f .ir 4. - . h ! I I, 1 II- 1 .ill lllll 1MM-W.I n ..,.? VCjTH 1 'vf VOLUME XXX II. Miner Bros. I RIGHT PRICES! By right prices we don't mean City prices or Bar gain prices, but prices that are right for reliable mer chandise. We stand back of the representation of rvery article sold from this store. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, bring it back in salable condition and we will cheerfully refund your money. GINGHAMS. A lot ol l.lXX) yards of 8c 1 Hue (iinghuni in stripes. checks ami plain colors the usual 10c kind. Instead of IPe, pi ice 8c Qt ()ic lot of l' tneli Oil (Unchains in stripes. These aie mostly reinnents and short lengths canied over fiom last tall, with a number of new- pat terns. Usual price 18c 5 to !UV. Pi ice now NECK RIBBONS. Some pretty new novelties in fancy neck ilbbons. Satin Tat fctu in white, with largo silk em 1 CORSETS. We are overstocked on one num ber of Corsets our No. 294 in black and white; a full run of sizes, in the perfect-fitting C.-B. Corset. Regular value $1.00. Special, 75c. f 'Satisfaction or MINER BROS Blft Horn Basin. Your spate time will be well spent if you will use it in making a trip to this nuw ii tingled country. The United States will not bo long now in getting under irrigation all tlm land that is mibject to this class of fanning, ns it is becoming tlio most popular way to farm for sin e i usults. This coiinti v is yet in its infancy, and homuseukers should avail themselves (if this oppnr tunity to get a faun in the H'g Horn II nin. .Iusl now you can gel the choice of this land at a veiy low pi ice, and you will lie sin prised what a delay of a few days will do for you in the once of tins land Post your.self on this country by writ ing for I'lookiut desciiptinn of the Big Horn Hasin and other inhumation you may dcsiic. Wu will make vol v low rounit tlip lates to tliis country the lirst and ihinl Tuesday in May .-.I. Fianeis, General Passenger Agent, Huiliugton Uoute, Omaha, Neli iinjti Real Estate Transfers. Tiansfois for week ending Wednes day, Aptil '-1. furnished by J II. Huley of Webster County Abstiaet company. ,. ... Lincoln Land Co to deotgo Solo- moil lot .'1 blk 1 1st add to ma- dan wd t ll-iup HoyiU" 11 A V ! "wt HW4 8 4-U wd' Kllen (I Talbot to Village of IJuliluUock plsel bt'4-M 8 wd HO GO 7 Miner Bros broidered dots in pink, blue and red. Chuinpagno color with small "silk embroideicd dots, in white, led and black. A Into novelty: per yard 35c LACES. .MM yards of "2 to 1 in. Ton and Val. Lace-. Conic whili assortment is complete, yard, while they last . .. lion the Per ..5c SILK GINGHAMS. Whites and black stripe, col ored stripes, plaiiuwhite, lace elieeUi, otc. in regular fide cloth, but remuent lengths of 5 tn 18 yd pieces. Instead of tiOo 33c money back." 'VvvN'VVVv- Wlitiaschu and wite to K J Olmstedo f'i swl and sw4 nwl 17 I U well 800 Lincoln Land C to Carrie L H iker lots 1 'J-7 and 8 blk 5 l.st add to Bladen wd 1 W) Lincoln Lund C to Luella T Hiker lots ;t.j r and t! blk 1 1st add to Illation wd lwi Total l17 Moit.Mges filed $.1400 Mortgages ideas ! fcWOO Business Notices. Light harness at .Ion Fogel's. Infants' all-wool whim shiits, HDc. F. Nowhotiso. Try Waul Haves for a llrst class shave or hair-cut. If you want thu bust and cheapest harness, go to Pogel's. Furnished Rooms for Runt Imitiiro of Mih. .1 A. Tullov". Moriuville's l'mfoctioii Hair Tunic for sale at SohalVnit's barbur shop. Some moro of that cream white IL nnotta at ). Nmvhuu'' ', at arm a yaid. Cart of Thanks. We take this moihid of nxprcssli g our appreciation and gratitude to all filends wlio allowed ns so much