i &v MNWWtWWtV) tWWIWWI ! MirtW A Wfiwi Wl MnMi imwimwi ' wwmiuiim iiihm, r II as Men Are Made . by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidtiev trouble iiri-js upon tin mind, discourij'csimillcssi-M'snnibilioii; brrwty, -M i s N'Kor nll(1 f.ll0irf"1' lW V fj liur? mnm wiiHiijfn-tu wnen iuui.i(iii(!)sitru out of o'-'.ur or ilis cii'ied. Kidney trouble bns become ro prc-vnk lit tbiil it Is not uiicoiii- V KW1P mini dr .1 . hll.l i ! i)!)in afflicted uilb enk UiduuvK. If t lie t-ldldiirlntilcHtnooftcii, if tbe urine scalds the Hush, or if, when the child reaches an nuc when it should be able to control the jKiKMiue, it in yet afflicted with bed-wet-liiiK, depend upon it, thecauseof thcdilfi imiHv in kiduev trouble, and the first t,lcii should be towards tli. ireatniciit of these itnportaut organs. This unpleasant ; ... '.i.i..'u ,i ,il,.u..l iinlitlnti nf I tiwuiiiu n iii. " - --- --- - the Uidnevs and bladder and not to a habit an inost people .suppose. Women as well as men are nmde miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same ureal remedy. The mild and the immediate eirect of .Swamn-IJoot is soon realized. It is sold by druKKist), iu titty- cent and oue-ilollarifflMiM? sie bottles. You iimygygl have u sample bottle - by mail free, abo a Homo cr Br unp-Koct. itaiuphlel telliug all about Swamp-Uoot, ltii'ludiiiK many of the thousands of testi monial letters received fiom suflcnis cuied. In ritiu Dr. Kilmer i: Co., ItitiKlmiiiloii, N. Y.. be sure and tiieutinii ' this aper. Don'l make any mistake, ' but remember the name. .Swamp-Knot, Dr. Kilmer's Swniup-Koot, and the ad- I !ress, liiuyliamioii, M. ., on every bottle. Lincoln Lcllcr (Concluded It out First I'tigo ) this year, it. may uppeur that, it, needs to bo strcuKlhcui'd in curtain parts or toned down in other places, in which case the ihimiIiik legislature wjll bo able to see itn duty (dourly u duty which no legislator daru sblik. At. present tlio law stands untiled, con sequently unconvicted except iu tho minds of those who huvu been unduly alarmed by tie' doleful predictions of men and journals who can bee nothiiiK but evil iu any policy or measure which bears the .sunup of republican ism. t I t State Voteriniirian Thomas lias re turned from Urokua Uow where lie at tended a meeting of stockmen. He reports that praotlally all of the cattle in Custer county are, or have boon, affected with parasitic diseases, and that the ranchmen hud organized for tho purpose of nuinufacturliiK the lime and sulphur dip recommended by tho fctato mid national veterinary depart ment!:, the intention being to erect ii lurKO plant at Broken Uow, and soil tho preparation at cost to all resident htockuion. Largo dipping vats witli heating appliances will be installed in various partH of tho country and cuttle owners will have freo access to tliotn. Tho tdieriir of Thomas county tele graphs tho department that all of the herds In that, vicinity will have been dipped by the last of next