W. .it - -SSijS? FT$i Ii'.J4B,nAt.V'k.. .SSS&k-Mi&iS: -: w St .yirf jjj'jrjig'ifl t '- -i: ii- ,,.vsW .H .WHW V&mJ mi'iu 7f " V " vi Y ' W ) . 1 1 srV Mw M' " "" "' rriTs 1 I SCOTT LOVED BY ANIMALS. Dumb PcU' Particular Fondness for Great Author. Somowhnt akin ti the story of the Tny and thu pig in the Spectator of March 12 is the following narrative in the life of Sir Walter Scott, IIIuh trntlng his fondness for animals and their attachment to him. I find It In u volume entitled "Stories of Remark nhle Persons." by the late Dr. William Chambers, who Rives Sir Walter's son-in-law, Lockhnrt, as voucher for the authenticity of the story: "At Abliotsford, in the autumn of 1 J-2f. when a lnrgo party, including Sir Humphrey Davy, Dr. Wollaston and Henry Mackenzie were rallying out Stott on his pony, with Maida gam boling almut lilm there was some t-wnmutlun and laughter when It was discovered that a little black pig was frisking about and apparently resolved 1o he one of the party for the day. Scott tried to look stern, and cracked Jilt whip at the creature, but was In n moment obliged to join in the gener al cheers. Poor piggy was sent home. 'This pig,' says lxekhart, 'had taken, nolKidy could tell how, a most senti mental attachment to Scott, anil was constantly urging his pretensions to be admitted a regular member of his tail along with the greyhounds and terriers; but, Indeed, 1 remember him suffering another summer under the vame sort of pertinacity on the part of an affectionate hen. I leave the ex planation for philosophers but such were the facts," Ixmdon Spectator. DESERVED TO SELL SAFE. Story in Itself Was Well Worth an Order. Robert M. Mel.ane. the mayor of Baltimore, said the other day: "Naturally, since our devastating fire, the salesmen of safes have been doing a rushing business here. "1 am told that two safe salesmen, representing rival Arms, called simul taneously on a business man one morning last week. The first sales man said: " 'To demonstrate the quality of our safes, it is our custom to put n cat in (ilia of them, to lock It, to build a gnat fire around It, and to leave It in ;the flames for twenty-four hours. At the end of the twenty-four hours we open the safe and thu cat leaps out, unharmed.' 'Wonderful!' said the merchant. Wonderful!' "The second salesman spoke tip. " 'We once put a cat In a safe of ours,' he said, 'and kept It surrounded with flre for a week. At the end of the week what condition do you sup pose the cat was In?' "'Dead?' said the merchant. "'Yes, dead,' said the salesman. 'Dut do you know how it died?' " 'No. How?' " 'It froye to death.' " Words for Ordinary Purposes. "The small number of words actu ally necessary for ordinary purposes In our everyday life Is surprising, and nothing Illustrates this better than the limited vocabulary of a little child," Dr. M. Harris said. "I have a daughter t; years old. She is able to linake all her wants known, to talk freely and easily. If an adult knew Just the number of words In a for eign tongue that she knows In her own he would bo able to get along nicely In a conversational way with people who spoke nothing but that 'language. What the child's vocabu lary comprUcs, how many words and of what classes I recently made It ray 'business to ascertain in n series of Investigations extending over a con siderable period of time. I fouud that the total number of words she knew and used was Just :tfi2, omitting proper nPOeF, and that 51 per cent of theso We're nouns, 18 per cent verb's and 11 per cent adjectives, the remainder be ing made up of conjunctions, preposi tions and pronouns." St. Iouls Globe-Democrat. ssape r I mmJ WOULD NOT BE LIONIZED. British Admiral Cared Little for New York Society. There was some disappointment among the younger members of the Astor set In New York