The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 10, 1904, Image 4

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Sometimes the hair is not
properly nourished. It suffers
for food, starves. Then it
falls out, turns prematurely
gray. Ayer's Hair Vigor is a
Hair Vigor
hair food. It feeds, nourishes.
The hair stops falling, crows
long and heavy, and all dan
druff disappears.
"My Jmlr wr roinlnK nut torrllilr. I trm
nlnvHt nfrnlil tn rimili it. lint Aycr'n llnlr
Vigor trotnitljr toiti1 thn railing, ntid alto
txjtiilc.l Hip tinturnl rnlur,"
Mild. II. (1 K, WAIlli, Uniting, N. J,
PI 00 n linttlc
..('. AVKIICO.,
All nriiimm
Poor Hair
I I .1 .1 I .
P. C. Piiaiii:s, Editor.
'0DO roar 1100
llxmonth, 50
Kntorod nt tno pol oRlco nt HeJ Cloud,
'eoond dun mall mattot.
furnished on nppllcutloii.
An cxnnmminntioti of tlio city assess
jrj books which worn turned in to the;
bounty clurk tlio hitter part of Inst
"wfli-k show n groat deal of difference
Vin tlio nssossed valuition of tlio per
gonal property. Tlio valuation last
.year of porsonnl property, Was $37,705
-111.1 pur cout whilo tlio valuation, ns
v placed hy tho nssimor of tut real stato
shows it ilusroasu of 1,12111 tho figure
VIiir 8103,7'li) for last your ami 5!)'J,5ia
'for this yoar.
'Tho recent graduating exorcises in
""which much credit was reflected upon
Niur high school by real individual
;lTuit, suggests tho idea to us that tho
Alumni association is not taking its
' "proper placo in tho educational in-
to rests of our school system. As it
u"ls nt present conducted it is merely ti
1 select gathering privately dining with
'o reference, so far as tho town is con-'-corned,
to tho school which gave thorn
thelr.lonrnlng, nt lenst to the extent of
Alio course. Tho Alumni Association
"ttUtfht to be onco n yoar tho center for
-all eyes, the ono intellectual society
"whioh conneots our high school with
l!-tira active world out sido. In other
'splaces tho Alumni Association exer
cises n distinct influence upon the pub
lie spirit by atimilulating public inter
Njst in public institutions, The same
could bo dono here. TllK Ciiikk has
'-ttiis to oiror and sincerely dtsires the
members of tho association tonotioiislj
consider what little wo have to say in
the hope that tho public may pmllt
j rehaps not by our own suggestion Inn
what it may develop. Kirsi tlio uxor-
lilies should bo made public but tnulei
po&tivo control iif tho ai-o:'iiitii
Oilier iiii'inbers who have aehu wd
iieoos should he given a prominc! I
place. Them otiglr to be a rule allow
tug perxmo who are grailll.itos of inMi
tittinns o( suiiiliiir standing who mukt
' tliis their lesiitenee, cr wlinsc knmfii
iiililleetual attainment qmihfy jthiin
4ii tho htuiio degiee tobeciinemembei'
I'll is would aid the ussncialiun ami u
tint same time help ihivelupe tho school
spirit which is now inclined to be
-vlormant. linlliruieiice is the one thing
which will kill what zeal wo have nl-
ri'iuly developed. Tho A'unini u'soeia-
'tion is in a position to keep a ivo the
''"tirei of public snntlniont rnlatiug to
our school system and 'J UK Ciiikk
-"expects muoh from thoui. A digiiilied
intellectual progriiii conducted by the
Ahituni themsulves would do mueh to
ii ik vt I? JHJ&j?
Ely's Cream Balm
This Romody la a Spoclflc,
Suro to Civo Satisfaction.
It clonuses, itootheii, hciils.nnd protects tho
diseiiM'il membrane. It rmw (Jatarrh ami
drives away a Cold in th Head iuil;lv.
lloitores tho Koiikos of Tuslo anil Smell,
llii-iy to ube, Ooatnlns no injurious dings.
Appliod into thu uostrlla ami absorbed.
