The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 20, 1904, Image 1

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Sfotep-WF" --
VOLUME xxxir.
Miner Bros.
By right prices we don't mean City prices or Bar
gain prices, but prices that are right for reliable mer
chandise. We stand back of the representation of
every article sold from this store. If you are not
satisfied with your purchase, bring it back in salable
condition and we will cheerfully refund your money.
fjs A lot of l.O(X) yards of
CQ5t !lii' Gingham in stripes,
chocks and plain colors tlio
usual hc kind. Instead
of 10c, price
fl One lot of French
BSJlS'Ij Ginghams in stripes.
Those are mostly reiunonts and
short lengths carried over from
last lull, with a number ol now
lat torus. Usual prleo
2." to Ittie. Prie" now
Some pretty new novelties in
fancy nek ribbons. Satin Taf
feta in white, with large silk em
We are overstocked on one num
ber of Corsets our No.
black and white; a full run
in the perfect-fitting C.-B. Corset.
Regular value $1.00.
Special 75c.
'Satisfaction or money back."
Interesting Items Gathered
s by Our County R.cportor3
Mrs. V. S. Hull and M--i. Warner
wtro puHsniiReri!' for Lincoln lust Sitt
uriluy. 'They ruiurnuil Tiiitsituy.
Mis Joe Uonton of IJIuu Hill was in
thir. city Wcilntsduy.
,1. l. Tiuvclpleco shipped his cnttle
to Cliiiso couuiy.
Mis M-ihul Huy 1 spoilt Inst Sunday
with Miss (Jrnco Keed.
A. Hiit'd drovo to Hluo Hill Mondiiy
Gladys Heed wont to Holstein Inst
SftturdaVi returning Monday.
Mrs. H. Pounds died Tueadny nnd
wns buried Thursday ut 1 o'clock.
K. (J. Took'ir put down a new woll
for Wayne Hood Wednesday.
H. C. Chevalier of C.uiipbcll was in
the city Tuesday.
AL Bent, of Blue Hill was in town
L. K. Sponce wont to St. Louis to tho
World's Fair lul Monday.
: A. Heed and Wayne Heed drovo to
Hoselaiid Sunday.
Mrs. v. S. lull drove down to luin
Craok last Wednesday to visit hen
mother and sister, nir sister, Mis
Miner Bros. I
k I ?
broidered dots in pink, blue and
red. Champagne color with
small silk embroidered dots, in
white, led and black. A late
novelty; per yard 35f.
."00 yards of '2 to 1 in. Torchon
and Val. Laces. Come while the
assortment is complete. Per
yard, while they last 5c
siut gsnghams.
Whites and black stripe, col
ored stripes, plainjwhite, lace
eirects, etc., in regular 50c cloth,
but reiniuut lengths of fi to 18
yd pieces. Instead of 50e. . ,33c
294 in
of sizes,
J 4iju Arnold, ace imp iitiod her home
N. Hartlett and family returned horn
California Sat nr.iny.
Mis Uulh Hou-eliolder le(' for V ru,
this state, where -lie g ies to lie pieMMit
whiin hi r sister Mis.-. Mamie, grudtiute.s.
Guide Rock.
Considerable cxcitt'iiicut liu- been
.stirred up in the Feitsel oiise,' in tlio
southwest purl ot Nuckolls eeuniy, by
thn uiioiti thing of a man's hand mid
soni'i elotliiiig which - Mipposed to
tuivo bi'longed to K. V. Fi'iiel, who
mysteriously disap)uarnd last Novum
her. An Oinnha telephone supply man
was in town this week anil sold si mo
supplies to the local company. I
Fiinr oxperioiiced liueni"!) are now
w irking oa tho local company lines,
beddes n number of homo men. Tho
system will so in bo in working onlei.
Corn is worth 40 emits here.
Word was recflvul in tills city Fri
day if the di it'll of Adell Doluv, at
Kansas City. She was horn in Cul
bertson, Neb., March 1-1, 1882, and
died at Kansas City, May l.'i. She
leaves a mother, two brothers, seven
sisters ami ninny friends to mourn her
death. She had been a sufferer almost
from inlaucy. The funeral was held ho had been returned to his cell, notic- under tho hay and in the corn bin, hi
nt tlio Guide Hock Methodiu church nd that there wero tears in Frank's tending to destroy them atsoino future
on Monday, Soviets being conducted eyes, and began "fooling" for a con- time. Ho returned to tho houso and
by Hev. I'. O. Priist v, and thoreniidiis
were hud to ren in Columbia ccmutoiy,
south of the river.
-.fllfet. i T iiw)M'PH f if S" 1tt.i -- ,rL i "rt 1 tV M ' Ti.. .. m. 'ISC'" ' ff, ?!? ' i,t. Atr-,m f T lu ,.
