Et . ,..,"""1 ;Jit -' " -vKi , .4ju, ...; JMSStta..)xm. n,.. !...,.. IB r s "!$?; y , M M-f'Vr ' Ja - xv..:' ' i ' " rr?r,,i rirrsoigm- . . - - -i." " -JUkvfe. W' ii nMif"urufr 'H"W IRJflI' "-VV " - - -fcKrfr25. "taSTy voLuui: xxxi i. KlSn CLOUD, NKKKASICA. .1X10 10, 1)()I. JNUMBJUK H sA.-v.xKyvvyvyA- vvsVMXV''urv'vv Vv"vVN'VN'VN f Miner Bros PREMIUM DISHES. Imported Austrian and German China Berry Sets. It was our intention to mail a large shopping card to every family within reach of Red Cloud Possibly You Did Not Get One. day with Mis (iiut'ii l'ot'il. fii a. Hois ill r.ini.ilu'll, I-. down tHs week plmteiing I'lixiuiiiNiiT Bennett's tnv dwelling II It. Jlnjd hits dug ,n cyclone cave. 1) Rouller nt Ciiuphi'll, was in town on business ono day this week. U.I0 TiiniiiHMi is spending th" week lit Mr. l'dtct-ons south i)f town. (iranduia Butlott was visiting at the hoinu of Mrs. A U-jud otiu day lust week. Miss II ittio "minor who has been iiitu sick Is repotted inuclt bettor. Come to the store and tell us, will not Miss you in the future. 1 2 Shopping Showing Card Card and we will add your name to the list so that we d Ilium in this caul on dujs mentioned below, jim chase goods to the amount of $2.00 or more and wo will p'osent to yon u handsomely decorated Dessert Plato and Berry Dish. O. K Tuedn(. nml Tlnirilnj8 Miner Bros. Kull'loti'l.Ncl) 6 Shopping Card Bring in this card on days mentioned below, purchase goods to the amount ot $3.00 or more and wo will present to you a handsomely decorated Dessert Plato and Berry Dish. O. K TuesilHj-s and Thiirnlajs. Miner Bros' Itcil Cloud, Nali. Bi lug in this caid on dilys mentioned lielow, purcliaso goods to the amount of $2.00 or inoio and we will present to you a handsomely decorated Dosseit Plate and Berry Dish O.K Tui'iiiln)H nml ThurnUys Miner Bros-' Ileil Cloiul, Neb 7 Shopping Card By purchasing goods to the amount of $200 or more on days mentioned, be low, wo will O. K. th s card. Present it with cards Xo. 8, 0, and 10, all proper ly O. K.'d and wo will present to you a handsomely decor ated Largo Berry Dish. O.K Tiicm1iis nail Ttmrflii)M. Miner Bros Hcil rioml, Neb. 3 Shopping Card Biing in this card on days mentioned below, put chase goods to the amount ot $2.00 or more and we will ptesent to you a handsomely decorated Dessei t Plato and Berry Dish. O. K TnenlRjr nml TlinrnlnjK. Miner Bros-' Hi Cloud. Neb. 8 Shopping Card By purchasing goods to the amount of $2 00 or more, on days mentioned, be low, wo will O. K. this Card. Present it with No. 7, !). and 10, all properly O. K.'d and wo will pro sent to you u hand somely decorated Largo Berry Dish. O.K Tiie-dnjH nml Tlmrsdnjs. Miner Bros' Itcd Cloud, Nib." 4 Shopping Card Biing in this card on days mentioned below, purcliaso goods to the amount of $2-00 or more and wo will piesent to you a handsomely decorated Dessert Plato and Berry Dish. O.K TtiiMliiyH mid 'I tiutnlnjn Miner Bros-' Itcd Cloud, Neb. Shopping Card By purchasing goods to the amount of$2-00 or mor, on days mentioned, bo low, wo will O. K. this card. Present it with cards No. 7, 8 and '20, all proporly O. K.'d and wo will present to you a handsomely decor ated Largo Berry Dish. O.K Tuedn)R and Tliur8d)H Miner Bros- Hcd (."loud. Nob. 5 Shopping Card, Bring in this card on days mentioned below, purcliaso goods to the amount of $200 or moio and wo will present to you a handsomely decorated Dessei t Plato and Berry Dish. O.K TucmIiijb imil TIiiitm Ihjh. Miner Bros' lied Cloud, Neb. 10 Shopping Card By purchasing goods to the amount of $2 00 or more, on days mentioned, bo low, wo will O. K. this card. Present it with cards No. 7, 8 and t), all properly O. K.'d and wo will' present to you a handsomely decorat ed Largo Berry Dish. O.K Tih'mIuvk mid TliiUHlnjH. Miner bros- Hcil ('loud. Neb. ill ios 700 0" Fuel f.00 00 Repairs ,'tOO 00 Books I Ml tt Fuiuituio 100 Oft Incidental expenses J'.OO Oft Interest on bonds 000 ( I'auuent ol bonds 1200 lX, Total en.'oO 00. The following levy was iniulo for school purposes. For general fund Sinking fund Bonds fund 20 mills. I fiarflcld. Clniencoaiiil Corn Uoed worn visiting Mrs. Reed's fattier lust Monday . Mrs. Maria Wolf is quite sick. Shu is sloping in Bed Cioud to bo near a physician. Almost evory farmer in (intliold litis a two towed coin disc, those not hav ing olio are out of the tnstiion. Oiuis 11 insnn was helping N. L. 1). Smith, last Tuesday and Wednesday, to loot his barn. Cecil Amuck of Hostwiek, is making a h'li visit with friends in (i.irlield Alfalfa cutting will begin in earnest next week. Proceedings of the School Board At a regular meeting of the school board on .June 0 1001 tho following business was done towlt. Tho following bills were allowed and ciorK onieieii 10 iiruw wurraius nir sumo. II K.Grico mdso 8(53 00 Bed Cloud Cliiff printing 1 'i Kesignatlons of Ciortrudo Coon and Grace Murphy win oread and on motion accepted. Miss Inez