week i 1 1 Attorney General l'rout has untitled tho assessment board that iu his opin ion fraternal insurance companies can not claim exemption for their reserve funds. The Attorney (ieueral's posi tion is Unit wdiilo fraternal organiza tions are charitable in their nature, "their Insurance policies aro plain con tracts, and that tho rights of tlieir members depend upon tho payment of tlieir. dues or assessments. One state fraternal association has .'I00,00 on haul which will bo taxed if tho board accepts General Trout's idea as the correct one. t I t Tho nsj-ossor or Lancaster county Ins llxed a valuation of cf'.TiKX) upon tho property of the Lincoln Tract ion company, the valuation last year bo ing?lU."i,(XlOor slightly mure than half that of this year. Iu fixing the vnlim ti in the assos-or went behind tho stuto tnoutK made by thocoiupauy and based his estlnnto upon a bona lido bid up on the property made by an eastern syndicate a few mouths ago. CATARRH Tftv'cN. MBAWS to s ?&JSaZ?vR SNi ""wBLBrr :, so m ELY'S Cream Balm This Romody is n Specific, Suro to Glvo Satisfaction. OIVCS RnLICF AT ONCE It clouuM'h, soothe. hi'iiN, mid luolwli tlio dlsuiiM'tl iiieuihruiiu. ll eun 1 1'atiirili nud drives away ''"Id iu tin- IIimiI luilcklv. llcwtores tlio Si'Umm of Tii'-to .ud Hinuil. liisy to ltiu. t'ontiiius no iiijiiri'iiw dru. AdiiIIlmI into tho inbuilt) mid ulioibed. vj r i . - r.o wmwi "-fL&JSb&Z . Flrkrr ..'rw KT "i MESH 1mh Kiztt, HO iTids at lVriiKK'ista or by iniiil; Trial Si.e, 10 cents liy mail. j LY BROTHERS. GG Warren St., New YorWJ Kcnl Estate Transfers. 'I'lll.KlOl - I'M i" K iiD'l 114 Wi.til'- Ihv. M i . Innii-lK'd iy .1 H Uiitlcy ot filter County AlMMni'i I'diiipniiy. V I', O. horn and ll- ' (5oA 1'ii Kins, wd, pi i i.i! !2 uw-l 111-1 1'J Samtii'l vWjinnn'ilnidi'r in (inli ili'li Siniitiiff Ii'ili'i-i, wd.i'J iiw I and w- ticl li 1 !l Clinv Witltei'litiiK ttinl will- t U K KmwIhihK wd, IhIm 8, II mid 1U. hlk I, (iuiid'o and In H II.. U Kochltnuid wife in K K U-iw-hird, wd lot 11 blk 4 Miiiinitdd M V HoriilniiRcr mid wifu to K K KowlamN, wd, lot 12, blK 1, sniiii) add (Wi 000 1IW 17 '.'(! W J I'i'iiy to (. lara M lVny.wil, lot8 !l and I nlk 1, Siuiih and Moon-'' add to Ked Oiouil 100 Harriet C Hi own and hunband m Sarah C Kddy, wd, lots 7 and 8 blk lO.sanio add 100 W M lloiidt'ioiiu to II Fnict.wd, lots 'J to 7, blk I, ltt mid to Hladeti -WO A H SHlnis and wife to Samuel Smith, wd, pall nw 1 i 1 itfiS-U 'J0U II lniuiiter and wife to Curfl llitilur, wd, lots 1'.! mid Is, blk 11, (iuidt 11..H: .) II It Huyd and wife in M .gbi Keul, wd, pall i" I ml IS -I II '.01 S.iiniiel hinitn to c M Siuuli. wil, I, t-'JO.'JI and J'.', b'l: ll.Surtb t Mem e's add in lb d C ouil . . 