The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 06, 1904, Image 4

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    i tnra.:nm i uiuwua.D.i.iitJm'J a
Your doctor will tell you that
thin, pale, weak, nervous chil
dren become strong and well
by taking Ayer's Snrsap'arilla.
Small doses, for a few days.
The change Is very prompt
and very marked. Ask your
doctor why it is. He has our
formula and will explain.
"When I yMr nlit, for mmy tnmitha nri
fflif tlioutilit I rmiM Hvn brciiil.c-of lliln IiIiiihI,
Hut, Inn fi'w ri'k, Ayi-t'n Nu;ip,ollbi mm.
tpletelr tmlnrnl mi l Iii-mIIIi "
Mil. I'., Ht'CKMINfirKll, Vlticl.iml, N .1.
;IM l)nltlp,
.r AYKIIf o.(
T.mwll. MrtM
The Children
,lllouonos3, constipation provont ro
.rtovory. Curothoso with Ayor'a Pills.
HUD CUll'lt, NKllllASKA.
P. C. l'll.viiiis, Kditor.
i.Ttat yor II no
ilxraontha SI)
Bntcrort fit Me pout oHIco at llcil Cloud, Neb. at
econdcUitioHll manor.
furnMiod um application.
"Tho now city iidniitilstrutton
Cull working order.
is iti
Interest in tho Uaikor i'hso is very
tit cum.', ami t ho com t room is crowded.
l'ho nearer ctinvuiitioii day up
' pnmclics t lie more it looks liko CSulit
tliu would win out in tho Htato secre
taryship contest.
On Tuesday last Harry Lindsay was
nppointcd clerk of tho stato supremo
-ourt, to succeed Loo Ilordman. This
iippointtnont will moot with tlio lioarty
tpprovul of the majority of tho rank
and (Ho of tho party in tho stato.
Tho long expected land hattlo he
irweoti tho Japs and Russians hascomo,
-and instoad of tho Japs being nunilii--yiited
tho Russians woro driven from
srhelr ontionclimonts and fore d to re
treat, with heavy losses in guns, ntn
iniiuitiou and men liully for tho
Norfolk Nous: With tho convon
timi only two weeks away thoro ap
pears to bo no diminution in tho boom
.if A. Clalusha of Red Cloud for tho
nomination of secietary of stato on
"iho republican ticket. Other men
would liko tho ortleo, but Mr. Galusha
tppoars to have a distinct load over
nil competitors.
rit Is Hardly Probable That a Jnry Will
Be Secured This week.
Prank Iiarker, charged with initr-
alt-ring his brother, Daniel Barker, and
-slstcr-in-law, Alice Harkor, at Inavalo,
.uts county, on tho night of January
1 February t, ICO I, was arraigned in
iiue district court at 1) o'clock yostor
.. -lay morning
Judge Adams ordered tho prisoner
tni arise and remain standing while
.County Attorney E. U. Overman read
"tho inditoment. Tho second clause of
tho indictment, charging Frank Uurk
'er with tho murder of Alico Harkor
vas omitted Judge Adams then ail
lressed tlio prisoner-
"You havo heard tho loading of tlio
viudictmont charging you with tl
. mm
1 1.
Absolutely Pure
minder of Daniel Darker, What
your pica"
"Not guilty," faltered tho accused.
s t-
Owing to an error in making up tho
regular panel of tho jury a recess was
taken to allow tho sheriff to draft
another panel. H. B Ogg, whoso name
appeared on tho panel, for Lino town
ship, is not a resident of tho county.
Tho sheriff drafted another jury, in
cluding idl of tho ordinal panel ex
cept Ogg, in whoso piaco tho namo of
L. II, Hasklns was suhstltutod.
Following the recess, County Attor
ney Overman filed a petition asking
permission to havotho namo of a now
witness, Stella ilartwoll, indorsed on
tho information Judge Adams grunt
tho request.
Uouiisul for tho dofonsousk"d for an
adouriiment of tho case In older to
allow them time to prepare ovi once
In lebuttal to tho evideiico of .Stella
Hurl well Judge Adams refused tho
request for an adjournment, but grant
ed a continuance of tho com) until this
morning at !) o'clock.
