKeighan has purchased a tine German coach stallion, in Lincoln. Mrs. J. R. Mercer left, Tuesday for a visit with her parents at Araphoe. Chas. Miiligan returned Wednesday from a months trip to the Pacific coast. Allen Carpenter sold the Lutz farm in Lice township to Jack Wisecarver. Ed. Funk of Lawrence was transact ing business in Rod Cloud, this week. Tho Baptist church hai changed its Sunday School hour from noon to 10 a. m. Overing Bros, are laying a stone sidewalk in front of their business block. Miss Mabel Beckwith left Monday to spond the summer with relatives, in Michigan. Mr E. O. Scott and wife of Ropubli- can City, spent Sunday with friends in this city. Roy Zint and wifo returned to their Ik mo in MeCook after a weeks visit with relatives. Mrs. C I) Robinson and mother loft for Norton, Kansas, Tuesday morning to visit relatives. T. C. Hacker left Tuesday for Lin coin, to attend the Nebraska Associa tion of Pjstmasters. Mrs. John Dickorson of Lincoln, is in Red Cloud this week, visiting with telalives and friends. Fred Ault and Louis Hines of Upland, were in tho city Sunday attending tho funeral of Vanco Foe. Wm. HctTlobower and wifo of Mc Cook aro visiting at tho homo of his parents near Inavalo. Mrs. Chas. Dicker.son of Lincoln, is visiting with her parouts Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Kizor, this weok. E. J. Ovcnng jr. is in attendance at the Stato Sunday School convention at Grand Island this week. Come in and see the newest hand painted shirt-waist buttons and brooches. Nowhouso Bros. The family of Rev. Davis arrived last Thursday evening and aro now instal led in their home on Elm Street. Those who attended tho Children's Day excersises, in the Methodist church last Sunday evening, enjoyed a treat. Mrs. Mabel Thompson was in Bost wiek Wednesday attending the wed ding of her friend Miss Florence Whits. Tho devotional meeting-; of tno M. K. League will bo held after prayer meet ing Wednesday evening for the present. Dwight Wilson went to Supoilor Monday, where Iip has secured it posi tion with W G. Montgomery & Co., Clothiers. Tho Muses Jesslo and Minn Carl, neices of Sheriff McArthur, returned to their home in Long Island, Kansas, Saturday. W. R, Johnson and fatnllv, of Auro ra, arrived in Rod Cloud, Wednesday, and will mako this their homo for a short time. K Johnston, B. K. Muntz, Ed Koon and Conrad Staiko worn in Nelson Monday as witness in tho preliminary hearing of the Feazle. J. It Morcer left Monday for Chicago and other eastern places Attorney A. H. Ritchcr will look after his busi ness during his absence. Dan Garber, tho new real estate agent, has rented an office above W. S. Voting's store, and has opened it for business Superior Journal. Mrs. G. W. Francis and familv, and Dr. Reed and family spent Sunday visiting relatives north of Cowles, where a family reunion took place. The Mite society of thoM. K. church at Ash Creek, will give an ico cream social at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kent Friday evoning, Juno 24. At tho meetingof tho Masonic Grant! lodgo hold at Umaha last week, L. 11 Hlacklcdgo of this city, was chosen Grand Orator for tho ensuing year Into eneh life some miss must fall, Wiso people don't sit down and bawl; Unlv fools suicide r.r take to tlight, Smart people tako Rocky Mountain Tea at night. C. L. Cutting. Tho storm Tuosday night created consid'rable damago to freshly cut alfalfa. A largo amount was lying in tho tield partially cured and will bo tost. The M W. A. and A O. U. W. lodgos of this city will hold joint momorial services, next Sunday. All membots are requested to meet at their lodgo hall at 1:30 p. m. Services at tho Christian church Sun day. Tho pastor will preach in tho morning on "A Conscienco Free From Self-Condenination," at night on "Les sons from the Miracle at Cana." Many sido walks in this city are in a bad condition. Now is tho time to put down sand stone because Overing Bros. & Co. aro making cut prices for the next 00 days. C ill and see thorn. Spring Work means New Harness We have them in near ly any style you want. Not the cheap, shoddy kind, which are dear at any price, but good, serv iceable harness at prices that are right. We guar antee our harness in every way to be perfect ly satisfactory. You can't afford to pay fancy prices for harness that will give you no bet ter satisfaction than you can get from our goods. Don't pass us by when you need a harness. We Are It. M0RHARI BROS. Hardware Co. lt!WJOTlW'"w,sTS Mrs Louis Ernest, Evnnsvlllo, Intl. IlollUtei's "Rocky Mountain Tea Is plomlid. Makes 'sick peoplo well. Cured me after others failed." Tea or tablet form 1)5 cents. C. L. Cutting. Constipation causrs two-thirds of all sickness in tho world. Why suffer when Hollistei's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you vll and keep you well ? 