The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 29, 1904, Image 3

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Where Trenaure
After tho lapse of u century and n
quarter since tin mysterious dinfi
j.cnrunce of the vast treasure of gold,
silver and precious stones, once the
properly of (lie Incus of Peru, a por
Hon f that treasure lias lieen totim!
rear thu City of Chllllnya. on the
southeast shore of Lake Titlcaca, and
not fur west of I. a i'a, once a great
city of the Iiiciih. The treasure was
lurtied up by a prospecting party of
American and European engineers.
and from advices recently lecelved
from Bolivia, of which chllllnya is
now a pari, is alue at about $11.
(Hiil.OUO. In the history of the woild no
Inn led tieaHiire caused such a general
search ns this. The very existence of
all other hidden treasures like that of
('apt. Kldd bus "been doubted, lnit In
The extremely interesting plan
herewith reproduced was dlscoveied
by the late George II. Moore In the
Hritlsh Museum and copied for him.
in ISfiS. It shows the "layout" of the
original Dutch settlement. it in
cludes, as will bo seen, only that part
of the Island which Is below Wall
street, which was all that there was of
I lie trading post of forty years' exist
ence. Thu trading post begun with n
fort at tlie most convenient place of
landing, which was at first a mere
blockhouse with cedar palisades, tin;
present Hatterj. The very tlrst trad
Pathetic Reason for Old Man's Con
stant Reiteration.
"Soinethln' to keep out the Hies,
Jiuin; soinethln' to keep i Hie illes."
Day after day. week in and week out,
fiinishini) or rain, the housewives In
the Mission heai this cry Iroin a lit
tle old man who owns a little car
penter shop on Castro street, near
where the cars turn. He lias been
there for years, and during all thnt
time ho has done nothing lint make
M-rcen covered cupboards' sonie
tning to keep out the Illes." Occasion
ally li will take an order for a screen
An order lor a cupboard pleases
him greatly and Is always received
with a chuckle and n muttered some
thing about Hies, "the pesky critters."
Recently n woman who ordered a
cupboard Iroin him sought to llnd out
why he had pitch a hatred tor Illes.
For a time all she got trom the old
mini was a mumbled "Keep 'cm out,
the pesky critters- keep 'em out."
She persisted In the inquiry, and
after a iifinute, or two the old man,
with n sovagt) look in Ills eyes,
snapped nut:
"Twenty years ago in Missouri I
bad n wife and five children. Wo had
a nice, little farm. In a town tlvo
miles from us there was a plague. The
(lies carried it to my little farm. With
in a week wile and little, ones died.
Ket-p Vm out. the pesky critters;
keep 'em out." Sun Francisco Call.
Police Picture-Books.
Picture-books for tint benefit of trav
flers are kept In the Purls police sta
tions. It frequently occurs that for
eigners lose things which they uro
inublo to describe, because or unfa
ir' niliarlty with the French language.
Thu picture-books contain representa
tions of various articles, olid tho In
quirer has only to turn the leaves and
point out the Illustrations which most
' retemble the property ltu hn lost.
, .? j. I C mm--m i Al Tljwlf"bv T 2
-- 3- " aoniiTuoifnM
Tfciscl'f cfyii'cTsiiJrfJfmJfiijfcril'fVcunc ' t "
Was Found.
tlie case of the lncas treasure, those
most familiar with the history of Peru
have always maintained that some
where within tlie confines of Unit
country there was concealed one of
the greutost collections of gold, silver
and precious stones that the world
has known.
News travels hut slowly in tlie an
cient wilderness In which the treas
ure has been found, mid the Bolivian
authorities liuve taken menus to pre
vent the spread of the reports. That
it lias been found, however, Is (Irmly
established bj senilotllclul advices
which have been received in tills coun
try during the past week. Several of
tlie newspapers ol Limn. In Peru, hav
ing been advised of the discovery,
liuve dispatched correspondents to
Chililuyn. but t lie reports of those,
men have not jet been received.
ers, who could hardly be called set
tlers, were doubtless lodged within its
shelter, within which also tlie llrst
church wus built. Tlie ilrst church of
masonrj. bj the way, and tlie llrst
tavern, were built in tlie same year,
ItiJ'J. the former within the tort, the
latter at the corner of Pearl street
and Coenties Slip. As real settlers
came in Increasing numbers, those of
them who were traders and villugers
established thciiiholves ns near the
fort as they could, and nlong the
water trout of the Hast river, for
along the water front of the North
Additions for British Navy.