when Admiral Sir Cyprian Bridge. K. C. H refused to permit himself to be lionised in a social way. The admiral belongs to that type of naval martinet which bollevea exclusively in n gunpowder diet us a necessity and combing bul lets out of thu hair after a battle as a diversion. He is a Chesterfield in po liteness, but has a rather cynical man ner with women. His detestation or the American who apes English manner isms Is so marked that he becomes al most rude In rebuke. He made the usual conventional call at the British embassy when he was In Washington, but in Ills brief stay in New York he could not be persuaded to make more than one or two calls. Prize for Cactus Exterminator. The government of Queensland of fers a prize of $25,000 for a method of exterminating the opuutin, a species of cactus Imported from America. DER MAN DOT KNOWS IT ALL You fee ilnt feller efry hlnc-ft Vhereffer you ma- nt; Veildlicr in liollillrs or tuide. He- ilon'd viiuld 1f n cent Vor anyvonp'n nblulnn, Vroin I'eter down to Paul; Silfllclt nt nn lie lo hlmcrlliir: Dor man out knows it nil. Dor I'lillllpciiinilH In der KnFt lie linf lirovlilfil for. Ho tlKurfil dot omit Ioiik iiKO, In lad, hi'foro iler vnr. For rtc-r Hu8so-Hhiiiiiii'ivcKtli)n lit' M'llUHt hnf not llT giill To hay: "Yon leaf ilnt nil to uip;" Xk-r nutn dot knows It nil. Dor Pimimumia muddle Van slinbllclty to mm, Hp'iI know oxni'tly vot to . Kef ho yum "In dT srliwim." Dt-r dronhl vn", he viiHii't, t'txl lii'ts viUntlh nay, 'lllif a hall!" Vhi'ii lin commence uVr subject ; 1)it m;ui dot known It nil, Ir hrci-lclintnl qvrMlon He Hlrenly ..h looked ofer, Cnn "lice oup nil ilrr randldalm Vrom All-Knoo down to Uror; Can dell you ull illiclr nrictstorn Vny linck to to "Aclutn'H Kail"; You ilon'd could fool him miirh, py MilnRR: Der man dot known It all. He dells you baity eortn In n vny you ilon'd could doubt It; Oxblnlnn aboudt iter tnrirf Und how Hoose veil uboudt It, Mluo craclouv! how dhone utmlldaten lie Ft-hUHt vlll pool nnd hunt; l'lty h vnsn't "In If Der mnn dot known It nil. Vu mwt him down In Vnll Hticot Among tier bears unil bull; Off "pointers" he hnf blrnty, Und say hi! not wime "pull" Ubon !le Algumatlon elmpn, 1'nd dot a "put" or "call" Van solid, eef he runB It: twiu Der man dot known It all, Und no It goen; mine, crnclnux! Vhen vlll It efer nchtop? I find me oudt dbeie nchtlll van room For merit on urr top; t'nd vhen It comen to peeMilz Among der Hint to fall Vrom off Kami's ladder, look for him! Der man dot know It all. VcsitjfU QUEi:R BELIEFS OF BUSHMEN. Their Notions About Many Simple Thlnns Are Vagus. Thejbushiuen of Africa hnvo a quaint I belief, according to a recent book, Hint the world was made by a spirit with his left band so unsatis factory a piece of work Is it. The no tions about nstronomy are many and curious, including the familiar one that the old moons arc cut up Into stars; "but," as nn old man told Mr Kldd, the author, "we are only black men, and know very little about these things." Thu natives aru very ic spectable to snakes, which they be lieve to be a revivified form of their ancestors' backbones. They are nfrald to look Into deep pools lest n monster should lay hold of their shadows and drag them Into thu water; and they dread being photographed, on the medieval ground thai If any enemy gets hold of your portrait lie can work you nil sorts of harm through its agency. Of course there are witch doctors anil rain doctors most or whom, by the way, come to violent ends at the hands of n dlsapiiolnted populace and in .ululand the women sometimes buty their children up to their necks In thu ground In the ex pectation that the heavens will melt with tenderness ut the noise they make. Worth Llvlnn For. The late Dr. Butler of Hartfoni Conn., gave as an Illustration of the necessltly of giving