35 cents. Tea or tablet form. C. L. Cottiug. At the Congregational church next Sunday the regular services will bo held. Sermon thiine for morning, "Helping the Under Man-," evening, "The Victory of the Atonement." The public is cordially welcomed. Sunday school at the M E. church Sunday morning 10 a. in. Preaching at 11 a. m , sul ji'ct of sermon "Work of the General Conference of 1!0 I." Preaching at 8 p. in. subject, "The Grace of Obeidence." Tho l A- M. i llh I'll Haiti bearing Gen'i Manager Holdrcgc, Alex Camp bell, C 1). Rogeis, B M. Willinrd and Mr Hill, son of J J. Hill, passed through here, Wedneday, on a tour of inspection of tho southern division of tno B A- M. The Children's Dny services in the Congregational and Methodist churches woio held on Sunday morning and evoning respectively, and wero at tended by largo audiences. In both cases tho programs were rendered In a pleasing manner. Tho exercises for tho Christian church will bo held next Sunday. The funeral services over tho bodv of Vance V. Foo occured Sunday after noon at tho homo of thft deceased, being comhu'Ud by Rev. E. L. Hutch in, of tho Methodist church. They wero a sad but beautiful tilbuto to the hold sho had upon a largo circlo of friends in this life, their being many tender tokens of love and sympathy from thoso who had known her. In her death tho community at largo suffers a loss hard to roplaco. Coming with liar parents to Webster county nt an early ago, sho was an example of self mado charaotor and ability. She had won her way stop by step in the love and confidence of thoso who know her and counted her friends in large numbers. One expression of her effort to mako tho best out of herself was shown by the local board when it elected her to a position as teacher in tho Red Cloud school', and her death is a keen disappoititemont to that body. But far greater than this is the loss of tho woman womanly, kind hearted, a truo daughter in the home, and a friend to all she came in contract with It is hard to understand why such an one should bo taken from life, and her death will bo keenly felt for a long time. rami Over to District Court. The second preliminary hearing of Mrs. Hutchinson and her son Charley and Harle7 Feazle for the murder of Eli Feazle was held in Nolson beforo county Judge Dysart. This Eli Feazle lived near Bostwick and last fall it was reported he had gone to, Humbodt to visit a brother Later this was found to bo untrue and theao throe persons were arrested for the murder' and had a preliminary bearing and were discharged for lack of evidence. Since that time tho farm had been rented by Mr. Joseph Stanley. On May 13, while plowing, one of his horses sank to his knees in tho soft dirt in a hole filled with grass aud earth. Help was summoned and they dug out of hole a whiskey bottle, somo hair, a human hand, and some clothing. Tho clothing and hair looked liko that of Fun.lo and tho county ollicers wero notified. Tho hole looked liko it had beeu dug out, a body removed and then rolllled. Buggy tracks wero also found. Tho saina parties wero again arrested and aro now having their trial. Besides tho Stanleys' ovidence, given above, a liveryman from Red Cloud, E. Johnston, testilied that on May 9 Charley Hutchinson hired a team and left there at 0 .10 iti tho evening aud re turned the next morning with tho horses completely tired out and tho buggy smelted ns though carrion had been hauled in it and tho undertaker from Red Cloud, B. F. Muntz, swore positively it was tho odor of a decaying human body. Mr. Henry, for whom Hutcilinson was working, testilied that he was absent from their place from tho 5th to tho 0th, about the time t.e body was supposed to havo boon re moved, and that their spado was mis sing about that time. A peculiar-shaped shoo on tho team drivon from Red Cloud was recognized in tho tracks around tho grave where the hand was found. What was supposed to bo a gravo was found under a shed attached to tho house and on being dug out a largo S wrench about fourteen inchos long was found with a dark stain supposed to have boon blood. Aftor hearing tho evidence Judge Dysart held the prisoners over to the district court, which convenes in Nelson next Soptembor. The prosecution is conducted by County Attorney E, D. Brown, assisted bf the Stubbs brothers. The prisoners are defended solely by the Hon. R. D. Sutherland, who alto defended them la Ui? first trial. - - .VyWW ADVERTISING TEST Tho Coupon in this ad. IB WORTH 23 CENT. To tost tho value of this advertising wo will glvo to ovory por sou giving us this coupon and buying Shoes or Folt Hats to tho amount of 92. OO and upwards tho choice of anything in our store selling for 25 cents. Komonibor that wo aro soil ing Mon's, Hoys' and Children's Suits, Pants, Shoes and Hats cheaper t bun any concern In Southern Nebraska, and it will pay you to see us before you buy anything In tho apparel lino. COUPON. dooif until July , iQOf. Good for 25c. In Trade, with a Shoe or Hat purchase of f'J.