Shctilf Mc rthur was instructed by
tho court to subpoena sivty additional
talesman fiiim which to selest a jury,
should tho 01 igiual panel bo exhaust
ed without a jury being secured
It Is hardly probable thata jury can
ho: securei fcbofoio tomorrow afternoon,
and possibly not before Monday.
County Snntlay School Convention.
The llfteenth annual couveniioii of
the Webster C unity Union Siibhath
School association wi I bo held at the
Kit -l Mnutisi church in Guide Rock,
next Mo day and Tuesday, Muj J) and
10. TliccllicciH of the association nil :
Pioshlont Clinrlo.s Kl z, Rod Cloud.
Treaouror Mr. S. O. Dickson, Red
Secretary Mrs. Linn Logan, Hltto
District Presidents Southeast dis
trict, John Young, Guide Rock; north
east, M W. Hornheiger, Kino Hill;
norlvvc-t, Jcse Brooks, Bladen; south
west, Mr. Van I'etten, RmI Cloud.
Chorister Harry Vauglin, Guide
Org: nist Bertha Sheppaul, Guide
A splendid program of spniklng and
music b is been arranged, and all Sun
day school workers and friends of Sun
day school work ai o urged to a:teud.
McCook Burglars Brought Here.
Shut 111 A. I Sliolburn of Anna came
down to Red Cloud Tuesday morning
in charge of Jacob Kohn and Henry
Woodiuun, wanted at McCook for bur
glary and jiiil-bieaking. Kohn and
Wooilman weio arrested in McCook
a weuk ago Wednesday. Thursday
they were to havo boon arraigned for
trial, but when the sheriff went to look
for them, after eating his dinner, their
cell was found to bo empty. They had
it moved the bar from tho transom
over their cell door and made their
escape in iiroad daylight. Kohn ami
woodman weio captured at Orleans
Saturday, having in their possesion
some silk which had been stolon from
the stoic of IV to Shfia at Orleans.
'1 he j til at McCook being considered
unsate, iho two burglars wore brought
to Rod Cloud to await the next lent) of
diMi id court in Red Willow county,
which will not bo held until Into in the
f a'll.
Worlds Fair Rates.
Tickets to St. Louis and return, good
all summer, S03. 10.
On and after April 25, sixty day
ticket. $10 U0
On and at lor April 27, ton-day tickets,
817 :i j.
For full information about train ser
vice ask tlio ticket agent.
Card of Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. A. 11 Kaloy and family
wish to express their apprecia
tion and gratitude to tho many friends
for sympathy and kindness extonded to
them during tho sickness and doatli of
their daughter and si-tcr, and also
those wh i tendered tho beautiful lloral
, ifruriiiK-
rrfffjfrfSffSfjsr-j 4
Items of News Found in Tho
Chief of Twenty Years Ago
This Week v v
A good rain on Monday.
Toff Ward has got his oftlco at
Cowlos nearly completed.
Tho dedication of tho Presbyterian
church takes place Sunday.
Win, Gates bought 2.1 head of cattle
from Otis Routs on Tuesday.
Tho Ladies Haptist Homo Missionary
society will meet at Mrs. Talt's noxt
Tuesday afternoon.
Ira Sleeper shipped a flno now meat
wagon to McCook on Tuesday.
Farmers aro all busy doing thoir
spring work.
Mr. Klott has opouod a billiard hall
east of Cook's drug store.
Frank Teiiuant has been doing somo
repair work on the school building in
district 27.
Tho May party last Saturday at
Fred Xowhouso's farm was enjoyed
hugely by the thirty or moro young
folks present,
Mrs. Pullman's coach, the finest in
tlio world, passed through Red Cloud
this week.
Humor Sherwood of Mineral Point,
Wis., is vl.itiiitf in Red Cloud.
George Garbor has located at River
ton. Mr. Hrown has his building for tho
marble works nearly up.
Tho opera house and skating rink
will soon bo under roof and when com
pleted will lio a credit to tho olty.
Scott & Trunkey, who purchased tho
Sleeper ranch of about 1000 acres a
year ago, aro now feeding 120 head of
Wo havo received some lino butter
from J. II. Smith, manager of tlio Red
Cloud cieamery.