Ijnrno Kizn, TiO eotiln at Druggists or by
inuilj 'J' fSio, 10 coats by mail.
LY BI10THERS, 56 Warren St.. New York.
w tmiim.Kujucy3a
ln rente the usefulness of our schools
ami eieale an ititetest in school life.
In order to entry out this Idea it is
necossarv to slnrl to work Immediately
call a ineellng select good working
committees ami prepaio for next ynai's
nomniencuui'iit It can he (lone unit
It means so mueh why not do it?
liernnrd MeNeny, Uobl. l'nttor and
Clins. Unsay left Wednesday for a trip
tlinniph Oklahatn i.
To the Business Men of Red Cloud.
Tho district (J. A. It reunion for
11KM has been located tit Bed Cloud
and tho olllcials of tho old settlors
organization tiro perfecting plans to
unite with tho reunion and have ono
day on (ho program to bo known us
"old settlors day" a program etubriu1
iug new null startling interest to tho
old settlers, protraylng in vivid colore,
Incidents of tho early Mitt lenient of
this country, combining ndveiituio,
comedy anil tragedy, full of pathetic
memories, bringing nut tlio .soipiel of
events occttrlug In tho 70's, iinl cul
minating a third of a century after
No cttort will bo spitted to miiko this
event an advertisement or the public
spirit and patrotism of tho business
citizens of Ued Cloud, which will ill.
iistrnte tho push, energy and keen
business men and women. Tho very
generous liberality shown by (ho busi
ness men in subscribing to the -CI, A.
fuiiii encourages tis (o hope they will
f-ccuro to themselves tlio benefits (hut
will accrue to their individual business
by a colossal cllniax in modern adver
tising. A street porado consisting of
floats 'representing till tho varied busi
nesses of tlio city, object lessons illus
trative of tho progress of tho country,
banners of unique design, grotesque
and mirth provoking exhibits, parody
on tlio Kusso Jap war, etc. It is very
desirable that, each business house in
tlio city got up u Hunt representing
their several lines, that will show tho
contrast between present conditions
and thoso of tho 70's, anil will bring
tho business men in closer touch anil
sympathy with their patrons. Tlio
generosity and public spirit of Hod
Cloud business men tind women have
novor been appealed to in vain, and it
is earnestly hoped they will in this
instance demons! rnto their capacity
for unlimited effort to stand up for
Red Cloud. Respect fully,
H. H Fui.ton,
President Old Settlors Organization.
Items of News Found In The
Chief of Twenty Yenrs Ago
This Week V V v
Charley Plutt anil G. S. Albright
wore in Superior Friday night.
Will Pnrkes will have n fine resi
dence whon ho gets his fence built.
Fred Petorsou is building a resi
dence in Jackson's addition.
Someono stolo about S20 worth of
ivory rings from Mr. Uarkiey last week
On Monday night u number of young
friends surprised Paul Pharos at our
residence. It was tlio occasion of his
seventeenth anniversary,
Mis-, May Liutllcy has returned homo
from Seward.
A II. Kaley has a new sign.
l'lie l)ii(4ist church is being finished
as fast as possible.
Four dollars in cash wasstoloti from
dimming-.' ristaurant Monday night.
The school house nt Wheatland was
(turned to the giouml m tho nilit ol
the luciiiiliarixin is htisplcit'oned
A petition is now being cirutihited
in the city looking toward tho location
of the soldiers' home here.
A F. A A. M olllceis elected: W II.
Strohin, W. M.; .1. U Wilcox, S. W.;
Win. Kelson, .). W.; W. X Ulohardson,
treasurer;.!. P. liayhti, secretary; Win
Parke, Tyler.
John Oarber now "feels his oats."
Ho smiles conteiitedljMind says tho
boy looks like "pop." ?l his is Koy.)
Shoriir Warren is said to bo tho
happiest ollicor in tlio stnto. It is a
boy, and don't you forget it. (This is
Joo, Jr.
Mr. L. II, Rust showed some vory
lino strawberries on Saturday last,
which were raised on his farm.