(H) and upwards. The Covfdcn-Kalcy Clothlnft Co., Red Cloud, Nebraska. Gouiden-Haley One Price Clothiers, First door north of Postofflce, Red ClouCNeb. Found the File. Last Sunday morning Sheriff Mc Arthur was informed, by Sheriff Shol burn of Harlan county, of iho where abouts of tho II lo which Henry Wood man and Jako Kohu had Uhed in their rocent attempted jnll breaking In Rod Cloud. Woodman and Kolin wore held In the Wobstor county jail to await trial at Alma for burglary and had boon contlned In one of the upper' tier of cells, and had succeeded in III lug through the curved bar of the lock which hold the bars to tho win dow of their cell. It was llrst suspect ed that they had Uf-od an aluminum comb to do tho work, but Woodman, who pleaded guilty at the trial, con fessed us-iiu; a file and told that tho llle was hid in ono of tho air chambers of tho cage, where Sheriff MoArtliur found it. Woodman was sentenced to two and u halt years in tho pouiteu- tiary. Kohu tried the insanity dodge to escapo tho penitentiary und was taken to tho asylum at Lincoln, but after a fow days there ho concluded he would rathergotothe ponitontiary. Ho was brought back to Rod Cloud last Tuesday evening and will bo hold hero until tho full torm of court In Harlan county. Less Thai Halt Rites to St. Louis aid Return. On Mondays, June 0, IS, 20 and 27, tho Burlington offers tickets to St. Louis and return at $11, good for seven days, considerably less than one faro for the round trip. Tickets are good in coaches and chair cars (seats free). The magnificent exposition is now complete and in harmonious opera tion. You will regret it all your life if you fail to seo this wonderful exposition. Illustrated folder free, and full in formation on application to Burlington Route agent or to L. W. Wakoly, General 1'assongor Agont, Omaha, Neb. Falr-McCall. Married, at tho residence of the bride's father Alfred Mi Call, Juno 15, 1P01. Mr. Herbert A. Fair, of Rising City, Nob,, and Miss Luoy McCall of Rod Cloud, Row W. I' Taylor of the M. E. church of Inav.ile, olliciating. The young couple loft immediately for their homo near Rising City, where tho groom is n successful farmer The bride has been a faithful and success fill teacher for 3 years. Tho best wishes of a host of friends goes with tho happy couple. Horse Thief Caught. Shortff McArthur returned, last evoning, from Davonport. Thayer county, Nebraska, having in charge one Chas. Going, alias Herman Stott man, who had been artcsted at that place and held to await his coming. Gering is charged with tho stealing of u horse from Andrew Chiistianson, near Bladen, last April, and also with stealing n buggy and harness, in Adams county. Hi6 preliminary hear ing will probably bo held today. Advertised Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for at postoftice at Red Cloud, Nub, for the week ending June 10, 1004: Miss Louis D invars, Mr. Laoiphere, Wui. Marshall, F. C. Smith, E. B. Ste vens. These will bo sent to the dead lotter ofllco June 80, 1004, if not called for befare. Wben calling for above pleaso My "advertised." T. C. Hackku, Postmaster. hlu, ....,. ' - . SW ( -Mt t-h.m-i rt fc t a w: ii""r"" nyiyaiwM wiwaWMi.- l rw - VrfXVN- Clothing Go., 'vTvy1 Do You Eat Meat? Whon you nro hungry and want somothig nice in tho meat Hue, drop into my nmrkot.WI have the nicest kind of Home-made Sausages and moats, fish, and game In season. I think, aud almost know, that I can pleaso you. Glvo mo a trial. W. L. K00N, Successor to ROBINSON & BURDEN. H. B. ASHBR, VETERINARIAN Of tho Kansas City Veter inary College Olllco at E. Johnston's, the Hrlck Barn. ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED Tolophono 82. RED CLOUD, - . NEB. At Blue Hill first Tuesday in each mouth. m INSURANCE against Firo, Lightning, Cy clones and Windstorms, see JNO. B. STANSE, agent for tho Farmers Union Insur ance Co., Lincoln, Neb., tho best 1h surauce company in the s'lte. Mllet Seal for Sak. I havo about 100 bushels of millet seed for sale, either white or red, at market price. Jn 1 D. G. Wmtamb. ". wM&wsmyir vmtv . . mm i inm--wiii i n in Min i tmm 4 RED CLOUD WBBSTBR COUNTY f NEBRASKA 1 1 !? E9TATE C -AND- I FARM LOAMS Somo of tho finest farms aud ? r city property In Webster Couti- J i ty, Nebraska, for sale Prices J ranging from 815 to 135 per ncro. f J. P. HALE, ) Red Cloud, Nobrapka. s BBWBM'l l3SIS6X.i.t3SiS!g mv i jifthAtltfWri'iMwwt .iii ,b ,t i 3 V IX : J !W I M .. ,immmmmMjkiMmmMjL iTaa.