The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 27, 1904, Image 5

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Women Like Tubulars
Every woman praises the sim
plicity of the
Sharpless Tubular
Cream Separator
Because they are easy to feed, easy
to KEEP CLEAN, easy to TURN,
points every woman who helps
about the dairy has a right to insist
upon. All other separators run
harder than a TUBULAR. They
have a great many more parts to
Let me give you a catalogue and
show you the many good points in
Stock saddles at J no Fogol'.s.
Try that calf muni at Caldwell'.
Jim Mitchell is down fioin MiCook
W Dr. Bomfuid went to Omaha Mon
day. Nolle Wurron is visiting friends in
Blue Hill.
Hugh Heal caino homo from Omaha
this week.
Koscoo Sellars is homo from Denver
for a visit.
Andrew Arnold was down from Ina
vale Saturday.
Ralph Hunter was down from Ina
vale yesterday.
Boyd Smith eame homo from Lincoln
A Monday evening.
Miss Agues Leonard of Ilivorton was
dn the city Thursday
Wall Paper
The hint is that you come
here before the nice, new
patterns and shades of this
year's wall paper are sold.
We bought our paper to
sell, and with the handsome
stock we offer and our ex
tremely low prices we are
selling it.
Better come soon.
Chas. L Cotting,
The Druggist
Insurance Agency
The German
Insurance Co.
of Froeport, 111., and tho
Farmers' Mutual
Insurance Co.
of Nebraska
have over nine hun
dred policies in force
in Webster County.
Look up your policy
and see me.
Phouo 03.
Red Cloud.
UMmj B
5m3i H
If you want the bust aud cheapest
harness, go to Fogel's.
Mrs. Dr. Creighlon is visiting friends
in Itluo Hill this week.
Miss Vance Foe is ill at tho homo of
her parents in this city.
See Joe Kogol for anything in the
harness or saddlciy line.
Mr. Sam Temple and Mr. Jim Over
man aro home from Omaha.
Mrs. J. A. Boyd, mother of II. J.
Clark, is visiting in tho city.
Mrs. V. C. Pharos is slowly recover
ing from her recont illness.
Dr. Morrison and wife returned from
Omaha the first of tho wook.
Kx-Congrossman Sutherland of Nel
son was In the city this week."
Miss Ethel Whittaker returned from
her visit in Missouri last night.
Walt Koby went to Kiverton Tues
day on business for Miner Bros.
W. W. ltitchey and A. B. Ritchoy
were down from Cowles Tuesday.
Kd Aniiuk has quit his job at Johns
ton's barn and will go on the road.
John V Tulloys returned to Lin
coln Monday after a short visit at home.
Mi-s Edith Palmer and Madison
Finch weio married last week in Wray,
Born, Wednesday morning to Mr
and Mrs. Tuil Sutlon, twins a boy anil
a girl.
Geo. Overing is in tho western part
of tho state this week putting up monu
ments. Tho daily train sorvico bolween
Hastings aud Red Cloud has beou re
sumed. Presiding Elder Pearson of Hastings
was here this week for quarterly con
Mrs. Dr. Rlckardsof Weeping Water,
Nob., arrived Saturday for a visit with
Mrs. Dr, R F. Raines fell down n
(light of stairs Monday and was severe
ly bruised.
J, P. Halo and E. Johnston have put
up now awnings in front of their places
of business.
Allen Carpontersold a bunch of line
steers to ('has. Waddell, the butcher,
last Monday.
Miss (lortrudo Woodward has n
signed her position in Mrs. Bomford's
millinery store.
Miss Ella Bradshaw and Miss Fay
Liggett of North Blanch, weru in the
city Thuisday.
Marshall W. Roby and wife will ar
rive from Hastings today to stay over
Denotation day.
Alfred Hadell As Co. have moved
their clothing department in tho dry
goods department.
J. R. Mercer has returned from
Lincoln, wheio ho went to consult with
medical specialists.
Everton Foe while scuflling with ono
of tho boys in tho B. A; M. yards, fell
and broke his knee-cap.
Come in and seo the newest hand
painted shirt-waist buttons and
brooches, Newhouse Bros.
B. M, Froes of Chicago, member of
the Piatt & Froes company, was in Rod
Cloud this week on business.
Tho graduating alius of the Franklin
fchools eame down to Red Cloud Sat
in day to have a class photograph taken.
Mrs. Arthur Voullu of Milwaukee,
Wis , is the guest of her brother, the
Starke boys, at their raneli near Amboy.
