The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 10, 1904, Image 3

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Author ol "The Kldnipre4 Millionaires,"
CnPTiittitrr. tCKK, nr
FniuuiucK UniAM adams
Alt rights
A Brilliant Campaign.
Jnmcs Blake yet longed for specula
tlvo laurels. lis one ambition was to
achlovo somo swooping conn, and tnato
tho inward Joy of triumph sweeter
far than tho undeserved fame which
had umasscd half a million of dol
lars tho temptation to risk It was too
strong to ho resisted. John Hurt had
Just terminated a cnnrpnlgn which hnd
netted him nearly a million In profit,
and John Hawkins hnd been equally
successful. Blako saw a chance and
took It. With nerve anil skill ho
forced a stock to a point whore vic
tory seemed certain; hut an unfore
Bocm event ruined his chances at the
moment when tho spell of Ill-luck
ee,mrd broken. Thu market turned,
but by a series of moves, brilliant as
If Inspired by success Instead of dis
aster, Blako saved himself from a
complete rout, and emerged with one
half of his capital
A few dayB later he hold an Inter
view with John Hurt an Interview
destined to mark an epoch In his ca
reer. "Can you arrange your affairs so
as to go to New York for me, starting
on Saturday?" asked John Hurt.
"I can start tonight If necessary,"
replied Blake.
"Saturday night will be better," said
Burt. "Two important railroad stocks
will decline heavily next week. They
aro now bouynnt, and the public Is
eager to buy them. I shall have dis
posed of my Interest In thorn beforo
you reach New York. Two million
dollars will bo placed there to your
credit. Proceed at once, on your
arrival, to sell short one hundred thou
sand shares of each of theso stocks.
You should bo able to do this In three
days without seriously breaking tho
market. You hold In your name be
tween flvo" and six million dollars'
worth of stocks and bonds, which nro
listed on tho Now York exchange. Ex
press them to New York at once. I
propose to convert them into cash.
When I wlro you. throw them on the
market and sell more of the railroad
utocks. This is our Introduction to
tho Eastern mnrkot. We'll dlscubs
the details before you leave, and I
havo absolute faith In your ability to
conduct tho campaign."
It was a proud moment for Blake.
There was no shadow of envy or Jeal
ousy In his thoughts as ho looked Into
the faco of the companion of his boy.
hood, and heard him speak cnltnly of
millions and of launching them ngalnst
the .giants of Wall street.
"I can do It! I will do It!" ho ex
claimed. "I see your plan, and its
magnificent, John, magnificent! It
will win win boyond a doubt."
John was silent for a moment, and a
far-off look camo to his eyes.
"I havo two important personal com
missions for you, Jim," ho said.
"Whllo in Now York ascertain for mo
If Arthur Morris Is alive. Find out
what he Is doing, and learn what you
can about him. The second task is a
more dollcato one. It concerns Miss
Carden. I wish to know "
"I know exactly what you want," In
terrupted Jim Blako as John hesita
ted. "You want to know where she
Is, how she Is, If sho loves you,
and "
"You need not attempt the latter
task," said John rather shortly. "You
are likely to undertako too much. For
tho present I do not care to acquaint
Miss Carden, or any one In tho East,
with my whereabouts, or even with
tho fact of my existence. Be caroful
In this matter, Jim. Of course you
will go to Hlngham and visit your
kinsfolk. You can easily learn all I
caro to know from tho Bishops, or per
lhaps from Sam nounds. If not, go
to Boston; but get the facts without
calling on Miss Cnrdon. You under
stand, don't you, Jim?"
"Certainly I do. old fellow," said
Jim heartily. "I'll bo as cautious as a
dlmc-novol sleuth."
After repeated conferences every de
tail of tho Wall street campaign was
agreed upon, and James Blako set his
lace toward3 tho East.