II. F. Mixer of Coshocton county,
Ohio, was in Red Cloud tho last few
da s, and while hero made up his mind
that Rod Cloud and Webster county
aro tho most nourishing young city
and county in Nebraska, and conse
quently has decided to go into busi
ness hero in tlio next few weeks.
J. S Carlylo, a prominent grocer of
Chicago, lias boon hero nrospecting
for laud On Monday ho purchased a
quarter section lying north of town,
anil intends to invest moro money in
Webster county laud.
Last Saturday afternoon tho
Woman's Relief Corps was organized
ami tho following olllcors were elected.
President, Mrs. Emma H. Knight;
senior vice president, Mrs. Antoinette
McNitt; junior vico president. Mrs,
S. Warron; secretary, Mrs. Ella M.
Ferman; treasurer, Mrs. Hello Miller;
chaplain, Mrs. Faiinio S. Dow; con
ductor, Mrs. Vina Leavitt; guard, Mrs.
Carrie West. A public in-tallation
took place in tho evening.
Tlio Plunkett Sisters combintion
met with a little rovorso hero on Mon
thly. They bud engaged rooms and
board at tho Valley house, which thoy
did not take, but secured board olso
whoro. Tlio proprietor of tho Valley
house sued them for $27 and attached
their trunks.
Tho average daily attendance in tlio
public schools for tho month of April,
18SI, was 22,"). Among thoso who got
on tlio roll of honor that month woro:
Myra Urowor, Addio Roiglo, Carrie
Minor, Mary Miner, John llrooks,
Dlllard Hedford, Wiilio Urowor, John
Rosier. Hugh Miner, Murray Reigle,
JossioIRioglo, Juntos Kid 1, Ida Kidd,
Kyd Clutter, Afarotta Ayer, Matilda
Cook, Minnie Gates, Nora Nice,
Blanch Shoror, Carrie Rotlirock,
Everett Dyor, Fred Hirkner, Josio
Rotlirock and others.
Elm Crook-Joseph Hurr, Joseph
Hidy and Win. Thomas aro bodging
their farms Mr. Arnold's now
house is about completed Tho car
penter's aro busy on H. Crafl'ord's
nowhouso. ...Mr Williamson is haul
ing rock for tlio foundation of his
houto ....Mr. Ferguson has built a
now house this spring John Lavorty
has shelled his corn and shipped it
and loft. His tenants aro not sorry.
Scott W. P. McKinuov received a
present of great value lately a dainty
little girl .... Frank Jones has had the
misfortune of having his claim jump
ed, although it was deeded land. An
innocent little maid did it.. ...J W.
Jones lost a cow tho other day. Sho
was a (laughter of tho cow that Undo
Joo Noble brought heio some t'w Ivo
years ago ....Mr. Farlett Is
a frame house for J. 1). Allbaiigh
Tho republican state convent ion ot
at Lincoln last Thursday to elect dele
gates to tho national convention at
Chicago, A motion to instruct Iho
delegates to voto for Hlalno was tabU-d.
Wo learn this week that the Vu'mi
Pacillc railway company has n..w a
route in vlow which is aimed to strike
Rod Cloud Tlio survey runs through
Saunders, Fillmore, Soward, Clay,
Nuckolls and Webster counties in
Nebraska, thence to Wa-Koonoy, Kan
sas, whero it strikes tlio Kansas Paciliu.
I Wo llvo in hopeH of tho now road her g
Jiimcs NcNntt Passes Away. '
Junior McNutt, who has been a rcf-i-dent
of this county for nearly twenty
years, died yestui day morning at half
past two front spinal trouble,
which ho had long boon nlU'ctcd, atj
Ins homo in Gal Hell township, about
seven and a half miles southeast of
Rod Cloud, at. tho ago of 57 yeais, 10
months and 21 days.
JatnuH McNutt was born in Frank
lin comity, Inilliinn. June 20, 1810 Ho
was nn old soldier, having etill-ited
when very young in company K, 123(1
Indiana volunteer infantry, serving
eighteen months.