restoratives even to those apparently almost dead this leaf from his experience: "Old Aunt Sally was dying and had been talking about her hopes of heaven. At the same timo 1 was ad ministering a few drops of brandy and water In a tcasKon. In a sooth ing voice (referring to her crossing the river) 1 snld: 'And how does It seem. Aunt Sally?' "The old woman slowly opened one eye, and winking at me, replied: " 'It's Hckin' good, doctor.' "1 gave her the contents of the glass, and she lived several years." New York Times. Death of Famous Conjurer. Heir Dobbler, the famous conjuror, died In Aberdeen recently. Hu was on the stage forty years. It was he who, In 1804 exposed the Davenport Brothers, who had pretended that their tricks were supernatural maul festntlons. Belgium and French Coal. The output of coal In both France and Belgium last year was greatei than ever before, that of France be ing 38.000.0(10 tons and that of Bel glnin 23.000,000 tons. Aged London Actor. Herman V'ezln of the Court Theater, London, is 7fi years of age, and still playing. Ho is a graduate of thu Unl versity of Pennsylvania, although Hng Jlbh born. eri tiffflBa) TWHtHw 'in HUMBLE CRITIC WRITES OF WAGNERS MUSIC When Shakespeare wrote "The man that hath no music In himself, nor Is moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, strutegems and spoils," he lived In an age that knew only ilnton and lutes of that Inoffen sive sort; an ago when pooplo who sang only carolled and trolled about flowers and love and shepherdossen. Shakespeare never heard n piano, nor a Herman brass band; nobody hud In vented operas, comic or explosive-, It was not lonsldcrcd bad form to ad mire a billad; and no one was expell ed from society or considered Ignor ant and uncouth for liking a melody YAffarAt&iim and throwing bricks at those who mado a noise. Shakespeare was ipilte n fellow In his day, and knew almost as much as a spouting police geyser; but he neither know nor anticipated the late lamented Herr Wagner of Bnyreuth, Germany. Wagner was a man who had a lot of music in himself, but he failed to keep It In. Music worked In his system like steam; nnd when It broke out It mnilo trouble. Wagner tried his music on his chum, a luna tic nnd king; and If ho was pleased, it was considered n proof that the rest of us would want It. I am rather shy about saying much about Wagner; ev ery fellow thnt plays a fiddle, or a mouth organ, or a cornet, or forty fives, thinks it's up to him to defend lilm; aud you are pretty sure to be called names and accused of Anarchy and beating your wife If you rouse tho Wagnerltes. Under the circum stances, It Is Just as well to bo Ju dicious nnd speak soft and low. Some people understand Wagner; some try to understand lilm; some pretend to understand him; while a vaRt, vulgar, Ignorant majority can neither stnnd nor understand lilm. I supiHi'se 1 am numbered among the lust lot; nnd, while I nm willing to concede that Wagner Is grent, I prefer SoiiHi, Creatore and rag-time. Con iideiM lally, I think ho was born too soon and died too late. The easiest way to distinguish a re.l Wagnerlto from tho Imitation is to hear them pronounce the great man's name. The real things call him Vogner; tho Britannia metal Wagnerltes call him Wagner, or just Waggoner, If they nre lately from Cheyenne. When a man has a wife who can cut frillH on a pianola, or who wants to be In tho swim, he just naturally has to got down In his pocket once in a while and dig up a couple of fives to put tho Wagner trust on Easy street. As I have said, I don't renlly enjoy Wugner; but In the end it Is easier and cheaper to tako four hours of tho great German's spasms than four weeks of your wife's obligates In C sharp. Four weeks of domestic harmony Is cheap at $10; a dlvorco will cost moro than that. Tho last