Sentence Passed Saturday Afternoon Fridsxy
September 2,
Breaks Down and Tells the Story of How
Crime Was Committed.
The closing scene in the Harkur
murder case, so far as this county Is
! concerned, canio last Saturday after
noon at 1:10 o'clock in the district,
court room. It has been announced
that .lodge Adams would pass sentence
upon Frank Barker at 1 o'clock Sutiir
atternoon, and long befotu that, hour
tho district court room was crowded
to its full capacity, a large percentage
of tho audience consisting of ladies.
Prior to the bringing or the condemned
man into court, the bar association
held a short session in memory of the
late O. C. Case, mention of which is
made elsewhere in this issue.
At 1:10 o'clock Frank Barker was
brought into court by Shoriir Mc
Arthurnnd his deputies. When Bark
er was llnally seated in the prisoner's
dock,. I. i. Mercer, his attorney, aroso
and made a motion for a new trial, ac
companying tho motion with the read
ing of tlio grounds, consisting of
twelve reasons, why the motion should
bo granted. Judge Adams overruled
the motion.
Addressing tho prisoner, Judge
Adams told him that ho hud been
fairly tried by a jury of his poors,
found guilty and condemned to death
for ono of t lie most brutal crimes in
the history of tho state Judge Adams
quoted tho old saying, "Between llfo
and death there is but a stop." Ho
told tho tho prisoner that he hud not
even allowed his victims this step,
sending them to their death without a
moment's warning, awakening them
from u sleop Into which thoy hud fallen
with their minds fixed on tho happen
ings of the day and not allowing thorn
a moment's preparation to go boforo
tho Father. Judgo Adams expressed
his regret that under the law it was
his duty to pass sentence, and stated
that if there was tho least doubt in
his mind as to tho guilt of the prisoner
or as to Ids having had a fair trial ho
would grant the motion font now trial.
Having llnishod his talk to tho prison
er, tlio judge ordered him to stand up,
ai.d then asked tho question:
"Have you anything to say as to why
sentence should not bo passed upon
"No." came faltering!)' from tlio lips
of the prisoner, who, to all appear
ances, was as calm us he had been
throughout the trial
Tho coudemod inun was slightly
paler Uiaii usual, but aside from a
nervous twitching at the corners of
the mouth he showed no emotion when
the judgo pronounced the words:
"To be hanged by the neck until you
are dead."
Immediately following the passing
of the sentence, Judgo Adams ordered
tho prisoner taken to his cell, and
after his removal tho largo audience '
quickly vacated the court room, those
present not caring to accept Judge
Adams' invitation to remain uud hoar.
tho arguments of a case in which tlio
title to somo laud was involved.
Barker's Confession.
Last Saturday aftornoon, after sen
tonco hud been pronounced upon
Frank Marlcor niiil no Dad neon taken
back to his cell, ho began to show
...... ...
signs of "weakening."
Deputy Sherilf Sam Foe, who wns 'changed his ni nd and took tho things
In charge of the prisoner shortly after, to the hay loft,, where ho hid them
fession. Foo said to Barker:
"Frank, if you had not taken those
clothes mid things and hidden them
nvrvw w WW A k.Y""
WW I 1 1 r'M J3L naf V
MMtt AAAC&A -W k .
the D;xy Set.
in the barn, you might, never have
been found out"'
'Yes," replied the condoned man,
"If 1 had just gone away and left'
them lying as they were, no one would
over have suspected me ' I
This was all the deputy slierill- want-'
od, for lie saw that Frank hud said loo ;
much to draw back. Calling Slierill' I
MeWthur, Foe told him what Frank
h.ul said Judge Adams was pr.viit. ,
in the jail olllce.andd.e sent h..- Court ;
Stenographer ! urn., to who... ! rank j
uiiiif ii riiiiit-.sNiiui, 'arrest
Woaro unable to give the exact, j Knmk was taken to Lincoln Monday
story as told to Reporter Furse, 'Ut . ,0riiliiK anil wuh liiiulutt in tlio il
from District Clei-KCeorge Hutchison, ((Juliary j,, luni for supper that oven
who spent nearly two hours talking to .,, .... ....., ,,. 0iii,.11.h ., roul,lo
Barker Saturday evening, wo learned
the substance of his confession
While ho did not delinitcly say so in
words, Frank gave the impression that
ho had been weighing the matter in
his mind for sometime, and tlnullv
made up his mind on the Friday night
boforo tho crime was committed. That
night ho formed his plans, and on
Saturday came to Red Cloud and
bought, tho revolver at Pope Bros,
with which the deed was done.
On Sunday night, or rathor Monday
morning, ubout a o'clock, he left his
father's home, about tliree-qunrtors of
a mile from Dun's place, uud wont
directly to the homo of his brother.