10U) (iiolge U WlUoli lil;'l Wife to V K Vnndeily,wil, ims 1, - and :i,)blk tUnavale 4511 1) W CmmwHI ami wife to Kil 11 Funke, wd, si I and w'J m I S) !l y S(K)l) I.'o K Kraiici- ei nl. to M nj V Keed. ip-l, sw 4 '... -!5 10 1 l.i,.ie M Cliiiney mii iuisbmid u J 11 and llertlia liailey, wd, lots -I, 5 ami ii, his .'I, he Due's add to Kud Cloud 1500 United States to Ku-i. Soiensun, fr, lots 1 and '1 in I 'J 11 Win Smith ami wife to Tnomas L Stratum, qed, swl 184 10. . Clarence K Stratum mid wife to Thomas l Stratum, wd, n'2 hw4 184 10 'J800 Total MortgRgcs filed flHlW Montages released $7000. iistu; Order to Show Cause. IN TIIKCor.NTYcol'liT. Slate of Nebraska, i Webster L'onuty. )' At a county court held at thu enmity conn room In ninl fur suld county. WednesdH), Mny I. A. I). I'.XH. In thu niHlter of the ektale of Kolilasoii Jen nliiK. derensed. un readliiK ninl IIIIiik the pet tlou of A. J. Iln)en. tiled ou the 4th iIh; of May. A. D IWM. pmyinii tor uio exniniiiHiion aim nunwaiireoi i IiIh IIiirI acroiuil of Ihu jiinie da c. nil there upon mi order dlsehnriiiiiK him from flintier burden and tiervii'O la IiIk xnld otllcu niiniliiila Islrntor. Ordered, that TiiemHy. the 'Jllli dav of Mny A. II limi ntd o'clock a, ro., li nsslKned for hearliiKald petlllim. when all pen-mix Inter esled la aalil nialler mny npptnriit n eonntj ronrt to bo held In ami for suld count- and ahow ratine why prayer of pellllonur klionld not he uranted; and that notice of the M-iiilitiirjr of aald petition and the henrliiK thereof he kIm'U loan liernonx interested in sahl msller. iiy mid llnhlnu a copy of this nrd.ir In Ihu lted ('toad I'liirr. n weekl) urwn nper printed In said county, for thiee ronseciiltve wetks prior to Mill dny of hcailiiK. Ixkai.I A II. KhKsr.v. inayl Count .lndi:e. A Mnli-li I'nv Him. At i poll al iiu'i'.lh , In Vil'-s tin chairman, a di'in'oii of stroll nmvli lions, but it" etine of humor, Intro duced u sT'onkiT tlnm: "I h.iff t Intro duce to ymi toiilj;it 1 1 number for tin Carnarvon hurotiglM. He Inns cnim hire to reply to wlmt II. i liNhoii of St. Awipb said tin otlii'i nhjlit nlotit '('!h illHi'sliililisliiiicni. In my opin ion. KtMitleintMi, that IiIhIioii of Asaph Ish oni' of tl.r l)lKK'"t liars In crcaslion; but, thanU nodiiesx-yes. thank wood iiesst-wi luiff a match for lilm tonight.1' 'I lie Korea int. Tin people of Korea are neither .lap anese nor Chinese. They lire Mon golliitiH mill have a tiolysyllablc lan guage, with n phonetic alphabet. They have a recorded hlMory of disputed nuthontlclty which claims for them n continuous existence as a Korean people of about 0,000 yearn, the earlier part of which of course Is shrouded In mists of traditions and fable. llllll IVf(. When Dr. .lohii A. Hart well, better known us "Josh" Ilartwcll. was at Yale he wiih nsked by u professor what would happen to a patient If his tem perature were to get as low us possi ble. "Why. sir," Hartwell gravely re plied, "he would have cold feet." Tin- Mttln ((iicnIIiiii, Practical I'uther-llas Hint young iiiiiu who wanls to many you any I money? Kom-'uth Mhs-Mmie,, ! He I gave nw a elu-ler dlniii'iinl ring and u briee'el of pearls. I'raeile-il rather - 'it, I know. Has he any innnej left? Tin- Tullli-.K Part. "Ho you te)l your