Ho arrived In Now York on Friday
ovonlng. Early tho following morning
he nppearcd In Wall street and pro
79nted letters of Introduction to tho
viuks nnd brokers who had boon se
lected by Hurt as agents In tho
pending operations.
On Monday morning ho opened ac
counts with Brokers and began selling
"Colonel Monroe's Doctrine," Etc.
COl'TUHllIT, 1003. 11T
A. J. Duaxni, 1U1)DL
small blocks of the two railway stocks.
The market was strong, nnd all offer
ings were eagerly absorbed. In three
days ho had sold one hundred thou
sand shares of each stock, nnd tho
market was stationary. Ho wired the
fact to John Hurt and received In
structions. Tho following day he be
gan tho cash sale of tho stocks and se
curities. When half of them were
sold the mnrkct began to weaken.
On Thursdny morning ho received
a cipher telegram which, when trans
lated, read as follows:
"Sell remainder of securities nt
mnrkot price, and then ofTer railroads
A and H In live thousand lots.
"J. H."
lluncnth the weight of these offer
ings tho market trembled and then
bioke shnrply. 1-ate In the afternoon
catuo the news of tho resignation of
powerful directors on railroads A and
H; the organization of a competing
line, and the passage of a resolution
for enormous bond Issues.
When Jnmes Hlako went to bed late
Saturday night It was nftcr fifty hours
of work without sleep. Ho had prac
tically concluded one of tho most de
cisive campaigns ovor waged on tho
street. Heroro turning out tho lights
ho again read u telegram received a
few hours befote, and his handsome
face flushed with pleasure as ho read:
"Accept my congratulations on your
superb handling of our campaign. Mr.
Hawkins Joins In snlutatlons and we
drink your health. J. B."
" 'Our' campaign?" snld Blake, half
aloud. "That's tho highest of com
pliments. John must havo won tor
tunes, and I'm a millionaire at last.
Wonder If I can sleep. Hero goes."
Ho dropped Into a slumber deep and
untroubled as that of a child.
James Hlako found himself the Wall
street hero of the hour. He was ac
claimed the young flunnclnl giant from
the I'ncltlc slope a mnrkot lvanhoo
who hnd driven his lance through the
armor of famed knights nnd warriors.
He drank deep of the glorious ncctnr
of victory. The day had dawned when
he could ncccpt honors fairly won.
Whllo ndmlttlng that John Burt was
the master-mind of the campaign,
Blako know that he hnd played no
small part in its consummation. He
hnd Invested every dollnr of his own.
He had carried his Mock to the bot
tom of tho market and covered In time
to profit on the reaction. In a week
of furious conflict he hud not made a
New York thiew open her gates as
to a victorious genernl, proud to bo
looted In honor of his fame. She be
came the opulent nnd willing mistress
to his pleasures. She fanned his
fevered brow and whlspeied soft words
of praise Into his ears.
He banqueted with money kings In
staid old clubs; he met us an equal
tho dashing young scions of wealth
around the boards in fashionable
cafes; he drifted through drawing
rooms brilliant In light, and looked In
to tho admiring faces of radiant
women; he mingled with tho jeweled
throng In playhouse and opera: he
read Ills iiamo and the story of his
fame In tho public prints nnd ho for
got John Burt.
Ho spent an evening In a Fifth Ave
nue Club the guest of a young bank
er and broker who had profited from
tho coup. Blako was faultlessly
dressed, and his fine face was more
liandsomo than ovor. He goodnatur
odly declined to discuss his triumphs
In California, but told with spirit,
frankness nud humor the tales of suc
cessive reversos and modestly at
tributed his recent run of success to
"You must transfer your activities
to Now York." advised young Kings
loy, who had been willed several mil
lions and a banking business. "San
Francisco Is too small and provincial
for you. Ah, hero comes a fellow
you must meet!"