Rapping for udmituuee, Dun came to
tho south door to see who was there.
When tho door was opened, Frank
fired upon Dan. who stnggorod buck
into tho room. Frank again fired, uud
Dan stnggorcd into the north room
whero Ills wlfo was in bod, and fell up
on tho floor.
Alice rolled from tho bed to tho
floor, ennyiug some of the bed cloth
ing with her. She arose on her hands
and knees, turning her face toward
Fraiit, who, without a thought of
l mercy for his victim, placed tho
muzzle of the revolver near her faco
and fired tho fatal shot.
Frank said that he believed neither
his brother nor his sistor-inlaw real
ix.od what was happening or who hud
done tlio terrible deed.
Fruuk immediately began prepara-
tions to dispose of his victims, lie
went out to the burn, whero ho first)
began to reali.o what ho hud done,
and at first he contemplated taking '
his own lifo and ending the whole
mutter. He bad not the courage to do
so, however, and finally went to tho
cow shed, whoro ho dug the hole in
which ho afterward buried his victims.
Tho ground was not frozen, and the
soil being sandy, tho work was com-
pleted In about twenty minutes. Re-
turning to tho house, he carried tho
dead body of sister-in-law to the cow
. 1 iiml iilii.nt If ii I lw. Iw.ln It...
nftervmr(1 rotuniillK foi. tho ,)0(ly 't
no stated inai no nan on too clonics
which ho wore when arrested, there
being but two small spots of blood on
them which ho easily washed off.
Dan hied very little, and tho blood
on tho carpet wus from Alice. Frank
! . . ....
: toie up tho carpet and removed tho
blood stained clothing, at first intend -
ing to burn them, but afterward
' straightened up things sweeping tho
lloor and doing other work to hldo all
ovldoiico of his orimo. The wholopro
fc Ti.
coding occupied about two hours and
twenty minutes ami was completed bo
toro daylight.
WllC'II qllOst hilled, Fl'lltlk WIIM llllllblo
'ton - signnny reason for Ills tcuiblo
..IM.I 'I'.. ......... ............. .l. lt,,l (,. I
4u filMIIU U: 1111.1 IIIIW K.l.liw I w .
him lie claimed that ho was drunk at
the time, but that seems Incredible in
veiwof the fact that ho. had spent, the
evningwith a lady and was sober
when at his father's home just, prior to
the time of going to Dan's place
Thoie who have talked wit li Frank
say that he showed no remorse for Ids
crime, and his only regret seemed to
bo that it had been discovered. Ho
also stated that it did seem hard that
a fellow should know that he hud just
so long to live, and no longer, and that
was apparently the only clrcuinstatico
that worried him.
Frank said t hat most of I he evidence
given corresponded with the Tacts, but
denied having told Miss lloukol that
Dun waved to him from the train.
which also bore, out his testimony on
the witness stand
'n.mtnrv thai. I-Vnnk had the re.
volvcr In his possession when arrested
,s ,MI IIIlirol,nl.l... us liu had no op- !r Lincoln. The decks were iinmodl,
,)0l.tlllli,y n,iding the icvolver in the' ll(t.v cleared and Mr. Burkelt wa-.
,,.. wm, ,t wls I011m,t ,. ,,,Hj ;,,,, ,,v, amid u.
on the way, and walked from tho jail
to tho depot when leaving Rod Cloud.
A Victory for Overman.
Tlio conviction of Frank Barker, his
sentence to ho hung and lluully his
complete confession wus a splendid
victory for County Attorney Overman.
Few people uro aware of the difficulty
of making up a caso entirely on cir
cumstuntsnl evidence; the almost
countless rumors and clues that have
to be followed up; tho muss of test!
mo. ly that has to bo weighed and tho
irrelevant matter weeded out, choos
ing only that which can be corroborat
ed by more than one witness, anil
which has a bearing upon the fac' s
tho revolution of a orimo havo devel
oped. County Attorney Overman
wove a chain of circumstantial evi
dence about Frank Barker in which
not a link was missing, and which was
borno out by the confession of tho
condemned man in every dotail with
tho single exception of tho positions
occupied by tho murdered couple
whon tho fatal shots were fired, and by
thoso who saw tho bodies of the mur
dered couple and examined thoir
wounds, tlio statement of Frank in
regard to this matter will continue to
be doubted, although thoro is appar
ently no reason for his lying about, it.
