The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 15, 1904, Image 3

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Embroidered Collars
We have tli,is week received an elegant
line of the verj' latest patterns in Embroid
ered Coljars, which will be sold at honest
prices. To make room for our new spring
stock of Laces and Embroideries we quote -the
following prices on embroidery and lace
Remnants and Odd Pieces:
2c Laces find Ktnbrotderlcs nt 1c
Sc Laces ami Ktnbrolderles at 2c
lOc Luces and Embroideries at Sc
25c Lures and Embroideries at 13c
SOc Lares and Embroideries at 25c
91.00 Lares and Embroideries at SOc
Fancy - Combs and - Hairpins
of the latest styles, and at lowest prices.
City Dray and
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
Residence 52.
4 il lb b lk L ll lit k li lb vb lb lb ti lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb
Do you know that It will pay YOU. as
well as US. to buy your llulldlng Ma
terial and Coal at our yards? Not only
that our prices ave it.uir. lower, or at
least as low, as those of our competit
ors, but iiecai'.m: wo take especial caro
of and protect all can be elusscd as
it E G U L A U C U S T O M E 11 S .
Look llox as. Oniric Hock. Not).
All kinds of property bought, sold snn
fc . 1 1 ijr r Ti r r I
Is put up In wMte packages, manufactured by the fllatilson Medicine
Co.. Madison. Wis. tell at 35 cents a
package. .Ml nthcrj nre rank ImitHtlont
and substitutes, don't risk ur hculth bv
taklnjf them. I llt'OEMUM'. makes sick
fieoplc Well, Keeps jou Well. All Honest
JeulCM Fell t!tc Genuine.
HOLLISTIsK I'U1 CO, Modljon, VI.
.. ilvtirltiul mill llnlr tniilnt.
s.( eaiciiii'iiiwuim i-:nui.imi
.llLW'.'Xln ItF.ll ant OnM lurltll.e l-Jlf '''
in buniion i tike iki i.iiiit. sir.....
Ilmgrfoui hulilllutlou unil InilU
tiun. Itujr of your uructEttt nr .f-uj lo. lo
uinpi tor Irtli uhtrK. TrMlmunluU
n "Itrlltt rurl.ill .":'" ! '
....n l..ll. til lllllllratimnntftl. Sulltl
tllltviliu. i'lilrhtalrrl lirmlml ';
Silt lUdUan huurf, i-iiiu.m i-v.
ClciT-s i'i Rn'i nci llii h!r.
l'r in.'tri a luxuriant pruvtli
N'-wor Fails to Jlpntcro Orny
Cuti m'alp ilivnnl .V hnlr 1-iWuy,.
Ur.iiul t i at Ilnucl'tl
M)i-tlc Cure for ItlieiiliiiitlMii nail NeliriiUIn
rHillrnlly ruri'h la 1 t" dnys H nrllim ii""'
tlicHdli'in In reinnrknl'ie 1 1 I 111 Merloni. It
removoH nt once the 1'iiiise mid Hie iIIk'hm lui
mvillnii-ly illMi..i'nri. The tiiKt iloe Kte'illy
honctltc. "! eenth unil . UJ. .-old t II fc,
(Irice, Druirh'lHt. lied Cloud.
Red Cloud, Nob.
61. JOE
81. LOUIS and
all points east and
and all point'
TUiiNB liavb rou.ows;
No. 13. PafcMJUKtT dally for Oberllti
nnd St. r"ranclKhrnnche.l)x
font. Mcl'oolt, Denver Htid nil
poltilb wen - 6 31 .ru
No. 14. 1'anhenKi'r dully for St. Joe,
' KmiHH City. Atchlkon. St.
I.oiiIh. Lincoln via Wymote
Htid all poluth east and xoiith 2' 10 a.u
No 15. ruHiCiiKcr. dully. Denvor, all
poltilN in Colorado, Utah and
CallforulH - - B:10 p.m
No. 18. I'ai-caib,i ' dally for St. Joe,
Kriikbii City. AtehUon. St.
Louis and all polum eabtntid
No. 174. Arrominndatlon, Monday,
Wednesday and 1'rlday.llai.t
lni!K, llrauil Iblnud, IIIhcIc
UIIIk nnd all polnm la the
northwest I aip.rr.
