The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 17, 1904, Image 4

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    11 Will WIH JJWIHWJW-UIIIMIWim urn
To be sure, you are growing
old. But why let everybody
see it, in your gray hair?
Keep your hair dark and rich
and postpone age. If you will
Hair Vigor
only use Ayer's Hair Vigor,
your gray hair will soon have
all the deep, rich color of
youth. Sold for 60 years.
" I am now oyer 60 jrnri otil, anil I lmv
a tlilc'k.cloMj liritil of luiiR lialr which ll n
wntxlrr to every one who ieei II. Ami mil a
gray lialr In It, all ilno In Aior'i llnlr Vlirnr "
Mils. II. It. HuniIS, llcclda, Minn.
SI.M ft bottle.
All rtmnyliU.
J. C. AVEtlCO.,
I nwen. mum
White Hair
P. C. Piiaijks, Editor.
sunscntrnoN hates.
:ant yer II oo
Wimonthi 50
Entered at tnw poit offlce t lied Cloud, Nob.a
-iijooud clan tnat'raatter.
-furnished on application.
Lincoln Letter.
Lincoln, Neil, Juno 14,
Tho would bo organizors of tho
"Democratic party in this stuto havo
-src covered from tho awful boating
-w)ilch they suffered at the Omaha con
mention and havo bogun to talk of ar
ranging to solid a delegation to tho
St. Louis convention ready to take
tho places of Bryan and his delegates
should ho and his policies bo turned
down and then bolt as now expected.
That Uryau will do this Is accepted
. a foregone conclusion by tlioso who
"iiavo noticed how ho has evaded or
pointedly refused to auswer ovory
question put to him about his prob
iblo com so In case Cleveland, Parker
- -ar some democrat of that ilk is noml
-nation, and that Mr. Bryan's delega
tion will accompany him from tho con--volition
hall is almost in certain as all
of them aro his personal friends aud
.co-workers aud it is even whisporod In
.-sosio quarters that they woro quietly
-.asked to pledge thomsolvos to bolt in
the event that a reorganlzor is noml
joatod or tho platform fails to please
:he westerners.
t t t
'Out of courtesy to a number of at
2ornoys who wish to attend the ropub
fticau national convention without
raeglectiug their practice boforo tho
tsurprenio court, tho judgos have de
voided to commence the next sitting on
Juno 28, instead of at tho regular time,
which Is ono week earlior. Tho fam
ous"Scottsblulf irrigation cuso," in-
evolving the right to distribute water
wipon about 150,000 acres of fertile
Blonds was reversed, aud tho court up-
Cueld tho right of tho state boanl of
irrigation to rule in a seml-judical
"capacity, and enunciated tho doctrlno
ithat tho right to uo water upon lands
'coveted hi on application Is not for
feited by failure to construct tho
canals until tun years after tho date
of tho application.
t t t
Tho pickerel liko tho carp, fails to
-appreciate the kindness of the No-
liraslm commission in rearing him
luxuriously aud eventually liberating
him in some pleasant stream or lake,
nnd is making himself most obnoxious
by invading streams whore ho has no
-earthly business to bo and oat' tig
.'trout fry. Warden Carter explains
Ely-8 Cream Balm
This Remedy Is at Specific,
Sure to Give Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, heals, nnd protects tho
diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and
drives away a Cold In tho Ilead quickly.
Restores tho Senses of Taate and Smell
sUsy to use. Contains no injurious drugs.
Appllod into the nostrils and absorbed.
Largo Blre, CO cents at Druggists or by
Tamil j Trial Slut, 10 tents by mall.
LY IR0TWEHI, II Warm IL. Now York.
that not a single plckerol has been
establish where trout has been plant
ed or wcro thought to exist, but that
In a few isolated cases pickerel had
ascended trout streams and doubtless
had done a small amount of damago.
