The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 13, 1904, Image 1

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sw. Sku!5!SK
V ..- m-m
vrT a T "nry
j,iiiiiiiiici'f' i'';;vw;
Safs&i 'S--"
f. w mmm
Mine Bros, ( Miner Bros.
Hy right prices we don't mean City prices or liar
gain prices, but prices that are right for reliable mer
chandise. We stand back of the representation of
every article sold from this store. If you are not
satisfied with your purchase, bring it back in salable
condition and we will cheerfully refund your money.
6 A lot ol 1,'XKi ynrrfs of
4jU;liut Clnghum in stiipes.
chocks and plain cnlois tho
iistml ltV kind. Itrstcud Gbg
ftk One lot of Fieiioh
Q&SJ Oinghiims in snipes
T1il"-o mi' mostly miiiiients and
short lengths curried over fioin
last fall, with u liuiubcr of new
pat torus. Usual price
' 2."i to Wo. Price now
Sonic pretty new novelties in
fuuey nock ribbons. Satin Taf
feta in white, with large silk em-
broidoroil dots in pink, blue and
rod. Champagne color with
small silk omhroldomd dots, in
white, led and black. A Into
no city; per yard ,'!(;
."(K) yards of 'J to 1 lii.Toichon
uud Val. Luces. Como while the
ussoitnieitt is complete. Per
yard, while they last 5c
Whites and black stripe, col
ored stripes, plalu)whito, lace
oirect-s, etc., in regular HOc cloth,
but remuunt leiiKths of fi to 18
yd pieces. Instead of fiOo. 33c
We ore overstocked on one num
ber of Corsets our No. 294 in
black and white; a full run of sizes,
in the perfect-fitting C.-I3. Corset.
Regular value $1.00.
Special, 75c.
'Satisfaction or money back."
In tho
Penalty Fixed at Deeoth by
Nothing now was developed
10 dli ocl oMuiilnaliou.
Dr. Duinoroll was tho nol witness,
lias pi act iced medicine '-J7 years
Ti'stlllodtii Hailing two bodies. Not
postivo how Dan Burlier was diossod
when loiiud Told ol examination of
body und dc-crlbed the couiso of tho
bullet, which sovoiod a oln and
caused death; could mil
A nr -w,lnrt- t-rmnrlit- fli, inn. !m t lw 14'ii-t-... .i.MH.InH
"l v.j" . -"h"- "-j-J ... .v. ...i...i i.ia.11.1 luntli of time life lasted atto
case returned a verdict or guilty 01 murder in the lirst de-( was indicted, but .loath must have m
gree and fixed the penalty at death by hanging. Barker hH-'i rw mlnutos: was postivo
did not seem to realize that he was a doomed man, and
maintained an air of indifference when the verdict was unannounced.
about half past 7, ut her lather's homo ..
Frank said that he hud bought DntiV
stull', and that ho had driven Dun nnoT
Alice lo Wod (Moud Monday evening,
wlwro thoy would tuko the 1 o'cloelc
train 'I'uosday uririiiiig for Douui
Ho told her that ho saw them pass nu
tho train I'uosday morning and Unit
they had waved to him. Ho said In.
ilolorinino hud bought everything oMSoptJthu car-
wound 1 pot, which Alice took with her. I'liuik
wanted ljixl to marry him at once,
but she refused to do so, without hoi
pireutH1 coiiM'iit. Thoy had iiiado ur
The Jury.
The followiiu,' uro tho juiois who
were solected to try the case:
tin vni-KS t)vi.i:v .
A. 15 Si vdi:n ..
.losurv l-'i .
I ,1. II. lllUKMlM.llll.
.1 v?i.mi'.s .Mi ilium:.
Ooi'Att U. Hovci: ...