Harry Hopkins was down fioin
Cowles this week. He says the buggy
he won in Tiik CltiKK contet.t is u line
Next Monday is Decoration day, and
pieparations have been mule for a
xplendld observance of the day in Red
The commencement oxctcNcs weie
well attended aud the gtailuates clear
ed enough money to pay all their ex
Will Lets.'in came down troin Dead-
wood, S I) , to attend the commence
ment exeieises ami visit with his re
latives. Mini (iiiirnth, Minnie Sherman
ll'tttiu Morrison and Irene Miner will
attend the graduating excises In Cowles
Frank Williams, who was operated
npon for strangulated hcrmla last
week, is rapidly recovering and will
soon bo out.
Must Bk Sold Mv traction engine
and new separator, used ono season.
Will bo sold nt a sacrilico piico. C. D.
Ralph McConkoy, Charles Ludlow
and Walt Saundorson left Tuesday for
St. Louifi, where they expect to securo
work at tho World's fair grounds.
At tho Congregational church on
Sunday morning the pastor will speak
on tho theme, "The Church of Christ."
Rev. Bates will occupy tho pulpit in
tho evening.
Dr. W. F. Manspoakor of Juniata
was in the eity this week to attend the
funeral of his daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Victor Manspoakor, MonJuy, aud will
remain in the city a few days.
Man anii Wikk Wantkd Man to
work and woman to cook. Young
couple without children preferred.
Good references r quired. Apply
at Starke Bios.' ranch, Amboy.
The attendance at the commence
ment cxcicisos and the inconveniences
of Woodman hall as a place for public
entertainments emphasize the need of
a suitable opera house for Red Cloud.
Stops muro pain, relieves more suf
fering, prevents more heart aches and
diseases than any other remedy.
That is what Hollistor's Rocky Moun
Tea will do; Ur cents in tea or tablet
form. C. L. Cotting.
We have them in near
ly any style you ' want.
Not the cheap, shoddy
kind, which are dear at
any price, but good, serv
iceable harness at prices
that are right. We guar
antee our harness in
every way to be perfect
ly satisfactory.
You can't afford to pay
fancy prices for harness
that will give you no bet
ter satisfaction than you
can get from our goods.
Don't pass us by when
you need a harness.
We Are It.
Hardware Co.
Tho little two-year-old son of Elmer
Boardslco, living just over tho lino in
Kansas, fell from a chair Tuesday and
broke its arm. The child was brought
to Red Cloud, and Dr, Damcrell set
the broken limb. Tho age of the child
Is favorable to a speedy healing of the
Parties owning lots u the cemoterv
are requested to clean up by Saturday
evening, the '28th, as there will be no
cleaning on Monday, as we want to
clean the diives. Gates will bo closed
Monday till 1 o'clock sharp, Please
keep your dogs at home. By order of
cemoteiy board.
The baccalaureatu .senium to the
giadu'iting ela-s of tho high school wil
be delivered at tho Congregational
church next Sunday evening by Rev.
J. M.Bates of the Episcopal church
The change was made in older to no
commodate as many as possible of
those who desired to attend.
The weddingof Mr. James W. Knight
and Miss Florence E. Sawyer occurred
at the home of the bride's parents in
Inavale, Neb , Saturday evening May
14 at 7 o'clock. Miy their life always
bo full of blessing. R0y. W. T Taylor,
pastor rf tho M. E church, oflluintod
A dainty repast was spread.
Two little children of George and
Henry Nowhouso wero playli g on
Webstor street Monday evening and
came near being run over by a toam
driven by Charles McKolghan. I ho
team shied atsomo object in the stroot
and both children wero knocked down.
Tuodrivor pulled tho horses hack on
their haunches and tho children were
dragged out of danger. No blnmo at
taches to tho driver of tho team.
Attempted Jatl-brcak.
Jake Kohn ami Henry Woodman, tho
mirglars who aro hold in the Red Cloud
jail awaiting trial for burglary at Mc
Cook, were well on their way to nink
ing their escape, when tho removal of
Fiank Barker to Lincoln ravelled their
plans, though tho discovery was not
miido until last Sunday.
Kohn and Woodman were arrested
at MeCook a few weeks ago, and had
been in jiil but a few hours when they
mado their escape through a transom
over the door. At the time it was sup
posed they used a knife in making
their escape.
They were reairestoil nt Orleans and
brought to Red Cloud for safe-keeping.
Shenir McAtthur put tin in in tho up
per tior of cell, and they seemed to
enjoy their surtoundings, for when
Frank Bin ker was lemoved from the
big Bttel eago on the first lloor they
pleaded very stiongly to be allowed to
remain whero they wire. Howevei,
Sheriff McArthur thougnt they would
be safer in the eago.