Mr. Carter says that tho pickeiel
planting was dono as nn experiment
and that It may not bo repeated, as
tho fish scorns to bo of a roving di.
position and loves to wander to tho
exact snot where his presence Is not
t t t
Food Commissioner W. T. Thomp
son icports that Stato Chomist Walk
er has examined samples of Jollies
aud preserves which contain as
as seventy per cent of pure glucose.
I "St raw bony", "blackberry" and "iap
berry" Jain made by ono factory wan
found to bo exactly alike excepting a
slight dllfetenco in tho color of tho
coal tar dyo used In getting tho tints
of tho tlltrei out berries. Mr. Tliotup
says that many newspaper articles
havo appeared which have created a
sensation on tho other side of the
world, Tho articles tefor to tho kind
of goods which Is on tho market in
this country and aro reproduced in
Germany to bolster up tho campaUu
which Is being waged there against
American good". Tho report that
strawberry prosorvos which havo been
treated with millet seed to get the
proper appendicitis eirect were on
sale in this state brought in u numbei
of inquiries from Gorinnny and at
last Washington took tho mat tor up
Mr. Thompson explains that tho story
was started by a newspaper man who
wished to ridicule the commission
and its work.
t t t
Tho last opou mooting of the state
assessment board is being hold today
and within a few days people will
know just what tho board will do in
the most important rovouuo mattei
which ever arises in tho stato the
valuation of railway corporations.
Predictions as to tho probable ilguro
which will bo agreod upon must neces
sarily be nothing more nor loss than
wild guesses. The board has not
agreed upon tho valuation of u single
milo of track. But It has agreed to
Ilguro every mile of track upon a
certain plan, and a person ilguring
upon that same plan will llml that the
corporation propertiesaro worth some
where in the neighborhood of 47 mil
lions. Figuring upon any other basis
of assessment, they aro worth from
live to ten millions less. Tho fusion
organs havo adopted rattier a unique
wayoflaylug up future trouble for
tho board or attempting to. Just ut
present tho fusion reporters havo
temporarily ceased to twang thoir old
tuno about all of tbo ropublicau
otllcers being corporation tools, aud
aro predicting that tho roads are being
assessed away up, ono notoriously
"wild'' reporters gravely assorting that,
the board will tlx tho value of all tho
linos at 57 millions or more. These
optimistic predictions of wealth pour
ing out of the coffers of the corpora
tions and into tho beloved stato trea
sury are made for tho purpose of in
duclng the voter to believe that the
time was fast coming when the rail
roads would bo askod to pay all the
taxes while tho "great common poople"
looked idly on. Then whon the pub
lic was keyed up to 57 millions aud
beliove that to bo tho proper sum,
along would come the tiding that the
board had tlxed tho valuations at
somo n'no or ton millions less. Tho
fat t is tho board has worked honestly
and steadily toward the result which
will b'o announced this weok.
Items of News Found in Tho
Chief of Twenty Years Ago
This Weok V V V
The little son or Mr. and Mrs. J. W
Warren died, Tuesday.
J.G.Potter or this city, will soon
havo his store al Wells ready for
C. W. Haley was lu Peru this week
attending a meeting of tlo State
Bjardof Education.
Tho Red Cloud National bunk lias
received its currency, sumo 611 WO,
from the government and havo com
menced tho Issuo of tho same. Tho
bills are of tho denomination or ?." and
aro very handsome.
Our home club went to Superior
Thursday to play a match game or
ball with tho Superior nine.
Tho Band of Hope, composed mostly
of children hold a picnic at Gov.
Garber's grove, last Wednesday.
Thero was somo tluo fancy skating
Indulged in ut tho rink, last Saturday
night, by tho Misses Floreuco Toary,
Maud Dennison and Jennie Powell, of
Atchison, Kausas, who nro visiting
with M, Blruey aud family. Tho
skating of Miss Toary was ospoclally
notlcablo. On Weduosday night tho
game of polo was Introduced and play
ed to the satisfaction of all present.
J. L. Miller uud Goo Dodd p urchas
od the abstract and insurance business
of Bingham A Kirk ono dy this weok.
