l-tfjV ' t8.ytSiHSjITj -Vtmmii m i,i..iih mmtm I w.wA!waWTWffrrAgjJKygggg3raf.JtfagCTr6-..-.--'--v,r ....ai.a-rtfc''."' M J Wmi i iimMii iiini)nMiiimnimmnr)iiiiiiniiiinniiiiiiiiir inmi-nrniMfiri layers When the nerves are weak everything goes wrong.. You are tired all the time, easily discouraged, nervous, and Irritable, Your cheeks are Sarsaparilla pale and your blood is thin. Your doctor says you are threatened with a nervous breakdown. He orders this grand old family medicine. " Kur ninri) tlmn W) ycnri I linvn uI Arrr't ST trtlln In inj fiinlljr. It It it annul fnnlr lit ll llinoi. anil ii wmili-rfiil lin'illrlnn fur Im rurp liliwil. I). C. llul.T, Wilt IIiivimi, Cuiiu. SI M a Imttto, All iltllifKl.H, J.t". AYKltro., f,mwtl, Mn... ihmm for I Weak Nerves Kcop tho bowclB regular with Ayur's "Oills. lust ono Dill onch nluht. THE CHIEF TIED CI.OUO, NEDJIASKA. "1'UBLISIIHD EVERY FRIDAY. P. C. Piuur.s, Ktlltor. SUBSOntrTlON IUTES. rw year... Ylxmaiithi .11 00 Bntered at toe pott office at Hod Cloud, Nob, at "oond clan mall matter. AUVKHTI8INO RATK9: S urnlihed on application. TELEPHONE, SEVEN - TWO "Tho political pot will soon begin to noil. Tho way Al Galushu walked oir with ftlio tho noiiilimtloii for secretary of ' tuto wuh not hIow. Tlio Roos-ovolt leaguo organized at "Lincoln Tuesday night will bo a powor in tho campaign this fall. Tlio Liucolu Star tins already begun Mo knock on tho Hopublicuu ticket. Tho Burlington-Lancaster county slnto was so badly snttisliod that it will take tho Burlington's ollleiul organ a few weeks to recover from tho shock. v Captain Adams of Suporior has at Oust overtaken RomothliiK in his hot .pursuit of au olllco. Ho has been otactod ono of tho altornates to tho national convention. Wo congratu late tho captain on tho successful oud- ing of tho long cliti. -"Wonders of Laclede County, Missouri. Pim.Mi'.siuTitci. Mo., April 80. 'o tlio Editor of The Ciiiek: Tills lovely morning I wish to talk "to soino of your old Wobstor county vroutloi'H, and I have faith enough in tho "dear old Chief" to know they will got tlio little speech direct. In tho llrst place, I wish you to understand that I am just tolling of Laclede county (pronounced LaeK-lodo Lore), not tlio whole state of Missouri It is almost in tho center of the statu and cloo enough to St. Louis for us to feel tlio pulse throbs of tlio gieat "World's fair, M'l miles away. Thib lb i tho lovolloit place to tlio eye, on tho frioo of tho earth, but tho climato is Tory bail ho much cold and wet wonthor, ilvo days of the past weok Jmving been cloudy and rainy. Thoro -aro a great many springs around ovor tho mountains, but none on our place. There aro several springs which aro groat cuiiosities, ono of which is about three miles south of hero. Tho water bolls up from tho bottom of n largo cave, runs through 'tho envo for about tlfty yards and passes out through an otiontng of ' 'what appears on tho outside to bo a THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE IFOR R9W Ii,! V' '1. mm, mm mm& POWDER Absolutely Pure IT IS A MATTER OF HEALTH largo mound The basin or take In-J sldo tho cavo serves as place for boat- riding, and there im benches along tlio banks of tho little lake whoro tired ' sightseers may ilt down and rest In this undor-gitiund lake thero aro llsh ! without, eyes. Living war this lake Is a very hospitable family,and they tako pleasure in escorting lsltois thiough tho cave, frco of chin go, and if it is near meal tlino the visitors are Invited to take dinner with the family. Twelve miles fiutu hero Is another wondei fill spring, which feeds a sti earn almost as largo as the Republican river, and tho blream is full of tho best llsh in the world. No bottom to tho spring has ever been found j tho water boils up in the center and (lows oil' at tho sides only, where it empties with an awful suction A dinner plate thrown on the surface a I, tlio center will Jump and bob along till it almost touches tho banks, then down it goes and nothing can stop It. A man unco fell In this spring and disappeared, and ho was never seen agnin. Ills wlfo attempted to rescue him and also foil in, but was caught by her skirts and saved. 