Bleeping, dining, and reclining rhalr rr
tieaw free) on through tralim. Tlpketa sold v6
bKKge rnecked to any point In the United
7 For Information, time tablet, mapi or Ucketi
call on or addremi A. Conover, Agent, Her
Cloud, Nebr. or J. Krancli, Gurl Ptuenge'
Agent Omthft, Nobraika
Express Line.
Office 119
vbvb lb lb ill lb lb lb lb l( lb lb lb lb tb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lifr
New. delicious sununor
drink We have .'17 dir
feent flavors in
Cool, Refreshing
Summer Drinks
l.'io meals -erved; luneb
at all bouts
The Bon Ton
W. S. BUN SB. Proprietor.
is it pleasant recreation,
K invionilinn and is a
healthful pastime, and
for a pleasant hour's
amusement nothing is
more interesting Hutu n
,'iune or two at the : : :
Apex Booilinq Alleys
V. Ti. Mi M ILL A N,
I' ru p r io t or.
Choico Tobaccos and Cigaia
Always on ITand
Of the Kansas City Votor
inary College. Olllco at K.
Johustou's, tho Brick Uarn.
Tolephono 82.
AtBluoIUll (list Tuesday in each
Plain and
Fancy Sewing
at Reasonable Prices.
Parlors at homo of Mrs Tulloys.
Anarchist Attacks Maura and Then.
Attempts to Kill Himself.
Rnrcolonn, April 13 A sotul-olilelal
report of tho attack on Premier Maura
was Issued, according to which tho
assailant held concealed a kitchen
knife, with which ho stabbed the pre-'
mlor, but tin force of tho blow was
broken and Its direction diverted by 1
tho heavy luco on tho minister's coat, '
resulting in only n slight scratch tin 1
der tho sixth rib. A doctor attached
to King Alfonso'a suite examined tho
minister and prescribed a fow hoirs'
rest. Ills majesty scut a mestinnger
to Inquire concerning the attack and
concerning tho prlmo mlidster's con
dition. Joaquin Miguel Artao, tho as
sallunt, was employed as a domostlc.
Ho wan an anarchist ftud when arrest
ed attempted sulcldo by dniihlug aW
head against tho wall.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
Clilcnpo, April l'J. A lurce Inerofioc- In
tlic world's uxnllulile ntnckH of wheat, to
gether ulth 11 ntmri decline hi corn,
cuilicd woiiknoci In wlirnt todnjr. Tln
clii( wiih nt the Imttotii. July wlic.1t tn
Itiff iloun 1'ci Pic Corn showed 11 Iosh of
1Mii. lints were olT "'irs' nnd proxlKlont
'J'ie lilclier. I'loiltu: prices:
Whent May, PJTe; July,
Sept . NV.
Sept., 4!l'i
r2c! July, Wu
a-iST'4c; July, 30ii3Te:
Sept.. Jll-V.
l'ork Mny. SI'J.'JO: July. Jl'-'.iK.
Muv. $il.pil; July. ?iHITl4.
Mny. $i!.W; July. p.'
t'lilfiuru I'nsh 1'rleeH -No. 'i red whent,
Jt.Olil.O,J; No. 'J HprliiB, HtMUlSo;
No. .'I Hprlnc wheiit. SSi5i!17e: No, '1 luinl
ulient, D.vrt'.liie; No. It luinl wlient. 8:i'u!l.V;
No. 'J oihIi corn, .V.'e, No. !t eimli eorn. It'iJ
Wle: No. "J .M'llow eorn, fi'J'i.Mo: No. II yel
low porn, 4!Kn,MM4e; No. 'J ensli ont, .'t3"i
alio; No. 'J whltu ontH. Kfe-IKc
Omaha Grain Market.
Omnlin. April l'J. CIoiIiik pi lees on the
Oniiiliu limln exelintiRe-
Wlient Mny. SS,i; July. K'Uie.
Corn Mny. ISUje; July. -ITiie.
Onli Mny. M7'4e; July. .1fi4e: Sept.. WHJ.
Omnlin Cnsh 1'rlct'H-No. 'J luinl wheat.
KVf?.S!V. No. n luinl wtient. H.TiHSej No. I
hard T.WTltp; No. 2 KprliiK wlient.