A thick-sot young mnn had ontered
tho room. Ho stood nnd listened with
a bored expression to a friend who
was enthusiastic over somo matter,
and persisted In repeatedly Bhaklng
"That's Morrlj Arthur Morris," ox
plained Klngsloy. "Son of old Ran
dolph Morris don't you know. Pore
Morris retired from buslnoss two
weeks ago nnd turned everything over
to Arthur. Ho was a wild one, but
lions won't shrink In his hnuds
want you to know htm, Blake."
When Morris' name was mentioned
Hlako started nnd gazed Intently nt
tho stolid faco and heavy flguro In the
far corner of the smoking-room. With
shnmo ho recalled that he had made
no Inquiry concerning this mnn, whose
denth or existence meant so much to
John Burt.
For a moment his nerves tingled,
nnd ho longed to walk across tho loom
nnd choke Morris for John's sake, but
ho reflected that this was folly, ft
was enough to know Hint Morris lived.
John Burt was dead so far us Arthur
Morris was concerned nnd Blake, as
John's reincarnation, threw himself
on guard, determined to profit to tho
utmost by tho Incident.
"Glad to see you, old man!" ex
claimed Klngsley, rising to greet Mor
ris. "I wnnt you to Know my mend,
Mr. Blake Mr. James Blako, of San
Francisco Mr. Arthur Mortis. You
certainly have heard "
"'Pen my word this Is unexpected
luck!" Arthur Morris thrust forward
a soft hand nnd winced as Blako clasp
ed It with simulated heartiness.
"Delighted to meet you, Mr. Blnko!"
Morris exclaimed. "Been looking for
you everywhere! Sent my card to
your apartments this evening. By
Jove, you're a corker, don't you know,
Mr. Blako! Walter, a bottlo of Pcrler
Gouot, Til. 1 want to drink your
health, Mr. Hlnko."
"Glad to meet you, Mr. Morris!"
said Jamc3 Blake, looking him full In
tho eyes. "I've heard of your father,
and tho famous old firm, and learned
only today that you've succeeded him
In business."
Two yenrs spent by Arthur Morris
In an apprenticeship to tho trndo of
monov urasnlnc nnd holding had
seamed the puffed, round faco with
hard Hues. Tho onco dull eyes glow
ed with the newly-lighted fires of
avarice. Tho sensuous lips dropped
at tho corners with n cruel curve. Tho
former air of Indifference was re
placed by tho alertness of defenso nnd
Close observers predicted a great en
icer for Arthur Morris. His father
was delighted with tho transformation
nnd did not hesitate to glvo to his
heir the keys which unlocked tho Mor
ris treasurer vaults.
The hours glided by to the music of
clinking glasses and tho rising clatter
of conversation. And as James Blako
talked and listened and drank, his
aversion to Arthur Morris relaxed.
He loved John Burt and was eager to
espouse his cause, but John had not
commissioned him to nunrrol with
Arthur Morris. Perhaps tho affair of
the years before was only a boyhood
He glanced at tho white expanse of
Morris' shirt front nnd wondered If tho
scar of John's bullet showed over his
heart. Morris lived, and tho thought
came to Blako that tho score was even
between John and the young million
aire. The feud had made John rich
why should John complain? And
Arthur Mm lis did not seem to be such
a bad sort of a fellow after all.
Thus reasoned Blake as Morris
took his arm and led him nway from
tho noisy club men.
"Say we get out of this?" said Mor
ris, proffering a cigarette case.
"You'll bo my guest to-night, Blnkc!
Won't listen to a refusal, iny denr
fellow! I've bachelor apartments,
and anything you nsk is yours. I
want to have a quiet chat with you.
Let's make our excuses and stroll to
Delmonlco's for a bite of supper. Then
wo'll go to my rooms."
Blako .accepted the Invitation and
after supper they drove to tho Morris
"I'm rather fond of these quarters,,
don't you Know," said Morris, as ho'
showed his guest through a sulto,
worthy of a Lucullus. "Picked up somo
of this stuff abroad, and the governor,
contributed the rest of It. Knmmohun,
servo us that 1809 brandy!"