Tho fun at the skating rink goes on
uui bited.
Tlio store room of J. G. Potter has
been removed to tho Hats east of town.
J. O. Chamberlain is now shipping
about two tons of clieoso per weok
from his Inavale choose factory.
li. F. Mier, our new grocorymnn,
lias gotten his running order.
Inavale now has a depot. On Satur
day W. J. Vance tnado out tlio town
plat, and ero long tho village of Ina
vale will bo governed by a village
What lias become of tho proposed
fence that was suppoted to bo built
around tho court house park.
Tlio homo team will go to Rfiporior
Thursday to piny tho Sti orior team a
match gatuo of baso ball,
Tho corn market is going up (ids
week It is now. '12 cants tor bushel,
Tho Red Oloud orcainory inudo U,100
pouudb of but tor luH weulc,
Joe Craftoh, a llghtiing rod peddler, I
thought ho would try roller skating
Tuesday night, and, while standing
still, fell down and hrok his leg, Xo
blame can bo attached to tinyouo but
himself. I
Mr Gorman, who resides near Burr
Oak, Kan , returned homo from town
last Saturday and in attempting to
diaw water for his hordes found ids' .....i ..i.n.t i,, ii... ...,.ii .1.....1 i i
Wliumiii i;iiik. in biiu ni-ii iiuiiu. n
seems the child had fallen into the
well and Mrs. Gorman had gone to its
rescue. She wns found with the child
tied tip in her apron and tho ropej
fastened around her arm. Tho foul
air probably caused her death.
Murderous Assault. Early Monday
morning tho oily was thrown Into In-1
tense excitement by the report that a!
double murder had been committed
in Smith county, Kansas It seems
that Patrick Barry, who lives on a
faun ten miles south of Red Cloud,
had a wii'o who wanted to got lid of
him. Pat was a fighter and tho terror
of tho neighborhood, Sunday morn
ing Mrs. Barry enticed Pat to tho homo
of a neighbor named Ander-on, and
got tho two men into a quarrel. Mrs.
Anderson attempted to induce Barry
to go away but ho struct her on the
back of tho head with a scantling,
causing a dangerous wound. In at
tempting to rescue his wife, Anderson
also got a rap on tho head with tlio
scantling! iitul when he tried to make
ills escape Barry hit h im in the back
with u hatchet. Anderson reached an
elevation near Ills home und culled for
ueip, wnicu was responded to uy neigh
bors. Barry'and his wii'o took to tliolr
heels, and before ho could bo arrested
Put left for parts unknown, leaving
his wife in possession of tlio farm and
the liberty she so much coveted. It
was said thatslio stirred up tlio fight,
saying "it mattered littlo which man
got killed, she would bo free anyway."
Sho was arrested ou Monday morn
ing, but was soon reloasod, for, though
she was morally guilty, there was no
law to hold her. G H. Chanoy was
retained prosocuto Barry for his
murderous attack on Mrs. Anderson.
Case & MoXony were retained by Mrs.
Cox Murder Trial -Tho oaso of tlio
Stato or Xebrasku vs. William O. Cox
for tho murder of Lawrenco A. Tobin
in a saloon at Blue Hill last March
was taken up last Friday before Hon.
Win. Guslin, Jr., .judge The
stato was represented hy District At
torney W. S. Morlan J S. Gilliam, and
the ilerenso hy Messrs. Case . MoXony
and Hon T. M. Manpietto of Lincoln.
The defense tried to prove that Tobin
oamo to his death by inflammation of
tlio brain caused by intense mental ex
citement and tho use of strong drink.
Tho testimony wout to show that
Tobin came to his deatli ns a rosnlt of
tho blow given by Cox with a billiard
cue. Cox, tho defendant, went on tho
stand in his owu behalf. Ho said his
reason for striking Tobin was that ho
was afraid of him, for Tobin had
knocked Arnold Kilo and himsolf
down, mid ho was afraid Tobin "was
going to clean out tho whole placo."