wife when you have d'liu wring':" "No: she toll me." Houston Tost Nit . Fracppe New. dellcioiiH siiiniuor drink We have 117 dif feent lluvor.s ill Cool, Refreshing Summer Drinks Lie moals served; lunch tit nil hours The Bon Ton W. S. BENSE, Proprietor. H. B. AStfBR, VETERINARIAN (r the Kansas City Voter luiiry College. Olllee nt K. .Johnston's, the lirlek limit. ALL C4LLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED Telephone 82. KEl) CLOUD, - N'KU. At Ulue Hill first Tuesday iu each mouth. mvmj i Has stood the test for over 60 years. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment FOR MAN OR BEAST. Cures sprains, bruises, burns, cuts, sores, lameness, piles, rheumatism, stiff joints lame back, etc. RKEUi mm MRS. CECELIA STOft'fi, Orator, Ku .-u Noua Club. 17G Warren Avenue, CittcAoo, In,., Oct. 22, 1902. Tor nearly four ycara 1 nulTe-cd from ovarian troublM. Tho doc tor insisted on nn oiieriitioii na tho only way to pel well. I, however, Htrnngly objected to an operation. .My husband tilt uiaueaitcncu ns well us I, for homo with a sick womau is a disconsolate placo at best. A friendly druggist advised him to f?ct n uottlo o Wino of Canlm for mo to try, and ho did so. i oegnu 10 mi jii o e in lew nays ami my recovery vas very rapid. Wi th in eighteen weeks 1 was another UUJUIJ. i5uaJLl jh& Wt w I vr Mrs. Ftowc'e ctlcr show3 erorv ;Jti woin.iii liuw .1 l'otnn ii sa ldnneil !.- ! tin ' and Low cuuiplcMv a mo o l ir n.i curo.i lh:.t sick- KW ul i.' -J lll'ii vi iu in jWjl ne- j again Ho i i m ? Uo to your Ka mm Ecraro a ?1.UC -j aro urir.,7 ' iieaiiu mui na')pi- iot po on biiuer- ft' our druggist today jI.JU bottle ot Wine of C:rdui wm PT.r.""3. niruiK t. r'- W4Sd Jb3 WS8ESBnaBSB& LG0k9S!g fat iuVjl Tlicn why not keep In view the fact that the farming lands of Western Canada sufficient to nuDDort a population of 50,000.000or over? Tho litiiiilL'rntion to Western Canadii durinc the past six years has been phenomenal. Homtsfead Lands easily accessible, and other land may be purchased from Hallway and Land Companies. Western Canada's train lands produce marvellous cropn.whlle the crazinc lands coninln all the nutritive qualities for fat tening cattle and other stock. SInrkrta. Mrhoalt, Kullwuyt uml all other condition mukr Wtilrrn Canada m drtlrultle apot (br the home erkrr. Write to the Superintendent Im mlcmtion.Ottawa.Canadn.fora descriptive Atlas, and other In formation: or to tho authorized Canadian Government Aircnt W. V. BENNETT, 8oi New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ISAAC 1$. COLVIN, SEAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Lock lloz 1. Guide Rock. Neb. Vll kinds ot property bought, sold and ii x elm 11 ged. COLLECTION MADE. TKIIM UEAaONAIU.R in m K to.. N3ffic32s i iiM?nk n i uiiirnir ill " " aro -JSh m mvzu-vuxBizftamz Txmsx&EsrzasaEtrzrai 1 Bowlmir is a ple.iMUit reei cut ion, ! iinigoratitig and i a In :ilthful pastille . mid f r It pleilMltit leiilr' iimti'-etneiit nothing is limit