The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 06, 1904, Image 5

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    Women Like Tubulars
Every woman praises the sim
plicity of the
Sharpless Tubular
Cream Separator
Hi-cause they are eas to feed, easy
to KEEP CLEAN, easy to TURN,
points every woman who helps
about the dairy has a riht to insist
upon. All other separators run
harder than a TUHULAR. They
have a great many more parts to
Let me give you a catalogue and
show you the many good points in
Wall Paper
The hint is that you come
here before the nice, new
patterns and shades of this
year's wall paper are sold.
We bought our paper to
sell, and with the handsome
stock we offer and our ex
tremely low prices we are
selling it.
Better come soon.
Chas. L. Cotting,
The Druggist
Insurance Agency
The German
Insurance Co.
of Freoport, III., and the
Farmers' Mutual
Insurance Co.
of Nebraska
have over nine hun
dred policies in force
in Webster County.
Look up your policy
and see me.
I'liouo 03. Kei Cloi'd.
3 3 AgaJn Open! 5 5
Get ouo of tlioso 25o whips
by getting a bi'oro of 1
Two cash prizes eni'h
L. KERBURGER, ProhH. tor.
P. LUDLOW, Manager.
ngnlnst Flro. Lightning, Cy
clones uiui Windstorms, seo
ngont for tho Farmors Union In.iir
unco Co., Lincoln, Nob., tho host in
surunco company in tho stuto.
Stock saddles at Joo Fogel's.
Try that calf inual at Caldwell's.
George Overing is tho sick list.
Mrs. Kd Garbor was in Omaha this
Tho infant child nf Will Carpenter is
quite ill.
II L. Hopkins of Conies was in town
Mrs. C. J. Pope is visiting in Lincoln
this week.
John Stevens of Araphoo was in the
city Monday.
C. K Conrad was down from Hluo
Hill Monday.
Alumnum decorations a specialty.
V P. Hn.iley.
Horn, Friday, to Mr. and Mrs. Will
Wlnti, a boy.
Cha. Gcstting was down from Rose
m nit Monday.
Spu F. P. Hadley for painting and
paper hanging.
Roseoo Cither was down from Ox
ford this week.
V. S. Noblo was over from North
Branch Tuesday.
Dennis Finn of Boulder, Col., is visit
ing in Hed Cloud.
Leon Marsh and Percy Ludlow spent
Sunday in Franklin.
Robert Miller was visiting old frionds
in t o city this week.
Uso Superior furniture and piano
luster. F. P. Hadley.
C. II. Duglassuf Blooinington was in
town tho first of tho week.
Seo Joo Fogol for anything in tho
harness or saddleiy lino.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Cropp of Oxford
visited in Rut Cloud Sundny. -
Judge Kcenoy returned Wednesday
from a trip to Loup City, Nob.
Girl wanted at tho Hon Ton, $3 per
ween. w. S. House, Propriotor.
A strolling sign winter did a fair
business in Red Cloud this week.
A. P. Sholburn, sheriff of Ilarlnn
county, wits in lied Cloud Tuesday.
Oliver Hedge wont to Oinnha Sunday,
to serve on tho federal grand Jury.
A lino of tho nowost handpainted
shirt-waists sets. Newhouso Hros.
Mr. James F.inigh of Illnnis is visit
im; friends and relatives in tho city.
Quick serviro and first clues work is
tho motto at Sehaffnit's barber shop.
Ilnipli Fon has been transferred from
Mi Conk to Hud Cloud as operator at
the li & M. depot.
Councilman A. A. Fiamo is laid up
with a very severe attack of rheuina
Usui. L 11. Hlnekledgo was in Lincoln this
weekaiguinga case in tho supienio
The M-tliodists aro making strenu
ous ellorts to raise monoy for anew
chinch building.
C.K. Wescott of Plattsmouth was
looking after his business interests in
this city this week,
Mrs. I. Shoppardson and duughter,
Mi- l)i. c iimi nf I! .iiiu'c, wcie H
H-i Child lait Fiiduy.
Waul Htittt and wife have tnovul
their household goods into llio pro
peity of C. C. Cowden.
S A Temple, Jake R-lgle and K. S.
Gather went to Onuha Tuesday on
fodornl court business.
If you like good music, take In tho
Kiliott Hros.' 011101111111)110111 nt Wood
man hall tomorrow night.
Come in and see tho newest hand
painted shirt-waist buttons and
brooches. Newhouso Hros.
M. L. Thomas, formerly editor of
Tiik C'iiikk, is now running the Leader,
atOkeuiah, Indian Territeiy.
Tho lowering of tho pinto glass win
do.vs in Heckwith, Wo.soott it Stoto's
stoic is a decided improvement.
Omar Doling ami wlfeliavo returned
to Lincoln after a visit with tint family
of K H Smith and oilier iQl.itivc.
W.J Petty left this week for 1 minis.
He will go to St. Louis in the interest
t a patent light which lit-own-.
G R. Chancy and family left Tues
day for Silwitn Spring-'. All;., wleio
tliej expect to make their future home.
Theiewns considciuhlo rural tele
phone talk in Kid Cloud Siturdnj, but
the different companies were unable to
get togctlu r.