kind- ncss and sympathy dining the Mc kiifH a and death of our sou ami brother j Mil ANI MllS Cil.OltOK (lAUNIMt I ANIl I'AMII.V. ) h I ? X I t-'WW BWMB HEI) CLOUD, NEllllASKA, APKII, i2!, 1i()l. CORRESPONDENCE IntorcstinK Items Gathered by Our County R-cporters Ar'WAr'WW-'WA'A'W''V Cdthcrton Mis A T Bittan was niimheied with the .sick last week. C. F. Gather was in this vicinity last Sitimlay on business. Mr and Mrs Otto Jensen are visit nig relatives itiNtibkolls county. Horn, to Mr and Mis. Win. Musc grovc, Ktiday, April lr, a baby gill. Will says he vill not allow the nojs to come aiound now. Mis liictthuuct'.s windmill blew to pieces dining thu strong wind last Sunday. Miss Hcrlha Wiseeat ver is able to bo up and around af .era long siege of the lIlClllUritMII. Seveial of the young people from this icinity attended the dance at Mr Kudrna's last Satuuluy night. Otto Skjelver slil. ped Ids fat cattlo Tucsda. Mi M irker is quite sick again. II imp Visecaier was in this vicinity Tuesday bujiiig eggs. Dining the strong wind last Sunday a board tilo w dir of lieigeman's ham and hit him on the head, cutting quite a seveiu gash. A heavy lain visited thi.-i locality I-tst Sunday; three and one half inches was ngisteicd on V. K. l'ayue's water gauge. Wheat is looking excellent. Oats have been retarded some by the cool weatl er. No com has been planted Vet. CM. Wilson pill chased a horse from Klmer l'Vigg Tin sday. Kd HretthHiier traded hoists 0110 day this week with ttoy Wilson. C 11 Wilson was transacting busi ness at Red Cloud last S:turday. (iratdpa J A. Lockhail is attending court at Red Cloud this week. (Jeorge HelTulbower closed a very successful term of school at Cithetton last Ftiday. Bladen. (Julio a hard ram fell heio last Suit' day, accompanied liy a haid wind which Mew down several wi id mills in this iciuity. II l'. Hoyil and II. C iiituer siiipped two caisof cattlutoSt .loo lastSundaj. i'licy accompanied tin in to that place. Mis tieoige Xewhoii.so and chilitieu retuined home Tuesday after visiting her patents for suvmal days. Mis Win Staley and Mis. L. Boyd, went to Fan field last Tuesday to visit Mrs. Slaley' inothei,Mis. Tine. Mis. N. Spuuger and son lilis.s thine to Hluu Hill last Fnday. Mis. Joo Widdeishcnn went to Nor man last Satiuday to visit her patents. Sho dtovu back Widne.sday, accoin. pameit liy her mother, Mis. Cnaiiibers. Mr and Mi )ohn Kiopp and Mis. Kastetly went to lMV.lt last Tuesday, to attend the wedding John Souclnck ami Miss Warner. John is a lumber of Mis. Kiopp, and Mis. K isterly. Miss Maiker, thu '.eaeher of thu l'liinuiy loom, was unable, to gel liack Sunday on account of thu stoi in Miss (illicit Reed taught dining liei absence, Flunk Wheat has biick hauled for the foundation for his nuw dwelling cast of Mr Donuej's iifn i" tiultlfi I.OCK. T. J. M ilonev is now ahlo to hobblu about on mutches. I t,u i ,i,tl i ,i, ., i . , , j Mis. Me.lswLHinbu.tha co.nplct.d biM sci.o.d in IheMcN.mdisttict. CiiHf. Dai win wa over fiom.lowill j county ) htm day , , , ,.. , .. . I mi, lie, . w. . i.i, ...,, i i, III,), , H'K atlo'ided the funi'ial of Miss (Juttiu K'tlny ttt Rid Cloud Tuesday. Lewis S nitli, liing noilh of (iuiilu Roak, was tliiowu from bis horse Sun day and his leg was bioken liy thu fall, 'i hu KonMBloli dull ttuiit to Kurt 'Cloud Uediicsd-iy uIiimc they weie oi'tei tallied h Mis V. S (iarber. Mis Claienci Wuldoof Hloimington lias ictuincd liome aftei a sliott visit j with hei giaiidniother, Mi. U.K. Ulch ' Woil; on the tui.il telcplione lines is 1 ptogiessing tapidly. Esbon. Kain is still tlieoidct of the day. Abe and (ieoige