The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 10, 1904, Image 5

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J'-, "
&!. .oTrivrTj
- X, .
, ..,j
.-. - lWbH
,mft vA 4 -.-j.
Women Like Tuhulars
Every woman
plicity of the
praises the situ-
. TB
Sharpless Tubular
Cream Separator
Because they are easy to feed, easy
to KEEP CLEAN, easy to TURN,
points every woman who helps
about the dairy has a right to insist
upon. All other separators run
harder than a TUBULAR. They
have a great many more parts to
Let me give you a catalogue and
show you the many good points in
9444444 J4ttttftttCr
Light harness at Joe Fogel's.
Try that cnlf muni ut Caldwell's.
Will we celebrate tins year 1
Karl Crabillis in Lincoln this week.
Sam Smhh was in Krankliu Monday
Miss Kthel Whittakcr is ill with tho
Cbns. Liudley wont to Omnhn Mou
day. Mrs. Fred Uund is down from liluo
Stock saddles at Joe Fogel'a.
Ed Bohanan of Lincoln was Id town
G. W. Black of Alma was in town
Mrs. Ben Ludlow was in Superior
Ilobt. Cuniniings of Kiveiton, was in
town Sunday.
A. M. Walters was down from Blue,
Hill Monday.
C. E. Conrad of liluo Hill, was in
town Monday.
Lennie Day of Bivertou was in the
city Wednesday.
D.vighl Wilson was in Superior the
fust of the week.
Mrs. C. B Clone was in Superior the
jiirit of the week.
Geo. Shotwell of C.iinbtidge, wii-. in
the city Monday.
Ge-nrgn Wiutuker is homo from
'Grand I-daud.
Mr. and Mr-. Boiufoul were in
Omaha this eek.
IWbcit Ludlow of Chicago, arrived
in the iky Sunday.
Jonn l)e Brunner was down from
Inavale Satutday.
Charles Brubnker wa down from
C'uvles Saturday.
The bill car of Van Amburg's circus
was iu town Friday.
I. W. Brown of Nelson, was in town
the first of the week.
Chns. Williams of Beloit.Kans.spont
Sunday in Red Cloud.
Insurance Agency
The German
Insurance Co.
of Freeport. III., nnd the
Farmers' Mutual
Insurance Co.
of Nebmskn
have over nine hun- ,
dred policies in force
in Webster County.
Look up your policy
and see me.
Miss Grace Anderson went to Super
ior, Wednesday.
The shipping association shipped a
carload of hogs Monday.
Mrs. H. S. 1'roudtlt of Guido Hock,
was in town Tuesday.
Uobt. (Jrihain of Fountain, Gkla. was
iu Bed Cloud Monday.
Seu Jou Fogel for anything in the
harness or saddle) y line.
Mrs. Dwiglit Jones was up from
Guide Hick Wednesday.
If you want thu best and cheapest
harness, go to Fogel's.
Wanted A good second hand baby
buggy. Inquire at this office, jun 10
Willis Morgan was down from Kiver
ton the first of the week.
Ctrringo painting, 83 to 810; day work
82 00. F. 1. Hadley.
Clyde Armstrong of Lebanon, spent
Sunday with friends in the city.
E. U. Overman will deliver the ad
dress in Bloomlngton the 4th.
Miss Mamie Leonard of Kivorton
spent Wednesday in Ued Cloud.
Tomorrow will bo tlio last day of tho
carnival. Don't fail to take it iu.
Anson Garber left Sunday for a visit
with lelntivesin Garber, Oklahoma.
The county commissioners will meet
as a board of (quali.ation on thu lllh.
Mis. Clin. Mandcrville and sou of
Seward, arm oil in thu city Tuesday.
Mr-. II ('. Sauttt'i of S unit O'tiuhn,
i' in the city vmtuig Mis. Ben Lu llow
Mrs Late Boyd and elnlilten of
Bladonjweio in the my Uedncjility.