The Indian servant bowed nnd
moved noiselessly away. Morris open
ed a writing-desk and glanced at a
number of unopened letters.
(To bo continued.)
Flannel Garment Wife Mistook
for Coral Necklace.
"Jim" Sullivan tells of a friend, a
sufferer from rheumatism, who, hear
ing during the early part of tho win
ter thnt red flannel worn next to tho
body was a remedy for that comi
plaint, purchnsed several undershirts
made of that material. The clerk as
sured him that tho goods were guar
anteed In every particular.
About two weeks afterward Mr.
Sullivan's friend revisited tho shop
where he had innight the red flannel
shirts and registered a big kick
against the perpetuation ngalnst him
of what ho termed "a fearful
"What's the matter?" asked tho
proprietor. "Have the shirts faded
or shrunk?"
"Faded! Shrunk!" howled tho man.
"What do you think my wife snld to
mo when I came down to brenkfast
yesterday with ono of them on? Well,
sir. she smiled sweetly and asked:
" 'Why aro you wearing my pink
coral necklace around your throat,
John?'" New York Times.
Russia's Army.
It has been estimated that tho to
tal war footing of tho Russian army
nftcr calling out all tho reserves
amounts to 5,250,000 men, or moro
than ten times that bf Japan. Tho
soldiers are drawn from tho Ignorant
peasant class and tho officers from
tho governing ranks of society.
Should Russia call out nil her troops
sho will havo 78,827 officers, 0,180,
058 soldiers, 613,400 horses and 4,000
cannon. Germany is tho only nation
thnt excoeds Russia In its military
Proposal to Drive Over Arctic Ico
to the Goal of Explorers.
It Is probable that for nges yet to
come the quest for tho north polo will
continue. Successive failures to And
It merely room to whet tho doslro to
"make a dash" for It.
The newest Idea In tho direction of
nrctle exploration Is for the uso of
tho motor car, ns was, of course, only
to bo expected. It Is a Belgian ex
plorer, Hondrlk Arctowskl (tho namo
is decidedly appropriate), who has
boon tho first to consider it seriously,
nnd his hopes nud fears aro discussed
In a French contemporary. Ills nm
billons nro centered in tho south pole,
which, as wo know, Is guarded by land
or wnlls of perpetual Ice, Impassable
for ships. The uso of dog sledges Is
also prevented by the fact that food
for the dogs must bo carried, which
definitely limits the distance that can
bo covered.
M. Arctowskl believes that by the
uso of a sufficiently strong nnd bIiii
pic motor, which will run In the cold
est weather nnd consume very much
loss weight of stores per mllo thnn
would dogs, tho polo can bo reached.
His present Idea Is to uso Canadian
sledges, to which aro to bo nttached
"spurred" wheels. Fomothlng llko tho
pnddlcs of a steamer, and capablo of
being raised or lowered, to grip lightly
or deeply, according to tho compara
tive softness of the snow. Lightness,
strength nnd large carrying capnclty
aro tho three main features to bo aim
ed at.
Hired Man Put the Bass on Hook as
Fast an Ople Caught It.
Colonel S. P. Bartlett, fish commis
sioner, lately entertained Ople Rend
down at Quincy. Rend has n passion
for fishing nnd Colonel Hnrtlett took
him to fish to his heart's content.
Ople sat on a sort of ltorch and throw
his hook out into tho pool. A man
was placed under tho porch who was
doing some fishing himself. Ho hnd
a long polo with a hook at tho end,
and ho fished the fisherman's bait In
and secured a bountiful bass to It.
Right away Oplo took in tho lino fel
low. He cast again nud In a llttlo
whllo tho hired mnn hnd fnstened tho
samo bass to tho halt, and In that way
tho delighted novelist mndo a dozen
hnuls lnsldo of an hour. Read remark
ed to Colonel Bartlett nftcrwnrd that
ho had never seen bass of such uni
form bIzo.