A. A. Frame, W.W. Hogate, J. M.
Frame, John Rhodo and S. B. Middle
ton of Ditto II11I, attended Masonic
lodgo in tins city, Friday night. j
Married in Franklin, Nob., on tho
15th, by J. E. Hart Esq., Mr. John
Kuhl, of Red Cloud, to Minnie Mahuke,
of Franklin. I
Miller it Dotld abstractors and real
estate agents, sold 3J0 acres of laud
to Win. Irons last Saturday. I
John W Hull, has sold his farm and
on Tuesday, together with his family,
started for Alabama, where ho pro
poses to make his homo In tho future '
W. P. Hanthorn, a former res dent
of this county, has returned aud will
build a stone homo on his farm.
A new barber shop in town, tun by
Gilbert .fc Davis.
Rev. Ulackwoll of Guldo Rock made
our olllco n pleasant call, Wednesday. '
Tho good brother will soon retlio from
tho ministry and tuin his attention to
Mr. Juo. Mooro has been in Lincoln,
this week, for tho purpose of getting
plans and specification for tho now
brick building which tho First Nation
al Bank, of this city, propose to build.
The county o ninilsslonors havo
been in session for tho past 15 days
equalizing tho assessment of tho
i utility.
'I ho latest news from tho Pat Berry
neighborhood, Is to tho effect that
Mrs. Anderson, whom Pat assaulted,
Is lying In a precarious condition and
Berry is still at largo.
Tho stock of harnoss formorly be
longing to O.G. Roberts, who recently
failed, lias had a number of owners
recently. It has boon sold, bought in,
roploviued again, until It is somowhat
difllcult to tell which from t'othor.
Mr. B, Briggs aud Mrs. Rickerson,
both of Rod Cloud, woro united lu
marriBgo on the 15th by Rov. Geo. O.
Last yoar, or bettor perhaps 1883,
tho assessed valuation of real aud per
sonal proporty in Webster couuty was
l,:ai,09y. This year it stands as fol
lows, as gloaned from tho assessors
Personal proporty f 800 000,
Real ostato 1,005 000,
Town lots 193 232,
B.&M.bed 2.J2 037,
Total 2,2l0 311),
A net gain, in valuation, of e307,30.
Tho towns aud cities aro also keeping
paeo with tho times. Tho valuation of
towu lots Is about as follows:
Red Cloud eil0,277
Guldo Rock 18,017
Blue Hill 51,010
Amboy 418
The following is a correct copy of
tho census of Webstor county, Ne
braska, taken for tho year 1834, and
compiled for the said state by J, P.
Baklia, couuty olork.
Red Cloud precinct 1QG0
Guide Rock 1273
Potsdam 020
Stillwater G01
Harmony 570
Oak Creek 553
Gleuwood 49G
Inavale 449
Ploasaut Hill 413
Batiu 351
Elm Crook 335
Garfield 293
Walnut Crook 292
Lino 240
Ou Tuesday night tho cannon ball,
or moro properly train No. 10, in
chargo of conductor Pat Lyman and
engineer Alex Stowart, was wrecked
at a bridge about flvo miles wost of
Chester, Nebraska, by a misplaced
rail. Out of about 30 ou tho train but
few, us near as could bo ascertained,
wero uninjured, aud but ono killed,
Express Messenger McNaughton, who
was mangled beyond recognition. It
is thought somo others will not survive
their injuries. As soon as news of tho
wreck was received a relief train was
organized. Among tlioso ou tho train
was Dr. Hall. Tho rail had boon
moved from its proper placo by train
wiockors. Robbery Is supposod to
havo been tho mot ivo. Tho B. &, M
oirer 81000 reward for tho arrest and
conviction or tho guilty parties.
Atchison Globe Sights.
Now coon song:
ing to That."
"l'hero Ain't Noth-
Quostion often askod:
people get along ?"