'I ho stream from tlio spring runs u great saw and feed mill. Hut thu greatest curiosity of this part of Mlssouil is tho young folks tho prettiest sot of young people tho world over sot eyes upon, and tho prettiest women Young girls think nothing of walking fifteen miles in a forenoon, then do a hard half day's work. Iiidopondeuco is no liamo for. the girls, bless their hearts! One of thorn will do up her morning's work, sit down and wrlto a lotter and say: "Ma, I am going to towu to post this letter"; then run out and catch a horso, tuulo or bronco anything that tho men have left out of tho Hold, just so it has tho shapo of a horso jumps on if she can got oloso enough to throw n saddlo on, and away she goos, does her errand and returns home, un saddles and unbridles her horse, turns him loose, goos in tlio houso and cooks ono of tho best dinners you ever ato, straightens up tho house, sltb down to tho sowing uiuchliio or organ, ono of which you will ilnd in almost every homo. Many married womou think nothing of taking from six to ton dozou eggs in a basket and going from two to Ilvo milos to market on foot. Slio enn walk in, sit hor eggs down on ono counter and rocoivo 14 cents cash for hor eggs. Sho can turn to another counter and pay out iior cash for any thing sho may want. A farmor can tako into town a jag of stovo wood, cord-wood or anything his farm pro duces and tho merchants will pay him for it in cash; then hi) can tako his money and spend it whoro ho pleases You nover seo an old rag of any kind lying around, for tho women cau tear, sow and wind thorn into balls of car pot rags, tako them to any of tlio stores and recolvo cash for them. All tho morehants pay high prices for groon vegetables, fruits, etc., in cash no coupon business goes with these pooplo. Fruit trees and vines aro loaded with their llttlo balls of green fruit. But, oh! those wet, dreary, rainy three and sometimes Ilvo day out of every week, give u person thoHlilvors to think ol'thom. Hut tho oldest inhabitants say this is the most backwatd spring they have had for thirty years. This is ono oT tho lovelist countries on tho face of the earth when the sun shines there scorns to bo some kind of au ollxir in tlio air which is so invigorat ing to a tired, sick person; thou conio tho cold, dreary, rainy days which give a person that aguish feeling. I would not advlso a poison who has lived all his llfo in a smooth, untimbored country to conio hero to mako a living by hard work, as tlio rocks and stumps aro a groat drawback to an old Ne braska farmer; but just to live in this country is like boiug in u Paradise on earth. Tlio pooplo hero don't know wltat dust is. Mas. II. C. Bon. Try t'mt calf meal at Caldwell's. I iViimiMjiMMvMilMaiMMl TWENTY YEARS km 1 1 cms of News Found In Tho Ciiiof of Twenty Ycnra Arfo This Week v v V vWAAVAWWA ,'WWAW' J. H. Wilcox will build a residence in the north end. Dr. Etnlgh has built a lino now duelling in tho north end of tho city. F. H. Cioble will make somo needed improvements to his resldenco soon. Tho mother, brother and sister of T. J. Ward of Cowles have arrived from Virginia. There aro between fifty and sixty cattle slaughtered for tho Red Cloud market monthly. .1. Q. Potter leturned from Mound City, Mo., to attend tho funeral of Mrs. 1. 1'Vlsble, who died Sunday. Wo learn that Mr. Spokosflold in tends stinting a bakery at his now stand. Mr. Mlzcr has returned from Chi cago, wheio ho went to moot his family. T. C. Ilackor, familiarly known as "Dora," nn old titno editor of state ro- putatlou has gouo into the morcautilo business at Red Cloud. Newspaper Union. Tho Cox trial has boon postpouod until Juno. During last weok Mr. Ocorgo J. Warren purchased tho Argus olllco of Mr. Keunoy, and is now solo proprie tor. Tho stato bank organized into tho Hed Cloud National bank May 15. It now lias a paid up capital of 850,000. Houry Cook and V. M Visschor wont to Omaha Tuesday on business. P. A. Swcozy of Bluo Hill was doing district court this weok. On Thursday tho Rod Cloud base boll club played tho Bluo Hill uiuo, but as wo go to pross earlior than us unl wo aro unable to give tho score- A crazy Norwegian jumped from the "cannon ball" Wednesday, while it was going -10 miles au hour, and was badly hurt. Ho was badly hurt. His name is Hartman and he lives near Cathortou. On last Sunday tho dodicatory ser vices of tho now Presbytorian church took placo aud wore of a very luteres ting nature. Sovernl pastors from abroad wore present. Cox, tho Bluo Hill man who is al logod to have killed Tobin, in a saloon row, recoutly, was indicted by tho grand jury for murder in tho first do groo. His trial is sot for Juno 7. Ho