Mr and Mi, Charles Wliittaker wil
live at thu old Saiiiuul (J.irber homo
tuad. 'Mit.s Ellun Jiukson of Nuluaka City
is visiting Miss Juliet Galushn thh
L. 11. Blncklcdgo is iu Omaha this
week lutoiiuing tliu fliasouio Urand
Mrs. Aaron Conover is Homo from
( Lincoln, aim is much improved in
Mattio Guiford has accepted n posi
tion as assistant in the Hastings iusano
Georgo Ovoring roturnod Monday
night from a week's visit with frionds
in Denvor.
John Polnicky was in tho eastern
part of tho state on business the first of
tho week.
A. II. Kaloy and daughter Mrs,
Nellie McUluro returned from Lincoln
Miss Bertha Potter is homo from
Lincoln, wnero shu has been attending
tho university.
S. A. Tomplo returned to Omaha
Sunday to servo on the federal jury,
after a weeks vacation.
Mi. F K. li.iiilo has returned fiom
Mis Jessie and Minn dill of Long
l'taiid, Kaunas arc visiting with Shut ill
McAithur and family
For S'lle II fresh cow, 0 year old; V
ealve, , J and tt months old, $110 cash.
SeeF. I. H-ulluyorG. W. Blnby.
Miss Jessie Dueker who has been
enchlng in Alma for tho past year
arrived iu tho city Saturday to spend
her vacation.
Mrs. Crafton fotmcrly Miss Delia
SehatTiiit returned to her home in
(juinuy, III after a viit with relatives
and friends iu this city.
Hot or cold baths, tint class barlicr
work, at Manspoaker's, oppoito Cot.
ting's drug stoic. New bath tub,
everything neat and clean.
Into e.ieh life some ruks must fall,
V. lo peopie don't sit down and bawl;
Onlv tools Miicidc i f take to Might,
Smart people mku Hocky Mountain
Tea at night. C. L Cutting.
Mrs. Omer Doling of Lincoln, and
Miss Doling of lloldtodge, ate visiting
with Mrs. Doltng's parents, Mr and
Mrs. E B Smith of this city.
Preaching at thu Christian church
Sunday a' 1030 a. in Topic On Judglnp
Others. Evening theme, Sowing and
Beaping. Sunday School at 11! o'clock.
Mis L. M. Vance caiuii down ftoiu
Hastings Sunday morning to accoin
pany her sister, Mrs. P. C. Phaies, to
Lincoln, wheru the latter went formed
icul treatment.
The D.uightcr.s of the King gave a
musicol at tho B. & M. hotel Tuesdav
evening. Hifreshments were served
after which a dnnco was enjoyed by
tho young people.
Drs Weirick & Kiddilo of Hastings
will meet eye. cnr. noso and throat
patients nnd those needing glasses
fitted, in Dr. Greighton's olllco in Ued
Cloud, Friday Juno 24th.
Many sido walks in this city aro in a
bad condition. Now is tho time to put
down sand stono becauso Overing Bros.
&. Co. aro making cut prices for iho
next 00 days. C ill and seo them.
Mis Loiii.-I'.riUMt. Evansville, hid. -Hollistei's
"Bocky Mountain Tea is
plendid. Makes sick people- well.
Cuied me after otheis failed " Tea i r
tablet form !). cents. C, L. Coding.
Constipation eniisi.s two-thirds of all
.lokties in the world. Why suffer
wlieu Holtister's Hooky Mountain Tea
will make you wmll and keep You well
.15 cents. Tea or tablet form. C. L,
Arc You llslni Allen's Foot-Ease?
Shako into your .shoes Allen's; Font
Ease, a powder. It cures (corns, J bun
ions, painful, smarting, hot, swollen
feet. At all drugistsj.iud Jshoejstoi ex,
l!5 cents.
Farmers say that coin is growing
vety lapidly, and Is lemaikahly clean,
conddeiing the auiount o( wet wcatecr
we have had.
Mrsr Br. Hot.n Mv traction engine
ind new sepal ator, used one season.