S-'TiKOo; No. .T HlirhiB whent, frJMSTe; No. -t
Hprlnc wheut. ":Kr77e; No. L eiiHh eorn.
4fie: No. .1 eaih eorn, -Ki'MSe; No. A
rush eorn, 43J7-ltl,6'i " crude, -t'Jfii-Uo; No.
J rellow eorn. HH4'i No. .'I jellow eorn, 47
CrlSi-ie. No. 'J white eorn. 41: No. .1
white eorn, 4lOU4He: No. 'i en nh outs. .inVi
(filOtie. Nil. .'I fiirtti onls. .ISVyTiItOUe; No. 4
ciihIi ontx, .,l7Vif.'!Si4e: No. 'J while onts,
41ui?i'JUjc; No, :t white onU. .'Uiuyii40ie:
No." 4 white oatu, :i7'u:!tVjo; Htumlunl
ont, 41(TtlL'c.
Chicago Live Stock.
CMr-nco. April 12. fnttle IteeelptR. .V..
000; sternly; piod to prime wteein. $.".0(VH
fi.a: iiixir to niedluni, $:1..".0M.RV. Ktockern
nail feeders. Vi.l'ilASe,. eown. $'JOtVJ7-l.2a:
helfeis. S'.'2.vrel.rii): eiinners. SJOiMl'-'.fiO;
hutln. .s'.,nv,.in: enhi'H. i'i.TmKt !: Te..
us fed teeis, $l.(V!Tl.tl0. Hoi;s-lteeelptit
today, 10,000; tomorrow, 2.",HK; left over.
.1,411; Htendy to ." hlcher; mixed and
Imteherc. -." tCi'ii.'i.rrij rooiI to eholee henvy,
Jsi.i'iti.'.in'. roueli lienw. .nv;..2.r:
IlKlit. $1 S.Vr?,V.M; hulk of Hales. .V..I(Mir..2T.
Sheep Iteeelpts, iri.OIrt; weuk to lOe lower;
pood to ell dee wellier". $l.7.VTr. 10. fnlr to
eliolee lulled. $:i.."ilK.i l.."i): western sheep,
$4..Vtf.".:t.-i, nutlie IuiiiIin, $4..Vy(i.".."iO; west,
ern liiinlis. &JV,t.0.
Kansns City Live Stock.
Knimns City, April 12. -Pitt tie -IteeelpK
l.l.nal, sternly to lOe Inner: epoit nnd
illessed lieef steers. J l.a.V.i.".2."i; fair to
Blind. S.'tMVI T,0; western fed steers. $.1.0
fn I i!0 Moekero nnd fis'ders. $.'I.(hki4..V);
niitlie eous, $2.l'0'n4 10: nnthe heifers,
$:i yriM 40. Imlli. S2.WKi:i.7."i: enhes, $2.7."i
(JMlOO IIob.i lteeelpts, lO.OHO; 7,0 lower;
top. S-." 10. hull, of Miles. Sl.s.ViiTi.O'i: henvy.
..' OViri.10. pnekers, $l.sriiiM.Ori: plus iiml
IliXht. JfiVTildO. Sheep lteeelpts. 2,000;
10r hli-'ier. liiinlis. $."..Vyi(l.(pOj fed ewes.
. I 7Vi."i .'.- .eiirlliiBs, ..-. eni.-.rflj Ktockcrs
mid feeders, i?,('Hl.."iO.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South (im.ihii, Airll 12. Cuttle Receipt h,
p '(Hi Beiierully l-'e lower; lintlle steers,
:t TiOii" JO eows and heifers, ifJUKVi .!,-,;
eiinners. S l Vii'l. ST, ; t-iekeis mill fee. . rs,
$2 7-V.i I 2.' eahes, S:i.tKK(Ht.lK); hulls. stiiKS.
etc. N2 2.V.IH.7S. Mors- lteeelpts, 12.000;
VidOe Inuir; heiii.v. ? I. k" 'n T IKI; mixed.
SISV.iI'kI; llclit. $.7.V.i4 id; di;s. ?l.(Wf
4 7'. hull, of s.lles.". Sheep- Ite
leipls, ".fim, Mi-oiib to lt'e lillilier: westein
yeiiillUBH. ?l sihi.'i.IL': u ethers, ix.Ctoi'i.'Sx;
eiies, $1 lOTifi.t.; eoiuiiiou mid hUicUith,
S-liiKhll-SO; Uuibs, S.-i.tW.i,U.(X).