Ho said lie had been playing cards and
billiards on the day of tho murder mid
was drunk. Ho said ho saw Tobin
take one drink, but that ho was not
drunk Too oaso was given to tliejury,
who at (! o'clock Sunday morning re
turned u verdict, of manslaughter.
On Monday morning tlio prisoner was
brought Into court and sentenced to
live years' impris. turnout in the peni
tentiary. Atchison fileut: SlJIiis.
It is runny how tho prleo of teaching
music stay-, up
A woman is tenibly jealous of tho
praise given other women's childieii
When you borrow an umbrella, for
heaven's sake, why don't you return it V
To uyo'iHK doctor the greatest phy
sician in the world is the old one ho
studied under.
After a man passes sixty, ho has
three .specialities; tho trusts, rheuma
tism, and thu paper boy.
Whon a man says Impressivoly and
confidentially, "Tho facts tiro," etc.,
how ofton does ho tell tho facts'
Mrs. Rosa Backus, living near Topo
kit, hilled herself. Hero aro eight rea
sons, Sho was thirty-one, had six
children, and her husband flirted with
tho hired girl.
Tlio llrst hit If of a woman's call is do-
voted to hearing tho apologies of her
hostess for tlio condition of her house,
and the second half tos ayinggood-byo
If it is true, as claimed, that it Is
dangerous to take a batli within two
hours afttr eating, aro not boys right,
in refusing to take them' They uro
nl wilts eating.
It is not a very pleasant (bought for
a mini, but when his women folks re
solve to lie hotter, in order to wear it
oiowii, tlieir liist resolution is always
"to bo more patioiit with father."
A noted vocttllfl .says Hint uvery quo
Better buy one
Better buy more than one; they are selling so
fast that there will not be so good an assortment
to select from later in the spason. Got them for
50c, also $1, $1.25 ane $1.50.
The best 75c shirt ever offered in anybody's
store. Ask to see them.,
Straw hats, 5c to $2.00.
PAIL STGHEY, The Clothier.
As I have purchased tho Harring
ton Meat Market, I expect to make
some changes to benefit tlio pa
trons. First of all, clean up; good
meats, good weights and fair treat
meiit, and I heartily solicit your
trade. I do not ask for all of it,
but invito you to come in and got
acquainted, and wo will do the rest.
Also extend an Invitation to bring
in your Eggs, Butter, Chickens,
Hides, Furs and Fat Stock, "for
which wo will pay you cash.
Wo do not run a grocery store,
but will endeavor to run a first
class market houso. Call and give
ua at least one trial.
Yours for business,
Pas. Waddellj
can sing. "All you need," she says,
"is control of your breath and the
ability to seo pictures vividly in your
mind." Heavens suppose every one
believes her, and tries V
Now kick story: An advertiser hand
od in nn nd. marked six inches single.
The nd. nppotirod thnt woy, Tho next
day ho appeared nt the ofllco, and
complained because ho was not coaxed
to uso moro-spnee.
A man wnlked up Commercial street
this nftornoon, carrying a very small
string of small fish. "I liking fishing
as well as anybody," said anotlior man,
" but if I had that string of fish, I
would put it in a paper sack." Ono
word brought on another, and the two
innn came near engaging in u tight.
To Mothers In this Town.
Childt en wiio are delicate, feverish
mil ctos- will get immediate relief
It 'in Mother (itu's Sweet l'owili rs tr
ctiililieii They eleiin-iu tho stomach,
tct nn the livi-i, milking a sicklt
stiong and h-..lthy. A certain cure
fot wiling. Kohl by all ilrugRit. i!."!
it iitle fiee. Address, Allen S Olui-
0 :, l.tdtoy, X. Y.
Worlds Fair R.itr.s.
Tickets to St. Louis ami return, good
all summer, S'2:).15
Oa and after April W, sixly day
ticket". Sit) ttO
On and altor April 27, ten-day tickets,
S17 :J3.
For full information about train ser
vice ask the ticket agent.
Real Estate Transfers.
Trnnsfors for week ending Wednes
day, Juno 1 furnished by J. II.