Will lie "old at a saciitieo juice C. 1).
Willi TAKhlt
UltKtMATISM I'fltl'.ll IS A DAY.
Mjlle l'im for IUit'tiiiiiilliu mul Neuniliilii
r.ulli'iUI) euro In I hi 'lln). Il tirlliin iiioii
the iMi'm It roinnrkiiiiio nml t:i) vtorftiii. It
rt!moc ut iinpi1 tliu ('iium ntnl Hit' ilhciiM' liu
inoilliili'lj ill-'ippenri The (list ilno luiitl)
lit'iicill". T.i rout unit i iw. mM lij II. K
(, rice, UniLviM Ited cloud
. vNl
Miss Nellie (iiiim, of San Francisco,
was nun lied June I, at Kiine to Licit'
tenant lt'ilph E. Pope, of thu United
States battleship, Wisconsin.
Fireman Holt Injured.
C. W. Holt of Mi Cook, who has been
tiling on No 03 but wet n MeCook and
Bed Cloud, lnui thu misfortune to lose
the linger from his light hand last
Salurdav morning at Franklin. Mr.
Holt wlio was on tho tender, slipped
and fell to thu ground. In falling his
hand struck the rail and ouu wheel
passed over it, taking oil tliu Unguis
and mashing tliu bioad part of the
The Coupon in this ml. IS WORTH 25 CENTS.
To test tlio value of this advertising wo will give to every per
son giving us this coupon and buying Shoes or Felt Hats to
Hie amount of S2.00 and upwards the uhoico of anything
In our store selling for 125 cents. Keineinber that wo aro null
ing Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, Pants, Shoes and Hats
cheaper than any concern in Souther;! Nebraska, mid it will
pay you to seo us before you buy anything In tho apparel lino.
(load until July , iQOf.
Good for 25c'.
In Trade,
purchase of
with a Shoe or Hat
2 INI utiil ntiit tit-jlu
The CoHilcn'Halr.y Clothlnft
Ued Cloud, Xoliiusui.
Richard Hallock Weds.
Mr. Bichard Hallock of this city
recently made a trip to Phillips county,
Kansas, returning last Wednesday
with a wife. Tho bride is a daughter
of Dr. Laphan of Kensington, Kan ,
whole she has been a loacher in the
public schools for several years. The
groom lias a nico little homo near
Guido Bock, where no ami his bride
will icsido. Many frionds join in
wishing tliem a long and happy life.
Phono OS.
Hi:o Ci.oi'i.
Come in and seo tho tiowest
painted shirt-waist buttons
brooches. Nuwhouso Bros.
lone Alhiight left Sunday to spend
tho s.miinur with Miss Florence Items
burg in Baton, New Mexico.
Mrs. Munsey of Wilmington, III
Mis. Boe of Chicago, aro visiting
Mrs. Matilda liiico this wook.
ShurilV A. P. Sholburn and city mm
sliai .Monroe oi Alma waro ia the city
We have them in near
ly any style you want.
Not the cheap, shoddy
kind, which are dear at
any price, but good, serv
iceable harness at prices are riht. We guar
antee our harness in
every way to be perfect
ly satisfactory.
You can't afford to pay
fancy .prices for harness
that will give you no bet
ter satisfaction than you
can get from our goods.
Don't pass us by when
you need a harness.
We Are It.
Gouideo-Kaley Glothing Go.,
One Price Clothiers,
First door north of Postofflce, Red Cloud, Neb.
Looking Dp Evidence.
Hon., (ieoige L Day and Judge
Stubbs of Nelson, were iu town Satur
day looking up evidence for tlio ptosis-
cution iu tho teasel inurdt r case The
preliminary Inuring of thu panic- held
for the eriinu will come up at Nelson
nuxt Ttiedny, June 11. It is under
stood that theie will be Mime wiineses
from this city The chain of evidence
connecting Charles HutchiMHi with
tho minder is alleged to bu particularly
J. H, Baker Surprised.
Last Friday was thu GSth anniver
sary of tho birth of J. H. Baker, and
relatives to the number about thirty
dropped iu at his home and gave him a
complete surprise. Mrs. Baker and
tho children have been trying for
several years to catch Mr. Baker off his
guard and time succeeded admirably.