That was tho only fish in the pool,
and it was placed there for that os
pcclal occasion.
The Polish Wizard.
If Edison be tho wlznrd of tho Now
World, then certainly Jan Szecopanlk
holds a slmllnr position In Europe Al
though still but 32 years of age, his
namo is already immortal as tho In
ventor of a loom which docs in a fow
hours what by old methods took
years! Ho presented to tho emperor
of Austria a pleco of tapestry contain
ing 200,000,000 crossings of silk thread
which was begun and finished within
five hours. By old methods this would
I havo taken four yenrs to mnke. Yet
tins macnino nns nccn in inc invent
or's eyes but a means to nn end. Ho
Is now free to doroto himself to n
now miracle, the telctroscopo or dls-tanco-sccr.
which will do for the eyes
what tho telephone does for hearing.
Virginia Arsenic Mine.
Wlint Is said to bo the largest ar
senic mlno in the world, nnd stated
to be at present turning out sovonty
tons a month, Is situated in Floyd
county, Vn., seventeen mlios from
Chrlsttansburg, the nearest railroad
point. Tho number of persons em
ployed at tho mlno is about one hun
dred and twenty-five, who aro loused
and supplied with tho necessaries of
life by tho company owning tho mine.
Tho camp is provided with electric
lights, and the plant, which Is consid
ered the most modern in cxistcnoe for
tho treatment of the ore, is driven by
electric power.
New Name for the Court.
Abram I. Elkus of James, Sckell &
Elkus, tells a story of a will contest
In which Joseph H. Choate, now am
bassador to England, wns opposed to
him. Mr. Elkus' client had signed a
waiver of her rights, and contended
that hi 'j hud dono ho under duross,
testify' ns that Mr. Choato's client had
doclar I that ho would "fight her to
h 1" 1 1 sho did not sign. Mr. Elkus,
In hK argument dwelt on this throat.
"But your honor." said Mr.
Choat when his turn camo to roply,
"what does thnt threat mean but tho
court of appeals?" New York Times,
Shipyards en Canal.
It is reported that tho North Ger
man 1 loyd Steamship Company and
tho Filodcrlch Krupp Company intend
to erect shipbuilding yards on tho
Ems-Dortmund final, In tho vicinity
of tho coal lands which they recently
purohasod. Thrso shlpynrds aro only
to build canal nud river craft.
"The End."
AmblUon died a grim and close fought
Wearied by stress of crushing- clrctim-
With wlint n crv oi broken nrrojrance
At bliiHli of Uuwn there hud been nono so
Wns yielded up that last evading breath!
Ho clear of eye, of footfall half to
Uut. bloRHom-wisc, prldo droops towards
tho niKht,
And oven courage dons nt lenstli a
Ambition died, and In death's pluco wns
An nnirol form, and written on his
In golden letters Pcaco, Contentment,
Lilies about tho whlte-hunir feet did lean,
LIIIrh made swoot his hands, and In lita
Shono all the stsxa' still purity and
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Hand Made Shirtwaists.
A very fashionable white- crepe
wnlst has Its front, Block and cuffs
embroidered with clusters of small,
pink roses nnd forget-me-nots In rib
bon embroidery. The bunches of
flowers havo their leaves nnd atoms
dono In pale, dull shades of green
and golden brown. Tho bunches of
flowers nro connected by nnd inter
sporsed with little bowknots and loops
and ends of ribbon. This ribbon ef
fect is produced by outlining tho sup
posed ribbon with a single gold thread
and working small black dots in em
broidery silk, about an eighth of nn
Inch apart between tho gold linos.
Tho effect Is that of a dainty nnd
novel ribbon. It is no wider, nnd
probably not ub wide, as baby rib
bon. Woman's Box Coat.
