The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 08, 1904, Image 6

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f' i-.M.,-
E. II. Herd ruturnuil to Pocntello,
Idaho, Inst Mnmlny, ftnr spnmllng n
cott lo of months visiting ftiunds and
relatives nt this place.
Dr. Wi-gnuui made n business trip to
Hint- Hill hist Tiii'Mlny.
,1. (t-il)li', linvinu M'signpil hi position
witli Guild A: Co., Inn taken up t!iii pun
ter work. Ho cniiimonecd woik
Tuesday f r J. Illni-.
Wnri on Davis is quite sick with
Joo Widilurslieini unci fntnily hnvt
moved Into tho Hichnrdson property.
Mrs. Hud Baker iind son of Hold
redgo nro visiting in town this week.
Willis Wayinsn drovo down to Nel
son Inst Sunday.
U. Hobs of Cumpbell is plastering 1).
O. Dennett's now dwelling.
Misslirnco Hull tetutned to Liu
coin Inst Monday.
Tho 1). & M. bridge gnng nro build
ing now stock ynrds in this city.
O Sponoo wns down from Uplntid
last v ednosdsy on busine.s?.
V. L. Hunuutt is limiting snnd for
his new Iioiihu.
Mrs. Joo Wlddorsholnt nnd motlicr
drove down fioin Noiman lust Wednes
day. Mr. and Mrs. .lumps McHiiilo camu
up last W dncMlny night from Cowlcs
to visit with Mrs. M-'Miido'rt piitenic,
Mr. and Mrs. .). It. Hot n of this city.
Omer (ingnon and family spent last
Sunday in Campbell visiting relatives.
Lon Keith of Hastings was in this
city on business last Tuesday.
II. H. Hoytl drovo to 13luo Hill Mon
day. Mirs Cora Davis, who was attend
ing school at (irnud Island, was called
homo Inst Monday on account of tho
illness of hor father.
Mr. and Mrs. Searls drovo up to K
J. Solomon's Inst Monday to visit
Urnnduia Snco, who is quite sick.
Kiss Nollio Williams is now located
ia tho millinery store nnd la prepared
to do dressmaking of all kinds.
Ed Doyle left last Wednesday for
Montana, wtioro ho goes to work on
a ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson, who
have beon visiting Mrs. Johnson's
parents, living north of town, returned
to' their home at Holdregelast Wednesday.
Has stood the test for over 60 years.
Mustang Liniment
Cures sprains, bruises burns, cuts, sores, lameness,
piles, rheumatism, stiff joints lame back, etc.
Dragging Pains
6aMe Reck.
Horn, Monday, to Mr. and
Montgomoiy, a son.
The bnzar hold by the ladies of tho
nnpusi cnuicn last sai ut tiny was a
financial success, netting them over
seventy dollars.
Mrs. Cassell has returned from
Cuzad, when sho was called by the
serious illness of her bister.
Miss Luella Watt icturned to Lin
coin after a short visit with 1 or
KfV. WT.Iahnn nddressed tho union
temperance meeting at the M. K.
chinch Sunday night.
C. K Vaughn was Mightly iiijuted
last Friday evening by falling over a
telephone polo which hud been left
lying act oss tho wnlk.
'In tho eiiy election (initio Hock
again wint'Miy." Chus Hodges, hit
Tate and K. E. Iluir were the success
ful candidates,
WrdiioHlny ( veiling n defective line
in tlio home of T J. Maloney set ii o
to tho homo. The alarm of tiro was
ici-pouded to prt mply by a large mini,
bei of peoplo and the tint was e.xtiu
RuMicd without niiieli loss. Mr Mn
lonoy fell from the toof of Ins 1 oust
dutlng tbepiogifssof thti Hie, bleak
ing his leg.
Mia (Jince Mouier enterlaiiKd hrr
Sunday school cuts liibt Sat in day
afterntit n
Kv. Drown of Superior a
Uniperence leetuieat the M V. church
last Tbilisi! ay evening.
Quito a number of Masons and their
Indies attended the Kaster services at
Superior Sunday.
8. C. Shuck and D. S. Van Dyke wcro
In Lebanon Monday.
James Kenglo is busy fencing pasture
Lou Soderberg's snlo was well at
tended and stock sold at rnnsonnblo
N. Phelps of Kod Cloud has leased
Oie place foimorly occupied by John
John Turner tins leased the farm
Tacated by Jeff Deaucbtunp.
Joe Saladen has commenced his
work as deputy assest or.
Spenco Potter and Mr. Unrrington
bave been in Line soliciting for tho
phono lino to Lobanon.
Farmers aro through sowing oats.
John Aubushon returned from Kau
nas City this week.
Doni, to Mr. ami Mrs, itouben
Keiigle, Sunday, a boy.
Fred St (Ten is working for S. C
Mr. Maynard will move to Kansas in
3iny, having 6old his ranch to Dr
Chicaoo, III., Oct,, 2, 1902.
I suffered with falling and con
gestion of tho womb, with severe
pains through the groins. I suf
fered terribly at th time of men
struation, had blinding headaches
and rushing of blood to tho brain.
What to try I know not, for it
seemed that I had tried all and
failed, but I had never tried Wine
of Cardui, that blessed remedy for
sick women. I found it pleasant
to tako and soon knew that 1 had
the right medicine. New blood
seemed to through my veins
and after using eleven bottles I
was a well woman.