Kills was duly ol ected Total '20 uiIIIh School commences September , withali) weeks tetin and ending oi Decoinbor itl with 1 weeks vacation. Second term commencing January 2, 11) 0 with a li! weeks term and ending; March i! I, with ono wooks vacathm. Third term commencing April !l, with an 8 weeks term ending May 2(5. The following bids for coal was read and leleried to commit too on .sunpllos to investigate and leport. Pint t and Fieus Co. for Kouso coal 87,'Oper ton. Will Sullivan for MnitIandeG.7r pop tin. Board adjourned. Old Soldier's Hr.ct nml Oivc Red Cloud the Reunion. The mooting of old soldlor's at G. A. U. encatnpineiit was largely attended, and those present told many astoiyot by gone day's heaitily enjoying thorn-, helves as only old soldier's can. Tho following am tho proceedings: Tho members of James A. Garlleld Post assembled at their armory at 10 a, in accompanied by the commissary train, supported by t lie Relief Corps, Dlnlier was served to about 12J. At 2 j). in. Commander Prathor sounded assemblv and all comrade teacher for tho seventh and eighth ! 8tood attention. Committee on crodon- grades in tho second ward at $15 per mouth. Miss Mamie Weidoman was duly elect ed teacher for primary department. School treasurer nmdo leport as fol lows. Hec'd from former treasurers 10 02 Tuition .'WO -)0 Saloon Llconses 1.100 00 County treasurer 7,'tOO 00 Police judge 10 00 City clerk !51 00 Shows 15 00 For Cash and Produce. Sale Expires September, 1st. Cut the above card out. It will serve the same purpose as the mailng card. We have exhausted our first supply of Dishes. Come in and Iook over the new samples of Austrian and German China. The handsomest dish premium ever given away in Red Cloud. tluls reported. Roport of council of admiuist'iition presented and adopted. Report of committee on credentials, accepted and adopted Annual reunion of this association, was located at Rod Cloud Six hun dred dollar swsa raised to meet expenses. J. S. Whlto electod district com mander. C. K. Adams, Sonior commander. S. Cole, Junior Vico. P. N. Riolmidson, Adjt J. W. Warren, Quator Mastor. J. W. Davison, O. D. Old settlers woro thon invited to join in the program for reunion oxer- Balanco on hand 6 7(J 01 clses. Registered warrants unpaid i'MTS 70 Addross by retiring district command- Motion made and carried that Tres or. Ilarwood bo appointed janitor of tho Adjourned. second ward for the ensuing your at 8.") per month. Estimate ot expenses for the ensiining school year as follows: For teacheis salaries ?.il()0 00 niarnet price. Janitors and clerks sal- jun l Total. ..2ia 12 018(5 00 Millet Seed for Sale. I have about 100 hushols of millet soed for nale, either white or red, at 1). (t WlIITAKKK. 'Satisfaction or money bnck." ilNJBRJBR THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR CORRESPONDENCE Interesting Items Gathered by Our County R-eporters Cathcrton Roy Wilson was visiting ut Ralph McKlolmny'h, last Thursday. .lull n Petorion shipped two cnilond, fat entile to IviuiMib Cit.y last week '.fly? Wilson bought n new buggy at CaT.Vbt'll lst vu'ok CliildroaV day ill be obscived at Now Viigiuiii, Sumlny, Juuu 12th, ly tho M. K. Sunday school. Andrew Krickson nvirketeil half a carload of fat hogs Monday. SherilT McArthur was trnnsactlng business in this locality one day last week. Chi is Hanson and family weio callers at Petm Hanson's last Sunday. C. 11. Wilson was transacting business at (iuido Rock last Wedue-day. Elinor Fogg was in this localUy grioting old fi lends TuuMlay. J. C. unit C. 11. Wilson eaeli ha bought new two. row cultivators. Iltnvty Hiih. shipped two our load of stock to the eastern umikct Sunday.) Huiuy Willluuis will soon commence work on his new b,uu. Claudo Duval and family, Mrs J. C. Wilson and daughter, Miss Grace were plousant visitors at Frank Bean's lust Sunday. Bladen. Mrs. Jako Mootu leturned from Exe ter last Fiiday wlioie slio has spent the past two weeks vUlling her mother. John W. McCoy and family diovr to Co vvles last Sirtiu day anil vlsitid with his brother. Miss .li'sslo Arnold and mother of Kim Cuok, visited in this city last Sniiilaj. Van iNeigliton of lloMein, is treating Karnest IUhhIS building to a nuw coat of paint. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest K ied visited at the homo of Mr. and Mis. Widdershlms last Sundny. Miss Mabel Boyd spent last Sunday with Miss Cora Davis. Mr. M. C. l'arris the piano tuner is in town this week. Mr. and Mis Qulrin of Campbell, wab vi-ititig at the homo Win. Rheirs lust Sunday, 1. II. Boyd and Floyd Williams drove down to Cowles last Monday Wayro Reed and f.unilv spent last S mday at the homo ol J. W. Davis, 1'iofesior I'll) nu was in town Inkt Tuesday. MlsfcEbio Ik. II in :ui .spout last Sun- ffim QAKtH mn tesolniri-elly Pur m EUStmm ,;i W T " ! ,i ! (i . J'', (' '( u it ' fi j r 1 II n i m ; m i a; i 0 rl i i nsmfmi IMrtrm TLggyayy gaiWM3mywri!iLlIIL!i !.-.