"How do somo
Whatever a woman thinks, she
ways say9 hor husband loves her.
If tou aro to bo hanged, people won't
boast that they used to know you,
Lota of worthy people are not popu
lar. Thoro's your caso, for example.
Talk about a rut all you please, somo
mon are never any good out of one.
Most people get tho spring out of
their walk during June, July and Au
gust. Edwin Sohrlber, three years old,
whipped his sister, two years old, the
Summer Suits for
Men and Boys.
I am showing aline of two
piece suits tor men in
new styles in flannels,
In Boys' Summer Suits,
75C to $7.50
These suits are neat com
fortable and just what you
want for hot weather.
See the now Lion Specials
In Mats.
other dav, because she wouldn't refer
to him as "Sli".
After all, you must bo your own doc
tor. Patent medicines won't savo you,
When wo becomo one of tho Fate, we
do not inteud to amuse ths loafers by
engaging in a ball game with the Leans
They say there is nothing new. Still,
last nl -lit we raw a boy returning from
the country with a heard of cows, and
ho was riding ono of the cows.
Thero is moro humiliation about love
than about anything else, for the rea
son that there is less naturaluess about
love than anything else.
Complaint was made to Sheriff Kill
today that will result in a sensation if
tho matter is pushed. Chatincey De
laine Appleton complained that no was
induced last evening by a girl ho bad
called ou to accompany her to a soda1,
glvon by the daughters of the church;
that he had $15 in his pocket, and was
surroundbd, besieged, set upon and
pestered till he hadn't five cents left to
pay his car fare home. Ho declares it
is a hold-up, and has asked Sheriff Kit!
to take steps to get his money back for
him. The indignation of Mr. Appleton
is unpardonable, considering that the
funda raised by tho young ladies are to
be devoted to buying new plush for the
altar He should be proud that he was
so generous a contributor.
Interesting Items Gathered
by Our County R-eporters
Dutch Flat.
Miss Minnio Beardsleo has returned
from her Iowa visit.
Mrs. Hicks has returned to hor home
in Lebanon after a visit in this neigh
borhood. Hunt Young nnd mother, Mert
Houchtaline and family, all of Jewell
Co , spent Sunday with Mr. Uotightal-
Howard Iloughtalina: and family
wero visiting with Mr. York and family
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Beardslee had
dinner with G. Christy nnd family,
Claudo Gibson had tho uilstortuno
to stop on a nail pointing upwards
and mot with a sevoro wound. W. G.
Shannon, G. Christy and family wore
calling on him Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Hrunner, on tho old Day, farm
had a very sevoro attack of his old
diseaso again on Saturday.
Messrs. Kralick, Gibson and Christy
wero helping Chas. Beardsleo suck
alfalfa this week.
It is rather difllcult to kill weeds and
stack alfalfa between showers, and
still tho weeds grow all tho same.
W. G. Shannon carries his cream
halt way to Rod Cioud to have it
bauled tho rest of tho way.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ludlow of Red
Cloud, Mr. and Mrs. John Fox and
family, and Mrs. Kaminsky wero at
Mr. Bruner's on Sunday.
Mrs. C. H. Wilson is numbered with
the sick this week.
John Peterson has most of his alfalfa
put up.
Win. Muscgrove and family spent
last Sunday visiting at J. A. Lockbart's.
C Morbart Bros, were in this vicinity
repairing a windmill last Thursday for
R.ead This Carefully
I am making lots of Farm Loans.
There are reasons for this. I can close a
loan for you in three days after taking your
application, for these reasons:
You do not have to wait and pay for a
man to examine the land. My company has
oceans of money. You do not wait for them
to sell your loan in New York or London
before getting the cash.
You can Pay Off at Any Time,
without giving a day's notice of your inten
tion so to do. All other companies require
from 30 to 60 clays notice on this point.
I have so many different plans for making
loans that some one is bound to suit. No
one can give better rates.
J. H. BAILEY. Red Cloud.
Charley Peterson.