Michael's winilinills were blown down Sunday evening. Kllss Kptiiaph is Imilduig a new addition to his house The Michael and lloiiglitaling boys weie wolf.hiinting M unlay afternoon. TlioV saw no wolve, hut shot a cianu incasui ing 4 feet ftom tip to tip. Howaid lloiiglitaling has his millet gi omul plowul and is icady to plant thu seed. Wheat iiiiil alfalfa aie looking line, but glass is glowing slowly. (Jem go Michael has some millet set'd for salo Rfttl CloiuMxb.inon Linn. The K,mI Cloud anil Lebanon Mutual Telephone compinies have li-'nn con solidated and will have a line twenty- tinea miles in length. Kiiough moiiey I ns been subset ibid to build the line, with t inch top poles twcnij-tccl high. Subscribers aie notilied that money or GO day notes for t Loir poitions must he paid insult of lifu-eu das,iothat work may begin. Afier May 15 no moie ehartor moiubeis will be taken in, ami the membership feu will hoiaisd from 910 to a sum consideiably higher. Money or notis may be deposited witli the l'eoplen Hank of Red Clou I. The i Ulcers of thu consolidated comnany aie: lXivid Hell, president; S. N Cot ter, vico piesidnut; V. II Sciivner, sec retarj; M. A. Colo and K (Jiaham, treasureis; and six tiustees distnbiited along the lino $45 California and Back. Aptil 'J3 to Maj 1, iiicliiHivc, tickets on Mile via the Huiliugton route to San Fiancisco and Los Angeles and leturn at 915. This is less than thu logular one way rate. No moie delightlul outing cun be imagined. Thu tup is iiiuln at the tiiiieof the year when traveling is a pleastue mid tlio cliinato of California at its best. Attractive diveiso ionics aui olTered as well as libir.il stopover priviliges and leturn limit Folder giving details mailed fieu on uipiest Our agent can give joti any fuitlier inform uion that may be do sited J Francis, (Lmeial p.issengur agent, Oin ilia. Worlds Fair Rates. Tickets to St. L'luisaiid letuiii, good all sumimir, 3'23 15 On niiil after Apul 'J5, sixty day tickets $10 :m On and after Apt il -"!, ton day tickii ts, $i7:r. For full information about tiain sei vice ask the ticket agent. Now is thu time tu take a spt ing tonic to pui ify the blood, cleanse lie Iti'er Hint LMm.iu .if nil mmiiritli4. ' ,., K,K,ky ,,, , wl ,, thu business !i.i cunts, I'u i or tablets. -C L C Mting. WALKING IN CIRCLES. Why I'eoiile l.nnt tu I'iik or Vorrnt llo .ol ('u bli'iilulil On. ft Is a mutter of common knowledge that when a mail Is walking blindfold- ?(l "l ls losl '" '" '"' '" M"" m' known torcht or dcseit Instead of walking straight he has always a tendency to woi U loiiud lu a I'irclc TIiu most commonly accepted explanation ()f this curious fad is the alight In- ('nihility of a man's Ic's. The result ""f "no limb being longer than the 0,t,r w Imtlmi,7y ,,u tlmt u ,u,r- b0Il w, lmt0usciousl- take u longer htep with the longer limb, and con- bcqiiently wlll-ticnd to thu tight or to the left, aciotdlng as thu left or right ls the longer, unless the teudemy to deviation Is coiicitul b.v thu eye. This explanation ls support, d by the fact that lu thu enormous majority of cases tho human legs ate pioed to bu of unequal length. Thu cm el til mens- iii'niiiontu of ii series of skeletons plmml tlml no luns tlmil 00 lior tent This beautiful gravy ladle is one of the "Oneida Community Quality" 1 that make refined and lasting gifts For Sale by Newhouse Bros Had the lower limbs unequal In length; :t.i per i cut had the right limb longer t li ii it the left, while In .'5 per cent the left leg was the longer. The left leg being, (heieforo, more often the loiy, It Is to be cNpceted that the Inclina tion should take