A. Kimmick
John I)m:u
business triisiii'tiou with Kiank and
Dan Burlier. N'o cios OMUiiiiiutiou
Cloyd (Juiniiiiuas ti"titlod to the
lliidinj; of tin. biidit's of the murdered Hod to assisting in removiiiK' tho budi
tluuo was but ouo wound; thuuht vh
itiins were lyinj,' down when shot.j raiiKunientson Hunday ovenlnrt tuusfc
, Hole whore bullet made its oit was
I perceptibly hu nor t linn the 0110 whoie
I it onteied. The diireionco in tho size
ot the holes would indicate which was
j tho exit.
Kll Hciiuolt was leculled iiiul testl-
..l'lcusaut Hill
....Kim (-reek
. . .Guide Koc.k
,.f... Ciiulloiil
Itom tho I'nivo ii-.ul; a shovel ami his
hands in iiucovorliiK tho corpse h.
County Attoriii'vOveimaii ehll)itod
to tho jury Hi" bullet taken from tho
body of Mis. IJurkor.
Miss licnKcl on t lie St. 1 ml.
drive away from Imivalo in company
with Andrew Arnold. Xo crosso.Mim.
Dr. R P. Itaines, coroner of Web
stor county, was next culled, and
stated his occupation as that of a
practicing physiciiui. Was summouod
The liearinn of testimony in tlio
trial of Frank Barker, churned with
liavinif murdered his brother and sis-tor-in
law, Daniel and Alice Barker,
early 011 the morning of, Monday, Feb
ruary 1, camo to a close at ton min
utes to '.) yesterday afternoon.
The prosecution has been ably and
vigorously conducted by Comity At
torney Elmer U. Overman, assisted by
his fotmor law puitnor, L. H. 1J luck
lodge. The defense, represented by J. R.
Morcor of this city und John Ktoveus
of Cambridge, has strongly contested
every point made by tho prosecution,
and created considerable favorable
comment by putting their client on
tho stand to testify in his own bohulf.
At !1:1!0 yesterday afternoon L. II.
Blacklcdgc began tho opening plea for
the prosecution. His argument lasted
for nu hour and three-quarters. Ho
summari.ed the evidence, pointing out
the defects and Haws in the testimony
ottered by the dofenso, showing that
the state liutl refuted by competent wit
nesses all of the material contentions
of defense. In conclusion he made 11
strong plea for the conviction of tho
accused and the infliction of tlio
death penalty.
John Stevens, assistant counsel for
the dofeii'-o, made tho opening plea
for tho dotonse. Ho begun his talk
with an aiiaignmeiit ot some of tlio
stutos principal witno-ses. Ho also
sharply criticized tho pioseeution for E, U. OVEHM .
an alleged attempt to induci) 0110 of County Attorney of Webster County
the defenses wituossos not to appear
in coiut. Ho closed his argumont' !, n,i,,. i...... I,',,!,-,,,,,... -.
. . . . . " -"" - " ."! I". ...,. ..
couple detailing the position of tho
bodies in their teiiuunary giave.
Eli beuneit iii'D testiltod to tho llml
iug of tlio b dies of Daniel and Mice
Duiker, and deseiilied tho positions
und conditions ol tlio bodies when
found, lie was not ciovs-esumined. I Miss Uli Konkol. ITyimis or ago,
AithurE Wolcolt, iiiopiietoror tho with whom Frank B.irkor hud lieor.
Iuiivalo iiieut mariiet, for whom Finnic keeping company, mid who was one of
Barker was putting up ico about tho thoslroinrest witnesses for tlio proM
timoof his arrest for the murder, told cution, was tlio not witness. Sliohad
when ho last saw Dan Burlier alive; been acquainted witli Finnic Barker
sawhiniat Charles Hunter's place, and , for about two years and hud known
afterward, at about 1 1:110 an Sunday, Dun Barker for six yoais, but had
January ill, in the foionnon, saw him ' never been at tho homo of Dan and
Alico Barker. Hud keep company
with Frank Barker for a year ami a
half and was engaged to bo married
to him. On Friday night, January 'ill,
Frank Barker took her to a dance; he
told her that Dan Mid Alice were go
ing to Denver to live, and spoke to her
hor paionts' consent.