Mt'sT Hi: Sou) My traction engine
and new separator, used one season.
Will be sold at a saoiitieo price C. 1).
Milton W. Steele ami Miss Lizzie
Gust were married nt the Congrega
tional parsonage Sunday eveiug, Kov.
Mice I'lliciatiug.
Swift's Pride soap is just a plain
genuine laundry s up, plainly wrapped.
It is carefully made of pure ingredients.
Ask your dealer.
John M Hailey shipped his Iioupo
hold goods to Norton, Kansas, this
week, where tho family will make
their future homo.
C. W Hushee lias withdrawn his ap
plication for licnnso to sell intoxicat
ing Hipi jis in Ited Clou I and will go
out of the bti-iuess.
Regular services nt tho Christian
church next Sunday. Preaching by
the pastor at 1U..'I0 a. m. and S p. in.
Sunday school 11:15 a. m. C. K. 7 a. in.
Mr. and M's. (). K. Hughes gave a
dance to a select circle of friends Mon
day evening in honor of Mr. Heber
Clougli, who is soon to leave Hed Cloud.
The Hrothers I-lliott will give n
sleight-of-hand, musical and acrobatic
Work .
We have them in near
ly any style you want.
Not the cheap, shoddy
kind, which are dear at
any price, but good, serv
iceable harness at prices
that are right. We guar
antee our harness in
every way to be perfect
ly satisfactory.
You can't afford to pay
fancy prices for harness
that will give you no bet
ter satisfaction than you
can get from our goods.
Don't pass us by when
you need a harness.
We Are It.
mm amm mmmm
Hardware Co.
Harry Hopkins Gels the Ruy.
Well, it in till over. II nry Hopkins
of Co wles htm pi oven to be the bet
gueser in Chick's bugggj contest.
The official llguies on the attendance
nt tho World's fair last Siturday were
given out Tuesday evening by tho
management of the World's fair. Tim
total attendance whs
II. L. Hopkins of Cowles guessed
187,8(51, coining within 71 of tho exact
total. Other close guotsus were:
Kilns Goblo, 187,ti::j, coming within
170 of the evict mini her.
Until Divl, l7.i57(l, coming within
517 of the coneiM llgiires.
Llohl Amuck, tST.'JK), coming within
58.1 of the total.
There weie -several guesses bit ween
180,000 and 1U0.WW, thoiiL'h nlv the
four mentioned were within 1,000 of
the eoirect number.
entertainment at
morrow ovcnini.
Woodman Hall to
Admission 'Jj and
115 cents.
O. A Sch'itlnit is now running three
chairs in Ins barbershop. W nd limit,
wlio iceeiiily tcttirnoil from Lim-olii,
has accepted a chair in the shop an I
woul I be ple.ised to meet his old
The baselvill game next Wcdnemlay
day between McConk ami Cloud
promises to be a hot one. Our boys
too putting in lots of time at praetiic
and will give the MeCook team a "urn
for their money."
A spring tome that cleans and pm
lies and nhsnihs all the poison ftom the
system. Hollistoi's Rocky Mountain
tea will ii tike you well ur.d keep you
well all .summer. !!. cents. Tea or
tab'ois C. L Colling.
M.C. Sherman will leave next Sun
day for Winnipeg, M.initoln, whein he
goes to work for tho International
Harvesting Machine company. Mr.
Shel man has been with the company
for several years, and last year worked
in the same territory.
At Grace chinch next Sunday night
tho subject will ho "Japan." Liter on
"Russia" will bo announced. Next
Thursday being the feast of tho ascen
sion of Cluisi into Hid heavens, there
will bo service at -1 a. tn as the rector
has to take tho evening train to Frank
tin. At tho Congregational church on
Sunday tho regular morning worship
will bo held with senium by pastor.
Theme, "Point and Pin poo of Congre
gationalism." Sabbath School follow
ing morning service. C. K. meeting nt
7; evening service at 8 o'clock. Theme,
"How I now know I am saved." All
dordially invited.
Council Proceedings.
The old council met Tuesday even
ing and settled up the yeai's liu.Miie.-s.
Tl o now council and city ollieors were
installed and adjournment was taken
to Wednesday evening.
Wednesday evening the now council
mot in Firemen's hall, Mayor Ross m
the chair. Present, Councilnioii Park
er, Cathorand Warren.
Tho following committees were ap
pointed: Auditing Parker and Cathor.
Streets and alleys First ward,
Parker and Frame; Second ward,
Cathorand Warren.
Supi lies Cathor.
J. V. Kinsel was reappointed water
commissioner and night watch at a
salary of i&'.Vi per month.
J. M, Sellars was reappointed engi
n or of tho water works nt $10 per
Clareneo Lewis .wns appointed to
ring tho cm few bell, ,it a salary of 0
cents per night, or 31.50 per month.
Hills allowed Northwestern Coal
and Milliner Pn emit S17 S-. .1 w
Vest, labor, 812 75; Will Vest, labor, &1;
Will Uedriek, labor, $3.