Mrs. Rush is now in perfect
health becaupo che took Wine o
Cardui for menstrual disorders,
bearing down pains and blinding
headaches when all other remedies
failed to bring her relief. Any
sufferer may secure health by tak
ing Wine of Cardui in her homo.
The first bottle convinces tho pa
ticut she is on tho road to health.
For advice in eves requiring
special directions, address, giving
svniptonts. "The Ladies' Advisory
Department," The Chattanooga
Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.
The FREE Homestead
Lands of
re the
Star Attraotlont
for 1904.
Millions of acres of magnificent
Grnln nnd Grating Lands to be
had as a free gift, or by pur
chase (rom Hallway Compan
ies, Land Corporations, etc.
The Great Attractions
Oood crops, 4ell(ktrnl ell
mate.iplendM school systeM,
perfect social conditions.
cxerplloBol railway 4van
tost. an.d wealth mat aJBo
nee acquired easily.
The population ot Westora
Canada Increased 128,000 by Ira
migration during the past year,
over 50,000 being Americans.
Write to the nearest author
ised Canadian Government
Agent lor Canadian Atlas and
othtr Information: or address
Ejurennierwent Immigration,
I Ottawa. Canada:
801 New York Life Dldg., Omaha, Neb.
'... n
Damerell of Red Cloud.
(Delayed Correspondence.)
Mm. Ed Potter of Wilcox, Neb., was
the guest of F. D. Hutchison last week.
Wm. Van Dyko was tho guest of
John Deauchamp Sunday.
Perry Audcrson will work for Ed
Mountford this season.
Mr. Labon Aubushon shipped stock
to Kansas City last Saturday.
Mr. Holmgren was hero Monday.)
Ho has shipped his household goods to
Loug Island, Kansas.
Mr. Stanley and Mhs Mary Stevens
were married Sunday by Uev. Conner
of Lebanon, Run.
FiuitHios havo finished threshing
on I'uiiny creek for this season.
J. K. Fox is luy repairing biidges
and building new ones.
J. K. Vox and wife and (iiandma Vnx
visited ii'. John Heiiuehitinp's Sunday.
A Sunday school has beon oiganized
at Penny cicek. The lii'ii meeting wi I
bu held April 10, nt 10 a. 111.
S. C. Shuck was in Ketl Cloud in be
half of tho FiirmerV Creamery associi;-
t .11.
Moving Out!
V am
ngaiust Firo, Lightning, Cy
clones and Windstorms, sec
ngontfor tho Farmers Union Insur
atieo Co., Lincoln, Nob., the best In
surance company in tho state
Wheat was griutly 111 need of the
riln wliich camo this vveorf.
Farmer!) aro chining the ground for
c an.
The stock sale of James Ilinimvell
on Miindav was well intended, hut the
stock went at rather a low figure.
Walter Taylor was in Red Cloud on
Thus lay on biisiucus 111 connection
Willi tho sfUlini: of the olato ot Italic
Ttylor, deceased.
Siiuuel UiehnriUon had the misfor-
tuiii) to loso a good hoi so recently.
This is the seconil 0110 he has lost this
Klder Gil etto has been hired to
pro'ich ai Prairie Center school houni
for tho ci niing year. Si rvices will bo
held every two weeks at 3 p. in.
Anumborof tho young peoplo of
Stillwater attended Kaster services at
St. Stephens last Sundav, nnd both
young and old attended serviies at
Cowles in tho evening there being 110
services at Kckloy.
Albert Nowmun wiih taken quite sick
last Sunday. A physician from Mt.
Claro was called, and at last accounts
tho patient was better.
',. family DUaenalona.
Dlsmnnlon In families often arises
from a lack of mutual consideration
among the members of the family. The
"soft answer that turnoth nwny wroth"
Is forgotten for the hasty reply, the un
kind retort, that klndlo tho fire of ill
feeling. Love does not linger In the
home where rudeness shows Its unlove
ly dualities. It chooses to dwell In tho
homo where the spirit of unselfishness,
of solf control, of thoughtfttlness and
of charitableness makes tho ntmos
phere sweet- The womnn who Is ipifek
to take offense Is not llko her of whom
Holy Scripture says, "Her ways nro
ways of pleasantness, nnd nil her paths
aro peace." Happy homes depend on
happy hearts. Home Is distinctively a
woman's sphere, and sho who sweetens
U most makes earth nearer heaven.
In order to close them out, we are making extra
low prices on our stock of
We have discounted manufacturers prices, and
give you an opportunity to get these goods at less
than cost to us.
Poco B
Pony Premo No. 4
Pocket Poco
Cartridge Kodak No. 4,
And many others at proportionately Cut Prices.
We are also anxious to sell a large part of our
present stock of SILVERVVARE. We have almost
anything you want, and prices have been cut to
where there is no profit left, and also in many in
stances part of original cost. This is an exceptional
chance to get anything you may need in this line.
fleoihoase Brothers,
Regular. Cut Price
27.00 10.75
20.00 8.65
11.00 4.35
25.00 17.45
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. ptl
Seven MflBoa koies sold In past 1 3 months. ThlS Signature, SjGyr
Cures Crip
on everV
box. 25c.