A splendid dinner was partaken of by
tho guests' and thu entiro afternoon
was spent in a general family reunion.
Mts. A. J. Totuhinson assisted Mrs.
Baker in entertaining her guests.
An Old Show With .New Features, n
Many of .us have visited fctho Van
Aniburg"Shows in years" past. andTu
collect with pleasure tlio splendid "per
forinanco this show always gave tho
public. It is one of tho "shows that
cives all it advertises and its 'motto,
"Pleasu the people and they will please
you," is thu cornerstone upon which
the great success of Iho Van Ainhuig
Show is built. Stiirtiug more than
forty year-ago with a small wagon
show, today it travels nil over tliu
country in its own m ignillcout'cats by
special trains. Tho improvement on
the old-limu peifornriiice is just as
gieat, and eveiy act given in its big
tents is of a high order and strictly up
to date. F.lcphauts, camels fund a
large collection of trained animals and
ponies aro seen in tho giand free street
parade on the morning of tho day of
Van Aniburgs Show wlM exhibit in
Bed Cloud Fiiday, Juno 17.
Do You
with - -.
Cordon Shanklin and daughter Mrs.
D. A. Dickey and giandson Burt Dickey
left Tuesday, for GtccniMield, Iowa, to
attend thu funeral of Wm. Shanklin
who was one of the victims of thu ex
plosion at Victor, Colo.
Win Sliaiiklin win :10 yean of age
and had b -en in Mi" r-t;i 1 ir army fm
tin' pnt '.i ycni being t itiuned fur I lie
gn ater part of Um limn at Indepen
dence, Colo. He worked for nearly !l
eais for Mr. lliiiiry Bujil near Bladen
intermnit will be nt Gn-cnlield, Iowa,
wheio bis wife, who died about ! ears,
ago, is hurried. H' le.ivu, beside his
father, :s lis'ors and a brotLers a w ife
and one child ab ml I old sut-
vives him.
Death removed ftom our midst on
Wednesday of this week ono of our
brightest and most promising young
ladies in tlio person of Vanco V. Foe.
Sho wos born in Louisville, Cahs
county, Nebraska, May 28 18S1, and
soon aftor came, with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. W. Foe, to this county
where she has since resided. She re
ceived tho greater part of her educa
tion in the public schools of Bed Cloud
graduating in 181)8 sinco which time
she has been ono of thu most successful
teachers in tho county. During the
last school yoar sho has been teaching
in the village of Upland, Franklin
county, Nebraska.
Sho was a most ambitious young
person nnd had made many plans for
tho futuro. As Illustrative of the great
determination with which it was usual
for her to take hold of her work, she
was sick with typhoid fever for tho
last two weeks of her school on Tucs
of tho second she was compelled to
' give up and come eomo. When shu
arrived homo she did not have tho
stieugth to undress, after being assist
ed to bed shu fell asleop, but awoko
dolirkns, rocovoiing coiisioiiiiioss for
short intervals She leaves a father
mother and four bioilu im to mourn her
loss, beside liet many fiiuuds.
Tho int till chihl of Victor Manspeak
er died Sunday ami was buried Monday.
Tim child's muthei Wus buried two
1 1 -
"weeks piovionsly.
Children's Day Exercises will bo
held at tho Congregational church
Sunday morning beginning nt 10.80.
Evoning meeting at 8 o'clock; sormon
tlietno, 'Mlow to make a success of n
christian lifo." All aro cordially in
vited. The M. P., church Sunday morning
at 10 a. m Preaching 10 a. in. Kp
worth league 7:30 p. in. "children day"
exercises at 8:15 p. in. A cordial invi
tation is extended to tho public.
allied Men and women to repre
sent us iu Webster aud mij diiing
counties. Salary paid. Apply Mon
day, June l!l J. B. Blouo, It yai lloiol.