Moiton I. Illll of Lebanon Did . nijs; "M
w I ft; Iiml Itill.iiniiintiui llliciiiimllMii In eierj
uiiMele unil lolnt. her ulleriiiiT wim inrrli,li
iiml her h d mid fare were swollen almost be.
J jond riioKiihloir had In en In bed Ix ueeki
nun nun eiKiu iiieiiiuc, ion ri-eeieil no
heuellt until f-lie tiled tliu MjMle Cure fot
lllieiiumtlHn It kv Immrdlnlu relief and
she was able to wulk Hboiitln three iIhjh I am
Nitre It un veil her life." Sold by. II. R (Jrlce,
Drugglht. lied I loud.
Elvs Cream Balm
This Romocly Is n Spoclflc,
Suro to Clvo Satisfaction.
It clonnses, soothes, heals, mid nrotoets tlio
diseased uiombraiic. It cures (Jntarrh and
drives away a Cold in the IIuuil (uiickly.
llestores tho fionnos of Tasto and Smell.
I!nsy to tiso. Contains no injurious drugs.
Applied into tho noatrila nnd absorbed.
Tiargu Hizn, HO cents nt Druggists or by
mull; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail,
ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warnn St.. N.w York.
State Convention Adjourns Without
Making Any Nominations.
Tonckn, Kan, April 13. The Popu
list slate convention met here ami ml
lourned without inaMni; any nomma
Uoiih. Tho delegntea will meet In
Topeka ukuIii on Auk. 'A. at which
time un uftor. will ho inailo to fuse
with the Deiuoctats, A statu conven
tion of Detnocratu will he hold hero
Dn the uamu day. Tho middle of-tlio-
roaderu strongly Insisted on nomlnnt
luu a Mtate ticket without roferoncu
Io anythlnj tho Domocrats wanted.
Tho other element tried to patch up
a deal to nominate two supremo court
JtiBtlcos, governor and ono or two
other state officers, have these en
dorsed hy tho Democrats nt their con
vention next AuKUHt and then permit
tho PemocrntH to name tho remainder
of the ticket. Adherenta of this
scheme. ete In tho majority, hut tho
oppobltlou threatened to holt and
nominate a straight 1'opullst ticket
In cane mich an arrangement wore to
bo mnde and this killed It. An effort
will lie made to adjust matters with
tho Democrats hforo tho tlmo of
holding the next convention. Tho mid-dle-ofthe-
iad Populists aio still out
spoken In their determh atlon to holt
If the fusion plan Is perslslisl In.
William It. Hearst Is endorsed In
tho following lauKiniKO' "To hrlni:
about eo operation between tho elect
ors or tho Peon e's Partv ami tho
doctors of tho Democratic party In
KntiMts this year It will be absolutely
neccssnry for the Demoi ratio national
convention in St. lnils In July next
to nominate William Randolph Hearst
or some equally pronounced reform
Democrat for president."
Decides Against United States.
Now Yotk, April 13. After long liti
gation It was decided hy Jtulgo
Adams here that tho United States
must pay $2(i:t,lf,9 to the owners of
tho Hrltish ship Koscola. sunk on
May 28. IV.iS. by the United States
cruiser Columbia. On tho night of
May 28, 1S!IS. the Columbia wiw do
ing scout duty off the North American
coast on (he lookout lor tho Spanish
licet under Admiral Cervera. All
lights were covered tutd tho vessel
was proceeding under orders of Admi
ral Howell without sounding the fog
signals required by the marltlmo
laws. About ten miles south of tho
Flro Island light she collided with tho
Kohcoln, which sunk with Its cargo
nnd tho effects of oflleora and crow.
Empire State Republicans.
New York, April 13. Tho Republic
an state convention named as delo-gates-at-largo
and alternates to tho
national convention nt Chicago: Sen
ator T, C. IMntt, alternate J. Sloat Fas
sett; Senator C. M. Dopew, alternate
Louis Stern: Governor H. H. Odell, al
tornnto E. 0. Knight; Frank S. Ulnck,
altornato Henry C. Hrewster. Tho
platform strongly endorsed tho admin
istration of President Theodore Roose
velt and tho administration of Gov
ernor 11. II. Odell, and the delegates-at-Iarge
to tho national conventlnu
arc "directed to uso all honorablo
mentis to secure the nomination of
Theodore Roosevelt."