Crcat Britain has in course of con
struction: Battleships. 8: armored
cruisers, ; second-class cruisers. I;
third-class cruisers, -t; scouts. X: des
troyers. !J; submarines. II; river
gunboats, (!. The new battleships, to
lie known as tlie Lord Nelson class,
will cost $S.UlKl.O(lll each.
It has lieen stated that much of thu
.Japanese success in naval lights
around Port Arthur was due to the
gyroscope. This is a delicate appa
ratus for keeping a torpedo straight In
ltu course, even through a distance of
2,tiOO yards. It is a small weighted
wheel-like object, curcfullj suspended
on gynibols In the buoyancy chamber
I of tlie torpedo. Attached to Its axis
is a tleel spring connected with tho
tooth gearing. A rod to the air lover
actuates It. When the lever is thiown
buck tho spring Is released, and the
gyroscope spins around nt tho rate of
2,'JOO revolutions a minute. In his
book on "Torpedoes and Torpedo Yes.-
hels" Lieut. Armstrong of the British
navy says:
"The gyroscope works a servo
motor, actuating a pair of movable
vertical rudders placed In recesses In
the vertical fins. These rudders, bo
It remembered, are therefore supple
montnry to tho small adjusted vortical
rudders ordinarily fitted, but which
may be discarded If a gyroscope Is
being used. If now, the torpedo from
But Luckily Colonel Watt Not Called
Upon to Explain.
Representative Klttrodge llusklnsof
Vermont Is u laj render In tlie Hpls
copal church nt lirnttlcboro. He i
also n lawjer. and on occasion -capable
of emphatic language Ovoi
at the senate there is a doorkeeper.
A. .1. Mnxlmm, noted as a campaign
singer whose home Is also In Unit
tleboro. When the rector or the little
church nt Hrutlloboro Is nimble to In
present, because of duties elsewhere.
Col. Hawkins and Mr. Muxhum prnc
tlcally run the church. Col. Ilasklns
preaches and Maxhatu sings.
A story Is told about a prolonged
absence of the rector, which put upon
Col. Ilasklns unexpectedly the duty of
conducting the Sunday service, lie
met Muxhum, who said that be could
not slug Hint Sunday.
"Not stnt;." exclaimed the colonel
hotly. "Well, now, Maxhuni, If jou
don't shin I'll he "
Right there Col. Ilasklns hesitated
a moment, and, as a guilty look came
Into lils eye. added: "If I'll preach."
Hut Mr. Maxliam agreed to sing,
and there was no occasion for Col
Ilasklns to explain Hint hiatus in hi
remark. -Washington Post.
Leaves Society for Stage.
Miss Margnret Parnell Stewart, a
young society woman of Uorricntown,
N. .1.. has gone on the stage, having
made her professional debut in Tioy,
N. Y. Miss Stewart is u granddaugh
ter of Conimodoie Stewart, who com
manded the nulled States frlgnte Con
stitutlon In the war of IS 12, and a
cousin of Charles Stewart Parnell, the
late Irish parliamentary lender. She
is known among her acquaintances as
u young woman of much ability.
river there was very little building,
and that side of the lower city has
ever since continued to lag behind
the other in Its commercial develop
ment. To the north of the villugo
was established nuother defense, .1
real "wall." or at least a real palisade,
with gates, elected under Stiiyvesnnt.
on tlie announcement of war between
Holland and England in lti.'i'J. as a de
fense against the encroaching Yan
kees, and tills, now become Wall
street, was the northern boundary.
There was nothing beyond It but
ttirms.- New York Times.
Strength of Nonconformists.
The Noucoiilornilsls, who are resist
lug the new educational laws, iindei
which all are taxed for schools con
trailed by the Kstabllshcd cliuidi of
Knglaud are. in loudon alone, 1 i:t,or2
Baptists, l.'K.'.Ua Congregationalists,
lL'L'.t'.bT Wesloynns and U8,U80 mem
bers of the Salvation Army.
any cause, external or Internal, be do
floctnd out of tho lino or fire, tho gyro
scope, by maintaining Its axial posi
tion in the lino or fire, nets on tho
servo-motor, and by menus of tho ver
tical rudders Bteers the torpedo back
again to Its original direction."