tlmo I sampled Wagner's wares It was under domestic duress; and the particular riot which I en dured was called tho Valkyries. There wero several characters In it who re minded mo of certain statesmen; they had largo voices, long whiskers and peculiar garments. These people lldn't mako much trouble, though lomowhat clamorous; nnd they had a Tired of Representative Richardson of Ten nessee tells of an old dnrky living near Nashville who, has according to his theory, been dying for many, many years. Notwithstanding his persistent belief that he is near death's door, this darky, Isaac Botts by name, Is apparently as wol! and able-bodied to day as ho was forty years ago. Recently, says Mr. Richardson, Isaac was seized with ono of his "spells." A week or ho passed, but Isaac, ac cording to his own statement, grow no better. Ono day a nolghbor, In pass ing tho Botts domicile, chanced to oh servo Mrs. Botts stundlng.at tho gate, "How is Iko this morning?" asked tho neighbor. "Only tol'ablo, only tol'aWe," replied Vinky RyCftfojp ' 57KAT.CCMf ANt 5- Easterner Complains He Purchased Domestic Harmony at Frightful Cost-Hereafter Will Stick to Ragtime. rather easy time trying not tti fall In 1 hive with A stout, elderly nnd shop worn princess or prophetess, who was lovely enough to stop a clock In any climate, or drive the east wind out of Boston, The ical things In this music drama Wagner's things me not op eras or opuses were a lot of strong, strenuous young wom en arrayed in uightles and cam paign helmets and armed with ox goads, who butted In periodically with gesticulations and shrieks, while the conductor out In fiout threw fits, fought with his baton nnd worked up the fiddles and bassoons until the roof quivered. As I understand It, the Val kyries were tho Carrlo Nations of ancient Germany, who were trained to hover over battlefields, keeping tabs on tho patriots who went to tho ft out too much; and when theso he rocs were knocked out by tho hated foenien, tho Valkyries swooped down on them and hustled them off to n sort of post-mortem reservation, called Valhalla, where the departed patriots sat uround drinking boor and bragging about their war records. A patriot and hero would have to be very dead to enjoy the company of these shrinking young ladles; for, as they Heated uround In the atmosphere on broncoes waiting for a chance to ftuTrro in rrKiooif.ALiy WIT CKfTlCVI-A&Ctl'. ANt 5AKICK) TNB LAST TJMC t 5AMPiEp wcrMt;ie w.ARe it Vt i vn v mm. frVflE? IC PWr drag out a battered patriot they made noise enough to make a D. A. It. con vention seem llko u prayer meeting In comparison. Tho night I sat shuddering at this shrieking sisterhood Frltzl Schcff was one of the Valkyries; but as she eloped from Wagner shortly afterward and went Into comic opera and brief clothes, I imagine sho was cloyed by Wagner as much as I was. Tho dif ference between us was she was paid to yell at me; und I paid to bear her yell. .Men nre dead easy. I was glad when It was over, when theso shrieking Sutherland sisters the Delay Mr. Botts' better half, a weary expres sion coming into her face. "That's too bad," responded tho neighbor, sympathetically; "I had hoped ho would be well by this tlmo. Ho Is no worse?" "No, ho ain't no worse," went on tho wife, dejectedly, "an' at do same tlmo ho ain't no better. It's alius dls way. Flint uo'r worse an' den hu's better. Den bo's worse agin. Alius ds way! Ton mnb soul, honey, olo Botts' boen doln dls way everslnce I klir remem ber." Then, nfter a long pnuse, as If In deep reflection, tho darky's wlfo add ed, In a plaintive tone: "Honey, I do wish olo Botts 'ml do somethln' definite!" Now York Times. M 1 """ tmtmmt WMMHMk.j jyrrM frfnc?