Olney in the Lead.
Hoston, April 13. Tho supportcTB
or Rlchnrd Olney of Hoston, us a can
didate for tho presidential nomina
tion of the Democratic party, attained
a long lend In tho primaries over tho
friends of William It. Hearst. Re
turns Irom 117 cities uid towns out of
a total or :iri3 Indicate that 4 111 dele
gates to the state convention were
c'thc-r Instructed or have expressed
prelerence lor Olney, while IhU aro
Hearst men.
Confesses to Murder and Robbery.
St. tiuis, April 13. Willis K Hull,
twenty-one years of age, confesbed
that ho nnd two accomplices stole $300
from the safe of the Kile hotiso on
tho night or Doc. 15 last, lie also ad
mitted that ho and his companions
assaulted Victor Dausson. who died
later or his Injuries, and shot Chntles
Hnidlng, tho former clerk of tho ho
tel. Montana Republicans for Roosevelt.
Helena. Mont., April 13. The Re
publican stato convention endorsed
tho administration or President
Roosevelt and Instructed Its delegates
to vote ror him. Tho resolutions op
posed tho repeal or the desert land
laws, ask Tor protection ngalnst abuso
or the rorest reserve law nnd ondorso
President Rooswclt'a action in tho
postofllco scandals.
Requisition for Sheldon.
Lincoln, April 13. Governor Mick
ey has Issued an extradition ror tho
roturn of Frank Sheldon from Poter
boro, Ont., to York, Neb. This Is tho
first international requisition mado hy
a Nebraska governor In twenty years.
Sheldon is wanted for passing a
forged check for G21 on William
Otto of Rradshaw.
Mrs. Dodge Granted Divorce.
Sioux Falls, S. D., April 13. A de
cree of dlvorco has been granted at
Salem to Mrs. Flora Illgolow Dodgo
from Charles Stuart Dodgo of Now
York. Tho divorce was granted ror
desertion. No provision Is mnde for
alimony nnd tho mother Is given tho
custody of tho two children.
Death of Explorer Heath.
Kansas City, April 13. Ivon D.
Heath, who gained somo notoriety
years ago through his explorations of
South nnd Central America, died at
his home at Kansas City, Kan., aged
sixty-seven. He was a brother of Dr.
Edwin R. Heath, also a well known
traveler and explorer.
i f sS
I rri-ri i, -ASsi.riyT' "CftK J
$fizz& dt-jgg
Mnvlnu I'leliire. In Wlileli Mrn U'liu .
Wrrr lleml Wen- Slioun.
Burton HoliueH. the lecturer, vlnlttil
the home of tho Mokl ludlaiiK In Art
2011a to witness the weird uuake ibtnco
which tboMO HuvitKes have practiced
nt IntervaU for centtltled. While near
the home of the MoUIh he net up bin
moving picture machine and made a
film tdiowlug Aparho ludlnim and cow
boy In liorne raceH nnd In feata of dar
ing while on horNcback.
The dim wuh duvidopeil and proved
to be excellent. A year later Mr.
Holmcri vlnlted the sunn; region again
and one night gave an exhibition for
the lament of the nntlvert.
The Indians obverved the picture
which Mr. Holmes threw on the ncreen,
which was Htretehtsl on the Hide of n
ntore littlldlug, with Htolldlty and made
no ctuumetit until the moving picture
machine was started and the lllin made
In the neighborhood a year before wa.s
thrown on the Hcreeu.
"Then there wuh nltuost a riot," naltl
Mr. Holmes In telling of the affair.
"Several of the Indians who had taken
part In the races the year before had i
died, nnd when they were shown on J
the Ncieen, riding Tor dear life, tliflr i
friends were nuurcd. The dead had
iw i i ii.-.. i. o i
, ' "'""" "' " " """ ""'"""" I
"The Indians gazed nt.the picture,
then looked at each other as If uncer
tain that they saw what they saw.