Mr. Overman was ably assisted in tlio
prosecution by L. II. Blackledge, who
manured and revised most of tho
papors. in tho caso. Both deserve great i
credit for tho thorough manner in i
which tho prosecution was conducted.1
J. I Mercer, attorney for Frank
Barker, fought an up-hill fight and
made a splendid ell'ort to save his '
client. Ho was handicapped by tho.
fact that his client made tlio inistnlo I
which is often mado by criminals
that of deceiving his attorney as to
his guilt The penalty might have
been different, but it is doubtful if tho
murderer could havo escaped with loss
than llfo imprisomont. John Stevens,
who assisted Mr. Mercer, Is court ston-
ographor in the district west of hero,
I 11...... .,( ",... .I.i-I, I, . Hi, fiirninrlv
VKl , tllis cmmty. o gave Mr.
v1,im,jlo a88,Htullt.0 ,
i. .if...
cumiuum! " ..n.....
Good growing weather.
Listing is about over with.
Kd CJriioll has received word
Kd CJriioll has received word ol
,1,,.,, nf Ids sister.
. .. ., ,. ,,..u .i,,..,.. ..,.,,,.,,
.- ii .-iiuii;ik iiiin i in ii inn iriiiiit iu
work on his new barn and latin hands
at work listing.
Kd Moiintford and Grandpa and
Graiidm i S'xlerliu are reported on tho
ick list.
Line will give Al Galuslin it good
vote next (all. Hun ah lor Al and tho '
Republican party.
TTTT,J""' t' I'OTi'TJ
NUMB Kit 2t
The Kepuid'mU'" of Nebraska met.
in convention at the auditorium lib
Lincoln Wednesday. Fully three
thousand people wore in attendance,
and the convention wart ono of tho
most enthusiastic and harmonious
ever hold in the state.
At '2:10 p in. State Chairman II. C.
Lindsay culled tho vast convention to
order. II. II. Bahlrldgo was made
temporary chairman.
The committee on permanent orgnu.
izatlou reported. Judgo W. AL Hob-
. ertson of Norfolk was made porntti-.
' iiLnt chairman, hiking tho sent ut:t:'2i
p. m
Following u brief season of spoooh--inaklng
came tho question of nomU
luting a senator by tho convention,
Tho losolution to nominate was ear
ried by an overwhelming majority, and
when nominations worn called for it,
quickly became apparent that thoro
was but one candidate who uvon stood
a ghost of a show Klmur J. Burkott
scene of the wildest enthusiasm.
Governor John II. Mickey and Lieu -tenant
Governor 10. O. McGilton wero
renominated by acclamation
Nominations for secretary of state
wore next in order. There were live
candidates in the Hold, but ere tho
roll call was finished it wus seen that:
our own At Galushu would bo the
nominee When tho roll call wus lln.
ished Mr. Gulusha had moro than
twice as many votes as his strongest
Bcfnro Hie vote could bo announced'
Douglass county, which hud given Ga
lusha 50 votes ou the roll call, changed
her remaining .'17 votes from Sadilok
to Gulusha; Cuss county, fell into lino
witli 20 for Gulusha, followed closely
by Dodge, which gave him 2.'i and ass,
sured him tho nomination The other
counties which iiikiuivkioii tueir voiusi
between the opposing candidates Im
mediately followed suit, makuig Altv
Galusha's nomination unanimous.
The roll call did not show Air. Giu
lusha's real strength, as fully 150 ad
ditional delegates wero pledged tohttn
on tho second ballot had another voto
been necessary. Al was particularly
woll pleased witli the support which
ho received from tho north Platte i
Nominations of other officers fpl
lowcti quickly.
S. A. Searlo of Keith county wua.
nominated for auditor
Js'orris Brown of Buffalo county wan
nominated for attorney general by ugf
Stnto Treasurer Peter Mortonsen
was renominated by acclamation.
J. L. McBrlon of Fillmore was nam
iiiuted for stnto superintendent of
public instruction.
II M. Raton of Dodgo county waft
nominated for land commissioner.
Dolegates-at-Iurgo to tho national,
convention wore elected as follows:.
II. C. Brown. Omuha; C B. Domu
ster, Beatrice; .T F. Piper, Lyons; L.
F M. Leflung, Duwsoii county.
Fifth district Adam Breede, Hast
ings; Alex Campbell, McCook.
Walnut Creek.
Pnbbalh school at No, J Is well
iondol. Kilty-one wero present
Hev. Room was unable to till his
polntmont on May 11th nnd 15th.
John Sutton and Fay Arneson havo
hi'en helping 11. S. llolcoinb get lib
corn liatod.
I Pearl Furuham spoilt Sunday wlthj
Sua Arneson.
I Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jones visited at
Mr. W avtlion's tho that of tho week.
J. C Holconib's fine mure Bihy unit
young colt had the inlsfortuu'i to pot
into Walnut Greek ltist Friday niaht.
Joe lo mil lior in time. Tom Jones,
son Ivt uud Fay Aineson assisted in
getting her out.
The fruit noes not gecin to ho Injured
b; me late frost.
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