On cross oMiiniiiat ton Li..lo Konkelt
explained that sho had llxod tho dnto
of Frank's Hist peaking toiler of Duij
ami Alice's Intentions to go to Donvfi -as
.limitary '20, by knowing lliut tlio
following M uidiiy was tho 1st day ot
February. FriiitK was aiiioiis tc
many at. onco but slio infused to IK
a dulo earlier than Mnrch 'J. Fifink
had previously told hor that Dan unit
Alico did not want anyono to know
thoy wore golig to Don ver. Sho untf
Finnic had spent Sundiiy altcruwiujut
tho homo of Hoy Mat kins, whoso wife"
is Bin leer's sister. Thoy weutto chuvcli-
in the evening, and Iroiu church iiguliti
went to the home of Matkiiis, leaving
t hum between 10 unci Up. in; wore ut
the Keiikel home uloitforatl hour be
foro the return of Charles Reukol, ar
wiiich time Frank showed tlio revolver:
heard the clock strick 1-, anil alt-4n
looked at the clock. Frank stuyoiMoi
an hour or an hour and a half. Wit -neis
said tho revolver appeared to Hc
a new one, but failed to identify tin.
revolver which was shown to hor by
the prosecuting attorney. She thougUt
unthiug strange of Frank's having- w
Counsel for tho Dofenso.
with an eloquent and impassioned up
peal to tho juiy for leniency, should
thoy Hud tho do'oudaut guilty.
Court then adjoin tied until 8.30 this
When com t con venod this moiuiug
J. R. Mercer began the closing ar
gument for tho defense, which lasted
for over tlueo hours. Mr. Morcor
, 1 . . . .... 1
mane a cairn, concise siMoinein 01 ms omo,giiig between tho sixth and
client's case, and those present in tho, H0VCnth ribs. Them was no othor
of buying Dan's inteiests, saying thai mvolver, as she hud seen him with oue-
ollicial capacity. Told of tho finding
of the bodies and their removal fioni
temporal y grave to the Buiknr house,
where the inquest was hold. IOmiuiIuu
tlou showed that, the death of Dun
Barker had resulted from a wound
from :iH caliber bullet, which entered
the right side between tlio llrsl and
second litis, tanging downwind and
thoy could then marry and inuko their
home at tho place where Dun and
Alice wore then living. Finnic said
that ho would buy all their property
in his possession at previous timos.
Witness said Finnic had spoken or
muting another place, befom trying U
buy out Dan. Tuesday uveuiug FrnuU.
oxeei't their clothing and keepsakes,' Ut witness thut ho was at I).mV
and stated thut. If they made up their Monday morning, having gono to tmY
would "' ' ""- imi M'islug at a. in.
Ho al
minds to l'o to Denver thov
leave Monday or Tuos.l.iy, and suid ho. N"wiidthut ho was at Dim's home
would have to take them to the train. '" " wy iK"t.
court room wore apparently favorably
impiessed with his manner of hand
ling his subject.
At half pust 1 this afteinoou County
Attorney E. U. Overman begun the
closing ploti for the pros-cent ion. Step
by step ho followed up the evidence as
introduced, pointing out tho Ineousis
tencles and weak points In the evi
dence. After carefully and clearly re
viewing tho testimony for tho proso-
wound. Deatli was caused by hem
orrhugo ami shock of bullet. Tho body
of Alico Barker was also oMtniincd tho
Sunday evening following tho inquest.
It was dressed in union suit and night-
, gown. The doctor said the bodies had
been buried not mom . tliun tlueo or
four days. Tho death of Alice Barker
was caused by a ballot which entered
tho face below tho right eye, ranging
downward and backward, lodging at
It was not generally known thoy weio
going; thoy wanted it koptqiilot. Wit
noss next saw Frank Barker on Sun
day afternoon and evening. In the
The spot enclosed in tho white lino and marked with a cross shows where
the bodies of Dauiol and Alico Barker wore found buried 'in tlio cow shod.
cution, Mr. Ovot man mado a vigorous the base of tho brain, causing a wound
pieaiortuocoiivieuouoiino nccusou, ,vo i(jilos (lcop T- ,JUot WUH
and asked that the penalty bo llxod at ,,iftC.ed in evidence, and was identtltod
Walnut Creek.
y Tom lJliuikenlmkor litis a largo Hold
v' of coi n listed in.