Tho city clerk was iiumictcd to draw
a warrant each mouth for tho tele
phone mm vice at tho water works,
Tho application of C. W Unshoe for
I a licenso to soil intoxicating liquors
was withdrawn.
Applications of V. Mandovillo and
John Polnicky for licenses to sell intox
icating liquors woro read.
Remonstrances against granting tho
above licenses, signed by H. W. Gulli
ford, were road, and action was dof
ferred to 8 o'clock last night to allow
petitioners timo to answer tho reiiiou
strancos. Tho mayor wkk authorizedto notify
lisois of city water to pay their wator
rtintals to the city treasurer within ton
days after notiuciilion of amount duo.
If same is not paid, water is to bo cut
off and a penalty ot U added when
water is tigain turned on.
New Tailoring Establishment.
Adolph Ileydoj who for several yoms
was in the tailoring buiiuos- in Red
Cloud, was hero this week and pur
chased the slock and llxluros fonnoily
belonging to Will, and will
open a tailor shop hero tho lirstof next
week. Mr, Hujde Intends conducting
a HUitorium in connection with his
tailoring establishment, Mr. Hoydo is
a first class workman and wo wish him
Be Particular
It will pay you to be particular about your clothing
-it costs nothine to be discriminatinpr.
We prefer to clothe particular people.
Wc encourage the comparison of our clothing with
that of other clothing houses.
Let us show you a Kohn Brothers suit or overcoat,
if "few:
-" Vk Ak" j" ''.-. , I A
c vl i " ' ' I " s I B A
4th v y ?f " hon noTHiRj
ja fV chicoo
))iLlillohilililbifaibiblili l tlliili it tii U)blivbliilib
. , . . 'JZZ
Do you know that it will pay YOU. us
well as US. to buy your Miilldlug Mil
teriul and Coal lit oiiryurils? Not only
that our prices avhiaoi: lower, or at
least us low, us those of our competit
ors, but uki'.M'HK wo tulio especial care
of uiui protect nil can bo classed us
U K G U L A U C U S T O M K U S .
llVVVWVWWWifl'nWww i1T1T11,1'TTi111T'eilTT'M11Vlt,Tlrl1TT
Lumber and Coal,
Red Cloud, - Nebraska.
Do You
When you aro hungry anil
want Nomothig nice in tho
moat lino, drop into my
murkot.tal have the nicest
kind of
niid meats, tlsh, and ganio
in season. I think, and
almost know, that I can
pleiibo you. Give tno u
Successor to
Mystic euro for ItlienmiUlMn mid Ncuriilnlii
radically rate III 1 In 8 iln. Hh rcIIoii iijioii
UieHjkleni In rvmnrknlilo Mini myhturlniis It
removes nt ouco lliu mui-o Hint Hie iHn-sti) Im
incillntcly illcfticnr8. Tlic firm lot-c Krently
licnollts. ft rents nml Jl.00. Soltl liy II. i.'.
(iricf, I)nifilt. Itt-il Cloud.
Dentil of Mrs. A. .1. Guy.
Miss Delia Roiselt was born in Hand
cock county, III , Octoborfl, 187."), and
died at her homo in Webster county,
Neb , April 28, 1001. Slio camo with j
In r parents to Webster county in 18S5, '
and Bottled in the neighborhood of
Guide Rock, which was her homo until I
her death. Slio was man led to Andrew
J Uuy, January I, 1875. Sho leaves a
husband, two children, four sisters,
two hi others, a father, ami a great
number of friends to mourn for her.
She was converted in 18U3, and united
with tho M. K. ohuruh ami remained a
faithful and consistent Christian to tho
end, and died "triumphantly in tho
Christian faith.
Tho funeral sorvloos woro conducted
by Rev. A. G. Blackwell assisted by
Rov. H. F. Hutchins, and interment whs
in tho Guide Rock cemetery.
tryicon, looKiiovcrtctrc
fuiiy, see how it is made,
the trimmings used; then
ask to sec the suit of any
other high class manu
facturer, try it on, com
pare. We're not afraid
of the result.
All Union Made.
wr cay A coMrtrrr tiNr. or
tint kffp
their lli-H'C.
Flrsl door North of Post
litb k ilolltb Unit lb lili ti liibiithUoi ti ihik lb ti(
. ,VwV-VvVwrwVVwVT'V
Somo of tho iluost farms nml
city property In Webster Coun
ty, Nebraska, for salo Prices
ranging from $15 to S'-'5 per acre.
Hod Cloud,lNobraska.
Ah I havo purchasod tho Harring
ton Meat Market, I expect to niako
homo changes to benefit tho pa
trons. First of nil, oleun up; good
meats, good weights nnil fair treat
ment, mid I heartily solicit your
trade. I do not nslc for till of It,
libut liivit-you to coino in ami get
acquainted, and wo will do tho rest.
Also oxtond an invitiit ion to bring
in your Kggs, Buttor, Chickens,
Hides, Furs and Fat Suck, for
which wo will pay you cash.
Wo do not run u grocery storo,
but .vill oudeavor to run u llrst
cliiss miirkot house. Call and give
ua at least one trial.
Yours for business,
Ghas. Waddell
K tl
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