Last Saturday night a local sport
got drunk nnd was locked in ono of
tho cells foimerly occupied by the
burglars. Sunday morning Sheriflf
McArthur told him to open the window
aud lot some feesh air into his cell. He
took hold of tho padlotk which fasten
ed tho inside steel lattice covering the
window. The lock dropped into his
bauds, and he informed the shorill of
what had happened. An examination
showed that the curved bar of the lock
had boon sawed through in two places,
leaving a gap of about a quaiter of an
inch. This had been plugged with
soap to cover up what had been done
Further examination showed that one
of the bars on tho window had been
sawed nearly half way through, witli
some dull instrument, it also Having
boon plugged with soap to hide the gap.
Shorill MeArthur called assistance
and at once began to search for the
tool with which tho work Had been
done. The prisoners wero stripped
aud searched and every conceivable
hiding plaso about their cell was also
examined. The only tiling in tho shape
of a tool which could he found was an
aluminum comb about six inches long.
Thu tooth of the comb wero worn blunt
at tho ends aud wero somewhat scrat
ched and twisted.
It seemed hatdly possible that thu
work accomplished could have been
dono with so snlt and blunt an instru
ment, but u liial soon demonstrated
that, by careful work, thu tooth of tho
comb would cut iuto tho steel bars, and
tho mystery was solved.
Tho prisoners aro now locked in
separate cells in the big cage at night,
and tho shorill has furnished them with
a rubber comb.
Kohn was particularly abusive to
ward the sheriff when mado to strip,
nut ho had to taku his medicine.
Do you need more blood and moiu
llesh, do you need more strength this
spring? Holllster's Rocky Mountain
Tea will bring them all. If itfails your
money back. II3 cents. Tea or tablet
form. C. L. Cotting.
Arc You UslnJ Allen's Foat-Easc?
Shako Into your shoos Allen's Foot
Iv.ib0, a powder. It euros corns,; bun
ions, painful, smarting, hot, swollen
feet. At all druggistsjand;shoolstotcs,
25 cents.
Itlll'.UMATlSM CUUKI) IN a da v.
Mllo Cure for HlionmatUiu iiml Nourtilulu
radically cureh tn 1 to .1 days. I(h action upon
llio n)ntem Ih remarkable ami inyMurloua. It
removes at orico ttiu cauo ami tho dUcato Im
mediately dhappeara. The ilrt dobo urcatly
boiioBtH, 75 cents and ll,03. Soldi by U.K.
Grice, DruMUt, Hod Cloud.
The cobwebs of peace have
stretched across the mouths of
silent cannon, while waving
grain covers the fields that were
once the scene of carnage.
On Decoration Day this
Be Closed
during the ceremonies.
The Goiuderj-Kaley Glothinj Go.
One Price Clothiers,
First door north of Postofflce. Red Cloud, Nebraska
Turnure Bros.'
i oDays
Commencing Friday morning. May 27, and con
tinuing to Monday, June 6, we will offer the greatest
bargains ever offered at any sale ever held in Red
Cloud. We start in the
Millinery Department
and offer Street Hats at prices unheard of. Having
bought a traveling man's sample line of Street Hats
at a big discount, we will sell them below wholesale
prices. They will be on our center counter marked
in plain figures.
Summer Dress Goods
In short lengths, from 2 to 10 yards, at bargain
prices. Having had an extra heavy trade in this
line has left a large assortment of short lengths,
hence the prica. Also on center counter.
Former price 20 and 25c. Bargain sale price, 15
and iqc.
An extra fine line of parasols during this sale at
bargain prices.
Tailor Made Suits
During this sale all our Tailor-made Suits go at
one-third off, 33.1, per cent discount. Our loss is
your gain. (An ill wind that blows nobody good.
30 pounds Prunes $1 00
4 pounds extra large, fine Prunes 25
Fine Nectarines, per pound k 10
2 pounds good Coffee 25
1 pound Japan Tea 19
4 2-pound cans of Tomatoes 25
3 3-pound cans solid pack Tomatoes 25
Advo Pancake Flour, per package 05
Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, per package 05
Ralston's Pancake Flour, per package.... 05
Ralston's Hominy Grits, per package 05
Malta Vita, 2 packages for 25
Force " " 25
Vigor, per package 10
Banner, Saxon, Coupon, Shamrock, Yan-
kee and High Five Oat Meal, 5-lb pks. . 23
See Us for Dishes.
Only-1 o
. s
; r
t tf.
, Jiirnnti-lMiiiWHir -" --W "r