Thus the torpedo is endowed with u
brnln, so to speak, that directs its
course through the waters on its inlu
tlou or death
! nirn rvw n c
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No. 1, the turret; 2, Interior of turret; 3, the breech of the twelve
Inch turret gun, showing how the back draft blew the flash back to the
powder piled up for the next charge; ', the heist, down which the flame
swept that iqnited the 1,600 pounds of powder in the handling room 0; G is
the hoist communicating with the magazine, and the cross shows tlie
point the flames reached before they met the water by which the magazine
was flooded and by which the ship was saved from being completely de
stroyed; 7, torpedo tube', 8, the magazine.
Aged Financier Pleased at Cordiality
of Brokers.
Uufsell Sage was seen In Hroad
street. New York, the other day for
the llrst time in over a year, and Ihc
occasion was seized by a crowd of
brokers who make their lieadquaiters
In front of the Exchange building to
give hlm an ovation. Mr. Sage's right
hand was convened Into a pump han
dle and one young broker stood on"
Irom the crowd and shouted: "What's
the mailer with Uncle Ilussell?" iu
stuntly (he reply came: "He's all
right!" The aged llnuiicier was evi
dently much pleased by the wnrmth
of his greeting, and he lifted his hut
and bowed all around. Just like a man
who hss been elected a school trus
tee by ills admiring townsmen. For
(wo years Ilussell Sage bus been seen
on the street only at Intervals, which
have lieen gradually widening 'during
the Inst year.
Musician's Rebuke More Gentle Than
Was Deserved.
Or. Hans Hlcliter. the great musical
conductor, who entered on his sixly
secoud year a few days ago, is noted
tor Ills absolute mastery and ease
while wielding the baton. The noted
(icrmnn was rehearsing In London on
one occasion when a peculiar little
tapping sound, soft but most Irritat
ing, caught his attention. After en
during it for some minutes In silence
he looked around for tlie offender, and
said, in his boken Kngllsh: "I must
ask you not to beat lime with your
foot;" and then quietly added, as If
It had only Just occurred to hlm:
"When I um conducting, I cannot al
ways agreo with your foot!" Tlie
exprcrslon of his face drew the sting
out of the sarcasm, and everybody
School to Teach Auctioneering.
Col. Carey M. Jones of Davenport, a
well-known live stock auctioneer, in
association with "a number of oilier
prominent auctioneers, will open In
July In Davenport. Iowa, a school of
auctioneering and oratory The aim
of tho school will bo to develop am
tioneers capable of i oiling off talk by
tho yard. There will bo courses in
oratory, grammar unci other branches
and a competent specialist In charge
or each depuitment. Col. Jones con
ducted sales of fancy cattle in hoveu
teiin states of the union last year.
Shafts of Wit Pointed and Not Very
Itopurtce as practiced by dlgnllied
solous in tin- New York legislature
takes on somewhat ol a Itowery com
plexion at times. One day the house
was considering a certain measure
when Mr. 'Cook or Idle said courteous
ly: "The gentleman who has spoken
In opposition to this bill is a pin
head." lie leferred to Mr. Cov of
Buffalo, who In his politest manner
leplled. "The gentleman who tavors
this bill," ol course lel'erilng to Mr.
Cook, "has a vacuum where his
bruins ought to be." Whereupon Assembly-hum
Lynch hastened to ob
serve cordially: "Mr. Speaker, it gives
me great jileastue to II nil Unit, for
the first occasion since I have served
in tho legislature with them, I can
agree with both Mr. Cov and Mr.
Cook. I iiKi-ee with what Mr. Cook
said about .Mr. Cox ami I lndoro what
Mr. Cox said about Mr Cook " Then
the b was passed.
Pope Pius Makes Many Changes.
Pius X. Is still engaged M planning
and decreeing numerous important re
foi ins in (lie Roman curia. He has
Just reduced Ills Noble guard from
seventy to forty -five, and reditcious
both In numbers and salary are antici
pated shortly In the ranks or the
Palatine and Swiss guards, whose dis
ciplinary regulations, more especially
ns regiuils morality and mixing In
iiulrlnal society, have been of late n
vised with startling severity. There
Is reason for believing that the pope
will shortly publish motu proprio a
decree oidalnlng that no post In the
Itomaii cm la, diplomat ic or otherwise,
stiall hcrcaltcr carry with it any right
to a cardlnalale. Considerable reduc
tions in the salaries of nuncios and
other diplomatic servants are also an
Copper King's Reputation Good.,,
Out among Montana miners sumo
wonder Is expicshed because nnlW
! protection was sought in New York
' the other daj by W. C. (iroen. n..
copper king, when someone threat
ened hlm with a gun. Twenty years
ago and more 'Hilly" Green was
known In Montana as about tho last
uinn on earth to go to thu pollco
with bis troubles. In those days he
was "plenty quick on the draw," nnd
always ready to light bis own battles,
being known as "n dead gainii avm"
Irani Anuconda to Totub&toiio.