was taken to Lincoln by Shoriif War ron, for safo keeping. Tho McCrary Bros., who rocontly started n general store at Iuavale, aio doing a flourishing business. Mr. Coyno, section foreman on tho B. & M. at Cowles, swallowed a tea spoonful of muriatio acid on Sunday, supposing it to bo medicine. Dr. Sohonok was called aud succeeded in relieving tho sufl'eior of the deadly effects of tho poison. Some eight or to i now houses aro Ic ing put up in tno south part of the city. Lower lied Cloud is booming. Let it biiuiii. On May IT tho members of Garfield post will hold a grand canip-llro in tho now skating rink. , This weok E. M. Perkins sold his pump and windmill business to D G. Walker. Mr. ilamakor has moved into his now residence in tho north end J'ho now resldonco of Mr Spauoglo is about enclosed. It will bo a baud somo loiidonoo when completed. The case of Ida Cliuo vs. Win. Rich ardson was brought to trial in tlio dis trict court Monday and resulted in a verdict or&SOO for Ida Clino. Cowles Thoro is talk of moving tho postotllco....Tho latest novelty is playlug croquet by lantern.... Mr. Sheldon is improving his farm by oroc ting stables aud sheds for his sheep Bluo Hill-Dr. C. M. Willinma aud Miss Lucy Whltoworo married Tues day evening at tho resldonco of P. L. Pord .... Thoro leap year dauco at Me Clolland'a hall proved to bo a vory onjoynblo affair. . . .Tho is nn opidemio of measles bore. Scott-W S. Noble Is building a now houso.... P. D. Hutchiu's health is im proving Ho killod a wild cat on his farm tho other day which was four foot long. An Appropriate Gift Sheriff War ron of Webster couuty was in Lincoln tho othor day and took away Wm. Cox, tho man who killed Tobin at Bluo Hill. Cox manifested his sym pathy for Qulu Bahamian, aroused doubtless by tho fact that ho may pos- bibly bo in Quln's Ux boforo long, by sending him by mail yosterday n fine,' gilt-edged copy of tho book, ' Mother,' Homo and Heaven." Tho lino sontl-' nietit in tills well known book will doubtless bo keenly appreciated by Bohanan, who has given such signal proofs of his tine sensibilities, The book is said to havo been a present to' Cox from his mother, and ho probably ' would not have parted with it but for! the probability of getting it back iu August.-Stuto Journal. I in limn mini imiiwiiimiiiiiiimiimuii iiiawiMMiawwwawMWBwawwwMiawuiiiiii I have bought the entire stock of the firm of Beckwith, Wescott & Storey and will toe atole to take care of my friends to their entire satisfaction. Will be pleased to see you in my store PAUL STOREY, The Clothier. ARRESTED FOR FEASEI MURDER Charles Hutchinson was urrestod last Friday at Dave Kaloy's farm, six milos southeast of Hed Cloud, charged with tho uiurdor of Ell Foasel of Nuckolls couuty, and circumstances point strongly to his guilt. Last fall Ell Pcasel disappeared from his home southwest of Bostwick, about Uftoon miles east of Rod Cloud, and it was given out by his house keeper that ho had gouo to Kansas City to visit his bou. A brother of Mr. Foasel hecamo suspicious of foul play and Instituted inquiries No trace of Mr. Feasel could bo found, aud sub sequent investigation led to tho arrest of Ills housekeeper, Mrs. Hutchinson, her sou Charles, aged 21, and Hurley Peasol, a uophow. Thoy wore given a hearing and discharged from custody, thero being no evidence to show that a crime had been committed. This year tho Peasol placo is boiug farmed by man named Stanley, tiud ono day last weok, whilo plowing in a field he discovered what appeared to have been a newly opened grave. Lying in and about tho grave woro found a human hand, some hair from a man's head, part of a coat with au ompty whisky bottle iu a pocket, and other pieces of clothing Tho authorities woro at once notified. Tho circumstances which led to tho arrest of Charles Hutchinson last Fri day aro a llttlo out of tho ordinary. Up to about the 4th of May Hutchin son had been working for tho Henry brothers, whoso placo Is near tho Pea-' sel farm. When ho saw Stanley plow ing in tlio Held where tho grave was afterward found, Hutchinson pleaded sickness, quit work aud ciuno to Rod Cloud. On the evening of May 5 ho went to .Johnston's livery stable aud ordered a rig, but later changed his mind, saying ho would take tho rig next day. Tho following day, Friday, May 0, bo appeared at the barn about 0:30 in the evening and hired a rig, saying ho was going to tlio Starko ranch at Am