(K; CLWC I nSt were dinned off by the scetus sh'Uri; and though I was dead tired nnd stone denf, I went out nnd tackled lobsters and Welsh rabbits In it res taurant and cheerfully faced night marcs. I knew when I got the night mare I'd forget tho Valkyries. In my tlmo I have faced "Tannhntin er," "Iohongrln" and other Wngncrl an things; and It looked as If I might acquire tho habit and stand uround llko other weak sisters pretending t" bo enraptured every time a bull flddlu fell foul of a baso drum; but, after tho Valkyrie campaign I throw up my hands and abandoned Wagner. Thin Is a shameful confession to mnko, anil argues a defective musical and moral sense. 1 am willing to admit tho trou ble lies with mo, not Wngner; I bavo not been trained up to lilm; and t bavo neither money, nor strength enough to try. 1 was not distressed when Boston refused to glvo up Hb dividends to Herr Conrled; I wan ptoud to know Boston could control Itself oven In the fnco of Wngner; and I was secictly and vulgarly happy when Conrled nnd bis Valkyries start ed for Chicago, where thoy are ac customed to cyclones and explosions. Outside of tho music drama, 1 llk; Germans and things German; somo day I'm going over to Germany to set? where tho frankfurters, hofbrau and bull (lil tiler, grow; and I'm going to look up Herr Wngner'H grave. If they have a mnrblo monumunt on his chest and his tomb cemented nnd copper-riveted I shall rejoice. I'd like to come back with tho certain knowl edge that he can't get up und start In ngaln making raw material for brnsM bands, hnnd organs and VnlkyrlcB. I don't want his sacred ronmlns dis turbed. When the last day comes, and peo ple are slow In responding, 1 know where Gabriel can get a first-class as sistant to ronso tho Bloopers and wakii the dead; but until thnt day, I hopo no vandal hand will monkey with titer great, man's tomb. Joseph Smith In Boston Herald. The Difference In Mankind. "There's men nnd men," said Tonr my tho Tout, when ho got back Ut Brondway from Jamalcu tho other day. ".lust to show you, tako Bill Daly and Bud May. 'IV wins two races with Daly nnd Amberjack, and I'm broke. I know him and need n dollar. Thinking ho ought to stund for a touch I asks him for u plunk. "'I uln'l got u dollar In change,' says he, 'but hero's a dime I can lot you have.' "I needed money bad, and when I P&Tf ) I 9nMM. KK.icncBt butts Into May 1 makes up my mlniT to try him, but Major Pelhum bad been beaten out and I didn't want to mako It too strong, so all I asks for Ik a quarter. '"1 haven't got n quartor. Tom," says he, 'but hero's $2, If it's all tho same to you.' "Now York Times. It Was Wished On. Johnny's sister has a ring that Johnny Is very tond of. Ho Is allowed to wear It sometimes for an hour or so, when ho has been very good, or has promised to be. One day ho sud denly found that he wanted to wear that beautiful little gold band, and so ho Informed his sister. Sho wasn't Just In the mood, so sho told him, hk he Insisted, that she couldn't tuke It oft because It was "wished on." John ny said little and thought much, and" tho next afternoon, when hs sister bad callers ho rushed In and plumped; down on an ottoman In tho middle of the room. "Johnny," reminded his sister, "your cap, dear." "Oh," returned tho boy, Innocently. "I can't take It off, 81s; it's 'wished on.' " Costly Railroad Tunnel. Ono million dollars a mllo is tho estimated cost of constructing a tun nel, four miles in length, on tho lino of the new Moffat railroad, from Doitr vor, Colo., to Snlt Lake City, Utah. Contractors hesitate about bidding for tho work, because of tho hardness of the granite through which tho tunnel must bo bored. Sticks of dynamito mako llttlo Impression on tho rock, and tho railroad comnanv. Itself, may bavo to build tho tunnel. AUJ! f m A-1 . Iff !.' ' ft IS . t . vfl I .s f? I I I m i Mil ; -! ) v : tl 1 ,i PI if m m iau'i tmtMtmiJmiH '" mmam '! wa j w-ynw! kvT- DOT