Then they began talking excitedly,
pointing at tin moving Images of those
who were dead. It did not strike the
savage mind as unusual that live men
should appear on the screen nnd seem
to be moving, but with deatl men It
was dirtcicnt.
"When the film had all gone through
the machine the Indians hastened for
ward to examine the white cloth on
which the pictures had been shown.
They lingered It nervously, raised It to
look behind It, held It up to look
through It In a vain endeavor to tlud
the solution to what was to them n
mystery. They paid no attention nt nil
to the machine that had projected tho
picture. All of the magic to them was
in the cloth."
I'ntcntctl n Hole.
"What do you think of patenting a
hole," sitld u New York man, "and
making thousands and probably hun
dreds of thousands of dollars on It?
Simply a hole, and that's all. That Is
what was done by the manufacturers
of u certain style of toothbrush which
Iiiih a wide sale. The hole was drilled
In the handle of the brush near tho
end, nnd with each brush was given n
little book, with Instructions to hang
the brush on the hook by use of the
hole. The thing was widely, adver
tised, with the result that millions of
brushes were sold at prices much high
er than others Just as good. The pat
ented bole and the advertising did tho
trick. The patent expired a few months
ago. however, and now any manufac
turer of toothbrushes can sell holes
with his goods."-Milwaukee Wiscon
sin. "IHiM-lc Tooth" Million.
The "blue gum" negro Is a fact. 1 do
not know if his bite Is poisonous, as
some hHlcvo, but people in the cotton
belt light shy or him. The other day
for the llrst time I saw n "black tooth"
Italian. An Immigrant runner tells me
there are many such Italians in New
York. "Itlack teeth." It Is explained,
are not a disease, but u disfiguration.
The blackness does not necessarily
cause decay. Most of the "black tooth"
folk come from the volcanic region
about Naples, anil the blackness Is due
to some gaseous constituent of drink
ing water, the teeth being affected In
early youth and remaining so till death.
New York Press.
Nurie Tolil tu SpiuiK llnliy llnnrl).
"Spank (his baby once every hour
until she ciles." These unusual direc
tions were given at the I'lty hospital,
with hopes of working a cure In tho
case or a baby scut to the institution
from a private hospital In Clark street.
The baby was four mouths old and
was deficient In lung development ow
ing to Its disinclination to cry. Wheth
er or not there was any olllclency In
the treatment could not be determined,
for the babe died utter being In tho
hospital one duy. Cincinnati Commer
cial Tribune.
Tlie Juiinneac Soldier,
The Japanese soldier has muscles
like whipcord, is u sure shot, has an
eye for landmarks and a memory for
locality. He eun do with three hours'
sleep out of the twenty-four, Is clean
ly, attends to unnltnry Instructions, 1b
nrdently patriotic, holds Ids life cheap
and runs up hills like a goat. He costs
the state about 4Vdd. n day and thinks
himself well off. London Truth,
At Drdtliut- In Japan.
Getting ready for bed In Japanese
homes is u quick process. When tho
time for sleep arrives quilts are
brought out and laid upon the Door,
nnd within five minutes all Is rendy
for the night. Resting their heads
upon the block of wood upholstered
with a hard roll of flannel, which con
stitutes the Japanese pillow, they sleep
the sleep of the contented, '
Ilrltnlu Wuh Nrnrl- lleiiten.
With a few more years granted for,
preparation nnd the study of the art of
wnr the noers wonld and this Is Ui
fact Indisputable to all who have ntud-i
led the art of wnr have decisively do-'
fAfltrwl firtfvit Itrltfiflv . ffrmn fnttfu
Rons' "Representative Government and!
I tyuu
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths
Tlicre is n disenie tirevnilini' in this
country most dangerous Ixjcnusu bo ilccep-
uve. JMnnystiiiiicit
deaths are caused
fcPrtWf! '' it-heart dta-
ense, imcumouia.
YZJ Ft I TyCJLA Heart tllllttrc or
.1 KtTTfrV l r niX'I"Cxy rC" "C"
V cil blixxl will at
tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of
the bladder, or the kidneys themselves
hreak down and waste away cell oy cell.