Fruit tiers of all varieties aro full of
.DtiiU and blossoms and piomiso 11
bountiful crop us it is surely too lute
for frost.
Pastures are uniisully buckwanl thi
spring. The good ruin of Tuesday
and Wednesday will inuko the grass
Hush in a short time.
Mr. Sutton liuislioil listing Saturday
Mrs. Mary Moiiton who has boon
seriously ill is slowly getting bettor.
The Testimony.
as tho 0110 found in
head at tho autopsy.
Alico Barker's
Death was In-
Usn Superior furniture and piano
luster. F. P. Ilidloy.
W J. Vancoof Inavalo was tho llrst stautaneoiiH, tho shock of tho bullot
witness. Ho last saw Dan Brnkor purlyzlng all functions of lifo.
alivo on tlio Sunday preceding the ills-1 On cross-examination by Morcor,
covory of tho murder; talked with tho coiouor positively idoutillod tho at about 1:.'J0 a. m., saying ho wits going
Dan about putting up Ico tho next bullot offered in evidence. Tho doc
week. No crosoxuininiition, I torstJitod that a Imllot would destroy
Chas Hunter was tho second wit-1 tho tissues, whilo a sharp instrument
noss for tho htato His tustliuony was' soveis them. Tills was tlio doctor's
practically tho sumo as ho gave at tho Hist r-Xporioneo 11 examination of
preliminary hearing, and related lo bodies jellied by gunshot wounds.
Andiew Arnold, on whoso farm Mr.
and Mrs. Dun Barker lived, was the
next witness cal'od and stated that hi
met Dan in Inavalo about noon Sun-
aft 111 noon Frank said ho had not yet day and walked toward homo as far i-.
purchased Dun's interests, and said ho Mr. It. Olmstead's whero thoy pui-ttiu
would have to give him $100) for tlio also stated that Dan had said nothing
same. Ho lacked Wit I of having tlio about leaving and llrst noticed disai
requited amount of money, but would poarauco of Dun oil Monday aftornoou
bo able to bonow that. Frank Barker Ho also saw on the following Friday
remained at tho Honkol homo until a tho bodies disinterred and removed. tu
Into hour Sunday night. At midnight tho IioiimC Witness was .then showm
Miss Renkel's brotln-r Charles canio a pint showing house mid buildlugb--.
home, looked at the dock and leiuai k- surnmuditig It. He stated he thought
ed the time. Frank drew a revolver ho 11 so was about 150 foot; from publics
and asked Charles if it was not a highway, und largo barn about smim.-
'daisy," to which ho replied ''yes" dlstanco from house.
Lizzie mild tho gun was of no account, ' ,. C. Baggwollwho now lives owtlf?
not. being loaded Flunk replied that farm where tho murder was commit
ho had sumo loads for it out in his ted, was nextcallod and testillod iw ta-
buggy. Frank lolt tho Kenlcel homo conoctuossof tho plat.
Chas. Hunter was thou recalled nr
tn lln 11V in Kin. nd t lie i-i'ut uf tlin iitnlit ...
,1 . 1 1 .. . stated that ho hud known Dun Marker-
as ho had to ,,.. up ico in tho morning. fop a,)0ut ,r uUo wlll, ,)0 WftIt Bf
Ho said that If ho bought out Dan's l)an.h Jummi.y ,otlli 1U1(, told also of
inteiests lie would lot nor know by
Tuesday or W'ednaMluy night, Sho r
next baw Frat'lc Tuesday evening at (Continued on Fifth Pago.)
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