Ho was married May 15, 187(1, to
Louise Clark, at Hrookvillc, Iud. In
1881 they camo west and located near
North Hranch, Knit , and from there
n moved to GaifMd township, this
county. His widow, two adopted chil
dron, tin eo brotherj and two sisters
sii'-vive him
Funeral services will be held at Ash
Creek M E church thl (Fiidaj) after
noon at II o'clock, conducted by Rev
W.T l'a lor
$45 California and Back.
April 211 to M j 1, Inclusive, tickets
on Mile via the Burlington route to
San Francisco and Los Angeles and
return at $ in, This is less than the
tegular one way rate.
No more delightful outing can be
imagined, Tlio trip is undo at the
time of tho year when traveling is a
pleasure and tho climate of California
at its best.
Attractive diverse routes tiro ofTcrod
ns well as lib( nil stopover priviligos
and return limit.
Folder giving details mailed froo on
n quest. Our agent can give you any
lutthcr information that may lie do
sired ,T. Francis, Geneial pussengor
agent, Omaha.
New Opera House Talk.
There is talk" among the Odd Fellows
of electing a commodious opera house
and lodge room building. The Wood
men ale alsoendeavoiing to induce M
R. Rent Icy to enlaigo the room now
used for lodge purposes, which could
he made to accommodo an audience of
!!.")0 10 101) people if the change suggest
ed were itiaile. Thoro is not much
hope of the latter pi eject succeeding,
however, unless the Woodman bear all
the expense of tho undertaking, anil
"give up' something extra besides
Mr. Hontley has never been accused of
belonging to that class of wealthy men
who build buildings for public bene
lit. Commencement Exercises at Woodman
The high school seniors havo bton
unable to secure tho opera house for
tin ir commencement exorcises, and at
laiigtinonts have been made for giving
the exercises in Woodman hall. While
the hall is not so largo as tho opera
hoit'o, quite a fair audience can be ac
ci inmodateil, and as the exi rebo-i
cover two nights it is thought all can
be taken care of. It deems a pity that
a town the size of Rod Cloud cannot
have a public hall largo enough to hold
the audieucis-i which always turn out
to public entertainments.
Base Ball.
Next Wttlnesday iho Rod Cloud and
McCook teams will play ball 011 the
Ri-d Cloud grounds. McCook lias a
strong team, and tho locals havo been
practicing hard for the coming game,
l'ho line up of tlio homo Iohiu will bo
as follows: K. Gillard, catcher; R Gar
ner; liist base, A. Garbor, second base;
K. ilelTries, third base; M. Mercer,
shortstop; H Garbor pitcher; G Brad
brooK, center Held; A.Roby, right field;
E. McAllister, left field.
A small adiiii sion fco will bo charg
ed, and everybody should turn out and
help the boys build up a good toiiin.
Monument Unvclllnft.
Decoration day in Red Cloud will bo
0110 of the gieatest events the city lias
over known. The G A R. have made
pieparatious for tho carrying out of
a splendid program in connection with
tlio unveiling of tlio handsome menu
niont which they havo erected to tho
memory of their departed comtades.
There will bo many visito.s from sur
rounding towns, Congiosnian G. W.
Norris will bo tho orator of tho day,
and Governor Mickey iny also bo in
attendance, though as yet ho has
neither accepted nor declined the invi
taliou extended to him.
Advertised Letter List.
List of letttrs remaining uncalled
for at postollicu at Red Cioud, Nob.
for the nook ending May f, 1U01:
La Oi nil', .Mrs Vina Sautrock, II
Smith, George Albort
These will he sent to tho dead letter
ollico May 19, 100J, if not called
for before. When calling for above
p!o:isu say "advertised."
T. O. ll.iCKKit, Postmaster.
Memorial Service at Inavalc.
Ro W. T Taylor will conduct Mem
orial serviieN at tho Inavalo M E.
church Sunday, Mty 'J2. Thoro will
bit special niiHio for tho services, It is
hoped that everyone will turn out,
especially the old soldiers. Tho ser
vices aro hold a week earlier, oving to
the following Sunday being tho pastoi's
regular preaching day at Ash Creek M.
E. church.
R,ead This Carefully
I am making lots of Farm Loans.