boy. Henry Bayless saw liiin starting out with tho toam and asked him if ho was going us far in Guido Rock, Hutchinson replying that ho was. Mr. Bayless bad been summoned to Rod Cloud as a juror and wanted to go to Guide Rock that night and return in time for court next morning. Hutch inson assured Uayloss that ho would bring him back in time, but Bayless was afraid to tako tho risk and Hutch inson drove uway alone. Saturday morning about 0.30 ho roturnod tho lig to thestablo, paid tho regular feo for a trip to Amboy and immediately left tho barn. Tho toam bad tho appoarauco of having a long drive, nnd when the em ployes of thu barn began to unhitch thoy noticed a terrlblo stench oma Dating from tho body of tho buggy aud the cushions. Llttlo atteutiou was paid to tho matter, howovor, uutil word camo of tho finding of tho uowly opened grave and tho rearrest of Mrs. Hutchinson and Hurley Feasel in Nuckolls county. Charley Hutchinson spout Sunday in Guldo Rock and on Monday aud Tuesday ho attended tho Barkor trial in Rod Cloud. On Woduesday ho wont to work for Davo Kaloy, about six miles southeast of Rod Cloud, whoro ho was arrostod last Friday evening at milking titno by Shoritl MoArthur, on information furnished by tho sherilfof Nuckolls county. Ho was taken to Nolsou on tho early train Saturday morning The night Hutchinson hirod tho rig ho told Bayless that ho would spend tho night at tho Henrys'. Investiga tion showed that ho was not seen thoro that nL'ht, but a now spado be longing on tho place was missing tlio next day. Hutchinson kuow where tho spado was kopt. There wero footprints of a man aud a woman about tho newly opened grave, tho larger ones corresponding R.ead This Carefully I am making lots of Farm Loans. There are reasons for this. I can close a loan for you in three days after taking your application, for these reasons: You do not have to wait and pay for a man to examine the land. My company has oceans of money. You do not wait for them to sell your loan in New York or London before getting the cash. Yon can Pay Off at Any Time, without giving a day's notice of your inten tion so to do. All other companies require from 30 to 60 days notice on this point. I have so many different plans for making loans that some one is bound to suit. No one can give better rates. J: H. BAILEY. Red Cloud. in size to tho shoes worn by Hutchin son. It is supposed that Hutchinson and a femnlo companion, probably his mother, went to tho field the night of May G and dug up tho remains, but in tho hurry and darkness left tho tell tale clues bohiud. Last Saturduy evening Charley Ilolmgrnin was arrostod on suspicion of kuowing somothing about tho niiit tor, but thoro was no ovideuco against him nnd ho was released next day. Tho preliminary hearing of the par tlos under urrest is sot for Juuo 18, at Nolson. Worlds Fair Kates. Tickets to St. Louis aud return, good ail summer, $33 10. On and after vipril 25, Bixty day ticket?, $10,30 On and after Ayr il 27, ton-dny tickets, 817.83. For full info Aatlon about train ser vice ask tho tiiW nBu,lt If you wutitj bust and cheapest IH 5!HkMHBI. humous, go to Eel's. J. P. HALE RED CLOUD WBBSTBR COUNTY NEBRASKA &EAL ESTATE AND- frARM LOANS Somo of tho finest farms and city property in Wobstor Coun ty, Nebraska, for sale Prices ranging from $15 to 825 por acre. J. P. HALE, Red Cloud,lNcbraska. City Treasurer's Annual Statement. The roport of tho city treasurer for tho year ending Mny 2, HKM, is as fol lows: Gonoral Fund- Received from City Treasurer u. w. Uow g 11 GTi Roo'd from couuty treasurer.. 1710 00 Total 317fil 05 Paid warrants 1027 00 Balnnco I 121 09 Judgment Fund Reo'd from county treasurer. .$1230 00 Paid warrants 1228 57 Balance 8 1 411 Wator Fuud Recolved from City Troasuror G.W.Dow 9 110 Rocolved from city clerk 1551 81 From occupation fund IV20 00 Error for freight 11 07 Total 511)18 57 Paid freight 9 -11 07 Paid warrants 1700 05- 1881 72 Balance 8 81 85 Occupation Fund Received from City Treasurer Dow 9 5 20 Rocolved from city clerk 152 00 Roo'd from county treasurer.. 551 00 Received from bowling alley. . 10 00 Received from saloons 1500 00 Total 82210 70 Paid warrants 2108 85 Balanco $ 110 11 Fireman Insurance Recelvod from Dow 8 115 00 From insurance companies... 80 00 Total 8 105 00 Paid warrants 185 ty, Balanco $10 00 Total receipts 7800 08 Total expenditures 0072 20 Total balauco on hand 8 337 78 1 VUf'V w y4ltfirM Mfct4