Bailey of Webster County Abstract
II. B. Hunter and wife tn Amelia
A. llaydon s9 sw4 2U-3 0 wit. . . . . .1500
11. P. Jucobson and wife toClms.
Stebrnss nw4 And n2 swl 15 3 10
wd 4800
Chns. W. Burr and wife to J. F.
MeCourtney nw-1 HI 2-12 wd 3575
Aurnni Scott ntid wife to J. Carl
Scheidle 2 nn 1 29 4 12 wd 2000
Total IH875
Mottgnges filed $(1000
Mortgages released $3700.
Business Notices,
Try Ward Hayes for a lirst class
shavo or hair-cut.
Infants' all-wool white shim, 5Uc.
F. Newhouso.
Quick sutvno and lirst class work is
the motto at Scliull nit'.-, barber shop
Fiiinislio.l ltoouw tor item Inquire
of Mis. J. A. TuPey.
Miunuvillu's Perfection Hair Tonic
for sale at Schnllnit's hnrbur shop.
of those
I am making lots of Farm Loans.
There are reasons for this. I can close a
loan for you in three days after taking your
application, for these reasons:
You do not have to wait and pay for a
man to examine the land. My company has
oceans of money. You do not wait for them
to sell your loan in New York or London
before getting the cash.
You can Pay Off at Any Time,
without giving a day's notice of your inten
tion so to do. All other companies require
from 30 to 60 days notice on this point.
I have so many different plans for making
loans that some one is bound to suit. No
one can give better rates.
J.- H. BAILEY, Red Cloud.
The First and Only Big Show to
Visit This County,
The Great
Van Amburg Shows
Museum and Trained
Animal Exposition
Combined on a scale of
fore. Coming in all its
Greater, Grander than ever before. A Magnificent Display
of Entirely New Features. Grand, Gigantic, Moral Mu
seum of Marvels. The Great New Golden Menagerie.
mm swmm zooio-
including the
in Captivity.
Rarest Animals
QUEEN, the
lioness, and
her fatnilv of
Writ, captured in the densest
morass of the wildest regions
of the mysterious River Nile.
I'nnliir pm!i: A S - - rtn- m !, A .
TI'U'K tlif.hiriTr.Qi lli.i. PifeilTft...' J.,WMWS V.
popotamus in captivity, weigh- Qky?9yLjMiM
ing 6.000 pounds. A MON- SmmjM
Camels, Dromedaries, Llamas, Bisons, Lions, Leopards,
Tigers, Jaguars, Bears, Hyenas. Civets, Ocelots, Birds, Mon
keys, Snakes and Guianas. A Zoological Garden brought;
to your city on wheels.
Tke HUMAN METEORS, the La Pearl family of Sen
sational Aenahsts; Hagihar's Japanese Troupe; Mons. Car
losa, the great Perpendicular Ladder Artist.
IS ClOWn A11 JolJy Sons of Momus, presenting their
, . .. " comicalities and ridiculous situations in
the most hilarious manner, causing great bursts of laughter.
Whoclcr's Marino Band, the finest musical organization travel inir with
any Circus In America An amusement enterprico roniiirlni; years of nrodi
ul outlay, ever keeping pace with tho times, that demands the keenest Intel
IlKonco and experience, gained only constant study. All under Mammoth
aterproof Tent.
Grand Street Pageant , Tho n,ow uml (,stly s,L,f I'limo to bo seen
R nv ril vn r ifT nV" ?"p l rc.u Spec-Uic-uliir NKW STREET PA
K.UJfc. A liKAMJOALA DA. Benionibor tho day and date. Prepare for
iiiiirC)r!eoK Ve " t0 nU "(lm'tist'a h,l()WS' All children
NoPa"l ?!'nS ?r Sw,na""g Allowed. Holiest and fair deiillug tho
motto ol this wist concoin.
2 Performances Daily. Doors open at fl and 7 p. m.
Will positively exhibit at
magnitude never attempted be
vast Entirety. Bicrcer. Better,
w Am.
svnt Jas
jm J
1 IK
ras&w emrrtha
HI u n U U M VT