There are reasons for this. 1 can close a
loan for you in three clays after taking your
application, for these reasons:
You do not have to wait and pay for a
man to examine the land. My company has
oceans of money. You do not wait for them
to sell your loan in New York or London
before getting the cash.
You can Pay Off at Any Time,
without giving a day's notice of your inten
tion so to do. All other companies require
from 30 to 60 days notice on this (joint.
I have so many different plans for making
loans that some one is bound to suit. No
one can give better rates.
J. H. BAILEY, Red Cloud.
Embroidered Collars
We have this week received an elegant
line of the very latest patterns in Embroid
ered Collars, which will be sold at honest
prices. To make room for our new spring
stock of Laces and Embroideries we quote
the following prices on embroidery and lace
Remnants and Odd Pieces:
2c Laces and Embroideries at
5c Laces and Embroideries at
tOc Laces and Embroideries at....
25c Laces and Embroideries at....
50c Laces and Embroideries ut. . . .
$1.00 Luces and Embroideries ut.
Fancy Combs
of the latest styles,
I F.t
Bl Horn Basin.
Your spare time will be well spent if
you will use it in making a trip to this
now irringted country. Tho United
States will not bo long now in getting
under irrigation all tint land that is
subject to this class of farming, as it
is becoming the most popular way to
farm for sure results. This couairv i
yet in id infancy, and liotneseoUers
should avail themselves of this oppor
tunity to get a faun in tlio lbg Horn
Basin. Just now you can get the
choice of this land at a very low price,
and you will bo surprised what a delay
of a few days will do for you in the
price of this laud.
Post yourself utt this country bv writ
ing for booklet description of tho Rig
Horn Rasin and other information you
may desire.
Wo will make very low rountt trip
rates to this couuiry tho firsthand
third Tuesday in May. .1. Francis,
General Passenger Agont, Burlington
Route, Omaha, Nob. 1111138
Do you need more blood and moio
llosh, do you need moro strength this,
spring? IlnllhtorN Rocky Mountain
Tea will bring them nil. If it fails your
money back. .13 cunts. Tea or tablet
form. C. L. Cutting.
Arc You Uslni Allen's Foot-Ease?
Shako into your shoos Allen's Foot
E isc, a powder. It euros corns, bun
ions, painful, smarting, hot, swollen
feet. At all druggists and shoe stores,
25 cents.
Millet Seed for Sale.
1 havo about 100 bushels of millet
seed for sale, either whito or red, at
market prico,
jlltl I I). (J. WlllTAICKIt.
Stops moro pain, roliovos moro suf
fering, prevents moro heart nclios and
diseases than any other remedy.
I'liat is what HollUter's Ricky Moon
Tea will do. !(, cents In tea or tablet
form. C. L. Coiling.
To Mothers In this Town.
Children who aro delicate, feverish
and cross will got imiuediato leliej
from Mother Gi a s Sweet PowiIcim for
children They clcan-o the stomach,
act on the liver, making a sickly child
strong and healthy A certain run
for wot tits. Sold by all ilruggbt-., t!5c
Sample free. Address. Allen 3 Olm
sted, LeRoy, N. Y.
Mortem I Hill, of Lebanon Iinl., nij-h, "My
wife Imd Inlliunirmton lllieiiumtli-m la every
mioclo nail Joint, tier MiltcrhiK was terrible
ami licr licit)- and fare wero twollcn almost be
yond recoKiililoa; had been In bed tx weeks
and' bad eight i-liyt-Ictmif. but received no
benefit until ilio tried lliu MyMlc Cure for
IlIicumHtlsm. It kavo Immediate relief and
elio wan ablo tu walk about la three days, I am
mire it Mved her life." Sold by.ll. G. Orlce,
Drugglkt, Hcd Cloud,
v and v Hairpins
and at lowest prices.
WE are
Aiming' at YOU im oiou'CUJ Mi&co.
We want you to bee
the new styles in
The most
in the world.
serviceable garment
We have them in all bizes.
The prices are right.
Ten Cents a Button
Ono Dollar o Rip ?
One Price Clothiers.
8 Storey
jV'-iiW, "s.