Looso box coats mako exceedingly
smart wraps that aro omlnontly com
fortnblo as well. Tills ono is ndnptod
to all tho rango of cloaking materials,
but Is shown In tnn colored cloth with
touches of darker velvet and Is
Btitched with cortl-
colli silk. Tho spe
clal features of tho
model nro tho
mandolin bIcovcb
nml the additional
lapels which aro
exceedingly effec
tive. When liked,
howovcr, plain
sleeves can bo
substituted for tho
larger ones, as
shown In the smnll
Tho coat Is mado with fronts nnd
backs and Is shnped by moans of
Bhouldor, under nrm nnd centor back
S'jams. A pocket Is Inserted In ench
front nnd tho closing Is mndo Invis
ibly by means of a fly. Tho extra
lapels aro applied under tho fronts
bIccvch nro cut In ono pleco ench nnd
nro finished with plain cuffs, but tho
plain sleeves aro In regulation coat
stylo with uppers and undcrs.
Tho qunntlty of material required for
tho medium slzo Is 4 yards 21 inches
wide, 2i yards 41 Inches wldo, or 2
yards C2 inches wide, with V. yard of
velvet to trim as Illustrated.
Dainty Corsage Sachet
Tho heart-shaped corsago sachot of
white satin Is to wear around tho
neck beneath tho lingerie. Tho rib
bon edge and bow mako a pretty fin
ish, and It 1b suspended by a ribbon.
Another corsago sachet on this or
der consists of two pads about two
Inches square, with a small bow in
the center of each. They aro fastened
to tho ends of a strip of baby ribbon.
For tho Jnpancso sachet, mado of
Japaneso silk, n bag 2 by 3 inches,
and in the top fasten a Japaneso
doll's head. Around its neck n rib
bon is tied, stock fashion.
Tho most popular sachet odors at
present nro sandal wood, orris and
Jnpancso perfumes.
About Sleeves,
Tho very wldo sleeves that are be
ing worn at present undoubtedly tond
to tako away from tho apparent
height of tho figure, and if you aro
rather inclined to bo short yourself
you will do wlsoly to cxerclso a judi
cious supervision and to forbid your
dressmaker to Indulge in nny vagaries
cither as regards the shapo or trim
ming of your slcoves. You can still
havo something which is qulto suffi
ciently fnshlonablo without adding
in nn unbecoming way to the width of
your figure.
Misses' House Jacket.
Pretty, tasteful morning Jackets aro
always In demnnd nnd mako attractive
garments foe breakfast wear as well
as for uso dMflng tho hours spent in
ono's own apartments. This ono Is
designed for young
girls nnd Is ex
ceedingly youthful
nnd graceful, Its
broad collar droop
ing well over tho
shoulders nnd tho
fitted back giving
n trimncss and
neatness to tho fig
ure. As shown tho
material is
sprigged muslin trimmed with frills of
embroidery, but thcro nro countless
others which nro equally appropriate.
The Jacket is mado with fronts and
back, the back being laid In tucks to
tho waist lino and tho fronts being
gathered nt tho upper edgo and stayed
by means of an undcrfaclng. Tho capo
collar Is arranged ovor tho wholo and
tho neck is finished with a llttlo frill.
Tho bIcovcs can bo in either flowing
stylo nnd finished with frills or in
bishop stylo with cuffs ns may bo pre
ferred. The quantity of mnterlal required
for tho medium size Is 3 yards 27
Inches wide, 2 yards 3C Inches wldo
or 2V6 yards 44 Inches wide, with 7
yards of embroidery to trim as illus
trated. Rhubarb Pudding.
Wash and cut into inch pieces
enough rhubarb to nearly fill a three
pint pudding dish. Mix hnlf n nutmog
grated, thrco cups sugar. Butter the
. -O"
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dish thick with cold butter. Put in a
layer of boft bread crumbs, thon n
layer of rhubarb, then n thlcknoBs of
sugar nud a tablespoon of butter cut
Into llttlo bits. Repent tho layers,
having a thick lnyer of broad crumbs
on top. Mix a llttlo melted butter
with tho top crumbs. Bako about nn
hour, slowly at first, and servo hot or
Lunch for Children.