Hludiler troubles almost always result
from u derangement of the kidneys anil
a cure is obtained ottickest by a projier
treatment of the kidnevs. If yon nrc feel
ing badly you can maVc no mistake by
taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the
great kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
It corrects inability to hold urine anil
scalding pain in passing it, ami over
comes that unpleasant necessity of being,
compelled to go often through the tiny,
and to get up many times during the;
night. The mild and the extraordinary
effect of Swamp-Root is soon rciiHrril.
It stands the highest for its wonder...!
cures of the most distressing cases.
Kuatnp-Root is pleasant to take and is
sold bv all druggists in fifty-cent ami
oue-doilar sire bottles. You may have a
sample bottle of this wonderful new dis
covery anil a hook tlial tells all aliottl it.
both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. KiU
mcr & Co., Hiughamton, N. Y. When
writiti mention reading this generous
,),!lT '" ,l"j- I1!'". I't "inkc any
RiHit, Dr. Kilmer's Swauip.Root,nntl the
address, Hiughamton, N. Y.
, on every
Airrrlf-n of Km nnd Tondw
found In the (Irt-rn Ilc.
It Is not correct to say that there nn
no frogs or toads In Ireland, though It
Is very remarkable that the common
toad is not found there. The nalterjacl;
toad is a native or Kerry, though it
Joes not appear to be found elsewhere.
It Is un example of the mania whlcli.
come people have ror meddling with
nature that a Dr. (iulthcrs In KUi'.l tonic
the trouble to procure frogs' spuwit
r io in Ihigluud. since which time they
have multiplied in Ireland. Rut the
common lizard Is round In many parts
or the Island. The slowworm Is not.
Though the common toatl and till re
cent times the rrog were not found Jib
Ireland, It Is worth rememU'rlug that
the Kugllsh reptiles and hntrachluiv
are very local In their distribution. The
natterjack toad Is only found In certnlu
counties. The edild'i frog was formerly
only found In I'oultnlre Ken, In Cmn
hrldgeshire. and the sand lizard Is most
capricious in the choice or a home. The
"beautiful green hicertte" which Gil
bert White saw on tho sunny lmnk
near Parnhnin are to be found there
still, the males being of the green color,
and also near Rourncmouth and Jr
Dorsetshire beyond Poole Ilarlior. Yet
there are many sultnble places where
none nre seen, and then they reappear
again mi some sandhills on the roast of
Lancashire, near Sotithpnrt.
On the other hand, the nbsence or
many species In Ireland which tiro or
were commonly found In the larger Is
land can only he explained on the sup
position that they never reached the?
country. Among these aro the wildcat,
the polecat and the weasel. Yet tin
marten was always plentiful on th?
other side of 81. George's channel, nnd
sloats abound In the west. Five of tho
fourteen species of bat found In Kng
land have not been tnken In Ireland,
neither Is the common shrew found!
there or the water shrew or the mole,
though the last Is found In Anglesey.
Only six of the fifteen Itrltlsh rodents,
nre found In lielund, and of these one,
the sipilriel, was probably lutroducul.
Neither Is tlu roe deer lnd':euous. Ini
support of the general theory that the
liuiuliiratlon of tho KuglWh fauna wast
dilllcult In the earlier periods and sub
si'ijui'iitly cheeked altogether miy bo
died the analogous Instance of the Islw
or Man. There, as In Ireland, there aro
no moles, no snakes and no toads.
London Spectator.
Unity lliilletln.
Port Arthur. March '-V. All quiet
here except the cannonading. Wheel
ing (W. Vil.) Telegraph.
Like tlie running brook, the
red blood that flows through
the veins has to come from
The springs of red blood are
found in the soft core of the,
bones called the marrow and
some say red blood also comes
from the spleen. Healthy bone
marrow and healthy spleen
arc full of fat.
Scott's Emulsion makes new
blood by feeding the bone
marrow and the spleen with
the richest of all fats, the pure
cod liver oil.
For pale school girls and
invalids and for all whose
blood is thin and pale, Scott's
Emulsion is a pleasant and rich
blood food. It not only feeds
the blood-making organs but
gives them strength to do,
their proper work.
bend for free sample.
L,rr TvY Allif v
I the result ol kid
I ney discine. If
I kidney trouble s
" allowed toadvuuee
x-x " -" '
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i BCOTT & JIOWNU, Cliemlstf,
40MI5 l'earl Street. NcwYerifc
I 50c, uj 1 1.00 ; all dniggUtt,
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