plaie mote fieipiently to the right than to the left, and this conclusion is iiltc borne out by ob servations made on u number of per sous when walking blindfolded. KOREAN HOUSES. Thrr Arc roniforlnlilr rl(hrr In Mumiiirr sjnr Wlnlrr. Tlie Korean sljlc of iirmltectiire la nulled to an thing but an extieme cli mate such as preMiila there. During the winter months It 1m very cold. The houses are made of bamboo frame work, plastered within and without with adobe mud. The roof Is thatched Willi rice straw, which is weainer proof. The Inside may bo made Into one room by the sliding back of a screenlike partlMou. .lust why these were Introduced It Is impossible to say, for they are but rarely used, aa privacy Is ncor desired In Korea. This open space becomes the living room, and even when traveleis are passing along and must halt for the night they are Invited to share n com mon sleeping place on the tloor with the entire family. The discomfort of such an experience Is extreme during the summer, in the kitchen, which It Just without the living room, thcio Is located a most curious kind of stove, I'loiii this clay pipes extend under thu floor to the living loom. They warm the house summer and winter alike. tik Mil NS r ftf - IfisSL AM WwfiMK y yfliitfjsu iii?a w wwi-sy ir ' WSih H'casi ifor &ad iroublio Si crtzihos hot-breada,, biscic and czlzz oz 'litt&t ilavor, liJtfkt Rw&ei,. &zmr.tiT.hi(i and ) assuredly digestible ?MiC vholesosne Vrfrs-r J NITMHER IS pieces of silver-plated tableware that are fam ous for possessing the originality, the ait and the Mulsh of tlio IkhI " HtorliiiK. It Is iiiiule In the plate heaWer than triple, callod "Trlplo plus," iiiiil Is guarauteed for twenty-Ilvo years. The Oneida Coininunlty'H AMilon pattern with Its lienutt ful Trench gray Mulsh Is tlio most perfect reprod notion of 'Hterlhig" that lias cer boon atteinited. It Is sold for iitKiut the price of ordinary pinto. Wo will bo glnd to telt you moro alMiut "Oneida Coiuiniinlty Quality" sllvorwnro- and to show you many rich and beautiful sets for It has nccr entered their nittid thnt some means could bo devised whereby the heat could be turned ofT from the other quarters. Housekeeper.. HAIRS OF THE NETTLE. Hie Hrimnii Tlic- SllliK So Whr 'lliey I'rlck the Klrah. The stinging hairs of the common-' nettle, which can easily he seen by thcr uaked eye, stand out under the uitcro vcope as rigid, transparent, tubular prickles, highly polished mid exqui sitely pointed. At their liases these halrs are furnished with bulbous reser voirs, which an' charged with formic acid, un acrid, poisonous fluid, which h discharged Into the wound after the harp polnlH have pierced the akin, Mr. CurtlH, In his "Flora." given thlse graphic description of the process: "Placing the foot stalk of u nettle leaf on the stage of a microscope, I pressed the bulb with a blunt pin and found, a liquid ascend In the prickle, as quick silver does when a warm hand Is ap plied to the bulb of a thermometer. C saw the liquid ascend and flow froii. Its extremity. I was the more anxloust to see this, as I fancied the polsoiu might proceed from an iipertme lu tbtr nlde of the sting near Its point, audi here It appears to be placed rathorr than quite at the end, that It may not. take off f i oiu Its necessary sharpness. One lliine, tin- Other .Not llrtciin. Trillins (ItNiklug up from Darwin' celebrated moiM-You're an evolution tif a monkey. Secondus Vou haven't started yet. Yale Record. J "svater u"" Jfc Li!ffi.H I 1 1 I I w 'rrs ri ; h )' ;,ii iff uv. . wzzs&m&2& SistjM MsawsKSsriKji '.'JdB' r 'MtiaMUt 1 "jJSpi -7yr-r- "xrTWinr-sm&Wi