The county board will incut Juno II,
1H0I, as an (ttalir. ilion liimnl. Anj
niie wlio lots' any eninpl tint u make in
n-gard to their assessment must make
it nt Ibis meeting-
K. S. Gai.iiku, C.mntj Cleik.
When you nro hungry nnd
waul somethlg nice in tho
meat line, drop into my
tnnrket.Jil havotho nicest
kind ot
mid meats, tlsli, mill gamn
in season. 1 think, nnd
almost know, that I can
pleuso you. Give uio n
W. I. K00N,
Successor to
Odd Fellows' Home.
At the nuxt meeting ol tho I. 0. O F.
grand hdgu will oomo up tho question
of Inciting and building a home for
dependent Odd Fellows, their widows
and orphans. The homo will be built
and maintained by tho Odd Fellows of
Nebraska, and would be an institution
worth sti iving for. Tho tirst expendi
tine on this homo will amoumt to over
82G,Q0O, and tho llnal cast will be much
greater. Now would bo n good tune
for tho citizens of Red Cloud to got
togothcr and uittko an effort to secure
tho location of the homo in this city.
jtis a littlo early yot, it is truo, but
"tho early bird catches the worm," and
if Bed Cloud is ever to land uuythidg
worth having her business men will
have to wake up and got to work The
Odd Fellows lodge iu this city is one of
the strongest in tho state, and its mem
bers aro workers who will do their
share toward securing this plum for
Red Cloud, provided the citizens show
sufficient interest in the matter to war
rant their making the effort. Tho llrt
825,000 has already been raised, and
work will not bo long delayed when a
location is onco selected.
Thoro are any number of suitable
sites adjoining Red Cloud foi a homo
of litis character, a committee should
at once bn appointed to seo what can
bu done in thu way of making an effort
to secure its location hero
Were welcomed t
during pa3t Year
They nro scttlcit nml Kcitllnir
on the lirain ncu unnnK
J iik's iiitr . ti'l if liciltliir,
t r- 'XT ' h k ill licit
t-ir (Hrcd Lotulcr RpcnMiiB
of luiinin. recently said: A
n -w M r lias rlsrn upon tro
It irln n nn 1 It Is towiirU It Hint
i'M.ry imml.;rmit who leaves
Uio lurnl of Ills nr.c(lors to
c me ami kci'U q homo for
himself now f..rns Ills coic
There Is
Rccm for ftliliions.
I'HI'.i: llnrorstruiUfo every
llt-llil ir u rmiilly. NcIhkiIk,
I'hiirilii-a. llulluii. Mnr
Ui'l. 'llinute-certhlui( to
lie ilrilrrd.
For n descriptive Atlas and
other Information, apply to
Superintendent Immigration,
Ottawa, Canada; or authorized
Canadian Government Agent
8oi New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
against Firo, Lightning, Cy
clones and Windstorms, see
ngotit for tho Farmors Union Insur
ance Co., Lincoln. Nob., tho host in
surance company in tho a1" to.
World's Fair liutc To St. Louis
Via Burllniton f'onli!.
Tickets t" St. Louis and return,
Ooovl fifteen day, 8L7,3."j.
Good sixty days, 810 HO.
Good all summer, &2315.
For full information about train ser
vice and other details see tho ticket
The St. Louis Imposition tho great
est show tkc world has ever seen is
now complete and in hnrtnonious
opcriuion, and it will bo a lifetime's "
regret if you fail to seo it. L. W.
Wakbi.kv (Joneral I'nsssongor Agent.
Mrs (leo. HollUter and daughter uio
visiting with friends in Lincoln, this
Louis Soderborg, formerly of this
city but now properitor of iho Begott
Hotel at Hluo Hill, was transacting
business in Hod Cloud, Wednesday.
A special assortment of the nowest
styles of watch oiiaiiu and tub at
I Nuwhouiu Bros.