Edward Bretthauer now sports a new
top buggy.
Elias Lockhart ani wife went down
in Kansas last Saturday to visit rela
tives. Ansil Crabill Is home from Lincoln,
where he has been attending school at
the state university.
Cbarloy Stonner has beon doing some
painting for Mr. Olmstead, who lives
dear Inavale.
Rudy Streit is treating his barn to a
coat of paint.
Misses Payne and Wilson wero visit
ing friends in Red Cloud last Friday.
Luthur Crabill was the guest of C. M.
Wilson last Sunday.
Alfalfa cutting is in full blast.
Corn is coming out of the links.
Weeds aro getting a good start, too
Mrs. Woodward is visiting her son
W. II. Bump and family.
A number of Stillwator pooplo at
tended Children's Day exoreisos at
Cowlos Sunday.
G. A. Wolls of Cowlos, and an agent
of a thresher company wero in this
vicinity 011 Monday.
H. B. Moranville V. S. of Guide Rock,
was in this neck o'woods on Monday.
John Howard visited over Sunday in
Nelson. Wo can all guess whore.
No services last Sunday at Eckloy
church ou account of so ninny going to
Ojwles to attend Children's D.iy exor
Garden "tins" is plenty aud mulber
ries aud chert ies aio beginning to
ripen. ,
ia m
World's Fair Rate To St. Louis
Via Burllnfttou Route.
Tickets to St. Louis and return,
Good tiftoon dayc, 817.35.
Good sixty days, f 10 30.
Good all stimmor, 123 15.
For full information about train ser
vice and other details seo tl.u ticket
Tho St. Louis Exposition tlia great
est show the world has over seen is
now complete and in harmonious
operation, and it will bo a lifetime's
regret if you fail to see it. L. W.
Wakklky General Passsengor Agent,
re ! VslHft Allei's Foot-Ease?
Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder. It cures 'jcorns,; bun
ions, painful, smarting, hot, swollen
feet. At all druggistsjaad Jsboejstores,
23 cents.
As 1 have purchased the Harring
ton Meat Market, I expect to make
some changes to benefit the pa
trons. First of all, clean up; good
meats, good weights and fair treat
ment, and I heartily solicit your
trade. I do not ask for all of it,
but invite you to come in and get
acquainted, and we will do tho rest.
Also extend an luvitatiou to bring
in your Eggs, Butter, Chickens,
Hides, Furs and Fat Stock, for
which wo will pay you cash.
Wo do not run a grocery store,
but will endeavor to run a first
class market house. Call and givo
ua at least ouo trial.
Yours for business,
Chas. Waddell
Business Notices.
Try Wanl Hayes for a first class
shave or hair-cut.
Infants' all-wool whito shirts, 50e.
F. Nowhouso.
Quick service and first class work is
tho motto at Sclmtlnii's barber shop.
Fui'iiishod Rooms for Rent Ir.qulro
of Mis. J. A. Tulloy.
Moruiivilld's Perfoction Hair Tonic
for sale at Schatltiil's barber shop.
A special assortment of tbo uewost
styles of watch chains and fobs at
Nowhouso Bros.
For Sale 3 fresh cows, 0 year old; t
calve?, 2, 4 and 6 months old, $110 cash.
Seo F. P. Hndley or G. W. Bibby.
Hot or cold baths, first class barber
work, at Manspeaker's, opposito Cot
ting's drug store. New bath tub,
everything noat and clean.
Drs. Weirick & Riddilo of Hastings
will meet eye, oar, nose and throat
patients and those needincr classes
fitted, in Dr. Oreighton's oflico in Red
Cloud, Frilay Juno 21th.
Narrlaie Ucewes.
Licenses for tbe week issued
Judgo Keeney are as follows:
June 13 John E. Lutz of Bladen,
and Dora Marlser of Inavale.
June 13. Henry Goll of Rosemont,
and Tracy Fossler of Blue Hill. 1
-Me'-- ?