. i lit
Anarchlnt at Barcelona Fallfc in At
templed Murder.
Piemler Maura of Spuln wun at
tacked and wounded nt HarccJona
April I 'J bj ii would-be ussasuln nrnicil
Willi n dagger
The pi einler had Jusl returned from
n reipilem service tor the rcposo of
the soul or the late queen Isabella,
when ii youth, 1!) years- old, named'
.loaipilu Miguel Artao, approached,
and shouting, 'Long lle anarchy,"
si ruck the premier in the chest with
it dagger he had concealed In ii hand
kerchief Artao was Iiniiii!i1lntnly
seined and The premier
himself was able to send to Madrid
the news of the attempt on his life.
The foice of the blow was biokcii
and Its direction diverted by the heavy
luce on the minister's coat, resulting
in only a slight scratch under tint
sixth rib.
.lontpilu Miguel Artao, the assailant
Is an anarchist, and when arrested at'
y&r7 rMUEl
tempted suicide by dashing his head
against the wall. Hit declared bo had
no accomplices, but had acted on his
own initiative because of his hatred of
.Mama's polities.
Actor Wearied of the Efforts of Hired
Tin' claque is now a recognized in
stitution in some New York play
houses, but the lilted npplaudorK havm
not come to understand their dii'"i
nearly o well as their Parisian i ni
hil .vpes At one of those theaters tho
oilier evening the leading man was
biought before thu curtain half a
dozen limes after a good scene, chlelly
throiiuh elaqueih' efforts. Thu nc
tor. rather disgusted with thu inudo-to-order
enthusiasm, wan bowing him
self olf when thu most vociferous
claquer broke Into another volley. Tho
leading man paused, held up his hand,
and said, when silence was restored,
"Slop II, nij good friend. I bellevo
yon v.i Id encore a miracle." Thin
produced a real curtain call, to which
tin actor smilingly responded.
Washington Laughs at Ingenuity of
Statesman's Excuse.
A government scientist not long ngo
gave a dinner in Washington In honor
of Speaker Henderson. Tim scientist
halls from the hawkeyu state, so II.
was distinctively mi Iowa dinner. Of
course Secretary Sliuw was a guest,
and lie was the only one absent when
7 o clock arrived. The hor.t waited
hall an hour and then gave oiders to
serve. At exactly 7;. '3 the secretary
of the treasury was announced. Ills
explanation has been n joke ainouK
the Iowa contingent in Washington
ever since. "I though this dinner wan
for K o'clock." sold lie, In evident em
barrassment "1 arrived outside nt
7 .'(! by my watch. It was so early I
decided to walk up and down tho
street till I saw someone else come.
Hut no one came, and so I hud to en
ter alone."
Little Jarky's Humorous Assertion of
His Rights.
Congressman James of Kentucky, a
giant in stature and weight, 'wan
standing witli sonio friends on tho
rear plat form of a Washington btrent
car. The platform wus rather crowd
ed and Mr. James did not observe
Hint a little colored boy was them
until he felt u punch In tho small of
his hack. He looked around nnd tho
little darky said: "Ain't gwlne havu
you stun' all over mo, mnn." Mr.
Junius replied with mock soverlty:
Don't you know that if you lick any
body here you'll got arrested?" "Dono
cure notliln' 'bout dat. You ain't
gwlne stun nil over mo no mo'." Tho
little chap's sturdy attitude wan
enough to win hlm a quarter nil
around from the Keutucklan and his
Only Known Woman Coal Miner.
There Is only one woman coal
iiilnnr in Missouri, and she has but
one urni. Miss Minnie Petrlo began
to work In the mine of her nephew,
Theodore Potrle, near Fulton, a few
years ago bceuuao ho could not got
as many men as lie wanted. Tho llrst
day she worked she woro foinlnlne
clothes, but finding thorn unsultablo
the next day she woro nn old suit of
her nephew's and, attired In men'u
clothes, slio has been digging coal
ever since. Sho Is CO years old. 1
l- -wwomiMaiii'a