interesting than u game or two tit the ; : : Apex Boiulinq Alleys W. li M i M I L h A N, l' r o p r I o t o r . Choico Tobucuoa mid Cigats Always on Ilnnd MaBaai1ini(kllBnma.Baaa.aa , fDoN'T Be FooLEon Ucnulnc UOCKY MOUNTAIN TUA Is put up In wMtc pnckaRci, manufactured cxclUfUely liy tl.e Madison Medicine Co., Madison, Wis, belli nt J.l cents n package. !l dtlierj are rank Imlliitlons and subAtitiitcj, Jcn't rik your liculth hv tnklne then. I II!!OI;NUIMi m.ike.i sick nroplo Well, Kccpi ou Well. All Honest Uculcrs c-ll tli- (lenulne. fi MOLUSTI-K !)KU(l CO, Mmtlson, Wis. D CHICHCSTCR'S ENGLISH 'ENNYROYAL Uhai Itut if tour Iir'i t t nr nl li. urnni ir rnrtl' nliir. Tollmntilblt ii'tftrllirr(trl.iii1liMfpfri (.r - kr , turn MY in.ttiMM in in ml My 4'tilfhr ft r I homlr.il I'n. ttJ IT !MW iU.li.on nuuun. J'llU.A.. I A. City Dray and u Ml -Vk . llrlBliiwl iomI Onlr Oenuliir. R'O'N.HAt I!. AUty.r.llitu l.nilk-....llrtirll 'A "'-A '-it (3Hl0lMTI'.Us KNCMMI "--,"jV''ln ilr-i' li"Iil moll. iwtf. 'i C "V''f : ''' flM"n i like no ullu r. Ilrlu.it Tn ? m niiitfcriiu Ktili.tllulli.nM uuil Imlle. I r. L'f I'. W. STI'DKIIAKKI!, IMIOI Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charues as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TKI.KIMIONKS, Residence 52. Newhouse Jewelers 0 Satisfaction ! ;-' ..:' .-vJi: ';, '. BKxSI tffMtimMMi.iiriTrMi T Mt TABLE. Rod Cloud, Neb. ww mm-tm wanttKi.wi i nutram immw LlSCOl.X KM AH A : UlC AW s'7. ,U)K KANSAS tl'VY a7. 1.UU1S iwl 'ill points insl and louih. DKSVF.l: IWI.F.S'A BI'T'lE sai.'I lake cry I'OllTliAXD W.V FRAXGISm unit all puinti uirst T'uis ieavk a roi.iiiwn: No, IS. rnviiKrr ilully for Utierltii nnit si KraucNbrHiicticp.Dx ford. Mi'i'nok, Denver ami all points i'st 6;t'ia.m. So, 14. I'niwiiiivr ilully for St. Joe, Knlinn I'll-, Atchison. St. - I.oiil". I.larohi vlft Wymote ninl nil puliilK ciict nail south 210 n.m No 15. t'nufciiKcr. iliilly. Denver, nil polntii In Colorado, t'tnb and CallfornlK 8:10p.m. So, lfl. I'anreiiKcr ilnlly for St. Joe, Kaiitav L'lty. Atrhlf.011. St. I.onls mid nil points eRotnnd toath 10:3." a.m. No, 174. ArcDiniiiKilntlon, Moiuliiy, WeiliioMliiy and l'rlilny.Ilaiit liu'h. lltniiil Ulanil, Ulack Hills and nil polntH In the northwest... . . It.'Dr.m, HlecpltiR, dlaliiK. and rocllnlnc chair ear. (eentf f rro) on through tralan. Ticket)' nold ana tiARKnKL- cliccked to uny point In thu United StRteKorCnnndft. Korlnformiitloii. tlnio tnbkn, mnpN or ticket! nail un or Hcldr'k A. C'onovur, AKOiit, lted Olond. Nehr. or .J. I'-hiicIh. O'Mietal i'asFetiKcr Airent OuiRha, Nehru Jt lulr. .fr.: vr VjiIi f Jtrtor. Clr.iv tm Y rt Vtn 4.. t VIax Crn! flip d i-fi'M hair lilllng. 2.. ii its' at lnuylt Express Line. Office 1 19 Brothers Opticians Guaranteed ,-iq ' im !.:.;-ki,- ; A-.-JJ IMMMMMVI 0 I bW'Wffi? j ;WiK-v'?t HAIR BALSAM - Wi-r. tut m u '" i i in L'lUMiii, -1 t , immmsu'smmfnK4mmxamii'assariixs rtwarr "Sj!-WW!rMS - .JA t ' x'.m. ..'il&WV "rm-msm.- .1 i . ( If -el Jw' jmMaasm