Becauso things to ent do not always
present nn attractive appearanco their
nourishing qunllty is not proporly ap
preciated. Tho valuo of dates for children's
school luncheons is not fully npprcci
ntod. They nro rnther sticky, bother
some things, ns they nro originally
purchased, nnd chclldren raroly caro
for them. They should bo Bopnratcd
and wnshod, tho stone removed, nnd a
peanut or almond, salted prcforably,
substituted. The dato Is then rolled
In corn starch or powdered sugar, and
htrnlghtwny becomes ono of the ap
petizing trifles dear to youth, and nt
tho snmo time Is healthful and nour
ishing. In the Kitchen.
Doughnuts or biscuits mny bo heat
ed "amnlst as good as now" by put
ting thorn In a wholo paper bag,
sprinkling in a few drops only of wat
er, twisting tho ends, putting lry tho
ovon, raised n llttlo from tho bottom
on a grate. Tho oven must bo very
Now nutmegs mny bo distinguished
from tho last year's supply by Bcrap
lug tho surface with tho finger. If
new, tho oil will moisten tho spot nt
once. Mace, when now, Is oily. It
should always be purchased wholo
nud ground ns needed.
A Dainty Work Bag.
Such pretty llttlo work bags can bo
mndo on n foundation of baskot work
with a pleco of dainty silk. Tho llttlo
flat trays to bo found in all sizes at
Japaneso shops nro chosen, ami the
silk sewed on tho lnsldo rim. Tho bas
ket Is first lined and slightly padded
with Hatchet if desired. Tho silk la
gathered in bag fashion at thd top,
making n pretty nnd substantial recep
tacle for sowing materials or em
broidery. Corset Cover.
Shapoly corset covcrB that fit nicely
yet nro not over snug aro in constant
demand and novcr can bo too numer
ous. This ono Is peculiarly pretty
and attractive, Is
eminently slmplo
and can bo mado
of nny of tho ma
terials In voguo
for underwear.
Tho model, how
ever, is of linen
batlsto with inser
tion and frills of
embroidery and
bands of beading.
Tho corset cover is cut with fro'its
nnd back which nro laid in nnnow
tucks to tho waist lino, and is closed
at tho center with a box plait in Bhlrt
waist style. Over tho upper edge and
at tho waist lino nro applied bands of
beading that aro threaded with rib
bon by means of which tho slzo is reg
ulated. Tho quantity of matorial required
for tho medium size is V& yards of
insertion, thrco yards of edging nnd
1 yards of beading to trim as illus
trated. Marie Antoinette Bodices.
Tho tendency toward tho Mario An
toinette bodlco for evening woar is
marked. This stylo is really fascinat
ing, with Its long, polntod wnlst lino,
and very full skirt shirred into the
skirt bnnd. In whlto or Ivory Bilk,
the mode Is ideal, nnd by next autumn
it will bo firmly established. This
would not appear to admit of any
chango In tho present full skirts, but
would rather tend to incrcaso them If
anything. Tho great drcsesmnkcrs,
at least, seem determined to adhere to
tho full modes for somo tlmo to come.
Savo all old zinc and when chim
neys aro filled with soot put a quan
tity on tho flro. It will carry all Boot
out of stovepipes and clean tho chim
neys. It is unwlso to sprinkle a light car
pot with tea leaves whon sweeping
unless they havo first been rinsed In
water, for otherwise they nro apt to
Rose petals mako a delightful filling
for soft pillows. Savo them from with
ered bouquets or from fresh flowers
and dry thom. They may be treated
as for potpourri or used with their
own dollcato perfumo only.
Never put a bod in an nlcovo; tho
air Is apt 'to becomo stagnant there.
Havo it right in tho room and do not
push it too closo to tho wall, thon
tho air that comes in from tho win
dow has a chanco to circulate around
tho bod.
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